[ hai&aalhm^ColilistladJ I talnhS of thsmJiak" Bis asfe I I toyrthattt tto Uvsrvswriwy M ttdbfs Blsck-Dianriftlsssl I ksmms it a rival aa a I ■ Hv* mutator. This gnat family ■ ■ ■atiiiai ia not a strong sad ■ ■ dtaatia drag, bat a mild and I ■ a - A* AL-A ■'MNH ItfllTg IDM Com (Or ■ ■ atiaatioa sad ntr ba tafcan kral lam iUI wtthoat pcaafble B Mamas hlHnaawag It baa aah I ■ vlgiastlag' afaot oa the kUatjm. ■ ■ Baoaaaswe liyar and kidnaya do ■ I I H t a_ i a H..J ■ MOK IBW Ulf OAOUU ■ ■ gaWMy fcaadall tha fawab s t ■ ■ I I SiwStf*"" SKEWARKEE JL L — E If 0. 90, A. P. fc A. M. DIRECTOKV Poa 1904. 8. S. Brown, W. M.; H. D. Taylor, 8. W.; Mc. O. Taylor, J. W.; T. W. Thorn aa, 8. D.; A. P. Taylor, J.D, 8. R. Bigga, Secretary; C. D. Carstarphen, Treasurer; M.M. C rite her and }. D. Biggs, Stewards; &. W. Clary, Tilar. STANDING COMMITTKBB: CnaaiTV—B. 8. Brown "H. D. Taylor, % G. Taylor. FWAUCS-W. C. Manning, W. H.Har cH, R. J. Peel. RaraaxNCK—H. W. Stubba, joaepb R. Ballard, P. K. Hodgea. ASV2.UK — G. W. Blount, W. M. York, H. M. Burraa. MASSHAU. — J. H. Hattoa. Professional Cards. g)R. JOHN D. BIGGB, OA ©EJSITIST OvncK—MAIN STEEET PHONEG O— aa W. KWBU A Arwoou XIWIU GBO. W. NEWELL A BRO. LAWYERS one* as ataira ia New Bank Build * tag, left band aide, top of atepa. TILLIAMBTON, N 0. S r 1 artica wherever services an desired Special attention given to e*an»inlog.and auk lag title for partfcaaeta of timber aad tiiabet aaSa. "a PHOMS T4 W4H..HAKSKU. *». K. WAMIN Drs. barrel I & Warren PHYSICIANS and^SUROEONS OFPICK IN BIGGS' DRUG STORK 'Phone No. 2Q Who is Your Candidate ROOSEVELT OR PARKER? The coming campaign promiaea to be close. Neither candidate ia certain of aucceas. Bventa may happen which will change the whole aspect of the political situation. No newspaper is better equip ped to handle the news than THE WASHINGTON [POST It has a perfect telegraphic service, its special correspondents rank first in the newspaper profession, and all the news is printed without fear or favor of either party. The Poa* is thoroughly in dependent, andJeachSday will give the true situation, uncolorra by partisan seal. No paper ia more widely quoted. At great cost it obtains cable dispatches from the London Times, giving the news of the Russian-Japanese war. Sobacription for three months, fi.4o; two months, fl.tj; one month, 70 cents. Sample copies free. THE WASHINGTON^POST CO., WASHING!ON, D. C. J. B. SPELLER . . DEALER IN . . Wood.SMngles.Poiiltry A, and Eggs B Highlit Cash Prim - 9K? fai Far COUNTRY PRODUCE "J Washington St., Wflliamston PiHc4tfl*t acts like a poultice. Sold by S.;H/Wlbon & Co. T * " * FROM OUR RALEIGH ! CORRESPONDENT. [Continued fawn fast page | nidakn and unwise course ot mo tion will do the negro much more ham than food in the cod. Here in the So«th.| in North Car olina end in . Raleigh. jfs better class of respectable negroes appre ciate the otter hopelesaaaaa of at tempting to make a fight for so callet' social equality.'' and they do not subscribe to the views nor attempt to personally carry out the bad advice that is sometimes of fered them by white men, ignorant of the social conditions hers and the impoMlbflity of changing then. They recoxnixe the friendly feel ing of the white people, the best white people especially, towards the nepo race on general princi ples, and are quite content not to interrupt die good relations that at present obtain by asking for or "demanding'' the impossible. U. S. Senator Rayner, of Mary land, in a speech delivered in Bal timore this week, spoke intelligent ly and truthfully on the subject of the negro policy of the present oc cupant of the White House, when be said: "I would not deprive them of any human privilige that God has given them. 1 would civilize them, educate them, and not deny them a single guarantee accorded them by the Constitution; but the tint will never come when you can combine and amalgate the races; they will never coalesce, and the attempt of the president in this di rection is the dresm of a lunatic and a visiopary, that will never be realized. He can never force upon the people of this country eithei social or political equality." That is a clear presentation of the attitude of the South—and of a fsst growing majority of the white peo ple of the North and Wast, also. The Roosevelt "idea* is a dan gerous enemy to the best interests of the negro race in the U. S. • SOMETHING ABOUT THE HEW ASSISTANT IN wort, JOTNES'S omcE. In speaking to your correspond ent today of the newly appointed clerk of the loan fond in the office of the Superintendent of State Pub lic Instruction, Jonyer said: Mr. R. W, DL Conner is a son of Justice Conner, of the Supreme Court. He is a native of Wilson, not yet 30 years old. and a gradu ate of the University of North Car olina He is a member of the State Historical committee, was formerly principal of the Wilming ton High School. He has written a number of ex cellent articles on North Carotins history snd is an able man. He will come to Raleigh nezt week to assume his new duties. * • • TWO CONVICTS BSC ATS, Two more State prison convicts have escaped from the authorities. The two men were William Hinson of Stanly county, and ]. B. Tomlin son of Onslow county, for whom rewards of f«s and $lO respective ly are offered. The description of the men, who escaped on Monday as se«t out from the State's prison is as follows: William Hinson is a white man, 45 years old. 5 fee* 11 inches high, weighed 15S pounds, had blue eyes and dark brown hair, was sen tenced from Stanley county Decem ber 3rd, 1900 for a term of IJ years for murder. We will pay a*reward of s»s and all necessary eipenses f»r his recapture. J. L. Tomlinson Is a white man 54 years old, 5 feet and 7# inches high, weighed 169 pounds, had blue eyes and gray hair, was sent enced from Onslow county, April 19, 1903, for three years for bribery. For his recapture we will pay a re wasd of $lO and all necessary expenses. LLEXWAM. CNteakM it 1 fttot Rev. Jno. B.Cox,of Wake,'Arte., writes: "Par is yearsjl suffered from Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a number of physicians and tried all sorts of medicinal hot got no relief. Then I began the Use of Electric Bitten and fed that I am now cared of a disease that had me in its grasp for twelve rears." If von want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or general debility, get Blectric Bitten. It's guaranteed by S. R. Biggs and all druggists. Only 50 cents. ■ LOVED, HONORED, HE'S LAID AT REST. (Continued from first pape.] of hie dead son, Tom, under a tine i with the cotton fiekibeyoad the wall body waa followed to the glare by the widow. Mrs. Pattie Sxum Ransom, her daughter. Mies Esther, and five aoua, Means. Matt W., Robert 8., Joseph, George B. Patrick Ransom. TBS BTATX soaaowa. The State flag on the Capitol of 1 North Carolina waa at half staff yesterday aaa State tribute to the soldier and statesman, the late Gen eral Matt W. Ransom, whoae fun eral was yesterday conducted at his home in Northampton county. The offices of the State officials were closed at the hour of the funeral. And another tribute with the flag of his State waa paid. Out at thcgSoldier's Home wbefC ate oth er veterans of the Lost Cause the State flag waa at half staff, in memory of the dead. Throughout the entire State there have been expressions of grief at General Ransom's death, and voicing this on behalf of the people the Council of the State met yesterday and passed the follow ing resolutions: ataourriom BY COUNCIL or STATO At a meeting of the Council of State in the Executive Office of the morning of October to, 1904, the following reaolutions were un animoualy adopted: At t o'clock on Saturday morn ing, October Bth, in hie home, Northampton county, North Caro lina, surrounded by bis sone, Gen. Matt W. Ranaom, died. It waa on the 78th anniversary of his birth —he having been born on October 7th, 18*4, in Warren County, North Carolina. General Ranaom was distinctly a North Carolinian, and be served his state with fidelity and great ability, as a member of the Legis lature, Attorney General, Briga dier General, United States Sena tor and as Miniater to Mexico, as well aa private citizen. We thank; God that hie life waa spared for so many years, in order to accompiiah thia great work for his Stat- and that he might com plete a great and perfected life, and that he died in the autumn, when rich harvests were being garnered, when the rosea had faded and the sere and yellow leaf of the year had appeared, and the golden rod was in bloom, thua indicating the end of the perfected year. And while we bow in humble submission to the will of Almighty God in removing him from this field of labor, we desire to ex press our deepest sorrow at the loss of North Carolina's greatest citizen, atateeman and patriot, and to offer our sincerest sympathy to the sorely bereaved wife, who haa lost that strong arm upon which she hoped to lean in her declining years, and to the sons and daugh ters who are deprived of a father's wisdom and care in guiding their footstepe aright. May the pity and mercy of God protect and keep them to the end. Resolved that the flag on the Capitol building be placed at half mast, and the different depart ments of the State government be closed during the hours for the funeral service. That theae reao lutiona be spread upon the Min ute Book of the Council of State, and a copy sent to Mrs.Ranaom. CM YN Eat? J. B. Taylor,a prominent merchant of Chrieaman, Tex., seya: "1 could not eat because of a weak stomach. I lost all strength and tan down in weight. All that money could do was done, but all hope of recovery vanished. Hearing of some wonderful cures effected by use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, I concluded to try it. The first bottle benefitted me, and after taking four bottles, lam fully re atored to my usual strength,weight and health.'' Kodol Dyspepsia di gests what you eat and cures. Sold by Anderson, Crawford & Co. Bee's Honey and Tar is different from all other remedies offered for the relief of cough, lung and bron chial troubles. It contains antisep tic properties that destroy the germs, and solvent propertiee that cut the phlegm, allowing it to be thrown off, aovea the bowels gent ly. Curp Croup, Whooping Cough, and Colds in one night Sold by S. H. Ellison ft Co. |W»»Reasof> Wky-^" ECHOL'S Picdmontoncentratcd Iron aid AlumnJWatcr e-Sfc- '« - »l com iMlgcflttoa, KDcumtiuni, VA tank, Complaints, Kidney and Haddy Troubles, Stomach and Bowl Ncrvoufocflt JMA* lsria, Soorfula aad other. Mood end Skin Dieaaaes. It Is not a patent medicine, bat a aatand pjodnct containing nearly every mineral found in a healthy hamsahodv. When thoee mineral* escape from the system, sickness is the reealt, and there is nothing known to science which replaces thaai *0 qaickly as oar Mineral Water Remedy. If wa cant give yon value receiv ed for your money, we will refund k. You hare all to gala aad notk iag to lose. Physicians all over this country prescribe it, and yon And people everywhere who have keen cared with H. fpor sale byj 8. R. BIGGS aad all goad druggists. Boa. bottles soc.; 180*. bottlesfi. J. ML BCHOLB CO, Lynching, - Virginia a—— **BWIFT • CO. •ppi UJ. PtfsatMss,WasMsftsa, IA Ring's Dyspepsis Tablets cure in digestion, dyspepsia and strength ens the stomach. S.H. Ellison & Co. For eruptions, sores, pimples, kidney and liver troubles, use Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Car ries new life to every pait of the body. Tea or tablet form. 35 cents. S. R Biggs. That awful grinding, stabbing pain in the back ia from the kidneya. A dose of pineules will cure it over night. Pineules is a new discovery put up in a new way. A delightful remedy and specific for sll Kidney and Bladder troubles. Sold by S H. Ellison & Co. s^-fimTMTEKS CwXSLn ASMTIAS Pa)A lia44M*n I I mjtl UISIIQ rWI utttrwt ■ I Is V>e cooosotratxl downy effect I I of sit layers oI felted cotton ol I I ssr'asv no hardnses. I I They are soft at first, aad remain I I aa mraagk years of constant I ■ use. Write lor free booklet. ■ I "The Royal Way to Comfort" I I If yoer dealer hasn't It. write as. ■ I "iES 5 I I D BDS BRIGHT S DISEASE I Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," am I drifting towards Bright r s Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its wont foe—. J| & FOLEYSKIDNEYCURE ii stooslrrenUfltki,itnnitkeMthe urissry ataassandhaildamthemrMrt Hmm I • their Ainctioas property. Healthy kidaeya atraia «* I m the Impurities from the blood mlt sassee throushtham. Dlaeaaed Udaeye 4e aoL Sad ■ I the potsoDoua waste matter la carried by the circulation to erwj part of the body, ■ vyV cauiiac dlzzineaa, backache, stomach trouble, aluagiah liver, irregular heart actloa. etc. ■ ■ VVk If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence takiag FQLBY*S ■ I * KIDNEY CURB at once, as It will cure a slight disorder in a few days sad pgaiist a I fatal malady. It la pleasant te take and benefits the whole system. Www Ftadi Oirt- tt* Be T stHVoo Aftev* T— CM MM% Irtfl— tf jvm kld—y m ft s. Rariw wt Cbl* Cmtm, W. T, iiUhi ■ WfiA l>tu« tt Mm aria* p»a»l OM arising. M mn* ®f • ««wwM**r tnaM* by *«*■« Im ttu Mm liWii j H ■ wmm i■■■!■■>n■ Hh cMtor «% «r Im n —wiy mnii *»Mi> —«■ T Tilt 11 aWick-dMt mik m* ar nhl partidM loat e.i ■■■ I v : o. R. ( W ROGERS BROS:) Vfy Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc. jw ff\ have all the qualities in design, work- IV 1] ■ manship and finish of the beat ater- IF ling silver, at one-fourth to one-eighth M market is entirely too thin and light M focpractical use. and is tob look for it. SolPby Issiing dsslars I(\II /J I s,»i>»Ur» Wort beying write fa* \j lUUjk ——- Jlf X mrxon areprdemdbytench-^ fr U era on account of won- If remarkable durability. W II WE HAVE All ATTRACTIVE VI PROPOSITHNI TO MAKE YOU - , f II yon inland to purchaae a piano at any time in the near I I] future. It will coat you nothing to learn what we have to oAer. I I! TNI HARVARD PIANO 00., Manufacturers, 1 FFJ OMOMHATIF OMO- « M la^b^Mai to own a building erected for tta uee—on* of the finest In Richmond. Endorsed by tta studeate, buaineea men and the press. PkUaMphia SUmoarwfktr say* "It is the leading Buainess College south of the Potomac River." "Wbea I reached Richmond, I Inquired of several business men for the bast Buatneas College la the city, and, without exception, they aN NMMNM SattMeaTs as the Mat."— Wm. M. Bom, Law Stenoyraphtr, Richmond. • Single, Double Entry and Joint-Stock Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Buainess Writing, Business Practice, Shorthand, Typewriting, IMsfrephr, Commercial Law. English Department. Ladies and gentlemen. Day aadnjghl, Saaalons. Wo vacations. Students enter at any time. By Aall.—Boutteep inc. Shorthand, Penmanship, at home, to those who cannot rasas to College. ••actal Inducements to well educated young men. especially to teachers. Write for catalog and full pajrtioulara to G. ■. KnUtsSsil. Pree., Blrhaisai. >a YtKbl TbeaHJst famous Cod Liver Oil prep amtion known to medicine. Onmtmhm ar.T.iheiiiertlitasl stsssmta of eod liver oil, actually taken trom treah sail's livers, but not a drop at oil. Dstteions to the taste and reoogalaad throngkont the world aa the greatest STRENGTH CREATOR «or old people, weak, sickly women aad ehlldiea, noising aaathsrs aad af tse a aeiese etckases. Curse Hacking Coughs, Chronlo Colds, Bronshltis and aU Throat and Lang Troubles. Uneqnalad to create an appetite and to make thoee who are too thia, fat, rosy end healthy. Try It so enr guarantee to retarn year msncytf yea are not saOsflcd. BAKER A SALSBURV Aug.] jm. Hamilton, N. C. aSSfoml MAtanm JwBS lniPls«Y "•o. y msmss, Bangkter 1 World's Fair April 25 t(fNov. r 3O Excursion Tickets Sold Daily Season Tickets Sixty-Dsy] Tickets, and Fifteen Day Tickets. TMOtfUl PULLMAN SLEEPERS CAFES. MHRB CAM VIA N&W THR Norfolk A Western Railway Offers to visitors to the I aaniiai Parekata FllOlltlOl aenimvna ■ ■ivaasv kapwanivn St. Lonis, Mo. Excursion Tickets VIA CINCINNATI. OHIO, ox COLUMBUS, OHIO Pullman Sleeper*air operated daily to both the above cities aad also 6l Louis via Columbus and Pennsylvania Lines. Rates, Schedules,and additional in formation furnished upon sppli to 4(ents of the company, or W. B. BavHl M. P. Bragg Gen'l Pas*. Agt. Trav. Pass. Agt. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA iORGANS WHOLESALE' tod RSTAIL A* D. Jocks & Co., Gbkknsbobo. North Cabouba Southern Factory Distrib utors for the world fiunuaa KIMBALL We loan yon money to bay the® We give free triah We par the freight We ane yon 35 per cent We adS nathing to the principal - t whenaoldon Easy Payments Write for our latest Piano and Organ Catalogue, and for fall particulars A. D. JONES A COUP AMY OB South Elm Street Gkebnbboeo, jNobth Cakouxa BIGGS' TONIC Chill Cure TASTLKM At Wholesale Prices SURE cure row Chills Biliousness La Grippe Debility, Etc. FreeJFrom Poison] %* %n Entirely Harmless QuitelPleaaent to Take Children Fond of it Price, 50 Gents PREPAREDpY 8. R. BIGGS WILLIAMSTON, W. C. iiwwwwwwwMw aaaaaa Enterprise P't'ft Go'. PUBLISHERS PRINTERS BINPERS 'Phone 5a Williams ton, N. C. ww«aenineeMiw«ieeniM» $5,000 i

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