THE ENTERPRISE TBRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION^ Qua Year, SI.OO Six Months. 60 cent Payable ia Advaace I VOL IV. - NO. 37. I ■ I ** All Around Our Gounty ITMS OF INTEREST GATHERED EACH WEEK BY OUR REGULAR AND SPE CIAL CORRESPONDENTS IN MARTIN k BVB2ETRL Carl Lfeae spent Sunday here. J«me I*. White fat still improving. Mas Anna belle Everett sprat Sunday hi town. Tobacco has improved wonder fully in the part week. R. W. Everett, of RoberaonviUe, Great haproeemeata are beiag Made on oar streets in the way of grading sidewalks, patting in new bridges, etc. A. B. Whitmore was ia town last • Saturday hustling own! ia the interest of Tn« Birntaraisx. He is the tight msaia the right place. Soccam ta Tint Bananas. , •JABBSYILLE. W. H. Tweedy is qnite iB at this J. h. Savage left far Daltinow. Md„ last Friday. D. dark aad MimSamnrfe Har riaon, of PlyoHMth, were ia towa • loat Thnrsday. Mrs. Uuie Woodboo* and Miss Mae Bennett, of \frlliamatoa. there ia towa Monday. The protracted toeetiag which held by Rev. Mr. Htnnhle, was cfaaed lost Thursday night. There was preaching at the Christian Church Theaday night by Rev. J.J. Harper, of Smithfield Herpes Ringworm cisntiroff araay Mood or ikia disease, Hancock's Liquid Sulphur is a sure rare. Sold by C. I». Cafatarpfeea A Co, Andsnoo Hassell A Co., Kekh a God aria. HAMILTON. Mr. H. C. Sigtnan and son left for Atlanta, Ga., on last Saturday. Miss Mary Baker left Tuesday owning for WrigbtsviUe to attend the teacher's assembly. Misses Ullie May Baker and Panaie Matthews left on Tuesday to visit at Smitdficld, Va. Misses Mary and Rusha Sberrod returned home Friday from Salem where they attended school. Mr. Grower Hardiaon aad Miss Ernestine Gardner, were here Monday to see Mi— Mary aad other frieuds. Bow. M. L. Lawrence held ser „! rn m m * . |L. . . n m. Im. vices 11 IM rnmiuve isaptist church on Sunday. There was to tkt church. 9 Hits Stfiiftl sr* lata toe klaivrf Übal that aoarishao the nerves. feeds the liiaani 1. hatdcas the a«»raa.flß?JprS^s p* mmm V 4 BOBERSOMYIUE. m. *■ ■'* 1 A. O. aad G M. Robersoa spent Saaday ia Rocky Mount. We were glad to see Mr. Whit aoe (m our streets Monday. W9Ke Morton aad Mara Rives, •peat Sunday at Mr. Little's, aeor Flat Swamp. Mias Lenaa Robersoa and R. B. MflKe Everett. Mrs. Maggie Peal, of Bethel. Ispeat Sunday with her daaghter, Mas. J. T Wand. j . We regret very much that Mbaes Hettie aad Lucy Keel are aa the femjfollie I^^whojas*™ who kftvc bora visiting fnmds and relatives in Farnviße,returned bsl Saturday, accompanied by Miss Bntch. Quite a number of oar young people attended the dosing exer . ctaes of Miss Fancy Horde's school at Spatog Green, last Friday night ; They all reported a very pleasaut trip. Prof. C. H. McLaurin and fam f Uy aad Mrs. Pierce, mother of Mrs. r McLaorin, left last Thursday utoro ing for Louiaburg and other places t to spend the summer. We wiah > then a pleasant trip. BOBGOOB. Jwyt 8, 1903. Wheat cutting this week. """ Savira aad Vetgil Leggett re ' turned laat Friday froas Cboco wiaity School. We are a very poor people, and oroperty was cheap to-day. Tax hating to day, yoa kaow. 1 - H. H. Jones left to-day for Saf folk. Va., to rditit the agent at 1 that point for a few days. Prank Hitch, of Norfolk. Va.. caaK over Monday looking after hia loeeine interests near here. ISPCUKIC The tobacco crop has improved wonderfully since the rain. The ' crap is not up to last year at this 1 date. L J. Baker, of Palmyra, sprat the day with as Monday. He is one of the assessors for this town ship. I - V We have had nice seasons ; land is rather wet to work to day. The ' crops are growing nicely, andthey look very promising. Miss Alma Murchieon returned Saturdlay from Vine Hill Academy. Scotland Neck. She will go to the Greensboro Normal next season. H. H. Jones, agent at this place, returned from Chad bourn Satylay, where he has been several days with his brother who has been quite sick. Several of our people attended the commencement exercises of Vine H3I Academy last Friday night. This marks the last stf sion of this excellent school under the present management. It will now be used for the Scotland Neck Graded School. Elder G. D. Roberson. of Rober souviOe, spent a while .with us Monday. He was returning fiom an extended trip North, represent ing; his denomination. He was well pleased urith his trip and-tbe sights he «|w, aad was much im pressed with the people he met. fc YM E*| 1M Y« Etf ? If ysa daat year lead doaa not do yea mmdk good. Kodol care is the taotody that «iuj one sfeuOMtohs whea them is aay thing uruugwithtbe sumach- Thus Is ao way toJQaiaUla the health aad strength of adad and body eacept fey mitoiihwiat There is oo nay to Bearish eKspt through the beaOhv, part sod eareet or the aiengtk arUt hi dawa aad dhcaae will set ap. Ma sppethe. lass of strength. aiiwa otos, headache, eeostipetloa. tod hmto. sourqtodhir cared fey the ass af Kodol P|l|l| ll Cat Sold by aR- Bie» Hsmiiiito7sj Caaveotoaeea. A bailer htotod hy pa which mtil hodiog water a* your diapoeal ia half Uie time nsaslty required for the kettle to boil. A self acting ice mold that winds shared ice into dainty ice balla to be naed about the aolad, butter aad other table diabea. k An spperstns for the ksnging sad leadjintiug of window eurtaina aad draperies a boon on sweeping days when such things mast be get oat WILLIAMSTON, N. C„ US.DAY, JUNE 12, 1903. AMERICAN FORESTRY. Tkt —|i I r «f Ow r—i Owner b r> i' IMm i>i—ll >■ a mm ad iii,M MM* Or dor tf «€ lankn RS'rsan mn .toss T mi Mi of whtch the taMfnUni M be b • um.mj njt IteMliftilMmlfreUnrflto rMIMM n» «bjHt «r Mr (or- MS policy. he b «• —nil of k* rtfciHn eaty the >ti|i> Mm that Mla aad ifl; UaV IkskS! Iwnlil «a tk> aW«| lodeHry ia the wOltelnl 1 itaj. Indnxij. whaos (HJ MMHK* fcyridi npaa the sar n« af foieeuy; to tW railroads aad to of family to (Ma cnaatry ha sold, "I htßnt that tha tetotn af the l alte4 torn aC hualq thaa «• have yet Aissar ether President wit aald: "Asf aow. liat aad Caraueat, yen eaa aever aXaed to tnpt toe aaa ■IIII si what ts tha aWM af our far eat pane?. That abject Is aat to pea bee aural, thsaab that Is cmf to U aetf. aae huansi they are ufasea fee the wild ctauluns af the wtldeveeasi thaotcb that, tea, Is «aad la Haetf. hot the pstasery abject aC ear feeeat petti j. aa af the lend peßcy af the l aHad States. Is the ankiaz af portwaa haaKSk It la past af the traditional policy ef heme wilting af aae country. eersedsry. The whole etot af the feniasaiat to deeOu* with the farrsto ■mat be dbvesed to tbto eud. heeptof ta view the (act that It la aat aatr usees bat to heap the a aa. That Is wfey the fsnsto have pat to be kept. Tsa eaa start a prusp 1 teae haaae by Oeetrerlag the feteata. bat pea rseest keep It in > n ias that way. -And you are pahw to ha able to awke that paMcy pevmaaeutty the pdUcy af thaeaaatry aafr to aa Car aa yoa am a hie to smha tha pea*to at targ*> aad. share aO. the peapto eeauitsly luter eeted to tha rsaalta la the dllt wal to caßtire appsnlailie ef what U iaeaas. ttapreas span them the (OB rrrocaltloa ef tha valor af Ms paMcy and aiake them earnest aad am tops adherents of M. Keep to astod the fact that la a ■eTtvaanat such aa aura It la oat af the i| a at too to bpa a pobry this aeat paUcy can cease ooly tmm thrto teUipeat taaib tlaa af the people tbses setrra that It Is wtoe aad aeefal. aay. iadl^eamWe "TIIHHI It theptraerTStkm of tar- cat* Icr Vfet owe." to qnut* * pkrate I MMI la mj feat anwcr to caapm Ki«p before- j*or aM» thai drteitkML t'wwtry den not mm* abMwl«Hn| that mt; It MMM Bakitf the twill (Mfri not OOFJ lo the arttlrr. the ruck ft, tbr attorr. Ikr mm «rl» Brrt is Ibe netxbhurhoo.f M ladlrrrtly to the BUB who aaajr Bra taM at n>Uea oil town oC mm pwt river Whirb Imtod ltsita> mmoag UM tor> rat >t»tin ■aaaialßß * • ————— -#*! Comm blarb ilww that a year or twa «|» ruH Uidlj be aoid far any prir* la Mar In i aalt papator aa a atork rood, aud reMrqawetiyMa Til* la iarrraalac. TUa ■ alann ia the thick, dart Dfdd that dH)a froaa tbr room ton afta tHth aasir ar la thrown oat hj Ikr mtrifapl aeparatar. Thr aaal itrtyanlioa baa km njaal parti by wrlarbt. and la aar aotobto caaea two pnaadii of tbr ■ ■laawa to aat af chap*.—Fana and Kanch. ___________ vbrtbrr Jahaaaa giaaaara faraa mart- Wt to «ba aaara eaally imiMlid. naaika Kara aad ICaarb. ■a b arln ra—t—. I hara Mad alaaaat all fciafe of da rkra far hraihaa the torarr pad aad haft fa* ad an a faltorr to a certain rxpaaatoa «rh«. which tokaa all tha atraia fxaaa tha paat to aldii aad art the cararr paat (aad aad aaHdj an chor jrtth atoaa thraa ar tar feat » llHwal. whirb la tor batter thaa tha caaai ttlja with aacb aba atari twew tytHrardfei >t the aad af Iftj roda draw tba feat Iftj roda. mm that to aa ndk Moaha dm at aaa; mm tab* at a ttaaa. Wbra each artoa la drawa Ugbt caaagh to eaaaa tba aprtoga to t apa ad a half IMb Ottawa aacb eail. ft la tight raaagh Faatna tba wlw. wain tbr ntdMt, aad tba ■aa wttb aacb wtoe. Whaaraahaa* IMrtwl tba feat halt faaara tba artoea to Oka aalddlr paat aad a* ahead wttb tba laat tba wae mm tha feat, phi rlag tha aprian laaatj Iw rada apart, ■tag tba ratcbat Car tba wb«a; faaba fee arirea to poar pasta, thenatoer stays af aaaa ktod to keep tap froaa apreaditag theaa apart. Tbha la aar of the Jicat'mthoda far watog Rrtnmfni - iwtiMi ii 1 F B? IPPIIPPUT B . T 3| !L- L " •J* T n'r s*' 5 *' f - with as great pertinacity and araa resisted with eqaal determiaation as those preceding. Before dark it ended ia a complete repulse of the Federals along the whole of oar front. In these sericn of engage ments the regiment loot many of its ssost valued oflkera and brave men. Lieuienuots Perry. Hobbs. Pope and others were among the killed. The writer would desire to op pear not an grateful to his comrade and friend. Lieutenant W. J. Har diaou (now sheriff of Martin Coun ty) and at toe risk of being person al, withes to place on record the act of bin brave fritad, who, at the risk of Ma owa life; sprang over our breast woiksduriag the enemy's last assault aad bore his wouaded friend in his arssa to awßrty behiad them. 1 am indebted to General Ha good's recent addrem far much in formation as to data, etc* of these battles and note with pleasure his cloaiag words: 1 have told the story of Petersburg without comment. Ihe narrative itself is aa immortelle aad I rever ently lay it upon the tomhof Beau regard, tha soldier." Foiled in his attempt to carry Petersburg by General Grant now laid siege to tha city. I can not better describe the hardships endured by the thai to make extracts from the recent address of Captain Elliot "At the beginning of the siege. June aoth, the report of Martin> Brigade occupying C«b|uitt's snli ent showed s.soo men for duty. In Septemlter, when th-y were re lieved, the totnl force was 700 nothing but living skeletons. Oc copying the sharpsslient, the work was enfiladed on both flanks by dinct fire nnd the mo: tar shells cam! incessantly down irom above. Every man was detailed every night, either 00 guard duty or to labor wi.h pick and spa ic repairing works knocked down dating the day. There was ao shelter that summer from sun or ram. K loud could be cooked there but the scanty provisions were brought in Wags on the shoulders of men from the cook yard somemiies distant. The ration* consisted of one pound of pork and three pounds of meal meals lor three days—ao coffee, oc sugar, no ao grog, n» toltacep, nothing but the bread and meat. No wonder that the list ol officers was reduced to three Cap tains snd a few Lieutenants with but one staff officer, (spared through God's mercy) to this brigade of 70c skeletons. But every feeble body contained aa unbrokea spirit and sfter the Fall mouths came, those who had not fallen into their graves or been disabled, returned to tbeii colors snd saw them wave in vic tory ia their last fight at Beatoa ville." In July their beloved Brigade Commander. General Martin, war transferred to North Carolina and General Kirk land became hk •ac cessor. General Martin was great If beloved by bit soldiers. Tfcej had the most unbounded confi dence in his military skill and ad miration for bis personal bravery illustrated on every battlefield •beta they hnd followed htm. In October the brigade was sent to the Richmond front and parti upated in the minor engagements of Hen rico C H„ Charles City Road and others, maintaining its high reps la tion for bravery. Advices having readied General Lee of the preparation by the Fed erals of a land and naval expedition for the capture of Fort Fisher. Hoke's division was seat to its re lief. The Stv«mleeath mid parts of the Forty-second and £ixty-sutb division and reached WJaiogton at 1 a. m.. on December a«, and. aler being lunched at the depot by the patriotic ladies of that city, took np the Hnfc of toarck lor Fort Fisher, the Seventeenth bivoaackiag there On the night of the saiae day. The enemy baring effectel a landing at Port Catling on tSe ocean side the regiment was withdrawn front Fort Fisher on the morning of the ijfr. and moving down the m li 'ary road were ordered to attach BatlerV troops. Normals con pony in front, supported by the balance of the regiment, deployed as J kirmisbers assailed the enemy. General Kirklanl in his official re port said : *' Lieutenant-Colonel Sharp, Sev enteenth N. C.. presided clone upon and drove their skirmish liac back upon their main body, which was covered by the guns of at least thirty men of war l> ing broadside to the beach. Captain Norman. Company O, dserres special notice:" A Lieutenant and tea men were captured. The regimect lost three men killed and twenty wounded in this engagement. Before the arrival of the balance «of our division. Batter had re em barked bis troops and thus ended the powdership fiasco and the military career of this modern FaL ataff—be being reb«. vod by General Grant. The ease with which this land aad naval attack was repulsed, uu d-übtedly created in the mind oI General Bragg and undue feeiing of aeruritj. Not anticipating a re newal cf the attack on Fort Fisher, unfortunately the division was nltl drawn to Wilmington. On Ihe after noon of January 14 whilst the rrgimenls of the division were' on dress parade in Wilming ton. the enemy had re appcare. before Fort Fisher and were land tug their forces, and before the ■lit ision could be transported to Sugar Loaf, Ihe liu'k of thi K-ili:.«! forces had landed and. pnhib; thai night across the peninsula, con structed a line of field works frcm the ocean to the Cape Fear, !nu» cutting off all land communication l«etwcen Hoke's Division and Fo.t Fisher. This line of works was held by a r.cgro division, com manded by General Tame ami a white brigade under General Joseph C ALbott, who afterarards misiep rescnteJ Forth Carolina in the I'nit d States Senate. (Continued in Nest Issue.) On the first and third Tuesdays of April, May and June the Friscp System (Saint Louis & Fran cisco Railroad ) will hive ou sale re duced one way and round trip tick ets from Birmingham. Memphis and Saint Louis to points in Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma. Indian Terri tory; and Texas. Write W. T. Saunders, G. A. P. D., Frisco Sys tem, Atlanta, Ga., for information. TOo Pels* a* causa. The fetch prlco af cotton la stocSHtac many a bra lay man. much km the av eraor cotton grower who piaata It tar all be is worth, whether It he felab er lew. failure er socceaa. aeya n Heme and tan writer. Per throe nmsdw years there has been aseaey to eottsa. However, take meat. The average price (whsltealr) hem has linMwnh per pound. Cora baa beeo aa aa sIU ace of TS cento per I ash si tor the pa rted apetlSed. Corn and ant are ae ceoslttos la the aoutb. While preapeeto May be hrtcbt tor the cotton farms; bow amet brighter are they tor tbs atocfc aad grata farmer? And them Is and ttussia are easbarfcing to theeefMu bailsrn Already "advlcea from todia aad EgypT Sgare eowmtcaoasty to the moke op ef the warhst touan of nor • the psagitoi ef fanatoc a few crops coca, castor'beans snd tobacco am aanm the leaders, sad they arohrusd aulas their territory, aa well aa araa. rapidly. Hay. grata aad stock farms ww ruustllals the asutb's greatest used in sa agrieultaral way. aad here ta where the rub corneal It taken cap ital ead experience to make a IUCLISS to this breach of farming, aad wo am tacking both. However, here and than ml farms ef this chanwtrr am fringing up. and they win prove ob ject imsuns to mm who will taha m tbs wort aa a feugm grata, liana aad A Blue X Mark in the Square Below □ fucjins tHjt yotir ScAsQHptioß Eodbt tsiis lime * J State and General News A CONDENSED REPORT OF THE IM PORTANT EVENTS* THATI HAVE HAP PENED IN OUR STATE AND ELSE-* WHERE. STATE HEWS. The public school in Raleigh closed to-day until Fall. The post-office at Jamestown was robbed last Sunday night. Trinity College, at Durham,held its commencement exercises this week. The meeting of the teachers of the Stateis in session at Wrights rill Beach. The Retail Grocers Association, of the State, met in convention at Raleigh this week. * The Amtku Society of Civil Engineers assembled in Asheville this week in convention. - The Atlantic Coast Line is ship ping large quantities of lumber from New Bern by water. W. H. Bobbin, of Marion, com mitted suicide at the Orton Hotel, ia Wilmington Tuesday morning. Robert T. Call, of Salisbury, has been elected State Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Associa tioa. The Soutberu Railway announces that they will handle free food or clothing for the flood sufferers in Sooth Carolina. The Methodist Church at Hen derson, was dedicated last Sunday in the presence of a large crowd. By a vote of 90 to 28 out of a registration of 142 South port de cided to do without saloons in the future. The farmers of Cleveland Coun ty report that croja were damaged early this week by the heaviest rain that ever fell there. The Surfmen's Mutual Associa tion met in Ocean City, Maryland, this week, and the meeting was at tend by seven of North Carolina's life-savers. The Town Board, of I.a C.range, |is*d an ordinance, taking effect January Ist. com|>elling the saloons to dese at 9 p. 111. aud not open before 6 a. 111. The bank of B. Wanton & Co.. at Shelby, has been increased from $50,000 to $■ 50,000, and it is now a national hank—The First Nati onal Bank of Shelby. V, The engineers' strike on the Nor folk & Southern Railroad Company is assuming set ious projections and mar cause the shutting down of many mills in the Eastefn' part of the State. Governor Aycock asks that as many as can give what they can to the flood sufferers in Sonth Caro lina, and suggests that ooutribu lions be sent to Governor Hayward f that State. Governor Aycock has been noti fied by the United States War De partment that by the allotment of the military funds for the fiscal year ending July Ist the State will ftctire $24,000. The work of enlarging the Plant er's Warehouse, at Greenuille, is now going on. It is said Ihit tht warehouse is to be 260 x 120 ft. and will be the largest in the Eastern part of the State. The result of the compulsory edu cation law, of Macon county, will be watched very closely by all who are interested in educational affairs as it is the first compulsory law put in force in this State. A quantity of liquor was seized by govenunent officers between LaG range and Snow Hill Saturday night. The liquor was seized while on a wagon on a public road and was in the charge of a negro. For cats, bum, open sores, son fat». daadm*. falling off oi the hair, or any skia disease, use Hancock's Li qssd Sulphur. Sold bjC D. Cantar |ihi ■ Axloaoa Hassell a Co.. Keith ft Godwin. _ " WHOLE NO. 193 | Governor Willis J. Bailey. of Missouri, was wnml Tuesday* cvcmiig. & N. D. North. the new Direc tor of the Census, took the oath of office Tuesday. The Americaa'aad Mexican Min ing Company was incorporated on Tuesday. Capital 0.000 l General Leonard Wood is ex pected to be the first governor of Moro province. Philippine Idaads. Two of Baltimore's leading busi ness men have ben accused of de franding the I'aited States throagh the ewtom's ofiee. -• It is said that the Rockießer- Gould Interests are trying to se cure controlling Intel est of the Pennsylvania Railroad. A train on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad was wrecked about thirty-miles from Louisville, Ky. One person was killed and many hurt. Hon. W. R. Merriman who re tires from the position of Director of the Census, was banqnetted by many friends at Hotel Willard, Washington. D. C-. Monday even ing. Hast St. Louis, Venice. Madison, Brooklyn. Newport and Granite, all of Illinois, and containing a population oi about 'O,OOO. are all wholly or partially covered by watir. On June 41b Judge Henry C. Caldwell,of the Eight Circuit Court of Appeal*, wignnl his |MMtwu as judge. Judge Caldwell was ap pointed by President Abraham Lincoln. It is said that it was thought best to have President Roosevelt closely guarded at Cleveland Thursday. Cleveland is the home or Cwlgocz, the assassin of the late President McKinley. Two French vessels.the Insulaire and the Lefcui. collided near Mar seilles, France, last Sunday, and as a result over 00c hundred passen gers of the Leban. which sank, were drowned. . The reports from St. Louis. in I regard to the flood are becoming more serious each hour. The loss of life and projierty is at present uncertain, bnt, when it is known will be appalling. ~ A pile driver sent to repair Z bridge near Carlisle, S. C-. which had been washed away by the re cent flood, broke through a portion of the bridge which was standing and the crew, consisting of three men, were drowned. .. „ , Pennsylvania, *New Yotk and. New Jersey are suffering from forest fires which are destroying millions of dollars' worth of timber _ and, in some cases, horning nj*' 1 1 small villages situated in timbered r%». *4 sections. * The list of dead reported *lr > - Spartenburg. S- C , from the tion visited by the flood ■« fifty-eight. The low of is variously repotted between 500,000 and $4,000,000. while it in said that about 10,000 people hare been thrown oat of work. LiflM mi HMm HM All hdirm aad children who L llUlll. the ihorkiag itnia of bxatire ryrwpa. cathartics, etc.. are melted to try Ik* faaioas Ulk Bmtj Mima*. They «• diflereat frma all alktr fHc They da aot the system. Em a ikakh dose win aot (rift, aeakea or aria ; many people call them thratfceEa«y - Pill. W. H. Howell, Mrnatoa. Tea-, ■ays BoUußg tetter caa be a«ed far am stipatioa, arfc headache, etc. BcfeMaaac, Lafayette. lad., aaya aO «*hcn pipe and riekea. ahOe OeWitta little Early Rucr* do tbetr «ak *eO a«d caay. Sold by S. K. Bigg*. Subscribe to your Connty papet

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