* ADVERTISING • IS THE ROAD TO SUCCESS WATCH THOSE WHO ADVERTISE IN THIS PAPER VOLV. NO. 49. Bldf HMntaiir?'* Nmotts .■^ajSaSay* *2» wJJSCI/\ AS SOTTAS I !• the concentrated downy effect ■ of six layera of felt.-d cotton o ■ •elected quality. In the cooceo ■ tratioo there la no hardnaaa. ■ Thar areaoftat first and remain ■ *» BlMfk years of constant ■ oae. Write tor free booklet. ■ "TW Royal Way to Comfort" ■ Vypordealerhaan'tit writeua. IwsEsn Who is Your Candidate ROOSBVEUT OR PARKEU? The coning campaign pramiaea to bi cloae. Neither candidate ia certain oi aocceaa. Brents may happen which wil change the whole aapect of the politka aitnation. No newapaper ia better equip ped to handle the news than THE WASHINGTON POST It has a perfect telegraphic service, iti special correspondents rank first ia tlx newapaper profeaaiou, and all the newa ii printed without fear or favor oi either party. The Poet ia thoroughly in dependent, and each day will give th. true aitnation, uncolored by partiaat aeal. No paper ia more widely quoted At great coat it obtains cable aiapatchei from the Loadoa Times, giving the newi of the Ruaaian-Japaneae war. Subscription for three months, ft .90; two niontha, f1.15; one month, 70 cents. Sample copies free. THE WASHINGTON POST CO, WASHINOION. D. C. SKEWARKEE A No. 90, A. F. fc A. M. AIJA DißKcroav Pom 1904. S. a Brown, W. II.; H. D. Taylor. S W -I O. Taylor, t. W.; T. W. Thorn ' "• a D -: A. P. Taylor, J.D; S. R. Biggs Secretary; C. D. Carstarphen, Treaaurer M.M. Critcher and J. D. Biggs, Stewards R. W. Clary, Tiler. W ' STANDING COMMITTERS: Cha*ity-S. 8. Brown, H. D. Taylor Mc. G. Taylor. Piwakc*— W. C. Manning. W. H.Har HI, R. J. Pael. Rnnutct-H. W. Stubbs, Joaept R. Ballard. P. K. Hodgea. Aavtu*—G. W. Blount, W. M. York H. M. Burraa. MasshaUt—J. H. Hattoa. Williamston Telephone Co, Ofice oyer Bank of Martin County, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Uuures BMmmm UMfttotf to 5 minutes; extra chim will podUvctr be made for looker time. To Waahington jj Ceata " Giaenville 15 «• " Plymoath 13 •« " Tarboro jj «• " Rocky Moont j5 " Scotland Neck t, " Jamearille Ij " Kader Lilley's ,5 " J. O. Staton , 5 „ " J. L. Woolard ,5 " O. K. Cowing ft|Co. 13 " " Parmele Ij •• " Robenonville ( l 15 «• M Bveiatls jj |j « Geo. P. McNaagfaton ij .«« Hamilton 20 ** Por other pointa ia Baatera Carol inj aee "Central » where a 'phone will b, foand for oae of aoa-aahacribcra. R I P A N S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription _ Por mankind Tte jrceat packet is emoagti tot asasl mam; Tfce family battle tee««ta) eoataias. saopl, forayear. All drantats sell them. Enterprise P't's Go. PUBLISHERS PRINTERS BINDERS. 'Phone 5a Williamston, N. C. I ALL AROUND OUR COUNTY News of Importance Gathered by our Cor respondents From Over the County JAMBSVILLE Hiss Mary Moore left for her home in Clio S. C., Tuesday. Mis Jones, of Mackey's Ferry, ia visitLif her aunt, Mrs. Cooper. Mias Amu Savage went to Wil liamston Friday and returned Tues day. Preaching Sunday at the Metho dist church by Rev. Mr. Rumlev, of Roberaonville. Capt T. W. Tfllery, General Managar of the N. &. S. Seamboat Line, was in town Saturday. Means. Geo. M. Bunas, J K. Evans and J. T. Casper went to Flat Swamp Sunday to attend the yearly meeting. EMfEMCf Miliclits It is a great convenience to have at hand reliable remedies for use in cases of accident and for slight in juries and ailments. A good lini ment and one that is fast becoming a favorite if not a household neces »ty is Chamberlain's Pain Balm. By applying it promptly to a cut, bruise or burn it allays the pain and cause* the injury to heal in about one-third the time usually required, and as it is an antiseptic it prevents, any danger of blood poisoning. When Pain Balm is kept at hand a sprain may be treat ed before inflammation sets in, which insures a quick recovery. For sale by S. R. Biggs. DARDENS Mr. Ed. Sallinger returned to Charkstou. S. C., Tuesday, Miss Mae Williams, was the guest of relatives here Sunday. Miss Minnie Hardison, of near Jamesville, is in our midst teach ing the public school. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones, of Roper, were guests in the home of Mr. Jones' mother last week. Miss Clyde Hassell, one of Wil- Itamston's moat beautiful young ladies, is here visiting the Misses Darden. The Misses Bennett, of Hamil ton. and Mr. and Mrs. Meads, of Norfolk, are the guests of Mrs. David Swinaon. Misses Olive Jackson and Ada Moore have been attending the protracted meeting at Christian Hope the past week. Mrs. Lizzie Sallinger, who ha*, been suffering so long with dropsv', is very ill. Her Children from Nor folk have been called to her bed side. The protracted meeting last week held at the Methodist church by Rev. Mr. Jones, of Plymouth, re vived the community very much, and gained Miss Maggie Darden as a charming addition. Will the powers let Japan hold Port Arthur after she takCs it, or will they reinstate Russia under that 99 year lease from the over awed Chinese?— Atlanta Constitu tion. SurStiMcl When the quantity of food taken is too large or the quantity too rich, sour stomach is likely to fol low, and especially so if the digest ion has been weakened by consti pation. Bat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Mas- ticate the food thoroughly. Let five hoars elapse between meals, and when yon feel a fullness and weight in the region of the stom ach after eating, take Chamber lain's Stom ich and Liver Tablets and the aour stomach may be avoided. For sale by S. Jt. Biggs. Subscribe to THK BxTuirisv. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9.1904. Tke Democratic Chasces Election forecasts, nearly three months before the event, are—not to put too fine a point upon it— rather inconclusive; bnt speculation is at least interesting, and when in dulged by anything like an intelli gent authority must command a certain amount of attention. The New York Times is certainly one of the most responsible newspapers of the country, and though more democratic than otherwise, vet pur sues always the truth as it sees and would not sacrifice it charac ter for honest dealing for the sake of any party. It has made a table of calculation and it follows : DKMOCHATIC STATES. Alabama 11 Arkansas . . • g Florida 5 5 Georgia . . . . ' Kentucky 18 • Louisiana g Maryland ' 8 : Mississippi io Missouri . . ift Nevada * 3 North Carolina 12 South Carolina ...... g Tennessee 12 Texas 18 Virginia 12 Total 162 REPUBLICAN STATES California 10 Idaho 3 Illinois 27 low* 13 Kansas u. Maine 6 Massachusetts ...... 16 Michigan i 4 Minnesota . . tI Nebraska 8 New Hampshire 4 North Dakota 4 Ohio 2^ Oregon 4 Pennsylvania 34 Rhode Island ...... 4 South Dakota 4 . Vermont 4 Washington 5 Wyoming 3 , Total 207 ( Since 239 votes are required to elect, it is seen from this table that the Republicans require only 32 votes from the doubtful States while the Democrats need 77. Thi«- is a tolerably unpleasant showing on its face, but see further- The Times' list of doubtful States is a» follows : Colorado ........ 5 Connecticut 7 Delaware g Indiana ' ... . 5 Montana ' 1 New York •jy New Jersey u Utah . . . 3 West Virginia ...... 7 Wisconsin 13 Total 107 The States which The Times re garding as likely to l»e carred by the Democrats are these : Connecticut ....... 7 Indiana 15 New Jersey ....... 12 New York r* .r—7- - m West Virginia 7 Total 80 This would give the Democrats just three votes more than neces sary; and they ought to have all these States and Wisconsin besides. —Charlotte Observer. , That awful grinding, subbing pain in the back is from the kidneys. A dose of piueules will cure it over night. Pineules is a new discovery put up in a new way. A delightful remedy and specific for all Kidney and Bladder troubles. Sold by S. H. Ellison & Co. SELLERS IS THE SHEDDER OF BLOOD Tlw N«c ro —4 a Cpp»«lob Almat TT THE SEQUEL TO THE OUTRAGE OF MRS. PACKER Two negroes, Neil Sellers and Dave Brown, supposed to be the guilty parties who outraged and murdered Mrs. Q9O. Packer, a re spectable white wocun at her home near Clarkton, have been captured. The evidence is very strong against them. A lynching was narrowly averted when the men were placed in jail at Elizabethtown Sunday. Sheriff Lyon left on the steamer Monday for Wilmington where he took the prisoners for safekeeping. Brown was the first man arrest ed. The bloodhounds were put on the trail and the capture of Sellers soon followed. Sellers is unquestionably the man who committed the horrible crime. Brown's confession removes all doubt. While Brown probably took no hand in the commission of the bloody deed, he confesses that Sellers tried to get him to help,and he Jtnew all about it. Tuesday night the prisoners, in charge of Sheriff Lyon, of Bladen countv, and several deputies, were on the train ready to depart for Raleigh to be placed in the peniten tiary, when several hundred ex cised citizens of Wilmington gath ered about the car and there wen J Veils of "pull them out and lynch them." Every minute the situation became more intense, and just about the time for the train to de part a rush was made to break into the car and take out the prisoners. AU. THAT SAVKD THKU At the same time the Wilmington Light Infantry, in command ol Capt. W. F. Robertson,was rushed under the shed and the crowd way made to fall back before flashing bayonets. Several car wiudows were smash ed with thrown missies, but then was no shooting. SENT TO PUNITENTIARY When the mixed train from Golds boro arrived in Raleigh at 12:2 c. o'clock Wednesday morning it con tained the two negroes charged with the crime, accompanied bj Sheriff Lyon, of Bladen, and two young deputies. Both negroes are of low statute and Sellers is very slightly built The latter is of a light ginger-cakt color and Brown is of a deep black. Neither of the prisoners appears to 1* more than twenty-three yean old. They were securely hand cuffed together and were hustled by the officers from the train autl rushed through the station to the sidewalk where a carriage was wait ing to take the party to the peni tentiary. A Bof's Will Rlli fir Ufi With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding foi life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, Ind., endured deaths agonies from asthma; but this won derful medicine gave instant reliel and soon cured him. He writes : "I now .sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of Consump tion, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Coughs I Colds and Grip prove its match less merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles free at S. R. Biggs and all druggists. THE CHURCH TAKES A HAND Augusta, Ga., Sept. 6.—The Me thodist church of Statesboro has a sort of indication meeting last night and expressed thorough disappro val of the recent lynching and burning of two negroes in that town. The meeting first proposed to expel all.church members who took part in the lynching, but later passed resolutions asking resigna tions. If certain resignations are not forthcoming in answer to the reso lutions the names will be called and expulsions will follow. FROM CAPITOL OF THE STATE Items of Interest Gathered from Over the State by our Raleigh Correspondent Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 5, 1904. That troublesome 'asset" of the State of North Carolina, the A. & N. C. railroad is leased at last. The stockholders, by the over whelming vote of 1,259 *° 97- ' n * structed the directors to make the lease and the attorneys last night drew up the papers. The rental starts at three per cent on the capital stock and gradually increases to six per cent; This means an annual revenue of $37998 to the State from tMs source from the d-tte of the lease, while the p'l vate shares draw the same rate ot dividend. Before tSc stockholders met at noon in New Bern it was apparent that the leas** would be carried. The sentiment of the largest private stockholders was particularly unan imous for the State retiring from the railroad business. Director C. E. Foy fought almost single-handed against any lease, and when he saw the battle would be lost he gave notice that legal steps would be taken to set the lease aside when it was made. The called meeting of stockhold ers was the most largely attended in the history of the company. At ter a brief session in the warehousi at New Bern Joseph Robinson was elected chairman and George Green and Chas. Stevens secretaries. Thi meeting then took a recess to meet in Morehead City at 3 o'clock. How ever when the party af ived at the Atlantic Hotel a dinner was served and it was 4 o'clock before tin meeting proceeded to business. Governor Aycock and the board ol internal improvements, B. W. Bal- J lard and B. C. Beckwith, were pres ent with their counsel, ex-Governor T. J. Jarvis. The successful bidder, R. S. Howland, attended by R. P. Foster, Fred L. Merrit and his at torneys, Theo. F. Davidson and James H. were on hand. W.L. Kennedy and the parties in his syndicate were not represented by counsel, but attended in person. When the meeting reconvene v State Proxy Grainger announced that he was instructed by the State board of internal improvements to vote for the lease of the road and to submit two propositions for a least' and support whichever had the ap proval of a majority of the private stock. The Kennedy syndicate and the Howland propositions were then read to the meeting They were almost identical except that How land ofFers to spend large sums in developing Eastern Carolina, Di rector E. C. Duncan offered a reso lution that the Howland proposi tion be accepted for a term of 91 and 4 months from this date and I that the directors and olTicials be in structed to make the lease, turning ' aver all the property to the lessee 1 upon his executing his part of tht ' :ontract. '• Theo, F. Davidson, counsel for Howiarid, stated to the stockhold ers that Mr Howland had resided in North Carolina si* years and had invested over three hundred thou sand dollars in permanent improve ments at Ashevi le. He told of his vast business interests in New Eng land, California and Cuba, and pre dicted that he would bring untold prosperity to the territory traversed by this road. Terms of the Lease. The proposition of the (lowland A Power For 6oo The pills that are potent in their action and pleasant in effect are De- Witt's Little Early Risers. W S. Phil pot, of Albany, Ga., says: "During a bilious attack I took one. Small as it was it did me more good than calomel, blue mass or any other pill I ever took and at the same time the effect was pleas ant. Little Early Risers are cer tainly an ideal pill." Sold by An derson, Crawford & Co. Improvement Company, which has been accepted, is for 9i years and 4 months. The rental is 3 per cent on the capital stock for the first ten years, 3 1-1 for the third ten years, 4 for the fourth ten years, 4 i-j for the fifth ten years, and 6 per cent for the balance of tha term. The proposal includes an offer 50 or 60 years at the rate named up to that period. The Howland company assumes and pays the bonden indebtedness of the road as it ills due, and if the debt is refunded it shall be at the lowest possible rate of interest and in no case shall Howland pay more than six per cent on these bonds. The Lease is Valid Governor Jar vis says there is abso lutely no question about the legal ity of the lease. The same matter has been passed on repeatedly bv the courts. All hen concur in this opinion. It was nearly midnight before the details of the lease were drawn up, signed by directors and ratified by th«- stockholders. President Howland's first act on taking charge was to instruct his assistant manager Fred F. Merrit, to advertise for one hundred thous and standard cross-ties. The entire line of 96 miles from Goldsboro to Morehead will be laid with 76- ponnd rails displacing the present light 50 pound rails. What Governor Aycock says. Governor Aycock said:" The ques- tion of leasing the Atlantic & North Carolina road has always been on«- to trouble the Governor and others charged with the duty, but I believe the lease now consumated will meet! with general approval, and as th« (lowland Improvement Comyany puts improvements on the road and begins the active development ol this section the people of the whole Stijte will rejoice that th>- road ha* been leaded. The rental itself, whil. satisfactory, is not of so much jcon sequence as the development of th rich country through which the road passes There is evt ry reason to believe that Mr. Ilowland intends to do his utmost to bui!d up the agricultral and industrial interest* of Eastern Carolina. Your Correspondent ha-* talked with a large number of the leading liti/.ens of Raleigh, including some State officials, and a so several gen tlemen from other parts of the State here today on business. Without a discordant note the eneral acclaim was that the lease as effected is very satisfactory and will be endorsed by the people generally of North Carolina. Gov- rnor Ay cock especially is to be cogratulated, said a number ol gentlemen, on the final disposition of this troublesome matter, and his action in the premises yesterday will add much to the success and repution of his successful and bril liant administration. A piominent man from the truck ing section was enthusiastic over Release; for, said he. it will|evident ly greatly benefit an! promote the growth of our st ction—-already one Continued on fourth page Till SIUMCI Is 111 MM A weak scotnach weakens the man, because it cannot transform the food he eats into the nourishment. Health and strength cannot be re stored to any sick man or weak woman without first restoring health and strength to the stomach. A weak stomach cannot digest enough food to feed the tissues and revive the tired and run-down limbs and organs of the body. Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, cleanses and strengthens the glands and membranes of the stomach, and cures indigestion, dy spepsia and all stomach troubles, i Sold by Anderson, Crawford & Co. . I sSr IP YOU WANT YOUR . BUSINESS « TO INCREASE ADVERTISE FOR CUSTOM] WHOLE NO. 357 $5,000 ——■ ssssanrngsa •MHMUIOU mwiicNiauMwh y** fcr ColUfi S~YPEACE\~ **JB\ >Al.«toi I raEZ 4H«|i Professional Caixfar - oft. JOHN D. BIGGS,^ BEJJTIST Opfick—Main Sthhut Phons 4 Beosob W. Nkwkll s. ATvodb Nnmu GEO. W. NEWELL & BRO. LAWYERS O«0f up stairs in New Bank Bnlld *®l. band side, top of steps. "VILLIAIISTON. N C. R-ritrtkt wherever «rrvkrs arc drsjrH. Special attention given to eianlaiif and uk in* title for purchaaera of timber and timber ■■da. PHONE T« W. M. IIAK KKI.I, Wm. K. WARRKN V Drs. Harrell £■ Warren PHYSICIANS and SUROEONS 9 OrPICK IN Biggs' Drug Stokb 'Phone No. at) In Gase of Tire you want to be protected. In case of death yon want to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. Let Us Come to Your Rhcim We can insure you against loss from Fire, Death and Accident, We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg* lary. We also can bond you for any office requir*- , ing bond _,~. liii la! list Conpanies Represent* K. B. GRAWfORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building. VI AM SOU MOTS « FOB Ylftbl The most famous Cod Liver Oil prep aration known to medicine. Contains AM. the medicinal elements of cod liver oil, actually taken from f"*h cod's livers, but not a drop of oil. Delicious to tlie taste and recognised throughout the world aa the greatest STRENGTH CREATOR lor old people, weak, sk-klj women and children, nursing mothers and af ter a severe sirkneae. Cures Hacking Coughs, Chrooio Colds, Bronehitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. L'nequaled to create an appetite and to make those who are too thin, fat, rosy and healthy. Try It on our guarantee to rctara jour money If jou arc not satisfied. BAKER & SALSBURY \ug-5 jm. I_ Hamilton, N. C. CRYSTAL, Shaving Parlor RHODES & ALEXANDER Proprietor* Bank Building Smithwick Street New and up- to-date Furniture, rhe best Barbers that can be ob tained. \ Polite and courteous attention. Motto—"We lead, others follow."

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