I IS THE ROAD TO SUCCESS I WATCH THOSE WHO I ADVERTISE IN THIS PAPER VOL. VI. - NO. 4. * DIRECTORY. Tm OBon Mayor—Joahna L. Swell. Cnmmiaaiooen—Dr. J. B. H. Knight, N. a Peel, Dr. J. D. Bigg*, A. HimH, P. K. Hodge*. Street Cof&mi**ioner* —F. K. Hodge* M. 8. Pari.' Clerk—A. Hawell. E Treasurer—li.S.i'eel. Attorney—Wheeler Martin. Chief of;Police—J. H. Page. pyi 1 ' U«es : Bktnrl« Lodge, No. 90, A. F. and A. M. Regular Meeting every and and 4th Tneaday nights. Roanoke Camp. No. 107, Woodmen of the World. Regular meeting every «d hurt Friday night*. Church of the Advent Service* an the aecood and fifth Sun day* of the month,morning and evening. and on the Saturday* (5p.m.) before, and on Monday* {9a. m.) afteraaid San day* of the month. All an cordially in vited. B. S. LASSmau Rector. Methttist Church Rev. T. H. Sutton, the Paa tor, hat the following appointment* Every Sunday Burning at it o'clock and night at 8:30 o'clock respectively, except the aecond Sunday. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Prayer-meeting every Wedneeday even ing at 8:30 o'clock. Holly Spring* 3rd Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Vernon i*t Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Hamilton >nd Sunday, morning and night; Haaaell* and Sunday at 3 o'clock. A cordial in vitation to all to attend theae aervicee* Baptist Church Preaching on the ut, and and 4th Son day* at 11 a- m., and 7:30 p. tn. Prsyer meetin* every Thursday night at 7:30 Sunday School every Suolay|moniing at 9:30. J. D. Bigg*. Superintendent. The pastor preaches at Hamilton on the 3rd Sunday in each month, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m„ and at Ridjlick't Grove •a Saturday before every ut Sunday at ti a. m.. and on the i«t Sunday at 3 p. m. Slade School House on the and Sunday at 3 p. a., and the Biggs' School House on the 4th Sunday at 3 p. m. Everybody cordially isfML JL D. CARROLL. Pastor. SKEWARKEE JL L °^ E KO. 90, A. P.II A. M. /NJ!A DIRECTORY FOB 1904. 8. a Brown, W. M.: H. D. Taylor, S. W.; Mc. O. Taylor. I. W.: T. W. Thorn u, S. D.; A. P. Taylor, J.D; 8. R. Bigga, Secretary; C. D. Caratarphen, Treasurer; M M. Critcher and J. D. Biggs, Stewards; R. W. Clary, Titer. STANDING COMMITTERS: CHARITY — S. 8. Brown, H. D.Taylor, Mc. G. Taylor. PntAKCM—W. C Manning, W. H.Har eft, R. J. Peel. RKPKRKNCK — H. W. Stubbs, Joaeph R. Ballard. P. K. Hodge*. ASVLUU — G. W. Blount, W. M. York, H. M. Burraa. MARSKAIX—J. H. Hattoa. Professional Cards. - G)R. JOHN D. 81008, M BB^TIST Omct-Mim STBSKT Paon*9 Gaoaoa W. Mnvu fc ATWOOD MBWSLL GEO. W. NKWKLL K BHO. LAWYERS ottce up ataira in New Bank Build in|. left band aide, top of ateps. TILLIAMSTON, N C. Practice wherever aervteca are Mn4. ■•pedal attention five* to raak lag title for ptirchaaen of timber aad tiaibei laada. fa mows T« W. H. RARRSII. WM. I. WAKRKN Drs. Harrell «t Warren PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS - -: OFFICE IN BIGGS' T)RCG-STORE | 'Phone No. 29 Enterprise PT4GO. PUBLISHERS ® PRINTERS BINDERS ! 'Phone 5a Williamston, N. C. Houwra** Rocky Mountain TAB Maggots A Bwy HiAWbi to Bvy Stoj3*^ MLBOTSfm' MUJ*mru 1. FROM THE CAPITOL • OF OUR STATE. Various Items of Interest Discussed By Our Special Correspondent m at Raleigh. ■ > 4 RALIIGH, N. C. Oct. >4. It ia a good thing, generally speaking, that"'the Lord did not us all alike.'' But it probably is not a good thing for the Fair that all of us could not appreciate and enjoy the excellencies of the State Fair alike. The principal complaint made by a large portion of the Fair vis itor (mostly out-of-town people) vti of the inferiority of the Mid way or the I'ike, this year. The complainants had good ground fur criticism along this line—for the '-Pike" of 1904 was chiefly composed of lunch stands and restaurants and little ball and ring tossing "games.*' Constantly making their way a long the Pike were a number of "conceasionaii es*' who sold whips —apparently regular horse whips and raw hidrs, some of them —and a large proportion of the "young gentlemen" who invested their lit tle pieces of money In merchan dise amused themselves by strik ing girls and women on their al most bare shoulders, with such force as to bring great welts and even the blood in a number of cases that were called to this writ er's attention. The ladies who were 'whip ped" in this' m»i>nar suffered al most *as badly as those who were, for they stood in mor'al fear of re ceiving the blows every minute at the hands of some of the rowdies who were using them so barbar ously and promiscuously. This is one teature of ' 'amuse raent" that the Fair authorities should most certainly cut out of the Fair in 1905, The excellent "side-shows' that are common to most Fairs, and which have been here largely for a number of years in, the past, were not here this week. The few that are here can be counted on the fingers of one hand, mud not all of them are wo th the dime required to enter theiffl The entire list of Pike attractions which were expected to come here from the big Maryland Fair at Ha gerstown gave us the go-by this time. There was much complaint be cause of this fact 011 the part of thousands of visitors—cdkntry peo ple, chiefly, who came to the Fair largely for the express purpose of being amused and entertained by these "fakirs.'" The writer is not refering to any so-called "immoral*' or indecent show. No one clampions their cause, that we know of—least of all this paper. The class of Pik attractions referred to above are most of them at least, not of this character. What is said now in this connec tion* is related in the manrer of a kindly criticism; for the State Fair has no better friends than the Eve ning Tirnes. The Fair, proper, was a success. The exhibits are large, varied and most meritorious—that would re- flect great credit on the greatest State in the American Union. The racing events (with liberal purses) compare most favorably with those of any preceding Fair, and have been a source of enjoy ment to a majority of all who have visited th exposition. The Fair management have this year provided one of the best of "free exhibitions"-the Bicketts. Their trapeeze evolutions and dar ing l°aps especially being first-class work. We do not recall having seen anything better on the State Fair grounds in the years past. WILLIAMSTON, N. C„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER jB, 1904. The actions of the trainecf horse (one of the moat beautiful pieces of horse flesh ever seen) is another free attraction that has been great ly ebjoyed. The Fair officers have most sue cessfully devoted themselves to the accommodation of their guests. They are the personification of courtesy and accommodation, an(j the recipients of their favors are thorough ; y appreciative. Then there is that most enjoya-, ble of all features which the Fair furnishes—the annual comming ling of so many thousands of friends and acquaintances from the various sections of the State—many of whom do not find opportunity of have been most successfully and enjoyably conducted, terminating with the german of the Capital Club. * * STATE POLICE CHUM. At the meeting of the chiefs ot police for various cities and towns of North Carolina, the following officers of the State Association were chosen: J. A. Woodall, of Durham, was re-elected president and F. M. Jor don, Asheville, •ecretary, John W Cotton,' Tarboro. being vice-presi dent, and J.H. Mulliiu, of Raleigh; C. Hi SWnner, of Dunn, Wheeler, of Oxford, were chosen executive committeemen. • * riRB UNDERWRITERS* OPFICBRS The Fire Underwriters of this Sate, in session here, elected A. P. Dangerfield, of Winston, president; J. Van B. Metts, of Wilmington, secretary, and P. W. Murray, of Greensboro.; C.W. Jacobs of Wind sor; J. R. Patterson, ,of Asheville; J. C. Marshal, of Wadeboro, and W. W. Smith, of Raleigh, the exec utive committee. The association favors the appeal of the regulations which forbid division of commis sions with non resident agents and brokers. • * * STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The fifth annual meeting of the State Historical Association was held in the Raney Cibrary. The chief interest in this meeting cen tered in the paper read by Chief Justice Walter Clark, in reply to the charges by Judge Christian of Vir ginia, that the claims of North Carolina that her soldiers were first at Bethel and that went furth est in the charge at Gettysburg weie not supported by the facts. Judge Clark's paper is an ex haustive document. It contain* some most interesting facts, and is a rich addition to North Carolina history And best ol all, it proves conclusively that the claim set up heretofore for the gallantry ot North Carolina soldiers is fully sustained. Dr. Smith, president of David [ Con tinned on fourth page] Cll YOB Eat ? J. B. Taylor,a prominent merchant of Chriesman, Tex., says: "I could not eat because of a weak stomach. 1 lost all strength and ran down in weight. AH that money could do was done, but all hope of recovery vanished. Hearing of some wonderful fures effected by use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, I concluded to try it. The first bottle benefitted me, and after taking four bottles, J am fully re stored to my usual strength,weight and health." Kodol Dyspepsia di gests what yon eat and tures. Sold by Anderson, Crawford & Co. Mrs. C. C. Bandy was a visitor >n Hardens last afternoon. There will be a union meeting at Corinth church neit Sunday. Miss Bessie Riggsby was a visi tor in Dardens Monday afternoon. Mr. Z. V. Pagan made a busi ness trip to Washington Thursday. Miss Dare Hassell spent Monday with her cousin, Mrs. Mittie Pa- K*n. I Mr. J. A. spent Sun day with his parent* near James ville. The family of Mr. J. B. Riggsby Anticipate moving to Norfolk in the near future. Mrs. C. C. Fagan, who has been confined to her home for a month with lagrippe, continues very ill. Mrs. Lizzie Sallenger is rapidly growing worse. She has been suf fering for several months with dropsy. Mrs. Dora Sallenger, of Norfolkj is visiting in the home of Mr. A. B. Waters. She is a very attrac tive voung widow. Mr. R. C. Fagan, who went to California for his health last Spring is anticipating returning soon, as he is growing worse. Mrs. Bettie Jones and sister, Mrs. §pruill, of Roper, are visiting in the home of their brother, Mr. Brown, of near Jamesville. Miss Carrie Moore, one of our most beautiful young ladies, at tended Sunday School at Roanoke Grove Sunday afternoon. If is rumored that we are to have a marriage near here in a few weeks. We hope to hear of several more before tha season is over. Pill PUmri If you ever took DeWitt's Little dUrly Risers fOK biliousness or con stipation you know what pill pleas ure is. These famous little pills cleanse the liver aud lid the system of all bile without producing un pleasant effects. They do not gripe, sickeu or weaken, but pleasantly give tone and strength fo the tis sues aud organs of the stomach, liver and bowels. Sold by Ander son, Crawford & Co. The was particularly aggravating to those who neglected to discard the open work stockings. —Atlanta Journal. DO YOU MEDICINE? ireosrs YOU MOTH mo TO MVTTRIONTI There it no one who doe* not need ■ Liver Medicine occasionally. The symptom* of Liver Complaint are well known to every on«, such u consti pation, dyapeptift, logs cf appetite, sleep lessness, headache, a tired feeling and many other* of a similar nature. Thousands die annually by not heeding the warnings of nature. Many acquire some chronic disease from which they never recover. Many of these could be spared for years of usefulness, by keeping in the home some reliable remedy. We believe that we ca* convince any fair-minded parson that there is no bet ter remedy for the Liver known, than Dr. Thacher's Liver and Hood Byrup. The formula is known, consisting of: Bnchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Barsaparilla, Gentian, Senna and lodide of Potaaeium. You know just what you are taking. How many other formulas of • liver medicine are published ? Ask your druggist about this. It ia already prepared and can be taken immediately. The strength is extracted In the moat skillful manner, certainly superior to any powdered preparation known. (We also manufacture a Liver Medicine in pow dered form, with which any druggist can supply you, but this, like all other dry Liver Medicine*'requires preparation.) Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup is pleasant to take, doe* not lose its strength, ju Liver Medicine in dry form, and will keep in any climate. Your doctor, however skillful, could prescribe nothing better. * There ia no opportunity for a doctor to make a mistake in writing a prescrip tion, or a drug clerk to make a mistake in compounding the same, (besides a doctor's bill and the coat of the medi cine.) Yon can be absolutely sure of the proper proportion being In every dose. Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Byrm> hat been used with the greatest confi dence and success in thousand* of homes for 63 yean, and U prepared by a phar macist of 26 years' experience, in a labo ratory equipped with the most modern | appliances for the moat perfect safety. Jf »« do not nmdmtUmd your MM sis srststZs •syar.ss JTOM MALM MT ALL DMVOOXBTt. MO eontt as4|l.M THACHER MEDICINE CO. Chattanooga, Tsnn. OUR CANDIDATES STUMPING COUNTY Hon. J. H. Small With the County Can vass at Goose Nest Last Friday. The County Canvass begun last Friday at Goose Nest when the Countv Candidates and Hon. Johti H. Small addressed the people. There was a very large crowd out to hear them discuss the political matters. All the speakers were enthusias tically received and their speeches thoroughly enjoyed. Hon. John H Small spoke at some length and discussed national politics. .He was heartily received by the people of Goose Nest, and k made them an excellent speech. Saturday the candidates were at Hamilton, where thev met a very fair sized crowd which gave them undivided attention. Tuesday the candidates were at Poplar Point where they were met by a large crowd for that place. Their speeches strengthened the present county administration con siderably. While none of the candidates claim to be orators, they are good earnest speakers, andj won the con fidence of the people wherever they go. Wednesday, Hassells was visited by the speakers and a large crowd was present. Mr. R. W. Salsbury had prepared a barbecue|and those present were rovally entertained. Tuesday was spent at Gold Point, that hot bed of democracy. W. Stubbs, who Ijad been away on a 20-days' campaign in Dare, Tyrell and Washington counties, joined the boys at Gold Point and added a great deal to the enthusiasm. As is always the case, the boys were treated royally at Gold Point. Today the candidates are at Cross Roads. Tomorrow a big day is booked for Robersonville. Big Day in Griffin Last Tuesday about seventy-five to one hundred citizens met for the perfection of plans for the grand rally on Nov. 3. Mr. Benj. Manning, in his smooth and forci ble way, called the meeting to or der and told them that on Nov. 3rd we intended to write another page to the illustrious history of Griffin Township—a page that even our grand ch'ldreu will be proud of; for on that day we are to be honored by his excellency, the Governor of North Carolina — Charles Brantly Aycock. Mr. Manning called to the chair as Chairman, Sylvester Pelle, and Ephriam Peele as Secretary. Af ter accepting the Chairmanship, Mr. Peele declared the house ready for business and that the appoint* ment of the Committee of Arrange ments was the first in order. The following named gentlemen were unanimously selected: Mr. S. R Hardison, Chm., H. T. Robertson, Jr., John K. Lilley and G.W Griffin One of Many H. A. Tisdale, of Sunitnerton, S. C., suffered for twenty years with the Piles. Specialists were em ployed and many remedies used hut relief and permanent good was found only in the use of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. This is only one of the many, many cures that have been effected by this wonder ful remedy. In buying Witdb Hazel Salve it is only necessary to see that you get the genuine DeWitt's, made by E. C. DeWitt & Co., ft Chicago, and a cure is certain. De- Witt'* Witch Hazel Salve cures all kinds of piles, cuts burns, bruises, eczema, tetter, ring worm, skin diseases, etc. Sold by Anderson Crawford & Co. Finance Committee John J. Manning, Chtn.,! James A. Daniel, Sec. and Treas., McL,illey, Joda S. Griffin and N. R. Manning. Committee of Invitation—Plenny Peele, William H. 'Daniel and Si mon Peele. The following 'gentlemen were named to see: that guest was hospitably entertained: Dennis S. Biggs, J. J. Robertson, N. S. Peele, Benj. Mc. C. Man ning, Dr. U. S. Hassell, JohnjW. Manning, Kader Lilly and J. F. Tayloe. It was revived that "speaking commence at'eleven'o'clock,sharp. A general' invitatlon'be extended to the entire county' to "come and join with us'to honor the ChiefJEx ecutive of North Car6liua. Be it resolved byj this meeting that we extend to Mr. Wliitmore a special invitation and ask him through the columns of The Enter prise to invite the entire county for us. KI*HKIAM PRRUK, Secretary 6ood for Cklltfru The pleasant to take and*harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives in stant relief in all cases ofCough, Croup and LaGrippe because it does not pass immediately into the stom ach, but takes effect right at,the seat**of the"trouble. It draws out the inflammation,heals and soothes and cures permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life giving and life-sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. Sold by Anderson, Crawford &Co. —This week's Potter Journal has this to say of Spark's circus which drew an tinushally large crowd on Monday and the reputa tion of the show was again fully maintained. Th«. absence'of'row dyism and gambling is a pleasing feature and tlir management seems desirous of giving the worth of the money in exhibits and of treating the people courteously, says Coud ersport, Potter Co., journal, July to, 1902. Will exhibit at Williams ton, Wednesday, November 2. Coacb Excursions Passengers to the World's Fair can purchase on each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday during November, ten days coach excur sion tickets via Norfolk and Wes tern Railway to St. Louis and re turn at very low rates. Excursion tickets with longer limit, are on sale daily. Rates and schedules furnished upon applitatiou to Agents Norfolk and Western Rail way, or W. B, BKVIM., Gen. Pass. Agent, Roanoke, Vn To The Public Tliis is to" notify all persons in Martin county that the nomination of myself for coroner by the Repub lican Convention ,on Thursday of last week was unheard of imposi tion. I have never sought any favors from any party,more especi ally the Republican and Populist. I was not consulted in regard to the nomination. Had I have been I would have emphatically refused to have ray name presented to tbe convention, as I -no#Refuse to let my name go before the voters of this county as a nominee of that party. I am a Democrat and intend al ways to be one. Very respecttully, JOHN A. CASTLJJ 'i* YOU WVot* 3 BUSINESS TO INCREASE ADVERTISE FOR CUSTOMERS WHOLE NO. 264. AHATTVtOF MM POWDER AbMliM/Nn , MAsmsußsmwrt Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges Ifeasagea limited to j minutes; extra charge will poaillrtlr be made for tourer time. To Washington aj Casta. " Greenville as " " Plymouth aJ- " " Tarboro as " " Rocky Mount 35 " Scotland Neck as " Jamesville IS " Kader Lilley'• • 15 " J. G. Staton 15 " J.'L. Woolard 15 " " O. K. Cowing & Co. 15 " " Parmele 15 " " Robersonville 1$ " " Everett* IS " GoldJPoint 15 " Geo. P. McNaughton 15 " Hamilton ao " For other points in Eastern Carolina see "Central " where a 'phone will be found for use of noa-subscribers. In Gase of Fire • you want to be protected. In case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on. In case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. Let Us Come to Your Rescue We can insure you against loss from - * Fire, Death and Accident. We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond Noil Bit But Companies RipriSlßtll K. B. GRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building. Who is Your Candidate ROOSEVEL.T OR PARKER? The coming campaign promises'to be close. Neither candidate is certaiu of • success. Events may happen which will change the whole aspect of the political situation. No newspaper is better equip ped to handle the news than THE WASHINGTON [POST It has a perfect telegraphic service, it# special correspondents rank first in the newspaper profession, and all the news is printed without fear or favor of either party. The Post is thoroughly in dependent, and each day will give the true situation, uncolored by partisan zeal. No paper is more widely quoted. At great cost it obtains cable dispatches from the London Times, giving the news of the Russian-Japanese war. Subscription for three months, >1.90; two months, $1.95; one month, 70 cents. Sample copies free. THE WASHINGTON POST CO., WASHING!ON, D. C. so YiAitr f i ■ I j i I k 1 r* 1 rfrTT l CopvmaHT* Ac. Anyone tending a aketek and deeertptkm but quickly wwtala oar opinion free wfcether eu iiirentlon le probeblr MWntabtejCommnnli* tlona atrletir 00 nfldentfalT lifted book 00 latei.u avut fr*e. tflrteet axenrr aeenrtna^entv l'ntenta taken tE rough Maui A Co. reoenf tprruit notice, without oharge. IB tSe Scientific HkkiKm, ksmj rcm\ foar montba, IL Bold by alll pewedeelere. sHtensKi' 1