ADVERTISING IS THB ROAD TO SUCCESS WATCH THOSE WHO ADVERTISE IN THIS PAPER VOL. VI. - NO 10. f 1 DIRECTORY. 1 } Tmpßccn Mayor—Joshua L Swell. Cammiasionera—Or. J. B. H. Knight, N. & Peel, Dr. J. D. Bigg*. A . Hum 11, P. K. Hodge*. Street Coiumia*ioneie—F. K. Hodge*. N. S. Peal. Clark—A. Hamell. Treasurer—N. 8. Peal. Attorney—Wh**tor Martin. Chief o*;PoVka—J. H. Page. Mm Skawarhe* Lodge, No. 90, A. F. and A. M. Regular meeting every sad and 4th Tncaday night*. Roanoke Camp, No. 107, Woodmen oi the World. Regular meeting awry and last Friday night*. Chirch el the Advent Services on the second ud fifth Sun day* at the month,morning and craning, and oa tba Saturday* (5 p. m.) before, and on Monday* (9*. a.) after Mid Sun day* of the month. All are cordially in vited. B. S. Lassrraa. Rector. Nethrtbtfc wen lev. T. H. Sutton, the Methodist Paa tor, has the following appointment*: ■very Sunday morning at 11 o'clock aad night at 7 o'clock respectively, except the aecond Sunday. Sunday School every Sundav morning at 9:30 o'clock. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday even ing at 7 o'clock. Holly Bpring* 3rd Sunday evening at J o'clock; Vernon i*t Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Hamilton »nd Sunday, morning aad night; Hsssrtls and Sunday at J o'clock. A cordial in vitation to all to attend the*e services* Baptist Church Preaching on the Ist, and aad 4th Sun day* at 11 a. m., aad j-jo p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:30 Sunday School every Bundaytmorning at 9:30. J. D. Bigg*, Superintendent. The pastor preach** at Hamilton oa the 3rd Sunday in each month, at 11 am. and 7:30 p. m.. and at Riddick'* Grove ea Saturday before every Ist Sunday at 11 a. m.. aad on the i*t Sunday at 3 p. m. Steele School Houa* 00 the aad Sunday at 3 p. m. - aad the Bigg*' School House oa the 4th Sunday at 3 p. m. Everybody cordially invited. *. D. CaaaoLL. Pastor. SKEWARKEE JL LO — E w No. 90, A. P. lb A. H. /n^A Doutcroav Foa 1904. S. a Brown, W. M ; H. D. Taylor, 8. W.; Mc. O. Taylor. J. W.; T. W. Thorn as, & O.; A. P. Taylor, J.D; S. R. Bigg*, Secretary; C. D. Caratarphen, Treasurer; M M. Crttcber and ). D.Bigga,Steward*; —. B. W. Clary, Tiler. STANDING COMMITTBB8: CIIUTY—3. 8. Brown, H. D. Taylor, Mc. O. Taylor. FMAMCB—W. C. Manning, W. H.Har eß, B. J. Feel. Unuici —H. W. Stubbe, Joeeph B. Ballard, F. K. Hodgee. AIYU»-«. W. Blount, W. M. York, H. M. Burraa. MtiWtU. —J. H. Hatton. Professional Cards. g)R. JOHN D. BIQGB, A BEJsITIST OVFICS—MAIM Irun Faom • S. ATWOOD NBWELL LAWYER —— OAce apataira ia Mew teak Ball* lag, left haad Ma. Hp of Mepa. _ "VILLIAMBTON. N C. Flic tic* vkcicvti Mfvioii AW fcial ttttidoa glv«lo ml lag UtW tor ptrchtam of timber u4 limb«» la ad*. _ Special auaattoa will W flvti to nal estate ' lacliaagii. If yea wtah t» bajar aall lea* I aaa hate yae. ni FMONK T« W. *. SAHRBU. WM. B. WAMU Drs. Harrcll A Warren PHYSICIANS Bad SURQBONS OFFICE IK Bioos' DKUO STOKE 'Phone No. ») ' j t r Enterprise P't'ft Go. PUBLISHERS PRINTERS BINDERS Mm 'Phone 5a Wilttamston, N. C. — Hoawww - a | Rocky Mountain Tm NuQQOts A he UHa Be Baqy Fneia Mags Mia laahfc aai inil Tip*. GATHERING MATERIAL FOR HIS LAST MESSAGE Wilmington to Hive Another Daily Paper, It Will be Inde pendent In Politics. They do do be A'chawln' Terbacker In Union BAPTIST CONVENTION AT ELIZABETH CITY - Governor Ay cock is gathering the material for his last message to the General Assembly of North Carolina, and will soon begin the work of writing that important state paper. It will probably be the best that has been presented to our law-makers in many years. " The Governor says that h* will therein recommend the creation of • new office, that of State historian, who shall collect historical matter anywhere in the Sate aad install it here, look over, prepare and pub lish material bearing on State his tory to be found in various depart ments here, and also to rearrange all original records so they will be in permanent form and easy of access. Continuing His Excellency said thst the present year has been the l>eet, altogether, in the history of the State. As to the enlargement of the capitol building he said: 1 will transmit to the Legislature the report of the committee on that mstter, but will not recommend any alterations or additions to the present building. I am opposed to changing the capitol in this way. We can srect additional buildings on property the State owns. We must let the capitol stand as it is." It is getting to be a very serious matter in some States for respect able men to connect themselves with State or municipal bar-rooms, otherwise yclept dispensaries. The Georgia Grand Lodge of Masons has decided that no man can be s dispensary commissioner or a dis penser and remain a Mason in good standing. » * * Ihe Charlotte Chronicle is again promoting the scheme to sstablish a reformatory for young criminsls. If any skeptical person doubts the wisdom of this proposition he has only to pass by the polics station in Raleigh while some of them are being thrashed by their parents by order of Mayor Powell. The crying need of s reforme tory will be most aptly brought to his attention by the leather-lunged yongstsrs below. ♦ e * Roosevelt hat promised to ap point the only living grandson ol Stonewall Jackson (Stonewall Jack eon Christian) to the military acad emy at Wesi Point. At the same time the Piesident promised to appoint Harry Stillwell Edwards •on of the postmaster at Macon, to the academy at West Point. It appears that to have still soother daily neJßaper, although there are already three in thi>t city —two morning and one afternoon dailies. The Wilmington Messenger, alluding to the fact, says that Mr. John ft: Gore, oas of the p incipal parties concerned, states that the company has placed orders for a new p:ese anda Mer g-en thaler typesetting machine. The time for the appearance of the first issue of the newspaper cannot be accurately stated by the manage - A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble ic your system is nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Ron down system benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its searching anb thorough effect iveness Electric Bitters is only 50c and that is returned if it don't give perfect satisfaction Guaranteed by S. R, Biggs Druggist. gggg - I I I I I B/ I I I I I WILLIAMSTON, N. C. FRIDAY; DECEMBER 9,1904. mentat present Ihe new paper will be indepen dent in politics, it is givea out. We wish them all well. But the fact remains that there is certainly not enough room for four dally newspapers in Wilmington, and somebody is going to lose money or get out of the business. • * • If the statement, mads by a Mr. R. A Morrow and pnntsd in the Monroe (Union couaty) Journal, is correct,they do be a-chawing terbac ker real peart in Union —mors than SIOO,OOO worth of ths weed an nually in that one county alone. Mr. Morrow is a merchant and says that his firm slone sells S6O - worth, or six car loads— and ths Morrow store claims to sell 'about one half of the total amount sold in Union county. The statement sppears to the Evening limes almost incredible when it is recalled that ths total population of the county, accord ing to the last census, numbered only *7,156 people, abeut of whom are males (of all ages). Less than 4.000 polls are gives in the census, and there were 4.04' white males and 1,509 negro men over 1 1 years of age. Only about S>3°° persons who are supposed to bs duly qualified to spit t ibscco juice. T his sstimat* is perhaps toe sms 11—for it make the bill of each man about fio per annum for tobacco. So we will probsbly bs compellsd to sdd msny of the hall-gro wll kids and (ws say it with fear snd trembling) the tooth-brush women My! but what a lot of spitters the Union county peopls must be! From some of the advance sheets of ths snnusl report of the commissioner of lsbor. some in teresting fscts ars taken, regarding the cotton mill industry of ths State. The jeport deals with cotton mills by counties, snd as a whole, giving the location, name of the corporation, name of the ssc etsry of each mill, and information as to its condition and cspscity. There are. according to this report, 304 cotton mill> in North Carolina, which is sn increase of 15 over the number (189) given in this jeppri last year. Tnere sre s, 178.964 spindies ii. sll the cotton mills, snd 4f,)9* looms snd J. 477 knitting mschines, as against 34 54) spindles, j,ioe looms, 1,840 knitting mschines Isst year. Further on the report will iaclude the general intelligence and edu cation of operstives snd the num ber of psople indirectly depend ent upon the vsnous mills fbi maintenance, as well a* the gen eral londition* of ths mills, the capital stock of each the amount of motive power employed by each,' snd the number of hour* each runs per day and The sbove outline is taken from only a few advance sheets. The remainder are not yet avsilable. » * » Tbe 75th annual session of the [Continued on fourth page] Flffct WW It llttir Those who will persist in closing their cars against the continual re commentation of Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long and bitter fight witb their troubles, if not ended earlier fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall of Beall, Miss, has to say: "Last fall my wife had every symp tom of cousumpton. She took Dr King's New Discovery after every thing else had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles en tirely cured her." Ouurenteed by S. R. Biggs Druggist, price joc, and SI.OO Trial bottle free. GOLD POINT Mr. Jess* M. Coburn was in town today. Mr. J. B. Coburn went drivihg last Suoday evening. Mr. Riddick of Williamston was here today selling lightning rods, Messrs. (rufton and Company are selling out their stock at cafct. Mr. T. S. Stalls has moved to «m house formerly occupied by Mr.Jho Harrison. ' Mr. J. L, Weaver is making some needed improvements to his resi dence on msin street. We hear that MMHM Stat* and Reuben Pur via of Robersonvilie will have another hone race toon. Mr. J. £, Roberaon one of our beat farmers saya he haa had eleven } balee of cotton finned off 10 aerea of land. Our farmers will eoon be through Harvesting their crops and Some that have held their cotton are rath er gloomy over the low prices. Mr. G. A. Crofton another oae of our aucce l sful farmers will raise over a bale par acre this year where he made two balee per aere last year. Mr. J. L. Weaver haa bought the store r.ow occupied by Messers Crofton and Company. And will have some repairs made on the houae soon. Mr. Lawrence Stalla is having a residence built on his farm on the road from Cross Roada to William ston near his father's and will movs about the first of January. Our people have taken but little interest in the good roads move ment which, Mama to be of great in'ereet to the people of other sec* 1 tions of our couatry. By all means 1 let us havs better roads, * | We learn that Mr. B. L. Johnson of this place and Mr- Henry Ever* ett of Robereonville, a ill engsge in | the mercantile business in Osk City ne«t year. Wa hops they will meet with much succsss. DARDBNS Mr. Tbos Coburn's family hava the messlsa. Miss Mary Bateman anticipates visiting ia the home of Mr. T. S. McCaskev, of Norfolk, Va., in the near future. Contimued on Fourth Page. BS&B M Remedy That Mo One /« Afraid To Take, Dr. Thachar'a Um and Blood Syiwf haa baan naad la thowanda of homaa fot ftfty-two yaan with parfact coafldaaoa and tha moat nmkibla raaalta. The greet »ucoee* of thle remedy ladna to tfca fact that its formal* (which ooc ■iet* of Bach a, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, DendeUoa, Saraaparilla, Qentian, Senna and lodide of Potaadnm) haa ban freely publiahed. Doctor* and Drnggiat* aiajihai4a not beehata to recommend a preparation which th«y know contain* the beet known ra mediae for correcting all irreg olaritiee of the Liver, Kidney* or Blood, and the diaeaaea cauaed by the fail*r* of theee fa action* to perform their proper work. Thoaaenda of rick onee to whoa Ufa haa been a barliu b»v* written gratefal letter* that other* night profit by their a xperieuce. BLOOMira Ooova, Tax.. HOT. 1L M _ I'waj ••Artec terribly with fadlnetiea aU kUur troebl* t>4 aaat M ay va||M W MMlllif Mnttntea At ka wat mt a yaikeae of Or. Therfcef* Llw aid Heed *yr«p I enclaM ta try II •a* sew I ie deeply gratefal te ay draggtet eeweUeeteyea. _ _ ■ ... ~ , I bed km a eaflbrer from th«M thlafe end • general raa-dowa conditio* for tea reare, eel had eely iitrirad teaaporery relief M a aa itoelaad hearty ae I ever did la my indeed lem eetUded that Ia at aettraly cored. I feel ao mipioM whatever of kldeev treeMe, end my dlcwtlee la ae seed ea eay living maa'a. I can nee «at whatever t chooee. 1 never had eayjetaMdv ftve.aae eeefe mM aad peraatrat relfeC, eed I cenaotpat a aer rect eetlaaete ea the velae yoer medtatae haa been te aa*. I weald act take ••; aaaeeat W 7fctu - r>v ■wftfTlfitr wk yeaa te tnf«l«arm> ** "'"V" Of, THE METHODIST CONFER ENCE CLOSED MONDAY One of the Busiest, Most Encouraging, Most Heartily En- Joyed Annual Sessions It Has Ever Held. Wilson Is the Next Place of Meeting WASHINGTON AND WARRENTON DISTRICTS (News aad Obawvar) Henderaop, N. C.,Dec.s. —With the selection of Wilson aa the next place of meting and%e reading out of the appointments of the pas tor*. the North Carolina Conference cloaed one of the buaiest, moat en couraging, moat heartily enjoyed annual eeeHona it haa ever held. No small portion of this enjoy ment is due to the splendid open hearted hoapitality if the people of Henderson, who have made the members of the conference feel at aU timee ae if they were aitting around theis Own firesides. Mpch of it comee from the meet ing and aweet communion of men consecrated to the aame noble work, and much from the encour aging reports that fell from the lips of nearly all as to the labors of the past year crowned by such gracious • showers of blessing. The appointments as read out by the Bishop . for Warrenton and Washington Districts follow: WASHINGTON DISTRICT —J. B HVMDT Presiding Elder. Washington Station, L. E.Thomp son. Bath, supplied by W.F.Galloway. Aurora, J. M Lowder. Swan Quarter, W.Y.Everton Mattamuskeet, W.O. Davia: Fairfield, T. F. Ronner. Green villej. A. Hornaday. Farm villa. L. E. Sawyer. Grimesland and Vanceboro, B.E, Stonefleld. Bethel. E.C.SeU. Tarboro, R.C.Craven Robereunville.B. B. Holden. Elm City.J.L.Rumley. Rocky Mount,W.S.Rone. South Rocky Mount,and Marion, R.E.Hunt. Nashville, L.G.Stamey. Spring Hope.A.D. Betts. Wilson Station. F D.Swindell. Fremont. D. L Ernhardt. Wilson Circuit supplied by T. H. Bain. WARRENTON DISTRICT—G.F. SMITH, Presiding Elder. Warrenton.C. W. Robinson. Wsrren, B.C. Allred. Ridge way, L. M.Chsffin. Henderson, and Mission, L- L. Naah and R.D. Daniel. Littleton, G.B.Ferry. Weldon.H A. Humble. Roanoke G.D.Langston. Roanoke to be aupplied by W.B. Humble. Enfield and Halifax,H. B.Ander son. Batttleboro and Wliitakers, R. F Taylor. Scotland Neck.J.E. Holden. Hybgood, U.B. Parkeo. williamston and Hamilton,E,E Caryaburg J. (j.Johnson. Northampton. T. H. Sutton. Rich Squeie, B C.Thompeon Bitin •( Cnitirfalts ' "OeWitt'a is the only genuine Witch Haxel Salve" writes J. L. Tucker, of Centre, Ala. "I have used it in my family for Piles, Cut* %nd Burns for years and can re commed it to be the best Salve on the market. Bvery family should keep It, as it is an invaluable house hold remedy, should always be kept on hand for immediate use."Mrs. Samuel Gage, of North Bush, N. Y., says:"l had a fever sore on my ankle for twelve years that the doc tors could not cure. All salves and blood remedies proved worthless. I could not walk for oyer two years. Finally I was persuaded to try De- Witt's Witch Haxel Salve, which has completely cured me. It is a wonderful relief," DeWitt's Witch Hazle Salve cures without a scar. Sold by Anderson, Crawford * Co.! want your BUSINESS I I TO- INCREASE • •- I ADVERTISE FOR CUSTOMERS I Con way,W. F. Craven. Murfree»boro,P. D. Woodall. Harrellsville, J. H .Giles. Bertie, W.C.Merritt. Littleton Female College, J. M. Rhodes, President. Central Academy, W. W. Roae, Principal. Student, Vanderbilt University,J. T.Stanford. Conference adjourned at one o'- clock with benediction bY Rev.W. H.Moore, D.Dj and reassembled at 3 P.m; Mr.John C.Kilgo presiding, at the requeat of the Bishop, who waa detained at his ro>m by a cab inet meeting, the last to be held be fore reading of the appointmente. The afternoon session was called to order at | o'clock by Dr. John C. Kilgo, who {had been requeated to preside by Bishop Candler, Theje were reports from the Boards of Ed ucation, Missions and Church Ex tension whiL-h were accepted and ordered spread upon the minuteak There was si spirited discussion on the report on education—the first one to occuf aince confereace aa ssmbled—regarding the permission of Greensbore Female College to asaume an indebtedneesof $15,000, it ncceaaary, and ordenag an as sessment of |i,o >0 upon the con ference for the coming year. The report waa finally adopted ae a whole, after eome half decea mem bers had ariaen to a question of peraonal privilege. The credentials of Re».W. F.Qal loway were reetored by vote of the conference. Resolutions were offered signed by Rev.N.H.D.Wilson and Col. John F. Burton, expressing appre ciation of the kind hoepitalityof the people of Hendenton, and for cour teoua use of church edifices and officee, and were adopted. Reports of the committers on books and periodicala and Bible cause were read and adopted. Pineules is the name of a new dis covery put up in a new way. A certain cure for all Kidney. Blood and Rladder diseases, and every form of Rheumatism. Pineules re lieve Backache and Kidney paines permanently. If you need such a remedy let us show you the wonder ful Pineules. Sold by S. H. Ellison. & Co. Look out for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. They are dangerous at this season of the year. They lead to pneumonia or consumption. You can prevent or cure all such complaints with Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar, an im provement over all cough, lung and bronchial remedies, and the best Cough Syrup. Sold by S H. Elli son. It is stated that women are doing j some of the "scene painting" at the London theatres. This isn t the first time that we have heard of women "painting." iitlirs, li Cirifil of the health of your children. Look out for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Stop them in time — One minute Cough cure is the best remedy. Harmless and pleasant. Sold dy Anderson Craw ford & Co. According to young Mr Rocke feller's Sunday School talk its a man's foremost duty to run away from riches; this talk is confined strictly to Sunday School, however. If you haven't time to prepare Holltster's Rocky Mountain Tea, it is now made in tablet form also. Get a package already to use. Makes you well; keeps you well. 35 cents. S. R. Biggs. WHOLE NO. 270 A MATTER OF HEALTH m AbMlvMy Purm HAM MO SUBSTITUTE Williamston Telephone Co. Office orer Bank of Martin County, WILLIAMSTON, If. C. Phone Charges mUM limited to S minutes; extra charge will poeittvelr Uc mad* (or longer time. To Waahington aj Canto. " Greenville 13 11 " Plymouth 3] '* " Tarboro ]J " " Rocky Mount 35 " Scotland Neck aj " Jameaville 15 " Kader LUley'a 15 " J. G. Staton . 15 ' Woolard 15 •' ' O. K. Cowing & Co. 13 " ' Parmele 13 •• " Robertonvill* V 13 " " Everett* 13 " Gold Point 13 " Geo. P. McNaughton 13 " Hamilton ao " For other pointi in Eaatern Carolina tee "Central " where a 'phone will be found for uae of noa-aubacriberi. In Gase of Tire you want to be protected. In case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. Let Us Com* to Your |R«acu« We can insure you againat loss from Fire, Death and Accident. ■ We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond Mm Bit But Coapuiit Ripnmtil K. B. GRAWPORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building. ACENfsyfiSJiVr'iW iAGENTS TBI OaiATMT BOOK OF TBI DAT "CHRIST IN THE CAMP" BT Dm. J. Willi a ■ Jowm AOlm unini M. O.—"Worked on* day, rant Tad 10 ordan." Ik.-"ll»nliiil Pros. 1 o'clock, aold t br nlckL" Ta.—"Sold 14 In U hour*." L P. Sudan, la*- Worked oca day, rol II oidara " APPLY AT OMC® TO TBI HAITI ■ BBOTT CO., Ca. to writ* hi oar ooatdantlal laNar balbra ap plying Ibr patont: M mar k* worth am;. W« proaipUy oktala U. B. aad Poraifa PATENTS ft.YJeMffVLrjss'JJ!: aku|*iiiaao4*nt. Try aa. SWIFTACO-s 0f» U.S. Pat—t (HMa.WatHntM, i.e. • t ' so Y■*•»•» JlMkixni'iiiei Aayoaa naiUna a ikat*k aa« «*MnaUM •*• ,S sis? tKSa^vs-wr^u. •ptrtaJ mUh, wltkoat Am la tk* Scientific ftmrm. A aaadtoaialy fltaatratad waatly. I«l««a talattoa of any anaatife Vuroaj. Tarj*. Jl : fear ■ toll fcj *a» I Subscribe for Tub Entbrphisb One Dollar a Year. LkiLsMi-uc.i&L'xU*.'- ■ '/rjwv'. T->V ,-t".

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