ADVERTISING Your money back.—Judiciou* advertis ing is the kind tint pay* back to TOO the aawjr joa mw*L Space in this | paper natures you prompt return* . . * j I VOL. VIL - NO g. DIRECTORY _ __ M. Towa Officers Mayor—B. P. Godwin. Cwnmi-Muonert—A. A :derson, N. S. Peel. W. A. Blliaon. J. D. Low*". C. H. Godwin. Street C »uiui**i«ner —]. D. Clerk—C. H. Godwin TnMDi*r-N. 8. ISel. Attorney—Wheeler Martin. □ Chief of folk*—J. H. P*k«. Lodges Skmrkae Uode, No. 90, A. P and A. M. Regular meeting every and and 4UI Tap 1 day nights. louoke Camp. No. 107, Woodmen of the World. Regular meeting everv and last Friday aighta. Chore* of the Advent •a. Service* on the aecond and fifth Sun days of the month,morning and evening, and on the Saturdays (5p.m.) before, and on Monday* (9 a. at.) after laid Sun day* of the mooth. AU are cordially in vited. B. S. Lamitbk. Rector. •* > ' In. «. E. ROM, the Methodut Pu tor, At the following appointment* Every Sunday momiug at 11 o'clock and ai K bt at 7 c'clock respectively, except the second Sunday. Sunday School •vary Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Prar«"mealing every Wednesday even ing at 7 o'clock. Holly Springs 3rd Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Vernon Ist Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Hamilton *nd Sunday, morning and night; Haaaetla sad Sunday at 3 o'clock. A cordial in vitation to all to attend those aervices Baptist Charcfe Pleaching on the rat. and and 4th Sun day* at II a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:30- Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9 ; to. J. D. Biggs. Superintendent. The pastor preaches at Hamilton on the 3rd Sunday in each month, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.. and at Riddick'a Grove •n Saturday before every Ist Sunday at 11 a. m.. and on the ist Sunday at 3 p. a. Sltde School House on the and Sunday at 3 p. a., and the Biggs' School Houae on the 4th Sunday at 3 p. m. Everybody cordially invited. B. D. CAnaoLL. Pastor. SKEWARKEE JL LO — Na. 99, A. P. kA. M. A!JA Dmacrosv Poa 1905. S. a. Brown, W. M.;W.C Manning,S. W.; Mc. G. Tsylor, J. W.; T. W. Thorn as, 8. D.; A. P. Taylor, J.D; S. R. Biggs, Secretary; C. D. Carstarphen, Treasurer; A. K.Whit more and T.C.Cook, Stewards; R. W. CUry, Trter. STANDING COMMITTEES: Caaarrv—S. S. Brown, W. C. Man ning, Mc. G.Taylor. Pl*AKCn—Jos. D. Biggs. W. 11. Har •ll, R. J. Piel. Ra»aa*Nca—W. H. Edwarda, W. M. Green, P. K. Hodges. * ASYLUM — H. w. Stubbs, W. H. Rob. erlaos, H. D. Cook. MaaaHAU,—l. H- Hatton. Professional Cards. DR. J. A. WHITE. am dentist Omci— MAlM STBKXT PHONI 4 I will be in Plymouth the first week ia each month. W«. X WABRKN ;. x aiiiTHWiCK DRS. WARREN & SMITHWICX PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OFPfCB IN BIGGS' Da no STORK 'Phone No. 20 BURROUS A. CRITCHER, |ATTORNEY AT CAW Office: Wheeler Martini office. 'Phone, 13. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. s., ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER Ofllce op atair* ia New Kaak MM ia(. left baud Ada. top at thtpm. 'VILLIAMBTON N C. 4W Practice wherever eervicee an MrK Spirtal atteatioa flvea to etaatialag aad atk eg title for parchaaer* of timber aad t laker laade Saedal atteatloa will be gim to real eetate I attn|n. If yoa wish to bay or sell land 1 caahttoeoa. .-a, WWMW LA PjjS Prof. S. W. Outterbridge. Brief Biographical Sketch of His Life. I .LJJ—'I ' ' ' '»* W ' ■- " - ' *' * * nL I I I^ 1 " '*"'■• On the 33rd day of January the people of Robersouville will hon or the eighty first birthday of Prof. Stephen W. Outerbridge oy hav ing a public speaking and a pub lic dinner. That the worthiness of the occa sion and the spirit through which it is celebrated may be better un derstood and appreciated we here with attempt a sketch of Mr. Out erbridge. This event in reality belongs to the county. The his tory of the county is the life of its citizens, they are inseperable espec ially is this true when any citizen has been a citizen, a soldier, a leg islator and a teacher. Mr. Outerbridge was born Janu ary 23rd 1825 the son of Mr. Ste phen Outerbridge of Martin County and Winifred Forrest, of Pitt Coun ty, all of direct English descent His wife Susan Outerbridge was the daughter of Alridge Andrews and Harriet Roberson all of Mar tin County living near and between Roberaonville and Hamilton. They had no children of their own but this does not mean that they know nothing nothing of children and have had no experience, save as teacher, in rearing them. Mrs. Outerbridge was a pupil of Mr. Outet bridge before their marriage which occured in 1851. Mr. Outerbridge began his work as teacher at Hassells in 1845 where he continued until 1851 when he was married and established a pri vate academy and taking boarders at his own home the academy be ing known under bis own name. the first few years of his career as teacher he was also a stu dent under Prof. James Honer, then in Hamilton and who after ward founded the famous Horner School of Oxford. He conducted the academy at his own home un til the war when with Capt. Swain enrolled Company £ serv ing wiih them until elected to the legislature where he served two terms, after the war he resumed hi* school at his home and remain ed there until requested by the peo ple of Hamilton to take charge of their new academy in about 1880 in 1895 he went to Robersonville to take charge of their new acad emy. In 1901^after sixteen years service in Robersonville and fifty six yeara as a teacher he retired from hts favorite vocation. Mr. Outerbridge began his life as a boy and yonng man with such men as Dr. Jno. W. Sherrod and Mcas. John M Sherrod and B. L. C. Bryant, of Hamilton, C. B. Haascll. of Williamston, Baker Robersoo and Simon T. Everett, of Robersonville, all of whom are men whom we have come to regard as those of a past generation, ouly one save Mr Outerbridge is living. Beginning life before the past cen tury had left its first quarter he lives far into the new centurv. We have to think onlv of his associates his positions in the county and the length of his service to know the intimacy between his own and the history of the county. He began teaching fifteen years before the war, suspended his work and serv ed his county in the capacity of legislator and soldier and when it was ended returned to its service in the training of its men. Beginning life with a fondness fflje (MtxifmtS. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15.1905. for his work, with preparation far it. and with a proper appreciatior of responsibility, ami we can best understand his work by ix amiuiiig its product It requires apprenticeship to lay brick uiui build a house but it requires gen ins and providential inspiration to build \ character. The material may be harder than brick or more plastic than mortar but character cannot be built by the plumb and spirit level, for 011 ly special study and applicat.on will avail in each iudividual case. To convert his mottoes into mater ial expressions "Education is to the mind what grinding is to the axe", "To utilize dry putty is to pour iu the oil aud hammer well ", "A finely equipped ship without a rudder is soon wrecked", Prompt ness is the life of buftiues", "Mind thine own business", "Slndv to be obedient", "Determine to do rinlit aud govern thyself." Ttiese weie his maxims and bis etfort WHS to impress the necessity of the prop er character. His mode of gov eminent was firmness and kindness aud the making of a sense of mor al obligation, controlling peaceably he could but forcibly if he must His reward in life lias been the fact that lie has seen these max ims applied by pupils into whose minds he had instilled them. They •re the OH*II to day holding ions of honor and trust as eitt/.t-us not only in our county but in otti er counties and States. Anton* theui we can meiitio;i but a few. Mr. M. T. Lawrence Primitive Baptist preacher a-id for some years a meui!>er of the legislature. Mr. Joseph Kverett an eminent ly successful business man in New York. A. Sherrod manufacturer in High Point and successful business man. J. G. Salsbury expert account ant in Norfolk. Justus Everett formerly "mer chant in Hamilton now a promi nent farmer. John D. Everett superintendent of Robersonville Graded Schools. John C. Roberson owner and cashier Bank of Rober»>ouville. Joseph G. Godard organizer and cashier of the Bank of Martin County Williamston. Robt, H. Salsbury farmer, mer chant and chairman of the board of county Commissioners. There are hundreds of them whom it is only necessary to name to know their standing anl useful ness, J A Whitley, Benj. Daniel. J. W. Peikhis, W. Thomas Pur vis South Carolina, Martin and Joseph Ballard, V. K Talor S) 1- vester Peel, Tin*. Keel, Henry Everett and Lewhr- Johnson, we have not space to mention the whole list. Mr. Outerbridge retired Iroiu his active duties iii lyui to upend his remaining days in quietude. It must lie gratifying to him in re viewing his handiwork from a dis tance and beholding the good it has done. Beautifying methods that injure the skin and health are ian >ert»us. Be beautiful without discomfort by taking Hollister's Rocky Monn tain Tea. Sunshiny faces follow its use. 35 cents at I. M. Wliee less & Co., Koberitouvuie, N. C. Hls USLFUL GIFTS It lakes such a long time properly to educate a man! Apd some of them —poor, well lntonHoned tilings— are quit# hopeless. Take James Malcolm Falrweather fs>** example. Now. *ltli a name like that one would naturally suppose Its owner would know without being told that It was foOllsh or him to e\j>ecl his wife to I's pleased with a bright, blue parasol#—when there la not a blue frock, hot or stock In her wardrobe this summer, or attything of auy color which u(ould have made a blue parasol In the least forgivable. "It Is such a strain," walled his prett.v wife as she exhibited the fatal uftnshade, "to be apparently raptur ously pleased over Jluimle's good ness In getting ine something I Just nate! When ho comes home from a short out of town trip with Jubilant atisfactlon plastered all over him I take warning and prepare to have m.v heart broken. He has a fatal „enius for picking out thlugs Just enough off color to clash, or too big or too small for'irte, and he la so happy over his brilliance In buying me exactly what thluks 1 want that I wouldn't unjecelve hltu for a million dollurs! "It's a perfect mystery why he übundous every vestige of his coin won scnae when ho'trios to add to the adornments of my wardrobe, for Rack front jt I rip. he uses the severest of good Judg ment concerning tyls own cloth**, If he sat up nights (Haunt np how to do absolutely his wnr«. the deur man c\, tldirt "There »u the time I WIIS Indis creet i nonglt to inemion that I'd like a while erope de chlao waist to wear with my Nile gr n luffetn skirt Hack from a three days' trlii cum* Jatnes Mali oliii .•xceedlngly pleased with hi ill self " '1 »«»• It In a window," li* iSefjun. 'and aald to niysell i lint It wn« an ixact match to yo i- green taffeta skirt and ll would IK; HO tnuch bet ter than a while «al*t "because It would make a Whole itfwn of one color. Ami then iu produces five )°*r4a «}f a M|tlentllil iiuailty of crepe de Aiue of a r«.k i'ur apple green It twt my teeth on . Ige to think of It's coming within u tulle of that Nile gieen skirt, b l I smiled heroi cally told him he u a dear boy and laid It awa\ with i collection ' "Mj collection' Why, It's Im mense It's a museum, nf misfits. 1 wear a 6H glove and there uro In numerable pairs of ;i and "a. There are tablecloths bin eiiouc.h fpr twen ty people- and I never gave u dinner to more than eight nt one time lu my life! There are two expensive pairs of portieres thai 1 have no place to bang and there are dress patterns galore of shades dial' make me look either crazy or ghatitly At first I tried to educate him but lie "wus s6 penitent mid disappointed lu himself when the error ol hla ways W*tlH pointed out to lilfn th-it I gavo It up. Some Lime I'm going to ship the whole lot of stuff to the heathen, be cause I know tbcv would he de lighted Willi Ihe at i licit it •' And Jim well hie a bis heart!" .That Is the son u It It Is bo exaaperallng jto see such a quantity of good intentions going to waste! Yet even James Malcolm I'arweath er's wife realize* that *he Is a lucky woman to have a husband who re members to bring hi i presents, the wrong things though they be; for where there la one tunn like that there are dozens who never waste a thought over such lo er like atten tions *«••*** Then there is the hum to whom Helen is engaged He Is entirely admirable ami perfect')' devoted, but he, too, haa a taient for doing the wrong thing II It la a fine day for a drive he ask> her to ;jo sailing and they Ret becalmed and correspond ingly seasick. If she cocretly wishes he would invite her lo see a musical comedy he trustluiiv appears with tickets for the circus He breaks his neck to be nice to people whom she dislikes, though lie la inder the mis taken Impression tiiat they are Hel en's dearest friends. Thus he la laying up all sorie of future trouble for her on her "ul home" days. He Insanely persists lu talking about cats to her Aunt Mary when Aunt Mary loathes cats and bus a fad for dogs Instead He nearly caused Hel en's grandfather to cut ber out of his will entirely by passing three hours at the old gentleman's side painstakingly exprerklhg his admir ation for all >the political doctrines which grandfather gets purple In the face raving against! "Of course, he will do It again," she aays. reslgn'edly. "And the i.ur prlslnK il Jg Is that 1 keep right on Hiring blUl!" v- An Interrupted Meeting "George," said Mrs. Merrill, "It'a a year since Claire cam* to live with iirv When I think that Brie Fanner la coming hore tonight and that ha will take her away from us forever so nioii I feel positively Jealoua of him." "I do myself." was the sympa thetic snswer. morning that much as she lovea Brio she almost dreads his coming. A year Ik s»T>onß. you know, and It ha* come to seem the natural thing to have Kile's letters Instead of. Brie himself I understand exactly how she feels." "I don't," said Merrill, bluntly. "1 thought she knew her own mind." "Oh. It Isn't that! Men are so ob tuse! Why. It's Just like the Ray mond baby Bob Raymlnd has been In the Philippines a year, and the hah> has been talking about lierpapa In yunlla the whole time; but now that Hob lias rome hack she doesn't quite know him. They told me that when ISob came Into the room whera she was playing with a peucll and pa per yesterday she looked up and said, Po 'way man! I'm w'ltln' a let ter to my pupa In 'Nlla.' " • • • • • • • "ll'ml" Merrill's Ume was resent ful. "For Fenner'^ sake, I hop* Claire won't buy anything like that to IUIII, I know how he's going to feel w hen lie gets here. Remember how it wits when I came back to our wedding after a ten months' separa tion" ' .... - : "Do v f?" She laughed gleefully. ."Weren't you funny? Why, you didn't even shuke hand! with me at the train, and you kissed Cousin B*r thu, though you'd never seen her be fore. You were what Ted would call 'fussed to death'!" "Nonsense! I did 100 per c*nt. better than youug Fenner will whan, we meet him at the train to-night." "Don't flatter yourself) You have n't IW II Krln.Ftmlier yet. He's a per fect prince of self-poasesslon. I never saw the situation he wasn't master of. You'll see." "Yes. I'll see," Agreed Merrill, with a sudden and Special gleam In his eyefc The gleam was still there that evening when he stepped forward to greet an expectant-looking young man who was Juat descending from the overluud train . "Mr. Rentier, len't It?" Merrll be gan, volubfy. "Glad to welcome you. My wife, Mrs. Merrill, Tenner; I fancy you don't need an Introduction to Miss Claire. liaggage all attend ed io? Good. We've Just time to make our car. If you'll look after my wife,' Miss Claire and I will lead tile wuy." The dazed young man, who had been dreaming all across the Con tinent of this meeting with hia fiancee. hail Just time to give J>er a hearty handshake before he saw her marched »fT on the arm of hla host. Meekly he turned to Mra. Merrill, ami meekly lliey took their placea lu the ear, when Merrill aald: "We'll put the In files right In here together. There's u couple of seats farther hack' fiir us, Ken tier." From the car to the houae Merrill escorted - Claire an a matter of course. and as soon an they were in the parlor he unloosened a volley of questions In regard to law practice In Han Francisco. There waa no end to. those questions. Mer rill's wife alared and fidgeted. Claire's blue eyea were wide and sur prised But 011 went the questlona. '.hen, abruptly, aa Fenner wu Htlll wearily answering endless quea tloHH, hl« boat broke In with: "But what are we thinking of? You're tired out, of course! No, don't aay a word! - I know what that hot, duaty overland trip la, and especially when the train's as late as yours was. Here" pulling out his watch—"lt'a 'll o'clock. The thing for you to do Is to not Into the bath that's waiting for you upalalrs, and then turn In, straight! Plenty of time for visiting to-morrow. Come along with me and I'll show you the ropes of the house We'll say good night to the ladles, right here and now. They'll excuae us. Oh, yea, they will. Thla way, Fenner." '* Htlll Joyfully prattling, he led hla spellbound victim up the stairs to the guest room, where, after a few civilities, be shut him safely in. • • • • • • • Down the hall he came then, grln 11111K with satisfaction. But at the door of hla wlfe'a bedroom he met t reproachful face. "What do you mean?" she de manded. "Haven't you any human feeling at all? Weren't you ever young yourself? Claire'e too proud to let me see how ihe feela, but I know! She's gone to her room." "Very good! So haa the prince of self-possession." Mer-111 apoka airily. "Uut I'll bet 10 centa he'a wonder ing, now. why be wasn't master of the fiituntlon enough to gat a faw minutes alone with his girl before I shoved him Into that bath." "George Merrill, you'ra wicked! Claire will cry all night!" "A salutary reault. If aha doeal" returned the victor, grandly. "She'll appreciate Fenner all the more. I don't believe she'll be half as likely to say 'Do 'way man!' to Fenner to morrow morning. 'Oh, I haven't been a bit selfish In thla. I've been look ing out a b|t for Fenner'a Interest*." —Chicago News. Game Galled. De I -aye— Yes, ipdeed, I'm quit* a bam-ball player. Why, I have quite a record for runal MIHS Tiredout—Oh! how mueii 1 would like to see you make OH, Btltlmora HflnUd* Tbt IUMOB. Clarence Henpeck thinks the world and all of that youngster of hU. Clara—Yea; the boy actually talka back to hla mother. "Mobile Keaturee." V. J Itajft line Kxponent. ""tie talka In rapine." "Ragtime?" "He'» deaf and dumb and has St. Vitus' dance." HIH Idea. Mr. Henpeck—My door, you mint have been a member of a church choir at oiie time. Mrs. Henpeck—Why »o? Mr. Henpeck—You can talk and fight at the aame time. * Never Stops. haa a perfect organ at speech. Hhe—So haa woman. He —No, she hasn't. Hers la mad* wltiout stops. Your money back.—Jodiciooa advertis ing is the kind that paya back to you the money you inreat. Space in tfeia paper wrowi you prompt returns . . WHOLE NO. 3 i! Royal Baking Powder is made of Grape Cream of Tartar, Absolutely Pure. Makes the food more Wholesome and Delicious. Williamston Telephone Co. over Bank of Martin County, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges Metfcagra limited to $ minutes; extra charge will poaittvelr be mad* for longer time. To Washington JJ Cants. ** Greenville aj " " Plymouth ij " " Tarboro 35 " " Rocky Mount 35 " Scotland Neck aj " Jamesville 15 " Kader I.illey's 15 " J. G, Staton 15 • J. L. WoolaW 15 " ' O. K. Cowing & Co. *ls " ' Parmele 15 " " Robersonville 15 '• " Everetta 15 " Gold Point 15 •• Geo. P. McNaughton 15 " Hamilton ao " For other points in Rastern Carolina see "Central " where a'phone will be ouii.t foruae of tioa-uihecrihers. - In Gase of Tire you want to be protected. 111 case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on. In case of uccideut you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. Us Come to Your R«acu« We can insure you against loss from Fire, Death and Accident. We can insure your Boiler, l'late Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond^ None Bit Best CORDUIIS Reiresiititf fc. B. CRAWFORD INS>TRANCH AGENT, Godard Building .VJklrffcM' 50 YK*r-s ~ »3* (W •""* A| '• >4 '- ♦', Y,-,,' • f.St.' •"A- i • ••: . "-."i V , ; •, y { -t, ~ 1 . •%. *• • UK ♦ f«•♦.*• ' M fl'l '•(*'•: ' (*•■' .»- .*«»•'. •)».». I. . /• k ••• . • • A. am * 'or»""i »ni# »-a . •« Ili- . Vv *•,. » f. ...-.i. «Mi ulf 1 ■ rn« k 1 >t: mlo't • t fciijr>• ■' *"• •• -ni i "*'• •W a r . Mar nv>» t.U # H—l'J *lt k i t «r» nuMIUCo.*'- ?-.f * v .erl rtra.inh «MIH* *•' *t-. P. ?! I*2^slDt-575K^p!«S^>5I5iniB all oountriea, or DO fee. W® obuun PATKNTt I THAT PAY. Htraua. Uum thoroughly, Uwl npcoM, and Up you to ■linn— SaadmotWl. photo or *Mch for rRIK "»"■'■ on patentability. to y«uV pnotlc* IUR-1 "-I BOJ-101 B«v*nth Straat, I

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