i awssgasssg. B VtlMfariakr"' ■imnMATiuiaa" si imi -cues wot- . . a Ml -fAVOttTE- Me. IT . M Ml V —JERSW- 00 ™ - V- ■j_ . MSTOH AMD »Horcum J. Stereo* Arm ft Tool Co., p. a »oz Met • CMICQPtE rALLS. MASS. fciKHifcr V Colleg# wSL*/.. a -A"* l * PEACE lory eg I ******* ICabtog •sec RMA P.C. y*f i. Negkttr 'mm Subscribe to THE ENTERPRISE Send as your Job Printing. R I P A N S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The s-crat ptcld i« «—gfcQtor »aual>>cca«4o«i ■ The family bottle (60 ceata) couUki a Mpply •r m rrmr. Alldfig|lilaKli.tbca. t TO CONSUMPTIVBS. The anlmvMl bmehHrbeen •> l.e»h by HBbic snKtlia ntn| «•*«■! fear with • «*wc iMf ifcfl". th»» 4reV tewteiMlMiiiuiMWntikm. I* hit fellow wlmfi th» (MM of cur*. T tbote who desire «. be will cheerfully wrd (ff (>( charfc) a copy of lha preterit** l " ! tbff will find a tore cwf for Aaikmm, Cmtwn^LßrmmchMt mnA *4ltlir*t an.' line MaWlrs. lie IM »r* alt tuUcrers w> 1 W tit traHf. at It M iaralaablf. 1 ••"aa 4«jrw the I'rrtcnpii' n, afcw h will cul !»•'« r. Mhr aad MV prove a Wm:«c, wi'.lj'lr »*c adJreaa. Urn. EIWAUIVIIMX. Brooklyn, Kow Y«. Subscribe to THE ENTERPRISE Lhurch of tfee Advent Sen-ices on the second Sunday of the month, morning and even ing, and on the Saturday (5 p. m.) before, and Monday (9 a. m.) after the second Sunday of the month. All are cordially iuvited. Rev. B. S. Lassiter, Rector. SCHOOL BOOKS AT HALF PRICE AR * WE PAY THK FREIGHT. YOU W® Buy, Sell udjEichisKt all kind* of Rooks, rapers, Migulnti ohlj Stamps, Coin, Furniture, etc. Do you rea l the latest Novel* Copyright Books/ #I.OO Entitles you to read a whole year, any book OUT you want. Look up your old books, uagaiinea, etc. CASH paiil for all kinds. Unlimited supply on band. OF Law. Medical and Historical Books of North Carolina *OW N ? TYPEWRITERS, STATIONERY, FOUNTAIN PENS. ETC. T T THE CHEAPEST BIBLES ANYWHERE. SOUTHERN BOOK EXCHANGE, VI. M. SMITH. Manager.* RALEIGH. N. C. ~ T. C. COOK . 1 HORSESHOEING $1.25 MAIN STREET THE FIRST TIME ... , ' V . Your watch fails to keep good time is a good time to bring it to me. Of course it isn't always best to let a watch go till it "breaks down" before taking it to the watchmaker. Elgin, Waltham and Other Makes in Stock > > H. D. PEELE THE JEWELER , WILLIA/ISTON. N. C. \ * 9 Subscribe to THE ENTERPRISE ■#% Three months Subscription twenty-five cents Bend ms your • . . Job Printing ■ *' Orders executed promptly Til ■MrTifUM. ' Pm a bottle or cocnmoa flaw «tt jtmi HHr end kt k Mad twaa«rfow koaes^a y' wl avktowoaol Wd- IU \IJ O Be/ troublei to# * *••• * * P**> to ' ■' '— tka back to also aearrtoetog proof that the kidneys acd blad der are out of order. Vtot to Bab llmr to comfort to Ik* bsntolga M •toon sepriwiil, that Or. Kltur'o Swamp- Root, tko (root kidney remedy fulfills e*ery Msh to curing rheumatism, pate to tha back, kidney*. liver. Uaddar and awry part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pate to passing k. or bad effects following use of llqacr, wine or beer, and owmwei that anplsasaal notaMv of bilnf rompiliid to go oAe> daring tha dsy, and to get up many tknaa during the night Tha mild and Ike extra ordinary effect of Sw—p Raaf to soon realired. It stands the highest for Ms won derful cures of tha moat distressing rases M you need a medicine you shovM nsve the best. Sold by druggists lasoc.andll.sbaa. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that teils^BMQß^S^^ more about It. both aentH abaolutely free by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer to ■—«ri i is s Co., Binghamlon, H. Y. Whan wrkiagman- Hoa reaang this ganarousodtor to thla paper. Don't mats any mistake, b-Jt remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Klhnar** Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham too, M. Y. oa every bottle. I >/ Three Times the Value of Any Other One Third Faster > . > >1 One Third Easier Agents wanted in all unoccupied territory. Wheeler & Wilson Mfq. Co ATLANTA. GA. For sale by THE SIMPSON HARD WARE Co.. Williamston. N. C. FOB THE LITTLE ONE* How Carle tainted to Taka Care e tha Horn# Chicken*. Carlo early manifested a love foi watching and chasing chickens, a Ctime not to be neglected with ■mall opportunities of the city. We loon, by kindness and firmness and much talking, broke bim of disturbing our own chickens. Wc often took ■ little chick in oui hinds and fiid to him, "Pretty ehicky, Carlo's and allow ed him to lick it gently. Soon it was not only safe, but safer, to have him in the pen with tbe chicki than otherwise, is then no rit or mouse dared venture there. From the first Carlo haa deemed these marauder* worthy of death whenever and wherever seen and icts out his con victions. As the chicks grew theii number was reduced to twelve, and these were transferred to the barn. Every night for two years Carlo made a detour of the perches, giv ing each fowl a good lick —they ware so acquainted it did not alarm them at all—and if one or mors -ol the number wero absent he would immediately scour the premises un til it waa found, then give a pecul iar bark, indicating the discovery, nor would he give it up till the number was complete. Could be count? How did be know there ■hould be just twelve, no mane, no leu? — Miry K. Holmes in Science. A Cat's Family of Rata. The lion and the lamb lying down cide by tide would not be a more remarkable spectacle than that presented at the residence of Miaa Helen Ulenhof, 5252 Henne pin avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. Here Tuddles, the pet tabby, it looking after the welfare and early training of three baby rata. Tud dles gave birth to four kittens a abort lime ago, three of which were drowned. She mourned their loss, and the next morning her master was surprised to find two small rata keeping company with the lone kit ten, with Tuddles fondly watching oyer the three. The day following she waa seen to deposit another young rat tenderly beside the other foundlings, and she now purs as contentedly over her strange brood as though they wero all kittens.— Little Chronicle. Broomstick Balance. This is a fine game for a rainy evening. You need a clothes basket and a broomstick. Pass the broom stick through the handles of your clothes basket and raise the onus of the broomstick on a couple of chair seats that face each other. See that the basket swings freely on the broomstick. Now on the front cor ner of the chairs place a coin, four in all. Then get some one to step inside the basket and sit astride the stick and, using a cane, try to knock off the four coins on the chairs and then step to the ground again. Now, this seems very easy to do, but just try to do it and you will see your mistake. It is not very difficult to get into the basket and to scat yourself on the broomstick, but after that is when your real trouble Login*.— Romance and Reality. "Whtn brings my roller akAtoa,** Hal«l M i»nr Aubrey Arthur llutes, "I'll go on frmntl« every day. For doing them will eeoin like- piny. I'll whorl the haby while I skate; At arhool I never will be late. Oh. people when they look at me A very clever boy will pee! "Wb« father brtnga my roller iktlci, I'll strap them on." aald Aubrey "And show the boya Juat how to (XX They will not as* me stumble ao. I'm aura It'a no imu trick to I ear* To skate alone and curve and turn. It looka aa «uy aa can l>e; The girls will all lie watchlns ma!" No more this lofty plan elates The arul of Aubrey Arthur llntca; Ile a tri«l his brand new roller akfttca! —Annie Wtttta McCullougli in Youth'S Companion Butting the Wall. Flaee a stool on the ground against th» wall. Now stand from the wall, with your feet twice the width of the stool away. Stoop down and seise the stool by the top in both hands and place the top of your head against the wall, yonr back almost horizontal. Now lift or try to lift it from the ground without assistance. Be sure to try it on a carpeted floor, so that your fall may not be painful or disagreeable. Your fail ure is due to a curious effect of tha displacMMiit of your center of grav ity. • » I . It Smi Ms Ufa Hon. J. A. Oates, Mayor of Dnnn, N. C., says: "I am sure Dr. Worthington's Remedy saved mv life. It was prescribed for me in a very severe case of cramp colic by Dr. Armstrong;, of the Confede rate Army, in 1863, and it gave me instantaneous relief. Since that day I have used it continuously,and I think it the greatest remedy on ••Ith, and shook! be kept in every hone." Price 25 cents. For sale bf S. R. Biggs. Jam FOR THE LITTLE ONES. WW Unci* (MI DM With tfre Beye Who Cuter Hl* Navy. Tbe first qantioi that Uncle Sua uka of i boy who applies to enter tba narj is, "Do you yourself want to enlist f beca-ue Uncle Sam doea not want boys who themaelvea do not want to wire him on shipboard. Nor doea he taka boys for tha navy to reform them. There waa a time when the nary made-a good home for incorrigible boya, bat it ia not ao now. Thia ia not the kind of • boy the navy want* and needs. Boys between tbe ages of fifteen and sev enteen rears can enlist for the navy until they become of age. When the apprentice ia firat received on board ship he is furnished, free of cost, with an outfit of clothing not exemding in value the mm of S4B. Ilia first pay is $9 a month. After making his first cruise, if qualified, he ia advanced to sls a month. His next advancement ia to that of first class with pay of s2l a month. Ex-apprentices an given prefer ence in the selection of petty offi cers with pay ranging from S3O to 970 per month and rations. Those having a good record and showing marked ability ire eligible to ap pointment as warrant officers, a po sition varying in pay from $1,200 to SI,BOO per annum, with retirement at the age of aixty-two yeari on three-quarters pay for life. Warrant officers not over thirty-five yean of ■ge are eligible to appointment to the rank of commissioned officers after having served six years ■■ war rant officers. Commissioned officers are in line of appointment to all the higher grades of the navy aerviee, and thus it is thit some apprentice boy now mav be our first admiral some day. It is perfectly possible for a bey to start at the very bottom in the naw and rise to the topmost notch l«y bis own elTorts and abili ties.—American Boy. T* Lincoln's Promise. While a member of congress Abra ham Lincoln was once critieisod by a friend for "his seeming rudeness in declining to test the rare wines provided by their host." The friend ssid to him, "There is certiinly no dinger of a man of vour years and habits becoming addicted to the use of wine." "I mean no disrespect, John," an swered Mr. Lincoln, "but I prom Ised my precious mother only a fev days before she died that I would neter use anything intoxicating as a beverage, and 1 consider that promise as binding today as it was the day 1 gave it." "But," the friend continued, "there ia a great difference between a child surrounded by a rough class of drinkers and a man in a home of refinement." "A promise is a promise forever," answered Mr. Lincoln, "and when piade to a mother it is doubly bind ing." A Champion Boy Ounner. Eight shots at 1,000 yards straight tfrtfiebullseye. Thst is the world's record in na val gunnery, made with the big ifl inch guns of the Indiana. A Pennsylvania boy, Edwin J. Hill, divides the honors for this achievement with It W. Kcidel of Chicago. Whit nuke* their feat the more remarkable ia the fact that neither of them hnd ever trained $ gun of the 13 inch caliber before the tlay on which they made the great record. The fact that the holes in tbe tar get were clean cut ind thit eight of ■ " "■ 1 , . t jt niT^F^ , 4 ' 1 mm i. nu them were made one titer anothaa while the big ship heaved on the 1 ocean swell as she sped along at 10 3 knots an hour shows that this waa e not the resnlt of an* fluke. Eddie Hill, as lie is familiarly 1 known in his old Pennsylvania e home, is hut twenty-threa years of e ape. lie vent on the Saratoga ia 1890, when sixteen Tears of age, and e served two years. In 1898 he want into the service between San Fran cisco snd Samoa, where he served a until 1900. Later he was placed on the gunboat Amphitrita, where he ' remained until a little over a vsar " ago. He waa then transferred to . the Indiana. » ___ f FIMI I Cm fir MKMHN » I used Chamberlain's Stomach I and Liver Tablets for indigestion ; and find that they suit my case tet : ter than any dyspepsia remedy I - have ever tried and I have used > many different remedies. I am t nearly fifty-one years of age and | have suffered a gnat deal from iu i digestion. I cms eat almost any r thing I want to now.—GEO. W. T BMOBY, Rock Mills, Ala. For sole by S. R/Bigg*. PBMAUE WEAKNESS inn SffSs&SSLI ■pn Periodical headaches tell e( fe male a ukases. Wine at Carta cores permanently sia»tei eetef every twenty etui of In if Isi menses, beeriag dowa pains «r aajr female waafcaaas. If yea am discouraged and doctors have failed, that ia the bast reaaaa in the world yea should trjr Wine of Cardai BOW. Hwasartir Oat hsailschsa iaaaa female weakness. Secure a SI.OO battle af Wiae sI Cardai today. | WINE" 1 |,C«RPI)I| •aNantry aa a Boa. The omnibus driver is nothing if not gallant, according to the Lon don Chronicle. Hng a gale . young lady Mated on aa omniboa hid her hat suddenly swept off by the breese. The hoHes were stop ped, end In in imtint aa active j-oung man had swung himself down in pursuit, while the owner of the hit sit confused ind bluihing. Tho driver, however, roee to tbe occa sion. "Never mind, miss. Thara'i • good 'end of 'air under it" he ob served consolingly, ind the mur mur of sssent with which the rest of the passengers greeted the words almost compensated the owner of the unlucky head gear for the bat tered condition in which it wae finally rescued from under a cab. The Meal Thing. Virginia Bosamond Josephine our pretty colored maid from the south, is the proud possessor of a rhinestone belt buckle which her mistress brought her home from Peris not long since. Teddy asked her the other day: "Are they real diamondi, Qin ny ?" "No, indeedy," she replied, with a toss of her woolly pompadour. "Dev's real grindstones. Missy fetched 'em to me from paradise! * —Lippioootfk. Hie AltsreS Ueefulneea. The scorching chauffeur leet con trol of his machine, which daahed through the wall of a writing fluid factory and precipitated him into a vat of finished product "Well," be muttered is he crawl ed out, "I may be badly damaged, but I'm still indispensable to a wali ordered office desk. "How sor asked the surgeon. "Because I'm a first class inky racer."—Baltimore News. •Ivd Migration. The fact that day birds becooe nocturnal at migration time, utter ing notes used on no other occasion fat the year, that they fly at a speed beyond their ordinary powera and at heights beyond ueir ordinary haunts, leads Dr. Gatko to believe that tbey possess ia their powera uf flight and soaring some principle sot employed on any other occasion and hitherto not tana into aeeauak by naturalista. Why not take a trip this Winter through FLORIDA TO CUBA * This beautiful State and Island has been brought within easy reach by the splendid through train service of the . . Atlantic Coast Line the great thoroughfare to the topics. Winter* Tourist Tickets are now on sale to all points in Florida and to Havana. For rates, p schedules, maps, sleeping car and steamship accommo dations write to Ws J. CRAIG, PASSBNGOUUSINT WILMINGTON, N. C * "■ " -- V"-" '* - i ' t* - V: > " J. ' • - " ■ ' ■ " 'S - ? . . u What to say in Spanish and how to say it" sent to any ad* dress on receipt of a two cent stamp. General Agents WANTED . . ftp? • - "L '• -*! To an of Rood character nd ability ike Eastern Lift Issuance ompaiy V will ghre exciptionsTly »ttrtctsw general «fe«rT ronewal ex tracts for desirable territory. If you ore h position to coaaid- I er an agency for the Company, addxeaa H. SUSMAN, CEN. AGENT Washington, N. C. STATEMENT OF BANK OF MARTIN COUNTY, AT VIUUIOIW, N. C., At the dot of bminess OP the aytk day of Dec.. 1903 1 uaone»: 1 uuama: Uaaa • Dtaaaata I *••"»! _ .. . _ - a Ow PtmlM. '.yf-T i " MM ft Man*, W""l U 11 11 1 F " *UMS DwXIM .MMMy'c.rtia Da* Praai Saaka aai Bufan D*pa*« aA|*** M QaO *MW 1 COEKBCT—ATTMT: _ 1 Dtaab ». Mv f . Wkrrtrr M.rtl. ( DIKSCTOU a U Oodar4 \ J.O. Olhli r Dcaah 8. Bigg , Ptm. T. W. Tilghauui Gea. Mgr. Jno. D. B%*, Bss ft VMM DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER GO. . . Manutacfiirm of . • Kfln Dried North Carolina Pbe Lumber, + + + S • • • • MMfNO MMMMfeMM OTMMMMU ORBtaS AMD COMBESFOMDtMCS SOLICITED WILLIAMSTON, N. C. to Guthrie TWO TRAINS DAILY The Capital of Oklahoma is now reached via the Friaco System S:jo p. m. train from St. Louis; the 10:40 a. m. trian from Fsiai City, ar» rive at Guthrie 8:05 a. m., 10 p. m. train from St. Louie; the u:jo p. m. train from Kansas City arrives 8:15 p. m The return unfa !• the North and Baat is equally convenient. On this new line of railway, thirty-eight mi lea diatant from Chandler the following atationa are located, via: Lowe, Dndley, Merrick, Ico nium and Taylor. The extension opens a new field in fertile fltisha ma, ofering golden opportnnitiea to thoae seeking homnsrhSMiant la purchasing tickets, avail )M self of the ahoctcat and faidwl route from St. Louis or Kanaaa City—Friaco System. F. B. CLARK, W. T. SAUNDBBS, Traveling Pasanger Ag't Gen'l A|L FW. D^l . - ATLANTA. OA.