r THE ENTERPRISE. RnumimnrrLur urmtnrniiit'. » » ■> « »i ' t»e a II •lIMHbWBMM •« b Blft.d 111 l Wi —i ■■■> ill ■ —»■ a it tkr nw awiii ■in —*-mr mr> Mt wwrtiw a» artnl >i IMilMil»n«H I all Osavbt saWill Ml —* iliapf *4 JUlrrr I ttw 1i Mil. BM tIBUB mi mvt bMT tfcas . W I I . | •TMClimoK »1 —A TKII IX AIIVAScK Imirl at (W M *>r at ihiKwilim Fripat. Ptrrwi-tBS, 1902. The fiscal jear duaed on Nov 30th and a change of adtniuu tration in all the counties wag made In lfartin, all the offi cen elcrt w«re I'smmbcn'i of their reydire offices. except two Countj Commmnnfn.Dr. U. 8. flaaael) and Mr. Ju'ius T. f!arnhill. The re-tiring f"ominis aioner*. Uem O K. Cowing and J Z Brown hare made ex rellcnt rwwl* and K-avc the offi-T with tlic «nml will ol the p-f.pl-> Ti" fi of tli* mnn'T »'p in 2*»«d widiti «n. r-H iiii|irovrimml in 1 wil r« B*la la* ! for Tl*e »*-j«-rt of i In* «*i'ji erinli ««tf tlio Couiitt Home i? tro=t gnatiSYii.y. I'ut along tLii» li*-e. we would my that ti-i-r t'sat g* are noeilfm at t!.e II«»tre As ?uM. IJuncn jet-omr:"*!:*!* th«* clearing of more I i>d. I'ic mithoi it-«ei» p!»o*i! 1 a*t»»ii«! to j?ii« a' rnirp TIIT Kjcre i-«»i»taiiT* n-«' I -«-tti r' on*« st'"* z f c '■ 1 ITe a!»ottld! Mpto to k*i |ir t! e pfaco f«-r lli«* j l e!pl»«- cc r*>»itor«*l '• a**" ni'Tfiivf—f l « ir.e inii«r« l. 3"r 1' -r t l»i tin J.« nn ex cel.■ p* er'nu n'-«"?t ami if P; r? i-plrnM Iha !e r,n d> ( ntrrft irnrr The pc'-ple ol M ir- ' ti«w» county »r ■ to I • mn :ralt:- J J:ii««! tij:«n a c'. an ai!t»ir.istrii*) lion. Tii- tvrn*«j:i-! cl &*d lmvr! 1 *en f r- fr- tn *• v t : i p l««»* I- J fill to t! «* on'.tvV is.'ere-ts am' t•» if •»«.£: «-r» tin :i w 'v» s 1 !)•' 1 Itve Ir-n I»j I-eM and wc' f «-l >la* :I! ?t?l. aii.t! 1 !* lit ) oi-nr rt «l i !»•„■ tc «i! « «ir r ,; i i*Vt i tlij 'v i -■• t« rut 1 1»» iliim i m. n v I «■- !.■• | •j •«_- li.mi " I r u?">*i! m, !'v:.- T! n pa**nr>- «.f t!" difl>Tcri i Method I*t f I rve (l' their wo. k mwj 1 r « fo- the Con ference *• \* ».*na-->ii of cLiiifMHl'i it- |>k a* ant hut m often |ilt-a>aiit I Ko mm rjn pl *«r rvrn UiJt We L-ntr it «»«•. l-ut tho ttullij of thai mr l-e denitd liert J when w»* in* tl-e I itle of mi lie 1 fli!i>D «l. ih I** ?Wt-[ t ov« l j f-nr luWH, g:il«lln- f I:.Itll. at the work «luue h\ l»t r T. IJ. Fo»t« n Ko ir»r in iU h>lftry of th- Milliidikl Church La. I aei-(.m|.! : ah- d • pr»i>r work. The |H-ry«*» til i:«t«H--nf idu WII and tf e dw«d)> of diriij dour by ll ; f» irrn of G«d, i»o otiej nut k'ow—ri'lr .the record*j of eternity will telL By htK effort* tlie church is j free fr« ni d>-ht at.d in pfiirilutl l> itnaiti i in hii' inin m | ja?ry. He wilh l-ia m»l wti | D«L!C wife has M wen thu hearto of ot;r pe«-pl» that * 1 Mrotig npp* al has )pme to the eoi.fc-rence for liis retain. We I nceil men like him. fill! of the .. . lore of flrd, their Hires an ex l empiification of the acriptute»: | "Pore and uiidclilel F I «11 C# d Father, it 1 | th:* f To vi-jt the ikthrrle>« and j |i the Widows in their aflic:ioM, Rgiil to keep amapoMed; A committee composed of ladies will he formed to solicit tkms for a dinner to be gnrea the inmates of the Conntjr Home oo Christnia* Day. Kvervlwdy should (five something towards making these unfortunate ones happy. robcrsoSyille. » [Prom onr Rx«lv CnrTtiJioolfit) • Mr. J H. Grimes is off an a sar i veving tonr. 1 I "Hie Sheriff was hert Sunday on official business. >tr. ard Mrs. J. J. Walters bare returned to lkinvule. M'» LiHian Tnylor spent Thnrs day in liveretts visiting friends. y.r. W. L. Ferral! went to Pot bani and Winston Friday on busi j ness. Mm. I.illian Kllsworth. of Wash- i ington, spent a few honrs in town I Monday. Tastor R. R. Grant is attending, the Methodist Conference in Wilm ington this week. Miss I.avenia Peel spent Thanks giving day in town, the guest of Miss Leona Roberson- Mr. C. A. Jiffress has gone to Greenville. His brother is taking his place on the market here. Mr. Lucius Hyman went to Hal if.ix Monday to testify in behalf of the Railroad in some damage case. Mr. Richard, an aged and high ly esteemed citizen of this place, died Tuesday night. Mr. Iteris died very suddenly, having heen ill only n L-w hours. It is supposed | that heart trouble was the cause of his death. rveni:- tl:e rain, mud, nod water and the threatening elements, a small but exci-ed'tnsly sgn-x-a'lej c*owd gathered at the rfHnrr-e ot Mr. A S. Roberson Tuesday night, where there was a bright I'ght and a hemtv welcome awaiting them, and where they Wliiled away a pleasant evening. Mr. R. A. Bailey lost one of hi* ( J'ttle bn't'es list Saturday Morning. Thi? Child wss tik'*n «ndden!y ill isi rriifay-iti;;l't and died Ssttird-iy : |SKH |Vi !tg pjirtllt V\'"Tl oVI"clc. ' rrra.il i.-s never come Oblv a Ccs' ii;>ii,Mrs It tiley.s f tthef d'cl. Tie child was t:iken t«» Ev e*"et**' Sunday ard t "i Wv !-• id tn ro-t in the family graveyard. (>ui!el a ii'imtier of j*;oy»le f.nm here at-; tended the btuial services. The yitr-f gentlemen of th* J. town give a swell ov«ter snpf-r last | Tlittrsday night at the reMik-i.ee ot Mr. J.C. Po'ierr^n,cor-iplimentary! to the yonn;? ladies of the tonn. i K* ery'ody in town snd quite a num ber from t!-e «urroun«ling coomuu n:tv. wis there. Mr. and Mr* I'■ >1 K-rson were very kind, clever and aewmmodating, end shoved the ytni'ijt people every courtesy end c*.usiser. tin® po«sthlc. T!;i- j| vivl. e .x >f 'lli":!U),iv;:'f : «: iy CN'.'ic I !*'. ?:.:1 s'lrlv A.i »Tl t away xfevding'y tlniikfnl. The following is the hom r roll as j given out by l'rof. C. 11. McLanr i«j of tin- faculty of the Ros*rson vilJe High S«.hool, for the periixl ending Nov. ?Sth : CUve'ind RoVrwn, In*in Cof fi. id. Martin Whi'e, Cecil Krmtlt, Maude Peal, F«y K**rett, Blaochi IHmirl, Maggie Rulxrw. lifWF lVal, lister Kobetson. Isabel Mor-' ton. Jasper Andrews. H;.J*rt Bfor t»jii. Geo. Daniel, Willie Bullock, Lena Parker, Reta RnVrwn. Sd ma Andrews, Lyda Grithn. Jack Jmi Dsnicl, Kelly Rawls, Iveei Kveiett, Parker. % illiam Gray, Lector Griffin, Pearl Roher- I •on, Muiie Ri.Hrjcn, A Hie C. Lit de, and Carteret Tavloi. Thi" U .tHe «>f tb- year wfarn Uir/ pt j-lrut iimt ia~ful h -ntrvnf - p» !*cr fiipjilv cf C!»«m!x-rlaln'* | Remntr. It is rertniu to tie nee4ri 'r | f.«* the winter in over, mid results are , I mudi more prompt an>l fctU'aetenr wif- j it is kept at liantl unit jjiven as sexwt as I tlie cold is coDtnctni unri brforr ;t bu I I conic teUletl iu the s\»ttm. In atne«t I cvr->- inst-*'ce n bcvrrv coM may tic I rwanted nfftiyxitlnit thb nimityftwlyl | as snon it the first indication of the rokl j a;>pear*. Ttiere ,s n» dauber in print it to children for it contain* no hunfal substance. It is pleasant to take— both adults anl children like it Bur it a«! you will net the best. It always cuies | I'Or sale h* N. S. Peel & Co. I «« trlittsß tsslw. ▲ snake foaud tn Africa Is called the , (pitting cuako l>y tlie Ituera. It ta be-' I twcea tna au«l three feet kng aad I* , jßfjw-et;.!!.* bold and active, readily at tacking every oiif wiio apprvdettea it. In uaiiliiouieut it la very aavace. lo£ Its uioutfa and erecting ita fi«|i tro tii wiika Uw twiauo may Le cftni ahaaryed to drop and m ■>aillwi to to forcibly ejected; whom Hhi -w— -ni w»i lH |i me v !»■>■« »l iWh.l fl«aw terribly pntect IWows, It tosnfd. cu be diatillcd frouj tbc Innocent look ttc tnaas and alao fioui the milk «t the cwuanut- Xoe JaiMocee make a ■ t«rai|« fruia plama and (rraa the, | Bowers at the Siotuenrort and the ; peach. The Chinese produce ■eveni ] faaliiln oX t-pirlt from rice aad pema, ail «f lUm besUti which tto-y can wake an alcoholic drink frocu mm tii sw tu»». Tom—Dhi )uu c-11 on that pretty Id ephnue i t bkk-Im, bat I goraa there eras j Mother f.Uuw theti; aheud uf urn. or hajrta it was only force of bubtt. (Tons— How do yon nK-nV I»««k—Uy cat id c.uic liaca with tto >ll mngr: ' ituay. i'lesse call 1 isilaiMlphU I'iira. lUs»srs( Utsra*. W» had l>. hi siio|.,>ug. and be was ■a.utally diuuM, "I bujic >iw diUu't spend mnch mon ey while y m were duwutowa today." ■ I' br K-iuti ccd. "Not a cent excejit car fare, ♦Seonre.** , She •itfwrmi reHssnriufcly. "I bad *v j •rytiuuc charged."—Ciika|a I'oat. WHAT'S IS A NAMR. ! Kmerythiaic is in the name when it ttiwsra to Witch fliuel Salve. K. C. IleWitt * Co.. of Chicago, ilinoncred. aone yewts *£>. bow to make a salve from Witch : Hurl that is a specific for Pilea. For 1 KltaH. bleeding, itching and i files, ecrrma, cuts, Imrns, bruises and j jail akia diseases. lleWitt s SaWe haawo njaal. This has given rise to aiiaitmna j wortiiless counterfeits. Ask for DeWltt's —tkc genuine. S. R. Bigga. Sis* ksta. Maa Hayfork country p irtiltiil Anything fur nal . ruatmaster I d.«n't ane uothlnT. ■lra. Hayfork -1 wiia ezpectin' a tet ter «e pnaicuid from Aunt Kprigsi tell- ' la* what day a he waa cuinln*. It ore I I'irfmantcr Icatliug to hla wife! i - I ltd you •« a postiard fioui lira i llayfori.'s Aunt Hattyt |, Ilia Wife Yua. Ktu-'a o.aiin" on ThuTMlny. ! T*UH. a Ik* t nloa. "I—l hme nuiie," lie tii ;.l:i. addresa- i lue biT faiiier. "to—to su;.«e»t to yoti , tlwt a uiiauii of out fnuiti.i s ui. ilu**— . "I'm not in fuvor of unions.'* the testy, old capfrln of Industry ialerrnpt ed. "and I will not dutimlt the matter to arbitration. nod nioriilu^** —Chi- cago Iteeurii ll'-nild. RKTTHR THAN A PI A6TKR. " A |.iececf C nr.el ilamjiemit with Cham- ' Intsin'i lam I'alm and braitiil tin the at- 1 f—to j-.'rts, is In Iter thnu a J'l:i*tc| f«»r aj' i !mic loci smt fir piins in the side OV'_, c!-e*t Psta Palm has no »!|eiinr »» a , !■ .itiKot for the teuef of lcej> seatcl f !•! t-r N. S. i 1,1 .V Co. i;rli la i*ie *:> •.- J A r.s M l.i. t uiih riven the other it ty |,y ji iihysleinn w !.o leinoved a I |i'i.■*> ,jf gr't flout ii i«itU iii's eye. Tto \ s.-t-nnnl ii*l oci urretl n( the Isvlnnlng of a railway Jotnuu'y last Ins: some Ivßts. "Another liisie wlieii you iin* I tnwl-Vil wltli t-r!l Iu the eye," aald the , it rliir. "iWt aiirtn|if tOjset It out. hut J'tl «river I tie eye v»Mh your liaml lo i li-sp It ehisi| nntl blink awny n« hard ] as you mti wtfh tlie oilier till tlie grit Ir >|!sl»l«wt. This hint wis y I veil to uie liy a eomnKiy lat traveler mill liow It r- ts I* i.ii'ie Hi .ii I can tell you trail It 1 d s. 7i 'i*l i h:>t la nil that limit era to ■ I jt aufteri-r." i Tt ssill lie i;nod news to the mothers of s ml* chil lren to learn that cn uri can tie j 1 •"•evented. Tlie frst sijjn o( croup is j h ariere*. The ilav or two licfore the i iitsrti-thecVilit JeC^niesliosrse. This? ii wmi foil-wed bv a peculiar rough (* wi; h. Ciive Ctistnberlain'a Cimvli ( ' Urn cde fieri y as soon ns the child he- ' canes hcat*e. c>r even after the rough ( cm j.h at jtsrs, and it will dispel all i sviKplom" of,croup. In this wsv all i'.in- ' i >;er a*ul »n*iety may lie avcideil. Thia | remedy is used by many thousands of i nv-lters and has never lieen known to i fsil. It is. in fact, the only remedy that can alsravs be rfepetv'ed "J»>n and that i is p:annt and safe to take. For aale by ' I -tf a. geala'po —r- ' —fl S For that GjMillionaire j | \ Feeling I mr cloCtsi I ma Je to your j exact racas n STRAUSS BROS 1 r * moJt T«l#«ti tee H 25 rear*. *3 ■ ' 3 CHICAGO 1 Yo\i foal \ |vst ri.iht In FW; I IJ thou N-•■.r --| \ ly suo pat- I I I lorrva to so- f ' !| lsct from W* H ' r*totsi. H 2 ISeo tha com- A plate lino at ™ I th* Mora of EFFECT •, ■ ' EL? GURGANUS, I WILLIAMSTON, N. C. I j k TIM m MllWilfS. It to Bn tfim Mop mi Fkrifa feMirts | Chicago. Nov. 21 —Cb'cjfo is to ; have a miUuiane's train between 'tiiis city, Jacksonville and other I Florida resorts, which will be as fine in equipment aad as Ease in tine as the famous train running over the Atlantic Coast Line from New York to Florida points. The new I train will he placed in senivt b* the Eastern Illinois soon a.trr the first 0! the year, and will make the trip I from here to Jacksonville in thirty ( hours, instead of thirty-one as here- j to-fore. | All the equipment to be nsed Is to he new at-d is now in oonne of j omstruction by the l*nilm*n Com -1 puny. The cost of the necessary equipment will be between $700,000 and %$ ,000.000. This elegant new train from the I West will be operated via Evans ville. Nashville. Atlanta. Albany and the Atlantic Coast Line to Jack sonville. thence to St. Angnstine, ; Fla. It will be seen that the Atlantic Lnast Line will amititaiu its reputa tion for perfect pamengcr service from the West as wett as from the East. KODOL lIVSPKI-SIA CI'RE IH(nU all ilmn of food. lowa aad etrcoKtnena Ike aMwrli aad dilutive organ*, tun liytppia. lvKpalka, Stuanarh T run Mrs aad —Vw rich icd Mood, health aad strength. godnl it huikta w»«ro Mrt tiinn |r —f 1 jc**~ rni awl nmtru Ike rtoaack. Gov. G. UT. Atkinaon. ai V. Va. •ays: "I have n-nl a nuanlaer of butlln of Kodal aad hare liKuhl It to he a reay euVlnt and. indoil. a ituttlt fws tlmack a Intent«. I iHcuaiaw ml it to ajrhindi. S. K. hiy^». Fardrr Cm Kighf. Charles Moore, a colored drav in nn, was shot and died almost in stantly in MirelVA Co.'s l*urooml on Thanksg'ving night by Baldy j Horner, a negto from Granville! connty. The men had a tni«un.'!er- j standing early in the day and while ' standing in the Homer j was attacked by Jfiw who pulled ' his tnrfc, knocked Htwt down ' s;id pt(*w!a! to cut h'ls l . Horner drew a pi*.t I and fired three tintes two of tbe haP« »>aswed th«* of Moot* ami hi* tlenth ' w»j tlniTtt imtant. Horner felj ! and tlie officers f tiled to f?nd him j' that night. Tt»e. y jl gave a verlict of j i«tif;aHle Jvsih- j c«!e. In flic sctiffle Homer's itn- ] |>er lip was cut. A fl-« or twmof tsteUlts lull. « ' li"iir lehte t»rakla»t will wra'tr Virp j the ho«Hi ttifiilir. llarah I allonM Se iv««W. WINS a » | nm'nl.lalir Cfcamhrrlatn'a Stomach and • TaMrts. Thee ar«* mild an»l iftnlk in ' their action. For aale by N. S. reel a Co. County Exhibit "X" Carotins—Martin Cwirt*. Stoniert of «l| h» M»-! tin County for Ci«nnrw«atinn of the aev eral Member* of the Bow! of CwlT Connnnaiunera of Maitia Coenty. for the fixcal year endnji >'nrf«W >4h. 190 a ; alan the number of d»ra «aid Board an in aewion. tbe nraler of dava wnal hy each tneoiber thereof aa Coanmiaaanner, tbe ntimber of daya of work dnaae | by each and the amber of wlea travelled rfcjT each, i— T ,r Tbe Board waa ia aaaaina ; Joseph B CoAebl aerwd aa Cu'Laiia aioneeand on Conmitttrea 15 daya. worked on Briilfjn 7*4 daya. travelled JJI aiilea aad received fjkio 1 nmp»aaatiim. O. K. Cowing aenwl as Ciiaaaiiwinati aad oa Coammttrea tjdavs, art«d oa : Bridpt 3 days, travelled iHt ailai sad , received ' Janes Z.Brava amd 14 days aa Cmn : miaaioner aad on Coenmittee, valid 6 days oa Bridges, travelled «Jo aailea aad 1 received (57.00 eompenaatton I. W. C. Ma a ring, desk of said | Board, 4a hereby tcitifji that the foregoing statement n true as la { abeam by rcc»~d proceedings of the County Co ■loan a of Martin County. \Y itaeaa my hand Sad ofltcial sral at cHee ia Wiliianwton. this Ist day of tVeeo-ber, A. D., 190 a. W. C. MAMTOJO, ' Rr«Kte-r nf IVe-'v E* Of!i- : o Cetk. ta B ard of Conctv CaajWioae 11. Removal Notice! NICKCLSOX & CO.. will mere th«;r entire stock of Goods to tbe. ..: OLD SANK EUILDIXG } jafcusiy Ist, 1903 1 *■ * f where they will continue the I 7 sale of Gioceiks atni Liquors j nexi ft ar Jn.Jt j Conaty OFFICERS. j. A. Hobbs. Cfcrk S'p'r Court I , H. U. Bttrras, Treasurer. W. C. Vliuiuiug, Deeds. J. C. Crawfonl, Sheriff. COMMISSIONERS J J. B. Coifidd, CUuoun. Dr.U. S. Hafccil. Julius T. Baruhiil coboneb, Dr. R- J. Kelson. svbvkyob, Sylvester Peel. SCr'T. BOABD OF HKALTH, Dr. W. H. HarrelL MAOISTRAFS Plennv Peel, Griffins Township. 'J. K. Manniug, " IW. R. Roberson, Bear Grass " H. R. Jones. *« . *' " Jos. E. Roberson, Jr., X Roads j W. H. Holliday, J. H. D. Peel, A. L. Mizell, Williamston, T'sbip W. H. Robertson, Sr., " J. A. Hardison, Williams T'ship. F. S. Purvis, Hamilton " H, J. Smith, Poplar Point " constables: J. A Jones, Williamston Township Jesse B. Harris, Rear Grass " Robert Harris, Williams " A L. Roberson, X Roads " W. N. Griffin, Griffins " Hancock's I.iqnid Sulphur will care Prickly Heat in one application. Try Hancock's Liquid Sulphur baths. For aale St C. D. Caratarpben ft Co. Anderaoa Haaaell A Co., Keith a Godwin. 4 ■ •' NOTICE. This ta to give notice that I will apply to the Board of County Coniniiaaioncrs at their next meeting for liceuae to retail malt and apirituoun liquora for a-period of tax (blmuntha at Lewis Long'son road leading to New Hutlgtxxl. T. HAURRLL Thia lat day of Dec. 1902. RtW^RD! WTierra*, some person or persons unknown to the Board, have nt-1 tempted to destroy the county fence, j and gates 011 the Mar,in County; lute, Now, therefore, n rewadd of Fif- • Ity (#SO) Dollars is offered for the apprehension Ind conviction of snch offenders. R. H. SPEIGHT, jCh'm. Bd. Fence Coin. Ivdge" Co j C. D. LANCASTER, Sec y. j Can's 0' Thinks. We wish to thank those who lent j their energy to the saving of our j store from destruction by lire. All j ♦v* efforts were voluntary, and for thai reason are more appreciated. We feel deeply indebted to the people and desire to' thus publicly thank them, so that the outside; wor'd may !enin of their klndly-ac-1 tions. F. K. HODGES & BRO. ( The heroic efforts on the part of tbe c'ti/ens of the town in savin? 1 our property front destruction by \ fire, fills our hearts with the deep- 1 est sense of gratitude. We desire j to thank each one individually for j his service however small or great it may have be-n. We owe much to each ami the remembrance of the kindness will dwell with us through life. Bt.Ot T NT & Bro I desire to give expression to my appreciation of the many deeds of kindness shown me during the year of my ppstorate in Williamston and Hamilton. These kindnesses came not 'only from the members of my congregation but are "umbered among other sects. Especially would I thank those who contribut ed toward securing the handsome outfit given me just a few weeks ago. The Lord has been very gra cious in placing me among a people in whom the "milk of human kind ness" it 90 abundant. Sincerely. T. H. SUTTON. Duffle's Witch Hani Font Hfglsr la one of the finest baby powilws known enrea prickly beat and gives iaaUnt relief.' tSCKNTS. r NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION. # On December 29. 1902, the firm now composed of O. K. Cowing, J. B. Harris and J. N. Rogerson, now tradrrg and known as O. K. Cow ing & Co., doing a general mer cantile business, 7 miles South of Williamston, N. C. v ,. will be dis solved by mutant consent, on above date. All persons or parties having claims against said firm will present them for payment on or before abr>ve date. All perrons owing %id fiim will please make immediate pay- BecL (OK COWING, i ISi»ned, \ J li. HARRIS. (j. N. ROGERSON. , r bl3*r«a im r«rtt tt« *- »■ J . -J v He k>;«m, W*«Wt Jr IKI HL\"\Se w>>|ialwtM!at or .ria ' % tmf 1 % SrOOHS. FORKS, ICNIVW.!*. age fTWfI » Ti» "I.WiLHfi Sm." brrad t« ■ n>U-«Hi _/r jl Emm flfifH V\ u Silrn Hl/t tk>( 'Vtm." ir.4 b HI fa T§k «Mkr >IIU«4J«»r S*ad to tW miliih K J|USU EX b> aio»i-aud u>ial>.(m Na. t. ll'jl niiiii*iiumii,im> HeridM, CMM* Mental r Btraln Affected Gen eral Health. Doctor's Doses Weak ened Stomach. Dr. Miles* Nervine Cured i Me. ' Dr. Miles' Restoiative Ntr»ijir brine* rest | sa . »m.el sleep to the tired brain worn oat with the cam and lailctia of the litk room. KnJ the (oil'i* ln(: "I hare alwaia been healthy with tbe es eefition of a touch of rheumatism »tace my a. c came on, up to the time ol my husband a las* illness ' ire yr an ago. I assisted ia nursing my husband (t r n arly llir-e montlia when he deputed this life and th« mental attain I think cansed my trouble. Aaide I from extreme nervouifusa my trouble com m enctd with sort throat and neuralgia. Mjr ' i>hy*ician cave me purgative dotes which J weaken*l me very much and my rtomach ' for a time serir.cd iLactive. Mental strata i j and tbe dormant c« nriition of my stomach I fc>' a told ii> .n my general health. I had | little sppeii'c and was soon ferred lo stay In i ' bed a trratcr pait of the time. Within a I j week the timr I be£3* taking I>r. ' , ; Miles' k»iii*ai!ve Nervine and Tonic I was i ap about the i>ou*e. 1 continued their uis i until completely cured. My faith in Dr. I Milei' *s«nied ti has been »trei>i;then-d by eaperie.re of other people, our daughter hav ing u ed Rcatnative N rvi'ie with splendid | rvsu.is in a cue of p ,sn and, a friend to ; whom I »;r.t n bn* o' e Anti-Pain Fills re- | J port; ti at »4ie has Lotn o mplet 'y C£R.tl of B'ui-lc abv t*icir mr. I know of a number of oti.s. r# • t t:a yr rinedieii e lira helped in a larre device. 1 w ■!, vou CvMi'.iuued succcas." —Mas. Fk' sc j CanuKH, D.>-jUn, Vs. ) I All tliu gso mII and guarantee first bot- I : tie Di. Milts' K> ui ? .-s. fenii fyi fiec book | on N reran and Heart DiseasAi. Address ; Dr. Miics IJadksl Cwv, lilkl»a.-t, lad. ' rl Ti'E G32ZI >1 N B TVH'»I'« bus!* | j p «a\ -1 doctors' bills for uiire than j; 1 n For Utt vocation {out* p K ily si." ir iiti. sih 'i at mrtipatiolt, R B in :in «uuu, nard cs Ms, bowel nim- |" IS plain*l. f'.u.i: and fbmr. blUotiS- B H :«>i, ht»rtaihn a.\d g»Vr lile lU ' W complaints no otiirr medicine ia Jfl f luw turv. It orvl tvtf fl |i uhtes La» liv«r, aasista digeatioi, p Jj stir,n,!at»i act;cn of the kldneyj, E | B puriiiwa the blood, and pnrijm thn f M 'kuv:« r f foul at> uniulrv.:on». It 5 f H, cuiw-li»»T cvmpiaint, inui»T*wt inn» J f || Miar atoaucn, diasiiMua, cniita. If rbcwitalie paiiia, wdeaciia, Iwck- I j I acS). kidi*«-troublo*. oonwe.potion. ■ r diirrho*, biliotmrcaa, nitre, SaH I aokla am? k*trry dra"- jfirtlai Thcclforri'a niwV-rmnght | us 'ii crnt pvkagea and in maiu moth i ra for #I.OO. Nercr aompt i a mbatitolo. Inai;t on having tSe original mad* by the Oiattanooga Monetae Oompsnr. I Wbn TMhrfs Black-DrwefM la fla kert aaadkhw ea aartN. Kb fNihtMirienryiiHi]. i have • haly of twrSm ttijUm, ami ler I (nan- yean I hrre kept them OH M H kaakhy with •wdoclnr bat Black- a draught JLJ. GREEN. Reward U S r ' • Willianstcn Telephone Co. Ofßce wn Bank of Mart'n County, WILLIAMSTOM, M. C. 1 Tfcone CMrres For Hoi-Snbscr^er* To Wa.'Uniglon *5 Cents. ' " Greenville 15 " " " PlviwHTth 35 " - " Tartoro JS •• f " Rocky lilortit •55 " ; " So tiawl Keck IS " | " Jraimillt 15 " " Kader Li!ley'a to " " j'.O.Shtou to '■ | " J. 1,. Wnc'.irJ to " | " Q. K.C««iiigkC#. 10 " e "---'r-"—•« to " " Fnbencnville J ' I— to " 1 " to " - •• Gold mfct 10 " fVo. P. IteNatighton >0 *■ Han i'toti to ** Bor otfcer pcicts in Eaitrrn Carolina LEGAL TT— NOTlOlfcl ; Having thia day qualified aa adariaW trator upon the estate of Newton Ruger aoo, deceased, all creditoea of said as late ate requested te present their daiat , to aw properly proven oa or before tba lat day ol November, 1903, or this notiea will be plead ia bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted to Mid estate are i» quested to make immediate payment. Thia October 17th, 190 a. 9 V. 8. RHODES. 6-6t. Administrator. NOTICE Having qualified as Adii-inistrator upon , the eatate of (lu)tlier llarrell, dtcesacd, notice ia hereby given to all penons hold ing claims against »aid Kbtate to preaaat tbem to tbe undersigned for psyment oa V or befere the 15th day of November 190), or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make lmms- Idiate payment. This» 14th day of Nov. 1903. DAVID F. HAh.KI.IX, 'j-t p. Aeliniuiatrator. NOTICE I!»v J »tK qnaliiierl as A-lu. inisrwtor tip-n ; the f?rtiitc of Mai ke C. Hyuiau,deceased, j Notice ia heiehv given to all 1 jK-r'.irris holhng tiwiuis aaid Ki-tstp to pretcnt tUetn ti tht . iicler- I simile', lor psvi. Crt u or bcfeirs'Um 15th I din' of Novemtjer, 19..3, or this, ml ice will , lie pleaded in hur of tueir recovery. AU pvrxona indebte.l to »uiil are r®> queued to nuike lc.r.ieji.ne iwivuKut. 1 his 14th da> of Noi embers 1902. Z. -H. liV.M.v v O.fit n Almiui:.trntor. NOTICE. Having qualified it. Adiainittratpr upon the estate of S. A. Andiews, ilneused; Notice is hereby given to nil persona holding claims against said estntc to pre. >eut them to the undersigned lot |m anient on or before the Joth day of November, 1903, or thianotice will lie pl*nl in bar ol theiy recovery. All peiM iis indi bted to saul estate are requested to (lake ,n.me diate jmyiiient. Ihis 20th day of Nov. 1903. 9-6' A. R. DointlKO. Skkwakkkr I.onr.R No. 00 A. P. a A. M., meets in regular eoiuiiiumcntioa in the hull every second and fourth Tne*> day nigbU at 7:50. W. H. Ilnrrell W.kf. & S. Brown, S. W„ H. D. Taylor, J. W. t S. R. Biggs, Sec., C. D. Carstarphea, Treoa., Mc. G. Taylor, S. D.; 11. M. Bur. raa, ). D.; T. C. Cook aud A. P. Taylor, Stewards. R. Cltwrv, Tiler. . a. ■iiinaw FatahlMirdtn #v ■aeky Hwl. N. C , * : CEO. R. DIXON, PnKtlcl Sheet rwt.l wrtif, ' Tia Roofing, Guttering and Tobsrea Pines a Specialy. also Tia Roofs Painted I will poritively he no hand AT WILLIAMSTON to furnish tbe Pamera with TOBACCO FLUES during tbe Season of 1903. tf ymt w»"t the Best Material sad M* Best Work, C»!l on or address GEO.R.BiXON, Rocky Mount. N. G. TO Cttrrj'ju.fi ia .. Thsaede-Mgnedhsx . .««'•% to b»ram »!ivi.l* u.gi *» :!, sf® wi:*t 4 \ii-w 4r+»4 itvm; wt*m. •« \fii» » > »•», -- tor, - e ,# tohttfrloe tdlicrcrf the .ae». . *f mi 6 Te tbese who de»*rr »•. |r ».-! ckrf»• j KnJ o(ihaifrc>a ft tl.'H * iNey triU L.vl * »> : o-re li* Ct/V /- Jrfl. Cr**.— M ?*"• 1. ,r%» .* •' "ft vti try I SMBe"»,i»U I . inia tuile. . .» Me tf vtrfrjr the r- •"rm >n, eWrh »i!f c+ t* -n r WdeaTpruv? wJ Ijir re»t. "* k^ VWW I • SSt jwa&x: jTi : Soli or »1 oiv» 7t Um tSJT ** i [ t « fr*-#r«enri »oi fru ! -nk, ' : 'iiyil a fSJ | IVa ■ 1 ■ a KMI