THE ENTERPRISE ALTWO E. wnmeoee -- CMTOR'A MWTOH TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: SI.OO Per Year. - Strictly in Advance VOL. IV. - NO. 19. I I I [ADVENTURE 1 ! Of A QUEEN S ! COURIER : i »Bertcrt Mi—inn I lAM afraid I cannot ctnnlstr IW example of tsy fellow eonrier*." add Major alaurice. -and de light the members of the dub with a thrilling story of adventure abroad for the simple reason that dnr b« thr abort period I had thr honor of arrvlng her majesty my dotln were entirety confined to journey* within' the boundaries of (iMt Britain. Itat. Ik* MMT ITM little Ifliili in aay. rarrev will laat me a long lime. and. If te accordance with the dealre* of my brethren around the table. 1 will relate a Sttie adreotare.- There waa a tend barst-of a p pin raw. ! and the Major, having prefiared htaj Isryugral organs by a tfas* of wine,' taamnmri d h!s at cry: "11 waa In Ub- that one October' night I waa waiting hi the state apart-1 ■ota at tTiadaer far an Important dis patch which had to be conveyed by my tends to fit. Stephen'*. I had given or ders far a apectal train sf one coach to tek* me fru«n Windsor to Waterloo, and arrangement* had been made for a clear line. A great crisis pended tha artiaa of the government. which woadd be taken apon the document containing the fan's signature, which I waa to convey to LwnVa. Sly mission waa of, tha St mast importance. It was nearly 10 «THack before 1 received tha docu ment. and to a very few moments I was whirling rapidly in the direction af the railway station. -Arrived there. 1 hurriedly left tha carriage, daabed Into the station aod ■ads my way toward the depar"ire platform. I lad hardy reached thia when two well dri d men darted out fraa a aura** In which they had been hnklag and approached me. Ons af them pat Ms hand In anything but gen- Ua fashion upon my shoulder. "What do yon meanr I ssld 'Hand* aff. will yauY Here, station maste. ' I as id, swerving la the direction of ffaat toMUml. wha was waiting «-J tha platform. *arho are these f.HKws and what do they want V , -But before the station master eouM answer my qtuVmS the Intcaiions of the men were very apparent. " The garae'a up." said the one who had clapped his band upon my shoul der. Ton have played H a long tlma ami so far have ted IU better of ua. lt'a our turn now. Here, Bill. Just Mp Be with the leacelet*.' *1 wna struck brvatMcas with aaton lahmrat as he produced a pair of hand enCs and, with the assistance of hia companion, forcibly locked Ibein upou my wrist*. - This is an unwarrantable outrage? I cried aa aoou aa I cuuld recover iny arif. *Tou have made some tcrribl* mistake, and you have made It at a very aerious moment. If JOB are offi cers of thr law, aa I suppose you are.' let me inform you that I am a messen ger af state proceeding upon an Impor tant [odtiral errand.* "Tea,* aaid the man who had first Spoken; "we know all abo at that. You will have • better ccquaintance with Mate matters by and by. It is a clever dnl no doubt, but wa hare hung •round a bit too long and too anxlouaiy to be takea la by It. We will diacoa* ■nut BOS* rvm m axT pi sat at. Mr. Price; let me formally **y (hat I arrest you an a warrant charging yua with the murder of Reginald Land- ' grove of Blaugh and also with varioua other crtmasL So*, then. If you are ready we will make a move-' | MMI exdtflDcot ""How d*r* yam. rirf 1 said. lon Mat—yea shell Baton to what 1 bars to aay. Tun have made a mistake. My ■am* I* nat Pricn. It ia Maurice. If you wfß take these beastly things off my jnMa, I win prcarut you my card and ala* shew yun my papers. Ton have made a mistake. 1 aay. 1 aa courier af her majesty, sad 1 eaaamand that 1 I I ; -Tha appeal to the station In ft* Mai. -•Oh. yea,' be said to the detective*! There was a train waiting, but that ha* gone with the gentleman who sr-, dared It.' - 'lt is a Iter I mid. 1 ordered tha! train and ordered It la person. Sorely : . pan ought to remember mef " It waa the misfortune of the taajsr - •> have aa unmistakable limp. Thia It j waa that made him so certain that the' station master would not mistake hi 111. " 'Weil, sir.' aald the official. 'I do not know that I ahooid recollect the g*n tlenian who ordered the train any mors than that he limped very lis illy, and that waa what made me so positive about the gent who baa gone off In the special, for he limped as If his leg was broken—a more real limp than the on*! . 1 see yon are putting on for the ocea-1 sion. In other respects the (rut who , baa Just gone off and you are very moch of a likeness.' "The two officers aeiacd me by either . shoulder and began to nrge me foc . ward out of the station. As we marched Into the road a rider on borse , back came clattering up. Immediately > he saw me he reined in and dismount ed. Saluting respectfully, he aald: " 'ller majesty baa dispatched me j after you. afar, in the hope that I abouM I catch the train and commands that you present this document also with the lotbsra you have In your possession.* "TV detectives were staggered, and j the man. finding that I did not take the document from him, looked down and ■aw the handcuffs. -'What does this meanr h* said to the detectives. -It manna,' I interrupted, that I have been arrested by mistake for ■sane criminal who; owing to a likeness, pretended or real, to me has gained j possession of my special train to Loo don and is now making good hia aa* cape.' "It waa the work of but a brace of •praxis for the detectives to release my bands; muttering apologies the while. I unbuttoned my coat, showed them my credentials and the document A lib the royal sral on It and demanded to know, now that tliey bad success fully interfered with the transaction of the queen's business through their blundering Idiocy, whether they were ! yrepaied to set me at liberty. "The me* were overwhelmed with th* nrlounan of the fault of which they bad been guilty, and their aa sterna tion waa not decreased by the knowledge Hmt the real erhainat waa ipceding away at the rate of fifty piika an hour toward London. The first thing to do was to telegraph for the fugitive train to be stop|«d at Staines, but the detective who hurried aff to do this came flying I nek wltb the intelligence that Ibe wire had becu cut almut four mile* out of Windsor. - -Is there another gpeclfll to l»e had? I inquired of the station master, who was by tbia time worked up into a freuiy of excitement. " "No, *lr," be said, "but there ia an engine at your acrvlcc If you would not mind making the Journey In tliat. She Is very fast and will do the Journey up well within thirty minute*.' - 'What time will the special taker " 'Fifty-eight minutes.' be replied. - 'And bow much start has she;' * * " "Twenty-live minute*.' " Then wo ought to catcb up with 1 her," I replied. 1 ~*jusi alioat, sir. Ton might some where the other side of Itichiuond If tha ; engineer pushes the engine all he can.' | " "Then bring her alongside at once." I j aald. Ami within two minutes we were off. the detectives also being on board. -I stepped up to the side of the en glnecr. - "Sow,' I said to blm as we got clear of the statlou. It is worth £3O to yo«l and £lO to the fireman if wc draw up with that special before Waterloo it reached.' j I ""I will do my best,' aald the driver, and, turning to his mute, he directed * him to pile *ll the fuel possible on th* fire. The plate* grew redbot with th* Screen*** of the furnat-e that roared within, and on we went at a speed such aa I never traveled before and hope never to travel again. That engine tore over the rulls like a demon possessed of demons, and we clung breathlessly to the Iron ledge before us. "As are approached Staines the detec tive drew out a notebook and. still cling ing with th* hand with wbk-h he held the book to hi* gupport, scrawled with th* other hand a rough message. It 9*a tha*: "Station Master. Staines: -Wire Twickenham to stop spatial train f*- -He had hardly finished writing when we clattered through Stainea station An official was on the platform, and at him the detective threw a mall silver matchbox containing the message. "The moon had riaen, and we saw trees and bank* and telegraph pole* flashing past ua like continuous streak*. (Through Aaford and Keltham we daabed at * terrific apeed and rumbled with a roar like thunder over the llttla bridge beneath which ripple* tha Crane .pa Its nay to f*ed the Thames. Still aa alga of the «dal But a mils farther on tha engineer gave a shoot af tri -1 " There «he is! There-right ahead! . Just slackening down to go Into Twick enham. The measage ha a reached there an right. I know, and perhaps she has been delayed outside with the algnal against her. Tea, that to it There U th* red tight. Now w* shall capture oar querryr "It waa a* he mid. The train had been brought almost to a standstill. In a few moments we should be close upon her. The detective could scarcely cou teia Msosetf for very delight. For m* it aantf nuns a momentary delay to Sht (Sitapist -V WILLIAMSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6,1903. I » and f should (aatltna aay Jannay la ' front bysaaassafthe heater. the l—a. din te resalt of whkk wa* a still greater slackening of speed. ■team and appßed the brake; "And then as we were drawteg *tew ty up toward the apactel wa *M*i*asd • strange thing. train abend on thr footboard and slow ly aaak* hb way te th* dteartlon af th* denty pointed a revolver at the head *f the engineer. Crack! And we saw the victim of thia «N bteailrd ontrag* throw up his bands and nei tat* th* arms of the Uremia ] I "Another Instant aad the man cn the | footboard was clambering op to the en ' gtacer'a platform. The Simian, tekns lng hia dying mate. rnabcJ to the aid* and aimed a Scree blow at the Intruder, but the villain dodged and can nw-ra fired M* rerotccr. Without a groan th* fireman fell back Mo the enpter. "tjulckly gahilag the footpiatea, th* man a witched on thr ateam and, pnll lng the lever, seat the train speeding over the gronnd. The guard, the only other living bring an the train, had Jumped to the ground upon the alarm of the piatol shot, aad now he wa* left behind "We picked htaa m *rd agate started In pursuit, but before we conld get well andcr way the fugitive, tearing alone ■t a frightfal apeed. naaapil to put half a mile between aa "What a mad race that wa*! Ttoungh Twickenham and an through Rkb •ignala. And we falls a td. It waa a good thing that ■nthtog waa an th* line, for tbare waa n* stopping that madman ia front. Two mils* past Sichmond we rani ed a curve, which he ought as pretty clone together; n ds*e. Indeed, that we "wrrnotrr A OANU M rraaaua NU.* could dearly diatloruisb the hunted man in the llgbt of the engine fire pil ing on fuel In the vain endeavor to get ' away from ua t'ould he have gained a 1 suliotnntlal lead there was no doubt I that. gueMting that be was pursned by ! the representatives of the Isw. be I would have slackened down sufficiently | to enable biiu to drop fratn our engine SDl then leave the train to pursue Its way or perbapa with devHish drwigu re fer* the engine so that the thing would run backward until It collided with ua. -We were a quarter of a. anile of the fugitive wben without the slight est warning there waa an awfal explo sion right ahead. The rails literally rocked wltb the force of It. snd th* roar and rumble were terrifying. "And the special—wfaerw wa* ill - A ma«a of apiintoed woa>|. the coach lay across the track, hopelessly damaged, while the engine had been turned over on a bunk, where it lay puffing and snorting for a moment or two. Then there was another roar. The boiler bad bunt. liebri* Sew to *ll directions. "Fortunately we were Car enough be hind to be abie to pull up dead Just in the nick of Ume. When we harried from our engine and rushed am** to the mass of twisted wreckage we found the bodies of the two maadcred men and th* mangled remains mi tha murderer whom Nemesis had overtak en *0 speedily. "It wa* then that I realized what a miraculous escape I had hadL The train bad been Mown ap by dynamite plated there by aw miscreants. I barned afterward ■ plot had been hatched by some anarchists to marder a prominent stateaman. The statesman la question bad gone down to Wtodaor a few bourn before I had left the enatle. aad It had been arranged to Mow ap hi* train mm be returned" ' ' ■ ' «. Conshi the VM* Class. A teacher who maintain* tbst there I* altogether to much anantlalhai of Idea* without a peeper understanding of their relative has Institut ed a aerie* of testa which might be re garded by aaaae people as trap* He wishes bis pupils to scqabe th* art of accurate listening aa well aa quick thinking, and to t!ds end be occ asionally Inserts one of hia catch ques tion* la the midst of a aet of th* ordi nary sort. He give* the two inatance* follow lag. In which be any* the ananeas rata* with Joyful promptness from the en tire class, not a single voica being aliased from the charas: V "Whose batebet never told a Bel" "George Waahington'sT* 7 - £_ 'Jp- "■ . , —,-r , . The Business That Does Not Talk 1 ■* *' . Is as Tight as an^™^ ' . . . : -t - ' ~ ' . ' " ' Open tlieHhellanri it is Delicious. Have you ever tHcd it? Try opening* your lmftiiiertHxo \ *' 4 . •. . | People will know about it. Now is the time t ! THE ENTERPRISE. t' . ' 1 Will open your Business Shell and bring Satisfactory Results. If yon are not satisfied, bring yonr ' troubles t0.... THE ENTERPRISE > ■ „ . 4 , ' ' -__ IT WILL PUSH YOUR BUSINESS FOR 1003 BACON ANO BHAKEBPEARE. •k* Tw» Its ImnHriy ui (te Tw» to OM ■»«■■ Artototje ni pa extraordinary man Plato «u aa extraordinary man. Thnt two nw* each severally so rifmonll nary should hare bean Htlac at Ik* —m time In lb* same place aa a 1 wry otraMarr thing. Hut wonld It dlaHnteb tba wonder to anptwac tha' two to be oml Be I aa; of Ihacon and Shskaapesre. That a human being pos anaed of the fsewltles nan *s*ry to make a Rhakaawat* should exist la! ' estrossdiuary. —lana a unman mug | I posseaned of the neremsry faraltlm to 1 anake Baron should exist la extraor dinary. That two sucb human being* should hare been living in London at the an me time waa nura extraordinary j still. But that one maa should hare existed possessing the hcnltlra au.l opportunities necessary to make txrtia would hare been the moat eilraordi nary thing of all. Great writers. especially bring corv temporary. have many feature* liioia- I anon, bat If they are really great writ era they write naturally, and nature la | alwaya Individual. I doubt whetber there are Ave line* together to be found : In naron which conld be mistaken for ' Mbakeapeare or Are lines In Hhake- I ' apcare which could be mlataken for I tar-on by oaie who waa familiar with their several sly lea and practiced In ! aaacb c tsar rations.—Jamfa Bpeddlng*s , - "Esseys." • _ Itkrdslsflfsl Astamska Every bunian being carries with him from Lis cradle to hla grave certain physical mark a which do not change | ' their character and by which be can always be Identified, and that without ! | ahade of doubt or question. These j auarka ate bia algnature, his physiolog- j leal autograph, so to speak, ami I bia ' autograph cannot be counterfeited, nor can be disguise It or bldo it away, nor can It beroane Illegible by tbe wear aud the mutations of time. 1 j This autograph coaialsta of tbe fMl cate llnea or coarugatlona with which ' nature marks the instdea of tbe bands and tbe soles of tbe feet. If you will look at tbe balls of your linger*. J"U ' that bare very sharp eyesight, you will 1 observe that theae dainty curving lines ] ' lie Hose together, like tbose that indi cate tbe borders of oceans In map*, and 1 that they form various dearly defined patterns, such as arches, circle* long ! curres, wborla and so forth, snd that these patterns differ on the different J fingers.—"l'udd'ubesd Wilson." Mtsawa Vmma Wmm Mlmn. [ I The celebrated Bean Hrummel dar ing tbe flrst years of his exile, while jet his fsme as a dandy was precml-1 ' neat, had tbe celling of Ms bealrooan ' covered with mirrors so that even while , at rrst he could study elegance and as- j taw a graceful pose, for such a pair-. , pose a glass celling 1* however, not ' unique, and the notorious Duchess of ' Cleveland bad such saaothcr construct- j , ed to grstlfy her vsnlty. I For s far different reason a certain ■ Yorkshire gentleman of the last cen-1 ,] tury bad bis celling paneled with mir ' j rura. Ardently devoted to tbe sport of j , cock fighting, be continued to tbe last 1 to enjoy bis favorite pastime and even. : when on bis deathbed Us room was tbe [ .' scene of many an exciting fight, which, lying on hla back, ha saw reflected la I' the glam overhead. Malhs—lis* s beve. "Margaret." be began, "I hare $3,750 In tbe bank. 1 own half Interest In a patent churn company that clear* sl,- ' TOO a year. My salary to S3O a weak, , with prospects of a raise to (22. 1 bars an aunt who will learn me twenty-ser- [ en shares of a railway stock now qnot- ! led at O. Tell me, Margaret, will yoa he miner -Walt,- abe replied, "tin I get a pen cil.- j For she never had beengood at men- CATCHING CRABS. Cb*pt**fc Mitt Ctakm LaM IV* kf an !■§'■(*■* N*iM Tbtoe who crab for marl.ct on tbe Cboptsak river. Maryland, have an In genlons method of ralrliiuK rrahs In anantlty. A rape aliuut tbe IhULm-s* ' sf a dotbrsllne several hundred feet hmg I* kept cuikd In a keg. At Inter ' tab of two feet along the entire length i of tbe rof>e tbe Asfarnusn Las untwisted j It and Inserted between tbe rtrainl* abort plee-r* of salted *h. The l>irslon [of the atnwl IhiMs tbeui tightly in ' place. I'jrn «i of t!u rupe lun a kc/ | bnoy attacheil. togetlm w!ih a heavy ! at'ieie. Arriving at tin- fat -red place, j usually on oyste* l>cd«. be throws a k«-s ' orrrlxinl and |«t>s out a highly scent •ed rope aa he sails. liVb the other end Is reached, be anclt r* It with ai otlier stone ami throws i»it m» tbt bo-». After towe-rinar his rail lie walla n few minutes, then Ms stand «n the how of his boat. Akstssltli' of h'.m . is bis net. with a liandic six feet lons. lie raise* the btn.y and ttoie and. b~nd over hanel. pull* hi* boat sfrmg the line. When a cralr. clinging to Its aefn-fhmcnt. come* in •Iglit. be seizes his ix-t. elasiw-s it uioli-r the crab ami flings It Int.. tbe l»tl. The wary crab may looaten hia bold and dive fr tbe Uattami. hut sm-h is tbe OslnT nian's dexterity that Ills m-t Is swifter ; than the crab. tine seldom geta away. Several hundred* of era!* are offHa taLen at escb overhauling of Use rope. When be bas caught ril Ire wants, he pack* them jjt barrel* ami *• IU tlw-m to a ke-.>l dcabr. who shi|* them to inar i ket.—Country I-ife In America. "IV.lnc" I'orflpr lis \nnr Wind. j According to a Cairo contemporary. | |nt»ej r. 1.0 wish to let their friends I know that I hey are "doing** Europe on | a prince ly wale tbe while they are 11 v | Ing in re-tin merit for a time nod otdy ajrply t'» an sgetcy in I'ar!*. v. Inch will nneb-rtake to semi your b-tte r* to prac tically any place In Europe you may se lect and tluxe to liave tbcm i»sted for yon on any date yon may chouse. Tbe demand ( r such an l!istituli»ii aru*' out of the alianldte borne' tbe I'arisian I of "high life'* bas of lieiiiK ateietlnl of ) remaining In I*aria or Its euiironiTm ! the bathing season, tine f attire of tlte ! joke far that joo can not only get your ; kttirs furlrd from stane distant »I»t, ' but you can get answers ncrivol fur juu and rrpostrd to yoor temporary bid- ' ing place. There are great |M>ssilillitics j for AtMfkao travelers in this. Why j I not stay in America and -«lo** Europe? ' I —New York Tribune. liramn Has Its tt»»r. I An enterprteiog Insurance ngent in duced an Irishman to take out an acci -1 dent policy for bia wife. A few days j later while conversing with a friend In | | hla office be was startled to see tbe Irishman rush In. brandishing fiercely a stout cane. I "Ye rascal!" he yelled, springing to ward the sgenL "Ve wanter cheat Fortunately the enraged man was dlasrmed snd held fast by tbe agent's I fHeaad. who was a powerfully built ! man. Tbe Irishman, struggling to get free, sbontc-d: i -Let m* git at tbe spalpeenl Think ' or It, chsrgla" me fcivc dsilars frf an acshident ticket frr me ole woman, an* , abe Jest broke her leg a-fnllln' down ahtalrs! Wofs tbe good of tbe ticket snybowT* , ■ » ' Tke Darhs of fsraeslls. The Bomans appear to bare been well off in tbe matter of bathing place* in tbe first and second cent uric*. In the baths of Caracalia 1,000 bathers could be accommodated at one time. [ Tbe Inclosed area was 300 square . yards, bat it Included a coarse far foot i racing. Tbe bathing establishment was HQ yards in length by 121 wide. Tbe reaaalns of tbe walls are 8 and 10 feet thick and In anaaa places as aaach a«S9 M Mrt iiH ' k '■ ■ —*— THE ENTERPRISE; KATES OP ADVERTISING: OweSi|—«t. t i—rrtion ffOah. !• tmo in.trtion» fi JJ. " - oKDoalh fun. three months IpA « " fe* ~ " tadn " fiJLoou For Ivpt ahntiannnb Liberal CnMnctf will Ibtaaii 1 f THE BRAVE WOLVERENE.' M a Ufll* Walt, kat m MnIM Wwrffc. Nut "little wolf." >i the Irvnnt think. Is 11» *lgnlfwai!«-,- of w:Jw r-ne. i 1 bill •HHurtblns of crntiT y- an i ' embodiment «>f lb* htrit*- p. irll »-f I!* ' wild fin* of liir pn-iiHlwic | Wank rfnl In It* ntn rsth ami cnnrase. ! ■ In* cliint»r on crcj>iui>. n 4 ii.iiri i«w [ of ■tzr. I'll! Willi lliolx n»l (lavs great. , oat of nil proportion to It* »Lx. will a , muzzle .-llnxffit bvirllUr. Ih.l with pnt , i trhltc fanm. the U*a*t b>l still an r j IH"li««If| in mr > l«liw,u» 111 »•* 'J«at--t-. ' with ll* swcejitn*. Imsby tail and the ' linr:l hands of yc|i«w while n[«w Hs , back ami shoulders. Woe t.» tl«- W all ' j (T luvrt or the dnT up n which II from *.nie low lk-.a;h; Immii or before wlii- h II wi'Moilj np peantl In lite l«w windfalls! (i { Of all the rmili::iiil, the { |»nliK«b was the rlmrn halritat of | the woltenKf. ami he rtracrW krx la-fore UiiwmltiiM'ii i!r»»ve luni from I hi* heritage. So etidurins wm l>\ »» | il(H|«Taidj rn»raeeoas>. that lib name became a synonym t'* plnrk ami prowess. ar.l |jri iii!ly tlte of Michigan acef»t tlie iib-knauie aliirfa lias been given to him.—Out: ns. ' V. baf Is m Well Uanrl "What In llmliiml parlance is a well iln-mil house?" said a dramatic writer. jiyl afler a silent pause be continued: "I went I lie other liitrht to a sbow. and as I |nsMd In llm> said to 1 uie. "We hare a well buwe Iw ' Uiebt. fir.' I auppased be meant that tho andlefn-e was rportir.;; it* beat clothe#, but I found on looking ahout • that this Wit* IK4 true, ami ro Mtrte: tlie act* I asked him what he had meant. He an*wef*d: "I meai.t lhat Ihe house had lieen Mat«->l l»J tlie bus 1 olHiv very cleverly, so I bat St Iml anced well, ami M that Ihe fact that il was not small w&* not |*-re« i>tib*. To ' dn n a houre I* lo distribute an andl eij'r nil over it so it looa* full w In u it in as a matter of fart, far from brie? 't ml Then- an- here enough IKW|>lc to 1 - fill nhnut the first seveo rows of the ' orchestral but..the l«.use is well I ed. and on looking at il you bate Hie iciprexsttrtmrtt It b fairly well fiikil 1 > Every ticket seller should see to it Cat bis [ why you no often fail to grt s>niol as I far up front as yoa would like.'"—l'hil ' adeiphia KeconL PsM Tor It. A kind hearted Washington wotsat ' paid a rls'.t to New «>rlt-.i >;s whi!e th tuipping neaaou on the rV. T -I !: height. and as the loaii:i£ IT C3:a'Di lof a h' rliT boat U oat cf l!.» !»»■ ILuerestlng things lo licit she went '-tie day to Ihe levee irbfK : rlisuiUal, one of llso heplt slScs! Tat 'ilfK'harfip;? "* T ~ * " i :r ri »'-* of the veswl stood at • if- ;ari?'4:ii ; and directed the of ti» I& j gro roustabout*. He C£>, bed wierC cs a mate should he. and ,t ." [x-'kjae. , and roared and ar.cre and tan an-, f then whacked some uacsusi'y slow a stupid negro wiili n *|«sr. I)te Kjr rcalted so many blows that the Wash Ilngtoa woman'* sympathies wen arormed. When she could • ndnrc th. mate's brutality t..wanl bun no loofT't I she walked over to whero the ECfn stood ami spoke to fc'ni. "Why fio jw I allow that man to strike yoa end car* I yoa as he do ir she asked.. The nega- I looked at ht-r in surprise tod then | ahowcl all hi* teeth in a prln. "Law. | miss;'* said be. chacklinjr. "I don't inlal | him. He's paid for (loin* that, sam; as ) i'ze paid for doin' this." ■ br* AWn Par. Towne l'oor fellow! He certainly does lore her for all he's worth. Browne—Ha loved ber even more than that lodiy. Towne—How do yoa mean? I Vrowne — He sent ba a ten doitar hooch at roe— and borrowed the price an.» -1 tin jh~- c«-iif-nhif a 'riri WHOLE NO. 175 Professional Cards. £)U. JOHN D. BIGGS, DKNTIST ] OFFICE: MAIN STREET. GEO W NEWF.LL, A TTORNEY-A T-IJI TIT. • Oftrr Hp Uir« in ln K . kfl h 2 »l*idr.U>r of ate**. 'VILLI.MLSTOS. N CL «i riarti9T« wkrtrtr tn«m mt tllcatWic |?tta loriaaW^MiaA •jf tit It fjf partiaatn of ttaiWr Ml (WbcT AJbl Mif House. ERA A FOWLER, Manger- ,il AMERICAN AND - - - - EUROPEAN PLAN. iS to 28 Prat Street, . " . . • . BALTIMORE, MD. Thoroughly Renovated and put in First-Class Order. % MSjity ladae« m*cky X.C, * Id CEO. R. DIXON Practical Sheet fletal Worker. Tin K ofinjv Orlltiinj; ?kml TIIImhW Flaw a S|«cialy, also Tin kneb runted 1 «i!l pj&itiwly lie on haul AT WILLIAMSTCN In filflii-.1l tl;e I aimers Kith TOHACCO FLUES •luring tit Scwiß of U y« want the llct Mntc'a! an«t the l}t>t W'Wit fiH *-** rtr iwiilriMra GEO. R. DIXON, Ilocky Alounl, N. C. '.-"7 3 VA UOVf pit f ' ;."yv~.- H .13 I 1 K.l -iir' tl Qcrtr. tt can seen I { il-t'.j-.i t . hi .usder I 1 •jr. Si s.'A: i' ty V j nr~ht. I »rft, i! turns yrrtrtrai- t p r'i'.i ja;. Ji.w,. CiiiJiy. I | 1.3!-I!M:I cr-t? ijv/n >;cr L t EKlibow, You weak cc«J I j vertfelns. ROBERTS' CHILL TOSIC ] ] 11 ail step the Iriir'. ic c«w. !t 1 i triers Jhe M- i at cart JLII f j t:rives Mil the ytiisw r , ! ! n.-rfrcleii a. 'l when Ch'ib, I J TevtrJ, Ki;lTi-;"»ijt-,»';;ap«- i J CID brt-:* CEISE iittr DO, I 1 Kofcerti' Tojic v- «*! vo.; f S th -n -but v.t»y wtit? I'Kunl | I i future siikiic.ij. The Cfßghf- ; I j tcrers knew a!S cbcut «I-i; yet- ■ I 3 low r Si:d hare ;:;!uleJ I I i KiitK.-'s' Toaic to iti%c it oct. I 4 niafisij yoiir rrstcre I 3 app-fi!? Ik 6!o;i, jws- ! ij ve»l ;cJ c.i.f C!.!!>i, IV»rr ted t jj Milarc. It !ci C-ircd tboas- | 1 snto—lt •wiil c'jre yoa, cr your 1 is raam.-}- hscs. l iieJ b tor. Try I -'«« >y Aivlti-on. IUucII& f — —y £!i Gpntavs. x WHY? TVc reason One Mtnote Ccvfk Crf relieves •OMafc la cr* rairxte, is b»c«ie it acts first tm t&e MOM Ms>'arr« n«ht wh-re the coach tmkin — ■«W ttr cr de-t-seatsd oo the Irft. A-ilwihc Wm muc:rtr?% or co*ch fenn» arJ ;L:jf.. itke ftefn. 0>« Mi-ste Cure act crJ* de*.tr:ystlt An m? n»i and clears out their peine*. hat I gNB ftnrl aid elasticity to the pa> MakraM fro*set the throat and lungs. OpMS the air ptssares -->J prxtvAcs oncbstrtactcd hmbae CMMS the biood to recetve *s a«fh eff tnus c*h L.ridnc the onhncoary emu sack Jr«r«cth and r»or that the hm*'. adbaadftd tabes h twai bahrarki aghast the hcMfcarf dh» e»e. A'Jima. BrwcklKi, La Loots »vi it Mnswy CurDbnts that ate CMftH it vsckly areJ bf the ose J ONE MINUTE COUGH CURE by LO. DoWITT A 00., CMctpb S. K. BIGGS /r-r - aaMHi3aJ4oaa%OaMf 7t or/ c»to»a * teharao -» -gi J r^adeStfi?e» P ijwM gar. free. «pacr> ijcwcc ia«h r?i«st« iwn throaeh Mam iOa.taaahf Scientific Jfiaerkan.' >TfciiMil| Pnliili lyMt. taunt JKSglgffiL

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