• YMY mck . wvfrtis- K k Js F* ' z voi- VL - NQ » fcudtte ** AU L* cordially in- M. M. Mam, the MUhIW B» Bvary Saaday BBoraiag it II o'clock and a* 7 ft^iiilinlj,—ft the Mcsad SM®A®y. SdMiol IWT Banter MOih« «o'clock. talk} win •* 3 o'clock; Vcraoa lat ■i W9«| ctbck. Ap4Ui>- BaydttCharch day*aUna.T^tr ill 7 J»V « lUUUUiI Grow ■ Nihj>rfuii 1117 "Tf — c teaday p.J*. 4»fc !»■■ IwyWj ; cordially iarilad. A. D. Caaaouu taator. i"im ii.. t . SKEWARKEE A HMbOIA.K AsJJA DUMOTI FST IM. 8. a. Broara. w. M.:W.C-Maaatog.S. W.; He. 0. Tayter. I. W.; T. W. Thon* M,ID.;A.P. Taylor. J.D; S. tt. Hp, Scaggqr; C P-CarjUryfcca, k. W. Clary, Titer. STANDING COMMITTEES: C**amr—a. A Iran, W. C Maa- Fik Awca—Jca. D. M«t>. W. H. Ha»- aO, k. J. M Umn»-«. H. Hdwarda, W. M. Gm. M-H.teH. Airu»-H. C Stekka. W. H. Uk ertaoa. B D Cook. EimmjH- H. aw». Professional Qwff DL JOHM © BIGGS am OHM Mini tear s. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER Ow! UTteaa Jto yjy* Tuuam. N 0. •padal MMMBM «9> kt glm to ml olalt w. a. HMm wm. a. «uin DBS. HABBBI.I. * WARREN :| ■ PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS BUGS' nro Hon WINSTON * EVERETT I ■M M ■ l—ll H i ' I gpgd ITT® *' y_. M A «W Hi m, W«a.aU Ctear to A* «i T«a jay* aad m« an pa* LJE ««M «* r : TT jm, M MM ttey alaa* M iB fM> lb ted to ay paJkl YaateMMM. Ite^taaltN. Wa pi~ itet ym *. -IB* A law T—*a Ma. Mteita or IUT« ratt tea always baaa aapactelly popular at Maw Year'a. ■poa acga tor Ita Ucktaaaa. Mo baklag W»*a ar aoda ate araaa of tatter aia, as a rate "aad la Ite inspaiaUaa. Tka old raclpa far tkteeaka salted tar • IMte at law, Mat aad aifted; tew tea Hi at A pan* af batter ■«■>* wttk a paaad at ingar tU Ite whitaa of twalra ana kaataa vary atML Tkto aaka la am attaa lirani wttk a little bitter almood ttea aajtklag •tea. A abaaper rate tor B teal ode* a •null quantity of am af tartar aad tetter and two asvfato tTgnlaatetad tarter aad a •••at kalf tasspoanfal at aada wttA two eopfato eC tear aavaml Data. Add tka wkltaa af aix eggs testa* tea (tiff troth. Tka aaka skooldbawdU attend aad tka whites addad tka test ■MM aad quickly fotdad la. Maka tea aaka elowly at drat, aad whaa it to tern tet tt ten. Tka ja tea at a tomaa te aOfc addad aad jwtute tka aaka tetaa too Ary. tea It wttk a tktok Swßsiiksw.»#lß|wikV'. Oa Maw Year*a saeratas tka pataeia •C tka ITaattin imperial fualty. court fteiß»a«ite« aad aarraate at tka pal aaa aaaaa la raptor ardar ta gnaaat ktoaw all tka aiiaikiw tor'kte iteally aad tka hlgtete at tka Palate tkraa tteaa, aaaoidlag ta tka Baaatea teak atkar wkatkar iifatekl ar aat. Tka tte aaar aia paraUtted te klaa tka kaad U. 0a Maw Taai'a day at kraakftet. MM Mraa traaa «ny te aAaar. y.*' ." v yiV. * .-■V-■ I «i tfctß [FWA TM too MRVR VMM MR TMMT I I M 4TWM not tin ttf fen CfLu CIvIXJ--OIT♦ >, ■ r a WILLIAMSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1905. I I The WeddiQf March Was I Alft IK# ft,., .jraite ■■ jaar I December, the MDth of saow aad ke aad aiirth, abawarad its choicest blaaaiaca. a dear, cold day. aritk n night that was aa bright and beautiful aa nature ever gives, the air filled with the spirit of happi ncas aad holiday, on the wedding night of Mite Mary Small wood Whitley to Mr. Cliaton L. Mandy. The bright moonlifbt and cold breeaea outside aeemed to enhance the beauty of the interior. Oak hurst, the country place of the bride's parenta, was a wane of orach merriment. The beautiful deooratiooa of holly, miatletoe, and flowcra, with the fair faces of the wowen present made it an event long to be remembered. It to pleaaaat 10 contemplate the aaaodatioaia dnateriug around the wedding day. It is the happiest hour of the human life, and bleaks upop die yaong life like the gentle spring upon the flowers of earth. It id aa hour of joyous expectancy, when the ardent spirit anning it self with bold hope looks upon the dark aad terrible fature. And when one of Miaa Whitley'a personal charms aad aweetaess of disposition gives herself to one of Mr. Mnndy's dam it may be aaid to be, "the heart's hoar, full of btimfnl con rich promtoee aad the anad's happy revela " Miaa Carrie Alexander Bixgs, pianist, played the hyma, "Ob! Perfect Love!" with the following singers: Miaaes Mayo Lamb, Hen rietta and Ann ye Paele, aad Meaan. Fader Crawford and Alotuo Haaaell this hyma waa one of- the bride's favorites. When Miaa Biggs began to play the inevitable bit from "Loh engrin", the spectators looked with admiration aa the bridal party be gan ta form. Miss Penny Biggs, a cousin of the bride, dreased in a pretty white coatnme, and Master Brace Whitley, the bride's young, eat brother, palled the curtains di viding the large old fashioned hall, for the other members to paaa. Miaa Joaephene Mandy, a cous in of the bridegroom, and Mia Laura Whitley, the bride's sister, dreased in simple white silk mull, with pink panne velvet girdlea and collars, were the bride's maids. Her sister, Miaa Marina Whitley was the maid of Honor, Miaa Whitley wore a pink aUk mull with pink ribbon and vrivet. Next came the bride with her father Mr. Qtorxt L. Whitley, who gave her away. She waa met at the alter by the bridegroom with his best man, Mr Oeorge L. Whitley, Jr. Mm Whitley, the bride. 1. one of the moat charming young ladies in this community; she is a model of yoong womanhood, and oa this oc casion her beauty was never more attractive. Her gown waa white Crepe de Cfaeae with a yoke of hand made lace, the handiwork of her stater—Mim Emily—and her gift. Her long aad beautiful veil was ar ranged prettily, held In place by orange bloasoms, aad she carried a Imnch of lilbes of the valley. Mr. Mandy wove fall evening dress. Wh&tbe gentle voice of the Rev. Nathaaid Harding, the rector of Saint Peter's Church, Wahington. N. *., was heard, all knew that 100 a this happy couple would be Joined in the holy hoods of matri mony which nothing caa aeperate. Miss Whitley is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs George L. Whitley, sad has been a great favorite by all who knew her. She has mingled in society, aad left a pare influence— her place among Witliamston'* yoong ladies will be hard to fill. |3 Continued oa Fourth Page tj II i - I I Olmrlffcl - S I ita aad hwirißj wMhad me I \r bi«* eyss wsre Crmak and bright aad I eager aa o boy'a. Ba aeaanod to tm WM, t ■« It (Mtltf quit* u plainly MSadto'W *&£»* to m iik* the w «f Jaggeraaat lad 1 VH In a IMM to Ma tm m M It rat over |Md wMh. My aaw MM It lata a M Jeka. ui though nothing mid lankMMtMHittaPalMP'i "I* Mliy •»» m « jaar Iwk, IMBI y»or MM ha -Why Mtr MH L "Why ahauM I Will H I tha MV ysarT What dtt tha last aaa do M aaa ever than It Bnp otoaa h a chaap beat Hi yao my ha IMAMR.* -Waft" aaM h» "you hat yaw am «y. That'a too hai Bat thlak what fun yaam have maklag am mn" TM mora itoety to aMha a haia la Mm Seat river," I n|M. m Car perhaps half a «»lt to mt Ma eyas 1 fait cowardly, aarlwn ud itMhnaaat, tka Mat because 1 waatad Patem to Mve m a lift aad waa net epea ewoogh to a* Mm to da It. My gtoaea oMftad hMa aad there to tha maa. aad tto ««M magnlficeaae hnrltotod m Wa had B all to aw eotvea, far hM fathar aad aMtfeM wsre Palmer hlmatf aamad to ba tha BBON alaaaty identified with thM horn of -■my.- aald h* waving hM haad to-' ward a daar, -da yaa happen to haa* wMfa la that aaar 1 afeaek nay haad. -■at yen'ae aat atoaM af Br Ma aato ad. • ved hto aaaata^ aald I, "I might Mdar that tha athat waa no bettor." -Bat thM aaa M fall at thla«a to aat aad drink." aald fe* tM yaa Mai tutor that tra aa with tha atbar one." "Oh, I'U admit that I'M mm aaady la toar thaa to hepa, If thafa what yea*w after,- aald L "Tat." havtag aaaa a part af thM haaaa, I'd agm to pay •1.000. If I had It, far tha aaataata af that aafcaawa ram, aad IV axpaat to aaka eoveral haadrad par esaat" ■a laaghad wtth graat enjoyment -lart Maa amy paaay,- ha aald. -Tha ram M ahaalataly ham Wa had a Mt af a tra thara. aad wsTve fa hen everything oat aad araa itppad ap a part af tha daar. Maw. BU," ha mm tinned. -yaa might gat jnat aa badly ataak If yaa ah pa Id bay my fatara aad pay year own far It MMa any ha hara aad yaara May ha faraMhad with every laxury.- -I gam aat," aald L -Ifa ama slag what ehangaa a yaaur May tasks la a person's fortaaaa," aald ha. -Aad that rmlnde mto tall yaa a atary. Ifa tha aart af atary that I think will da yaa tha moat good, far It ilwi what amy happan. Anything may happaa, Billy, aad thafa why Hamlot'a ward* the groaiett line ever t!r -■at hassle my atary - ha aaaOaaad. -tra aheotutely tma, af auaiea. Thara waa a girl wha lived la a town la daath Dakota. Har nam waa fiylvte Keadall. Mar parents had ban fairly wall to da, bwt thalr Porto aaa grad to pat a vary paad sduoatioa, aad aha toM abM to aaoaaapllah snMSthlag la to* world. hat aha hadn't much ah aaaa la fear aallva town. Tat aba aaoldnt pat away, far afea waa naiamiy to bar matfear, wha had haaam quits toabla. •a tha yaara aßppad Iway, aad tha pbt toned mighty BUM bapptom la *m daaptto tba fact that aha has a aapapad to a aata afea wall, I gam ha waa a right nlca fallow, bat ha wonM not ba bar cbolc* today. Taa •aa, aha developed wonderfully. Mar mind reached up and* out If aba out grow thM man thafa not to aay that ba waa dull. At tba beat ha had not Math chance, for bla health failed, aad ha began to light a toeing battle wtth pbyMcal weakness. By and by tba doctera told him that he muatga to a fe ather climate, and ha want to aouth em California. Tba engagement con tinued. There would hara been a Mar riage but for tba msn's nobility af Spirit which would not accept tha aae- MB' 1 1 -• ' -Tat, upon the other band, Mlaa Ken dall would not break tha engagemat aad aa abe remained bound to htm, aad May were thouaanda M mllea apart, aad tba yaara drifted away. Twenty two, twenty-three, twenty-four—l tall yaa, tbeee btrthdaya meant eometbing to Sylvia Kendall. All bar glorleua youth waa abhlng away; har beauty waa wanted; her toll and eelf de&MI •aamad to beaedt nobody, for it M very hard to give one'a youth aad beauty aad atrangth to thoae ana torn aad yet to aaa them ever MM hopeful aad happy. •That waa what MMa Keadall had to bear, aad I Judge aha bora it wall, yet not without the mark. la har twenty fifth year her mother, har fathar and that poor fellaw aat la California died, aad I think It moat hare been a releaaa far than all, and net a thing to grieve far. Tat, of eeuree, It left her dread tally alone, becauee tha iacemnt labor af tha ham had held har to the nar rowsst aort of life, aad her lore had been tha aarrieat tragedy. To Mp the slims x, unexpected dabu against har fatbar*e eetato appeared gad a wallowed op her bom and every thing upon whMh aha might hftre da peadad far a new atari la Ufa. I aa derate nd that abe bad about S6O and aa proapect of mm nothing, Indeed, that aauld ba called a maana of 11 veil hood—one year ago thM night. Vthen waa a mn to Chicago wha all running a little weekly paper-ad raaeed thought and that aart of thing ■omebsw a ropy of It bad drifted out to HM Xendalfa heme, and aha had token an Internet M K, writing gratui toua eontributlone, which had bean thankfully received. A cormpondence had aprung up between her and the OfeMago editor, and la bar emergency abe wrote to him and aahed whether ha eon Id pay bar a Urine aaMry If abe would pe M work ragoMrly upon bla staff. He offered her «90 a week, aid It Moked to her like wealth. "■he went to Chicago at once and ba gas to work for that paper, and eema ttmee aha got her 9K> and aematlmae afea didn't. "■he maat hara been dlrefuily aa happy during thoae meatha to Oht aaga, yet abe' wrote tha ebeerfnloet ataff tor that Uttle paper. It waa her •arte Bar writings had tha ring of Mugbter. It sally the girl waa a penlaa la har way. "By and by tba paper began to foun der la IU paat ebllgattona. It proa- Mad to da fairly well, bat the ma who taa It dM not knew how to maka prom Ma pay eld debta, and, to mka a long atary abort, be weat under. He awed MMe Keadall quite a bit af aalary. bat ef eeuree ebe could bare ao hope of getting It Ibe tried to eerare work am tha dally papen, aad 1 think abe might hare succeeded, feat the emor geacy waa toe praealng. the WM ah aalataly without money, fhe waa faaa to faaa with aetaal aurratloo. -At this a rials abe raoelTsd a letter from CurtM Graham. Toa know him. Ba wrote as msnsglng editor of the Chronicle and offered MMe Kendall a email earn for a certain number of par agraphs every week for tba Buoday edition, bad noticed her wart la the little weakly paper and obtained her addreea from the editor. MMe Kan daU sect some paragraphe Immediate ly, with a letter dlaoloelng her utter poverty. Graham promptly telegraph ad her soma money, for which may heaven forgive him all hM a Ins, He aMo ralaed the rata for the paragraphe. -Thaa encouraged, Mlse Kendall aaved her pennlM until ebe bad aaeugh Money to some to New Tork, and tken aha earn. Aad what Joy da yaa ear peee It was that awaited her herst" "Gordon," said X, "I knew what tt Might have been, bat I hope It waist ■omehow you've atlrred up my later eat la this poor girl. Don't, for plty*a oaks, toll me that aha fall la lave with Curtis OrabaQ." "Orahsm haa Improved since yoa knew him," aald Palaaer. "Be M mush steadier." "He -to the moat errstis, unreliable, unhatencsd creature that ever existed," aald li "brilliant, I graat you. aad quits the sort tit toaa to win a we maa'a love. Tot I'd rather eee Sylvia Kendall without a penny or a hope of aae than married to CortM Graham." i 1 think you do him an injuetice," aald Palmar, "aad yet he M erratic. Aad my story will prove It Whsa MMa KaadaU resched Now Tork ahs feaad that Graham hsd had s raw sa the CfereaicM and had reatgaad. aad Ma mil eelaaly Informed the yoaag lady that her eervlm wm aa Jeagar required." "That girl aad I maat have bm bora under the same a tar," said I. -Walt a Mt," aald be. "While Miss Kaadall waa ataggoriag uader thM ua a■si■ii tm 1 lilum fnp a# /wmam aha WPWIN wlvW swi( ™X vwurw, auv didn't know that Now Tork papers ehsnge their maaglag editora aa a Maa might ahaago one hat for saather —aa aMoo boy gave ber a note frem Graham. It toM bar to cheer ap aad that he woe Id bo reaponeibM for the aeatlaaeaoc of ber aaMry as a matter af plate kaalneas honor." -TM." aald I. "I can fancy what aart af note CurtM would write, the must feave thought him tha finest fellow te MM world. Aad I suppooe be weat to ■rtagoaM ths next day. didn't her -No, eir, he didn't" replied Palmer. -By the way. have you seen thlsf" Bs eroeead the rem aad took a sopy at a little magaalne from a HM» B tapvml that I tea already mm (Mi publication. It waa a new one aad WM Mt«M to Mw aad pklt mm awa sense. * "Tea," said L "It looks flko a mighty good thin*. Wbos back of ttr •1 am," replied Palmar. TtnH that*o confidential. Graham mohM It to ma and toM m that moo to dalt'a work alone would make It NT- It baa well, perhapo not ileei. kr We* printed eome other pood eta*, and the hoalpeee end haa bean man aged rather well." "It haa It you're maaaped K. Oar don," raid I alncerely. fWtU. I hare given coneiderable at tention to It thank yon." eald ha -ted —wall, the long and abort of It la that we're maklnp quite a bit of money al ready. though we're bean out leea than "m rtrrcaa » i aaas» three months. But Mlee KeadalTa work baa boon the blp bit WaYa pap lap bar en enormous ealary." Ha nibbed hie handa aad m»ed "■he bae an latoreot too." ha added. "Graham bad one, bat he eeld eat to ■a." 1 "Sold ootT" "Tee; he's pelup to Baa nssiHw with an Idea of hla own." I pot up on my feet "Oordon." said I, "did eho-dld aha »efua« hlmT" "He did not aak the question." re plied Palmar quietly. "Because be knew What the aaowar would be," Mid I. ''Well. I'm eorry tor him. if he loved bar, bat tor her I'm glad"- . The teara auddenly eatoe Into Pnte "Not for her," eald ha, "tor mar I leaned acroae the table, staring at him, the handaomeat and the flneet ftt t law that 1 "hare erer known; n maa ' Wkoae boner took the balm when ha ' waa a mere boy and haa puided bin ' eoursa ever alnce, endowed with gnat wealth and with the Infinite, unfailing klndllneea that could make It worth ea much to her. And the glrl'a ■ tory rush ed over me, the poverty and unvarying disappointment, tbe bitter mockery eg love, tbe unrewarded toll—all daottood to and In pereoual eucceea that meat renew ber value to herself and la a love eo fortunate. "In one year!" mid L "In oua year!" be returned. "Wily, 1 toll yon that tbe future la a praat treaa ore bouae; It holda everything we wlah for. Xou would hive called me happy a year ago, wbeu neither of ue knew the treasure that the future held tor raa. So brace up on your owa ac count"— He wu Interrupted by tbe opening of a door, and hla mother looked into tbe room. "Home eo early!" ha cried, bat she painted to the clock aa aha came acroae to give me greeting. It waa after 10l "Sylvia Is In the drawing room." said Mra. Palmer, "ready to watch tha new year in with ue." . "Corns along," said Palmar to ma. "Pve beau waiting for her. I want her to help me pereuade you to step late Orshaa'a shoes There's money tbor* my boy. and a chance to make a name I toll you the new year looka bright for all of us." Gsnlss Apart. Unfortunately for Jomee, lira. J. Is not tha meat careful of women. la teat she la the kind of person who would HI the sugar baaln with starch and wonder how tSe tea eame to tasto so carious. Tbe other day she bad bean dotag soma fancy work, and, ss usual, not having bar work baaket by ber. aha faat put the ball ef silk she had been aalng Into s tumbler. Jssms waa rather later thaa usual that alght aad M he had been ataylng overtime licking stampe tor elreolaia It will ba easily understood that ha waa thirsty. Of course he ebeee tha tumbler with the ball Of silk In It to Oil wttb water. It was emptied with two gulps, bat than WM something la the tasto eg the last one which made him thlafc an WM not Mlt abould have been. TbM ha felt a tinkling at tha back eg hto throat "That's mysterious." ha said, plac ing his finger and thumb lnalda his mouth. Ha caught hold of the end of aOk mm* nulled it ! The tickling eenaadon waa woree ' than ever,, and James" expreoeloa a ha kept on pulling and accumulatta i yards of silk was qHlte awful to aaa "Wife, wlto," be cried, "send ft Dr. Squalls this instant! rm unravel ft tr | ADVERTISING WHOLE NO. a 73 KU ■ JAI POSHER WilliamslonTdcphoicCa. WILUAHSTIM.M.c! /few CfeMKI To WwWsgtoa qOMb ** Greenville afi " - Ptyasooth ag « " Taiboeo as " " Pocky Hoaet ' jf Vntlasd Neck at Ja—e»m« q " Kader LOley'e ij " I.G.SUtoa , 5 ' J. L. Vootard IS - O. JL. Cowiag ft Ca. ig Paraasle 15 - " RobenowriDe IS " " Bmttla 4 » is " Gold Mat IS ** Geo. P. MiHaphlw IS " HamiHns aa ** For other potato ia Baton TmsUbs see "Ceatxal" whet* a "phone wO ha In Gase of Fire you want to be protected. Ia caw of death yoa want to leave your family sssk tbing to live 00. In caae of acririent you want aomt thing to live aa bestdaa borrowing. Wt can insure yoa against loss froM Fire, Death and Accident. We can insure poor Boiler, Plate GUm, Burg lary. We also can bond yoa for any office requir ing bond v tm lit test fiMprin tepnmM K. B- GKAWfOKD INSURANCE AGENT, Oodaid Bnihliag AGENTS | fOSS I AGENTS "OHSnNIM cittip" as Da. J. Wsuia Jam . *mr mt omcmrm ITS?!rwM3CSnSiri3ES tppHMs I— l .9 ill g I.SJL jnAknir 8 HIP WPS 1 ji , Ii ■ I . I p^l twtasi 'W' 1 Cafiaasrato , JiSnSSJ tmZSSSfJt!i?SSSjn ft IHI HT r*. la ims Mau a u> i» ms.snn» lltaull f tf. « *- !j«; ftaram •- !• a Wm £C3to i ?.i . *"■ ' **- **o'*: • ' - I" 1 - 1 Subscribe for Tn EwmmiSK | •1- Dollar a tea*.

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