THE ENTERPRISE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: sl.oo Pw Year. * Strictly in Advance 1 VOL. IV. - NO. 13. I CHRISTMAS I |i PRESENTS | Place—Boarding bouse tad #] 1 idgn-Kdlle Cm. arttat; • May Unreß. stenographer. I XeOfe—Tbas are my aina visited upon ■Mi DM yea ever m such a* ugly, ietrtklt collar aa thia orange thin* Mktkrrrf fhfklM? | May-Wo: wlna It la the purple tie la |nt afttar head Bat the blue and tk* Jiltaw collars are bath prelty. | XelUa—KcMhcr haraioajca with my bloeshhrt waist and my complexion. J Ml Hear dM you happn to itwlft : o% Many esUarsf DM yarn aak for | Will ltd for tknat Hardly. I ■Mr wear aaything except lloca «l kn Aa I aaM. haaeiec. It la my own fit alt. Iml jraar My aaut aaat me aa nyafrin bat hlili 11 aa cellar which I AWMIIHSIIIJ daaated to a church ram map Mlt ! May—Thea wrote yoar aaat that It waa Jaat what yoa wanted. ! Xeßle-My consrleare would not al ftew aw to da that. I tiled op four pagoa. Imim. aa the one redeeming faatare of that collar. I spoke af the 'leaf a at the silk aad dwelt aa Its iwoadarfal rtchoesa. I May—l should hare tbooght yoar jaaat woaM haw area through that JHB ovnr w au rou BOW." WVa a girl pw Into rapt urea over ■owe detail of a gnwa I know alt* dues ■at Ilka th- ttalt.g as a whute. • KrßJe-llj aunt's cdaratkm baa tnwi a'slatted. for ahe doesn't know that. Ut wm mad you iwr tetter: My Dltr Chill—There waa so mnch pai has hi ywnr note of thanks last year I •Obld see haw yaa loved and lo.iged for the fcrawttfol. and I know that I am not msklaa a mistake In osaading yon one ■ore pretty thine to an with you all tkruagli the year. I have told your east ern t nwlaa haw yon enjoyed the collar I gave >ou last Lhiiausu. and tbsy are ■stag to aend you BMW We have hired a pear to aaahe them, ao 1 have a Mil pleasure la *qr O* LI Ufa la holding oat a halslag hand to two de- > May—Che nrast bsre a erase of hn mor ft ahe en Ma joe dependent. Sbe SCht t» are you now. | .VaOh I'll have to waata M cents poets *» In wetting lette-a at thanks, sad I hay* alneUi paid M ceata taut far idriut on thr pa«.-fcac«-*. I coukl bare- flatted aiyarlf to a good mnra star or s heat af chocolates for that Maj - Ijsat year I learned that ss ■MI waa (Stan la ghrr Mr a year'a saliat rtfisa la a Journal which de rates ltd iota la telling Kir la haw to tlfwl tbatr employer* and boa to ureas aa «Ml year I get all that kind of thing I shk allhsal reading nIMH It ao I task palna fco cnla-ter Uo- paper before her aud st the aaaw Unw dis play rd my trora glnvea t Kettie Aad ahe gave yaa s pair af gL>tew) (darky gari: • May-l-11-.. m she wonM. hat sbe ■Mt mm a hi Beat m ping magadne and v--"' Wrote Irilhit Me that I «et;M U* UrulU •s nak. aa If a bealiwa* jrtrt haa half ■ rhaJMW. tthe MM that I might not like the aaMantta- at inl out woo Id btaatr attached la It h. time. I ba iitnr detached. , f KMtte- What da ywa mean? I Kay I Mtel H lor fci reals M the , t*ep| fa th theater awl wrote ■Stifle (tal l had derived raw yhv«- ktv fraai her present than from any Mhsr ahe had r*m a«rtt mm. I XeWw-Totsl defintvlty! I Msy-Xw only cmM liwataras man Bnwi* 1 SWU ml Ifcsl yo" "HI your atiaM |a in sis I XeOW- ri: do It t know 3 rTH w «■ *kee fqaay UtlngM. eaprrhtHy If aha was U-U her tbe ru:-r» us. tlal«»- fate f.w tat Hathea. I.irt will ju*t w'llw I•* eiTfahi ttjaH rhe w'!! CHRIBTMAB DECORATIONS. Win* karrtn'k a»>p»T a Mill M> Cmms* rw ■ Tiar after year Cbristiaaa rata and gcea. tta jo-* and roei ryanklng losing no wlilt of latareat aad aeatiawt for )«ui( or old, aud. while (l\a)> ac« each aeaaoo In tbrir glviag of pfcaanre. the same aid cwtoaa eoatbiar to pre- Tali with attrralloaa In dotall only. The day wuuad hardly stent Uko ChrUts&ss without the hauging of Christmas greens. aad. tboach a greater variety lo offarad la the way of decara tioua than furmorly, tbaaa are atiU moat liked aad wad that bear om Iko old practices aad significance, and chief among thaM are the mistletoe aud bully, wboae rery attars cany oaa back to the daya of anilaat English cheer aad Yolatida. wtth waaanll IwwL Tule log aad Joyooa m> rrymaking. The UMjat favored mlotletoe cornea from serosa era a, bat aw la aeM from Canada aad the aoath. where. portlca larly la Texaa, It grows lo lante ciampa ou tbe live oak tn« alwaya to the lat ter** gradual teatiattliai. for. bring a paraalte. tt aapa the aak'a Ufeblood. flourishing luxuriantly the while. It M not au artiatlc In appeeranre aa Ita Eng- Uah coualn. the Ira Tta more cumaaoa place and the berrlea amaller aad pooaar la qaality. though alore la qaautlty. Strange to aay. the Tesaa mistletoe, like the prophet la hie owa country, la not vcatiy prised at bane, aad at few of the Cbriatataa faativtUae daaa tt make part of the decoration. while In all other quart era a rloater of the oddly ahaped greea leevea aad opaque white berrlea moat almost of necessity lie suspended lo the doorway or (torn the chandelier wbea Christmas esasaa In. and It nerer falto to caaar the auaa J eating and merriment, far a ktas aula under the mlatlrtor la oao'a right, aad the pilferer cannot with Jaatka tocalTO rebuff.—Select adL 8. CLAUB' MAIL HELD UP. ■oahala •» Utlm Tkit Ikr aid Baa Krvvr Will a»«al»o» Sometimea the address oa the *nr«l ope atarta "Dear." which. of cava means "Dear."* and again It la "IW or "Ddr." Bat even (bese remarkable spellings are nothing eoajpar-d with the two warda that follow. They read •Santy Klawa" or "Want Claa" or "Saint Claus." and they are la hand wrlttuga compared lo which Babylonlc cuneiform la aa a primer. , They are coming into the dead latter oOlce In tbla city by tbe buudrvds tbeae daya, and. altbvuiib tLe iklta In that division are the mo*f palnateklag of men and can deciplxv an actual ad drtas from a maw of hleragylpha. they nerer have been able to karo the exact lotatlon of either the buslneas or home of one 8. Claus. Kaq, manufsc turer of toy*. Co these letter* nerer reach their des llnatlun. They w.«W be returned to the aendera only for the cad fact thai m .it'll they are opeued tbe Im-lokureo uli.ioat Invariably look aa if a *pk!cr bad got drunk on a bottle of ink and had tried lo perform a mixture or highland Slug and cakearalk on tbe pa per. Tbe uioat that can be made out la tbe Invariable beginning, "lleaae bring me"— Last yea* In the d-ad letter division there waa a bushel basket of tbeae nils aivoa. tlooaifd never to In- aeeti by Rants CUtua. And this Jrear letter bases are ruiuisiiiud atltuliuoa at ever/ cultec lion,-New Yuri I "reus. THE VULETIOE LOG. Aa Aaeteal Castas. Still Observed la th* North of k'Mlasd. A rostoui at our time prevalent in Engt.nd aud still obe,-rrrd lu some of the nortbern dlatrirta of the old coua try la ibat of an loiineoae lot of wood— aoinetluiea the n*4 of a great tree-In the wide chimney (dace. Tiila Is often calted thr Yale kr. aad it was on Cbriaiuiaa eve that It waa pat on lite wide hearth. Aavuud It weakl gather the entire fai .Jjr and Ha ea rn oca waa the on-aalnj of a great deal of ceasiuwuy. There were waste aud rejoicing. while the vae au!l»or.iu-d to light It waa obliged to hare drau baada. It waa siwaya lighted with a braud left over frmn the log of the prevkag* year, wbh-h hid lieen rarefnUly pre aerved for thr porpuea. A poet ehp af It hi Utla way: With the last yeafe hraad Light the aew Mork. and fir |ual amaa la ks ■> .ndlag On ynor |Maltrlea play That owett lw.k Cams while the log la a-teaxttc*. Tbr Tale log waa aturwai d hi he a ptxnwttmi against evd *T*»its. and It waa e»a»Klenl a lead owcti If the Itav want out befote the evening was over The family and gtteaw ami ta seal tlti-aiaelres In fr -nt af the brightly burn lug Are. aud aaauy a alary «■) ai?rry Jesl w.nt matad the h'.,ipy hrwap. -K«w York kind sad Kxpreas. - - Whaf We Meaeg. Little Mnaitagtw—l waa awake when ■aula Ciaue casae. dad. : falbiT- W'mt yua) And what was brltke. eh? ' Mtlle Moatagoe- Uk I fualdat we JbM-. H Wd* dark, yoa kraw. bat f hen be t>«taped hlmarlf on (ha nrssb flan.l kr S"W falher |bn»ti|yi - There, that K do. M'dtj- Hou Ml) swl iiuf.-iSiwk *mf |t»e UHt. Wh f. Xortaa-| ervaatcd htat night (hat roa gave tar a dlauiewd ring rr Christmas. Mr I* Xwha That's law ywar lack. Uruuai always go by f-onirartas. With Hpslottfea la alley. There s a Chrtstrass touch la the BhV 1 fori II St the o&r« ___ WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26,1902 OAWAWVWM \ VMVWWt l iOEISTIKAS CLASSICS! At CkHaanu play and mak« ch««r. rar Chriatmaa mbm but oaca a rar. —Tuaa*r. Twaa the night hefara Chri*tm*a. wh«a all throuffh the he tw ite* a craaiur* waa sUrrtag, not aval a aam The atoeklag* ware hung by th* chimney with car - te boixa Uaat tt. Nlchola* aooo would te Ultra. tr —ClaßMßl C. Moor* Th» thee drawn near th» hlrth of Chrtat The raotin la hul; the at. hLi* cti.l; " Th* Chrlatnana belia fronal' to hill ▲naw«r each oihar In th* lawu -T.nnyaoa. Thta I* th* month and thlj th* happy mar* Wb.rcln th* Kan of hMTMi'a ateraal King. Of wadded maid and Tlrgtn mother bam, Oor irent redemption from aboe* dM bring. For *o the holy MRrea once dM atng That ho our deadly forfeit ihould relea** And wtth hte rather work u* a perpetual -lfilton. In f>ar*aihar ring ETery day the chlnea; Lki) the gleenian *lng b the street* their marry rhym*a Let ua by th* fir* Ever higher ■big than till tli* otght expire! —Longfellow. No trampet blast profaned The hot r In which th.- Prince of P*ae* waa born; Me Moady aireamlet stained Kartb'a atlear rivers on that aaerad saara. —Bryant What Bah* new horn la thla that la a manger erlea? Naar oa her lowly bad hla happy motha Kft**. Oh. aa* th* air to shaken with while awl heavenly wing*! Thta la the Lord of all the earth; thta a tb* Blag of kings. —B. W. OM*r. The mist let os hung In the castle hall; The Loily iM-aiMiti shone on th* old oak wall. —Tfcomua Hayn*a Bayly. Far little children everywhw* A joyous aeeaon atlll w* mak*; We bring our precloua gift* to them. Bveu for lh* dear child Jesus' anka Ptiiabe Cary Bla Delleate PrapaaaL Gladys (on Chrltdnina mornlngl- What a dear little clock! Who gave yon tbatT Marjorle—Gcorgw, of course. Gladys-1* It golngT Marjorie— Ob. no! George tvliba roe lo understand that I uuiy (et my own time.—Smnrt Set. atoi>ia Oi-srg*. "Arc yon going to hang up any ml» tletocr f "So. I'm not. I put anme up la«l year, and Gcorpe nrWed If It wnmi't aa parngua."-Clevelaud I'laln Dcakr. WVW/WWVVVWVWWWW*t I r.I TRUTH ABOUT \ SANTA CLAUS > Ot course there'* ■ Santa Claud Every one know ■ It— TUI la, ««ry mm who has food aenan and atona It. Than are thooa who doubt love and rail lloa and morsla— Those people aho tl»a|i are Mk;n| (or quarrel* On quMtloca of faith and are ever lament ing The existence ot thine* to which there's no di*9cittin*. They wounl have all the dear little chil dren believing There isn't a Santa, but their alm'a tie cetvin* He's jolly and big. and his nickname'e Kile KrMcle: Ood pity the child who haa not heard the Jingle Ot hie al'vrr bells as ha cornea SWU> MKlgfcIMS |Then his annual vMI of love he's e-pay fpg' oe*a round, and he'a fan. and fa Is whiskara Mtw sr hit lifted flit eeaturtad enow*, hut- his good face la IlKßtened With th* riw.ry warm asiurs that keepe ynu supernal And arUI dew old Ban la Ctaus last time «vmd Sou children don't think whan you ha us uj> each stocking That I her- h> re Sauta Claaa—that would be shocking-, ■»ran»r while you're snuKty and cosily He'll com* with hia reindeer all aiadly = -' sp'-g And from his rteh Iwtd In a trloe will ho | NEW YEAR'S I AT »> t || I CLUE RIDQEp of New Tear's." W aaM the Netradlan. "I alwaya call to mlud this time of year the H woff we b»ys give a ynans doctor chap who caine op to Bine Kidgr Jtiat at tb- tlnn- that ump was iivellcat. .'o whleh 1 add that tboagl/lbe days of Ihe Uldgr waa few In tbe liad. aa tbe book says, while It dM last there was no camp on tbe *t pe fruta Ptiget » tintl to the Bio Gmadr that could furntHb as much fan la a week aa transpired In Blue Bklge every twenty-four I tours. "But tbe spurt dlJat need no mudl- etae. it waa not aa yoa might nty. a atckls neighborhood, which It seems ruwiM * at-araisa »oa tub iuvrun peculiar to remark: se«Hng rs bow wc bad tbe UMiat likely looking graveynrtl, eouaklerlng the population, as you Would find la all tbe Sk-rras. But Vue C -nts as pupulnhd the grjveyurd wns moa'.ly s llv«sy and healthy lot up to and inclusive of tbe'moment of their demise. "That's rbit Ihr hove wn* speaking of wlm-ii ll,e iort«r tunif Into rump. "Umir 1111 l remarked to oie Hint the boya who was facrt ought to i.uike ail »Jiirt to last until Ibe duct r could air rive, which would fire hi in a legal olnliu on anj doat tbey wight leave, lie was Juat the kiwi of a chap for the en nip If no It had lr*n that tliire nui nny traile for blm. for be wn* quiet, nervy, bad uiure book. learning tluin tue editor nd vu cheerful m.U oMIg In::, especially olillglnn. fur lie preached a hrantlfal sermon orer tlie late dialer •t the faro bank, though tlie raid dealer bud died of bia wooiuls before Doc ar tited. J "Fame Mid as tow we outfit to sentl down In tlie valley where they were nil •baking etonally with nmlarla and im port • ImiK-b of the shaker* for l>oe to practice on and pay him ao much for tlie cleanup. lie laughed when we proposed Ibia and aald It woi.lii be uu profeaalona I. U-cauae be knew |bp party aa bad the practice In the valley. Then we proposed that thereafter, any lairty d.-iug of bia wnuoita before the Doc fculd arrive. the mid party's effeeta should lie levied upon for a fee to be paid to "All the buta agreed to that, and we got m workeft up orer the proapect that a disagreement resulted • that very night. in which a MVliTnirvo shotgun messenger blew all the Latin pi.rts ont of a frl'-nd with a tea itatfre dark guu. whleb the rm me. for purposes of stage rvLbm. was of a aawed oil character. The party aa was abut was' inoatly mlaslng between hie blpa and bis Hirst, the rrtuaiua briug only two-tliirda, but we Joyfully sen I fuf-Jiip Jual Ule atmc, "V.'ell. he rtinie. aiid wiicti bo saw the state at the ease krWM UK iraxn't •la •ndertaker he xui>bi t lie at any atrtic*. Tbva w told hla of ttu- now nil* and hOwhl bin Iha pile of (hp d- eMwd. wiik-b was In a nuivoi aack belaud UM> Uar. lie wouldn't take It art crea • sample fur innf. aud (be disappointment of Ike boys waa md to ace, especially the abottcun tiieaseuirpr, whose Intentions bad dote Lonor to bis fceati slid aim. ""It was a few daj-» before New Vear's tint the editor allowed oa a piece la a Sao Francisco paper. which frns a kind of local ncUce, jtatliis thr.t dor Dor wn» KDIOK to bt'iMWM to a ludjr lu that city. That sets IM tbluk lug. aod we tb«n«lit harder thau «ver when the Hoe trOa as thnt be was co in* to lea re oa an New Y«*fs day" to lake up bia peat-tie* in Jan We beU a meet iu* and dlmusned tb» r*jte of affair*, bavins a pretty rooJ Idea of bow the with Doe. baeaiwr his nt'mri was. oil «f;*islt with the rxprt aa agent aod be wit* chairman of oar ineetli**. "Veil, at that mset'nc we bild oat a pi:tu that Wiii krj as alicfc aa a ula ni'iod drill On tt.e day before Krw Tear's Dor was mri fit by Ijong BUI. who told hlni bis old rbrarae.tis «ai woikJug apaia like a forty stani;' il ::irt* ir-n Dec »r-. hand It to him wben be bkl him good by at tbe «tage oillce next day. Then I »n! for Dor ami Mid that old bullet wound In m.v lee waa 011 strike n—tin. took my pr -wTl|>tiuo and promleml to pay uoxt day. **l uou't aoppoae any doctor In tbe world ever had aa busy a day aa ours dM that day. It aremcd like every niMu In ramp waa sick, t here waa trouble about noon been use the boys mn out *f name* of d..«fc -jb. bat I went up to Dor's otßce and • •filed out a lot of uamva from oae of hla LooUa, and then we kept thtnxa booming. Bome of tbe younger lioya got atuck on the nanieo of atckneaee* I dualt out to them to make a cbohv fioui ami t>l:t,ved the whole deck, which accmed to puu!e f>oc aomewliat. "Well, tbe next day we met ami man-bed mound to tbe atai;e al*»ut atiirting time, and tlietv waa I>oc. looking a little worried, hut lie hmked a lot mute aurprised wben he adw all hlv pn I lent a so ntlllah. "We gare him a aendnff cud an en- Telope. , "D.d yon ask what waa In the ettvel ope? I dlareiueniLer tlie dollars, bat It was enouph over KVnno to Ira re him that char after be bad paid his expense* dowu to tbe lay.**—Mew York Journal. HOLIDAY DECORATIONB. OM rasMssed Ueeesa Weea gsas. asarr. Ivy sail Pay. The old fashioned holiday greens were rosemary. Ivy and lay. but In the iW|i) ton* of wreathing ami deco rating material wbk-b-lt Is estimated that-We now use every there Is a much greater variety. Best loved of all Is the glosay red berried bully. "Holm" «aa the old Uufclikb iuiiw tor It, and It la thought to !w idoutlcal with tbe "greenwood triv" of British luillads snd of Roliln llond fame. On our side of tt* Atlantic the American holly. Ilex otßira. la found (ram Alalue, where It gruws as s slirnh. to North aud South Carolina, where It lifts a symmetrical cone of dark, shilling leaves set with scarlet berry clusters ftkrng a laaatirul trunk of gray and silver to the height of seventy or eighty feet. UHiiwil* tod Maryland are usually credlti>d with furuUhiiiK tUe best Krnlss of holly to the boutlay uAnket. but their "Three X" brauil, sY'seeb after shipment to north*-n pit lea. In not ao Bhely berried n« the'Carollnn Itotyy, plentiful In _tlie refflona around Aaftf rllle.—Country LIFE ID A met lea. Year's Calls. Now Year's calling In New York mi purely tin- outgrowth of an i-nrly Dutch etlstoui, yet enough in- 11 v of the descendants of (lie « rlj Dutch settlers fought against tbe cou tinimnce of n practice which they lo ciared bad Innn pi nee (Hissed Ixynnd the Itoumls to which tlic futherH limit ft I It and had In en uisdu the excuse for great' excesses on a day which mijrlit lo lie given over to the forming of good resolutions. In the mrty day* of Manhnltnn Is land Ibe male l>ulcli settler* every New Year'a day started out ns a mat ter of duly to visit the houses of nil their friends. The good wive* who re eel ted them were srrayed In their Kun day flncsl and hud bowla of Meaiullig hot punch UJKIU tbe "Ixtt room" table. Tbe latter dsy Dutch descendants de nied the punch and sold It was coffee. The Irreverent latter day champions of Ni'w Year's calling denied tl;e puiii b also aud told tbelr o|i|iouents that their forefntbera would not know a punch If they saw it and that tbey drank nothing but 111 smelling hot gin. Whatever It was that the gcod burgh crs drunk, tbey succeeded in calling within the compass of the day upon •very family of any uote on UanhatUn Island. A Hew Tear's Cjre lose. Ia thut • cyclone ragln'T Is the roof a-iumblln' downt , la that s earthquake shakln' All the winders In (own? Ia that the river roailn' Above Its banks of rreenT Has Ushrtel blowed his trumpet Tj nuke the dead serene? They stood and heard la terror While loud ibe noise aroae. Like the *ar whuop* of the Indiana. The shouts of foreign foes. But a voice brought better comfort (I*l not the sainted scoff): "Thar ain't a bit of trouWe: That's daddy swesrta' off!" —Atlanta Constitution. A Time mi PeHL Clarissa -I'm always glad when New ttfer's Uiiy 1a MI rely over. Fidelia—Yea; It la • saddening anni versary. Clarissa—Oh. I dont mean that. Clarence and I always have a horrid jjusrrel suggesting Iniprovetnenta in each other's condnrt. Te Hassklt-Me. Come In. New Tear, cucr In. tome la; I>on't a'.and nut there In the cold and (tin i ui ou aiai cloi has; *our iea* are bare; Vou haven't hs'.f enough to weur. The old mnr.'s cone; the coast la elear; The work! s >o«»r oy»ter. kid New Tearl ' -CUpiMa TrU>m» *9l* M HeM. ftradd*— (jfftug to uiuk« »uj new rc« elulioos thin year. fylkest Plilkoo—New ones* I any not. I've pot a lot of old ooea I've never «a«l. by Jove! , ffrerkasei . t Break, break. break - •»' f * No. not the waves of the Me Only the ii-solutlens Thai the foolish ronde. nk. «•! m. Klasr. As Cued mm New. "How about thnse good resolutions you nui tie the flrwt of the year?" "Oh. they are still good."—Mtuart Set. Foolish llneleUew. Tli*» V } vows 1!..!'. Ivrklns mad* gjjjggjjjV • / FV/" - THE ENTERPRISE; RATKS OF AI >VKRTI SI . «.c iu citn n ;j CiMC* , V •• '■ tuO iuaoUM) Sflr ■* " one month fa.go. •• " thiet months ..... - / ' " '• mx " •• twelve " >!)■». IV Ur ; rr fHtntwnriiU CmitiHi* «iii I* made I NEW YEAITS H RUSSIA WAM,V> VWVWWWV VWWV ' In the amallor cit'w nf Cuaaia New t«ir» U.IJT is in tli* Twelve I>ay* festival. The Huaciuaa In uiauy part* bnve hold 0 tlx' old w*j-» from Usue limat'UiorluL The prepßrntlo::* far tlx •OUHOII Ixyin nirly in November. Ttoe boat of some great bouac to U} In itoitii of aalted beef ami aanaagea. Utpioiira. etc. The bra ,caa call* on all Iter frh-nda aud invitea young and old. Next day ahe la auerecded by the nnrme. who ma km t!ie miiy ronnda of rlalta. II«>r duty la to lm .tr evpocMly the youiiit Indies. Hbo la iuiileal with Joy. au.l tiie lutly of the lioune haatcna t • mix for her the cup of wine. She de ll vera her rrriuid mid la pllrd with q..e»tU.. -» ft* to the iuviUxl b.Hi n jwi hI. But tlie mo,* Important qucstku: la. "Who are the olecteJT"* Th-ae mi> the yoiiiiK men Invited uy the lioateiu f r the rrlrhi. or "fair ......d* ..a," an llaj nre railed. The I'tif- of In- ye.m ni;ti tima deal prated la to look after the amuaemeut mid pirn- ire of hla "fair mriiden" dumiK Hit- "twelve daya.' The roapenalMllty of the ehol e lyln: with the boHtr.iS, ahe baa to be raretu. In b«>r avlvt'tioii. L.ut IKR Invitation lis- NPILN to I* IT pented. this time bv tin- noisier of tb house 111 tilt* |H*| >on of liitt Mrv::nt. 01 "swat," wlii, with tance in lutiid, per forms bin mission. On ent ring racl house he oifcra n phi.ccr before th slir!;e of tlie mint to which it Is ihtli cnted. lie then delivers lU- l;.vit.itloi In t!i>' name of his u:n*'rr cnl mirtiTM At flrxt. according tu et; |ttet;». the It: vltntinu Ih refur.ed, but nft r itiucl press lag It I* flii:iil> accepted. Whei the dnjr arrive*, tiir jocux ladies *IK are the heioliws oT the se: 011 iippen In a rledre liy tlie'r moth Pl' and favni.te rompa iloti. penernlly i girl of Itu'eiior rnuk. who HHH AI then Til!. hled».e Is f owed !>)' anoth w -iiutalnliiK tlrewomeu > nursed r.-ltl. eai&eta ami dr. saint; l nira. Olh> ■lt'dfces follow the longer the |iroci-s sloa the Khntir hoi or to the latum vlalted. On tbc arrival thp bo«t and li'.Hti'HM meet the puests nt the pnti bow without Hix-akiiiK uiid Vuliuuc. them luto the bouM.-Nrw York Work! •elf Api»r«.vnl. "Have you kept your New Tear"f resolutions?" "Y«s, I have faithfully kept a New Year's resolution that 1 u.ace three or four yei r* ni*o." "What was UP "Never to nuitcr any mote reaolu tiouß." Washington Star. An Arrested latelllKenc*. "Charlie Hluka TOU T us alow AA be aceniM." "llow Is th:it?" "He woke up yesterday and at,.. what yeur It In." 112* Uappy Cull*. WMklns— How ninny culls did yov make yeatert'iiy? Ullklns—'t hree, and. say. It waa the best game of poker t ever Mt In! OAAVWVWVWVVVV /WW VWVc f THE OlDh* a W m I WMWVMWv'W WWW© Tha New Year came to th_* Old Year * door Whin ihe Minds Wnitflnjr tliln. And th«* frost lay % hue 011 the old Year'r thacli. And 111* hand grow chill aa lie slipped th latch To let tho New Tear In And the New T'»ar per« h*d In the OI«. Year'a chair And Warmed by tt.f Old Year's fre. And the Old Your watched hlui with wist ful gas* As h- «t re tolled hla handa to the fading blast And cinders of dead dealra. And th* Old Tsar prated. aa Old Ton will. Of s>in?M«T and VANISHED sprln*. And then of the future, with ."*V| ad vice. Of lov« and sorsow and sacrifice That the avosone* round would bring. AAD the NEW Tear listened ntul w— RRAC .1 HIS heart la the bloom of the Old Trer's jwft, But he gar • no heed of tlw thorns UMI In the bud rnd blow of a wmhw day. And. nodding, he dnewid at iaat. The New Tear cam* to the Old Tear's door And warmed In the Old Tear'a choir. And the Old Year DUud till the Mew. Tear elept. Then forth tn the |Mit ha softly atapr And left the N«w VaijUm - . WHOLE NO. 169 FrofesuGual Cards. )K. J()l.> D. lUl»iS, J'AA TlaT. OPFICR: MAIN oTI.r.iCT. 3KO W ki WI I.L. . ATTOHKEY A T I.A \V. it-.- .v.* Office hj> -lair- in \ » rank Kuild •* #!•. fell latid tdc. lop uf klcp*. Tii.i.iamhton X C. MS -Pi«cifcv» wiuirvci irr\ic» art- drairrd. ipr. ia! illfntinfi jsi**n to eftan*i*it«|f and mak* 4 •IT title for pnii-biiri «4 Ui.»bci aud tih.lcjr *»•!*. , m is, 0- A- FOWLER, VtaagM »MERICAN AND - - - - EUROPEAN PLAN. Bto 28 Prat Street, . * . . * . BALTIMORE, MD. Thoroughly Renovated aud •nt in Order. is-rtiY n-luro* FMkhii'htihii #y sticky Mount. N. C.. i»7VS>^ CEO. R. DIXON, Practical Sheet rietal Worker. Tin Rinfinir, Outtering and Tobacco .'lot* a Special)-, also 1 in Kouft Painted 1 will positively be on hand AT WILLIAMSTON / H » to luilisli the I-uimer* with 1 'nXcco i'u :ns during tlie Sramm of 1903. f you want the He*t Matn inl and th% Hwt Work, Call oti or mlrircsts •» GEO.R.DIXCN, Reeky Mount, N. C. fCAi a.. jp-ff, **'. m I is vLiL-v. poisc:i' i , !i >Yil«rU t.trin. ii cat* bv ,-een g j r—lt vr' '-*■ r£ - 4 iiljlit, Iml,«t t- rf». your r- >m '{ I pfixiott ye ,o . (I -v, m, .n: « o?R: ; at!*J»fis itfiCp * v »; ( t, I b2v!.iui4«, ion ;»,w. w :jk utic ' r. wll)!et, "f( - { ROBERTS' CHILL T: 1 i|f , I w'-'l »t«p the ircithie •/. |« ■? [ eni-ri tbs bluoti it i 3 -a*. _« j ilri-.s cut the j „'j* -a? nr., 9 llf Pev«, iS'fkH-St.- 'ii J a -:n eral hrceSv-dnwf r* 10 ' ,ernn, . I Knh'rts' ToJ>i? Mi'l j s yot 111 h-'im'l r.'iy »» ? i re- -n' f (Mure s.i'i* m, 1 • iw . trrpraJ aow r'.l nf»o t t .is "j lr* poUvH rnd h. vt | frtie Roberts' '1 on«; to ti'iv , || «it, nou'lrh »wf s" ' m, ey..»r# £ appetite 'ae >• ■, r=r» « ! ve.'l an 1c; re » lit «-> ir \n . J | Mclarfa". It l i* c »u n. us aiiiK —It Tn'i iti) >s a, •. y ~m- A nn>»ev kcilr htit, ' try "5 I it. I'rkM, -3 « -M. ,1 flijgr .gtayv*' y- *"» f "or fall- by Andersen, [luutll & Co .and Kli I'll;, BUS. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ' Digests what yon eat* if This preparation contain* all of thA rt'KMtania and ditroat* aSI kinds of food. It if ires Jrinuut reli f and nercr fall* to cure. H allow* you to eat all the fond you want The miwt sensitive stonmrlis can take it. By its use m*ny tb«u anda of dyspeptie* lia*e bee* emvd af' v T overyiliiiiK ei*c failed, la unequalled for the su>mH-h. Child* ren witii w-ak slomacli c thrive 00 IK nueo^aai^ Pmtnd only by E. C. I>»W in A thxtL buufa r«« >%!■«»* > 1 law 1 tht>toaa» a. a. aiut'.a Malta* Anton* mdlK * mr» IDMi" j.*r: .111 onr opinl.n (rmi vbcOM* Ml lnr*i lion la pr- lia- lj jwcvntcbl*. CiainHk ItoMKrWllCMlUatittiL HaaiM* WrM Ml !m. UM« rrtf y 'oi ••*urwliim. h Mm it % c« mm ««WBatten j a Mr.«M>-Mir C>«xn««4 »«mt» •iMti itt 1 f taf fnvj Ter»»m. y> »

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