_sj^ W" i''' ~ A FIREARMS _ InlalMblwlNKdWr ACCUHACT. SAFETY. DUIABIUTT Zfm.'ttl&St RIFLES, PISTOLS. SHOTGUNS A* rmr *~W» tor IS. -STTVIW. Uto J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., P.O. BOX 3MI CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS. •T sdatl scrrtc* unlos m ■■rfcsss wire bearing a welt fcsown trademark. Pot om IW' ■ Ilmtm ts w'nl ijm perfect satisfaction. Ttuj ■ an sold by ksus« Mm gg^wJissas MTBKNATIONAI. SILVER CO, ■irtlis. Cwa. BEE'S Laxative Ifr HONEY™ TAR An improvement over all Cough, Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strengthens the Lungs and Gently Moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. niMMD BY Plisuli Midlcln Co., Cblcagt, U. S. A. S.JI. ELLISCN & Co. OUUi. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE IILJ|J i L J DESIGNS ' rwn* COPYRIGHTS 4c. Anfon* •*n«llnt • and n>«» mifhi* urertaln our optnlon f rtv» *nwhfr «t Invention »• pn»haMy nutentabl*. ..mmunlca Uooaatrietlyconfidential. Handbook u«* l*«twtiu MQtfrM. mm* r V»r »N»nirm* fatrnta. Patent* taken thn-ufh Muun A l *». rvcvlv* yrrlal notice without ch»rue, in tho Scientific Hraerkati. A ksndsomslr IllMtrniad wsrttf. !«i«l«r- Mlntlos of »nr stui« J..ura«L "IVriiin. »3 s rear: f"»r months, (L Bold bj»U UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE,^^a 0 MIOICIBE—OEMTtSTET-MIItMACT {M odam Laboratories ia charga of apeUaluls. Quia System. Superior CUntca. IWiUide teaching In our own Hospital FordatoUo^nfofjMt^o^BTtt^ri^^PßOCTOß. i There's a Reason Why , ECHOL'S Ficdmontonccnirated Iron and Alumn Water cures Indigestion. Rheumatism, Cn tarrh. Female Complaints, Kidney and Blndder Troubles, Stomach and Bowel Disorders, Nervousuess, Ma laria, Scorfula and othei Blood and Skin Diseases. It is not a (latent medicine. Imt a natural juoduct containing nearly every mineral found in a healthy human !>ody. When those minerals escape from the system, sickness is the result, and there is nothing known to science which replaces them so quickly as our Mineral Water Remedy. If we can't give you value receiv ed for your money, we will refund it. You have all to gain and noth ing to loae. Physicians all over this country prescride it, and you find people everywhere who have lieen cured with it. For sale by S. R. BIGGS and all good druggists. 8 oa. bottles 50c.; »Boz. buttles ft. J. M. RCHOLS CO. - - Virginia. a ■ Wine of Cardui I Cured Her. I SIS Sooth Prior Street, ■ Atvsjtta, Oa., March 21,1008. I Buffered for four month* with H ■ extreme nervousness and lassitude. H ■ I had a linking feeling in my H ■ stomach which no medicine teemed H I to relieve, and losing my appetite H ■ I became weak and lost my vital- ■ ■ ity. In three woeks I lost fourteen H ■ pounds of flosh and felt that I most I I find speedy relief to regain my B I health. Having heard Wine oit H ■ Cardui praised by several of my H ■ friends, I sent for a bottle and was I ■ certainly verv pleased with the H ■ results. Within three days my H ■ apjietito returned and tny stomach H ■ troubled me no more. I could H ■ digest my food without difficulty H ■ and the nervousness gradually H ■ dimlninhixl. Nature performed H ■ her functions without difficulty I ■ iind I am ouoo more a happy and H ■ well woman. OLIVE JOSEPH, Cms. AU»o*» ftUUj Hlgts Clatk I ■ Secure a Dollar Bottle of I Wine of Cardui Today. RALEIGH LETTER. Continued from first page of the greatest interests of the State. Visitors to the State Pair Will l>e Better provided for This Year. Secretary Joseph E, Pogue, of the Sate Fair, has been in commu nication with Mr Howell Cobb, lessee of the YarboroHotel, who re cently bought the Park Hotel, prop erty, with reference to opening of the latter hotel (which has accom dations almost equal to the Yarbo ro) in time to accommadate visitors to the fair this year. Secretary Pogue says Mr. Cobb had written him that he would have the Park Hotel in opftmtion (dining room service and all) in ample time for the State Fair. This will be welcome news to many, and will largely add to the capacity of accommodation for the lair visitors. The State hoard of education held a meeting here The principal bus iness before the board was the dis p. sition of a numberof applications from rural school districts in various cj iiities of thii State for loans from the State fund to aid in the rebuild ing and remodelimg of rural school houses and equipment. The turn taken by the rural district in this matter has assumed large and in teresting proportions, and has com ui-nded itsell to the State board. Tli« di tncts are required to pay one-half of the expenses of the im provements and in order to meet this requirement it has become ne cessary for many of them to secure loans hence the application before the State board. Nine thousand dollars was au thorued by the bord to be lonned various districts covering an area from Cherokee to Currituck coun ties. The loans are made payable in ten years, with an interest rate of four per cent, one-tenth of the interest to be paid each year. New Cotton. The first bale of the season was brought to market yesterday by Mr. R. II Whitley, of Panther Branch township, and bought privately by Messrs. M. A. Parker & Sons, cot ton buyers of this city. It has been the custom to sell at auction the lirst bale of the season, and that plan "\vas suggested in the sale «>f this bah', but owing to the conditions of such sale, which were not agreeadle to Mr. Whitley, the wner, lie decided to sell privately. The cotton was bid on by one or two buyer* privately, Messrs. Par ker & Sons securing the purchase by the highest otler—at eleven and three-quarter cents. The quality is good and was gra ded as "strict middling." Cotton has advanced 100 points in the last few days, . and is now near the twelve-cent mark, which unconsidered a good opening figure. The crops are good and the in dications are that the price will not decline. The season opened thi-« year aliout seven days in advance of last season, and the picking is now on in earnest. Chairman Simmon* Ssads Telegram to Chairman Rollins. Republican State Chairman Rol- Una and Democratic State Chairman Simmons have exchanged telegrams with reference to a joint canvass for limited time betigeen State elect- ors-at-large Self (Democrats) and Britt(republicau) The telegrsms, which are self-ex plana lory, are printed below: '' Asheville, August ji, 1904. •■Hon.F.M.Simmons, Raleigh.N. C. "W. A. Self screes to divide time with Britt. September sth to 17th, it you approve. Answer. "THOMAS. S. ROLLINS. ' Chairman.'* Raleigh, September 1. 1904. '•Thomas S. Rollins, Chairman Re publican State Committee Ashe ville, N. C: My letter of July >7th, asking for a joiut debate between the candi dates (or political offices of our respective parties all along the line and all over the State, your letter declining that challenge and my re ply thereto of August »oth is my answer to your telegram concern ing debate between Messrs. Self and Britt. I will not recognize your right, after declining a joint canvass be tween all the candidates, to select the candidates whom you wi'l challenge. • F. M. SIMMONS. • Chm. Dem. State Kx. Committee'' A dispaUh states that Col. Pear sall, of Raleigh, N. C., a member of the Democratic executive com mittee of the State, arrived at Rose mount at noon and took luncheon with Judge Parker. Aftfcr a brief conversation with the judge he re turned tp New York. More than twenty-five able-bod ied men were sitting in idleness yes terday on Wilmington street. Not a single one of these who could not have been at work, if he had want ed to. Fodder is buruing up with nobody to pull it. In some places cotton needs picking, hay si ripe, and if not saved will be ruined. Farmers are anxious to pay good wages in order to have this work done, and yet here are scores ot hands with nothing to do, and no visible means of support. This thing is the curse and blight of this city, and ought, at any cost to be broken up- The police force ought ti> know everybody in the city, and when ihey see a loater applying his trade day after day, he ought to arrest him, carry him before the mayor and let him choose between going to work on somebody's (arm or be ing sent to the roads, A few examples of this sort would brake up that gang, for every good man in the city would stand squarely by-the mayor and all con cerned. No use to listen at what one of these loafers say about wanting work and offering to do it. The very fact that they are not at work and live in habitual idleness is proof positive that they do not want to work, LLKWXAM. Ftirfil Odds Agilist Hla Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such, in brief, was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Ha vens, Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Electric Bitters. It put him on his feet iu short order and now he testifies: "I'm on the road to complete recovery." Best on earth for Liver and Kidney troubles and all forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only 50c. Guaran teed by S. R. Biggs and all drug gists. i September will see the presiden tial campaign opened in earnest and General Apathy effectually routed. —Atlanta Constitution. Wblt'S ll I N»l ? Everything is iu the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve.. E. C. I)e\Vitt & Co., of Chicago, dis covered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for Piles. For blind, bleeding, itching and pro truding Piles, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases, De- Witt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worth? kss counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt's —the genuine. Sold by Anderson Crawford & Co People who like to read light summer fiction will be amusingly diverted by the republican cam paign hand-book.—Atlanta Con stitution. When troubled with constipation trv Chamberlain's Stomach and i Liver Tablets, They are easy to > take and. produce no griping or i other unpleasant effect. For sale by S. R. Biggs. Jurm Mr September Court Purr Vm - ~ Jameftville —Lafayette Ange, Z. T. Gurkio, Maroellus Stubbs. Williams —C. J. Griffin, Harmon B. Lilley, Tna. E. Moore. Griffins—Wm. Bissell. A. G. Griffin, Mc D. Lilley, W. E. Man ning, Henry Roberaon. Bear Gnus —Calvin Avers. Williamston —W. A. Jones. Cross Roods—S. 8. Bailey, J. L. Clark, D. D. Clark. Robersonvilie —H. T. Brown, B. R. Jenkins, W. W. Keel, J. Ale*. Robuck, W. A. Robersrn, Calvin Smith, W. S. Vick. Poplar Point—T. A. Stevenson. Hamilton —J. P. Boyle, J. L. Oarnhill, W. A. Fleming, J. D. Hatrell. W.' R. Howard, D. C. Jones, W. E. Lawrence, A. E.Pur vis, W. W. Salsbury. Copse Nest —B. S. Council, T. H. Combs, Z. M. Wbitehurst. SECOND WBKK Jamesville —J. B. Allen, J. S. Jones. Williams— Theodore Roberaon. Griffins—Geo. A. Bayner, Jno. E. Lilley. Bear Grass—Davis Harris. A. D. Hadley, Donnie B. Harrison. Williamston —A. Anderson, A. T. Crawford, Roger Critcher, Geo. L. Whitlev, Jr. Cross Roads—J. A. Everett, J.S. Peel, Jr. Robersonvilie —H. L. Andrews, A. S. Everett. Goose Nest—W. K. Hurst, T. W. Sills. DIRECTORY Town Officers Mayor—Joshua L. Kwell. Commissioners—Dr. J. B. H. Knight, N. 8. Peel, Dr. J. D. Biggs, A. Hassell, P. K. Hodges. Street Commissioners —I'. K. Hodge*, N. 8. Peel. Clerk—A. Hasaell. Treasurer—N. S. Peel. Attorney—Wheeler Martin. Chief of Polk*—J. H. Page. Lodges Skewarkee Lodge, No. 90, A. F. an«l A. M. Regular meeting every and anil 4th Tuesday uighta. Roanoke Camp. No. 107, Woodmen of the World. Regular meeting every 4th Friday night. Church f the Advent Services on the second and fifth Sun days of the month,morning and evening, and on the Saturdays (5 p. m.) before, and on Mondav* (9 a. m.) after said Sun days of the month. All are cordially in vited. B. S. LASSITKR, Rector. Methodist Church Rev. T. H. Sutton, the Methodist Pas tor, lias the following appointments: Bvery Sunday morning at tl o'clock and night at 8:30 o'clock respectively, except the second Sunday. Sunday School ejery Sundav morning at 9:30 o'clock. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday even ing at 8:30 o'clock. Holly Springs 3rd Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Vernon Ist Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Hamilton and Sunday, morning and night; HasaelU and Sunday at 5 o'clock. A cordial in vitation to all to attend these services. Baptist Church Preaching oa the Ist, and and 4th Sun days at 11 a. in., and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:30- Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30. J. D. Uiggs, Superintendent. The pastor preaches at Hamilton on the 3rd Sunday in each month, at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m., and at Riddick's Grove on Saturday before every i«t Suuday at 11 a. m., and on the Ist Sunday at 3 p. m. Slade School |Houae on the and Sunday at 3 p. m , and the Biggs' School House on the 4th Sunday at 3 p. m. Everybody cordially invited. R. D. CARROLL, Pastor. f KIDNEY DISEASES KZI When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the I circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. MM A MA foleyskidneycure corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the ovnio or MINHTS DISEASE. whole system, and the diseases that have ■ . ■ .*'• ■?*». u.VvrTft^r 1 ,f,Bgt resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, because the csutae has been removed. Com- ■ mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB!! - at the first sign of danger. Do not risk I haTing Di#eMe * Diabetes. Two SIZM, 60 Oonts ML SI.OO. SUJI MB MMMHMB IV S.R. Wllllometon, N. G. World's Fair April 25 to Nov. 30 Excursion Tickets Sold Daily Season Tickets Sixty-Day Tickets, and Fifteen Day Tickets. TMOUM PULLMAN SLEEPERS CAFE MUM CARS VIA NwW THK • Norfolk A Western Railway Offers to visitors to the Uiisiaia Pirekau Eipcalfki St. Louis, Mo. Excursion Tickets VIA CINCINNATI. OHIO, OR COLUMBUS, OHIO Pullman Sleepers are operated daily to both the above cities and also St. Louis via Columbus and Pennsylvania I ines. Rates, Schedules,and additional in formation furnished upon appli to agents of the company, or W. B. Bevill M. F. Bran Gen'l Pass. Agt. Trav. Pass. Agt. ROANOKB, VIRGINIA Back from the Northern Cities Where we have bought the largest line of goods than ever before. We now have the largest line of ...DRESS GOODS... of all the latest styles that has ever been seen in f"7 t ~ thic city. We have a large line of 'JABBER'" ✓-> Dress Trimming and Silk of the latest styles;and we invite all to come and / I * see for themselves. It will be a pleasure to us, *lf 11 j\ I and a profit to you for us to show you through ' K*/fA JJL I • our line of Goods, and what a low price we are * We have some special good bargains in mj tf* | / jmj V} —LADIES' COLLARS —JF/- "t J * V #MEN - BOYS CHILDREN We havetiow the largest and most up-to-date line of CLOTHING we have ever shown, and when yon are thinking of buying a suit just give us a call and see what a fine and large line we have to select from, and at what low prices we are selling them. i We have a large assortment of Dress Shirts....Ties.. .Gollars Harrison Bros. | "w D fK,ciS. &i|Company j THE ENTERPRISE TO EVERY READER • --. _ , For the next -30 days we will issue one dollars worth of coupons, in 10 cent denominations, with every yearly subscription to Tmt Euros- PKISK. These coupons will be worth 10 cents each in t*«de at thestoce of Harrison: Bros. & Co. This is absolutely I : The Enterprise Away If yon want THR ENTKRPRISB one year FREE that's yoor business,and we are here to do business, and when you pay ns ONE DOLLAR we will give you TEN coupons that will be worth 10 cents each in trade at Harrison Bros. & Co's. For each dollar spent at their store they wfll accept one of the 10 ct. coupons as part payment for the dollar's worth of goods, in other words $0 cents in cash and one 10 cent coupon pays for one dollar's worth of anything they hare for sale. >9-00 in cash and 10 of these coupons pays for SIO.OO worth of anything they haw for sale. The »o coupons you get for the dollar paid us for THK EH TEKRRISB is worth SI.OO at Harrison Brothers & Company. Call in and ask us about this or ask Harrison Bros. & Co. - THE ENTERPRISE PRINTING CO.. Publisher*

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