M W smrx Wine of C&rdui Cured Her. OS Booth Prior «hM, ATLANTA, GA., March 21,190& jMprtJorfcur months with uTtadß - wr Bnnrtng reeling m my fiAMMlieina - 1 nMmitino BOCOIOQ isswtfarajsa •ity. In three weeks I lost fourteen pounds of flesh and felt that I must find speedyvnlief 0 regain my hsskh Baring heard Winn of Cardui praised by several of my friend*, I sent fora bottle and WM certainly very pleased with the results. With In three my appetite xetmned and ray stomach MM me no mora. I could digest my food without difficulty and the aemoosnes* gradually disilaMsiiL 'Nature performed her tenttiene without difliculty and I am onoe mo* a happy and well woman. • OLIVE JOSEPH, Baa. Atlanta MfeyXigM citft. Secure a Dollar Bottle of L Wine of Cardui Today. - PHYSICIANS 4 t ' " ' •*■ - * . wpuld not endorse and "prescribe EGHOLS' PiedmOnt Concentrated Iron and Alum Abater.. UNLESS IT HAD , MERIT I » ,Jf If you budcr with indiges tiou, or anv form of chronic trouble vou have all to gain ami nothing t > lose by u*.- inrit .*%.•' • f* ' '.i Forfait, with a guarantee,* HV —- 5. r. mans; Boz Boftlis 50c IBoi Boftlis $! J. M. CiJ. iTyiioliUwi^.Va. I Royal Elastic Felt Mittopss. § I Is tho concentrated lowny i fleet I of t.i* layers of iollM cotton of P K Selected quality. In tho cuncen- L, ■ trution tmru if no hardness, B •.fcj- 'lhey are softntjiist, MiU remain jg bo through yiiurt ol com.Utit & 4l use. Writs (or trer booklet. R "The Koyal"Way to Comfort." a I If your deiUer hasn't it. write us. f • A PRICE Wepixm PRICE j. H #i». 310.00 r B ONB MONtH'a TRIAL FRM. I) BEE'S JSL . Laxative ! HONEY-"TAR » ■ i An improvement pver all Cough, Lung and Bronchial Reddles. Cures Coughs, Strtngttana the Lungs and Gently Moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. PRKPARKD «Y Planli UidielN Co., CI km, U. S. L S. U. ELUSON & Co. .. 1 Worlds Fair Parties,. desiring to visit the Worlds Fair have the choice of tWK'(jiJ«r*«ach week, Tuesday, Thundar«fad Saturday during which to purchase coach exteWrswti tickets to St.Louis Vis Natiolk-and Western Railway. **W. B. BHVILL. QetffYad fs. Agent. Roanoke. Va, JS I Rich Man, Poor Man! By KEITH GORDON r n JdS. 1904. W fmrnrnt WUm Before they necked the first ledge overlooking Sausallto a mist like float ing globulM of crushed pearl rolled neiseleoaly through the flnsnns of the hflle and blotted out the village, the bay and the towers and chimneys of Ban Francisco—in other words, the world. In the damp air the girl's hair curled mora dlstractlngly than ever. Never had be aeen It when It framed the low forehead in so bewllderbi* an arabesque of rings and curvss and wsves. "You look rather swell youraelf," she laughed In response to his eloquent glance of approval. "Knickers snd s Norfolk cap and tbs Jacket ann't half bad on you. Taken In connection with your cleft chin," she went on, throw ing her bead back and screwing up her •yes critically, "they make you a rery preeentable youth Indeed." "We won't talk about that" WM the terse reply. "This walk to Point Boni ta has an object" Bbe opened her eyM wide. "Certainly," she assented pdlltely "Point Bonlta, for Instance. If It hai any other object" she went on sternly. "If you're going bsck to that old sub J set, I won't go s step farther." , By thla time they wen moving In the midst of a cloud. It was his turn to be Innocent "You mesn—ob," with a fine lmita Hon of Impatience, "doesn't a girl ever forget It if a fellow baa once happened to fancy himaelf In love with her and aald so?" The pink of the glrl'e cheeks-It hs! the soft furred look tbst Is responsl bis for the slang adjsctlve "pMcby"- deepened suddenly, unaccountably. Oui of the tall of bis eye the youth observed this Interesting fact with cruel glee, reflecting with a pang that be should have chosen diplomacy aa a vocation lnatead of engineering. "You ahould forgive and forget the Bins of my youth," be resumed. "You know you Insisted that you would al ways be the bost of friends, and thafa what I need now!" "You change quickly enough, 1 moat suy I" she remarked with some bMt. "It Isn't six months since"— "Since what?" be challenged. But ahe turned away and did not reply,'while the walls of mist lastly closed In nMrer and nearer. "What do you want to tell me?" she questioned at last In an oddly aubdued inauuer. lie did not answer Imme diately, but swung on ahead of ber In the narrow path as If he were making a wuy for ber through the mtat. So he bad got over bla love for ber. She felt a shuddering sense of desolation. Still, she argued, she could Bcarcely have supposed he would go on caring, M peclully since she bad explained to him with.Judicial carefulness that abs must marry a man with money on account of ber mother and the younger glrla. Strangely enough, though ahe had pictured herself as married to another, there bad alwaya been a somber. In teresting figure hovering In the back ground of that picture, one to whom she meant to be so klud, so geutle, so nil sweet, that bis regret should becoms like a beautiful, sud song—to Ije wept over and enjoyed. And uow the brute was asking ber to "forgive and forget" that he had ever told ber that be loved her I They had reached the summit of a hill, and be proposed thst they sit down upon a convenient bowlder to rast be fore attempting ths next one. Ap parently ber silence was unnoticed. "You aee, fate's been telling off my buttone lately," he began In a buelneM like tone, "and the decree Is that It BM got to be money!" "What do you mean?" "Itlch woman, poor woman, beggar woman, squaw," he elucidated, touch ing the buttons on his Jacket "and the lot falls to rich woman every time. It asems a beastly thing to think of— marrying for money. I would be a cad enough to do It but the thing Is that there'a a girl—a mighty fine girl—and 1 really—l—hang It I like her! But bow am I to tell whether It's the real thing or whether her money haa some thing to do with it? You aee. there are reasons why I should hsve money right away, long before I can hope to gain It by my own efforts. The governor la bresklng down, and hla affairs an In bad shape, and there an the two kids and mother to provide for." The glrl'a heart was sinking as the mercury does In a falling temperature. All the Joy of living seemed to be 00s- Ing away through her fluger tips, leav ing her cold and Inert. He turned to ward her curiously. "Of course you don't think I'd con alder such n thlug If I were not forced to It by duty!" he went ou fervently. "And I came to you because I thought you'd understand, because circum stances an forcing you Into the same thing. They aay you'n going to mar ry Urndshaw. You'll be a rich wom an and a happy one, 1 hope; but, wheth -1 er you an or uot you will have done your duty by the family. That will be yofir consolation, and that's why I come to you lu my difficulty. What do you think—can I decently ask the girl to marry me? Remember, I like her, but I'm not sure I love her!" The fog. which had seemed about to crush them softly a few moments be fore, was now failing back, but they were stlli In a remote world. With the very sight of babltatlona cut off from their view It was hard to believe In the reality of purple and fine linen, horsM and carriages and gold. Suddeuly toe Tl» SmklM if Sprlig . The Salve that cures without a scar is DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Cuts, Burns. Boils, Bruises and Pile* disappear before the use of this salve as snow before the sunshine of spring. Miss H. M. Middleton, Thebes, 111. says: "1 was seriously afflicted with a fern sore that was very painful. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me in less than a we*k." Get the genuine.Sold by Anderson, Crawford & Co. too lat*. She had pot the only thing that mattered out of tm IM u tbougbtleeely and carelessly aa aba would tow a pebble from bar path. She bad not area realized what ah* was doing. Down below, where the Bradabaw fortune caat lta glamour, everything had looted different She had thought that with money at] things Mm mart (all Into place. But here, cot off from the world, the Bradabaw wealth —mad Mm than nothing and lore the only thing. Farther and farther the fog receded, (bowing thin In *ota. hot atlll con teallng the valley beneath them. Bat the WM very ran nww. Bran wbaa the world aasnmed Its old pnperttone It won Id bo the same. She bad had bar lesson. The peechblow tint WM gone from bar cbeeka, and her eyM were grave and nnglrllab as abe spoke. "I'm not going to marry Grant Brad ahaw," abe said steadily, "nor any other man whom I don't love. 80 yon aee I can't help yon after allt I don't think I could ever really -hrve meant to do each a thing"— Her roice broke, and the eyes that bad been looking Into bis with a plead ing strotfger than any words suddenly filled with tears. "I'm such a silly," she explained rather unevenly, "bot I bate to be ac cuaed of aocb a thing. And I think you ought to be ashamed, Jackt You're a man and you can make money for youraelf and"- Bnt he seemed to be paying no at tention to her words. With deep at>- bo waa naming the button* of her coat as If he were eoanlttag an oracle. "Bicb man, poor man, beggar man. chief," be chanted. "Doctor, lawyer, merchant, thief. Bleb man, poor man!'" be stopped, looking sncloosly for an other button, but there was none there. "You oeet" she gibed triumphantly. 'Terbape you've made a iblstake In your own caee too." And, with a de murs face, she counted the button. "Poor woman!" aha announced, and then something In his glancs brought the bloom back to her face and her bead went down upon his shoulder. The thin pieces In the fog gave way. leaving two Jagged space* that framed a beautiful picture. Down below the Bun waa shining on the blue waters of the bay. on the treee and hedges, among which neetled the bousss of ths town. The girl caught her breath. She felt ae If It were a benediction, a revela tion of the peace of the years to coma. "But what about our famlllM?" aha asked In a troubled voice when the mist had blotted out the plcturee once more. He laughed Joyously. "Sea that?" be Mid, holding out a brawny right arm. Tmmt 111 rietlM. When the celebrated John Tlmbe of anecdote fame waa subeditor of a Lon don newepaper be one day commlaelon ed one of the staff to accompany the bop pickers In Kent and to write for the Journal an abeolutely veracious ac count of hla experlencM. The faithful scribe to whom the taek was intrustsd performed his Job with scrupulous care, and, attired aa a bop picker, bo epent a whole week among hla temporary comrsdse. In due course be returned to the ed itorial office and produced hla copy. Tlmba read a portion of It and then burst Into a grsst rags. - "This won't do at all, Mr. Smith," be exclaimed furiously. "Surely you must know this Is far too coaras for Insertion In our paper." "I waa afraid that might be the case," calmly replied the reporter. "Do you think thla la better?" Baying this, he banded limbs another manuacrlpt Tlmbe pferuaed It and WM dellghtad. "Ths very thing; charming!" be eft claimed. "Ah, I thought you would like that!" Mid Smith. "That Is what I wrote before I set out"—London Standard. "linlis the Water." Borne readers will remember the spir ited account flrsn by Scott in "Ouy llannerlng" of the form of salmon fish ing that uaed to be known aa "burning the water." It was a favorite amuee ment lu England, Scotland and Wales. The practice la no longer legal and can be indulged In only at the rtak of pen altlee, with the dlsgrsos which at tachss to thlnga denounced as un eportsmanllke. Torches wsrs used, and the Mlmon were epeared by the thrust of a weapon having barbed prongs, called a leister. Bcott again may be quoted for hie description of the apear ing of aalmon from horseback in ths Bolwsy. The Tweed, which WM the river of his lifelong affections, WM one of the worst suffsrara from "burn ing the water" la the days when it was permitted, and It WM computed that thoipands of Mlmon were annual ly taken by this form of cspturs. Ths watsr may be "burned" even now here and there, and In WalM a few years ago there waa a short lived revival of the practice. . Mile ef CNIu. Of the wonderful athletM of all agw Mllo of Creton la perhape the most known. He once ran a mile with an ox on hla. shoulders, then with a Wow of bla fiat killed the beaat and ate it in one day. The strongest man could not take from Mllo a pomegranate which he held between hla two fingers. He could break by contracting hla vein* and muscles a cord tied around hla forearm. One day, being In a bouae with aome pupils of Pythagoras, the ceiling threatened to fall in. but Kilo supported the column on which It not ed. tbna giving hla friends tlmeo en cape. Hla death Is well known. He tried to tear asunder the trunk of a tree, but hla handa got pinched In the wood, and. being unable to disengage them, be perished, devoured by wild Otuntf hiilinti To cure Constipation and Liver troubles by gently.moving the bow els and acting as a tonic to the liver, take Little Early Risers. These Fa mous Little Pills are mild, pleasant and harmless, but effective and sore. Their universal use for many yean is a strong guarantee of their popu larity and usefulness. Sold b> Anderson, Crawford & Co., - OM BMmal Mtato. • Til* director of the mint la callad on to *anr*r socb ■ wlflt range of joe* tton* concerning the raises of old an) now coin* and modal* that b* h*- fonnd It ■***•*!> to lam* circular covering matter* of tbla *ort. The toll *omo latere*tin* facta. It appaars that tb* mist do** not boy old coin* or pnpor money «*pt *om* rar* colonial -oin» in Ane condition, which an do aired for tb* mint cabinet Mntllatad or unotrmt United State* sold and atlror coin la purchaa*d aa bullion. Th* mint baa no pattern piece* for ante. Tb* foronußcnt pay* no premium for tb* return of an y of its coin* or pn por money. New oolna cannot be ■track until authorized by an act of congress. Tbe mint auppllaa United State* coin* only and not of any past data. Tb* fifty dollar goldptoo* and tbe half dollar and quarter dollar piece* In gold were "tract by private partlaa on the California coast during the IMB period and by tbo United Statea government. Tbe coinage of tbo following coin* ceaaed In the yean named: Half aad 1 cent, copper, In 1867; 1 cant nickel IBM; half dime aad S cento, atlrar, aad 3 cents, bronze, m 1878; 20 emits, all rer, UTS; trade dollara, 1888; |1 aad 98, gold, aad 3 centa, nickel, 1888. Tbe Columbian half dollar wa» coined In 1883 aad the laabetla quarter la 1888. Tbe Lafayette dollar was ■truck la 1888, tbo da te on tbo coin (1800) bo lac that of th« unratllag of tb* memo rial- . Tbera are certain marklnga on *v*ry United Htatea coin that enable tbe place of It* coinage to be located Tboee atrnck at tbo Pblladalpblg mint bar* bo mint mark, but tboee atrnck at all other mints ate dlatingulabed by a amall letter on tb* r*v*ra*. near tbe bottom. Hie** letter* ar* C for Char lotto, N. G., discontinued in 1881; C for Caraou Cltj. N*v„ discontinued In 1888; I> for Dibloaaga, (la., dlsconUn aad In UMI; O for New Orieana and 8 for San Kranclaco. Tb* colna of tb* United State* now authorized by law are: In gold, double eagle, eagle, half eagle, quarter eagle; la alitor, half dol lar, quarter dollar aad dime; minor, fi cent, nlokel, and 1 cent, bronze A per son may buy a proof set of gold cola* from tbe mint for 888.60 and a proof sot of allror and minor colna for 11.60 When the bualneea of tbe mint* la slack medala may b* struck from dl**- furnished by Individ uala, public lnitl tuttoni and incorporated aocletle* at a cbarg* sufficient to OOT*r tb* coat of tb* operation and tb* vain* of Uk m*tal.—Brooklyn Eagl*. Bsrir Taboaae. According :■:> John Aubery, who wrot* a celebrated wont on "tbo ran queere Indian weed*," there waa a time when tobacco waa worth it* weight in allver. Among other thlogt Aubery aaya: "Sir Walter Raleigh wa* tb* drat that brought tobacco Into Bng land, and la our parts- North Wllte- It cam* la faablon through Sir Waltei Long Tbey naed *llv«r pip**. but tb* sammonsrs u*ed a walnut ab*ll. 11 waa sold then for Ita weight In allver I bare beard aome of your old yeomen neighbors aay that when tbej went tt Cbipp*nham to market tbey always culled out their ahlllinga to lay In tb* Scalea agalnat tbe tobacco. Now 1 tbe customer* of It ar* tbe greatest that bla majesty hath." A TMt mt S»k»l»tf. Oontleuien who b«ve put an enemy Into tbelr nioutba are recommended to try a v*ry almpl* teat for tb* purpose of flndlng out wbetber their bralna have been stolen Tbey moat ataud erect with thslr *ye* clo**d. aad If tbey can perform this faat for a brief period tbey may come to tb* conclu sion that tb*y ar* all right Two In dl vidua la who wer* accused of drunk eane** at Poatefract proved that tbey bad honorably stood tb* teat, and tb* casos agalnat tbem were dlamlased. Tb* great merit of tbe plan ia that It caa be put iato operation snywber* sad at aay Um*.—London Tit-Bits. ran* In tb* Vias* of the rksrssks. Pans were used by tb* pbaraobs as atandarda la battle Tb*y appear oa tb* to m baton ea of Thebe*. tud Terener tb* dramatist, who lived In the second century B. 0.. makea on* of hi* char actus aay, "Take this fan and give bar thus a llttl* air." Fans bar* played thslr part tn political history. In IST tb* d*y of Algt*r* la an altercation with the French consul struck him with a fan which h* carried. Tb* ctr eurostsnc* was reported to Chart** X. bis soT*r*tga. aad tb* r«*nlt was aa •xpodltion to Africa, the end of which waa tb* deposition of tbe day and tb** annexation at Algi*ra and its adjacsnt territory aa a eolooy of Franc* BEWARE OF IMITATIONS of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR On account of the great merit and popularity of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR for Coughs, Colds, and -Lung Trouble, several manufacturers are advertising imitations with similar sounding names with the view of profiting by the favorably known reputation of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. DO ROT OE IMPOSED UPON We originated HONBY AND TAR as a Throat and Lung Remedy and unless you get FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAI you do not get the original and genuine. Remember the name and insist upon having FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. Do not risk your life or health by taking imitations, which cost you the same as the genuine* FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is put up in three sizes—25c, 50c and SI.OO. PrtpartJ oaly by FOLEY t 00., 12-04-00 Olio Strut, Chicago, MMs. «■■■■■»- «i mluiMHMirn ir S. R. Biggs, Wllliamston, N. C tain number of yeara. It may be bus banded or wasted, mad* to burn slowly ar rapidly. It is lik* tb* oQ la s lamp aad may be burned oat to Bttl* affect la a little time or carefully husbanded aad prassrrad aad thus made to last loogar aad tiara brighter. it I* a moot question whathw every individual to aat at birth gifted with lb* earn* amount of vital energy aad tltfa sastalahig powsc. Tb* proba ta la that *ach Is. The clrcum steboea of tb* aavtronmeat from tb' crmdl* to tb* grav* determine ita far tors dsattay.—Osntlsmaa'a Magazine. ■ad Cssifssr rw Mas. -What have yoa to aay far sslfr demanded tb* bailie of the drunk and disorderly. "Am verm sorra. sir.' rata naed tbe chargi, "but a cam* up frae Olesca tn bad company." "What sort of companyr "A tot o' teetotal an." "Wba-str roared tbe bailie' "Tea mean to aay, air, that teetotalers era bad oompanyf "Welt' rejoined tb* prisoner, "y* ken bow 'twaa. A had a bale mntcbip o' wbnaky wl' me. aa' a had to drink it all to myself. London Judy. Hnd« lie* Csrlsss. Wretch of s Man (at the elubH-l aay. yea fel lowa, my wife went off to see her mother lately. Intending to atny for all weeks, bat I brought ber home tn a harry. fco>ou know what I did* I seat her s paper every day with a paragraph cut oat and sb* wsa so full of curiosity to know what local near* 1 waa keeping from ber that she came homo at tb* and of four day*. Bsigbbo"-How 'omt"did you stay at tbe club yesterday. Jones? J on**—Oh. the beat part of tbe evening. Mrs tones- Why, John, you came home in half aa hour! Jones-Weilf—Ctovstaad Leader. Tk* Bean. Crawford—Did bla lawyer tall Hen peck that be couldn't get a dlvorc*? Crab*haw—No. Hl* wlf* did.—Towa Topic*. Cession Apart. Unfortunately for Jomea. Mrs. J. la not the moat careful of wfcmen. Ia fact, sb* la tb* kind or person who would fill tbe sugar basin with starch and wondsr bow ths tsa came to taste so curious. Tbe other day she bad been doing *om* fancy work, and, as nsusl. not having her work baaket by ber, sb* Just put the ball of allk ahe bad b**n uslug Into a tumbler. Jamss waa rather later than usual that night and aa be bad been staying overtime licking stamps for circulars It will be easily understood tbst be waa thirsty. Of course be chose the tumbler with tbe ball of ellk In It to fill with water. It waa emptied with two gulp*, but there was something tn tbe taste of tbe last one which made him think all waa not aa It abould have been. Then be felt a tickling at tbe back of hia throat "Tbafa mysterious," he aa!d. plac ing his finger and thumb Inside bla noQtb. Ht cfiuirht bold of tbo end of rtlb and pulled It. Tbe tickling aenaatlon waa worse than ever, and James' expression ss b* kept on pulling and accumulating ysnls of allk waa quit* awfnl to s*a "Wlf*. wlf*." be cried. "*end for Dr. Bquall* thl* Instant! I'm unraval ta-r »*. m , a ManZan is the File Remedy that reaches the spot and stops all pile pain instantly. If you suffer with Blind, Bleeding,ltching or Protrud ing Piles and want to be cured it it only necessary to use MatiZun, the Great pile Cure. Sold by S. H. Ellison & Co. The health and fragrance ' and strength of the great pine forests' are condensed in Pineules —a new discovery put up in a new way. A cure for all Kidney, Blood and Blad der diseases, Backache, Lumbago and every form of Rheumatism. Pineules rid the system of impuri ties. Sold by S. H. Ellison & Co. ' £ul»cr.bct> fUH JVif.UiKUjji >i sv» . Beautiful eyes and handsome tace arceloquci.t I».jr uuaikius bu K f» eyes are windows to a wornu't hcaii uo ii»U.r'ft Rocky Mouutat Tea i«jk« brig lib eye*. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. J.M. Whelehb &Co.,Rober*onvillf, M. C. » - For cracked lnuds, chapped lipa, aud rough akin, Pinesalve is the nicest quickest, best core. One ap plication in one night prove* it. Sold by S H. Ellison, & Co — One of ; Ring's Dyspepsia Tahlet after tating eveu if vou can eat hot fittie «ill cij,. st the little vou do eat, and cure Indigertion Dy -pepsin, Son St' nacb, Belching. itui Weak Heart. Sold by 5 H. I" i m, & Co. To Our Merchant rriende ! - .. > t|| WE Aftl OVERSTOCK ED ON CANNED GOODS Peaches. 90c. doz. Tomatoes, 80c. doz. Cera, Bjc. das. Sardines, a cnae M, fi.aj dot. Han, 35c. das. 5 CASE LOTS^^r-^ We want to wove these geoda at once. Sead tu your orders. Prompt aad eficient •ervice. . . Southern Supply Gompany Williamston, N. C. ss-* 11 I I dtrful tone quality, and 11 11 #** PIAIIUIJ remarkable durability. « I WE HAVE All ATTRACTIVE J V || you intend to purchase a piano at any time in the near | II future. It will cost you nothing to learn what we have to ofies. I I/ THE HARVARD PIANO CO., Manufacturer*, I Ml OtNOINNATI, OHIO. M " ' - .■ Frisco System fjHjfflf I CHICAQO * EASTERN ILLINOIS JM I Double Daily Trains —— BETWEEN St. Louis ond Ghica^o fIORNINO AND EVENINO Prom t a Salle St sat Station, Chicago 9Jo a. m.—9.10 p. m. ■I Pram UulonSta.( Merchaatsßrtdgs)st.Louis 9.J0 a m 9.46 P a II Morning or evening connection at both termini with linea diverging I Equipmeut entirely modern and new throughout A i« lI'HI.K-TaACK lAIIWAV Bqoi|)|«l with practical and approved aafety appliances Subatantially lonatniced. Uennia S. Bigg*. Pre#. T. W. Tilgbman Gen. Mgr. Jao. D. Bins, Sec. A Ttxes DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO ZZZ- - » * MtmifactureraCo&t) 2 Kiln Dried North Carolina Pine Lumber, > > J > • • • • IOKNNIO SIMMONS' BRAND jOYNKM IHINOU ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WII.f.IAMSTON. N. CI 'Wbm SKSSSSBr 6 jmrj arm wun* w rj 1847 ROGERS BROS." aaakera.