- , -7- ;• - /- - , 'THE ENTERPRISE ALFRED E. WHITMORC, EOTTOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, SI.OO Six Months, 50 cent Payable iu Advance VOL. IV. - NO. 45 £ Ail Ground Our Gounty ITEMS OF INTEREST GATHERED EACH WEEK BY OUR REGULAR AND SPE CIAL CORRESPONDENTS IN AND AROUND MARTIN COUNTY. K.DHUUniiUC. J. L. Keel is quite ill. Mr. J. Gentry is here for the tc 1 bacco season. H. 11. Pope spent Sunday in Williamston. Mr. Gray Little of Pitt connty was here Saturday. Geo. Rotter.son and Bob Grimes spent Sunday in Bethel. Mr. Samuel Gainor, of Bethel, is here working life insurance. Miss Fannie kollins is visiting at the Ross House this week. The Misses Wynn and Rosa • White are here for a few day*». Geo. S. Kdur.rds, of Norfolk, was here a short time Tuesday. Mr. Will Brown, of Tarhoro, spent several days in towa this j week. The Misses Taylor.of Gold Point, are visiting friends in town this " week. Tom T1 ipp, of Wilmington, spent a few days in town this week v.ith friends. Miss A!!ieJl Little is visitingj her sifter, Mrs. J. H. Robecson, Jr.' this week. Miss Isabel Morton is visiting j her |ister, Mrs. J. W. Andrews in" Greenville- Miss Hattie James, of Ivveretts. j is spending a few days with reia- 1 tives in town. Messrs. R. L. Smith and A. K. Dunning went to Greenville Mac- ! day 011 business. Mrs. John Walters arrived Mon- day "and will Ix with Mr.' Walter* j during the reaaou. I Dr. and Mm. Hargrove have rc-j turned from a visit to relatives in] Edgecombe County. Mr. Leon Wliichard is spending! sometime with friends in town. He is always a welcome visitor. Messrs. Fleming and Turner ar rived Saturday. They have jksss tions with the wart housen:en here. Elder G. D. Roberson went to Ham ilton Sunday where he preached j the sermon at the Yearly Meeting, j Mr. Adkins, of the firm of Ad kins, Taylor & Bailev, attended the opening sale at Wilson Mon day. Miss Leona Roberson lias re- t jrned from an extended trip to friffids and relatives in Edgecombe County. Messrs. J. F. Brinkley, Tom Bur ton and F. D. Foxall, of Green ville, were here at the o j«n;rgsale Tuesaay. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bugg arrived Sunday night. Mr. Bugg is auc tioneer for the Carolina Warehouse , this season. Mr. W. L- Ferrell spent Morulav | in Wilson where he attended the opening rales of that market. He rej orts prices low. Mbs Lidie Row. of Tarboro, i.-!] visiting friends in town this week. I Miss Frances Hoard is here with! relative- this week. 1 . Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Nelson are! here this week. Dr. Nelson' has!, been looking after the practice of j Dr. Hargrove in his absence. Mr. and Mr.i Jackson will bs here during the tobacco season.} Mr. Jackson holds forth lis auc-i tionccr at theTayior War house and is a good one. * Messrs. W. A. James, P. E. Grimes, J. H. Trylor, J. C. An- j drews. Ruins Boweupnd Mr. Jack son attended the opening sale at Creecville Monday. OPENING OK TOBACCO MAKZET. Tuesday was. a big day in Rob- J' ersonviile. The occasion was the opening of the tobacco market for the season of 1903 and 1904, and it the market. Fuiiy 2000 people witnessed the owning sale, which was lively and ! enthusiastic despite the low prices that prevailed. The interest in the market is greater than ever before and there is no doubt hut that this is going to be the leading market in Martin county. There was abund ant evidence of that fact manifested here Tuesday. The market is in better condition than ever before, a:id the werehousemen, buyers and citizens arc nnited in their efTorts, which fact makes success a known quantity. The prices Tuesday were low compared with last season, but as high here as they were at Green ville, Wil-011 or Wocky Mount. 46,- 000 pounds were sold on the three floors i»ere Tuesday with an aver age of about 6 cents per ponnd,anci ! this was as good as Wilson and j Greenville according to the testi mony of disinterested persons, who were present r.t the opening sales of those places. Because of the low prices, it was feared that the sale would bs dull and uninteresting .uk! that the farmers would )>e dis pleased and kick to unknown limits hut, this was not the case. Of course they were not satisfied, but | they submitted with a good grace, ;»nd took what they knew to be the behest market price without thanks. Robersonville is iu a po j sition and is going to handle the iiioiw share of the Martin cron as it jhas always done. The farmer; j have Jong since found _pnt that it does not pay to haul the staff a long distance when they know that they can get just as much nearer. No one knows how the prices are go to ht; bat cue-thiwy- is wwi >lwy will not go much lower, and it is the opinion of most tobacco* people t iiSt the farmers are going to hold their stuff until later in the season, for if they have got to give it away, liicy realize that they can do that most anytime, and there is no reas on why they slionld be in a hurry about it. Cb&ltra intuitu* This disease has lost its terror since Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy came into general use. This unitonn success which attends the use of this rem edy in all cases of bowel complaints in children has made it a favorite, whenever its value has become known. For sale byS. R. lijgs. EVERETTS Mr. D J. Cherry is still improv ing. Mr. C. James spent Monday in Williamston. Miss Lillie Wynn spent Monday in Robersonville. Hear fanners market your tobac co carefuily and slowly. Mr. J. A. Whitley, of Williams ton, spent Sunday in town- Mr. L. B. Wynn went to Rocky Mount Monday on business. Mr. N. T. Riddick, of near Wil liamston in town Tuesday. Mrs. Gay nor and children, of Washington, are visiting Mrs. E. O. Burroughs Mr. D. I) Clark attended the opening .sales of tobacco at Rocky Mount Monday. M:-s Annalelle Rverette left Wednesday for Palmyra where she wiil visit relatives. Mc-scrs. Oscar Daniel, Carl Lane and Clayton Keel, of Rcbersor.vilic, were 41 town Sunday. Qmfe a number of our town peo ple at:ended the opening sales of tobacco at Robersonville Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Hocutt, of Bethel, fill ed his regular appointment at the Baptist church Sunday morning and night. Mrs. Eli H. Wynn returned home Monday night from Richmond, Va. Her many friends wdl be glad to lean of her tpeedy cure. ' WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1903. JAMLSVILLE. S. 1,. Wallace returned from Bath Sunday. J. C. Smith, of Hardens, was in town Saturday. Mrs. E. B. Mizell returned from Washington Friday. Miss Lizzie Woodhousc, of Wil liamston, was in town Saturday. , Mr. Wheeler Martin, of Williatn stoii, was here on business Monday. / Hon. H. W. Stubbs, of Wil liamston, was in town Monday on professional business. Quite a number of our farmers went to the Tobacco Warehouse opening August 4th. C. I). Cherry, the clever man of Kinghan & Co., of Rich mond, Va., was in town Friday. There was preaching Sunday at the Baptist Church and the house was filled to overflowing to hear the able speakers Messrs. Moore and Hassell. Last Friday night there was an iec cream supper given at public school building by I'. L. Mobley and A. D. Stailings. Owing to the bad weather that night there was not so many out, but all who went had a delightful time. Puis 28 Erd to it All A grevious wail uftimes comes as a result of unbearable pain from overtaxed organs. Dizziness, Backache, Liver complaint and Constipation. But thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put an end to it a!J. They are gentle hut thorough. Try'them. Only 15c. Guaranteed by a'.l druggists. KOBGOGD. Services at the M. E. Church Sunday night. Rev. G. L, Merrell preached at Conoho Sun-lay. W. lfc Parker is relieving W. 11. Gatling at Ncale's. W. H. Harrell returned from Wilmington Tuesday. TOTis"Tjffy" Ifoitse," of ■ Scotland Neck, came over Tuesday. Rev. P. B. Parker preached at Palmyra Sunddy morning. If. 11. Jones and W. 11. Harrell went to Scotland Neck Tuesday. Miss Bessie Cherry has returned from llassell where she has been visiting. Horace Davenport, of Speed, came over and sj>eut awhile with us Tuesday. W. T. Rufiin lest a barn of tc bacco by fire last Friday night. It was one of his best cures. N. R. Roberson, representing K R. Mixon & Co., of Washington, spent Tuesday night here. Our farmers as a general thing are through with their crops and will have a few days off duty. The drought has been broken with us, we had a nice rain Tues day evening which was very much needed. H. G. Hall is off on a ten day's cacatiou which he will spend visit ing relatives in South Carolina and Georgia. Hyman and I.atta think of finish ing up their season's cures next week. Their crop is very little over half as good as last year. W. 11. Gatling has returned from Ti lie ry where has been re lieving the ngent at that place who has been off on the sick list. Plenty of melons iu town and the average negro is hnppy with a nickel in his pocket to buy him an "August ham," as they call them. W. K. Hurst, of Conoho, has just commenced a nice house 0:1 Poplar street for Frank Armstrong, which will be speedily pushed to completion. John House, of Scotland Neck, 'passed here Tuesday, he was on his way to Raleigh to visit his pa rents. He will talce a summer course in school while there The revival Services at the Bap tist chinch commenced Monday night They are being conducted by Rev. M. L- Keslcr, of Scotland Neck. Services every night at 8:15 o'clock. Continued on Second Page. 1 —lj - The Home Where Mother Dwells. If there"# a piic* on 1 lev*. More than tonjfn* can tell — 'Tis the home of my childhood days. When; now iny mother dwells. 'Twas there niv eywArtt saw the light. In home-life «itt sod fair, 'Twas there I learned of a mother's lore And • father'* tender care. 'Twas there my hands first learned to play. My t'Migue first learned to talk, And sinj! in broken cfilklhood Ursins, When trace mv feet eonld 'Twas there I learned to love the trnth, To speak and act the umr, And when I did an ugly thing To hide my fae'e in shame. And there I learned to reverence God, To sjieak His name nith fear, tliat I mi;;ht live a peaceful life. With conscience pure and clear. A mothers' and a fathers* love Are to me the brightest gems, for what I am in life to-day. I owe it all to them. The greatest lesson I ever learned, llow lasting nine can tell Were taught around the old fire place. When- now my mother dwells. And how my heait delights to I* Around tlie hallowed spot, Though things msy change from whi.t; they were. I Their sweetness hauler. n»t The fish pond is like it use t > lie, • Itxeept tl.e tietf na«- died, Now flags and li:l;ct;>re- blooming there.' | TJe vacant spolt to tide. I The dam that once was nice, and clean I Is covered now «itk «etd>, ] Ami the alder holds its powdery curls O'er wfcere the fi -lift feed [The 1 planted '.here Will soon lie jpown t.> I rt >. Where birds can Intfit! their nests I And Ik sli \if tin- 1 -co. I The swamp that ouee produced the ;;ram From «thich our bread » 1. made, 1 -fa-only mow a )4«-e-- , j For jt'.ch as love the »! •: ' I The reed* .in«l t»r -.js c ttnv. • 't t!i- fhtt Wheieonce w« ha 1 ti «• . - u - With |*fltH-rt ?- 'v '- \ r t tlie - -\nii liiUr.ctl iji iul Arid w(. bcAtd the v. 1 koine Idast, ■ With joy. 110 one can tell. We nittlc our way ac:' the held To the place where in -llier dwells. And vhen wereache*l tl.« j'leafaht shade J Made by the aiduut trie. "*W*B tm.ti i'iur wtli-ijini' l-lwiii's rati,. ... » • Or H>atinti in j.lee. The pear tiers stc.mlv. ueaV the fence, I Some fruit fell in the road ; Between them vtocl tin l.lack grape viae,! Which graoned beneath it's load. Rut two of them have long since died, . Tht ir hraiu hcs now are gone, 'Twas there we ate ilie luscious fruit When our evening's work was done. Hut one of them is standing yet, And waves it brandies free. In memory of the nuMt -.ire. Who j laiitcd tlie faithful tree. The cider beam c.nct .1 red it's side. And a grape vine elimlied tlie tree. But a neb'.e hand has cut the root And ret it's branches free. I remember well each cozy spot, Where- then we roamed at will. The branch, w here then we met to wade And made our tiny mills. I remember 100 the faithful hands That helped us in our idays And taught us lessons in our youth To bless our present Jaj Those faithful hands have gone to dust. No more they'll sha|>e our toys. But we trust bis soul is with the God, Of Whom he sp«ke with joy. And a sister dear has passed away. From a koine of earthly cares, And now there's (even boys and girls. And a mother sweet and dear. And how jdeasant 'tis to meet them all. There is no tongre can teil. Around the ] les'ant happy home. Where now my mother dwells. And when mv life is ended here, When Iby defclh held, I desire to sleep in ftv sailed *nd VjKtt which my mother dwells. v ■ Your brother, July 75, 19c 3- BEN CowtJfG. j wriltrn for O. K Cowir*. anil ' drdirsUd lotla Btßuyof tteOU lloror. Ist her, MoU.er, aial 1 Sskiie PrstszJei I The startling announcement that a preventive of suicide had been, discovered will interest A; run down systtm, or despondency, invariably precedes suicide, and something has been found that will prevent that condition which make suicide likely. At the first thought of self destruction talje Electric Bitters. It being a great tonic and nervine will strengthe the nerves' and build up the system. It's also' a great Stomach, Liver and Kidney . regulatoi. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by all druggists. \ 1 j! I :: A COrfEE { POT ByM. D. I ' rU 1 MTXM t c. I ♦ ' > CopjrrUkt. IW-*. '•J McC - ♦ ' j|| l || ! Mr. Baxter was Ui a psrtlfultriy bail. teiuixi ; not tlwt he r.-as ordiiutftly in this condition. In fnet. Us «>« in Uk main as mild mannered a irma sa could be found In a sumawi's itay. Wht n • iiuiu's borne pws lame aed Ms best rw dies and his liay la nilitn! '.n. be Ulay Well lx> fCt UiKd a ellchi rrUI bltinn of Irritation. Sllns Allen, diivlns t>y the llaxter place, was not awar; of the*» bappen- Itifa ami stopix-d hts \>iiir>n to ex citative ehe'orful wilutatlons with I tie owner of the farui. lie was >h»-red with such gruff 11 ess that his eyes twin- j kled. "What alia you. l.ytDanJ" h.> QU» tied, unda anted. "Muni solo's aa la the Woman's elubr* "Don't gu tnlkln' of woman's etnbs to me, not this montln', Ht," growled Baxter. "I've had troubks ei>-uicb with the live stock and the weather 'lthont beln' reminded that my it ife's set her mlud on mtibnr a fool of brr- Bolf with a lot of oilier suuien." "What's Mia' Itnxter Ih-vii tk-ln' late ly anyhow?" ehuefclM Wlna, inx?»H!it | od. He knew that Ills old friend w. itltl I t.ik on the sulijeet, whatever i-tbtt j j troubles la-set Mm It aiki!«ei!»All. o t-» i hciir of the exceeding fully of t% ,>r.r* ' j eoiirtsrvntlve and well balanced w»m- I i an. It was town talk nhat the Wma- | I nn'a dob had be. i*i dfiins. ai«t Mr*, f 1 I'mxtvr v»* aa a bright auti shluiag tkeri Hi. tiustcr eaogbt -it th- teilt with rea-1 In HH# It. t far fl. I. U :.ur L-.it..t»" T l 111 1 f.-ov I n»ki> lt-f•• ; He pat !».« J foot oil tho (! Of ll V.s:«:i a'd te.. ; k ] j " lf y ''vnve.-sall.- ..1 Nit:;..', m » I "No. sir. we ~ln't n• J j t*'*> ve it I lil (. 1 Iv- irt the j ffeit.n' rot ai after »i\l !:-ol a •.«»! j Uiauy woitls, but I i- « n«y. foot down 'lhits* alf m-.n- s.eli f.i>ltsb:. -ak V-s. ? sir, Kiie- iaruud that i Ulii : " it *: ; (lrrrr-i. fooir ri;t fttw «• i rt*| j lUl>li '. *t: ,1 thl !-b- o tSHMW ' my c: .ir'itn. tli'.TS'iir"-. ) I sujs'. '.Vlarll.y, *. n. y t , a s«, fi.e, if yir.i Irv r-i, .• uf tl .• ' I Irt k.i s- .• ' ul' "!, . !).; -m V I tlie. C.IO'I I:,' r r*- t. ■ 1 .1- ' 1 - —« I art I'a! s if*. .'■«!: f' ;> j for:liei, Mtirtby? «• iSTar't 1 vr done pre-1 7 , I lie iri.-.j ,i i. (tilt, .* .u:it • ! i p: on- tit •• V. 1. 'i w'Ute-l into t!.» \ .?/, ■' M . lUJ rfc > ■ ~ j tttj 7- ir tih I It b■■ I j fe' ;' • ■/ '• trWM k i-V' . ' , ■, 4- ' i 1. '\ ' ■ / .... JV\ "TUAT'a A NEW foFKHKI-OT." TOICBUm uia wire CALMLY. house with an amount of self satisfar j tlon rather remarkable, considering th« troubles thai had brought lire.-ir.fast time was pasaoL Ills wife bustled about to set warm food on tha table while he washed his ham's. Her ( merry eyes and flria mouth indicated j sweetness tempered with an appreeia- : tion of ifuthorlty. She and ln-r I.us- ; band, n childless eot'ple, had lived to- 1 getlier Qftcca years. "All rlsht, o!tl lady." announced llax- ( t«T. "lirtnj; on the coffee." lie »tc I.is , c'jrtal and the other vit-' ties" which had followed the adveat oTTffif W6ri"i,iii*s ctn?>; and. rr-pn ~w«t by th'w/ Ihj nicditated on the Uue borae, the dead cow and the tire:.. !• -ti j. hay. "M.-irthy," hetiepsn, and k.;* op r.ry I llrilylit, "what's thati'' he ileiuai.i'dl I "That's a' new coffeepot." voucb | lafed his wife ca'miy. "It's enlkd a | iiip coffee t>ot. 'i!»ei e was a rat j tl.e Hob told all "bout Ihetr.." [ The word which Bllppeel fsont t!:e, iir.s of J.ymaa Baxter, church member..! ' SKtonlMied his wife into I- twnic l» r • epcUt les fail. "I.ymin *lie ' gasped. • " j y. • it! re'• r ' >-~ t I leaves tlils liou*••. I'liflt. r : My Ci' :?!' ''.Mrs !'r wreath I for iruv yf. . My 1 forsaken I f«,.;!. 'liy»i'.T.F,t ro.J,'-' he .-iioeri -t. "I I fo. u v you. Bet « innji .; {"'t a r:s*-t to ! deceit coJTre In hls O" .1 toMfc lx»n't [ tell m tkat coffeepot's any g- *1 I kIMJW. it ahvt Marti.y. you pet to stop, rlyl.t there," ■"hfmanT^er!cd his wife. "I mrau it, Maithy," he dwetrd. "if y6u twat iai this I'm "oing for good and all, Lyi.ian naxter." Sae was iu tcer3 now, bnt they bad no ei-: feet on her LasbactL. "Go and be welcomer he sbocted. A Blue X Mark In the Square Below i i Lj ■ mtzr-s that your Sucscrrp'.jcn Ends with iti« Live ! State and General News j 1 ■ fc A CONDENSED WEEKLY REPORT OF THE IM PORTANT EVETS THAT HAVE HAP- I PENED IN OUR STATE AND ELSE ■j WHERE. GENERAL NEWS. | A tcrriffic .storm broke over St. Ijc tiis Tuesday ami several persons mere killgd at the Worlds Fair building. Seven hundred persons were drowned in tlie disastrous floods which occurred at Che Foo, China, July 27th. President Chas. M. Schawl) of the I". S. Steel Coqwration has re signed and William E. Corcv has succeeded him. Cardinal Guise ppe Sarto, pat riarch of Venice, has been electee! Pope to succeed Leo XIII. He {has assumed the tittle of Pius X. A Mob of more than 1000 persons J as*cm!'led a: the jail nt Asotin, | Wish . ii-rt Tuesday night when j William Hamilton, a well-to-do far |nu-r, wis taken from jail by mem r-itf the'iiiob aitd lyncheel. He icaaftud tothe killing of Sherill j Ri-.-bards' little daughter. Chc.-se Walker, twenty-two years jVi'.d. Ws-ltH-day ui -rni-.r* h.ul his h a! groasi"! to pieces on the Nor >f»;!k .v Western tracks at I> % >. ij-lit. :Yj Walker was a f. reman. He - 'ay c''»iv:i on the tr.tcks to sleep.' [and hi*=l««»d frto resting oa a rail «hea a t;. Til c-i'.Je along. A (bttk lor ?.yj© has been re ;u!Vo! f oota I'ri>;dc:il R'uveveh for T.. M A Siglil'l. t'r-C ~t~ —. {.mi. In Mi 1 , ami Mh. \\ illimr. • M. iwxKci. of Irtish urg taju, ami v. hick is t'-.eir twentieth "child. Th*.-'toMity has been placed si the Uink to the credit of "the l a _ - - !«-, the .isterest 1 > aecmnul tte until life; twenty, one yeaisold; | —AifTy C:*r.i'-«;!C h.ts ma-lc fctrn-t? h"s intention So donate S-i.S'*'>,x> |Ui luitcd States Steel Cof[>oratioit I> >uds to I'unf.i inline, &ct!aiul,Sik biitopiace. He stipulates that the I gift shall l«e employed in keeping iup the estate of Pitteuerief, which (contains the tower in which Mal | comCanmor*- married Princess Mar •aret. and which he lecently pur chased as a pleasure grounds. ; "1 r~ a h!r~ on o to wait on m' thSi ll (Tire C! a p*-K-"ful lift-!'" I ill' Haitir ari,l. Mir v, n» .-lytoond > •1! I*-? -f.il i..r-asur-- i~jn ti iiii t J le-r- It In lii-r i-iter's lircKjinftshc tr . nt. ai.ii one- j, *ui» i-hc wVuSuvsomw r >, >!» dtdnnjd, llian r ttmhtonj ty uat | Itut a In* life pfilN on hr after the . first day. l-ynia:i's fiulln Wire care fully iuacrilti'-il. but tlx- effect was , trtif KMwfactory. KunjeHmcfl In her •iWn mum die cried and called kt-rat-lf j naiu-*. In thla way throe month* |w»tL lira. Baxter's anxiety to know wheth er or loit the hired girl looked after Mr. Ilaitrr'a Mum grew dally mure i unbearable I It via a chilly ulght of late Septem ■ brr. The Ila iter place, quite outside 1 the town limit*. looked desolate. It : * ••ami isfnilally so to one woman j who e-Umlad the hIU with rhort pasjwi 1 and «ti|ij«l frequently to look almut ; h«r. "I ain't coin* hack." she mcr | r»:nd. h * oir fill n«i~h diwrtln? • bf. -ITI jttxt t; jw b*-'*c»>; .fjr" tble." { V.'Miln. Mr. liutrr *at »*-fore tho . k:t'-Vfi ds»e ami smoked a p![n? In a uIEj- t- ' •j? war ai 'lMii j!:.'! eti rJ' ert-n --| . fa _, "I r*«» 'V'lt he ninr trjrr'l. " I ara *n *ld fie'}"- Oil. ye«: 1 p.-;--t •!«' Whu's tln-r ? liar ihyT H (iiub il back Lis chair uud Z'-Z'-l a -t --'Lj'ti.:!:!' Marttiy. "I.ytnar. I &lß't E«i-aa to cotui? la. hut you J Ioo*;c«l r > tomme and I'm so loce k .i». t'/i, I.yu.aii. and if yoo'lt forgive ray— -1 rat 'a y'ia!.!ng arnt ar-m-jt ti r. avl h y tti pt together In rp. n cr*r»-CTr-! Of the c;i u I crc-ed of tlji-'r kind. "Ljnaii. iJo yyj fortlve nie? fit Icare the I r-:1I never do any thii>s :n-w*>Caio." H'? turiml her round pently and p>!rt«l t*> the store. Tli'ro ftood. Lri.ht and the drip coffee pA. "I't" been twin' It every day. Msrttjr. since you wei.L I did it to try, not to he an iMf• w for your sake. Too can do what you like, old woman. And. lay. it mabea coffee." _ j.t j Subscribe for THE ENTERPRISE per year. WHOLE XO. 201 | STATE HEWS. The Greensboro Female Collcjje * will tic opened the coraioe season as r usual. The Alumnae Association has made arrangements to purchase : the stock. T. H. Dewey, cashierot the Far ' mers and Merchants Bank, of New Bern, is missing and bis accounts f show a shortage of about $75,000 . The bank has been forced into liq s nidation l'rncst and Raymond Conner, . aged eleven ami thirteen \e3rs re | speetively.only sons of Samuel Con . > tier a farmer at Hariow. 13 nulea | from Ik-anfort. mere found dead in I the creek near tbeir kouie Tuesday. , Three of six prircners who broke t ;ai! MmuLir tsijrht rt Tarhoro were' - [capture I'i d.»y at .Nashville and carried k to Tarbcro. Sheriff TTarr: liasoSTritl a reward cT S-'J I each for t!:eir arrest, also rs large f sum-for tfcv and cou- I • ■ vie*;.'tt .•£ ts:e:r cooicde:atcs. sj Miss Is.-:. Jpfico. a 12 ycar-c'.d -! gir! cropicyed in tke- (lull __ ,; at V.uas accidently -• -killed li*t f I'nrday ;:i rn:ng. She , was -t work ctvecet the opcarting i t..1»1--s »!:«. hsr drcas #js caught in the mi--rf>tcctrd shast ttttdcf the Jtit !e lief !dv Was nptdly whirled r | art it; mi the --ii,.ft r.nd licr ; k'ill c ' ■ ru'v T ' »:>' the floor, killing ['iu r _>l: . ■ . 'I lu .11 the stj.tv institti -5: tol imWa'.ts'liw hrs 1 ten it | . .. ." l j Icred :•! ii.mn :« a vtc»attoaof tn.it „.t. ' hvc A !.. Shera.ll. lias liccn ■ s oj-et a -1 ts".]•/:\ in Harnett jf-nnt*v fltsi of July. He 1 „l-i. ' ii«|t»ors . War- 1 lat.ts were • ' tamed, his arrest 1 j cured, together with the arie-st 'if other 1 who were htlj.-i;;g him ai d . t* \ they were I* «:ul over m a tccogni j zatice for omit which cotivenes oa 1 j the 31 st.of August. Mr W. M. Hinton hastietn elcc ! ted state orciiii/er of the anti-sa loon league. He is from tank county a:>! was a member of ' i the last General A•-M-m1.1v.. He ■ took a ; rt,r; "::e::t part iti debates oa temperance !>;i-»Iat!on and was a | strong stij iwier of the bill ! on the il'jor of the horn*. He is a teacher liv profe* -ion and during 1 liis stay in Kaleigh last winter made 1 several j t.hlic nddrc-ses against li ' J ee:is«d saloons. He is an active . member of the Methodist lipiscopal r|church. EN if Bitter Fieht 1 "Two j liysicians had a long and stub?:orn fight with an abeess on >| the right lui:g."writes J.F Hughes : of DnPcnt. Ca.. "and gave me up. , Everybedy thought my time had i' come. As a last resort I tried I)r. it King's New I) ; -covery forConump* 1 tion. The Vent fit I received was j sitikir;g :rd I r.ait on n.y iect in a few daw Kc.w I've entirely re* ♦ i; * 0 , g:«md n-y health." i: cotiijutri r C I ;• t -. Ccld> rrd Thrcat-aud 1 Ittnsr "tP'ul-les. Citri rniiU* d 4»y-aU——H «-r!iggi.-ts. Piice' joc. acd ft.oa, Trisi Lotties tree. '| " if TOO i>re tiem Kezema, IVlUfrj'-t*. lirr; r*. .lani'ruu, el .-,3%- bl'JO"! 0t dixttc, liaatcck'i i.srjut i s * cure, fold by 1 • C. I>. Or IMJBTN & (.'J, A i:.- *\ Co., Ki :Ui tOodt • i wia. j . . V-jf . r . T. rr'?; op?n ?ores. sor* S . 1! the !.:iir, 1 tit ?.r* skia fit. tie Hancock"? Li* '■ *1 i, iit St-ij bur. ~OHI by C. I). Can-taiw n. Jt Godwia. Hancock's Lsqiu! Soif-h'-r cures sViS trouhits "•■( every r-clare. No botce be vithcKJt it. Atk yocr merchants ior a bxA on Lijuiil Seljiur. Sold by C. P. Ctrdtij tea Co. Anikiua UaacQ * Co., Keith A God wis.

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