ADVERTISING v«*r •one* back.—Jadiriooa advertis ing is the kiad that pay* Uck to yoa the ■■■ty TO" nwt Space in this paper »um TOO proenpt rrturaa . . VOL. VL - NO 31. DIRECTORY TvwiCXllcers Mayor—Joshua L Kwel!. Cemmiauooers— Dr. J. L H. Knight. N. S. Ffcd. Dr. J. D. Biggs. A. HaaaeU. P. K. Hodges. Street Cnaaiainam—F. K. Hodges, N. S. Reel. Clerk—A. KaaacU. Treasurer—N. S. Peel Attorney—Wheelef£M*itin. Chief .of Police—J-JH. Page. UfIECS Skewarkee Lodge. No. 90, A. F and A M. Regular aaeetiag every sad aad 4th Tweday eights. Roanoke Camp, No. 107, Woodmen of the World. Regular median every >nd last Friday nights. Charch «f the Adveat Services oa the second aad fifth.Sun dayn of the moath,morning and evening, and oa the Saturdays (5 p. m.) before, and oa Mondays (9a. a.) after said Sun days of the month. AU arc cordially in vited. B. S. LAMITI*. Rector. Methodist Caircfe Rev. K. K. Rose, the Methodist Pas tor, has the following appointments: Bvery Sunday morning at 11 o'clock aad night at 7 c'clock respectively, except the secood Sunday. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday even ing at 1 o'clock. Hotly Springs 3rd Sunday evening at J o'clock; Vernon Ist Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Hamilton >nd Sunday, momiag aad night; Hasaells snd Sunday at J o'clock. A cordial in vitation to all to atlCnd these services* Baptist Charch Preaching on the Ist, >ml and 4th Sun days at 11 a. m.. and 7'-3/o pm. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:30 Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30. J. D. Biggs. Superintendent. The pastor preaches at Hamilton on the 3rd Smday in each month, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.. and at Riddick's Grove an Saturday before every Ist Sunday at 11 a. m.. and oa tha Ist Sunday at 3 p. m Slade School House on the and Sunday at 3 p. 01. and the Biggs' School House on the 4th Sunday at 3 p. m. Bverybody cordially invited. R D. CAUOU. Pastor. SKEWARKEE Jk Ho. 90, A. F. kA. M. rSsy\ DtKRCToav Foa 1905. S. S. Brown, W. M.; W.C Manning.S. W.; Mc. G. Taylor, J V W.; X W. Thorn aa, & O.; A. F. Taylor, J.D; S. ft. Biggs. Secretary; C. D. Carstaiphen, Treasurer; A. B. Whitmore and T.C.Cook, Stewards; R. W Clary. Tiler. STANDING COMMITTEES: CHAKITY — S. S. Brown. W. C. Man ning, Mc. G.Taylor. PIMANCK— Jos. D. Biggs. W. 11. Har ell, R. J. P*el. RKFKRKNCH — W. H. Edwards, W. M. Green. P. K. Hodves. ASVU'M—H. w. Stubbs, W. H. Rob ertson, H. D. Cook. MAUIAU —I. H. Hattoa. Professional Cards. DR JOHN D. BIGGS MM DENTIST Omca— MAlN STSKRT PHONS9 W. H. MAKRKI.L WM. K. WAIKKN DRS. HARRELL & WARREN PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OPFICS IN BIGGS' DRUG STORK 'Phone No. 20 DR J. PEEBLE PROCTOR PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Mobley Building ours: 9xo to 10:30 a. m.; 3 to*s p. n. •PHONE M BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. WILLI AMSTON, N. C. Praam U. wioatM S. Jaataa Entrtl WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNBYS AT LAW Bank Building, Williamston, N. C. S. ATWOOD NEWELL - LAWYER ftr OSee ay ataira la New Baak Balld- Inc. left baad aide, tap o aupa. "VILLI AMSTON. N C. a#-Practice alwiim atukaa are Inhtl Special altoalba glna to namialag aa4 aaak tag UOe for pauliaina at liaater aad tuabcT laaia. Special altcaUoa will be |hn to real estate ■ ahaagia. If yoa wiah is bay or aril laad I Charge of the Bargain Brigade. Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward ! Quick to the bargain sale Rushed the Six Hundred. "Forward, female brigade! Charge the dress-goods," sbe saiJ. To the department store Surged the Six Hundred. "Forward, female brigade !" Was there a soul dismayed ? Hopeful, but yet afraid Counters were plundered ? Theirs not to make reply, Theirs but to dress and fly; Theirs only but to try To get there first or die ! Quick to that bargain sale Tore the Six Hundred ! Silks to the right of them, Ginghams to left of them, Linens before them, Floor-walkers wondered ! Quizzing the tired clerks, (You know just how it works), Pawiug with frantic jerks. Remnants all sundered. Bravely they rush and well; Hither and yon. pell-mell, Without a breathing spell, Crazy Six Hundred ! Flashed fingers here and there Snapping up bargains rare, Each seeming not to care That the clerks wcyidered. Right down the line they broke, Grabbed remnants —holy smoke ! Bargain -sales are no joke ! Every one blundered. Fought for the choicest goods, Frantic Six Hundred ? What a clean-up they made At that wild bargain raid 1 "Will the goods wash, or fade?" Each woman wondered. Honor the nerve displayed Over each nine-cent trade, Whether 'twas charged or paid, Tired Six Hundred ! —Leslie's Weekly. f «" ■» .—— Croup is quickly relieved, and Whooping Cough will not "run its course" if you use the original Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. This Cough Syrup is different from all others because it acts on the bowels. You can not cure Croup and Whooping Cough until you rid the system of all congestion, by working on the cold through a copious action of the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar does thus, and cures all Coughs, Croup, Whooping-Cough, etc. No opiates. Sold bv. S. H. Kllison, & Co. An Awkward Position. The following incident occured at an intertainment in a large pro vincial town. On the programme a certain vocalist was down to sing "The Miner's Dream of Home," and to add special effect to the souk he, having a friend a fireman at the fire station, about three minutes' walk from the hall, ran out and borrowed his top-boots. His turn on the programme came around. He appeared on the stage in all the glory of a red blouse, slouch hat, white breeches and (the fireman's) top-boots. His render ing of the song was a great success up to the middle-of the second verae, when a commotion was heard at the entrance of the hall. Then a hot and eager fireman forced his way through the audi ence up to the footlights, and bawled out at the top of his voice: "Bill, you've got to come out of them 'ere boots if you value your life. I'm called to a fire."—Tit- Bits. Strtctlf 6anlai Most of the patent medicine test imonials are probably genuine' The following notice recently ap peared in the Atchison (KanJ Globe:."Joe Tack, a well known engineer, running en the Missouri Pacific between Wichita and Kiowa latelv appeared in a big one, with a picture, and when he was in this office to-day, we asked him about it. He says be had terrific pains in his stomach, and thought he had cancer. His druggist recommend ed Kodol and he says it cured him. He recommended it to others, who also cured.'' Kodol Dyspep sia Cure digests what you eat and cures all stomach troubles. Just as surely as the sun shines your stomach can be brought back to its originally pure condition and life sweetened by this lasting and trnlv the greatest digestant known. Sold by Anderson Crawford & Co. ffij t (Enterprise. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1905. Two Odd Fishes. The clear limpid waters that sur round Bermudt and the West Indies lie alMtve coral reefs covered with plants and animals, many of which are brilliant in color as a rainbow. They look like glimpses of fairy land, and as yo >reye wanders from one wonder to another you catch yourselt striving to peep just around some corner into a st-ange nook half hoping to ser a bevy of mer men and mermaids sporting and playing within the crannies. Here is a patch of pale green sea lettuce, there a group of great purple sea fans, yonder some golden corals standing out like a tree, while among them all swim lovely fishes that take the place of the faries that should dwell in th's inagic land and fascinate you by their gorgeous colois and their graceful, wavy motions. There is a great green "parrot tish'' as brilliant jn color as his namesake the bird, showing him self boldly and swimming along slowly, secure from any assault. His scales are gree.i as the fresh grass of springtime, and each one is bordeiedby a p;ile blown 1 lie. His fins are pink, and the end of the tail is banded with nearly every color of the rainbow He is showy, but this showincss seives him a _ood purpose. His Hesh is bitter and poisonous to man and probably so to oth r tishes as well, and they let him well alone, for they can re cognize him afar off, thanks to his gaudy dress. Underneath the parrot, lying on the bottom, is a "pink hind '. You notice him, and as the parrot passes over him he suddei-ly changes to bright scarlet and as quickly re sumes his former faint color, (lad the parrot been looking for his din ner and thought the hind would make a good first course, this sud den change of color might have scared him off, just as the su dei> bristling of a cat makes a dog change his mind When a hind is disturbed at night, he gives out flashe lights to startle the intrude! and send him away in a fright.—St. Nicholas. Tirrific Rati With Death "Death was fast approaching.'' writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tampa Fla., describing his tearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and keart disease, which had robbed nie of sleep and of all interest in life. I had tried many different doctors and several medicines, but got no lienefit, until I began to use Electric Bitters. So wonderful was their effect, that in three days I felt like a new man 'and today I am cured of all my troubles." Guaranteed at S. R. Bigg's drug store. Too Much Exercise. ••Do you V-nnw" said a pale young invalid at a heal h resort re cently, "I believe that the aitides that are written on the necessity ot physical exercise for women ar- mostly rot. lam a case in point. Ever since I was born I have been fed on hygi. Nic foods, have done hygienic things—and have been an invalid. To develop my muscle 1 have stead ly attended gymna slums and my room is equipped with chest weights, dumb bells, Indian clubs and a punching bag. Now, at the age of twenty. 1 am as thin and pale as a factory hand My cousin Mary has never con sidered her health. So far as 1 know, she never ate anything be cause it was good for her or re trained because it was bad for her She never pulled a chest-weight or swung a club in her life, yet *he is the picture of health with a color and figure any one would envy Kxercise may be a pleasant form of diversion, but 1 am convinced it has ve y little to do with one's health."—New York Tribune. • ACreeiiag Death Blood poison creeps up toward the heart, causing death. J. E. Stearns, Belle Plaine, Minn., writes that a friend dreadfully his hand, which swelled UP like blood poison ing. Bucklen's Arnica salve drew out the poison, healed the wound, and saved his life. Best in the world for burns and «ores. 25c at S. R. Bigg's drug store. The Great Joke, Death. "Death," said a publisher, "has been treated humorously in our lit erature often. Indeed I am quite sure that a collection of many thick volumes might lie made under the title of 'Death's Funny Side.' Thomas Hood was one of our best writers of this sort of verse. Don't you remember his ballad on the youtig sailor who died heartbroken over his girl's untaith f The last stanra was: "His happened in his berth, At forty odd befell; They went and told the sexton, and The sexton tolled the bell. "Hood did another ballad on the subject of a soldier who lost both legs in battle, who was in con sequence jilted by his sweetheart and who then hung himself. Now that is rather tragic, is it uot ? It has a bizarre but none the less poiguant tragic note. Guy de Maupassant indeed once handled almost this same situation, but he handled it from the opposite view point, and don't voti remember how he narrated the first, the cru cial, meeting of the lovers after Ben Battle's double amputation ? "But when he called on Nellie Gray She made him quite a scoff, And wheu she saw his wooden legs Began to take them off. "This treatment drove Ben to despair ; "So around his melancholy ueck A rope he did entwine And for the second time in life Unlisted in the line. "And there he hung 'till he was dead As any nail iu town; For, though despair had cut hitn up, It could not cut him down. "There is a tremendous litera ture of humorous etitauhn. Th»r«. must be, I Y iucy, 10,000 of these, but two of them are all I can re call. The first goes: "Here lies the lxHly of mild Maria; She went one day lo start the fire, "Biit the wood was green, So she used kerosene, And now she's where the fuel is, drier. "The other is grimmer : "Life is a lie, and all things show it; I thought so once, and now I know it. "Then there are songs on the side splitting aspects of death, some of which have caused tender hearted ladies to double up with mirth 'Johnny Jones and His Sister Sue' is one such song, and I bet that six people out of ten 111 America know it by heart. "Yes," the publisher concluded, "under the title of 'Death's Funny Side' an anthology of many, many volumes could be made. The an thology should be IKJUIKI in black pigskin, with grinning skulls and crossbones tooled in gold on it." — Philadelphia Record. When e'er you feel impending ill, And need a magic little pill, No other one will fill the bill Like DeWitt's Little Karly Risers. The Famous Little Fills EARLY RISERS cure Coustipation, Sick Headache, Billiousness, etc. They never gripe or sicken, but impart early risinj; energy. Good for either child rep or adults. J. C- P. Jones, Chi«;f Burgess, Milesbugli Borough, Pa. says "I never used pills in my family during the forty years of housekeeping, that gave such satisfactory results rs De- Witt, s Li*tle Karly Lisere." Sold by Anderson Crawford & Co. Lovely Women. An exchange says Max O'Rell has given to t tit- world the follow ing prescription for making a beau tiful woman: Take the hair of a Hindu. The nose of a Greek. The mouth of the English. The complexion of a German. The height of a Norwegian. The feet of a Chinese woman. The teeth of an African. The arm of a Belgian. The leg of an Italian girl. The eyes of a Spaniard. The grace of a French woman. And you will have an American i beauty. "Don't Buck." If your net hhnr prospers let hini prosper Don't growl, grunt or guimble. Say ago -d word for him and let him go at that. Dont l>e a kicker. Your turn will come. No one is a whole show. If you see the town is moving along rap idly feel good about it Help thills along. Show a little push Try t) get sonic- of the benefit your self. Dont stand around like chilly cad ever and w«st • your time feel ing tore because some fellow has moie sense and success" than you have. Do ain tie hust ing yourself and if you can say a goou word for your town or its people say it like a prince If you are full ot bile and disposed to say something put a padlock oil your mouth and keep it there till you can get a hypodermic injection of the milk of human kindness. Don't be a kicker. No man ever made a dol lar kicking but a professsional foot ball piayer. No man ever got rich minding everybody's business but his own. No man ever helped him self up permauen ly by kicking his ncighdor down Give otheis a kind ly word and give it liberally and gracefully. It won't cost you a penny, and remember, you may want a good word yourself some day You may have thousands to-day and to-morrow be without the price of a ahave. Don't be a kicker. it doesn't pay. You can't afford it. There is nothing in it. If you want to throw some thing throw cologn^-'lihd don't throw mud or brickbats. If you must kick go out behind the house and kick yourself, for if you feel that wuy you are the man that needs kickiug. Whatever you do don't allow yourself to become a chronic kicker. Don't even have • ttwntv Lr*l fvmryUnd f» push together and we'll all be better and happier and live longer. Don't be a kicker, —Elizit>ethtown (K y.)Ni-ws. Harrowing a man's feelings won't help toward cultivating his acquaintance. A young man down here the other day remarked in speaking of fleas, he (lid-not mind their board bill, but certainly dreaded their traveling expenses. Saved by Dynamite Sometimes, a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space that the fire can't cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so long, you feel as if nothing but dynnamite would cure it. Z. T. Gray, of Calhoon, Ga., writes- "My wife had a very aggravated cough, which kept her awake nights. Two physicians could not help her; so she took Dr King's New Discovery for Consum ption, Coughs and Colds, which eased her cough, gave her sleep, and finally cured her." Strictly scientific cure for bronchitis and La Grippe. At S. R Bigg's drug store, price 50c and $1.00; guaran teed. Trial bottle free. Tell me not in mournful numbers, It does not pay to advertise; He who doesn't—his business slum bers He at last in poverty dies. Life is real, life is earnest, Yon must advertise tp win, Dust thou art, for "dust" thou yearnest, Advertising brings the tin. :r cAiU.'tU mfm, sure. Mo mplatma One's Value to a Town. Your value to the town in which live must lie measured by the work you do. If you have noth ing but criticisms and unkind re marks to make of the town and people therein or if you never pat ronize home industries but spend your nionev in other towns, you may depend upon it the good you will do for those around you will amount to very little, and you ought to go forthwith to some place that you can work for and talk for. Both the town you leave and the one you move to would be better for such a change. —Ashe ville Citizen. FOLEYSHONEI^IAR hwilihu^i Helpful Hints. Camphor put awav in drawers or trunks will keep unvay mice Rub hinges with a fea'herdipped in oil uiul thiy will t.ol creak, A stnill b of su phur kepi 111 a drawer o cu board will keep away red ants Uoil Ik re - or four onions in » pint of water, apply Uiih a soft brus-h t>> gilt frames and Hies will keep tt thetn. A spoonful! of vinegar put into the water in which meats or fowls arc boi'ed ma'tes tliein tender. Fqunl parts of ammi: nia and .spir its of turpentine will take paint out of clothin r, no matter how dry or hard the paint may be. Saturate thespottwoor three liin 3, then wash out in soap-suds. A little charcoal mixed with clear water thrown into a sink will dis infect and deodorize it. The odor of sweet-peas is so of fensive to flies that it will drive them out of a sick room. A fever patient can be made cool and comfortable by being fre quently sponged with water in which a little soda has been dis solved, Brass work can be kept beautifully bright by occasionly rubbing with salt and vinegar.—Womans Home Companion. WANTED 10 men in each state to travel, tack signs and distribute samples and circulars of our goods. Salary $75.00 per month. $3.00 per day for expenses. KUHIM AN Co. Dept. S. Atlas Building, Chicago. 15-81. "To do the dav's work well and not to think of tomorrow; to follow the Goldeu Rule, as far as it in me lies, toward uiy professional brethren and the patients that are inlfiipt.d So ,u; V.SIC UlKt tO CUltl a certain measure of equanimity," were the three ideals that Dr. Osier said he held, in liisremarks before snilng for Europe. If every phys ician in America would take these words of Dt. Osier as his example he whuld do well. And it would be a good tonic for every man who wishes to serve his fellow man. — News and Oliserver. This from the Atlanta Journal is plumbing the line; "While it is rather mean to accuse Alexander Hamilton of having been the foun der of the New Jersey breed of trusts, it isn't half as mean as accusing Thomas Jefferson ol being the father of all the various brandk of so-called "Jeffersonian" Democracy that are in existence to day." Many an hour is fritted away 011 small farms thai with great pro fit might be spent in caring for chic kens and ducks. We see from a Carthage paper that a man at Cam eron who is engaged in the chick en business in a small way has just made a shipment of $3lO worth of fine chickens to Mexico. —Ral- eigh Post. Breaking a Will. A wealthy woman named Sylvia died at Lisbon and left her entire property to a rooster. She was a fervid spiritualist, a believer in the trausmitigation of souls, and imag ined the soul of her dead husband had entered the rooster. She caus ed a special fowl-bouse to be built and ordered her servants to pay extra attention to their "master's" wants. The disgust of her rela tives over the will caused the story to become public, and a lawsuit might have followed had not one of the heirs adopted the simple ex pedient of paving the wealthy rooster killed, thus becoming him self the next of kin. —Ex. An exchange says that "laying on of hands" for compliments, especially in children, is now tak ing the place of Christian science. A mother cured her son of using profane language with one dose. She laid her left hand on a sub stantial slipper, and then laid the slipper where it would do the most good. It effected a cure, and a re lapse is not looked for. AfDVERTISINa Your money back.—lutllciou» advertis ing is the kind that pays back to you the money you invest Space in this paper assures you prompt returns . . m mt WHOLE NO. 291 A HATTER OF HEALTH itp, POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS MO SUBSTITUTE Williamston iltilmU Office'over Hank of Martin County, {WILLIAMSTON, N. C. k Phone Charges Mnaagta limited to' 5 mlnutee; extra charge will poeitivcly be made for longer time. To Washington 25 Cents. " Greenville 25 " " Plymouth * 25 " " Tarboro 2 " " Rocky Mount 35 j " Scotland Neck 2J " Jamesville 15 " Kader Lilley'a 15 f J. G. Staton 15 J. L. Woolard 15 " 4' O. K. Cowing &,Co. 15 " ' Parincle 15 " " Robersonville 15 " " KveretU IJ " Gold Point 15 " Geo. P. McNaughton if " Hamilton " 20 " Por other points in Eastern Carolina see "Central" where a 'phone will be ound for use of non-subscribers. In Case of Tire ivant fcv protected. Iu case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live 011.Iu case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowiug. ' Let Us Come to Your Rescue We can insure you agaiust loss from Hire, Death and Accident. We can insure your Boiler, I'late Glass,- Burg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond None But Best Companies RepriseiM! K- B. GRAWrORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building' Anyone Fi niltnir a r.l cb arc' r". oriM' n niii qntckly our ' ptistot. ir..*o wit • brr j •» • uvMiillon i». prctinliiy 10. i •Miam i.: -t --tlonantrirtiy c>,iUi!iMttial. lU* ut>o >k«m awl* •out fryenrjr *««r wuTir.g i a'/**•'•. ri»'..,i»n tukvn ihruutfh unit v o. rt...« ipfuit n-'ticr, * it hout chnrtfe, in the Scienfiflt fltericM. K eimdftornclf Kltt*imt.«l tfa ' .iiletlorr of enr nr»« F Ml'• : *» • r» *ft ic.«r; loar iouiilb,iiv oc -lyail itc«4Uc4ilt n. IAIO & New Yorli lU* ('Wit r*S "«f Wwhlucliifi. I).u AGENTS g f {ft?*® I AGENTS TUI OBKATHT BOOK OF TBI DAT, "CHRIST IN THE CAMP" Br Da. J. WILLIAM Jonas ionn KBPORTai N. C.—"Worked on* day, nodnd 10 antes." Ala.—"Received Pros. 1 o'clock, sold 7 hr nlshf Vs.— iMd 14 In 11 hours." L. P. Hssilss s. fSxas-' Worked ooe day. got U«4n" SPM.Y AT ONCC TO THE MAITIM % HOTT CPs, AtUmU, G*. IV/lILI Id II11? rll 1111 iH lkliik|l*ilQJ to write fbr oar confidential letter before *p plvlnf tor patent: il mar be worth money. We promptly obtain U. S. aari Foreiffa PATENTS or phnu> and we send an IMMEOI ®TK FREE rrport on paUalabutlV civs the best legal serrlos and sdrkoe. 11 >ur ehargt-s ars moderate. Try as. SWIFT & CO opp. U.S. Pat oat (Mce.Wadtins'toa. U.C.

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