THE ENTERPRISE. Friday. .lanuari 13,1905 LOCAL NEWS I'll brave the storms of Chilkoot pass, I'U cross the plains of frozen glass, I'd leave my wife and cross the sea Rather than be without Rocky Mountain Tea.J. M. Wheless & Co. Robersonville. —Any one desiring to purchase a gasoline engine will do well to call or write to A. E. Whitmore, Williamston, WC. who will make low figure on the best gasoline engine on the market, "the Fair banks." , —Mr. H. D. Taylor is filling the deputy sheriff's place temporarily. —The Telephone Company is having loqg distance telephone booths built. —Attention is called to the prog ram in this issue of the Farmers' Institute to be held at the Court house next Wednesday. Let every farmer attend this.meeting. Constipation and piles are twins. They kill people inch by inch, sap life away every day. Holhster'* Rocky Mountain Tea will positive ly cure you. No cure no pay. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. JM. Whe less & Co., Robersonville. —Mr. T. J. Latham, who has beeu deputy sheriff for the past two years has resigned and will engage -in the grocery and confectionery business. He has rented the front part of the building occupied by the Enterprise Printing Company. —Mr. Justus Everett of the upper part of the county, was in Wil liamston last Saturday. While in town Mr. Everett called at the of fice and saw our engine and presses, at work. He spoke very encourag ingly of the plant aud efforts, and his visit was greasy appreciated. —Dr. Proctor, of Richmond, has been in town several days lookhas over the territory with the ide ing locating in our town. But,as y a of has not been able to secure an et,he suitable, every available place office occupied. Williamston is abcing ready to welcome good citizelways it is hoped that Dr. Proct us and succeed in locating here. or will —Mr. John Irwin, representing James H Duuham& o.,New York, Dry Goods and Notion dealers, was in town this week, Mr. Irwin is 83 years old and has beeu with the same firm for 60 years. He does not carry any samples nor solicit business, as would be supposed, but , simply calls on the customers of the firm with a kind word and a hearty hand shake. On Wednesday evening from eight to twelve o'clock; Miss Vic toria Fagan Martin entertained a number of her friends at her home on Main Street, during which time games of "Various kinds were in dulged in. Refreshments.,were serv ed about twelve o'clock. Tho«e present were Miss Nell Simpson, Miss Stella McCall, of Durham, Misses Ida May and Mattie Waters. Mr. S. Atwood.Newell. Mr. A. Critcher, Mr. B. Frank Godwin. That "Yaller" Dog A few days ago one of Martin County's magistrates issued a war rant to sheriff Crawford to arrest one "yaller" dog by the name of Sam The facts in the case a re these; A gentleman in this county owned a yellow dog, and thi4 yellow dog was a sheep killing dog, and the owner of the sheep that were killed wanted something done about it, so he appeared before a magistrate to have a warrant issued against the dog's owner, but. lot wishing to prosecute the man,decided to issue a warrant for the dog, this was done and the warrant turned over to the Sheriff. Who in the joke on? PLEASE YOUR FAMILY and preseve your house by painting with 1,. & Paint. Wear* and covers like gold. Its lead with zinc. Nou-chalkahle. Money aaver. Fullest measure. Takes least. Bought from S. R. Biggs. Noble Women In the last issue of Charity and Children a picture of Mrs Deunis Simmons, MissQueen'e Macdonald and Mrs. Bertha Myron was pub lished. These three women were volunteer nur»es at the I homasville Ophanage during the recent fevei epidemic. Mrs DennisSimmonsiia woman of fine christian character, and hei many friends here will note with pleasure the devotion to the child ren during their illness. TlliC tl til SjltM For liver troubles and constipation there is nothing better than De- Witt's Little Early Risers, the fam ous little Pills. They do not weak en the stomach. Their action upon the system is mild, pleasant and harmless. Bob Moore, of LaFay ette, Ind., says, "No tisr talking, DeWitt's Little Early Risers do their work. All other pills I have used gripe and make me sick in the stomach and never cmed me. De- Witt's Little Early Kisers proved to be the long sought relief. They are simply perfect.'' Persons travel ing find Little Early Risers the most reliable remedy to c*rry with them. Sold by Anderson, Craw ford & Co. ANOTHER FIRE VISITS WILLIAMSTON The Mayor's Office and Geo. R. Dixon's Tin Shop De stroyed Early Tues day Morning DMMAGE ABOUT SISOO INSURANCE $750 About a o'clock Tuesday morn ing the alarm of fire was given.The cause of the alarm was the burning of the mayor's office and the Wil liams building, occupied by George R. Dixon, both one story frame buildings, the fire originated in the Williams buildings and in a shott time the building was a mass of flames. It was theu seen there was no hope of saving the mayor's office. While nothing was saved of Mr. Dixon's, nearly everything belong ing to the mayor was saved. The Carstarphen building only 40 feet away was saved only by the untiring and heroic effo-ts of the file fighters. Several times the building was in a blaze , but each time the fighters succeeded in putting it out. The whole side ot Carstarphen's •♦tore is scorched and the rosin is standing out in knots. Had the wind been in the direction of this building there is no telling where the fire would have stopped. While the owners of the property have lost by the fire, and have the sympathy of the citizens, yet it is an improvement to be rid of these old buildings. And likely in the nearfui ture nice brick buildings will be erected on these lots. Mr. Dixon carried about SBOO stock of tin and iron and working tools,and had only S3OO insurance. Miss Vanie Williams building was valued at SSOO, with S3OO insurance. Mrs. A. H. Smith who owned the mayor's office carried SIOO insur ance, the building was worth S2OO. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILE* Itching,(Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMTCNT fails to cure any cane, no ■natter of bow long standing, in 6to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded post paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. it.4 1 yr. BAUTIFUL HOME WEDDING Robertson-Davis One of the most beautiful wed dings of tne New Year was solem nized at the houie of Wr. Winfield Dale Ruffin in Tillery, N. C. yes terday morning at eleven o'clock when his step-daughter, Miss Hat tie Jefferson Davis became the bride of Mr. James Henry Robertson, for merly of this city, but now employ by the A. C. L R R. Co., at Hob good. The wedding march was ren dered by Miss Alma Murcliison, and the ceremony was performed by El der A. J. Moore in a very impres sive manuer. The attendants: Mr. W. E. Rob ertson and Miss Ruffin, Mr. L. W. Godwin and Miss Cuthrell, Mr. J. S. Tucker and Miss Bobbin. The bridal couple left on the train for Palm Beach, F1 a., to spend sev eral days, after which they will re turn to their home in Hobgood. —I have opened up a first class Meat Market at the stand formely occupied by A. J. Adams, and will have on hand the best stall-feed beef. I will be glad to have your orders, and the same wll have my best attention. Yours to serve Phone 76 W. H. Robertson, Jr Nr. and Mrs. Sitterson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Sitterson entertained a party of friends the last night of the old year. Flinch was played and after a few games, all were invited to the beautiful de corated fining room to a most elt gant supper to which all did full justice. Many toasts were given and responded to;the pure little temper a nee badge was there and a temper ance to Ist was asked for. This was given: "Oh, I am the happiest black b'rd That ever you did see, For pure cold water is the drink for me. I take a drop here and a drop there And make the woods ring with my musical air." Mr. and Mrs. Sitterson were at their best. It seemed as if time in its flight had turned b ickward for thtm that right. All greatly enjoyed the occasion till the wee wee hours. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W.J Hodges,Mrs.C.W.Keith.Miss Mittie Harrell, Mrs. Fowden, Mrs, Bettie Pope, Mrs. J. L. Ewell, Mrs. Kellenger, Miss Nora Fowden. Miss Anna Pope, Master Jesse and Myrt Stnbbs. FOR SALE—Oae live Bald Eagle, 6 feet tip to tip. Apply to G. M. WHITE 14-it-pd WiUiamaton, N. C, FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Held it's Annual Meeting Here Tuesday and Elect ed Officers. Large Attendance The Martin County, Branch of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. held its annual meeting here Tuesday in the Court house. There was a good attendance and the re ports were interesting. The county branch has insured $145,000 worth of property and last year there was only S3OO in losses. It was unnec essary to make any assessment as there was sufficient funds on hand still leaving nearly S3OO in the treasury. New officers were elected as fol lows. John D. Simpson,President; W. C. Manning Sec. and Treas. Advisory Board: J. A, Whitley;W. H. Wilson; Ephriam Peel; A 'num ber of ageuts were appointed for each township. This is the cheapest and the most reliable insurance. Think of having your property insured a year without a premium. Your property is secured against a loss at no ex pense The members are proud of their organization and justly so It is a great pity that they cant or ganize this way to protect themsel ves against low priced products The following agents were ap pointed: C. C. Fagan, Jamesville; N. T Tliddick, Williams; W. H. Peele, Griffins; W. M. Green; Bear Grass; J. R. Ballard, Poplar Point. SUPERVISORS Williamston: W. H. Wilson, G. L. Whitley, J. G. Staton; Hamil ton: J. H. Purvis, Jos. T. Waldo. John A Bennett; Robersonville: B R. Jenkins B. H. Roberson, E. A. Smith; Roplar Point: Roderick Robuck, Henrv Slade, V. R. Tay lor, Cross J.B. Burroughs, Mc. G. White.J. B. Avers; Wil liams: W. M. Ptrry, James W Harrison, W. J. Griffin; Griffins: B. Mc. Manning, Plenny Peele. Henry Roberson; Jamesville: M.S. Fagan, John Riddick, T.E. Brown; Goose Nest: Jas. Eariey, N. M. Worsley, H. Brown; Bear Grass: J. L. Woolard, Stanley Peele, Simon S. Perry. TO OURK A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. All druggists refund the mon ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 15 cents. 11-4 tyr PERSONALS Jesse Whitley returned to New ark N. J. Tuesday morning. Mr. S. N Brickliouse of Norfolk Va. arrived Tuesday evening. Miss Ella Staton returned home Tuesday night from Washington Messrs. J. L. and C. B. Hassell spent the day in Rocky Mount Sun day. Miss Mary Robertson left Wed nesday morning to visit relatives iii Raleigh. Mr. A.S. Koberson and MrCocb ran, of Robersonville, were in town Wednesday. Mr. Wheeler Martin and son Wheeler, Jr., went to Norfolk Wed uesday morning. mmiim- Mr. W. H. Waters left Tuesday for Jackson N. C. where he has ac cepted a position. Mrs. C. Rives Alley and child ren, of Gastonia, are visiting hei mother who is vety sick. Mr. Louis Godwin attended the Robertson-Davis marriage at Whit akers yesterday morning. Mr. M. D. White, of Norfolk, representing the Co-operative Land Corporation, is in Williamston. Miss Emma Hassell has returned home after visiting friends in Ox ford, Washington, and other points. Mrs.J.Howard Herrick and child ren, came Tuesday evening to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilson G. Lamb. Measrs. J. W. Watts and C. D, Carstarphen left Tuesday after noon for Raleigh to attend the inau guration. « Mr. John Pope, Mrs. Bettie Pope Mrs. B. C.Crawford and daughter. Martha Cotton, spent Sunday in Robersonville. Miss Julia Myers, the very effici ent and popular milliner at J. L Hassell & Co., left Sunday morn ing for her home. Miss Mary Hyman.who has been visiting at the home of Mr. George L. Whitley, returned to her home in Richmond Tuesday morning. ABm Traciiy is daily enacted in thousands of homes, as Death claims, in each one, another victim of Consump tion. or Pneumonia. But when Coughs and Colds are properly treated, the tragedy is averted. F. C. Huntley, of Oaklandon, Ind. writes:"My wife had the consump tion. and three doctors gave her up. Finally she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which cured her, and to-day she is well and strong." It kills the germs of all diseases. One dose relieves- Guaran teed at 50c and SI.OO by 8. R. Biggs, druggist. Trial bottle free. Happy New Year Mllp/C WE ARE READY——^ * With a big line of seasonable supplies, aud our prices are ordinary. You cau get just what you need here and at ■« prices to please SEE OUR DISPLAY ESSCTrSTI3H - Dr. Hyyatt Coming. Dr. Hyatt, of Kinston, will be in Williatuston at the Hassell House January 16, 17, and 18, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for the purpose of treating; diseases of the eye and fitting glasses. Those not able to pay a fee will be examin#d free 13 a Entertained Friends (Reported) Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hassell were host and hostess to a small pai ty of friends last week, when they enjoyed the sensation of having the table talk to them. Nearly everyone present received some message which was good news, and will be remembered. Music was also enjoy ed, and the evening was one of much pleasure. The following were pres ent: Miss Mae Bennette, Miss An na Pope, Miss Nora Fowden, Miss Carrie Biggs, Miss Mary Hobbs, Missess Annye, Henrietta and Es sie Peele. Dr. and Mrs. John D. Biggs, Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul .Simp son, Mrs. Bennette, Mrs. Mary K. Peele, Mrs. Minga and Mrs. Pope. Messers. Harry Biggs, John Pope and Grover Hardison. SIOIIII Mir Bunt! Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 34th St,. New York, at one time lmtl her beauty spoiled with skin trou ble. She writes:"l had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years, but nothing would cure it, until I used Bu'ckletis Arnica Salve." A quick and sur«% healer for cuts,burns aud sores. 250 at S- R. Biggs, drug store. DARDENS Work on the parsonage is slowly progressing. Mr.Tom Jones, of Baltimore,Md. is visiting his Mother near here. Mrs. Pattie Peel and son Hamlet are spending this week in Plymouth Miss Daisy Berry, of Pinetown spent Xmas at Mr. David Swinson. Ed. aud Mrs.Altord a*e spending this week with Mr. and J. S. Swin- Miss Mary Bateman left a few days ago to speuda month with friends in Norfok, Va. Miss Maggie Darden, is spend ing the holidays with relatives in Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Jones, re turned to their home in Baltimore Md. this week. Miases Effie Davenport and Gar nie McCaskey were visitors in Dar dens Friday afternoon. Mr. Joe Nicholson and Miss An nie Davis, were married at the home of the bride's mother last Sunday. Mrs. U.S. Hassell, and Dr. Has sell's sister "Mrs. Pritchard of Col umbia, N. C'. spent Thursday with their niece Mrs C. G. Fagan. Miss Garnet McCaskey returned from Norfolk Va. last week where she had been visiting in the home of her Uncle Mr. T. C. McCaskey. Miss Dare Hassell, of Jainesville, passed through here Friday to visit Miss Maggie Snell who has recently moved near Plymouth, from Bertie County. Little Bernie May Fagan, who has been so dangerously ill for over two weeks with erythema nodosum is recuperating to the delight of her many friends. Miss Alice Gibson, who has been spending the holidays in our midst, left a few days ago to be present at the marriage of her niece Miss Mae Williams, Which was celebrated last Wednesday night at her home near Williamston. 1 Notice to mj Patrons and the Public Generally On account of beiug out of town until February ioth, I have made arrangements with Mr. Williams, son of Mr. Sam Williams, of Wash ington, N. C.,tolook after my busi ness. He will be glad to serve you in my absence. Thanking you for your courtesies I am, Yours truly. KADKR B. CRAWFORD. Notice of Dissolution. The firm of F. K. Hodges and Brother has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. We desire to thank our patrons for their business and solicit for our successors the same patronage given us Jauuary 3rd. 1905. F. K HODGES W. J. HODGES CO-PARTNERSHIP Having purchased the business F. K. Hodges & Bro., we desire to announce to the public that we will continue to couduct the business under the firm name of Brown & Hodges at the same stand, and sol icit your patronage. S. S. BROWN W. I. HODGES RKPOKT OF Til K CONDITION OF J. C. Robertson, Banker lit KUIIKKSONVII«I«K, N. C., at the close of busiue** Nov. loth, I*o4 RKSOURCKH l/innn «lid Discount* f 30,741.'4 overdraft* M3H.K3 Furniture and Fixture* Other Ken! >*tate Owned i.ajA.J 3 Due from Itauk* aud Banker* 7,158.00 Check* and other Ca*h lteuii i l 9>574 TOTAt, C4s.y»3'i UABIUTIRft Capital Stock 3,ooo.« o Undivided Frofit* *-■ - 3,03k. J9 Deposit* Subject to Check >6,373,^0 Due to Bank* and Hanker* 7>7-U ~Ca*hter'a Check* OuUtaudlug 374.\l Hill* Payable 13,000.n0 TOTAL I 45. 5°3."j State of North Carolina | County of Martin J I,J.C. Robertson, Cashier of the alntve named bank, do nolernnly nwear that the atmve itale tuent ia true to the l»eat of my knowledge and belief. J. C. ROHKRTBON, Cashier. Sworn aud aubacribed to before nie thisauth diy of Nov, 1 go*. S L Kus»*>, Notary Public. KB FOR r THH CONDITION OP Bank of Martin County at WJLUAMBTON, N. C.. at the close of buaine** Nov. loth, 19(14 RKSOURCKH : * Loan* & Discounts f 67,558 7* Over-Drafta. - a,'6ha.eo Other Stocks and Bond*. 1,000.'* Furuiture tk Fixture*. Demand Loans 7,8*3.49 Due From Bank* and Banker* *3,397.18 Silver Coin a.495 90 TOTAL. t . | 106,933,9 a LIABILITIES: Heth t/ $ 1 j, 000.00 Sun lus 5.000.0 c Undivided Profit* 3,341.36 Deposit* mibject to Check i7.7M1.66 I Titpe Certificate* of Deposit, # «7.77» 66 Due to Bauk* and Banker* i.*39 34 TOTAL. t$ 106,933.93 l. J. O. Godard Caahier, of Bank of Martio County, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that tin above Statement is true to the best of my knot ledge and belief, J. GJGODARD, Cashiei State of North Carolina l County gf Martin / j- Hworn to and subscribed before roe, this aint 1 day of Nov., A. D., 1904 C. H. GODWIN, Notarv Fubltr. COR R KCT—ATTKBT : ) Dennis 8. Biggs > Wheeler Martin J DIRECTORS B. L. Godard I J. G. Godard 1 J „ H DYSPEPSIA CURE H pj DIGESTS WHAT YOU BAT IS ft J Tkt SI.OO bottl*contain* *Httmuth*tml«M.«kMiaaikraa«H^ ■ V W Ift Iffj W 1/ |v3 - i~r-r> "-r AT T» UMUTWT m ■ B3 E. C. DeWXTT * COMPANY. CHICAGO. T*JL AN ARRAY OF BARGAINS IN STORE FOR .Jewelry Shoppers. Those contemplating buying such as Elgin, Waltham and other Watches, Diamond, Solid Gold and Silver Rings, Watch Fobs and Chains, Stick Pins Etc., will do well to inspectjour stock . . . . . HERBERT D. PEELE Ttlipkon 31 THE JEWELER Wlllliastii, H. C. PIANOS —— AND ORGANS The world-renowned, CABLE COMPANY,have opened a large shipment of their Pianos and Organs in Williamston, N. C. TWO DOORS FROM BANK Every instrument will be fully guaranteed for 10 years, and we will offer SPECIAL PRICES TO MOVE THEM You will find the famous Chicago Cottage Or gans, the Cable Conover, and Kingsbury Pianos In this selected stock we have a new system— BABY GRAND CONOVER-the only Piano of the kind ever brought to stands in the front rank of Piano Fortes in America. Gome and see it also Ghase & Baker Piano Player... W S ELL The Gable Go. When in Doubt Come to See Us TRADE• A 1 OUR STORE A STORE YOU .KNOW. A store all this community knows. A store that ca ters to tlie K rocery trade. A store that always quotes the lowest possible pricea. A store tliat means to lo the fair anil square tiling at all times and under all ci cumatances. We sell tfood ..GROCERIES.. Free Delivery S.H. ELLISON r Horses and Mules We have just received a good supply of 0 hordes and Mules at our new Brick Stables on Main Street Tell us what you want or what you are willing to pay and we will try to find a Horse or Mule to suit you . The Martin l>ive Stock Gompany Subscribe Now 1 >f THE ENTERPRISE-ONLY ONE DOLLAR a year. „ • ■ ' - - ( . - Send iiß your Job Printing ut rij;tit prices

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