TH E'ENTERPRISE ALFMO L WMTMONK. COTTON. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION f One Tear, SI.OO Six Months, 50 crab Payable in Advance • • VOL. V. - NO. 8. THE MYSTERY OF GRASLOV '■ = By A/hley Towao >IS Ml. —. to Chert* B. MhcrU+Am TK&S friwt Nulr WIT waits to mrry Pmcw Cato. Ik* ikwii daughter of aa Atrlh, who u building the Trans la the htuu of V-adimir Paalpoff. a stalwart haaaiaa MalwUK. She aaks to aae his Influence far Vladi arir. WMIIIOT goaa to Vladiaiir'a hat. The blacksmith baa talent and show* Hislsioi a picture he baa painted It i* the portrait «f • ■»■■■ of rank copied trmm~ a'aiiaatare. The Prince U excited awf aaka~for the o»igiaal. Vladimir's hthir wya it has beca loaL To Vladi mir'old Paalpoff eaateaoaa that he lied to Merierov and atffl has tha miaature. Vr *Mm r aKM heroes, H la a possibility," aaM Wwlan ui whipaiH Into silenea. -I —ppnat It is always a possibility to mm ee powerful as your excellency," aaW Xaaakp. «k* had a flaa talent dor -• flattery. "At thh particular ■oautat It la mors aeoßy acconpllebed thaa at any other ' ttdM." -If yaar exeeOrocy wffl explaln-lf aaythiag la expected of me. I waa Id"— . "Daty. only doty." broke la tha prince. "Bat I wfll explain. Tan an already •wan that whoa yoo were made In spsctor of patlcs la Pern the Held of police activity extended hot little far ther east. Tha Ooaaacfc guards and tha Tartar caralry cowpoatd the police arar tha hovflar. Bat thla now railway | ja nlalls— mi sB that la each fimaaiial through which thla line oi trarel paaaaa ar la to paaa a depart ■Mat of polka to to be established I>er» will be new cities develop. Theft wilt ha lailway station- The pejwla Ma of Siberia will Increase and. thougl tuiplil enough at all tinea, will now fewest a Car greater variety than evet before. Tha entrance of foreigners, ol i naapliaiura will have to be made WM difficult. The escape of a convict wil Miw ha ahacst a mere act of stepplnj ppea * train and saying farewell to bit "It wtß ba. therefore, quite neccssarj fa aatabllah a system of police wltt ilcui of more ability and ahrewduesi than tbe Cossacks who now command |be rods goards wbo atand sentinek prer tba tsar*! great dominion In Asia "•■eh a department of police has a! ready been established in Tobolsk tbawofb wMeb tbe railway la now com yiatd It la time now for aa to think tt sack ■ department in Tomsk." | Aa tba prine* gad governor paused tba iMHibt'li breath came abort and teat , "And. yaar aawtlency. la tba pood :otm l*v heart yon bare tbough' SreWf I Ikm been thinking of aeveral. I pare NfHapigJ yea. I desire ta do so ppala. Bat ttan gre difficulties which W* Mat conaUsr. Vaar prjaent posl om. wbOa not a low oaa. still la so Mr tbat tba leap from It ta tba posi tion of aaparinteadent of police of the jaiwaat of Tomsk would excite the Imaginations of carta In people at St ' Hapulatmirnt of potles af Tomsk T That Is tbe posltloa for wkicb I Intend yon. I have watched paar earear. Taa are enper. ambttkiua and laaam 1 a fal What better man aaaM I bara la aaeb a position? It la yaa wbaaa 1 moat rely to prevent H, 1 laai hmi nla of onr enemies. It or* ba tw~ aapariatmdrat of aiy police flrba »• ba etoeert confidant. Who oatfd ba areaa iaPeptable to ma thaa -I thank yaa, year agfrtleccy. I "Watt. Tbaak me wttb dseda when an Mi 1111 Aa I aald before, there are —1 allln Cat cannot leap too great gjrtiaa at aaea wltbaat a caaaa. We ■ / ' A aaaaa, yoar exeeHenayr lOat I aaeaa la aarea potent reawP for this great promotion. Tbe chief of Ma Treaak pnllri win bare a palace, a hiw toil ami aad will be second only k* —f—ff In power. Ta obtain that ' pae most da aometbing worthy." flfOh. If I cooM bat win that dlatlm tlsal" "I think R area now rHkb yoor "Ton bara Jbtwind something?" I Tsar-d »pry nesting place for al- IllHglr H "Oood! aire aw pa Mea where this ataaa la. year excefisaep. There wiU pa aa Ml* ■eating.'* "Da poo know a toga on tbe forast (aad leading oat of Perm ta the aotitbT" "A forge? A boeeeeboping placer "WeflL tbat and all Ireaworklnp. B 4a kept bp n man aamed I'suipoff." •Plshog. the giant wbo breaks boraa ghaaa wttb Ma tbamba asd foreflnceref 1 Tba Slap* mtocKd son of old Ulchaell What baa ba ta do wttb nihilists!" the'.r laader." Neslcrov aald. Jaaaky tamed white; whether bam sarpriae ar barror at the devfllab plot ba areated we do not know. Bat bs mt there waiting. The police of Tomsk T? * --?* —- ttere 111 Ilk shops. I cUartC.'U 111 pass there yesterday and overheard a bit of conversation between the MS and the old man. It seems there 1a to be a meeting In a few n'shts." . ' . W A meeting of nihilists in the ships of Paalpoirr •Tea. Now. It has long been suspect ed that there were many nihilists at Perm, but the police have Dot been able to uacovef them. Let me advise yoo. Keep this to yonrsdf- a secret between you and me. We will go to the fbrge and aiTMrt these Pauipoffs. If we find proof tbst they are alhUlata. they will go across the border aad yon wIU be mentioned for promotion Then Ibe opportunity win corns to me to speak to the minister of Justice for you. and undoubtedly you will be given to ma Ml the chief of the Tomsk poller." Jansky nodded. II was not for him to ask questions MOW. "1 am ready." be said. "Then tomorrow. I win make still further Investigations In my own way. and we shall lie ready to act. We most both go to Perm from here." Jsnsky. not being asked to remain longer, took bis departure. And then suddenly from his repose the prince be came a man of quick action. Ue called from his estate four men In whom he knew be could place tbe most implicit confidence. He spent some lime st his desk writing. To escb of tbe four be gave a letter, unsealed, nnstsmped. but addressed to each snd apparently hav ing been delivered by the hand of a pri vate messenger. "Oo with tue. do what I bid you, and yon will hare gold rubles for a yetr's pleasure," be said. Inspector Jansky. happy and yet agi lated at the result of the conference with the prince, sat In hla office In Perm on the following aftenman. It waa growing late, and he bad lookid hours for Prince Nesleror. "Be was mistaken or be has failed." be said. "lie would have come If ttxre was a poeslbillty of nuccvss." As be spoke the prince's horse gal loped to the door. "Good! Tlicn succetis Is possible!** said Jansky, grasping the band of hla noble benefactor. "Possible! It la certain. Come with a>e" Jansky's feonw wait soon by tbe ildf of the itm) ridden by tlio prince. "I mode It 1117 business to ride pial the shops of Pauipoff," iiahl (be prince. "I met there, Just living, a uian who " rm, to m; tbo least, discreditable lu appearance. I apoke to him, and be waa frightened. I aaw him crumple a paper In bia band. I snatched it fruui bim. It iraa a message addmscod to 'Number Five' of aome mysterious dr els. calling upon tbe person liearlnx that name to come ta tbe abopa at a certain boar tonight. We aball be in time. Let ua It had ao chanced that a number of accidents to torses bad taken place tbat day on tbe forest road. When tbe Inspector of police and Neslerov ar rived, four men were within tbe shop, their horses standing oatafde, and all ware apparently In tbe greatest eager neaa to bare tbetr horses shod. Papa Psulpoff waa rlalbl; disturbed by this andden Influx of the horseshoeing busi ness, bat tbe giant Vladimir, wbo Or* ar refused a request If be could help a human being, waa beginning to make tbe shoes. Tbe men did not apparently know one another, and each growled continually at tbe others for being there, Nsslerov. upon arriving at the shop whispered to th* Inspector, and both leaped from their horses. "Beise the old man and tbe san!" aaW Nealeror. "I will scan* these fe» lowa." Poor aid Papa I'aulpoff turned white and sank in horror to tbe ground, sns pcctlng what waa coming, bat Vladi In whose Innocent mind there waa no snp pic Von, stood gaping at the new come ri. "It la tbe prlncel" be exclaimed. "What hare tbeae poor men dose, yoor •SCeHeiiej-r* Kaalcrer did not answer bim. lie tamed ta tha nearest of tbe four, a lea tied with him • abort time, while tbe others showed evidences of terror, and then polled from hla pock e* a letter. "Seer be cried, waring It la tbe air and tben allowing It to tbe inspector "It Is a measage to 'Number Three!* Wo hare here tbe fire constituting tbe circle." "Let me read," said the inspector, while Vladimir it 111 looked on cocca- Kcloaa of tbe tragedy tbat waa being played with blmsi If aa tta center. Tbe letter simply commanded "Num ber Three" to attend a meeting of tbe circle at the shops at that boor. The aame of Vladimir raulpoff wax signed. "It I* enough!" cried Janaky. Paul poll, | make yon my prisoner In the name of tbe c*ar!" Tbe young Ironworker coukl. bad be exerted bis strength, bare thrust tbe entire sbaioclesa crew from the place and crashed their skulls together. Bat ercn BOW he did not realise tbe enor mity of the tbing with which he was etwrged. jA "Attend. Paolpoffsf commanded Jan- % (Mtrjinse. WILLIAMSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20.1903. tec tlie legs >r iXit> pHmV "W? krß In nocent. 1 iwiar H! Some rarnqr kM tl«H- I bin thing! IV iinm** b lot II Ike writ In* of my CUB. I am certala! Oh. Wt DM see tln> letters!" Ncskrov made t movement as If to hand the letter* to the old man wbea j p£ HH I "BteT' ft* erUtL "It I* a mtungt to "Number nrt*T ** Me of the wretches who bad brought them there sprang forward, seised them and rushed unhindered from the pises. "The letters! The proof la goner bowled Jsnsky. "We bare seen them. It la enough." said Nmlrrov calmly. At this point Mamma PaulpofT came In. In consternation and helpless hor ror sbe saw bcr btHiand In the grasp of an Inapector of police. "What Is this?" she cried. "It la nothing, mother." said Vladi mir. "Them- men bare found some let ters, bttt I did not write tbem. Have pesce. We shall soon set ourselves free." The three Panlpolfs were thrust Into a dungeon. The prince and the Inapect or told their stories—clear. Ittckl, con vincing—to the governor of Perm. Tl* word of a prince ami governor and it' an inspector of police waa not to be doubled. There was no trial, no hear ing—nothing but a report to the minis ter of Justice at St. Petersburg. In three days the PanipofTa—old man. old u-ouian and the unresisting giant— I'-re on the way to Siberia on tlie rail way which Cordon had helped to build. CnAPTF.U IV. THR mtrnxc AT THE rotor. IT «M chantcterlidlc of Frances Gordon 'hat. no matter how great the stress of social or oilier du ties. her mind never lost room for snrh favorite scliemes aa were cloa- Mt to lier heart. It waa by reason of thla characteris tic that, while her bi:*y father was deep in the mysteries and Intricacies of the Moscow conference, the subtleties of which Incrcaxed ax the time fur iwp araliun and departure drew nearer. Frances liethouglit her of a fitting op porluulty to make gool a promise she bail made to Vladimir I'aulpoff, the blacksmith. During a conversation held several weeks before Vladimir had expressed a desire to stndy certain books which were apparently beyond hla reach. Prance* proiuiaed to obtain the books, agd she did no. These made quite a re spectable jiaekage, aud a drosky v. as called to convey ber to the railway sta tion. It was nothing new for Frances to traeel alone aa far as from Moscow to Perm, but 011 this occanlo:i her father, with some sort of premonition, begged bcr to seod the books by messenger. "Ob. no," abe aaltl In her quiet man Iter of iiiaiatence. "We are nlwnt to re turn to tbe i-flat. and I shall not aee poor Vladimir for a long tiioe." "Hang Vladimir!" exclaimed Cordon aa be aaw bla aelf willed young lady step Into tbe drosky. Having alighted at Perm. Abe hired another drosky to take her and tbe precious books to the forge. The driver waa a huge, surly Indi vidual, whose face waa covered with a thick mam of beard and whose voice, when apeak log to one not eatabllahed as bla superior, was henry and Inso lent Responding to tbe call of Frances, be swung his heavy droaky In toward the door of her hotel. A police Inspector stood near, and the driver saluted la humility. "I hate women!" be aald to himself. "They pay nothing and bare things happen to them. I shall get into trou ble before I loae her." Fratt-ea stepped toward tbe vehicle, and Up driver'a mouth opened. "Bcqh a woman T' muttered the droa ky driver. "Bbc must be English or an American. If abe waa a Uuaslan, abe would be a princess." France* bad bad ample experience with bis clsss In all parta of Busala. Fhe calmly stepped Into, the droaky and handed bin a silver coin. "I want to go to tbe Iron sbops of tbe Paulpoffa, on tbe South road," abe aald. "Pauipoff— Uichacl raulpoff and hla ■OO Vladimir. IH> you know tbem?" "Tea. I know them. Bnt do you— know— what has happened J" "Ko. Urn any one been till" "No; but'*— The police Inspector caipc up. "Any trouble here?" he asked sharp ly- Trouble? Ota, no!" replied Frances. "I was just asking .the driver aome questions." f "Where Is It yon wish to got" To tbe Irrw workers'—Psulpoff.'* A warning look tbat meant volumes to tbe Initiated sbot from tbe inspector to the driver. / Tba bones were whipped up. aad tbe vsblele roiled clumsily over "Tan said -mm-«l»i->v had baDDened." PBOI|H®»7"" ♦ - • • - "No. It saiat .tint. - testnnJ the «vtt. "Bat the tato yesterday broke ap the road. 1 Msa think y«a would wish to cease." J way to get tint" la treib tha way was as aaffc and comfortable aa ft had evrr bus. bat tha wsruing look af the tosprrtnr had prevrated the driver fisss Impartial the knowlrdf ha Bad af tha PaulpnlTs "let the poDee trtl their sWai tales they are alwnyn trap then—aceordlag to police itislsid\" driv rr It was a long drive to tbe forge, and whea the ihwty drew near. hattag passid throogh the wild sad almost unsettled region hilwasw It aad IVrrn. Fiances was strmk with sn sir of mjstcij that aiisij to have soddealy enveloped tha place. There was no soand of tbe trrmen dons Hows of Vladimir that nut the ring af steel tor tola the forest. No smoke came from tha chimneys. Okl Mamma Psatpndf had been wont to rua to her door to see every arrival. hot ebe was not to be sns. The wolfhooad that had been \lcdl mir's prt sat whining upon the porek aad was evidently weak with hunger. "OU Bori*r cried Frasns, leaping flom tbe diosky. "Where Is your baatl some master T" The hooad. who pharabrred her. placed his cald aaae la her hand lov ingly. He seemed to feet that he had friaad a friend. Frances stopped to fee doer sad posh ed It opea. "Oh!" she cried. Sbe bad opeord the door on Prince Nicholas Nrshnwv. who stood there, about to depart, evidently, with a paint ing under bis arm. "Mile, tiorvloa," bo said, with a bow ami smile. "Where are the Pauipoffs r sbe ask ed "Why. yoo bare Bot. then, been In formed of their misfortune?" "Misfortune! I knrw n-'lhlng of any misfortune. What kss happened?" "They sre d« ad." "IS-ad! All Ibr riu!piV4nl! Im povllilr! IVpa Paul|o( uJ Mara ma raul|wiff rnlctit die. ihey were >9 ukl. I>ut Vladimir! Impossible: So young ami powerful! N'«tk utlml the w.aj* n o* an enemy coofcl kIH hiui In Ihla healthy place." "I *]M>ke aa we apeak. mademoiselle. The I'aulpufa are Dot n-ally dwnt. We speak of a mm who Is caught In crime and aent eIT-eilW-ai l. ail. lie I* dead In hli frienda and to the world. Too understand?" Frances stood ridd and white, the package of books f--rgut!' n In the lianlt cf the itrns-ky drirer.' Her na!la l*lt Into the tender flesh of her clinch ed liaciN ller «yea studied the face of the goTrrnor of Tnmifc "Vladimir baa not Ires caught in any crime," the fa id. with a Ml of gasp "Impossible! lie waa ao simple and Loliot! Wtat crimeT* "Censplraey against bla Imperial majesty the ciar." "Ami where Is he now?" "tin I lie way to IMtierla." % "Alberta! Vladt ~ir PaulpofT sent to BIK-rla! And WIK-TT are his parents?" "One in a family taken red handed condemns all. The old people are also on their way to Blberta." Frances swayed a little. She had studied Russian customs and llu*«lan Justice and »horM«til aa sh naliml the horrible torture In store for thes' simple work people who bud never, she felt convinced, harbored an evil thought araluxt any man. To her they bail al ways spohen In t.-ruis of loyalty and praise of the cxar. The face of Xeslerov was ln«-ru tabic, lie bekl the picture lowly and care lessly. aud the girl caught a glimpse of the facts. "That la Vladimir's picture!" she cried. "Wflbat are you doing with it?" "1 am rending It to him." was the re ply of Xesleror. "It so ha|>pened that I had occasion to visit my chateau near Oraslov and rode by here at the time the Inspector at police was making the arrest. I remembered what you aakl to me at Moscow and tried to do what I could for the poor fellow, at first doubt ing his guilt Bat the Inspector was certain, and so all that waa left to me WM to ask Vladimir what favor I could pafisui for Ua. lie aaked me lo scud him this picture, and I hare ar ranged with the governor of Perm to permit It to be pa said along to hi in." "It ts a beautiful Care.** said Frances. "Vlailimir has the anal of a great art ist In him. But In Xilierla be"— She shmtdcred and ended her sen tcnce abruptly. "I have dooe more tar him. for you." continued Xeslerov. "There Is another picture be painted from memory. I hare arranged to purchase H for a good price, and he stall not looe the money I pruAiaed him. It was a beginning to certain stepa I bad thought of to assist h!tu- "Sly owl h«r ciW Knncm In es lonMnwDt u Nfrinvr showed thr «-cood ptrtoi*. -To, and the matitabk part of It Is It took Mm but a abort ttee. I deacrlb (d you. and be remembered yon. and between the two be manage! • very creditable work. I shall cberlab this pScttsn while I lire. "My plrtir?r murmured the girl lookln* at the sweet yet strong ydnpg Dace the blacksmith artist had placed open tbe esnraai "Aid all from memory p ."Tea. from memory and my descrip tion." said Xesleror. -Your face Is so IndeiiMy imprinted upon my memury that 1 could dtsorilie each line, each feature, with tbe utmost accuracy She looked at him la astonishment, fie had made frequent attempts tc mak- lore to her. bat ahe bad aJwayt aklllfully repulsed him. That thla could be true—that this man whose life wa* one round of pleasure should bare her face so impressed upon hla atlad seem "iftit y6u wTiTbefHead him." she asfd. wit bout easwertog Ma remark. "Too are powerful In Rai la. A large part of Mherla Is aadrr roar (antral. Too can make the Me of the PBulpofi pleasant there If jm wish." He bowed, aad his eyes wers hidden flam her. "Believe me. I have already token steps to befriend them. la Tomsk tberv Is great Bred af swh Ironworkers sow that tbe railroad baa gnae beyead the ON, sad 1 have seat my petHloa to the ■sinister of jastlce to hav«Jheas »ei>« to Tomsk. They win aat toMtond as ponrlct* bat as honorsworkers." "What was tbe rHmrr asked Fran M. She was very pale, bat quite calm. "Why. It became known to Inspector Jansky 041 he police that a crrtsla asm brr of men congregated hetv and seem ed lo bold secret inrx-tiugs. He lavestl gated aad discovered that this was the headquarter* of a crrrV of BlhllMs. He errestrd them all. but many es caped." "Ami the proof?" "Letters from Vladimir found on them." Prances sighed ami turned sadly away. "Too arv an American." cotitlrucd Xe slcrov. "and cannot umlerrtsnd bow s man who sppcarvd to you lo le simple ami rootenled with hU M should prove to be aa sssssain. This same »pirll permeates ocr lent sorklr. It comes to tbe sorfaer even among tlx* relatives of ocr highest noMe*. My own eousin was sent lo Siberia. I had no pity fot Mm. beeanse be was rich, (derated S;MI bad no reason lo mmtdaia. Rut lite Panlptrffs—now I bet I know you are Interested lu them I will |irotect tlwui from further harm." "I I hank you." said Trances sadly. Ne- lerov »llp|» d a coin into tbe I SIKI of Ibc ilrosky driver. aal be limm-d! stely had cause to go lo his horses, whleh were stsmling peacefully raonjli Where he left Item. "I wis>h to |k nk our word before we knio hrr," said I!:P prinpp, laVing Hie bml of t'ran.-e*. which she. In l« r snr |ariw\ p»-nuiltid blm la IHIM ■ moment. "I lore jott I hare lured yon ever iHMT the ilny I ww you flint. We have Uniitifnl tram n la KIIIWU, lint Ocnc like >ou. lam rich, powerful ami sin Out iiPi.lnj you an empty name. V.'IU Jim Iw my wife. ray |«!i*fer 'Trlnce Xeslermv." w»l.| I'raini a g n Uy. Iwit >ll!l in a torn of r> pro>f. "yon cannot mian. 1 am Mirv. to take n 1 rantnse of my 'ltaths. r.lne auj at your mercy. You are a gentleman. I'lease lear- mch no: la for a rasri* fit t!n occasion' "All occasions arc tfie «sra to a man who lore* a« I do." answered Xmiemv "I nuked yonr father. lie tnalrd the mattir as of no concern. To me It Is my life. Slake me happy. IIH- world Is your*, ltefnse me. yon plunge tne d-ep despair. Ido not care to live wit hoot you." "HTuH ii«n'ii»r' »»ld pRUMif. **E»- •rybody has sooner or later lo live without a lorni UM-. My fa I her- I my mother illni many jrwni ago. lie luviil ber. I!c ban krn Inn? lu Iter memory, but be bait Ural." "Ab, but It uut Iln' same thing at all. Had I ikhw-hM you fur a time ami luot yon at the cunim:iud of death, then I could llvr. lui|«jiy lu tin l l>k>-»i! memory. Pot to lore you an-l l»w yon to another! Ah. I would kill him!" "Too are mad. Kuch word* do not inspire lore In the heart of an Ameri can girl fr'oola kill their rival*, hut It la a poor revenge. 1 do,not love you. prtnw, ami so rannot marry you. Lei that cad the matter. I rnii'l now re torn to Moscow." "You shall not go till you are mine!" cried Xeslerov, driven to madness by her coldness. He sprang forward and slammed the door, shotting th-m alone In the unoccupied house. lie «teppid her. Ills breath -amc b»t a|wi her ckwkn IIU arms were outstretch ed to setae her.. There was a look of mad passion In his eyes. She knew no help was near or possi Me. The drosky driver was a Hunsian and would not light the prtei-e. She I • ' - "Stand lack, you Umltcr!" iclgbt scream, bat ber voice could not reach within two miles of the nearest bouse. The threatening lips, the touch of whh-b would be pollution, wore near ber own. With a iuk-k movement the slipped her hand into ber pocket. "Stand back, you Insulter!" she .-aid. with a cold, steely voice. The shining barrel of a revolver was thrust Into his face. It *j« not 9 !*rp CONTINUED OX PAGE FOUR To Curt a Cold ia OK Day Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it tails la core. E. W. Grove's signature is oa sack bm. Kc. Subscribe for The Earumiax I 1" Z I 5 ■ ■ V" REMITTING * FINE. " Senator Dubois of Idaho daring the din when be ra practicing jkv in Itoiic City was on ■ certain occa sion itetnlj reprimanded by the judge of a court in that city be cause of alleged contempt of court and in addition »u fined in the turn •f *SO. The next dey, according to a custom followed in the Idaho epurU, th* judge called u,mn ILr. 1)«KW til acciip# the bn«k for hnn during the transaction of tome com paratively unimportant bjMneu. After the judtrea departure from the court room Mr. Dubois exhibit ed an instance of that remarkable presence of mind for which he hat ever been noted. The future senator said to the clerk of the court: "Turning to the record of this court for yesterday, Mr. Cleric, von will observe recorded a fine of SSO against one Frederick T. Dubois. You will kindly make a note to the effect that such fine lifts been re mitted by order of the court-" Kansas City Journal. A Triple Beam Searchlight. For aw in lighthouses a new form of combination searchlight ha* been designed and constructed in Berlin. This throws three Warns of light at the same time from the top of the tower. This Sieiwns-Schuckert searchlight has three arc lights, re flecting mirrors and projector regu lating devices IJU d*grecs apart, all operated automatically. The car bons of the arc lamps arc fed auto matically, and electric motors are used for turning the three search lights, while a fourth searchlight is mounted upon the top. this working entirely independently of the other three ami moving in any diivction do*ired. This neu form of electric flash light has been installed in the lighthouse tower ai Helgoland. The three searchlight* mouiitid on the lower revolting form liO degrees apart have mirror* twenty nine inches in diameter. The plat form revolves at the rate of four revolutions per minute.—Carrier's Magazine: CwLad D MM. Here is a conversation that Wall street men ini.-t took place liotvtvii J. I'icrpont Hoi||U and John VV. Gates nt the time I.hen the latter was doing some remarkably heavy plunging both in the stock market and at the race tracks. Wall street ia recalling it just now with much interest. "Mr- Jates, I wL-h you wouldn't gamble fo openly. It has a bad ef fect on the market," said Mr. Mor gan. "The doors are open when I do thing?," replied Mr. Gates in his usual bluff fashion. *l>oorj were nimle lq, Mr. Gates," was Mr. Morgan's (|uirt re ply as they separated.- -New York Times. . Nat Surprised. Glen who wrote the libretto for the eomio opera "Balies In Toyland," was fitting in H New York restaurant recently with Victor Herbert, the composer, when a waiter approached to take hia order. The waiter smiled at Mr. MacDonough and said: "You don't remember me, do you? I used to sing in one of your com panies." "1 remember you very well," said Sir. MacDonough. ""Arc you surprised to see me here as a waiter?" asked the other. "Not a bit," replied the librelti«t cheerfully. "You know, I hare heard you sing." Alaska Tin. Stream tin was discovered in Alaska last year, anil now it is re ported that great ledges of tin ore hare been found at Cape York, on Bering sea. Numerous individual placer miners arc reported to have made small fortune* during the past summer, two men, for example, hav ing taken twenty-two toes of stream tin from claims along one of the creeks in the Cape York region, using the crudest hand methods. Hydraulic machinery will be taken into the district n»it «»a«on, when the extent and value of the tin de ?«its will be ascertained^— New ork Engineering News. Lost Article Album. The French nil way companies have issued to all stations an al bum which contains pictures of ev ery possible article that a traveler is likely to have about him. Owing to the great number of p.uecngera who are unable to speak French it is often found difficult to trace lost articles from the description given. Now all that a passenger has to do is to point to the missing article in the album. Blowing Their Own Trumpet. "Something for a present, not too expensive? Yes,madam. These phonographs are very popular." "But arc they good?" "I've sold a great many and had no complaints. I need hardly Bay man, madam. They speak lor them- •WHOLE NO. 216. Professional Cards. @R. JOHN D, BIGGS, J DENTIST OFFICE: H MAIN STREET. GEO. W. NEWELL, A TTORNKY-AT-T.A W, ■LJ* »fficr up stairs In New Bank BalA inf, left hand lidr, top of stapn. "V ILLIAM3TON, N C. Practices wherever services art Imlm^ Special attention given to examining aMI aak log title for purchasers of timber an 4 llaWf - 3 SKEWARKEE Jk LODGE No. 90, F. & A. M. I>i*kctory For 190 J. Harry W. Stubhs, W. M.; Saiuaal & Brown, S. W.; William C.Manniag, J.W.; Charles 1). Carstarphen, Treasurer; Bmm utl R. Biggs. Secretary, Tbeophilaa W. Thomas, S. I).; Henry R. Joaee, J. Aloazo F. Taylor ami Oliver K.Cvvrtaf, Stewards; Richard W. Clary, Tylar. STANDING COM If 1TTBH8: Financk—William 11. Harrcll, Soto eit J. Feel. Claude \V. Kcitb. Rhkhrknck William J. Wkitakar. % Alfred E. Whitmore, James I). LrniM Charitv- Harry W. Stubbs, f-~mil S. Brown, William C. Vanning. Orphan Asylum— William H. Robert son. Sr., John 11, liatton, William M York. Lfz bank n:?osfr i\Sv Fr« P-.U 500 * ' ) Ufct: CinMM Off»r»4» HB 1111 WJEP.ta Heard*iC.,sl.\Vit!-.Quks e«3SCM-.vAtM-*sustscs--vufg€.m In Gase of Tire you want to be protected. lii case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want sonie thing to live on besides borrowing. Let L's Come to Your Rescue We can insure you against loss from Fire, Death and Accident, We can insure your Boiler, I'late Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond Ncit Bit Best CcapiDlcs Rtprtsntri ED. F. HUffINES INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building!. * Anmn* iPending a ».k*frh and dnacrl piU » fnlrkif amrtiiit our optnmn frw whatbfr mm H pr -'mMy patentable. lh'iiMrtd!ycoiiiidentl«l. lludbooli«PMiMi •rut free. Oldest airen« y '»r nerurln# pat "til*. Patents tak«*n throuuh Munn f» Co. •fir riai nitUf, wil hout charge. UU« * Scientific Jtaertan. • A *-andaonie!ir i.lnwtrated weekly. Mlaiion «if any ai-ientiile Journal. Tervua, ' re-*: f"ur montha, |L Sold by all MUNN « Co,» B "^NewYwfc Branch OBea. CM w *t.. Waabftnctoo. IX CL | Williamston Telephone Ci. J Office over Bank Of Martin Cornty, •'! WILLIAMSTON, N. C. 'Phone Lmuxes . * M limitrd to 5 minutes; extra ilnji t Will positively be made for longer time. To Washington «5 Ceata. ■ " Greenville as " " Plymouth aj " " Tarboro as " " Rocky Mount 35 •• " Scotland Neck " JamesviUc 15 •• " K a tier tilley'a 15 •• " J. G. Staton 15 •• " J. L. Woo lard 15 " O. K. Cowing St Co. 15 " A " Pamele 15 *• " Robers an villa 15 " " Everetta _ 15 " " Gold Point 15 •• " Geo. P. McNanghton 15 " ■" Hamilton ao •* Per other pointa in Eastern Carolina see "Central " where a 'phone will be found for uae of noa-subacribera.

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