{AD VBRTiSiNO I Tmr domt lack.—Judkiauidmtit- I | fag it tk* kU that t»r> back to yoa 2 9 tfc. MHqr jwt | VOL. VI. - NO 17. DIRECTORY ; . 1 i ._===— i ' i ■ TEWB oncers Mayor-feshae L. RwalL 0 II —Dr. J. B. H Knight, X. a M, Dr. |. D. MB*, A IM V. K. HodRM. . attest If. S. Peel. OSA—A- n»—w Tlw—w W. 8. hd. Anon*r-«M« Martia. Chief}* Page. - L * dres 2c Skewsrkee Lodge, No. 90, A. P snd A. ML ayhr nmtting «my ml tt TaMdt; oighis. " Roeoofce Camp. No. 107. Woodmen of the World. R*alar meeting every Md last Friday night.. Ckarcfesf the A4veat Services 00 the *scoad and Mth 9m daya of the month,morning aad evening, awl on the Saturday* (J p. m.) before, aad on Mondava (9 a. m.) after (aid Bun daya of the asoath. AU an cordially in vited. B. 8. UMIAt. Rector. JMftstM Cfcarck Rav. B. B. Boat, the Methodist Pas tor, haa the following appointment* Every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock awl night at 7 I,'clock raapectively, except the aeoood Sunday. Sunday School every Sundav morning at »;*> o'clock. Prayer moating every Wedneaday even ing at 7 o'clock. Holly Springe yd Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Vernon tat Sunday evening at J o'clock; Hamilton *ad Sunday, morning and night; Hawaii* and Sunday at { o'clock. A cordial in vitation to all to attend them services Baptist CM arch Pienching on the let, md and 4th Bun dayeat 11 a. m., aad 740 p. m. Prayer m sating every Thursday night at 7:30 Sunday School every Sunday.morning at 9:30. J. ». Bigg*. Superintendent. The paatorpreachea at Hamilton on the yd Sunday ia each month, at it a. m and 730 p. a., aad at Riddick'a Grove «n Saturday before every lit Sunday at 11 a. at., and on the let Sunday at 3p. u. Blade School House on the Md Sunday at 3 p. m.. and the Biggs' School Housr on the 4th Sunday at 3 p. m. Everybody cordially invited. a L> duotx. Pastor. SKEWARKEE fL Ha. n, A. p. kA. a. ASJJA UIBRCTORY FOR 1903. B. 8. Brown, W. M.; W.C Manning,S. W.; Mc. O. Taylor, J. W.; T. W. Thorn aa. 8. D.; A. P. Taylor, J.D; S. R. Bigg*, Secretary; C. D. Caratarpben, Treasurer; A. B.Whitmore and T.C.Cook, Steward*; R. W. Clary, Tiler. STANDING COMMITTERS: CHARITY—S. S. Brown. W. C. Man ning, Mc. G.Taylor. PUIAJTCR— Joe. D. Bigg*, W. H. Har ell, R. J. Peel. ERVRRRNCR— W. H. Bd wards, W. M. Green. P. K. Hodges. Airim-H W. Stnbba, W. H. Rob ertaoo, H. D. Cook. MAIMULM. H. Hatton. Professional Cards. DR.JOHN D BIGGS DENTIaT Orwca— MAIN §TRKST Paoaa « V. H. HARRRM. »« R. WARRRN DUS. HARRBLL it WARREN PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OFFICE IE Bioos' DEOO STORE 'Pboaa No. 39 DR. J. PREBLE PROCTOR PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON O ia Mobley Building Hour*: 9100 to 10:30 a. m.; 3to3p. m n *mONB IS WimmiM p. wis*!— a. Jaataa Kverm WINSTON fc EVERETT ATTOREETS AT LAV Bank Building, WiUUtMUwi, N. C. J. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER I®* THXIAMBTON. N a n liaillia itiwiii suit*** are «wtn4. apart*! illlln (a malalataalMl tanda. _ yam ZlL to P.R.R. TRAINMEN SETTLE TROUBLE I P*s»sta Amkshly AflaaSsd ai Dm gor of Strike Past BOTH SIDES HADE CONCESSIONS Philadelphia. Jan. ML—The train- Men'* dlapate with the Peaaaytvanla railroad waa aetiled at a Mat eon larence between W. W. Atterhwry, beard of'thTltiothartMoa !* Trainmen. A statemaat waa hnai which. whUe H doee not give complete ' that both aidea made eeaaeeetoaa aad 1 aU * • ulk e of trainman wOl not oe "Mr. Atterhnry haa mi|ii Mr. MorrltMy'i proposition it tkt Jtncjr City attoatlon. lncreaalag the waaaa af . the conductor* aad krakaman la the . Jereey Oity, Haralmaa Cove, Qroea rille, Meadowa, Newark aad Waverly '• yard* to the atandard rataa af New ' York harbor, togothar with atkar - worklag coadltloaa. "Mr. Morrlaaey haa accepted Mr. Atterbury'a propoaitioa of January T. aa amplified fey the reaalta of the aaa . Hreacea of the laat few Oars, la re gard to brakemen aaatatlag the Bra men, both to go late effort aa of Jaa , aarr l. i»oi. , "Mr. Atterhnry will, hi addition. 1 take up and pot lato eEect within a * reasonable time each other ■aaaaria - of relief, not only to the brakem**. 1 bat alao to the Bremen, aa have bean t dlecuaaed aad offered by Mr. Attar 1 bury aad anggeated fey the committee." , It will bo aeceaaary tor Grand Maa . tar Morrlaaey to atoke a fuller aa plaaatloa of the aatnre of the agree ment reached to the tralamaa. aa from the brief atatemeat made at the done of the oonferaaca It doee aot appear that the oompaay haa agml to ahal lah compulaory firing at locomotives hy front brakimsa on freight train*. ' On the contrary, It would aaaa* that Mr. Attertrory*a order maklag it obll t gatory upon brakeama to aaalat Bre men remain* In force. ( The statement that Bream are to ( have the aaaletaace of door-ewlngera cornea from ofßdala who are believed ' to kaow the aatare of the "maooaraa 1 af relief" which Mr. Attarhary aa* » will bo given, "aot only to the brake -1 mea, bat alao to the Bremen, within a reaaonable time." DBLAWARB DRADLOCE BROKEN AI van Conndr, Union WapnhMaaa. Klected Senate Preeldent Pre Tea*. Dover. Jaa. M—Harmony ngnla r prevaila la the RepabUeaa party af Delaware. The lagialatore la fally or ganised after a memorable four weeka deadlock, during which the aaaata took 171 ballota for praaldeat pro tempore, the 17Sd electing Alvaa B Conner. 1 Union Republican leader. Piaaalag at , the Senate door* waa atata baalaana of ; vital Importance. Including the atala : taaalca of all the state laatltnUona, the care of prlaonere aad coaßraiaUoa of Governor Lea 1 * appoiatmeata. Teaterday a furioua bllssard ao cov ered the atata capital that the storm * hlag virtually Imprtaoaed the tora that they might reach a concln ' aloe. A brief aaaaloa of the aaaata waa r held early la the d*y aad the faction* then held their caacnaaa. The ltagulara called Insurance Ooaualsaloaar Mar ahall, the well-kaowa Addlcka leadar. Into their oaucua, aad the oetalde world sooa knew that the Mght waa ovar, a WORN TO TRY JUPOB SWAYNB I RtpßsohivMflt Rostf Ifi United Btatoa Senate. Washington, Jan. tt. —The aaaata took aa important atop la the Impeach aaat trial of United Btataa Jadga . Charlee Bwarae. of the Northern dia trict of California. The orgaalratloa 1 lor the trial waa perfected by the f swearlag of aaaatora tor that parpoee; the nianagera of the hoaae ware re eel red for the parpoee of formally prmntlm tho artldn ot lnpMcb meat aad a reeolatloa aammonlng Jadga Swayne to appear waa adopted. Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut, waa elected to prealde at the trial ■saaloaa. Fur ther proceedings were poetponed aa tU Friday, when Jadga Swayne la os * peeled to appear before the bar at the aaaata la raapnaai to the eamaaoae of the aaaata. The nisainay waa la prseslve, aad waa wltneeaed hy a fall aaaata aad by wall-Blled gallarlaa. The trial oath waa admlaieterad to aaaa tora by Chief Jaatkse Fuller, who ap peared ta the loag MnCk gown worn hy him when alttiag la the eaprams court Tan Filipino Bandits Killed. Manila. Jan. Ml— ta a battle thla mora lag la a river had aaar Bilang betweea a detachment of acoata and constabulary aad 100 armed ladroaee. who, under the laadarahlp of the law Feiisardo, attached the town of Baa Franciaco da Malahoa, la the province of Cavlte. laat Taaeday night, 10 ladroaee have been killed aad aevea taken prisoners. There have feeaa ao enseal ties sal ring the aeoaia aad coa ' etahnlary. Severe Bghtiag eoatiaaaa Two Women Burned to Oeatli. Norfolk. Va. Jaa. U. Mary M . wart aad Mary Paranaa, two «E«ad 1 womaa, wore feuraed to death la a Are that waa started la fhair room hy an over tamed store. A aegro maa. ■ occupying aa adjolalag room, paid ao r attention to the aferieha of the women for aid, hat aaved hla cloth ea from the > haraiag buUdlng. He aaid he had to | work too kard to hay hla ctotßee to j /J 1 - - * WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 3,1905. A REION OF TBRROR fJe la Btreet. I tt Patarahora. Jaa. Taaterdty waa a day of aaapeaknble horror la at Petaraborg. The etrlhere. a pad id to daapatatiaa hy a day at vloleao* fary aad hlsndshil, are ta a state ot opaa laaarractloß against the govera aaaL A condltloa almoet bordering ea rivO war eziota la the terror-etrtckaa ■aulas capital. The city la uader 1 aaaa mas oaiaaire OR crnxaae. martial law. wIU Prince Vaailchikoß aa commander ot over 60,000 of the emperor's orach guarda. The empreaa dowager haa hastily sought safety at Tsarkoe Sato, where Bhnperor Nlcholaa la Bring. The figures of the total nam bar of killed or wouaded here, at the Moecow Bate, at various bridges and Islands aad at the winter palace vary. The heat estimate la Md, although there are aiaisaisum figures placing the nam fesr aa high aa 0000. men were arcompealed by their wlvse aad chil dren. aad la the confualon, which left ao tlsae for diecrimlnation. the latter shareii the fate of the men. if father Gopoa. the master mlad of the movement, aimed at open revo lution. ha aaanaged the affair liko a geniua to break the faith ot the people la "the Little Father," who they were ooavtaced aad whom Father Go pen had taught to believe would right their wronga aad redrsea their grlevancer. Gorky, the Rueelan aovellpt expresses the opinion that yesterday's work will break thia faith of the people la the emperor. He aaid: "Teaterday Inaugurated a revolution la Hnssla The emperor's preatige will he Irrevocably ahgiUered by the shed- Hag of luottat blood. Ho hia iUa atod himself forever from his people. Gopoa taught the workmen to believe that aa appeal direct to the "Little Father" would fee heeded. They have beaa undeceived. Gopoa ia now con vinced that peaceful meaaa have failed aad that the oaly remedy ia force. The Brat blood has been sbsd, but mors will follow. It Is now the -people against the oppressor*, and the battle will he fought to the bitter end." Every time the troopa- moved the crowda hiaeed them. Strikers alao gathered at the entrance to the Grand Morskala aad of the avenue leading to the Molka Canal. The crowd at tne latter place swelled to huge propor tions, blocking the bridge acroaa the canal. The order came to clear them odf. The troopa drew their swords and advanced at a quick trot and than broke Into a gallop, heading straight Bar the Molka, where they were lost la a cloud of a now. Shrieks from the wouaded roooundod. Then cam* a deadly silence, broken only by the gal loping of ambulance horses The next M minutes passed without incident Nothing Indicated the ap proach of the horrible butchery which waa dsatlaed to stain the corner of the Admiralty Oardena with human Mood. The crowd there persisted In refusing to move on. clamoring for the emperor, aad continually hurling abuse at the troope. but attempted no vio lence. Two companies of the Proebra- Jeaaky Guarda, ot which Emperor Nicholas himself was formerly colonel, which had been standing at ease la float of the palace, formed and march ad at double quick towarda the fatal corner. Events followed with awful eartftaeas. The commanding officer shouted: "Disperse, disperse, dls perae." Many In the crowd turned to Boa, but It waa too late. A bugle aoaaded. aad the mea la the front raaks sank to their kneee and both oompealee Bred three volleys, the first two with blank cartridgee and the last with ball. A hundred corpeee strewed the sidewalks. Many women were pierced through the bock aa they were trying to eacapa. The Aaaoclated Prim eorreepondent ataadlag behind the troope, saw man glad iDrpeae of peasants of all agea aad both aexea strewing the ground. Oae boy of 11 had hla skull pierced and rent hy bullets. Great splashes aad streams of blood stained the snow. Only a tew of the rictlma remained alive, lor the fatal volley waa fired at a distance of aot more than M pacea, aad ao the ambulances had little work to do. The police recruited a large aamber of droshkys (sleighs) to carry odt the dead. Heartrending scenes ware wltnaaaad aa wives, husbands and mothers come up to claim their dear aasa aad wars carried off with them la the aleigha. MAX QOBKV AWBBBTEO Leader of Rueelan Reform Party Lacked Up In Fortreea. at Petersburg, Jaa. M.—The Asso ciated Prsae haa been privately advised that Maxtai Gorky, the author aad Reform Party leader, haa beaa arrest ed at Biga. whltheh been sum moned by the lllneaa of hla anfi. He waa locked ap la a eecret aectloa of the BL Peter aad at Paul fortress. to ; RUSSIA TWINS It) BREAK STRIKE Work Prwrißßtf Caaccaajaoa « Tkey Ratara to Warfc. REVOLT STILL sntEAMNQ Baoaaeha Dhpaned Crowd af Work men at Msanm aad RlaMaa ta Na- I s Hundreds af Wsmsa aad Chil dren ahot By Treape la at Pstorw burg. Bt Patera barg. Jaa. M. Goveraor Oeaeral Trepoff aad Mlafoter of Fl anaoe Enkinesff lasaad a prorlamaikm which reoaala the aarsrsmsats plaa tar hraaklag the aMhE not aaly hart but throashoat Eaah. Tha proclama tion la eaatslasd la a paternal teae aad potato oat that haasat workmea, who waat to bettor thstr ooaJitloa ahoald have braaghl their dsmaads to the gevsrnmsnt tostoad of hetag mis led fey agltntora lato a—attaa with a movaaaaat whkh Maot ooaßaad to eeo nosale asplrailnao. It laritoa thsaa to ratara to work, pramlsiaa thsau la the emperor's ssas% a revletoa ef the geaeral law ao aa to rsetrlet the hoars of labor, the iMtftatkm of a plaa tor atata' aad othsrwtaa to meet their dstoaads ao tar aa the law will permit, aad guaraataaa thsas protectloa agalaat latarferaswo by sgitstore. Thla docamant will be OXlowed either by aa Imperial aiaalfaoto aliag the same llass, to the hope af preventing the spread of the etrlha. or hy specific proclamattoaa fey the local aathortUsa wherever strikee are la pragrsaa. By promlalag to ylsM the qusatloa of the hours of labor, arfelch are BOW lagaßy 11 la Ruaaia. the aatboriOee ball eve they will awat tha asala grievance ot the workmea. Thfe together with the guarantee of protectloa. the aathori tiee hope, will taßar* thoae atrikera who are indtffereat to political de mands, aad whlah clam they declare ooaatltutea a great balk of the RMR to taaame work. Though tha Strikes, have beea spraadiag to vartoaa towaa, tha tloa. while dlaqafoUag. le aot acute aaywhero. Tha grsai IwanaatiaUon. with aa a of bloodshed, which was aatlclpated at Moecow yea terday, did eat occur, aad the rrlks la the aaolsat capital haa aot apraad rapidly, oaly ahapt >O,OOO workmea being oat acsordiag to lateet rrpnria. Cocaacka ehargad aad- dlapirssd a crowd of MM ainhmsa, aad reports arere clrcalated la Bt Petonharg that many were hilled, but advMas direct from Moocow at this, the beat lafonantion beiag that only a few Maak volleys were Brad. The Moecow military have received orders to avoid a repetlttoa af fluaday'a tragedy here, aad not aaa bail car tridges aalees they are drivea to Jo ao by the dlraat asceaelty. Ia aovaral Baltic prortace towns then has beaa considerable dleorder, especially la Riga, where the military are la soasplst* possssatoa. Ia the atreote of Hslaingfors there waa, laat event as. a itoamptlua of TueMlay night's rlotlag. With btootahed, some M people being woaadsd. It a geaeral movement breaks oat aamig the Flaas. tt la likely to take the form ot aa arned apr Wag. ae almoet every Flan haa a weapon In hla hoaae. Rioting at Heielngfera. Heletagfora, Finland. Jan. M.—Cce sacks are patrolling the atreets of this city. A Mg demonstration la expected upoa the arrival of Flaaa who had beea expelled tram the eoaatry. aad who receady were given permlseion to retara. Although the crowda oa the streets were smaller, there waa eevars Bght iag, Coasacks aad police Brtag their revolvera. Same M persons were wouaded. of wham alae wore takea to the hoepltal. Three of them are se verely woaadsd. Two you tha had their acalpa cot aad a third waa etruca la the stomach with a ballet Tha demoa atratloa la slackealag CO SPACES OISFERBE WOBKMBN MISBSW Merehanto Appeal to Caar to Moecow, Jaa. BR—A aquadroa ot Oaamcka disoereed about MM work- Lhror mnd Blood I CORES BY REKOVINI TIE CAUSE A TMtfrs-Fotn itimauv for mini *m «• *»•• tUast trmuHt Act MA* IJearaa* KUmmm Ml PurifSs* the fStocdm Tkomndi hare Med this i*)kbl» remedy vrith perfect cunSucncc and ■wccrM for (2 jcui, humit they kn.nr j.iat what it cuntaina. The formal* consuls of Buriiu, Hydrangea. Handtakr. Yc!?ow Dock, Dandelion. Sar&aparilla, Ocnliau. Senna nr.d Xut'iJe «t IVtawiutii. ... j Any doctor or draggtst will tell that this is a scientific and reliable combination of prat emit tor all diseases having tlieir origin in Uie Liver, _ Kidneys or Hkjiud. After ycaiaof experience and paftiiit o*perinietit, 1 >r. I I Timelier to perfected the process t.f mauuf-Mufe, that it never fails to bring the expected ic.ief when taken according to direct iors. Thuuaaii'U of tick oma to whom life haa been a burden have written grate ful letters of l hanka. trtt D, ltn«uim l Orl.l7 l IIKL "I have aafctad tieatty with Indigestion. v>miitMtiu:i. alpo a a- rtn li»er trouble, with his* cl appetite. CaaJ w*Ji at mjht; in iact. had anennfyy lowerkorrvct walknroand. l icit liktlvunctiara fceuw load and, waa ea»liy exhauaud, uaiil I took Or. Thac*er"a Linrr aad Blood Syrup, which helped tn» almuat flora the Irai doae. I When I had lake* ooc a*4 aae-. alf bMilct 1 le!t Ilk* a different ma a, and I knew thai it wna da« entirely to your wditin*. I need in ail three hoUlea, and conatder aayaetf perfectly cared. At Una lime say appetite la gjod, I alcep well, and feci alroag aad raCreahed oa ariatag la the maratac r ' T. L. Beano. * If IM n—d m in Pallia aerMa l> lay frr a rr— aamy>/« w»lo aad « Dr. Waaln 'a HaalU *>»>.*" Illwai mmUmffir mdmiet. Wm mimply aak yra lo try it ataar aaf laai. Wthmtm wMmiUmib *». At mU arugfUU. so MaKaai tl.oo. ThMhar IMMM CO.. ChatUnoog*. T«nn> V—————— . ■/ i ■ ' - ■-I1" •' ■ ■aa WHO wora growtag ooatiepeious across the Moskva. No fatalities are re ported. This Ww the oaly eveat ait the ktad dartag the day. Reparte that a Stob waa plundering aad wracktag Shape la the Tverekala are aatroe. The merchante have seat sa appeal to ths emperor to avoid bloodshed. The atrika ta apraadlng gradaally, feat thus for la coaßnad to the smaller mil la. Tha larger Industrial concerns are being guarded ia order to prevent the am employed there from Mag Intimidated; but it Is the belief that the strike will become geaeral. There are ao troope la sight la the city propsr. Ths cltlaeas are alarmed at tha proapoct of aa erapttoa ot naa dreda of thousands of workmea. aad demand the proclamation of a atata of stage. The Moecow garrisoa la no mora' thaa *O,OOO, bat tha aathorttiea coa sMer that thla la aaMcleat tor prevent aaeds. aad evidently are determined to avoid bloodshed If possible. Rioter* Dlspsrssd By Felloe. Riga, Jan. M.—A general strike la la progress here 1a sympathy with the ST Petersburg workmea. The troopa la this district have beea mobilised, aad the streets are being patrolled. There have beet a few disturbances, la which street lam pa were broken, but tha disturbers were disponed hy the whlpe ot the police NBW YORK SNOWBOUND Foot of Snow and Intenee Cold Bring Much Buffering to Metropolle. New York, Jan. M.—Not since the bllssard ot IMS, by which all kterms are estimated as great or small, haa New York beea ao completely anow bound aa now. The city itaelf la lylag uader a foot ot snow, that In aisay placee has beea banked by the wind to a height ot aeveral feet Surface travel early la the day waa abandoned, overhead traaslt waa Irregular aad alow, aad It remained for the under ground roads to carry home, so far aa they could reach wtthla the city limits, the huadreda of tbousanda of workers from the downtown district Inland from Maine, throughout ths Nsw England states and the Middle Atlantic states; all reports tadlcate a moat complete winter tie-up. Far Into the west there la snow aad a remark ably low temperature, while the sa treme south seems to have secaped. Everywhere railroad traffic Is de layed; reports of disasters to shipping are coming In, aad with ths rapidly falling thermometer much suffering must ensus. Bo severs was the storm la thia city that area during the day several persons were froeen to doath or died from sxhaastloh. The hoepltals, the police statloas aad ths house of refuge are crowded to their lull ca pacity. KEAN ELECTED SENATOR Both New Jereey Houses Cheee Him to Succeed Hlmeelf. Trenton, N. J., Jaa. Sl.—The two houaee of the New Jereey legislature voted separately for a United States senator to succeed John Kssn. whose term Is about to expire. Mr. Kean, who waa the choice of the Republican Joint caucus to succeed himself, received a majority of the votee, and waa formally elected to the senate at a Joint seeslon today. Coloael Edwin A. Btevees, of Hud son county, waa voted for by the Dem ocrats. Mr. Stevens was nomlnanted la the senate by Mr. M latum, of Hud sou. and In the house by Mr. Hamlll, of Hudson. The vote In the senate was : Kean, 14; Stevens, 0. The vote la the house waa: Kean, M; Stevens, 11. FIFTEEN INJURED BY EXPLOSION Bonfire Ignited Dynamite While Men Were Eating Dinner. Dubois. Pa., Jaa. M. —Fifteen men were seriously Injured by a dynamite explosion near Benesette, and four of the men will probably die. All are for elgnera. The accident occurred on the line of the new Buffalo and Susque hanna road. 20 miles eaat of here. The men were gathered about a bonfire, eating their dinner. Near the Are waa a lot of dynamite and capa. In some manner the capa exploded aad the eoncusslon caused the dynamite to let loose. Rock and debris were thrown In every direction, aad every man In the party was more or less Injured. Some of them were mutilated la a frightful aanaaar. Subscribe for THE EHTKRPRISB One Dollar a tm. WINTER'S HEAVIEST] i SNOW STORM ■lddls Atlantic and Eastern States in fillisard's Qraap. TRAVEL NEARLY PARALYZED Philadelphia, Jan. M.—-The atorm la thla city and throughout Eastern and Central Pennsylvania haa been the ee vereet in a number of year*. The mow, after continuing heavily for 24 houra, abated somewhat In the 24 houra there haa been a fall of between nine aad 20 lachea of anow la thla city. Steam railroad traffic haa Buffered , aaverely. All through train a war* delayed for several houra. A train from the weet due to reach here at 6.47 laat evening and trains following it ware snow bound at Ship Road, M miles weat of Philadelphia in conae uqence of extensive snow drifts east of that point Thla blockade was raised after a couple of bfurs delay and the tralna then moved five miles further east to Malvern, where they were again held up while a big force of ahovelera cleared up other drlfta. The train did not reach this city until this morning. The trolley lines In this city kept the cars moving by constant use of the snow plows and sweepers, and after the early hours of the day ihere was no serious blockade. The stibuiban lines, however, experienced great trou ble owing to the hugs drifts on their tracks, caused by the high winds. At the local weather bureau the thermometer registered 12 above aero, the lowest of the winter. There haa been no marine disaster reported along the New Jeraey roast Fifteen Inehea In Wyoming Valley. Wllkeebarre, Pa, Jan. 2«.—The Wy oming valley experienced one of the i severest billiards known In many yaara paat In this city the fall of , anow is from 12 to 15 Inches In depth i on the level. All the coal and freight tralna have been manned by a double force, and In many Instances two and three engine# were used In moving them up the mountalna. Snow ; fall to the depth of nearly two feet > At Harveys Lake and Dallas there la ; a fall of 15 lnchea of snow, wind strong i and thermometer below sero. Reports by telephone from Shlckshlnny say • the fall of snow in that section has reached 18 lnchea, the thermometer Is I down to sero, and all road traffic has been suspended. At White Haven there la fully 15 Inches of snow, thermometer 2 degrees above sero. All traffic sus pended on account of high wind and the drifting snow;* The Worst Slnea 1888. Reading, Pa., Jan. 26. —Reading ard ' the surrounding country remain In the grasp of the severeat storm of the year. The storm Is the severest since the great billiard of March, 1888. The Reading Railway company la double heading Ita passenger tralna on the Reading and Lebanon division, preced ed by anow plow*. Several paaaenger tralna of the Wilmington and North ern branch are anowbound south of Birds bo ro. The Schuylkill and the Le high and Pickering Valley branches are cloeed. There has been a snowfall of 15 Inches In this vicinity. In BllxzanTa Qrlp. Haxleton, Pa., Jan. 26.—Hazleton la In the grip of the worst storm of the winter. Snow Is now 22 Inches deep. The trolley system Is completely para lysed. Railroad trains are stalled, tnd the third rail line between here and Wllkesbare Is tied up. The mines were In operation, but there will likely be a general suspension. Collieries Closed. Shamokln, Pa, Jan. 26. —Most of the collieries of this region were closed down owing to the heavy anowstorm about the mines. The worst billiard in recent years prevailed In this section. The high winds accompanying the atorm cause Immense snow blockades, and railroad traffic Is almost paralysed. Trolley Service Paralyzed. Lancaster, Pa, Jan. 26.—Trolley aer vlce in this city and county is com pletely paralysed. All trains jn the ateam roads are late. Snow has fallen to the depth of 14 lnchee on the ievel. The thermometer registered 18 de grees and Is falling rapidly. The Storm In Maryland. Baltimore, Md„ Jan. 28. Nearly 8% Inches of snow fell here. Railway trains on all lines have been delayed, la many places it being necessary to shovel the snow from the tracks by hand. In the suburbs the wind piled up huge drifts, ariH renders many of the country roads Impassable. Shipping Interests suffered unsld erably. A number of vessels were driven ashore In the lower harbor and la Chesapeake Bay. Prom the mountain districts of the state come reports of sero weather, j with a snowfall ranging from JIX or eight Inches to more than a foot with heavy drlfta everywhere. Cumberland reports the temperature as ose degree below sero, with deep ■BOW drlfta on railroads and turnpikes. At Hageratown about eight lnchea of saow haa fallen. Snow drifts delayed railway traffic. Frederick and Westminster report high winds, with about eight lnchea of •now. . Elkton and Havre de Grace report all roads Impassable, with drlfta in some places 10 to IB feet high. Annapolis haa eight lnchea of anow aad a high northwest wind. The har bor there Is fllled with veaaels await ing clearing weather. - , ADVERTISING 1 WHOLE NO. 577 AMTTBterHIAOh POWDER Absolutely Para HAS MO SUBSTITUTE Wllliamston Telephoned). Office over Bank of Martin County, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone cmttts If eaaegra limited to 5 minutes; extra Ckiffi will posltivelv be made for toiler time. To Washington a) Ceata " Greenville 1] " '• Plymouth SJ " " Tarboro 13 •• Rocky Mount J5 " Scotland Neck as " ' Jameaville 13 " Kader I.illey's 15 " J. G. Staton 15 ' J. L. Woolard 15 " • O. K. Cowing & Co. IJ " ' Partnele 15 " " Roberaonville 15 " " Bveretta 15 " Gold Point I] " 1 Geo. P. McNaughton 15 " Hamilton >0 " Por other point* in Extern Carolina ■« "Central " where a 'phone will be found for use of noa-eubecribera 1 - ■ ■ ■ ai. 11, In Gase of fire you want to be protected. In case of death yon want to leave your family some tbing to live on. In case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. Let Us Come to Your Rosens We can insure you against loss from Fire, Death and Accident. We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond Ntu Bit But Coauilis RliMilttf K. B. GBAWPORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building* aJß————SfißtHHfii oo TKABE 'nmHir Ocaiant 'rff COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and deaarlaO*" us/ inlckly aacertnw our opinion free vaothsi *4 • uvei.Unn W probably Miatahk . CkmnuMi'v ttoiiastrnMly 1 otiUiientfal. Haadboeioo PMINM sent free. Oldest ofeney 'or ies«ilo| pstesA I'Klcnte taken tbroujrh Muuu k Co. liffi S| wctal notice, without chinro. in ibe Scientific Jfmtrlcw. A fcandeomely lilustrmf ed weakly. Uraaat JAr* ru!«tlon of any trlrftltiP Journal. Terma.fl 1 four inontba, 11 hJld by afl nawdeel«k. Branch OfH.n. fi " Wuhlnilon. D.f: AGENTS | nam 2 A6EITW THE OBIATHT BOOK OF THI DAY "CHRIST IN THE CAMP" Br Dm. J. WILLIAM Jonas Aosxn .stspoaisi N. CL—"Worked OM day, rocoiyod U atot" Ala.—"Rcconod Pro*! o'clock. aold Tkr eleht." Va.—TMd 14 In IS hours." L. P. Bandars. Ytacao-"Worked one day, rot 12 prdara." aeetv AT OHCK TO TIU Atlaata,6a. to write for oar oonSdeetial leSMfJ)»!»• pljing 1 or patent: M may be worth wsty. Wo t'rumpujobt*ln U. t. aad rentall PATENTS t'l °«ft? •bargee an moderate. Try ea. SWIFT & CO, opp. U.S. Pstsst Oeoe,Waa>taftaa, M. ■ ■ • SUBSCRIBE TO THB ENTERPRISE ' JI.OO a year.