r ~- -v ««ZndM > llaitfd twmatj lour koJt* STbadT MHMfMedkitiktUnn aad Msd fcmwidt order. VMMBt. Thaw Is comfort Is tbs Imnhjp M if Itl Dr. KOBMr's 3 limp Root. tbe p«l WM7 remedy liWfc »■) whk la cartar rhswaalian. pam la tbs hack. NuMitisdmtijr pan of tbe urhwy ptifr It conrtcts taMbAtjf la hold water and icaldtag pais la (iialag arias or bear. aad wuciwai that aaplsasaat •cctaity of hataf compelled to fa ohea . Oaring the day, aadkpt many twnas tnaj the night. The mild aad the au» ataat effect of Sgaap Root b aoaa | tea bred. It stsads the highest for Ma aaa : Mysa ased a medicine you ib'slTfears the bast. Sold by druggists la 50c. and sl. Wei . Yob may have a aaafh lalHa of thb wooderful Recovery f-jT! aad a booh that JfaQEh aore about It. both sent ■KgMHDHSKjEj absolutely bee by mall. L AddraatDr. Kilmer fc a—rfi .H ia Co., Blagbamlon. N. Y. When wrtHaf aaa ; ■aa lesSngthisttiawuusidbi to thm paper. • Don't make any mistake, b* naambo ; ta name. Swamp-Root. (k. Kilmer'» ; Swamp-Root. aad the addresa, Btaghamloa.' N Y„ oa every bottle. - CRYSTAL Shaving Parlor * iw. T. RHODES. Prop.* Bank Building. Smith wick St. | New and l*p-to-D*le FU RN I TUKK The Best Barbers that can lie ob tained. I'olite and courteous to all. ;MOTTO: ' "We lead, others follow. "* KILL™. COUCH Ma CURE THI LUNCS ■ - --- . . —.... . - I Dr. King's New Discovery mil fries FOn 1 OUGHSaad SOehft.W V°L» fr~ Trial. Saiwt u- Cukui Cdte Li aii THROAT Bad LQNO TEOUB " or HONEY BACK. . ir»« fiiiJM——• ■ I * I I M Tn -iw" COTTSS nasi Tmk UuauT Oiaataa Mm oiuu NACBtmr co. Calaahla. M. O. _________ mcl' -sTrnc Rocky Mountain Tea Nugget; A Bmj iMaiu far Buy Pwfls SHaf s Cn'iii Btt i ud bu«4 Tijar A cpenlle f-* " * Iwr Tro'.hJ*--, 11,. plf r rir.%. Im] M i Shram!) Bo.rW. • It -fck*. It ihrtir Tn ia ia Jj. fuju.. »m» at*.* tiwiiw I r*' -riia I»um (Vhm«», Wadi* «. Wi» UKKk NUGCETS FOB SALLOW PCOFt BEE'S Laxative HONEY-TAR Aa fanproremeat over di Cough, Long and Broochiel Remedies. Cures Coughs. Strengthens the Lungs mc \ Gently Moves the Bowels. I Pie—sat to the tsste and food silks for Young sad Old mmn av ma*» mop. I.li The most wonderful cure for piles is MacZan, put up in coltap sable tubes with nozzle aitaclied. It reaches the spot, pain in stantly. and cures all kinds ot blind, bleeding, itching or protru ding piles. ' Sold by All Dealers.' SJPineules onnuin the alternative asd diureiv properties found in the native pine. A certain car* I for all liver, kidney and Madder i diseases. A single dose of Pi ne nles will relieve the wont case of i backache in one night. "Sold by AB Dealers " BUSt SHOPPING DAY Wa aaat at a haul aad 1 thoaght aba attach w ad easeaa Mac a wo- I bar iiiiJinrwa dead. aba told ma. aad fear taM waa abroad, bat ' might ha haaaa asala at aaj Uaae. Ska aa* always ojaMlrly draaaed ihi tba latasß aad money 1 saaaaad llalaal with bar. She was i aa s lift abappar, pick at knowing : sbH she waaM aad galcfcer atill al lir*( N. aad I waa rery glad aba af'w* la pilot m throagh the difll calt ■— at tbe ariatar aalea. Wa aal oaa ckslm amaciai what : we wnr to hay. | "It to far better lo go aow when ! tba Brat raab ad the aalea Is orer." 1 said Mr*. Yereker. "I areat the Brat | three Says aynlf. hat tbe crowd was j awful. aad tbm are stlU plenty of : things la ha bad." -DM yoa ptcb ap aaay thiagsf" I j asked. 1 She laid dawn the Hat ahe waa mak J las aad stared at ase la dsab aaue ■ ■ cat. Thaa bar bee efcwred. | "Yea —ao. net aa ssacb. Let me j aae; I hoasht this tea-mat aad aom j hata aad say sew clay carat -that Is , all. I hrikrt" I She eoatiaaad tbe list, aad at last j I rasa wtth a alath of ap relief, -m call for yoa si aia« tMßurniw, aad well get Nonsaa to lead aa his \ tootor." | -Yea. do," abe said 1 lore a roo ! tor—we caa (s to doable the autabvr ' of afeope aad i|tal tbe whole morning , Iwdlag aroaad aatll we Bad exactly j j what we waat."" . The eeit anratog I railed for Mrs. ) Yereker aad Coaad her arallllix j -woa't yaa tad that coat too hot." f I asked as we reached the Brsl uf oar ; shnpa. aad I slipped oS say owa heavy I Botoriax mat " No. I lore H." ahe replied; "I am I never too warsa." I bought ay eoat aad selected Home j lare. aad wenf oa lo . where I ) ehiwe a few aaodeal aad oae or two expeasive liloai a. tbea we weal oa lo ' a third aad last shop While I pas cbmwiag suae ribboa la tbe multi colored ribboa departaseat. Mrs. Var ekev aid to Be: "I mm lest cuts* to the bssdker | chit-fa. I win Jak yoa la the tar da paitsaeat—yoa are golac then-r* "Yea. I ahaat be loaß.- "S* 1" rile aaswerad; 1 am ter) tired I has Sal«hrd by purchases whea aha caaaa beck. "Are yoa ready? I aa feeling ao ■ Calat lk> yoa aaiad karrylagT" Ta Jaat ready." I said, "this rery monwat.- aad 1 pat aay haad la my ma# to get my parse There sras an i parse- there, aad I gave a cry of dla saar "Mrs. Vareher!—ray purse!— It's Koae sad I had £S la tt I had It a moasrat ag»»- I mast have put it | dnaa ia the ribboa departmeal." "Let me pay." she begaa—but I taterrwpted her. "N«seaae: It eaat be really goae" —aad I almost raa to the ribboa (l« partm-nt I fnand the shopwslher aad the aa ststaat bat an me had aeea It. aad baskets of rlbbua were hastily arsrrlieil Without result I weat back diseoasolate to Ihe fur depart a» at ~l am awfally sorry to hare kept j you." I brgaa. "Pardua me. madsm " A state luokiag maa ia a frurk coat I alid past aae aad laid his haad firmly j oa Mrs. Vsreker's snu at tho luo m. ut she aras steppiag lata my motor Whai do yua acaar she stammer ed llus dare yea? Caaaot you see 1 an> ill aad a lab to gu home at j onceT™ M> 1 spraag to her side "Never mind abual the wretched purse." 1 said to the aoaa TWs lady is aot well, let her g» home, aad I will eotae I Mick about the parse " The maa took ao aotic* of m but beadtag to Mr* Vereher said noma thing thai made her step suddenly bach aad staad by his side. Then, to 1 my alter aaaaxeaeat. shaking obrtous ly fruaa bead to foot, and without even | looking at mte. she taraed Into the i shop aad 1 fallowed la bewildered i ! dismay ( U was sooa over. A few minutes la a privstr rouaa and two femala \ Marchers had takea the heavy coal, i far heavier aow with the lare and far aad lowers aad bioaaea that were marvedoaaly fasteaed la Its ample folds fader heir cloak aad attached lo her waist by Brm hooka hang aov ml fats aad mmay pieces of costly lac*. Mrs. Vereher. white as death, show ed ao sign of what she mast ha feel ing. bat looked la front at her with a dased. set fee*, while I slipped out side to the waitlag maa. He waa talk rag to aaolher shopwalker, who, Inck ity. kaev me weO "What b Itr- I asked "U she a thlefT"— a stlty quest km he answered "Oae of the worst shoplifters In liadta." he ssld laconically, "aad yet we've aever heea able to catch her' Her husband la doing alt raoaths aow for tbe very ssae thlag She knew yoa were kaowa here, msdsm aad . firooght you to ahleld her." "Bat how did yoa Bad her out to- 1 layT" I aaked. aghast, "aad what did yoa aae her take?" -Roast thlag that bfhmga to joa." he said, as he gravely headed me By parse —R. Neisb. IB Loadoa Dally Mail Pioesalre contains the antiseptic properties of the native pine, and is a sore cn c sunburn tan. tetter, eczema and all other skin diseases, lleals a sore, cat or barn without c a scar. "Sold by AD Dealers." t — I One dose of Pineuks taken at I bedtime will entirely relieve the ( most obstinate case of backache be- ■ fore morning. Pineules is a cei- J tain cure for all kidney and htad- f der troubles. "Sold by All Deal- * .•.Vrsv •. » r- I f- A IHsrary Oathn. j r*»bmj Birtri Jlnway oAfi I DM lit-er-a-choor doesn't pay. But I aa glad dulu j" ▲ lit'rary man— I Iter I've made thirteen cents toduy. j | , Sura. I J Jlfflt-Too look worried lately. Wij don't yon join the Don't Worry Clab? | Jaggs—l belong to it now I'm ho hind in my dues, and I'm almost «v ried to death for fear they'll pot ae oat No Wonder. ■> - - J The Man-What makes the Ud with tho np on talk with each a pn-nlwi W nnunt f The Boy with the Derby on—Aw Ihe cai't help it. Hi* fader is an Irk* am tied inn, and madder uap ema * igi 1b vaudeville. It dust Suited Him. v i Mr. Nicks—So TOO aold that mate to! the Susan family, did yon? Why. Ae! Mid ahe wouldn't take it, bene* it j would ha impossible to get any water there. Partner—Well, I sold it to her hue- W hand, and he aaid that waa just tan reason why he wanted it. He Know It. * •• Yss. Mr Gush, the man I msrrr wi!l have to jbe a hero, hold and absolutely faarleee "Undoubtedly, Miss OldgirL" % Two of a Kind. . "80 v»ir "80 long!" ww----» * - - - - "■iMfTinl lampoon Gst Ott Clwap He may mil think, he has got off cheap, who, after having con tracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectedly restore his health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant, and certain cure for headache constipation, etc. 25c at S. R Bigg's drag store; guaran teed. ' > £2: W' Wanata Sun —l heard yoo aarritd a mtc mi I anaj (bapaek-le; ah* mimtinl His tt a «M-m Spayea—l heard there waa a i«ht hen, last night, and I came to aw tat it Hotel Proprietor—Who are yemt Bkua Spayce—War correspondent flar Ike "Niekclaut Mazarine." Swift Punishment. Mr*. June—What did yoo think when mn beard aw sing that new song? Hnliby Oh. 1 thought the pwaiMt rm« gnat. ?J» Jane—What do yon mnul Fnbby Oh. I mean yoo killed it. Not as Usual. I ll* - J I e • oMI I Q % 2 ravi Blanche (indignantly)—He wa anot Will-No; ha waa sober. Man absorbs knowledge aa a sponge torn water, and llko a sponge ho tsads aa occasional wringing not , I FOLEY'S KDNEY CURE I I Will positively cure any case of Kidney I I OP Bladder disease not beyond the reach I I off medicine. No medicine can do more. I I FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE I strengthens the urinary oigans, iSSsfSS builds up the kidneys and unrig- I orates the whole system. Wlirs ""J" TWO BIZCB SOo and *I JOO ■ -»»«—.-« I S. R. Bigfte, Williams ton, IS. G. '^ X " , Soar wmfr Mens M charity la to *Qmm ItVfcr the speech to Whan a Mi tatters yon pot a Übe nx he han to grtod. Ko Cordeßa an Indulgent husband decant always cane hooae early, flu allien he*a too fall to get koaa Attar watthag ban from the rate track a man la la the hamor to amr at hia wife lor taking chances on the eake at a church fair r The sinks thai awlaa about the Maads which Be off the oueat of Nor way and Finland. In March and Apr. I. they tarn ap at the Anna or evea at v*-*t to the I at! ties They swim fast, j tm la Jnae they are hack again o* , N» "way Some of thaau whales bare . be a knowa to bring heck erideacea of where they have beea. for harpoons of 'be ptcaliar khad eacd o> the Const of Sooth America have been foen-t start in thtaa. The Shyn Crofters. Daring the crofter dlaturtiancea In Bk *o a British gaaboat waa sent ap to Partree. having on board, tmom* ott T ptoplt. the sharttT of Inverness akH>, Mr. Ivory. A clergyman who sympathised with the crofters t -ok for his test oa the followtng Sunday the worts boos Klaga 10:12: "Once In th « years «ane the nary of Tar shl h. briagiag Ivory and apes and Seven lash Eatanslsn Ring. A Philadelphia girl has what la ap parently aa ordinary four-coil aerpent ring- It la. howerar. provided with aa Irft-"' —' nam bar of Uay Joints which at* only diaeornable upoa the rliiaaal 1 I —" bat which permit the ring to be extended Into a spiral sevoral lacbsa In length. The ring is over H years old and was Bade In Women. A Tiny Seat of Psnrt. A Jeweler In Taria has aaade a tiny boot of a single pearl. The bull N flnely ahaprl and might serve aa a model for a wring sloop, the sail it of beaten gold, studded with dia- and tho Manacle light Is a perfect raby. Aa emerald serves as Its rodder, and Ms stand la a slab of Ivory. ' Its weight Is leaa than aa or -m and R la aaid to have cost •MM. PstiH.i MINt In Austria. la tho maktag of petrified milk or galaHth. la Austria. »,000 quarts of sllmmod milk are ased daily. The caaeia la precipitated by chemicals and mixed with formalin. This pro dart la used aa a substitute for born, tartle shell. Ivory, celluloid, marble, amber, and hart robber. atsahs Net ea Oeeolata. masks did Sse.OM.OM worth of trade srith Pacttc roast cities in a single year, dog IM4M.OM of gold, caught fAMS.SM worth of salmon, turad | oat coal enough to prove herself self- j I support tag la fuel, 'kept two tank j 1 ah!pa basy exporting petroleum and operated at least 1M steamers on the Takon. Quinine in India. The inhabitants of malarious re gions in India can now purchase qui nine at prnct lenity coat price. It Is pat ap la saaall packages by the gov ernment and sold at the rate of\cent for ten grains. \ A balr tarns gray a*e years There are snid to be ISO glaciers hi the Alps over Ive miles la length. • 1 ' ■ Wives ae Oeme Retrievers. The Kmptror of Anaasa uaea his wives to retrieve the game he shoots. Ouaastlmea a wife la drowned la swim ming after a bird and aanitlnn son ts aeddeatally ahot, bat the Imperial harass la large. Now is the time to subscribe for Tbk Enterprise:. __ t THE ENTERPRISE ..JOB DEPARTMENT.. AH Kinds of Job Printing Done * The Latest How The Beat Workmen -jjjfffe' The Best Eqnipped Plant la Eastera North CsroMns Enables as ts Tarn Oat the Best Wark for the ... LEAST MONEY ... We Hake a Spcciaty of Commercial Printing No Order too Small No Order too Luge No Job too Small No Jab too Large vV/ > Letter Heads, Packet Heads, - - Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, ircula if, iffiv logue and Book Work. We are now preparing for Tobacco Warehouse work, send for prices and samples. The Enterprise Fining Company, Inc., PUBLISHtS - PRINTERS - BINDERS Williamstoß, - North Carolina . hßHsmmrnanammnaHmmannßU Oniii S. tins h» a Ttav T. V. TH|>— CCT. Mgr. Am T. Crawford, Sea DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO Kilo Driri North Gunfaii Bt f —ki, > > • • • • MM MMKMr UUMO CTMtM SMiMOLB ORDERS AMD CORMESPOMDEMCE SOLICITED WILLIAMSTON. N. C. iKfotT w ran conmoy or J. C Robertson, Banker *t tOWIMKCTIUXI C, M IkrttarafMM Mm* Mk. lienor kit f* Im aa* mmii ■ I »rJV*.* omdnft* fteiitiFTaad H»l«w« »«tn »nl Fiiw imiJ t n+H talMlnta4Mm »♦»> OKfaarinttniMlkw iA» total I r st vr Luaunn Caph "Stork x — - tifcitH n I*l •* —— - - rfanr orlllfcfi-* W 4t»Mt i_l—— Hi» mail > a»l»fru to Out im(j« -■■firt'i IT irl i ■!il 7VM Mkh)tMr 11 n • WTM. I stall at Hank c»—lw« « Cmmmty of autta | >—>.*» i ll Mlj —ir a— !**«*—l«—»r . M hint kIWIM 4«y>iml% mmJ MM. J. C >n*>:>lMW. Cater —v4 nlmM I>MM M *h 9k ■1 at |>« mk MM Man Mk I Aired Petford Cementlncl Plastering! « . Brick-Mason! Wfce* in need of tin* claw off work I will be glad to bear (ion Too. Call on or address me at 6-2-fea Williamston, N. C. y^pjlgs Sift, Quick, Reliable

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