ro* WOMEN sS&pSES' rfiMMfaStmbk Do apt wait antil yea nftrgn tambtosam hsforavoo ssek treet nL TssTassd WW of Oardui BOW Jest as much as if the trouble MnmnMoH and the tor _mm cf disordsrad M>- ■hi wete driving too to tin un failing rslisf tbstVine of Cardui he* brought hundreds of thousands of ■mu> lad will bring you. Wiae «f (Mil will drive oat si trao* at TCIom and banish ■■nmbA, headache and beck aehe ami jaeisai the svroptoma from qaickir developing Into dan m trouble* thai will be hard to check. Bectne a 91.00 bottle ol Wiae of Oardul todw. If war dealer does not keepit, send the Mtmtj to the Ladle*' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co-Chattanooga, Tenn., and the mmmwUlm Mt yoa. WINE sf GAKDVi PNYSIGIANS wovld not endorse and prescribe Piedmont GonGentrated Iron and Alumn Water.. UNLESS IT HAD MERIT If you suffer with indiges tion, or any form of chronic trouble you have all to gain and nothing to lose by us ing it For sale, with a guarantee, BY s. R. B/aas - to Willi 50c ISoz Battlis $1 I J.M.KchoU Co. Lynchburg,Va. OTfc.l. ihi LM»W«v ib ju«ir t [ M EUilib Mt BUtta. * I Is the concentrated downy ifTi ct * I oi six layers of felted cotton ot M selected quality. In the con en j* I tration there is no h.irdnes*. p ■ They are soft at rii at, and remain L I ao through years of cons tint r ■ use. Write for free booklet, k I "The Royal Way to Comfort " C ■ If your dealer hasn't It write its. £ ■ PRICE We prepay PRICE 7 I SIB. 00 th " weight SIO.OO * BEE'S Jtf. Laxative HONEY-TAR An Improvement orer all Lung * nl * Prrmrhial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strengthens the Lungs and Qsntty Moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good sfflre for Toung and Old. MMMMD BY fMi IMWh to., Chicago, 0. S. L S. H. ELLISON & Co. Worlds Fair Parties desiring to visit the Worlds Fair have the choice of three (3) days each week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday during November, on which to purchase coach excursion tickets to St. Louts ▼is Norfolk and Western Railway Gen. Pass. Agent. Roanoke. Va, — p* DESIGNING A HEAD. Aa IstiHdlsa TssmHsl BsssbHsb kr tk« Hmh WkMbr. "Amaslngr the favorite ejscuistlon of the brilliant and eccentric artist Jamas MacNeM Whistler, la the word which MUM bast to St the curious combination of peraonal pecuHaritles mlsehlevous wtt tricksy Jests, gay quarrela, harmless rani tie* and remark able artistic performance—ravea lod la Mr. Mortimer Meopee* reoant recolleo dons of hla "M ester." The eeeontrlct ties of Whtetlei'o character WON matched by thooe of his appearance, for ho sever draosad like anybody else, and ha had. Just orer his left eye, a single lock of white hair amid a mam of black curia. His own interest la his appearance was great for be re garded the compoaltlon of coettune and coiffure with the same oeriouonass which he would hare bestowed upon the composition of a picture, and in deed the result waa unmistakably pic turesque. "Customers ceaaod to bo Interested In their own hair," saya Mr. Menpes of Whistler's entrance into s harbor's shop. "Operators stopped their manlp ulstlons; every one turned to wstch Whistler, who himself was j supremely unconscious. Ills hslr wsa first trim med. but left rather long, Whistler meanwhile directing the catting of every lock as he watched the barber la the glass. Ho, poor fellow, only too conscious of the delicacy of his task, shook and trembled aa bo manlpulstsd the scissors. The clipping completed. Whistler wSTOd the operators imperi ously on one snd ws /observed for some time the roar view/of bis dspper little figure, stepping backward and forward, nurveylng "himself In the tftaas. Suddenly be 'put bis hesd Into s biHl Df wator, and then, half drying hla hair, shook It Into msttsd wet curls. With a comb he carefully picked out tho white lock, wrapped It In a towel nnd walked about for Ore minutes, pinching It dry, with the rest of his lislr hanging orer his fsco—a stags which much amuoed the onlookers. "Still pinching the towel, be would than bast the rest of his hair Into ring lets (combing would not hare given thom the right quality) until they foil Into decorative wavaa all over bla head. A loud scream would then rend the air. Whistler wanted a comb. This lirocurod, he would comb the white lock into a feathery plume and with a fsw broad movementa of hla hand form tho whole Into a picture. Then be would look beamingly at himself In the glass aud say but two words, 'Menpes, amsalngr snd sail triumphantly out of tho shop." POINTED PARAGRAPHS. An swkwsrd msn in society Is usu ally a thoroughbred In business. The only case of overwork wo know of, though msny claim It la that of the growler. A great many people tell not tho way a thing Is, but the wsy they would Jlks to bsve It To win In this world you must hsvs more confidence In yourself than you really amount to. lUr* is the mark of one who boards: Hearch klui, aud you will And soma thing to eat In his pocksts. Olve father credit for one thins st least—at hta ~iace at table there are uo wada of chewing gum on the uudorslde When you attend a circus turning s somersault looks easy, snd when you atteud a lacture talking In public looks eaay.—Atchison Globe The Lease mt LUt, It la the Inevitable law of naturs that ws must die. The vltsl energy thst Is Implanted In ths body st birth Is only meant to sustsln it for s car tain number of years. It msy bo hus lisndcd or wasted, made to burn slowly or rapidly. It Is like the oil In a lsmp and may be burned out to little effect In a little tlrnn or carefully husbsnded and preserved snd thus msde to last longer and burn brighter. It Is a moot queatlon whether every Individual Is not at birth gifted with tho aamo amount of vital energy and of Ufa sustaining power. Ths proba bility la that each Is. The ctrcum stancee of the environment from ths cradle to the grave determine its fu ture dsstlny.—Oentlemsn's Magasins. BaS Oaasaaar S*> Hla. "What have you to say for your self ?" demanded the bailie of the drunk and disorderly. "Am vsrra son*, sir," returned the charge, "but s cam' up frae Oleaca In bad company." "What eort of company?" "A lot o' teetotal ers." "Whs-stl" roared the ball la. "You mean to aay, sir, thst tsetotalsrs are bad companyV "Well/ rejoined tho prisoner, "ye ken how 'twss. A had s hsle mutchln o' whusky wl' ma, an' a had to drink It all to myself."— London Judy. Mage Her Csrisss. Wretch of s Msn (st the club)—l say. you follows, my wife went off to see , her mother Istely, Intending to stay for six weeks, but I brought her home In s hurry. Do you know whst I did? I sent her s psper every day with a paragraph cot out sod she wss so full of cuiiosity to know whst local news I wss keeping from her that she came homo st the end of four days. ■to Brief riMwar*. Neighbor—How long did you stay at the club yesterday, Jonea? Jones—Oh, the beat part of the evening. Mrs. lones Whjr, John, you cams homo In kslfsn-hourl Jones—Well?—Cleveland Loader. Tfee* Bo ins. Crawford—Did his lawyer toll Hen pock thst he couldn't get s divorce? Crabahaw—No. His wife did.—Town Topics. Spiri) RiUlf A salve that heals without a gear is DeWitts Wjtch Hazel Salve, No s remedy effects such speedy relief, f It draws out the inflammation; , soothes, cools and heals all cuts, E burns and bruises. A sure cure for e pilot and akin diseases. DeWitt's s is the only genuine Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of counterfeits, they are dangerous. Sold by Anderson, '• Crawford & Co. • . . ... • * „• ■. IN JAPAN. now tts Bow Vms Mao ftoso Days of Wslsssw. Japan la tho Jollidkt country, la tho world at Now Tear's. It to throe times Jolly, in fact Bach JOB. 1 48,00ft000 subjects'la tho Land of tbe-Bialag Sss begin to) paint tho mikado's empire the glorious roooato hue of tho Imporlal emblem. This doap rod harmony, they aay, Is omlnoßtly fitting at tho bagla alag of'tho year, and that tho painting may ho well done they administer ttmo distinct and separate coats right krialily. The bottom or foundation coat Is two fun weeks In putting 00. Joy flows In streams along tho thoroughfares, swelled by rivulets from every hoaee. All the city folk call oo each other; all the country folk come In to help them do It, and everybody £lvso everybody presents. This may be called tho o®- clal New Year's. It dates only from IS7O, when the Japanese govarnmeat changed its calendar to conform with that of tho rest of tho world. On Feb. 1 there Is s second coating, tho Now Yoafs ot old Jspsn, still dear to the rural baart All the country folk call OB one another, and the city folk go out to help them. There la less formal ity about this snd less eclat but pood fellowship s bounds snd Joy Is rampant for a week. The third coating la given to good old Chinese style. Its date depends on tho moon, as doeo our Boater festival. Bach household celebrates by Itself to part and in part with outside friends, but this feast Is more domestic, though not loss sscmdly obeerved, than the two preceding. The New Yeer season la the time to see Japan soclsfly at Its beet. It lo true there ere no klku, ss they call chrysanthemums, nor cherry blossoms. The klku ll In the fell snd ths sskurs in the spring, both seasono wl en all outdoors Is s garden party and exqui sitely picturesque; but with all Its lovellnesa, It Is only the outside one eoes then. To see Into the'bomso and the heart of J span one must be there on New YOST'S. Buslnsss: generally Is suspend ed, both prlvststand public. All Is wide open then, snd hospitality such as Is unknown In Burope or America is ths role without esception. The Jlnrlklshsicooly Is the only one thst works, but his tssk hardly Is Irk some. Welting,' be feasts la ths kitch en with the cook while his fare makes a call. The geisha has 1 her busiest season at New Veer's, but'hsr work Is sll play, which shs enjoys quits ss much as those whom she*entertains. Her plain tive love songs 1 are never eung more sweetly than at \ the beginning of the year, when the heert of the nation warms snow. The, geisha Is Dear that hssrt and chirrups sympstbetlcslly. The emperor end* the empreee receive for three dsys. On ths first dsy only thooe of royal blood, the higbeot offi cers of state end foreign diplaesata make their bowa. Then follow In turn peroonagee of leee degree. Thooe re ceptions sre «xtremely forms 1, snd ev ery one cormected rtlli them is fled they c'tntiiuie only three days.—Chica go Tribune, THE CHINEBE NEW YEAR. Mew ths Csloetlals la Bow Tsrk Cslaknts Their Mallear. When you meet e Chinaman on Bob. • end you want to make yourooif per ticuierly solid with him Just remark, "Oong he fat toy." Thla Is not partic ularly euphonloua when opoken in pi geon English, but It meeno "I wish yon s happy New Yeer." The Chinese New Yeer begins et 12 o'clock on the night of Bob. 6. The Chineee kingdom lo now neerly 6,800 yeere old, end the custome that obtained during the life time of Confuctuo ere etlll In vogue. In feet the preoent mayor of China town claims thst moot of the Chrietlan Ideaa of celebrating New Yeet'e day were etolen bodily from the Chineee. Around In the verioue bouses prepera tlona are made to receive frtondo. The opium layouts ore put sside end tho fine Chineee whisky placed npoa the table. Any one who cello 00 a China man has to tako a drink of thla fiery Uquld. About elx cello, eayo the may* or, are about all a white man can make. At midnight every Chinaman who can buy a firecracker doeo 00. Then ho touchee a match to hla purchase, end ; for a few mlnutee pendemonlum reigns. At 1 o'clock tho Chineee band ! begins to beet its tomtoms from the balcony of tho Joes hoaee, caltlng all the faithful to prayer, and New Year's Is really on hand. The extent of tho | New Yeer's celebration depends upon the wealth of oach Individual China man. A poor China man la sstisfled • with a two daye' Jubilee. The rich men In the Chineee village generally ' take a week to get fully acquainted with the Now Tear.- New York World. IStoM IS. Uwrer*s rssUltr. 1 Lawyer (to witness)—Nsvsr mind r what you think. We want facte here. » Tell us where you first met thlo ssen. ? Woman Witness Cant answer it If 1 ths court doesn't cars to bear what 1 I think there'e no use questioning me. ■ for lam not a lawyer and can't talk t without thinking.—Boetoo Commercial Bulletin. Psaetto. Teseas fisashlsg, t "You kin help do cause of honeety a . heap," said Uncle Bbea, "by preachln' ■ shout It but you kin help it a hoop 1 mo* by not dangUn' roar thicken under I a hungry man's nooo."—Waahingtoo Star. A man to not going to get a crown of ' righteoueneea Just bees use be glvee ' some poor fellow his old strew hat 1 aloag about November.—Chicago Trib- Csqti ui 6Ms r All coughs, colds and plumonary 0 complaints that are curable are ' quickly cured by One Minute ' Cough Cure. "Clear the phelegm, ' draws out the inflammation and r heals and sooths the affected ports, s strengthens the lungs, wards off pneumonia. Harmless and pleas f ant to take. Sold by Anderson ' Crawford ft Co. , . V' ' -jtvi.'i' ' ,V*T VISK >• ;«: V:/.:,' '-j. ' *^'l ■■lll CM4 rue TMK. ruH and fntsaa await the lucky to tivldoal who can rediscover tbe com bl nation of MUk fro® which tba Egyptian*, tba Astecs and tba Incae of Para made their toota and anna. Tboagb each of tbeoe natione raaebad • Mfb atata of civilisation, BOM 0* than evar discovered Iron in oplta of tba Cad that the aoU of all throe ctn- Mm ww largely lmpragnatod with It Tbolr subotttate for it WH i coaUaa- Uon of metals which bad tba taoapsr Of steoL Deeplt* tba greatest efforts tba aaavt of tbia composition baa baf flad scientists aad haa become a loot ait Tba groat explorer, Humboldt trlod to discover it from en snalyala of a cbiaol found in an ancient Inca silver mine, hot all that be could And oat waa that It appeared to be a com bination of a email portion of tin with copper. Thla ewmbloatlon will not giro tba hardneaa of eteel, ao It la evident that tin and copper could not bare been Ha only component porta. Whatever might bare bean tbe natore of the me tallic combination, tbeee ancient raeaa wore able ao to piepare pare copper that it equaled in temper the Baeot eteel produced at tbe preeent day by the moat scientifically approved proc aaa. With their bronae and copper la atruinenta they were able to qusrry aad abape tbe hardeat known atones, eocb as granite aad porphyry, and area cat emerald* and like eubotancee. A rediscovery of thla loet art would revolutionize many trades la whlcb at eel at preaeat holda the moaopoly. If copper conld tbua bo tempered now Ita advantage over ateel would bo very great, and It would DO doubt bo pre ferred to the tatter In numerona Indue Mae. It Is a curious fact that though thla loat secret still baffles modern ad eatlatn. It most have been discovered Independently by tbe three races which made use of It so long sgo.—Now York WmeJf ■artr Tekaeee. According :•? Jofin Aubery, who wrote a celebrated wort on "the vary qoeere Indian weeds," there waa a time when tobacco waa worth Ita weight la allvsr. Among other things Aubery says: "Sir Walter Bslelgb waa tba Drat that brought tobacco Into Kng- UnA and la our parts—North Wilts- It came in faahlon through Sir Walter Long. They need allver ptpea, but tbe oammoaoro need a walnut shell. It waa eold then for its weight in silver. I have beard some of your old yeomen neighbors say that when they went to Oblppenbam to market they alwsys culled out their shillings to lay In tba scalee against ths tobscco. Now the cuatomers of it are among the greateet that bis majeety hath." A Teat ef Sobriety. Oentlemen who have put an enemy la to their mouthe are recommended to try a very simple test for the purpoee of finding oat whether tbolr brains bars been stolen. Tbey muet stand erect with their eyee cloeed. and If they can perform this feat for a brief period 2ay come to tbe conclu sion that tbey sre all right. Two In dividuals who were a craved of drunk enness at Pontefract proved that they bad honorably stood the toot, and the caaaa against thsm were dismissed. Tbs great merit of the plan Is that It caa be put Into operation anywhere aad at say time.—London Tit-Bits. Nsrlts HI. Fate. "I see that nn aasteru r lltor aaya that aa s matter of fact women form dabs simply as an sxcuse for eat lug and drilling between men la." "Horrid* thlngl Is he msrried or obi glor "Whyr "Because If bo's either he doean't de aerve to be."—Cleveland Plain Dealer. What's the Aaawerf Jokeley-Here'a a conundrum for you. Ookeley—Lsfi have It. Jokeley —lf "time la money." what Is an eight day clock worth T-Philadelphia Ledger. A (kaailaa Cwetesa. The custom of running the vlgnolee, which la believed to have originated with tba Drulda, was obaerved la Montreal aa lata il 1870. Organised oompanlea of yoaag men would travel froau bouae to hooaa soliciting alma for the poor, generally tn the forjn of edl blae, and threatening violence If their requests ware refused. Ia 1800 the mayor of Montreal Issued oa New Tear's ova permits to lads to run tbe vignolee so as to protect thsm from arrest by the police. This precaution ary nteaenre did aot always prove ef fectual la preventing dtaorder wbea rival vlgnoleux met Bone of then under the Influence of the "ardent" would gat up a quarrel, the victors adding to their store of gifts by da- the vanquished of thslra. I ! f Stubborn Coughs and Colds I H ■ Obstinate racking coughs that settle on the lungs and may develop into Pneumonia over night are quickly cured bj .SI m ;_ _ ' ■ FOLEY'S HONEY-TAR ■ It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages, stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. nUTt ■ HOMY AND TAR contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and is safest tor children and delicate people. Remember the name—FOUß'S HOMEY AMD TAB—*nd insist upon having the genuine, aa no other remedy ■ I is so safe or as certain in results. H ti, p. t. CoSW, of MoiiaUgtea, Ky., write*: "liy l>lii ft W. L. Straab, Editor of St. ISHaokwg (W»-) HBM, ■»!>■■» I ■ old girl had a aavtr* «•«« of croup; tho doctor said tha could sot Ifar* "When cocainf across tfce bay froa Port Taatpa I got wet aad caagfcta I I aad I ran lar nts dh. I want to tho otoro aad got a bottla of catd Hurt aSactad sty tkroat and laags. 1 aagHctef a.tliiohlngl wmM Honey *M4 Tar. Tha Ant tea gava quick raUof aad bottla of I Throo ■!— tic. 30c. >I.OO. Tho SO ewtriM contains two aad tha uaall ate aad tha S. R. BlTwin"mslon, IN. G. Women ms Well m Men Are Made Miaerable by \ Kidney Trouble. Kidney Ei sable prays ya ths slad, die* I ooarsges beauty, vigor M oat of order " Kidney trouble he* frfowrv so prevalaot JfcrachUd to ha bora sffhetad with weak Ud> U nays. If the child urin arias scslda tbe HsA or M, wbsa tbe child isschss an age whan It qh°uld be able to control the peeaage, k Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It the cauM ef the difficulty ia kidney trouble, end the Hist step should be towards the treatment of these important ornas. This unphasurt trouble Is duo to a teased condition of the kidneys sad tilsrVlsr sad not to A hsbftt ss most psople suppose. Women as well aa man are made mis srsbts with kidney ftfMl blsddsf troubh. and both need the aama greet remedy. The mild aad die knmodule effect ef BwaMp»Raot is toon realized. It is sold (lie*. You may have aH sample bottle V mall tree, alao pamphlet tell- a—* a ■ism Ing all about It, Including many of the thouaanda of testimonial letters received from suflarars cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer it Co.. Blnghsmtoo. N. Y, ba surs aad mention thas psper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root Dr. Kihner'e Swamp-Root, and tba address, Btnghamlon, N. Y., oa ovary bottle. Rataval Prtltn***. Miss Violet had mads a rapid tour of the European continent and found little to Impress her. either favorably or otherwise. "You say you saw /all you wanted to of Italy," said a friend on Miss Vio let's return to bar aatlve heath In Kansas. "What did yon think of tbe lassaronlT" "Don't talk to mo about It," said Mtaa Violet briskly. "I'd rather have a good dish of plain American maca roni baked with cheeee any time." AUBSCRIBB TO THB ENTERPRISE Jl.oo a year. Por cracked hands, chaped lips, and rough in, Pinesalve is the nicest, quickest,best cure. One ap plication ia one night proven it. Sold by S. H. Ellison & Co. One of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets i after eating even if you can eat , but little, will digest the little vott do eat, and cure Indigeston, Dys pepsia, Sour Stomach. Belching, and Weak Heart. Sold by S. H. Ellison. Pineules is the name of a new dis , covery put up iu a new way. A .erlaitt cure for all Kidney. Blood aud Bladder diseases, and every > form of Rheumatism. Pineules re lieve Backache and Kidney paiues permanently. If you need such a remedy let us show you the wonder lul Pineules. Sold by S.H. Ellison. & Co. Look out for Coughs, Colds, Croup . and Whooping Cough. They are ' dangerous at this season of the ' year. They lead to pneumonia or consumption. You can prevent or cure all such complaiuts with Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar, an im provement over all cough, lung and bronchial remedies, and the best Cough Syrup. Sold by S. H. Elli son. ManZau is the Pile Remedy that reaches the spot and stops all pile pain instantly. If you suffer with Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Pro truding Piles and want to be cured it ia only necessary to use ManZan, i the Great Pile cure. Sold by S. H. Ellison. To Our Merchant rr lends WE ARK OVERSTOCKED ON CANNED GOOD* * . - Pcache*. 90c. AM. Tomatoea, 80c. doc. Cora, 85c. doe. * Sudjucn, >3-35 • ewe -.S Beef, #1.25 doe. Ham, JSC. doa. 3 CASE LOTS^C^ ' ~ ».■Vh-eisW We want to move thene gaod* at ooce. Srad as your order*, Prompt aad eAcira MrvifiCi Southern Supply Company | Wholesale Grocers Williamston, N. C. , J|f ||V|T)II are preferredby ■1 B" 1 5 ' J Amount of w» '■ If| /tU VSL 11 |Y '*■** u,ttr II 1J 1 ?VJ durability, |S|j I W£ HAVE All ATTRACTIVE fel* H I kPOSmOM T ) MAKE YOU f m If you Intend to p-.rchase a pu.r.o r.t arv time in the near I II future. It oost you nothing to learn *!kUvrc have to offer. ■ I TNI HARVARD PIAMO O©., Manufacturers, 1 Ijf OHMMBNAT, OHIO. M LARGEST COMMEMUL SCt.OOLS IN TK GAROUUS ..Kind's Business College.. Incorporated—Capit U Stock $30,000.00 RALCIGH, N. C. - GttABbOTTB. N. C. Fallen Building PUdMoat laa, Balldiac Tbeae School* give the world'* beat in modern Bneiaeee Education. Oldeat Runineaa College in North Carolina. B-tabli*hed and guaranteed, backed by a written contract. No vocation Individual Instruction. We alao teach Book keeping, Shorthand, Penmanabip, by mail. Send for Horn* Study Batee. Write to-day for our catalogue, offer* and high imlucementa. They are free. Addreaa, KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Raleigh, N. C. or Charlotte, N. C. */ 1 Frisco System fjJufl' CHICAGO A EASTEKN ILLINOIS H. R. I Double Dolly Train® I BKTWKKN St. Louis ian^Ghicaso HORNING AND EVENING From La Salle Stroot Station, Chicago 9. 80 a. a,-«.IO p. m. FromUtalon Sta.(Merchant* Bridge) St. Louis 9jo a ■ —*.4* P m Morning or evening connection at both termini with liaaadiverging Equipment entirely modern and new throughout A UOVai.K-T*ACK RAILWAY Equipped with practical aad approved aafety appliance* * Substantially conatrnced. i Denaia S. Bigg , Pre*. T. W. Tilghman Gen. Mgr. Jno. D. Bigg*, See. A TWae / -# !? DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO ; *„ . . Manufacturers of -3 1 • % fCiln Dried North Carolina Pine Lumber* •' • *£. • OCNNia SIMMONS'SRANO CYPRUS SM4NOLS ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WILLIAMSTON. N. C. ——.—.———— —— Let us do your Job Printing.