CRYSTAL Shaving Parlor W. T. RHODES. Prop. Bank Building, Smhhwick St. New and Up-to-Dale PURS I T UK E The Best Barbers that can be ob tained. Polite and courteous to all. ;MOTTO:* '•We lead, others follow."* H 9* v k M ■ I A TWfart'. 'i:»dk-I acmes hX ■nqi randy ia any •"■t""? *• tract ailments that an tafMßlh amj family. sack m InUgi ei'n "- =r3 Tbadfoeds Illact-D ■#! Is IW standard. imrhilißi iwb ft* awnrli. bowel, li* aadhilwsy tmikla. It it a core ft* the Aonsaa tac ills which to fmjoratij ■*«■« the doctor. Itisan goodfcwckiVfcwi aa it ia far fion paw Adossof tin* medicine evtn day will assa earn the meat oMihi caaa «f &J+- pmaa or oantbialMa, aal WM Übnaa dindrl firings qnkk laiiaf. IXIVTILLX, 111. EFEOL a, IH. IMMi Rteca-nniwM laa Mn«t IMU) K*> fur It* tmm ui wawoaa —> oator. Wkaa vr of m M tally vt taM a 4>«« Mi Mf all rtfM to toM. We tore ap«at laM t( —if fit MIII M BM atoag |to MB toi warn atMa-Umfc- (KA g. um i«t jvw ilnln In* a |i rfcaji of IMM i Hack nwtU 884 * he iot-a ku kwp It ■* n to CVaHft ■oofi MadtonOo^CtolaßMflß|l^to w4 a |in>aaa wfi ha «e in. KILL"" COUCH *M CURE TH« LUKCB "Dr. King's New Discovery /TONSUBPTIOk Pries FOR I 50c* SI 00 u free Trial Snreat and Quickest Cure for all THKOAi and LUNU TKbUU lkb. »r wct'if ra^ir. THI HCCi LOO BEAU SAW MILL WITH HE ACOCK KING FCIO WOIIKS Ks-innn imi lb>iiair«. 111' in VKKT . I'lirfW 6uiuit, ItKK * Hll,!\>l JtSit. ftttlXOLl AXt» I*VTH Nt niniit, 'll«* Mux*. Eie.. Itn CIBIU MACHIKIRT CO.. CelaabU. S. C. THE GIBBES SHINGLE MACHINE XvUlSTtii 3 tirky Wa-wfaii Tea Ncggct? A B*t? Um&mt* far Be*f fteef'.e Vifiv. • f*T f \WM*T****** I* 'tfrdMiß. IJt« , *'-* *.».»«*••* Tr»t.b]«L I 11..1 » . m»«, lintel H -• Rmi B*+mh Mtr 4» s • -Ait* !• « Ii- *k> n-* Trnmntmb j M f «cm. » rt*a!« • K«t HeflmiM immA* fc* J it ui'iu Pt*t» O tir oT. Mh tt»« %' * COLO EN NUGGETS FOR SAUOW PEOPLE BEE'S 44 Laxative iff HONEY-TAR An improvement over all Cough, Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strengthens the Lungs and Gently Mores the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. NIHHD BY Ptolt IMMM 6t., Client. I.S .L S 11. ELLISON & Co —' The most wonderful cure for piles is ManZan, pnt np in collap sable tubes with nozzle attached. It reaches the spot, stops pain in stantly, and cores all kinds ot blind, bleeding, itching or profru 1 ding piles. "Sold by All Dealers." Pineules contain the alternative and diuretic properties fonnd in the native pine. A certain cure lor all liver, kidney and Madder diseases. A single dose of Pine ules win relieve the worst case of backache in one night. "Sold by AU Dealers ' COAL OH. A CONSUMPTION C|URS It la Alan aaU That Crvade OH#le Not. •Ed TaaMaj. / U wm mil knew R. Prtjridencev'haa iwtldal for-aa a paaaraybr aTi the fa ot Ma- Tk» F jtM r ia uali coal ell la a aara. carer for lung liosMk and that peranme who work la the eO lalds. area those who show aiHaaria at a well developed caae of naaamptlne begin the ka* worked In ell kelrta from Egypt ka CaMteaala: 'Any tea I>i font kwnra there ia coal tar and tkere la sulpkur la oil. There la lota of both la thla Kauasaa oil. The driller aad tool dreeeer aad aome tfmra tke an who la putting op the mnaaey aad hnaalag tke Jek geta thla : eta# ha their eyes aaad their noaes and tkere dotkea. Ton caa't am ell aaytkiag else. "Wkat doee sulphar coal tar do for "Now, I kave aeea hundreds of men go to work In derricka. who did not kave eanngk wlad la tkem to propel them acroaa the street. They would Mad of lay arousd aad handle the toots tenderly at first aa If they were liable to break "Tke list thing I do la to make tkem drtak eome of tke crude. Kver drtak erode? Try It. It Is g»ud atraigkt. bat some of the flne-huired boya lihe to take It aoeked la a lump of sugar Arouod theee 1,000 wells la Kaasaa there are hu ad reds of crude Beads. I expect te oee the time whea crude la sold by the small bottle. Just as It Is ■ by the barrel, aad all the lunger cam pa will go out of business. If a maa will stay by crude oil he will never have luag trouble and If he haa lung trouble be will laat longer on a ct ode oil diet thaa on anything else. That'a all I've gut to say about It." I | -■ Cartada'a Militia. Am a result of the quarrel which re reatly led to the curt dismissal of l>ord Ifuodoaald, the British general oarer commanding the military forces la t'aawda. the Canadians have been coafronled with the unauspected fact that their military organization la largely a skeleton Ivord IHindoitald declared that although there are more thaa JOejOWO able-bodied fanadians who have served ia the militia and are available for service, there are In the domlnkm not enough rifles la supply the 10,000 men now In the service. Then- an- no large koob U" general equlpaaeal worthy of the name and only a single cartridge factory to draw upoa for supplies. This state ment baa excited widespread Indigna tion among Canadians, whose mani fest purpose Is to insiot upon s sweep lag reform la the entire system of militia admlalstration. It is proposed hereafter to depend upoa home talent for the lommind of the militia, and Lord liundonald promises to be the laat imported Hrltlah soldier to hold i the position of commaader-ln-chief. The Meat Ancient Coin. Aa arrhaeeologlcal Aad of the great eat Interest has just been made by Pastor I-ohman chairman of the tier- ' maa Society for Scientific Research la Anatolia- fhirlng hla recent Jour ney la North Syria a coin of pure sli ver. excellently preserved, was offer ed to him. which, on examination, proved to bear a perfect Aramt-an In scriptbm of i'aaammu liar Rerub. king of Schamol. who reigned 81*0 years tie ■ fore t'hrlst. It la believed to be the obi eat known cola In the world. I'p to the preeent Lydlaas have always beea regarded as the inventora of mo ney. but this new find shows that the Arameaas, who lived two cen furies before the Lydlans. are the old est known coiners of money. Fish by the Billion One no longer speaks of hatching thousands of young flsh by srtlHelsl means, but of mllluns and hundreds of milliona. The numlter of eggs, fry, flngerllngs and adult Ash distributed by the I'nlted Stales Bureau of Plsh erles In one year aggregated 1.500,- OOO.OttO. It Is certsln thst Iho shad, whileftsh, lake trout and pike perch ■sberfew. each of vast Importance, have not only only been saved from entire depletion, but that Ihey have beea malntalaed. chiefly through arti ficial propagation, at a high degree of peoductivraaea*. That these fisheries are industries to-day. valued St nesrly f3.000.000 annually, la due entirely to ' artificial propagation. Largest Map of the World. The largest map In the world Is the ordnsnce survey msp of England, con taining 10S.O00 streets, nnd routing 11.- nen.uoo S year for twenty years. The scale varies from 10 feet to oneelgbth uof an Inch to the mile. The de tails are so minute that maps having s scale of 25 laches show every hedge. I fence, wsll. building aad even every isolated tree In the country. The pan. show not only the exact shsps of every building, but every por. h, | area, doorstep, lamp post, railway and fire plug. Business Tattooed. Some of the Jspsaeae tradesmen In ' the smaller towns of Nippon hnve a i carious way of advertising their busl | news. On their right forearms they . tattoo figurea -the shoemaker a shoe, the woodcutter aa axe, the butcher a i cleaver Vnderneath these emblems ' are such Inscriptions as, "I do my work modeatly and cheaply." or "I am ; aa good at my trade as most of my ; fellows " Whea they are looking for > work they here their nrrait snd walk ! about the streets.— Exchange Pauperism in London. 1 Da we appreciate the condition of ! London'a poor* in one week 110,405 i I persons had to apply for charity, be [ aides the regular army of vagrants , numbering 1.201 able-bodied snd crip pled privatee. In England snd Wales I over 710.0 M persons are receiving in i doer sad outdoor relief. Such a con dition here would stir us up mightily. Pinesalve contains the antiseptic properties of the native pine, and | is a sure cue sunburn tan, tetter, | eczema and all other skin diseases. Heals a sore, cut or burn without a scar. "Sold by All Dealers." One dose of Pioeoles taken at bedtime will entirely relieve the most obstinate case of backache be fore morning. Pineoles is a cet tain cute for all kidney and blad der troubles. "Sold by All Deal- OS." J? ANccantAL BMKAKPASTS. How MM Maai Mad Ha Ortgf r»aN> laa A®a. According to the Oxford ftnliapf tua la the data of the earliest Maliaa ot breakfast; bat aattl a natarr ass It coaatatad only at a draft of ale or tea or chocolate. Ttew were alr : from 0 o'clock In the mnral'ag ka tko , Afteeatk oariair to moam m the aw eateenth. aad aapa, which similarly ; advanced froaa 5 la tko aftanaoma to ■ T o'clock. Pepya. lor feaataaea. west down to the adaalraky at I or i la thai morn Ins oa ao other krsakfaM Itaa ; half a plat ot wtae ar a dram ot cor | dial. Bat Ik tko dfMualk erjalury dinner waa gradually poatpoaaed aattl tort o'clock la the aftcaaaaa. WMa ' It passed midday breakfast beramc a necessity aad a BML Before thb ' hunger had demanded the afdltlia of bread aad Nat each relish aa radiah ea to the aaoralag drafts But whea, a hundred yearn ago. cold meals aad hah begaa to ke auiH at breatkfaat the at moat anrprise waa es preaaed. lis novelty made it faahwoaa hle aad led to the (Mac of hnaUM part lea. of which Mr. Gla dat oar's vera the last Eleven or IS o'clock waa tka hour aad It waa declared to bo par ex cellence the meal for porta. Tom Moore was aa inveterate break faster aad after the trencher work sung fur tko coapasj'a tatrrtais meat. Breakfast Anally htiraaae an lastlto , tloa. aa a aecaaaary aaah ha the loag ' I stretch between supper overnight aad dinner the neat afteraooa. Tkle ao ceptaoce of breakfaat a matary ago thus made Knglaad for the lr>t time a thrae-meala-a-day aatioa. What aa Ateas la. How large hi aa atus? "IVrtawpa the simplest though aot the moat « act way of arrirtag at a rough ewti mate of tke size of atoasa la by aaeaa uring the thlckaeaa ot a soap bubble film, whore it Is aa tkia as pi—able Juat before It burst a," saya a writer. "Such a film. If roaapoaed of aioaaa must be something like a pebble wall Now a pebble wall woald not staad If it were aot several pebbles thick and If we had reasoaa to aappuar that It waa about a dozen pebbles thick w« could eaally make aa eatiaaale of Iht alxe of a pebble by maaawilag the thlckaeaa of the wall. That ka the caae with the thlaaeat radta of a soap film It la fouad to have a very deflalte aad uniform thlckaeaa It la the thianeat thlag know a and by re fined optical meaaa It* thlckaeaa caa be accurately measured. It mast con tain not less thaa soaaethlac like a dozen atoms la Ita thkhaess aad fK It ia oaly about the tweaty-mlllioath of aa Inch In thlckaeaa by direct ■eas uremeot. So that the diameter of aa atom comes out between oae tao hundred mlllioath aad oae threehaa drvd-mllllonth of aa lach. la other worda from about Mt.tM.M* to 3M.- 000,000 of atoms caa lie rd(e to r-dga la a linear lach." WISS AND OTHERWISE. Aa a rule there la lire where there la amnke but occaaioaally the aaaoho ' cornea from a pipe dreaaa. You can find the maa yoa owe la half the time II takes to Bad the one who owes you. A maa doeeat believe la hack If ka la havlnc the right kind. The wise maa taken a hark seat aad watches the fool bat Into dang>-r Polltlclana are mea who try to aara the country at Ita owa expeaae. A person can Uve oa 12 ceata a day —but few people are willlag to do U. Where Celd Killa. Klondike River la fed by aameioaa soda sprlnga aad even the wlater'a odd falls to close them entirely Walking on the edge of the Ire near the ahore. a miner oae day •Hpprd into ala Inchea of water, la a no meat he waa out aad hastening to the brush hard by to light a lie before his feet frore. Rapidly ho cat a few fragmeata of wood with his heavy pocketknlfe. But the anllghted match dropped from hla already chilled flag era. for he had rashly removed hla mltteaa In order to' nse the knife with mitre freedom. Then he lighted a second and a third aad kaally several at one time, but either hla haste or perhaps a sigh of the air caased them to fall on the saow. AH thla time the frost waa selling his llmbe. hla body, his heart, his mlad. He taraed to the fatal mltteaa, which he never should have tahea otf. hat hla already frozen fingers could oaaly lift them from the Ice where they had fallea. ' and after a vala attempt he haried them from him and strove oacr again to light a laat match. Bat It waa too lata I Making Imitation Pearta. Among all precious atnoes few are ao extenalrely Imitated as the pearl. Tha real article la a silvery white Irldeeceat gem. extracted from the pearl oyster. The real pearl la really an unfructlfled egg ot the oyster. Ita imitation la arrived at by a chemical proceee. Tke Hqoor em ployed la the maa start are la called "essence d'orteet." Tha base of thla compound ia prepared by throw tag la to water of aaamoala the brilliant scale* of a small river flah called tha blay. Expectatien of Life. A Preach mathematician givea tke following rule for calculatlag the age to which the average human Mat may reaaonably expect to attaia The rule, however, la aot applicable to children under twelve, and it will not work with persoam over eighty. Subtract year, preeeat age. froaa eigh ty six. divide the remalader by two. aad tke result will give yoa akowt tka name number of years aa the table* of mortality used by the life aaaar aace oompatalee.— g -- w —g All old time cough syrups were designed to treat throat, lung and bronchial affections without doe re gard for the stomach and bowels, hence most of them produce con stipation. Bee's, the original Laxative Hooey and Tar. gentlv moves the bowels and cores all coughs, colds, croup, etc. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is the origioal Laxative Cough Svrap. Look for the letter B in red oo every package. "Sold by AO Dealers." BACKGROUND OF THB IYL . A fTipiwi Physteisn Hm IncmM in Photographing It. | Accord las to t Qerui Ihekuia ! tfco usiaUit of tka. unl'tniitj clwlc o( im itoyal Charity UowiUl, Dr. Wit tktr Thoraer. ku succeeded to salv ia* a problem which had received j Mck tfladoa from away others be fore him. bat with Utile or ao saccoaa. He has maaaged to photograph lb* : bacfcgroaad of the era aad ohtala ! good picture* of It, too. His larea j Ooa riprpaaats a material improve-, t flkeat oa the ophthalmoscope invented by Helm bolts la 1850. The latter, how wer, only admitted of viewing the tackgniwd of the eye. The tact that all attempts to photo graph the Interior or the background of the ere had remained fruitless so far was doe to the peculiar con*mic tion or the eye. It Is dlßcult to light ap the laterfor to such an extent as to eaable oae to take a photograph at It aad even ID the use of strong sources of light the exposure would require so much time that the eye wowld have to be fixed, which woald (rally taeoa vent fine the patient. Now Dr. Thorn «-r has constructed an apparatas with which he first suc ceeded la pfcotograplilng the oyes of aaimals. specially cats. No Chances In Amazon Region. Catted States Conkul Ayme at Para Braxil. » Kinds a note of wsi uiuj' for ' the benefit of those who think there is a fuUrs field far exploitation in the {Amazon regloa of South America. "I despair." says Mr. Ayme, "of finding language strong enough to express the utter aad absolute hopeleasenss of sue ma> that awaits any of tin* unhap py «-nough to attempt to make even a hare living oa the banks of the migb ty Amazon Ido not say that the ao qalxitloa of a fortune or a competence is diacult, doubtful or Impossible; I aay that such a miserable existence as would disgust a Digger Indian would be hardly obtainable by one man la of such as are thinking of com ing here. It may be that there are places la 8r,./11 where colonists might do well. perhaps but I do not know of aay such place* " The rubber trees, Mr AyaM say> are widely separated and Ihey can only be reached by forc ing one's way through a thick-matted almost ImiMTo-i rable swamp forest which produces very little food for hurnaa beings. Cause* of Insanity. As alienlat ami > publicist were dim tat «*Hh«r. "What would you Imagine to be tbs ehwf cause of In sanity V the alleslat asked. "Alcohol." sal it the publicist. "RlKht," returned the other. "A (Wtus haa been made of 136,000 lunar lira, aad it has been found that 18.- of these went mad through drink (■l "What were the other causes of is suit >' among them?" said the public lal. "Well, there WHS overwork. Thers was hire. There was old age. There was sunstroke. Hilt these causes were taMgniDraut lu number beside alcohol. Line, for instance, bad brought on 3,- 221 cases of Insanity; overwork, 781; sunstroke 1.686." ' Any strange causes?" "Oh. yea; there waa dyspepsia; there was fright, there waa disappoint meat, there was Joy. One man went ud over the loss of bis foot In a rail way accident; another over the and den Inheritance of a large fortune; s third over his wife's death. Among Lb« 136.000 persons we have been din casting. 3.796 were victims of soma aort of rellgtoua mania—of Buddh ism or Taoism, or lllavatskylsm.— Washington Post. English Milk Drying Machine. The Just Matmakcr milk drying ma. -him- ia eitmmely simple. The cylin ders are heated by steam to a surface temperature of about 2.10 degrees Fahrenheit. They are nejiaralei 'mm each other about one eighth t as Inch, and revolve Inversely, making atxmt six revolutions a minute. Tba milk to be dried is fed continuously uptm the revolving cylinders and. pae slog iietween them. Is spread in s thin, uniform layer upon the surfacs of each cylinder. The milk solids are then removed In continuous sheets a* ihe cylinders revolve by stripping kaivea held in contact with the cylin ders. By this process milk is reduced to dryaesa In lesa than thirty second*. The sheets of dry milk are afterward pulverised by being passed through 1 sieve.—lxindon Engineer. The most pleasant and positive cure for indigestion, heartburn and all stomach troubles is Ring's Dyv I epsia Tablets. They aid diges tion, tone and strengthen the stomach. "Sold by All Dealers." BRICHTS DISEASE I Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," art drifting towards Bright's Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. 1 #§\ FOLEYSKI DNEYCURE j,. \\ _ stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tl«—«■ I 3* the kidneys so they will perform their (unctions property. Healthy kidneys strain est I I the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not and I M g T~SB 7 j\\ the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, I M - J . causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. I I Ifrou have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S I V KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent s ■ fatal malady. It is plessant to take and benefits the whole system. Caa easily d«Ur»ia« If yaw k idaeya ara G. B. Barkaaa af CarUak Ccntar, N. wtttaa: M .— «* *7 •«*** fcr H k—» * ■ ■ VOv» IStfl w tke oriaa paaacd apoa arising. If mt amm Mm.y trouM* by Mm lm Una tm >i*Mn mt ■ I N IMia eaamiaa t io« It is ■ yOLEyS PPMBY CURE akoaM fca tafcea tSTZ ■ 8. R. Wllliameton, IN. G. I IF YOU WANT I I TO KNOW I I WHY I TOBACCO is the largest seller, cot out this advertisement and send, together with 2c stamp, toRJ. Rey nolds Tobacco Co.. Winston-Salem. N. G, and they will mail free a 5c sample of this tobacco. Write your name and address (dainty. m AN ARRAY Or BARGAINS IN STORE FOR .Jewelry Shoppers. Those contemplating buying jewelry, snch as Elgin, Walt ham and otber Watches, Diamond, Solid Gold and Silver Kings, Watch Fobs and Chains. Stick Pins Ktc., will do well to inspect our stock h&BB&RT D PCCLE T**M 31 TIE JEWELER WMMSIN. I. C. Dennis S. Bigg*. Pros ft Trai T. W. Tilghman Gen. Mgr. Asa T. Crawford, Sec. DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CX) . Manufacturers of . Kiln Dried North Carolina Pine Lumber. > Jl • • • • DENNIS SIMMONS'SRAND CVPPESS SHINCLF ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED 1 *L \ 1 WILLI AMSTON. N. C. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1905 Head of the Slate's Educational System. DOPARTIBNTS CollrfUlc. Engineering, Orailuate. law, Medicine. Pharmacy, I.ihrary contains 43.n00 volumes. New water works, electric lights, central heating system. New dormitories. gymnasium, V. M. C. A. building. 667 STUDENTS. 66 INSTRUCTORS. The Fall term begins Sept. it. 1904. Address FRANCIS P. YKHASLB, PRKSIDENT CHAPKL HILL. N. C. 1_ 6 1641 Alfred Petford Cementing! Plastering! Brick-Mason! When in ncrl of this class of work I will he glad to hear fiom vou. Call on or atltlrttm ntc at 6-2-6 m Willi.,nuton, N. C. IXDTES kb IC'RMU I * tor »ip>r»or to rtUwr Md at klyh prkm SSKSS&SSSSSS. Br. urtuM, rklUMfkta, r*. Special Rates VIA Atlantic C oast Line. CALIIMOKE M«1 « ajo for ■be found trip arc ant In'rfMthi*- «1 Con rem i n U.-it'd Chrutian Endeavor Society Jily S-'O. Ticit ets oil sale iuljr ist. 2nd. jid aad 4th Tickets mini be deposited with joint Agent Haiti more Md . immediately pon a-rival and will be good to leave HalUin- re itot later than Juljr 15th. Fxu*h*hm of the .final limit to August 3 1st majr IN? obtii""d l»r pavmem of fee ol ft co Oil e.ith ticket to J- 4»tt Agent It IRON I' i lot. >nd riturn $77 « > Triten.ational Sunday S« haul To-onto Out jtue 1 -*7: Tickets 01. .le |one 9th. IJ h. ust unit ••tid ijril restrict ed to continuous- pasaag in direction with final li-.wt leatre fo roi.t«. .tun- 30th iv 5. Howe er. ext*n>ion of fi.. >1 lirrit to leave 'o ronto not later thjn August /sth. jn.ijr l»e i»litafi«*-l l»r depos t of ft* k- t w'th Joint ftetw* en June > th mid June scnh and • *y mi-nt of f.-e of « at time ot de posit. NIAGARA FVI. S V. V. and ■elurn $t :.)u Ant.lent Aral'ic Older of Mystic Shrine Imperid C*»*ui if. Niagara Falls, N. V.. June xoth 13rd. Tickets nn sale June I7tti, 18th and 19, final limit June i«Ui Extension of final limit to July 14th may be obtained by deposit of ticket with Joint Agent not later than June 14th and payment of fee of fifty cents STOP OVERS w.ll be allowed at Washington, Balti more and Ptulade phia on ticket* routed through these points within the going limit June 19th and re turn limit June 14th. tickets to be deposited with Ticket Agent Stop over point immediately upon arri val If tickets have been extended stop may be taken for period not exceeding ten (10) days, but not later than July 14th' BUFFALO N. Y.- and return fio 50 Annual Meeting Grand Lodge B. P O. £. Buffalo. N. V.. July 11-15, 19C5. Tickets on »ale July Bth, 9th and 10th. final limit July ■ sth. Tickets will be restri. t ed to continuous passage in each direction. Extension of final limit to August 4th may be obtained by deposit ot ticket with Special Agent and paymmt of f eof fi.oo. SfOP OVER at Washington, lUMimofe and Philadelphia on tickctmading through these points will be allow ed nn going trip within transit limit, and on return trip within final limit. July sth If tickets have been extended, stop can - l«e taken not to exceed ten days, not later than Angust 4th ASBURY PARK, N. 1 and it turn >18.05: National Education al Association, Anbury Park N- J- July 3-7. Tickets on sale June 29 to July 2d, inclusive, final limit July 10th. Tickets restricted to continuous passage in each direc tion. Extension ot the final limit may be obtained to August 31st by deposit ol ticket with Special Agent and payment of fee of 50 cents at time of deposit. Stop over at New York on return trip may be obtained provided ticket has lieeu validated by joint agent As bury Park and is deposited with joint agent New York not later than one day after validation at Asbury Park and upon pay ment of fee of (1.00 at time of deposit, but in no case shall atop over at New York extend be yond August 31st. Stop oven. Washington, Baltimore and Phila delphia will be permitted on the going trip within going limit of the ticket not to exceed July 3rd and on the return trip within final lim it of the ticket. If tickets have been extended atop over amy be taken for period of ten days not to exceed August 31st.

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