Ynar wane* tack.—J«dlcioMftd*«itfe. . i M W tfc. kind tbrf p.*. Wkto»o« the TO* WVMt SftMklkb paper mmmrm ym protnpt rctvM . . DIRECTORY f *1 « Tow* Officers Mayor-Joshes U ladL - . r—ial.**«iai n Pr J. B. H. KaJght. M .kM, Dr. J. ». Mgcs. A. BoseoU. 9. k. EMM* V. 8. IW. Clark—A. BeeeeHL Traaaaru —W. 8. NL CkbiirfMl~-J.:il. hi. Taoedsy ilgia Cksrchaf the Urtax Services ea the aecead aad ftfth Sua dayoeftkomuelh.nretagaad naatog. eadoa the Batorßayi (!»■•) toiwa, aad aa Maadava (#a. a.) af»wnli.taa dava of the aMath. AU aaa oordiaUy la vttod. k & LaaanAa. *ee»er. Hetkodlst Ci*rck 9m. U. M. ftaaa, the MathodiM Vas ter. haa the tollawtag appeiatmaate ■vary daaday aMraiac at uo eiackaad aight at T w'cieck raayartMy, aaeept toe aeaead Saaday. Saaday kM every Seeds v maniac ■» %'.*> •'etoek. fiai at anatlag every Wadaeaday evn lag at ) o'clock. HoUy Sprtaga yd taaday evealag at« e'ctoA^VanoaMt ■ad Saa«lay,BMraiagaada*ght; Baieelli aad Saaday at J e'ctock. A cordial ia vitatlaa to ett to aaaljrtiii aarrtae* Bspdst Ckvrtk PnacMag ea the aa. aad ead ath taa daye at it a. at., aad p. rn~**-g every Thanday alght at T-Y> Saaday School every Beadey»nantog at *:ja. J. D. Kjp, Sapeilateadnt. . The pealor praerkaa at HaaaUtoa ea Ike yd Saadav to sack aoalk, a* tl a. ai. and 7:jo p. at., aad at Iliddkk'a Grave ea SatariUy kafore every tat Saaday at »i a. m. aad ea the tat Saaday at) p. m. Blade School Boon ea tke aad Saaday at j p. is., aad the Slgge* Sefcoot Beeea mi Ike tk Saaday at | p. at- »veryfce4y aardiaUy iavttod. 9. 9. CUMtt faetor. SKEWARKEE JL LODGE n*.9o,k.r.kk.m. r^\ Otaacreav Tom ifoj. '• 9. 9 Browa, W. M.]W.C.*aaatag,B. W.; Me. O. Taylor. I. W.: T. W. Them ea, 8. D.; A. P. Tsyfcr, J.b; S B. Btgga, Secretary; C. D. Tlliaaaw, A. B.WkHawe ead T.C.Cook, Sloweede; B. W. Clery, Tiler. STANDIMO COM*ITTBBS: Caaairr—S. 8. Brawa, W. C. Mea **!kSrt2aaßC»—W. B. Edwards, W. M. ortaoa, HD. Cook. . Ma—at B. Battaa. Profeatkxul CIHI , Dk.JOHN D. BIOOS DBNTurr mnri lin lniT Nut e w. a. ti*i"Ti% va. a w**aas DM HAEKBLL * WAEK.BK PHYSICIANS AND SUROBONS •ma ib Bums' Dsoto Stoks 'Phone No. SB DR. J. PBBBLB PBOCTOB . PHYSICIAN I • AND SURGEON OSa to Miklai BalMtog ' •am: f»o to io:»o a. )to ftp. a. •mora » !; 1 ' raabD.«Ma fc'Jam^nne WINSTON A EVBRBTT 6 ' : \ • ' $ -«v •• ■ Artosmro At Law Baak Building, WiUiametoo. N. C. S. ATWOOD NBWBU. " LAWYER s^^S?TLf7ii2aLZ. 2^«fjj£^ ea *' V j^ rcL..* >"* -:; ' s'. v "i" ~* ,• *: *"" '--?*. \ ' : V'; s •' 'V WASHINGTON LETTER The ij?ilatia n"'lit* sfrtei matary ■•ml kaaatujmwkm* the aS- Om at iiMi t( Weigh** ud Aa gmmmt wm katweaa Baaala ut It sr»«Lw Mr» fcyaafww. whaa any ■22 *LM*a^( Mi|lWatMi|lll7«MUto >»> liiVtototo j? m S*m lie* MtibAHyMhiMi vwMrMktl Mka Ml *w >Mui*a>»t>w> M *orWy. mmtmmrnm 9m t?to»sWartw^Btsr— nZm mt tsa ■SLrs^kMMttihSu mm* urnUm inSTaaw* wm mm im wm wu aad dm StotT iSSftmtk "lato^viuaaie Srwaij^S mm toe aM aa* iMh toe >wi sy J*S« iSr mT tSST ZTimt anlftlniM|Mßli» to tml •aaa-^^^aaj*. e£ »«H«ii4patfiilMi» «• tf trnmimmm mm mm aata- Bfaa to a- mrnm >atoa» >VJS > SwA^SeSVLiw tana 4 aaalaa aqstoNtaa ts m» St* 2rST MfMWtoto Oj»t toeaskt toh toSto 2toa» Mlm2mm an' Mr «* to Saw Ma Ph. the ap mrnmmt wm »—■>* to Mwa« :filHMM»«Rbtor«toto 3 ■ • , J ,f '•#» ■ WILLIAMS 1 OA, A. c., i-RIbAV. FEBRUARY 17, 1,. v t-2 Wsrk tor Work's Sake. "l ike law of wo'k ran rar« ly l«- evaded altogether. but (here are mat y wja> • in which it# rigors may b« cheated," writes that wiae coun a lor of young men. the Rey. W, J. Dawson. A yo th comes a* late aa he cßn to his business, and leave# as early as he can. He never re garde it as necessary to take th leaat intereet in his work. He does aot think itwrth him while to mas ter the principles of the business 111 which he is engaged. He conaistent ly doe* as little work a* he can con tent only to escape reprimand, but never eager to win honorable praise. If a period of emergency comes,, when extra work is demanded of all hand*, he submits with an illgrace. grumbles at the injustice of hie fate, and atill d ea aa little aa he can. Everyone remembers the admir able picture which George Eliot ha» drawn -for us of Adam Bede in his workmanship, how he is so inter ested is his work that he goes on with it~after the proper hour for work has ceased, and how he ex presses his contempt for the mai. who drops his tools the moment the clock Strikee. "Look tuere now " •ays Adam, "1 can't abide to ace men throw away their tools in thot way, the minute the clock begins to strike, as if they took no pleasure in their "work, snd were afraid of dong a stroke too much." whereupon Mum Taft pleads that he la six-atid 4orty, and observes that when Adam arrives at that mature age hi will be not so "flush o' working foi nought." Adam replies wrathfuily. "I hate to see a man's arms drop down aa if he was shot before the clock s'fairly struck, just as if tfc'u never a bit o* pride and delight 1 in his work. The very grindstone 11 go on turning a bit after you loose it'' George Eliot gives us the k ynot to Adam's character in t>hia open ing scene, ahe makes ua feel at onci that he is a man full of manculim vigor, energy, and honorty. s'uch men are. ni:k in the world. But the youth whi takrs no pride or delight in Im work foredoome himself to a life t.| failure and' humiliation, Dislike «»l work is the first stage in the eas\ way —The Wellapring. Over sad Under. In paddling down the .-quatool. River, in New Brunswick one of a jarty of hunters had an experience which afforded much amusement o his companions. In ' Around th lamp-Fire,'' Mr. C. G, D. Roberts tells the story: The last few miles of the ?qua took River were easy paddling,ssv- that here and there a fallen tree was in the way. In passing the>e obstacles Stranion proved unlucky. His canoe led the procesaion, with himself stsnding erect, alert, polr in hand, in the stern, while Queer man aat lazily in the bow. At length we saw shead of us H tree truiik stretching across the channel. By ducking our head* down to the gunwal s there wa* r >ora to pass under it But Stranion triad a piece of gymnastics, like » circus-rider jumping throug'i ri hoop, fie attempted to step over the tninV while the canoe was passing upde it. In th's he partly sutfeetd ad. Hegotone font over, accord ing to cdculition, and landtd it safely in the cai>K-. But as for t(i> other—well, a malicious little pto jacting branch took hold of it In the moccasin, and held on with thV innate pertinacity' 'of inanimate, things, The caiio'e wouldn't wait, so Stranion rempiiied behind wil> fys captive fx*«. He d>op pd head orst .into tfie water, whence w,«- tifcoed him. ■ I . , The ftext tlifa • We came to'an obstuctidtr Of ffiis'* kii.d StranWn did not try to step over it. Hp stopp ed to gorunder it, b ut another ma licious branch now came- to,-the. Mil. The branch was longj. strong aild sharp: It reached dnwp„ seize.) thejback nt Strsn ion's shirt, and almost dragged him out'of; the " fit' noe. Failing In this, for Stranion's blond was up, it. ripped the shirt open, and plowed a long red ftir-. [raw dowu his back CONCERNING TEE LEGISLATURE. _ ia aiwaya s pla e of in terest during a session i.f the l.et.-is future—one meeta interesting neo idc and hears interesting ihtn s. It is not le»s so tt»ia .time than uaual. It ia not the towna-peopl alone, the ••tticer* of goverment or the mem '•eia of the Legist re, but there *re visitor from Overy section of the Mate, the yitole conatit„ting a gro> p worth whiiS-leeing and hear ing. The reader j has fo luwed the predl 'the Legislative proceedinge'thda far and ie awar. that there haa been little conclusive Legislation upon large matters. Fi nal action upon these ia generally left for the cloftji g days of the ses sion and it will be so in this caae. VVtiat the final outcome will be no one can forecast. Ihe principal aub jecta of Outaide talk are liquor and divorce, which seem to abaorb to a large deg ee the Legialative mind The body ia inclined to be liberal in appropriationa to meritorious subjects, aa for iiietai.ee the iusane and other afflicted claaaes, the Con federate vetera. a, the public achools and the State's higher eductional in atitutionft. lhta expreaaion of thia liberality^will be limited by 11.e resources in aight, I'he a riter oelieve* that in the wind-up it will be found to have been a more con servative legislature than many people now think it. a lt ia to be re membered that many fooliah in aa • res tind their way into every Leg islature b t it doea not nee aaarily fullow that these are to become iawa >0 at this ae«sion many ex treme meaaurea huve been introdu ced but lew have as yet been en icted I here ar« dangers which ilireateH but aomething ia to be tne wisdom and respon sibility of 170 Noitn Carolin'ans otiosen to repreaent the citizenahip t the 'tate and cognizant of the i>«ct, as ths nuijority are that h. y nold lit then'hands the 'fate of a jfreat party. It is to be hoped that ill y Will not fun it upon thero.ka. It naa forgotten to say above in connection with ihe tubject irf ap propriations, that th re ia more or tss atutiment favorable to an iaaue if h.ndb to make permanent en 'argenrient ol the hoapitabla for the insane, in order iliai they may re ceive nil of the present insane who should be in these institutions, the trgument in favor of a bond issui if> ing that poste ity should shsrt vith the preaent generation the ex penae of improvements which will stand'for all time. In points of appearance and in ignity in the transaction of bu i •ness ih preaent Legislature is quite up to the average. The capilol is, is usual over heated or under heat ed, Ind illventilated, in couaequ ence of which s there is a gooddeal of amongj the Senato>a «nd RepresentatiAes.—Charlotte Observer. She—"Oh, Henry, that cow 4eetna to be coming awfully fast." Henry—"Kr—yes. I'm afraid she has lost her calf and—' She—"Well, do something about it quick, to make her see that yon •re not it " —Chicago News. Subacribe for ,Tbb Entbrprisb [nil. tiaciiwl S&ersjtis JSC, |^_ ord#r, «.id lagrß -.T— ijgiMgwirxsais^ SSSaiS i^Ksa in tbi rrolOT, uarab" *>>■ °' Om auul bM«l» „ thiKi", bt|[b «oU>r«4 or sosid- ggMhfc. nr ml»_ ty «M tlipMlg. 31 ktdnejra. T»kc Or. IMur'a .Munn itVuni riiM«'«iir Ll««r M 4 atMd *j-»v n «»=•. TllMllfll KBKMC CaWMT •od ntp thr 1 mnblo I n IK* bod. ■—CmmaMU, - TtHiKOOCi INSOWONIA. The amount of sleep requi'ed « rie§ within fainy wide limit> c difle ent indivHluals. So >«e d well with an average of not more then six hours out of the twenty f"ur, white others ntust have at leaat nine hours if they ere to ba fit for their daily taaka. Th length*of time which the av erage person needs is usually put at eight hours out of the twenty four, or one of life. Young children requires more and the aged, aa a rale, leas. There ia a kiad of spurious in somnia, in which a person who really needs only six hours, but thinks he must have eight wakes up early in the morning and toaaes about for an hour or more, grumb ling because he cannot sleep, and begining to reguard himaelf aa the victim of aome nervoua disorder. Such a person should get up earlier and spend theae two precious morn ing houra which natu a is offering ■m in some useful occupetion. It he actually needa but aix hour'a aleep a day he wi 1 be the better off not weating two in uaeless to»- -ing; if he needs the average eight hours his getting up st once on we king in tie morning will break up the hebit by quieting the nervous unrest 1 sused by this tossing, and the chances are that he will eoon find himself sleeping through these two hours nsturally a> d peacefully lnaomnia may depend on phyai cal or on mental cauaea. The first sort can 1 (ten be benefited greatly by aimple meaaurea—and many ess es of the se> ond category also. In s case of aleeplesaneaa the first thing to do ia to diacover the cause and ifpoatible, remove it. It may b that the auflerer at>diea or talk or reada exciting novela too late at he may sit up too long > er having had only a light evenin meal; ainoklng late ia the 'event , s e frequent diaturber 01 aleep, em tie taking of tea or coffee at th evening meal ie another ceuae a ot insomnia. Too much thinking,pUi - •ling, w rrying after retiring a II •liive awa> aleep moat effectual >. Defective ventilatioa in the bed room ie often the cauae of inaoriini», especially the morning variety. Ihe treatment of aimple lorm of thi trouble ia directed to draw ing the hlood from the head. A glass o' hot milk just at bedtiu will do this in many caeee, or the result msy be obtained by a hut muatsrd foot bath er the uae of ai eitra coveting aver the feat to keep them very warm. C~>uatipation will cause ineomnie, and so will acia dyspepsia and the relief of theee conditiona will work like a charn . 1 'rugs »hould£never be reeorted U ex ept|upon,the advice of the Phy sical!. The acquiring of a drug habit is the greatest dsnger tc which the sufferer from eleepleaa neaa ia expoaed —Touth'a Com panion. "Really, Miss Rosley," said Mi Hunter, "I think yon need a bus band to help you take care of you property—" "No, thank you," replied Mis' Roxley, promptly, "I don't caret husband my resources that way.— Philadelphia Preaa. HUMOR OF THE k H« «u CMI. "Now and tlieo I hear an old soldier tnalni how cool l)« wm In bla Brat UhV •aid the one armed mua. "and t ilwtjri have a dim suspicion that bla aaae waa like my own. "I had determined to be cool at every «a*t and ao far aa I could tell 1 Bred •way forty rounda, killed at leant ten 0t the enemy and bad every reason to Wb*ve myaelf • hero. I had begun to tng a little after the thing waa all •nr when the captain of my company ■hawed me that I had loaded my mar feat ten tlmea and had not Ored It one* •ad la a fatherly way obaerved to me: " 'Aba, I mb forgive you thla one* Nr tunning away and hiding under a >■lll wagon, but If yon play the trick again I aha 11 have to take official aottee of ttr 9mr Mar* hatotoat. The Preapectlve Better Half—But, ee- Haoaly. George, am I the only girl ffcaO— Ha—How, Amy, dear, don't ask if yon are the only girl that I ever loved. Ton know aa wall aa— Tbo Preapectlve Better Half I waant going to, qeorge. I started to aak "Am I the only girl that would have yon f—Puck. Am Okatlaate •*«>*. The trouble with you," aald the mn •tcal enthualaat, 'la that you do not •nderatand claaalcal music." "Perhaps," answered Mr. Cumrox, "knt I refuae to be regarded aa a man of Inferior Intelligence •until I And •owl one who la competent to prove that he understand* It"—Washington •tar. Weak Dsr. "*• crasssd the line laat Monday," wrote the traveler, "and the gale waa Ma a lug fearfully. The aheeta flapped •agrlly la the wind, and"— "Ifa a wonder the sheet* didn't blow •ff the line and be loot at aea," mused hie wife, patting In her reading of the talmatlng e»latl*.-Judge. A Trials BimmS. "Miss Singer uyi there VII a not* la tti last bouquet shs received over Ike feotllgbta." "Oh. yes. The manager sent her wm€ that ahe would have to pay for tar m flowers In the future, as be was tirsd of doing It" Iti Meet Waa Lutl>|. Deatiat—That confounded tramp per soaded DM to give blm laughing gaa and extract four teeth. Friend Well'' Dentist—Well, wben I told blm that that would cost him |4 be gave me the ■MIJ ha-ha.-Somervllle Journal. A ratal DM*. "I wonder," aald tbe young wife, aa As mixed the dough, "why they call this 'angel cak*r " "Probably," replied her huabaud, "be eause any one who eats tbe cake Is In lauasdlate danger of becoming one."— Philadelphia Press. Oeuervstlva Batlaut*, MeFlub—He's worth at least a bil lion dollar*. Blast—A billion 1 Man, your state- Mat la wild. That's foollab. MeFlub— Foollah nothln'. Why, be pays taxes on 12,600,000.—Louisville Courlsr-Journal. It la. Domlty—Msaris said that I bad no ■tors sense than a yellow dog. I con elder that aa Insult. Wlckle— So It Is. There's no reason to eupposs a yellow dog ha* less sense than any other colored dog—Boston Transcript. latliM. ■stalls-You don't seem to worry at all about tbe wrinkles In your face. Jack—No; a person can't have every thing tbe way he'd like It In this world, and I'm aatlafled that tbe kink* In my eaaaclence don't show.—Detroit Free Press. raets LA the CMS. "How," asked Lady Bllaslngton, "did yeor son ever come to marry that American glrlT" "Be didn't," replied tbe dowager dacbsss. "She cams to marry him."— Ohisago Tribune. Tk* BallaS •( tUm lee. A little dlsb of broken let Lay basking In the sun. Its owner had forgotten It ■efore her work waa done. Bet when she went to get the loe And bring It In to tea ■he found the Urn waa not what N 1 Bad been cracked Up to be. -Punk. ( A D ¥£R TtSlHti ' _■> Vv r h..C«t -luli. i n.sdvertia •v, i *b r ki>i irn I*.\» h-ck U)to(I m "" ** i- thU • ' iv». •* i {(>1.1; J\( ». A HATTER OFHMAti fim &AklN> POWDER AbatlßWrPin HAS HO SUBSTIWTi Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin Ceaaty, WILLIAMSTON, If. C JgKM .Phone Chorees Messages limited U>C£ missies; aatia On*o will poaitlTtlv to aMi fsr laaaar Um To Washington sj Can la. " Greenville » 0| u " Plymouth a| " Tarboro • af " " Rocky,Monnt || " Scotland Neck *5 * " Jamesville i| m Kader Lilley'a i| m " J.;G.,Stston I| J l' J. L. Woolard i| " O. K. Cowing OtCo. i| " »' Pannele 15 " " Robersoavillc i| " " Bveretts i| - Gold Point •i| " i Geo. P. McNaughtoa l| " Hamilton ' ao ** For other points la Sastern Carolina ■ee "Central" where a 'phone will he found for use of noa-subecribera. In Gase of Tire you k want to be protected. . £ In case of death you «ut to leave your family aoma thing to.live on.ln ease af iSlaccident you want aoma jifcthing to benidaa . 1-L borrowing. ' ,Yir»r Fmoiai Jh, Wt can inaurc you agaiaet loss from Fire,. Death and Accident, .. We can inaure your Boiler, Plate Glaae, , 4 Burg lary. We also oan bead jy you for any office reqair ■ ing bond > Noia:tßiUlist;CiiiuiiCKuriMitti K. B. GRAWFOBD INSURANCE AGENT, }Godard laikllaf" »0 YlAft* lafef ' W Oarvmairra * • Anrone sesain# s lis* art tasMM quleklr aaosrtals oar ovists* nss vMear w invention li pruhablr petsntaais. Oman > Hot,. ■trtOtlr KKStMlfirisUbMl SB Fjh ml (m Oldest asener 'or ■ ■ mi HMy Patauts UkM tSroask *»■» *cSTSF s tpttimi imMm, vithosi a«n la las Scientific flißfrm, A lo®nd«on»«If Uu*rmtf4 wM.r. IMMllv filiation of any Uflu I'XtmA Torn ft V >ur: four moutM, (l §o>a kyflitaAM AGENTS 8 H&fflß (MEMtS "CHRIST IN THE CAMP" Br Da. J. Vlwl Jewaa issms iMoaisi N.C.—"Worked ana dse.tsssivsd 10 ssim" Als.— TUselvnd PresTls'slssk, ssff ffcraM*.* Vs.— ißold Mls 10 heen." L. P. 0s >l; . ■tess — Work«d s»inj, tsTlOssdSM.* «mv st sues ve TUB MAKTIW «BtTTf , IHaMa.^a. to wriu ftr oar oosOOsatlal liMsehhwep PATENTS y, a jy.lP» "tyjtii; or DiotosaO we ms! aa IMMID'ATJI FRCI report aa pst*»saMn&. w» gKre tl>« smi lsgsl ssrvtss ssl miHm, aM er* ihitfps its aoAsrsla Ayes. SWfFTA COsj Ofp. U.B. Pat«at oaw,Wotlh|tOi, >.•, SUBSCRIBE TO THB BMTlinn