ADVERTISING ~ Ynnr n loner back.—Judicious ad vert»- >°K u tbe kind that par. back to von the money vou invest. Space ia this paper uwm jrou prompt return* . . Jk VOL. VII. - NO 7. DIRECTORY T«wn Officers Mayor—B P. Godwin. Cawmiaai.mert —A. A derson, N. S. Peel. W. A RUiwn. ]. D. Leggelt. C. H. Godwin. . Street C«mmi**K«uer—J I>. UgKtt. , Clerk—C. H. Godwin. Treuuicr -N. S. Peel. Attorney—Wheeler Martin. QChief of Police-). H. Pa**. Lodges Skewarkce Lodp, No. 9a, A. F and A. M. Regular faceting every *nd aad 4th Tuesday nights. Roanoke Camp. No. 107, Vomlnie* o# the World. Regular meeting every aad laat Friday night*. Ckorck of tke Advent Stulm on the wcond and fifth Sun- , days of the moath.morning and evening, aad oa the Saturdaya (5 p. m.) before, and oa Moadava (9a. m.) afteraaid Sun ' daya of the month. All are cordially in vited. B. S. LAKSITKH. Rector. Methodist Cnurcb Rev. R. K. Roae, the Methodiat Paa tor, has the following appointments Kvery Sunday morniug at 11 o'clock and night at 7 o'clock respectively, except the second Sunday. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday even ing at > o'clock. Holly Springs 3rd 1 Sunday evening at 3 o'clock: Vernon lit Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Hamilton ■•ad Sunday, morning and night; Haaaells aad Sunday at 3 o'clock. A cordial in vitation to all to attend these services Baptist Church Preaching on the tat. and and 4th Sun days at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:30' Sunday School every Sunday morning at ):to. j. D. Biggs, Superintendent. The pastor preaches at Hamilton oa the 3rd Sunday in each month, at 11 a. m aad 7:30 p. in., and at Riddick'a Grove •n Saturday hciore every lat Sunday at 11 a. m.. and on the Ist Sunday at 3 p. m. Slade School House on the aad Sunday at 3 p. m . and the Biggs' School House •a the 4th Sunday at 3 p. m. H very body cordially invited. R. I). CARROLL. Pastor. SKEWARKEE JL "^ E W No. W.iF.lll. /NJJA DIRSCTORV POR 1905. S. S. Brown, W. M.; W.C Manning,S. W.; Mc. G. Taylor. J. W.; T. W. Thorn aa, S. 0.; A. P. Taylor, J.D; S. R. Biggs. Secretary; C. D. Carstarphen, Treasurer; A. K. Whit more and T.C.Cook, Stewards: R. W. Clary, Tiler. STANDING COMMITTERS: CMARITV— S. S. Brown. W. C. Man ning, MC. G.Taylor. PIMANCS—Joa. O. Biggs. W. 11. Har ell, R. J. Psel. RRVKRRKCR—W. H. Rdwards, W. M. Green, P. K. Hodvea. ASYLUM —H. W. Stubba, W. H. Rob ertson, H. D. Cook. MARSHALL— I. H. Hattoa. Professional Cards. DR J. A. WHITE. am DKNTIST OMCR—MAIN STBKKTJ PHOHB9 I will be in Plymouth the first week in each moath. V. H. HASKF.LL »'«. K. WARRKN DRS. HARRGLL & WARREN a PHYSICIANS / AND SURGEONS OPFICBJIN BIGGS' DRUG STORK 'Pbonc No. aq BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNKY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. w- ?:!.»*• 4/ % .. • 'Phone, 23. WILLI AMSTON, N. C. s. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER 1 JOS OSc« as stairs in Mew leak MM ia«. left head ride, top of slepa. VILLIAMBTON. N C. aa rlat I >ll whererer services sre desired «»»cial alteaMoa givea la ezaminiaf aad aak •( title far parchaaers W timber aad timber laada. dp 1 rial titration will be gtvea to real estate estimate*. If ymm wU to bay or sell la ad I caabelavoa. PHOM T4 News of Interest to Afro Amer icans. The Interdenominational Sim- j dav School Convention lield at the Mt. Shiloh Baptist Chnrch .of Wil li tniston. Oct. 25 and 26 was 1111 doubtedly one of the most interest ing meetings ever held among the colored people of Martin County. It was the "second meeting of its kind held at, and was by far, the more important of the two. There were, in this conven tion, prominent representatives from every section of the county, who played 110 small part in mak ing the convention a successt The lectures given by the vari ous appointed speakers seemed to have awakened a very great lute - est. One of the objectr of the conven tion is to bring about more Christ ian nnity among the different de nominations. Non Unity has for many years been the means of keeping the race divided: and a race divided is a hin drance to other races, and itself cannot prosper in any large degree. Every denomination seems to stand alone as if it were a world of its own, and cares nothing whatever abont the others welfare. Tins is not the true Christian spirit; and still I find it more or less true in many sections oi the south where I have chanced to travel. Where this spirit exists there are a great many denominational prejudice. The Interdenominational move ment will in a large degree remedy this evil. I do not mean that one should bold an attachment to the church in general, "but that church whose doctrines forms methods and spirit ate most nearly iu accord with his own views and best adap ted to promote his own growth in grace. And to that church he should ever maintain an earnest whole souled devotion, and at the same time be cordial and brother ly to all other christian bodies. When one observes all of these things he finds himself doing the whole duty of man. I thank God that the negro is getting to the point in his history where he is ceasing to sleep and slumber when the time comes to consider matters pertaining to the better development of mind and character. The southern negro has seen his mistake in rushing into politics at the close of the civil war when he was both unintelligent and without a material foundation and therefore incompetent to take part in in this great government. The negro has made great prog ress within the last 40 years. Ac cording to the census, the colored of this country own and pay taxes upon about >300,000,000 worth of property and have blotted out over 50 percent of the illiteracy. Hul to my mind it is still wise for the negro as a race to stay out of the political world. If tbe negro instead of voting for party, bad voted and stood more firmly for principle his con dition in many instances would bave been by far better in the South they are to day. ' We often speak of our rights as laid down in the constitution of tbe United States. Now, Ido not ask the negro to give up any right that is granted to him in the constitution of the United States, but it does seem to me that our duties are more impor tant than our rights. If we do our duty faithfully and earnestly in spite of tbe disadvantages that come sooner or later, the rights will take care of themselves. Let us not find so much fault with the white people who live next door to ns. Many of them I find, are ever willing and ready to help the negro who proves him self worthy. Great honor is dne the white people of tbe south who have put forth earnest efiorts to establish and maintain schools for the educa tion of tbe negro race. I cannot for a moment forget the many favor* which so matiy .of the good white people in this ' country have done the negro. M I WILLIAM STON, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1.1905. Neither can 1 believe that the white man who lives next door to me is mv worst enemy, hecau-e of the wsn v hindrances which the un worthy class of our race has ] brought upon the honest an I in dustrious colored man who ear nestly endeavors 6 promote the interest of his race, and make the most of life. We ticnl to have our people ed ucated. Ido not au educa tion that leads away from work, but that education which leads to work. The costliest crop of anv community isthecropof ignorance. The greatest hindrance to a state is its vast amount of ignorant cit izens. The education of mind alone will not make a good citizen, but it is equally true that we cannot have the best cittz 11 without the educa tion of mitul. ° He must be educa ted 111 heart and mind. In order to not be a hindrance to other races, and to the prosperi ty of this great government, the negro must get education, uiorali ty and industry. He must have intelligence, clean living and the power to do earnestly and well whatever good work his hands tiud to do To encourage education and in dustry, to promote union, to cher ish rehgous peace, to foster the kingdom of Christ, to love oui country and ol>ey her laws. These should be our honest pur poses. J. Heury Johnson Kveretts, N. C. A until is never much ne.uu heaven than wheu he makes a child happy. The children's jubilee of good health follows the use of Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar, tin cough sy tup that expels all cold from the system by actiug as a cathartic on the liowels. A certain remedy for Croup, Whoop in? Cough and all lung and bronchial affections. Sold by S. R, Biggs. The fruits of righteousness d« not grow from the flowers of rhe toric. The reason IJr Dade's LiUlt Liver Pills give perfect satisfaction is due to their tonic effect on tbi liver. They never gripe. Sold S. R. 4ligg*. . J Nothing pays 'such a big divi dend as a little investment for tlx purpose of making a child hippy Any one suffering from Ktdne\ |>aius, backache, bladder trouble 01 rheumatism who will take a dost of Pine-tiles 111 Hiii retiring at night shall lie relieved before morning. Sold by S. R. Biggs. When a mail looks for the worst iu life he has himself to blame il he fails to see the good. I'iuesitlve is the best salve for sores, burns, boils, tetter, eczema, skill diseases and piles. Sold i»y S ' R ' Go to the houey lier, young laJy consider her ways and keep sweet. Tke Kef That Unlocks tke Door to Long Living The men of eighty five and ninety years of age are not the rotum well fed, but thiu, spare tneh who live on a slender diet. Be as cart ful as he will, however, a man past middle age, will occasionally eat too much or of some article ot food not suited to his constitution, and will need a dose of Cbamberlain'» Stomach and Liver * Tablets to cleanse and invigorate his Moiuach and regulate his liver and bowels. When this is done there is no rea son why the average man should live to old age. For sale by S. K. Biggs. Never judge a woman's beauty by her make-up. Ai Eaeigenci Mctfiche For sprqjris, bruises,, burns.scalds and similar Injuries, there is noth ing so good as Chamberlain'.-* Pain Balm. It soothes the wound and not only gives instant felief from pain, but causes the parts to heal in about one third the time requir ed by the usual treatment Sold by S. R. Biggs. His Game. Three weeks bad elapsed aiuce the Varsity eleven bad been agaimt any teams save their own sciub;. But day after U> Coach Guliy had lieeti diilling into the minds f his men all thoscjiunieious thin., • that go to make a good team, and cause a one rb.idd anoth er j wel to theif crown. The time tor practice had 11 .w passcdi. the day yes, the hour tor action was at baiid. Thebic-achvi-. ami grand stand hnd long been (ill ed with crowds of highly excit' d spectators: and as the two teams appeared J>rtr the hill a deafenin-' applause Went up, the air tremb ling with cries from the highest treble to the lowest bass. Co!ley"• yells and sougsechoed against th - surrounding hills, while pennants and antagonistic colors were w a vet I vigorously in the air. John Koiuer was with his team and as soon as they the field "Coach," cornered Inns. "Kothef, old boy** he began. "| hate to have to put you in thi • game."- Komer's face t| Ashed. "Coach" carefully noted the effect of his words. "You are as good if not better than Hagati, if you wouldn't get rattled. For God's sake man keap yorr head iu this game. Those Carljle Indians are h—, and if they cnce get on to vour weakness—it is all up with us. You want to tt3 their euds often for there is where we must win; we can outrun them, and out wit them'too if von keep cool. Remember kid this is your lust game. You are nothing but a 'scrub' and your team knows u. If you win their confidence at first, they'll lie behind you, but if you dooU— The sound of the whittle broke the coach's sentence short, while the lutle "Jap" daited upon the field! .»« swift as e dty{ wa>j nervousness itself. The Indians kicked off. Bragg, lor Lehigh, received the ball, bring ing it back twenty yards. " Fu.-i down five yards to gain, ' shouteo the uuipift, and the game was on. The little "Jap" quarter began to give his signals 111 a clear cut* tone that was heard .even by . those os, the grand stand. It was soon plain that the teati. was not work.l1 4 iu hat mom win 1 him, or was it because the Indian were the toughest projuisitioi; they had ever tackled, that cau-.n the team to show up so jioorlv Three successivi times they 11.1 ' made the required gain by ler> than a yard, and often the heavy Indians would, hieaWing through ' die line, pound the little "quartet duiost before he could pa s the ball or throw the "backs" for a considerable loss. The little quai ter's" eyes glated He mapp nit liis signals, louder and louder ittd chewed with vengeance on his tougil nose guard, but all this vou Id not |iersuhde the "pigskin" to pass the Indians line, amk the ball went over. The luditttis made five arouuo Uehigh's right end, pnufded the line for 4. to and 6 yards; trie:! left end for seven; fumbled ami Jap" fell oil tilt ball. lit* sprat ; to his # feet and liegan his signal quickly, the ball 011 twen ty-yard liner First rush made six atoutid the end. Then he tried the line for 2, t and 8. The In dians prepared to receive a kick. "Jap" called Ihe signals and cau tioned his line to hold steady. Then he stej>ped track five paces; the ball HeW to his hands and he ]'iiut ed for forty live yards, but as the ball went whizzing into the air the two Indfaixjttuls swooped down 011 him and he hit the ground with tremendous force. Rouutree, for the Indians, brought the ball back ten yards, and then they began to pound the line anew, the first half being call-' ed with the Tad Idas 011 Lehigh's five-yard line. So far the new! "quarter' was making a good show, i -* The.second half was soon called, tx) soon for Koiner, whose aching side and throbbing brain felt tt>o heavy for his tired and bruised j muscles. He went in at a trot, aud to himself he kept repeating the questions: "'Can we hold them littten minutes longer ? Can I stand the knocks and jars on my side ?' * Lehigh kicked off to the Indians who returned the ball twenty yards, then made gains around th«» ends, 2. 4 and 6 yards, and then fumbled, but recovered the ball. They Itcgan |>ouudiug tbe hm- again, but failed to make the required gain, and the hall went over, tried the end. then the liue, u«Lone, - lively, then for twenty ThHvnc'Xt made live yards aroHiiil U-ti, 1 and 4 over the line. Tlice were two minutes to play, and with Lehigh 011 tin Indians' twenty-five yatd lir ' 1 Ik- ;ame was at its height i' e "outers" yelled and (lags * >d Ki iitrr worked hard but failt to make any gains. In the tweuiv-Miree- yard line they stood at tliv lliitd vaids to g.iiu Time. 11 inuteand a half. 'Twas a moment. "Wo?" another fake," shouted SOUK T xoited fatltic on the side lines, But the "Jap" was cool. It was more than lie had dared to dream. The only question now iu his mind as he called the signals 8, 16, 47, 44. and raised erect to see if his men were in positions, was—-"can the line hold ' He stepped back a few paces, and for a few seconds stood 011 his toes, trembling from head to foot, the Indian ends and halves dancing on the line, waiting to swoop down otrhim. His hands snapped apart convulsively; the hall whi/./ed to him. A dull thud and the hall sailed into the air as the little "Jap" struck the ground almost torn in half by the two ends. For a second altwas quiet. Then, t yell that made the surrounding atmosphere vibrate, broke from the •pectators, while a yell for Koiner told, the tale—-Lehigh had won And thus did the little "Jap" tie come famous among his college mens J. 1-J. MOOKI:. Most men are t he letter knowing the worst of themselves. WhtJßf'you want a pleasant lax ative take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets For sale by * K Biggs Mont y leadets take more interest in buiiuess than any other class, of men. ,• 1 |l,' The season of Indigestion is now it hand. Ring's Dysjiejisia ( Tal>- lets relieve indigestion, and correct ill stomach disorders. Sold by S. K Biggs. The ponrest of all churches is the one where there are no poor. —-—* -• ♦ ♦—— —— In mad Chase Millions rush in mad chase aftir health, from one extreme of faiMisni to another, when, if they would inly eat good food, and keep their bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills their troubles would ail pass away. Prompt re lief and .quick cure l for liver and stomach trouble 25c at S. K" Biggs drug store: guaranteed. ,No man is utterly lost long as my one loves hi 111. v A Feareul Fate It is a fearful fate to have to en lure the tortures of Piles. "I can tiuthfuily say," writes liarry Col sou, of Masoiiville, la., "that for Hlmd, Bleeding, Itching and Pro truding Piles. Buck leu's Arnica Salve, is the best cure made." Also l>est for cuts, burns and in juries 25c at Si R Biggs drug gist. Success is sure to liini ivho does not tear To face failure. - » I Beaijtifyiug methods that injure the skin and health are dangerous. Be beautiful without discomfort by taking Hoi lister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Sunshiny faces follow its use. 35 cents at J. M. Whee less & Co., Roljersonville, N. C. No man over shares his self sat isfaction with any oue else. The lust of money kils the love of men. Grip Quickly Knocked Out "Some weeks ago during; the severe winter weather both my wife and myself contracted severe colds which speedily developed in to the worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable-* plains," savsl Mr. J. S. Kgleston, of Maple Land ing, lowa. "Knees and joints aching, muscles sore, head stopped up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a dose of Chamberlain's Stom- Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soon completely knock out the gri]V These Tablets pro mote a healthy action of the bowels, liver and kidneys which ' s always beneficial when the system is con gested by a cold or attack of the grip. For sale by S. fe/^Bigga. There is no gaining giving it. ' "■PRfe A Certain Cure reT^ouD When a child of croup there is 110 time to experi ment with- new remedies, 110 matter how highly they are recommended. There is one preparation that can always lie depended upon. It lias been in use for many years and has never been known to fail, viz: Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. M. F. Comptou, Texas, says of it, "I have used Chamber lain's Cough Remedy in severe cases of croup with my children, and can truthfully say it always gives prompt relief." For sale by S. R. Biggs. Too many think that a crooked path must |>e a bread one. Torture ot i Preacher The story of the torture of Rev. O. I). Moore, pastor of the Baptist church, of IRfpersville, N. Y., will' interest you. He says; "I suffer-j ed )f. a persistant J cough, resulting from the grip. Ii hnd to sleep sittiug up in bed, I ttied many remedies, without re ♦ lief until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs mil Colds, Hvliich entirely cured my cough, and saved me' from con sumption, A gfrand cure for dis eased conditions of Throat and Lungs. At S. R. Biggs druggist l>iice.soc and #I,OO, guaranteed. Trial Imttle — t — There is more-grace in tiny sec ular smile than in the holiest groans - Nrious Fighting "For seven years," writes CjjkJt* W. Hoffman,, of Harper, Wash., '"I had a filter battle,-with chron ic stomach and liver trouble, but at last I won, and cured my dis eases, by the use of Klectric Bitters. I unhesitatingly recommend "them to all, and don't intend in the fu nics to lie without them in the house They are certainly a won derful medicine, to have cured such a bad case as mine." Sold utider guarantee to do the same for vou, fey S. R. Bigjp druggist, it 56c. a bottle. them to day. It's a great loss when a man's keetiess cuts out his kindness Clear thinking, decisive action, vim and rigor of' body and mind, the sparkle of life, comes to all who use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. J . M. Wheeless & Co , Roberson ville, N. C. , & 1 Nothing chills the church quick er than a hot headed sermon. Hollister's Rocky Moigitain Tea is simply liquid electricity. It goes to every pprt of your body, bring ing new blood, strength and new vigor. It makes fbu well and keeps you well. 35 cents at J. M. Wheeless & Co., Roliersonville, N. C. And now they say lhat red socks are poisonous. But there are verv few people who eat them. The bald eagle is the only bird that shows proof positive of having married the second time. Solomon had lots of wisdom but he anything about the couvenieuce of a hip pocket. ! ADVERTISING Your money back.—Judiciout ad vert is , iug is the kind that pay* back to you 1 the money you invert. Space in this [ paper assures you prompt returns . . WHOLE NO. 319 _ Make Your Grocer Give You Guaranteed rCream of Tartar Baking Powder » . • >. , • * Alum Baking Pow ders interfere with digestion and are un healthful. Avoid the alum. .• t .' Williamston Telephone Co. over Bank of Martin County, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges ltnutrl_to,'"s minutesCeitra charge will nwde for.louger time. To Washington 25 Centi. " Greenville 25 " " Plymouth 25 " " Tarboro 25 " " Rocky Mount 35 " Scotlaud.Neck 25 , " Jamesville 15 tr " Kader Lilley's 15 " J. G. Staton 15 M J. L,. Woolard 15 ' O. K. Cjowing & Co. 15 " Parmele 15 " " Robersouvilie 15 " J " Kveretts 15 " Geo. P. McNaughtou t>s Hamilton 20 " Hor other points in Eastern Carolina see "Central " where a 'phone will he ouud for use of nou-iubscribers. I In Gase of Fire you want to be protected. In case of death you want to leave your family some tiling to live case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. Lis Come to Your Rescue Wc can iii&irc yoifagainst loss from Fire, Death and Accident. We can insure your Boiler, Plate. Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond None But Best Comoinlis Represents K- B. GRAVVFORD INSURANCE AGBNf, . ' Godard Building ling a *ketrh*end deecrlptlnn may _ •w, Mrtuui our opinion free whether en % .•> •!«.•» probnhlf pute'Hoble. Coitimunlr* i Jv ro'iOiientinl. if **dbookon I'at cot# i ■•. >lluel uk'oix y 'or s«*curtiif pelenta. t ifc» n tltmni'h Maun & Co. recelV' .*4 ii'flUr, »•! lIOUI CuW.'U'O. ill the ' - ?cM(ific JlimrkiM. l.ltmtrn'M w«»*»kljr. I.nrireet dr , i• f #«"J u | . nil. Termt, fa a n; ' ur months, II f 'd bjrell newadeelpr*. ~ !N ? w Tort Hnux h « A) e. tl•" **u \. MltMtflll. P. G ( \ promptly d*|Un«d la ■ ell oouuli lea, ur nd fee. We obtain PATENTS H THAT PAY, advertise them thorough!/, at oui ■ expense, end help you to suooem Bend model, photo or ■ketch for FRCK report I on petenteMllty. «0 yeer* prectte* SUN-I PAMINO RCriRCNCCS. forfl*. OnW. ■ B>>k on Profitable Patents write to ■OJ-lOt S.v.nth Strsat, I WMHIHOTOJL^. I*JQAAIIJUmi9

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