i TERMS OF SUIHCUPTXOK: 1 * m w " inri r * ™ #wm • "Wcflur« |j| s*oo Six 5® is VOL V. - NO. 2i. ■ Houses and Schools Close Mtofe riff ll Crawford, aad first saw the Mght at the arortd aear the old CdMd luaul 111 ia the Flat Saaapflartiaaaf the caaaty. His 'twas then he laid STIS early age he was lsft fisthalam Later, his af "hb Me was chaagal from the eaaatry to the town where he has hlliiiaa. Ml of augUk force, he alefas af the t~wa aad county. Ia the year tMo he araa appoiated aheriff to fiß the aaexpfaed term of parikas days of the Civ.l War he Jaatmeat of theefafca'of theod&oe - „ Older inhalltaaW T**>> -» ' dHw - - tsiasm rtrr»r*oM a photo Qftim OP JUDGE Va T. CIAW FOED AT THB AOB OF ft, OaDpooeher aoth, 1865, at Tar ban. *TST he aarriod Martha FclteM. Hfohglfi'ir of Judge Aaa Biggs Sight chddreu wen given to them, five of whom arc living. yy . * *—a a * " ft* i imi ne. cemmf 9 ( i i votinu lj i la tha-fpeat of the fight, leading the Pwaanatir forces to victory. He waa elected Clerk of the So pester Caartia this campaign and, ffnytlMk ftkal to the orphan, poor utahrtavn race kwow kim m « fliend aad aa for as wm jg . nrinrinliH f miSr^Z. od of, and he imktboal his in •ad other duties witli aoaae of h» Bailor sometime bis failing health has been noticeable,and he gave np hh work to a great extent. Yet In his home life he am Mill the sane thoughtful husband and fath er, giving ptiaoaal Itillna to everything as fat luteaii days, la December lact be was attacked witk congestion of the laags aad bat for his wonderful vitality and will pow er might have fallea then Recov ering somewhat from that attach once more. But six weeks ago weak neas overcome him and be w*« com pelled ta reek hN bed. Rear pati cst. never wearisoma, he awaited the end which came suddenly bat quietlv, despite the tender aad skillful ministrations of phyiriam aad loved ones— "Md'i|niaqnai to adeem* to j':~, the rary, Aad Heaven, the heart's t*ue hame, will come at last." Oat of reapect to hia memory, all gad m iaimeaaa Ami followed Us temaiaa'to Oahdate Ccawtei r. where after appropriate services by Bkler Sylvester HasaeU. of the Primitive Baptist Church, they were interred in the fomity plot. Active pall-bearers were; W. C. Manning, H W. Stubfaa, Wheeler Mai tin, J. D. Simpaoa, W. J. Har diaon, S. R. Biggs, M. S. Peel aad I. C. Ciawford. M* Cm if litlw Cm! If Mattfs MI M The efficacy of Chamberlain'a Pain Bala in the relief af rheama tisaa is H«t daily. Parker Trfplett, of Gripby, Va., sajra that Chamberlain's Pain Balm gave him pmnaaat relief ftp everythiagdae failed, aad he aaald not be without it. For sale by S. R. Biggs. Jinrnua February 23. 1909. Rev. J. J. Harper, af Saaithfiald, w« in town Sunday. s Mteacs Ifaybdle Savage and Ikafe Ifaaarll went to Waahingtoa Tues day. Mr. P,g. BrowaaydMimMayte Nooaey went to Wilbamatoa Saa day. Mr. W. W. Walters aad Mim May Mhell weat to RubmaoatiSe The death of Rev J. L. Barns was qalte a aad atfair to lib had af Meads. He of throe or four churches, aad pcaached at Pop lar Chapel church oa the 14th of tkis life Batnrday, February aoth, an arm in the civil war. There ■ mm m 1i . , C |M ! T •WHII w JwjfMKllHß could not pt him to take amy Ilike his, gin I worker for his Master's cause, aad to Roben«mvßte aad laid to teat h : WILLIAMSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26.1904. aUft innb Mtlila Hone, white, alarap tria* awr for the electric cta baraed br coauag in contact whli ■ live wire oa Frost Anct today at ana. Oaeuf his haads mbami ' ..." * '•GOOD. * February, 24. There was* beautiful marriage this place at half past 2 o'clock to day. The contracting parties be ing Mr. Julian Powell, of New pact News. Va. and Mia Maggie Bdl. «( thia place. The ushers wear; Arthur Rulfin and Murry Whichard, Mary Qurdr sad Helen WhU mum flseu girls. The bride a rare gem of kmK aa, atliied hi ■ green trardui suit, accompanied by the groom, miwl the church to the sweet train* of the wedding amrJi ren dered by the aimble fingers of the uranflishrd Miss Alma Murchi soa. Bit. Mr. Powell, of Green rife, brother of the groom perform- Ed the cerenaoay. The church was haadaoaady decorated. The color adant was gieea aad white. There waa a large crowd present to witacm the marriage. The bridal party left on the 3 o'clock traia for Newport Ncara their future home. They wrrethe recipients of maay pICftMtS lltriff tod a Ihoaw rof afoa. ' - i* ?. * The Qaarterly Conference met at the M. E. Church of this place [in* Saturday and Sunday and was praalded over by Rev. Mr. Smith for tbia district. The atteadaace was small oa Sat urday owing to the inclemency of At weather, bat there was • good crowd oat Sunday and heard a grand aad forcible sermoo deliver by the pwMdlug eldre. Oar farmers are still farming by the indie, no field operations go ing on yet. bat if planning and forming* resolutions count for any thing they will be thoroughly pre paired to make a brave fight for a big harvest this fall. Mr. J. R. Ellison that clever, genial aad coarteous agent formely of mi auk in now holding the agency at this place (• good one he is to.) Krr. G - L Merrdl preached at Bagles last Sunday owing to the bad weather and roads, he did not drive over but went on the train. Mol M. Bell aad daughter Lfl Han. of Roanoke Rapids, came down ruUrfay to be present at the wedding today. W. B. Parker, who hw been ipcmUfWf thf irltli hit lliso Mattie Murcbisoa is visiting her aant Mrs. G. L. IferreQ. NMMftm I Where there aaad to be a feeling of uneasiness aad worry in the perfect confidence This is owing to the uniform aaoceasof Chamber laia's Coagb Remedy in the treat ment of that diacase. Mrs li. I. Beasfbrd, of PuohwDle, ltd., in speaking of her experience in the aae of that remedy says: "I have a world of confidence in Chamber Ei Congh Remedy for I have it with perfect success. My I Garland ia subject to aevere attacks of croup aad it always gives him prompt relief." For sale by S.L Biggs. ■ g till%>. H. C, Feb. M. —The Korth O win Society o« the Qn- Cbeshire, Jtdlian 8, Carr, Samuel A. AdMb Haywood I. dark, Ir Sntanl Bcochan Cameron. This nuiß| OoL Grim. In ijlTil Daniels, Dr. George T. Winston, Robert T. Gray. W. B. Sheperd, Joseph Gra- At the aweting of the society of the Cineinatfi here today the fol hiOl ilecn ■wihctti: Wil son G. Lnob. president; Collin Daves, (of lhMoow)' vice presi dent G. L; lftuM DeLancey Haywood, aarittaaA secretary; Water D. Caistarpbtn, treasurer; Benehan Canwn.HomUnt treaa nier; Bishop Chsdbl, chspiaia. . m m % ■ Italfcilki? Chamberlain's StoOuch andUv cr Tablets. A mem lemody for xj cents. For sale by S. E. Biggs. The asaniafe of Mr. Stephen L. Root and Miss Neva llassell was suhaiaiwd attbehooae of Mr. W. A. Everetta hot Sunday morning. The beoutifnl and impreasire awmisge rights mat performed by the Rev. M P. Smith who in his yuneßßd them man and wife. The ceremony was attended by • the creat was i matt pinning and - CD|OfBDK UOC. Mia ll—>ll boat of oar wxt popular young Udies and was one of the Harhw in Koberaonville High School. She km hosts of relatives aad f.ieadswho wish her Mr Stephen L. Ross is one of and ia held in high esteem by all who know him, and many congiat nlatious far future prosperity and long Hlf have been expressed, This amrriage was to have occur ed on the 10th, but owing to the sickness of the groom it was post poned. The News joiaa the host in wkh lug this happy can pie a long, hap ville Hewn. Our congratulations and good wishes ate a little taidy, but, they are, nevesthekas, just as hearty One was pale and sallow and tie other fresh and rosy. Whence the difference? She who is blushing with health naes Dr. King's New Life Pills to maintain it. By gent* ly areuriog the laay organs they compel good digestion and head off CB— tipatina. T»y them Only 15c. at S. R. Biggs and all drug gbto WatMß |2jjoi 4 Big MI A on this basis the sfdendid sum of wan ssade last year by the 558 boys and girls from all over the Sooth who attended the Ga.-Ala. Basinf College, at Mac on, On, Their total ciprnsrs were jnst m m m _ m - thst asnch ltas than if they had at tended any other college and in nd ditonto this they saved at least one third the time required elsewhere. AB who ensaplrtrd were placed ia good positions at about double the aahuies they were getting be fore, and fully a thousand more could have been placed if they had bM qualified. We are requested to invite all Forty Thousand Japs * w I Landfat Chemuldo ______ - NATIVES ARE PANIC-STRIKEN Mm Miles of Railroad Between Harbin and Vladivostock Destroyed. : * Petersburg, Feb. ». —"The war wfll end ia August ar Septem ber, tal the complete defeat ot the Japanese," aid to the Asaodated Press, a hig% authority ia intimate touch with the Kunias war plans, whose opiaioa can be tahen faith fully to reflect the belief ia the highest oftdal quarters. He added: "Hoar the Japaaeae can hope to succeed whea oar armr to the Bast is .strengthened to a poiat equal or superior ia aa—beta to that of oar adversary's we are honestly anable to comprehend. It will ant be diffi cult to place two. four or even aix hundred thoamad additioaal men in the fieU if ainmsij. Whea oar forces are coaceatrated sad ready they wfll fihh by dnring the the Japaaeae ia the sen. Frank ly, it seems to as that the Japanese either have utterly failed to appre ciate Kaasia'a resources, or bare counted on the aid of Great Britain or the Uaited States, neither of which ever contemplated becoming involved. So far aa Great Britain ia concerned we don't believe any hall octnatioas existed there. We think the British statesmen who did ao much to pnsh Japan into war, realized that with Japan'a de feat they would accomplish two tH«|t far Grent %**"*** —first, to the war must impede our progress temporarily; second, to cripnle Ja pan's maritime power, which was beginning to be greatly felt ia the Paofio." It can be said with the utmost pasitiveuess that Russia will bide her time. She will set on the de fensive until she fsds confident that her weight nf numbers will leave no doubt aa to the re stilt. Re inforcements are going forward at the rate of 3,000 par day. Prob ably some time will elapse before Russia fads fnflv prepared to as- A Fight Last Satueday. Berlin, Feb jj.— The Lokal An zdger today in a dispatch from Tokiosays: "A fresh engagement took place at Port Arthur Saturday last. The details have not been ymonncfd by the government." Seoul, Feb. lj. —A telegram re ceived here from a foreigner at Ping Yang says that the report that Russian scouts are at Aaju, ia au thentic- The telegram also says that the natives in Ping Yang are panic-stricken but foreigners are not threatened. Yokohama, Feb. fj.—Palace and other officials and interpreters have left Tokio for Mlyake Island, southeast of the Idzn Peninsula, where twain. Rnasisas recently landed from two boats, declaring they had been shipwrecked, but carrying arum and photographic The captain and two of the crew of another ahipwracked party, who landed on the north coast have been brought to Yokohama and turned over to the French consul' COSSACKS C»OW Tmt YAW. London, Feb. 24.— (Wednesddy) —la a dispatch from Tokio a cor. ittpqwkm ot the Una «y» some hundreds of Cossacks Tf Cho jn, thirty rniltn sooth of the Yolu River, on the afternoon of Febrn sry 20th. Thirty troops crossed the river Kama, the sue evening thus arriving within forty-five miles of Ping Yang, Korea. The rumor that the Russian Vladivastock squafaaa has again S7 Lf A Blue X Mark In the Square Belo# p . . pMMM' J I London, Feb. 24—(Tuesday.)— Cabling ftom Cbefoo on Pebrnary 24, a correspondent of the Morning Post says forty thousand more Jap anese troops have landed at Che mulpo, and that he has received confirmation of the report that some Japanese have 'landed at Pigeon Bay, others at Talienwan and that an engagement occured the night of Pebrnary nth. The correspondent at Seoul of the Daily Mail reports a panic at Ping Yang, Korea, which is regard ed as heraldiag the approach of the opposing armies. According to the Standard'a cor respondent at Seoul the Japanese bombarded Port Arthur at intervals between the Bth and the 14th of Pebrnary. causing, however, only slight damage. The report is confirmed, this correspondent continues, that sev enty miles of railroad trade and some important bridges have been destroyed .between Harbin and Vladivostok. '■, » - littir Tin Mi "I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and ner vous debility," writes P. J. Green, of Lancaster. N. H. "No remedy halpart ma until I began using Blac tric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitten are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigor ator for weak, run down women. No other medidOe can take its place in our family." Try them. Only 50c. 8. R. Biggs and all druggists. Nearly a Tragedy. Washington, N. C., Feb. aa.— There came near being a serious shooting affair at Belbaven Satur day night, Lonnie and Calvin Hodges, brothers, became involved in a dispute in T. C. Bishop's oyster restaurant. They had seve ral cross words and Lonnie Hodges drew his revolver and fired, The ball just grazed the face of Calvin Hodges. Lonnie Hodges was tried before the mayor at Belbaven and bound over to the next term of court. He was brought to this dty yesterday and lodged in jail. Claaktrliia'i Sfiaaek uJ Ufir TiMats. Illiquid far Cfiitlpllii Mr. A. R. Kane, a prominent druggist of Baxter Springs, Kan sas, says: "Chamberlain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets are, in my judg ment, the most superior prepara tion of anything in use to day for constipation. They are aura in ac tion and with no tendency to nau seate or gripe. Por sale by S. R. Bigg* ; • W. T. HARRISON SHOT. Sua and Richard Standi are ia Jail at WIIMB. Wilson, N. C, Feb. aa. -W. T. Harrison, of Kim City, was shot last night at nine o'clock at his farm near Stantonburg. this county by Sam and Richard Standi, and died this morning at eight o'clock. Deputy Sheriff John Dildy went to Stantonburg this afternoon and made the arrests. The men are now in jail here. The fatal ahot, it is thought, was fired by Sam, who used a shot gun. The corner's inquest will be held to-morrow. Subscribe to your County paper WHOLE NO. jag Professional f BE. JOHN D. BIGGS, DENTIST OFFICSi """"" Geo. w. hewkll * bro. LAWYERS mr ttST&tZM "WILUAMSTOH, N C. Si« timber Ad timber l ii i ■ PIIBWt T« DR. WM. B. WARREN Physician and Surgeon OFFICE: Bear of Roanoke Hotel Smithwick Street Residence, the " Rhodes Place Simmons' Ave. •PHONE £ SKEWARKEE A LOD S E RkMlF.tlE /Ny\ DnnotY Foa 1904. S. & Brow*. W. 11; H. D. Taylor, 8. W.; Mc. O. Taylor. I. W-; T. W. Thorn as, 8. D.; A. F. Taylor, J.D; 9. L Bigg*. Secretary; C. D. Caratarphea, Tnatuicit M M. Critcber aad f. D. Biggs, St wirdt t ft. W. Clary, Tiler. STANDING COMMITTEES: Cuimr-S. 8. Brain, H. D. Taylor, Mc. G. Taylor. Pix&xck— V. C Manning. W. H.Han, ell. R. J. Peel. Kvouci-H. W. StabbsJ Joaepb B. Ballard. F. K. .Hodges. Asyuk-C. W. Bloant, W. M. York, H. M. Rums. " Mtmm.ir-). H. Hattaa. In Gase 0! Fire, you want to be protected.. ,7** In esse of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident yon want some thing to live on besides borrowing. Let Us Caatt to Year Bmcuj We can insure you'against loss from Fire, Death and Accident^ We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond yon for any office requir ing bond Uh Bit Bnt Ctijnltt lipnMitN K. B. GRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building, BO YEARS' ma V H 1 ■ ■ k □ B v 1 »«*iiaaMla»liUna«r »-.nt (M«l fc-WMf "wr gS fillJlMl !■». jxssttssstxsE*^" Sctortffic America. 4%—ai tana* ; ji c» - ». TV,...!'? U 9 WJlllamstOß Telephone Co. Oftcc orer Bank of Marti* QoontyJ WILLIAHSTOK,.H.,C. TfeMe CfeSlfCSl Xr>ar Hailed to *ißteate*>atm)ekars« will wJtMr te —W far lw|ii.Har. -- To Waahingtoo } Casta, •• Great villa as "i . " riymoath *S *"J " Tarboro |i «J ' " Rocky Mount 35 « J - " Jzmeavillc IS r> " Kader Lille, *a 15 " J '• J. G. Statoa IS '* " J. L. Woolard 15 " " O. K. CoarUg VCo. 15 " " F.inwla 13 ** " f .iIU 15 «« " Everett* IS " " Gold Point Jis " " Geo. P. McNanghtoa is «'