4 FIREARMS IlM«lmkMifcri««alMHiiarfr ACCURACY. SAFETY. DCtABILITY TWy v* wa * Inr Ifil ir mi jW» «| ftiitiM i'ttiti'i •* «J tai* U ■! ifjbt W* MR VtUl* RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS A aft wmmr far «W «7ETO»-. Vka iww'l IwrlhMtrf* I Ml Uf|W|i f*|| « Li mtifttrffrbft. i-rffcti'i *r—ilrifcili^ I J. Stevens Arms A Toed Co., p. o. SOX MSI CH.COrCE FAILS, KASS. fcastftute for College Xf""?. - / x Courses Music. "S* 1 BAIEICM I Ftu Best, PlaceV N. C. # mam Da ughtcr Subscribe to The Hntkrprisr Send us your Job Printing. R I P-A X'S Tabuios Doctors find A good'prescription —r —For mankind rtw j-reet fMK-kct t, mrmgh tor mm tjoccaaiona Til* family botlk (no crab. nnIUM a hpp) et a real. Alllra,ui4lKll.lh(a. TO COriSUWIPTiVSS. Thr *rulrr\f.- I i*»r r »V *.♦* « **«! «iih a »r*rf • l«irg *"*J l!»l dm d»-r .;e f-TwmrlWc. *%«t»r-.e k*»ir . (O hn (elaow iuL«f*r» lie •» M ccrc- •*' wJo It. h* w»»lcfc*i*«"l> sred l'»" l( charcr» a fp? ol tbc ' • |Vt will find a »nre ctfr* |i« Cmmmqpmr. Atthm.l. C*t*rr+. i.nc i l'?t i .% rrmr V. ft* It •-K the PfMCfff'infl, : 'l* *• «"*• **'»- ti. t r-'» prutc * L,« »* •*-! I Ikf. lOYTiia V SubscJibe to Tiik Kxtkki-risk Church of the AJvcnt SeJ\ice-s 'on the Ntxond Sundayj of ■fitc month, morning anl even- Ing, -and on the Saturday (5 p. nt.) Ik fore. and Monday (9 a. ni.) after the second Sunday of the month. All are cordially invited. Rev. li. S. I .as.-iter, Rutor. SCHOOL BOOKS AT HALF PRICE WZ PAV THE FRE |CHT. YOU v.> Rpv. Sell and all kinds l »l», liters, Magazines old Mitti-i*. Coin. l urnitUTc, etc. IH> \tu r«n.l li e lntcst Novels f r«> Untitles you to reatl a whole year, any book OUT yon want. l>-->k m> voor old books, magazines, etc. CASH paid for all kinds. I'nhniitcd supply on haniL. —-of —-• i —~——— i ~— I jaw. Medical and Historical Hooks of North Carolina TOW X ? TYPEWRITERS, STATIONERY, FOUNTAIN PENS, ETC. T } TIIO CHEAPEST BIBLES ANYWHERE. SOUTHERN BOOK EXCHANGE, M M. SMITH, Manager. RALEIGH. N. C. WILLI AMSTON GRADED SCHOOL will open October sth T RATES for jntpils living font side of Graded School District, from SI.OO to *3.00 per month. MUSIC f2.jo with piano for practice; $2.00 to those that practice at home. Dknki.S S. BIGGS, R. }. PKKL, Chairman of Board. Superintendent. Tr rnrvi/ ENERAL BLACKSMITHINO .U. UUUI\, JI AND REPAIRING > HORSE When your horse is shod at my shop you KNOW SHOEING that it is done RIGHT. Dos t neglect your horses' feet. OET OUT *OUR WHEEL AND HAVE IT PUT IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. Perhaps yon may need only new tire«, handle bars, pedal new spokes, a new rim or new bearings. We can supply you with'any want in the business, so don't fail to call on me. riain Street T. C. COOK A !THINC BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER Ghristmas Gifts on display at this store are same of the prettiest in Eastern Carolina. ROGERS -BROS.' FINE SILVER SERVICE FOUNTAIN PINS CLOCKS DIAMOND RINGS ELGIN AND WALTHAM WATCHES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IN ABUNDANCE H. D. PEELE THE JEWELER VILLIAII3TON. N. C. fu be to THE ENTERPRISE Three months Subscription twenty-five cents Women as Weil at Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney troubte preys upon the mind, dto* ooorafes and lewm ambition; beaaty, vigor SJfcatfeibaMtaSS %nWt* «■ oe 7* are out o order -fißinll /ytffsss** or wwL Kidney trouble ha* become so prevalent JK . . / for a child to be ban /V afflicted with weak Ud- U f VT> '1 ncys. If the child arts ,J 1 ■ m axes 100 often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage. It is yet afflicted wHh bed-wcttlnj, depend upon It. the cause of the difficulty I: kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs.* This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit aa most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and bcth need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swa«p-Root is soon realUad. It la sold by druggists, in fifty- f cent and one dollar sizes* You may have a|K#WQ& sample bcttle by mall ~ ~ Iree. also pamphlet tell- Ham* H ■ inr 11 ing all about it. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters tecelrad from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer k Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be son aad mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y.. on every bottle. -wafe, —«*« WfUr «W /«WHC*/ 'S/f Bit /fv" / ,irarsr\ .IF,A- BVJ 'J I A PEST \ CT ' "A V hmmhA Three Times the Yalue'of Any Other One Third Faster .* > > , j». One Third Ead^ Agents wanted in all unoccupied territory. Wheeler & Wilson Mfq. Co ATLANTA, GA. v FOR sale l»y TJIK. SIMPSON HARD WAKK Co.. Williamstoa. N. C. FUMttV FACTS. Mr. O. K. Chesterton, discourag ing a tendency to take bis paradoxes frivolously, makes a profession of complete seriousness in Uie London News: , ' "I should like to state at once, - for the benefit of those particular people, that to me the only |«rfect . pleasure in life is the pleasure of i fighting for something in which one i passionately believes sr.d that if that were k-ft to me 1 would do without daylight and tobacco. Ido ; I think my own opinions very fi:r.;iv. I But I al-o think them absolutely j true. I think it very funny, for in- I stance, that Mr. Kipling should bt, j as be is, psychologically incapable I of a patriotic emotion and be, nev ertheless, hailed everywhere as a patriotic poet. But I think it fun ny because I think it is the fact.: The humor of it is humor lof a hippopotamus. The principal humor aliout a hippopotamus is that he exists." Good Business.. "I first met Toole in 1858," said Mr. John Billtngtoa, the veteran actor, "when he joined the company for "Good For Nothing'for the first reason at the New Adelphi, the one before the present theater. We hnd many experiences together. One i night, in 'lei on perle Franca is,' 11 had to kick him, and instead of do ing in pretense with the flat of my foot I forgot and gave him a rous ing kick with my toe. He went writhing up the stage, and I hurried after him, fearing I had hurt bin frightfully. But the audience was screaming with laughter, so all Toole said was, 'John, they like it if I don't, so do it again.' Every night afterward Tpole insisted that I should get as near to reality again as could be without killing him. That was the hardest part I have, ever played." —London News. New York's Hotels. There are now about sixty first class hotels in New York, says the Pittsburg iJispatch. The addition of the fifteen new ones will increase the number to seventy-five. If these seventy-five hotels were piled on lop of one another tbey would make a structure 750 stories high—taller than the tower of 11abel; or, to look at it in another way, if they could be conglomerated into ono bitgo composite hotel it would be twenty seven stories high and occupy a ground spate of seventeen acres, more than four city blocks, includ t tag the intersecting streets. Tim I great building would cost $75,000,- 000, have 2?.500 bedrooms and ac commodate 50,000 guests daily. Luck In Politico. The late Chief Justice McCollum of Pennsylvania owed his election j to a singular accident. He was j nominated for the vacant judgeship , by the Ik-mocretie slate convention of IfcSJj in opposition to James T. j MUclh-11, the Republican candidate. ( Tlwre was then 116 chance of hi.; j election, but the death of one of the justices made another vacancy on the bench, and l>oth Mitchell and McCollum were chosen. I.ots were I then cast fir seniority of rank, as j their commissions were to expire at j the same time, January, 1910, and McCollum had tho further luek of drawing the prize and so succeeded | to the chief justiceship. His Memoirs. A man of eighty years died in ' New York city the other day leav- ■ ing written on a small sheet of pa- j per the following: "Personal nan j oirs. At the age of thirty I gave ! up dancing, at forty my endeavors i to phase the fair sex, at fifty my regard of public opinion, at sixty I the trouble of thinking, and I have J now become a true sage, or an ego tist, which is the same thing. 1 , have never meddled in a:iy mar riage or scandals. 1 have never rec ommended a cook or a physician, consequently 1 have ucver attempt ed the life of any one." Horse shoeiug. Robert Bonner »« the man who started fancy prices for horseshoe ing when he paid SIOO for shoeing 1 tester. There are esi»ert black smiths who work only for owners of big stables and who travel with crack racing horses wherever they ?[>. Some of these blacksmiths ret 12,000 a year and expenses, be sides a liberal present if the owner has had a lucky year. The black smith of a crack stable is constaHTy asked for castoff shoes from crack horses by persons who want to gild them and frame them "j at for luck." OeceraUd With Clk Teeth. A dnvs owned by a Kiowa Indian squaw was sold in El Reno, Okl«L, for s!,ioo, and the purchaser thinka he was lucky to get it at that price.' It is lavishly decorated with elk j teeth, which are becoming almost as valuable as pearls, and t'le c juaw, like many of her paleface sisters, | thought that $1,600 was altogether too much money to be invested in 1 one dress. Fmi i Ciri fx lidfctitNi I used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for indigestion and find that they suit ray case bet ter than any dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried and I have used many different remedies. lam nearly fifty-one years of age and have suffered a great deal from in digestion. I can eat almost any thing I want to now.—Obo. W. EMORY, Rode Mills, Ala. Far safe by S. R. Biggs* CONDENSED STORIES. WhM Mr WilSaa Acted as SutaU- Ma Far the land. It ia not often one bean of peo ple telling stories against them selves, bat in tlic ease of Sir William Preece,-late engineer in chief to the post office, the story which he tells so illustrate* his own versatility that it is worth repeating. At the tine a telephone had jtut ban set up between London and Osborne, when the late queen waa then raiding. In order that Queen Victoria might hare an exhibition of the wonderful possibilities of the telephone certain testa were carried out. One of them wu the playing of a Land in London, so that her majes ty might hear it in the Isle of Wight. Br some unfortunate occurrence the hand did not arrive at the ap pointed time, and Sir William heard that the queen was waiting at the other end of the wire. Sir William was distracted. There waa only one thing to be done. The engineer in chief bummed an air into the receiver and afterward in quired if her majesty had recognized the tui.e. "Oh, yes," she replied. "It was the national anthem, nnd very bad ly played loo."—London Answers. ______. , Why He Cam*. Ber. EL A. Jlorton of Boston at a 1 banquet of the Unitarian club there told of a fellow minister who went j fishing last summer. lie was perch-1 ™r ! is I "l KIBOrt COM* to rUL I*." cd in a precarious position when he ! got a Lite, ami in hi* excitement he j fell into the Mream. I lie yelkd l«»tHv for htlp, and ft \ fanner ctunc alirtig and pulled him . out. "How did you come to fall in?" j inauiri-d hb rescuer. I didn't come to fall in," replied the dripping pusher. "1 came to fifth." Pleaded Cullty. James R. Mack, the attorney, tells this reminiscence of his law prac tice in Ohio: "One Sam Johnson, a negro, was ' indi- ted in Oiminn.iti, charged with i the theft of a ham. Johnson was ! Mill uih ked, for the onlv witnesa i ngnin»t him was a man of his own i»!or, ami 'on-* nigger'* word is m good as 'iijUhtV H»id Sam. 'He'd swar I did, au' I'll swar I didn't.' i The case tame up for trial, and the i indictment was read. 'The atatc of j I Ohio against Samuel Johnson, dtt fondant,' etc. "As ho listened Johnson grew nervous and at the demand for a pUa rose to hi* feet, ignoring the counsel aligned to him. •* 'Vonali honah,' said Johnson, Tie not been treated right nohow. I fought dar wux only one nigger 'gainst me, an' heah's de whole state ob Ohio. 1 was not 'feared of d«t nigger W»t seen me hook de ham, but l'te got no show now. Da whole blame state 'gainst me's top rautn. Yeasir, I took deham. 1 pleads guilty. But I'd Uke to know whar ail de watebera wut hidin', I suttinly would.'" Philadelphia Ledger. Dr. Harpers Retort. President Harper of the Unircr sitT of Chicago waa departing from a liainjuet ia Sew York when a roung clubman, who had sat beside nira. said, with a slight sseert "I had alwars thought that phi losophers and learned men ate only plain food, bnt there are a number of philosophers and learned men here tonight, and it seems to me that they are going in for all these ; rich disiiea as heavily as the rest of us." "Well," said Dr. Harper, "why shouldn't ther* Do yon think the | good thing* of life are intended only for foolsr* ItSmlßiUh Hon. J. A. Oates, Mayor of Dnnn. N. C., says: "I am snre! Dr. Worthington's Remedy saved mv life. It was prescribed for me in a very severe case of cramp colic by Dr. Armstrong, of the Confede rate Army, in 1863, and it gave me instantaneons relief. Since that dav I have used it continuously,and I think it the greatest remedy on earth, and sbookl be kept in every borne." Prion 25 cents. For ante bfS.IL. Biggk INDIGESTION "I was MM with atom- B eeh trouble. Tfcedlmd'e Week- H OtUfM did me mow good ■ la om mk than all Um doe- H tor * bhlMn I took la a H rw.--«»9. SARAH B. Q - BHIKPIBU), ElUttarill*. tad. ■ Thedford's Black Draught H quickly invigorate* the ac tion of the stomach Mid fa cureseven chronic cases ol B| indigestion. Jf you will H take a small dose of Thed ford's Black Draught occa sionally yoa will Keep your stomach and liver ia per- H fact condition. THEDFORM BIAOTRAWHT More sickness is caused by H M constipation than by any other disease. Thedford's H Black-Draught not only re lieves constipation hutcures H diarrhoea and dysentery and H B keeps the bowels regular. All drnggtata Ml) *-oe»t packagae. I "Thedford's Black- Draught li the beet medi cine to regulate the bowels ■ I have ever used."—MßS. A. II GRANT, Bucods H ■ Ferry, N. C. CONSTIMTIOII A Bey King's Throne. When the boy king Datodi Chua of Ugnnda appears on state oc casions he sits on hit best throne (he bas a second best ono for less important functions), which is up holstered in red velvet and deco rated in red and has a leopard skin, the emblem of royally, under his feet. At other time* his costume seems far from regal. It consists of a long shirt with a tweed coat over it, a linen toga and an embroidered In dian cap. He knows only a fe» words of English and ia described as a (juict, dignifiod boy, well grown for his age, yet somewhat frail An Aristocratic Noes. "Mamc," said little Klsie to her elder sister, "Flossie Green says I've gf>t a pug nose, llavo I? And what kind of a nose have you got i" Manie glanced proudly at her aris tocratic profile and answered in sat isfied (ones: "Mine is a Grecian, I guess. And I'm afraid your nose ia a pug, El sie." j And a quarter of an hour latex , Elsie was saying cheerfully to one ; of her sister's callers: "Mamc will come down in a few | minutes. 1 guess she's greasing her nose. Thai'*"(he kind she's got."— New York World. Slightly Mixed. T——, a little boy of nine yoar, handed in the following composi tion on George Washington: "(i'orge Washington was the fa ther of his country one day he went in his farthers yard and cut down a tree. What are you doing asked his father i aui trying to tell a Ho and cannot when Ire grew up ho was president and was killed by a man named getto who was jollish of him and tho no 0 engine house was draped in black."—Harper's Baxar. A Point of Etiquette. Johnny (who is sitting on the rocking horse with Ethel and win wishes to be polite)—l think if OM of un got oil I could ride much bet ter. Subscribe to your County paper' Tub Entrrprisk. Why not take a trip this Winter through FLORIDA TO CUBA This beautiful State and Island has been brought within easy reach by the splendid through train service of the . . Atlantic Coast Line the great thoroughfare to the topics. Winter Tourist Tickets are now on sale to all points in Florida and to Havana. For rates, schedules, maps, sleeping car and steamship accommo dations write to ■ '■ W. J. CRAIG, WILMINGTON, N. C *"What to say in Spanish and how to say it" sent to any ad dress on receipt of a two cent stamp. * * ** £j| General Agents WANTED . . _ i To men of good character and ability ff The Eastern Life Insarance Company will give exceptionally attractive general agency renewal con tracts for desirable territory. If yon are in position to consid er an agency for the Company, address H. SUSMAN, ' CEN. AGENT Washington, N. C. 7=========r===—====z= f V STATEMENT OP BAJNK OF MARTIN COUNTY, AT WILLIAMSTOIf, N. C., At the close of business on the 29th day of Dec., 1903 : KKftOtRCKS: I UABIUTMS: [nani ft Discounts f ji,ns.ssj Other nud Bonds. J ,000.00 * ur ' n.o«o.V CtrtlScat—of DIM*. Dut From Bank* tad Banker* JS.io'.* 1 Dtpoatta mmbfKt to Check CaakoaHaad V"»«i TOTAL. TOTAU • X, J. C. Godard Cuhkr, of Bank cf Martin county, do aolemaly »wear (or *• tbort Statement • tint to the btst of my knowledge aad belief, J. e.CODUV.CkHu. Matt of North Carolina Coanty of Marlia. •worn to aad tabacribed before aw, tkl« tat day of Jaa. A. D. l« _ . C. U. GODWIN. Notary Mile witk M COa«ItCT—ATTKBT: ) Dcnnln S. Mr?* r Wheeler Martin 1 DIRBCTOKS 8. L. Codard 1 J. O. Godard I Dennis 8. Bigg , Pres. T. W. Tilghman Gea. Mgr. Jno. D. Bigg*, Sac ft Tnaa DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO. . . Manufacturers of . . Kiln Drid Nrt h Croltna PinJLumbr, > & * • • S • DENNIS SIMMON'S'MTAND CYPRESS SHINCLE ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WILLIAMSTON, N. C. mfjOT|w to Guthrie TWO TRAINS DAILY The Capital of Oklahoma is now reached via the Frisco System 2:30 p. ra. train from St. Louis; the 10:40 a. m. trian from Kansas City, ar rive at Guthrie 8:05 a. m., 10 p. m. train from St. Loais; the 11:30 f. tn. train from Kansas City arrives 8:15 p. m. The return service to the North and Bast is equally convenient. On this new line of railway, thirty-eight miles distant from Chandler the following stations are located, viz: Lowe, Dudley, Merrick, Ico nium and Taylor. The extension opens a new field in fertile Oklaho ma, offering golden opportunities to those seeking homes or investment In purchasing tickets, avail yourself of the shortest and quickest route from St. Louis or Kansas City—Frisco System. F. E. CLARK, W. T. SAUNDERS, Traveling Pa»nger Ag't Gen'l Agt. Pass. Dcp'L ATLANTA. OA. ' k

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