/? r/s/ no rr 111 a Vour monev beck.—Jediciowadvertis- I ing is the kind that pay* bach to yon I X the money ynu invest. Space to this 9 ■ | paper sasnies yon prompt retaras • • " 3 •-fiirTrrr nrntiwiiiiatoiaJr VOL. VII.- NO 10. DIRECTORY T#w* OCOcers / Mayor—B. P. Godwin. o—iii'>a«ii—A. Ajdcrm, N. S. Potl. W. A. BUitoa. J. D. UggcH, C. H. Godwta. Street CommiMioaer —J. D. btgKtt. Clerk C H. Godwin Treasurer—N. S. Peel. Attftnwr—Wheeler Martin. □ Chief of Police —). U. Pace. Litre* Skewarkee Lodjfe, No. 90, A. P and A. M. Ret(ul*r meeting every iml and 4th Taenday lifka Roanoke Camp. No. 107, Wind me* of the World. lingular mealing awry aad laat Friday nixkta. Charch of the Advent Service* an the second and tltk ta day* of the |M»Kt.m*minK and eveaiax. and on the Saturdays (5 p.m.) before, and on Mondays (9 a. m.) after said Sna dar* of the month. All are cordially ia vited. B. S. Uassirxa. Rector. Nctkodist^Canrcfe Rev. K. B. Rosf, the Methodist Fm tor, has the following appointaaeata Every Sunday morniug at 11 o'clock ami night at 7 o'clock respectively, except the second Sunday. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday even ing at 1 o'clock. Holly Springs 3rd Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Veraaa Ist Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Hamilton sad Sunday, morning aad night; Hssanlls and Sunday at 3 o'clock. A cordial in vitation to all to attend these saivkiaa Baptist Charck Preaching on the tst. xnd aad 4th Sun days at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:30- Sunday School every Sunday moraiag at 9:30. J. 0. Biggs. Superintendent. The pastor preaches at Hamilton on the 3rd Sunday in each month, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., and at Riddick's Grove on Saturday before every Ist Sunday at 11 a. m , and on the Ist Sunday at 3 p. tn. Slade School House on the and Sunday at 3 p. m.. and the Biggs' School House on the 4th Sunday at 3 p. m. Everybody cordially invited. * R. O. Cautotx. Pastor. SKEWARKEE tL LODGE wkr No. 90, A. F. It A. M. DISSCTOSY FOB 190$. 8. S. Brown, W. M; W.C. Manning,S. W.; He. O. Taylor, J. W.; T. W. Tbo» m, S. D.; A. F. Taylor, J.D; 8. ft. Bigg., Secretary; C. D. Carstarphen, Treasurer, A. R.Whitmore and T.C.Cook, Steward*; R. W. Clary, Tiler. STANDING COMMITTERS: CHARITY —S. S. Brown. W. C. Man ning, Mc. G.Taylor. FINANCK—Joe. D. Bigg*. W. H. Har ell, R. j. IVel. RKFKKRNCK— W. H. Edward*, W. M. Green, F. K. Hodge*. ASYLUM— II. W. Stubba, W. H. Rob ertson, H. D. Cook. MARSHALL—I. H. Hattoa. Professional Cards. DR. J. A. WHITE. DENTIST OFFICE — MAIM STRUT; PHONR9 I will be in Plymouth the first week ia each month. WM. R. WARRKN J. K. SMITH WICK DRS. WARREN ST SMITHWICK PHYSICIANS AND SURGRONS OFFICE IN Bioos' Hmrr. STORK 'Phone No. 2Q BURROUS A. CRITCHBR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. •Phone, 73. WLLUAMSTON, N. C. s. ATWCX>D NEWELL LAWYER Ottce >p *talra la -in frt »■!! la«, left hand *Me. top of atepa. TILUAMBTON. N 0. (• hii lltii wherever aervieta an dtditf iMltll atteatlo* gtvea to eiamialac awd Mk ■C tlUe for porchaaere of thahrr aad Umber Mats Special attention will he |imi to real estate eachaaft*. If yoa wiak to hay or atll load 1 eukalevaa. PMOMH 74 ITDTJTS Gounty Statement. (Continued From Last Issue) 129 J L Hassell &Co supplies to poor sjo 130 C D Caratarphen " " " county home 33 4i>' 131 S R Biggs supplies to poor aud tned foiSeo home 13 95 131 C D Caratarphen &.*Co supplies to poor \ SOO 133 S W Mizell - " - 3 S o> 134 J T Daniel lumber Flat Swamp bridge 20 40 J35 The Enterprise statationery for county 675 136 C M Bellamy conveying |>rtNoiiers to jail 300 137 Joshua L Coltrain footway lumber, Williams, T S 550 138 W B Lilley supplies to poor 6 o> 139 J C Crawford Jail fees 4t) 140 •• " summoning jury 10 So 14* Jas L Coltrain & Bro repairs Cooper swamp bridge 00 143 DrWH Harrell services co stpt of health 10 o. 143 W C Manning " clerk to board per bill 12 y I 144 CC Daniels solicitors Fee; - Muic.i Court. 1005 18 v 145 J A Hobbs CSC " 5 6 o 146 I C Crawford sheriff " " " 206 ,' 147 G D Gurganus magistrate " 1 1- 14g JTWnMo •' •« ,80 i 149 I L Swell •• l lHl ' 150 SLRw •• " •• .... 2 v 131 W H. RoUrton •• t (, Lt 15a F S. Johnson v 'V ' " " , " 117 153 J C Jordan • ( , 3| 154 LA Bailey •• •• •• *• •• I 155 J L Davenport " " 6 ,i 156 A L Roebuck Constable" " •• " 2 301 157 J H Page " g,,| i«8 Joseph Bullock " " " •• •• , tK , 159 C K Bullock '• " t , 0 ' 160 J W Ward L 161 J H Everett " •«. 162 K B Crawford witness " " " "• jOS 163 Moses Alexander " " - " " •• * 1 0 \ 164 Henrv Rnffin V " " " " 2 i s 165 C. W. Bellamy •• " t, os 166 W B OMtnport " " '• •• 6 ss 167 Robt. Harriss " " " " • 4 j t \ 168 J H Riddick - " 2 169 Amanda Spruill " " '• " " 2xo 170 Willis Jones " " -" " 18s 171 G W Nichols " " 3 172 J E Williams *' "/ " " •• ! g 0 173 W B Williams " " " " •• 3 , Q 174 Hal Biggs •• , s 175 Will Moore " " " •• •• I gs 176 Stephen Davis " " " " " > 1 177 G N Gurganus " " •• " " !,, 178 Luther Britton " " •• " _ IVt 179 R W Everett " " " " " 200 180 Joseph Bullock " " " '• •' 3 lt) 181 Doane Rogers . .• t 182 Jason Battle «• « * 183 Ben Baker ' - 184 ! W York Jr ' 185 J L Cherry " " «• •• , s 186 Elizabeth Pulley " " " .... 187 W C Manning " " " •• _ t7 * 188 J W Ward " •• , 189 J L Davenport , 6o 193 Joseph Cherry " " '• " «• It L B Wynn " " 192 D J Cherry " " 193 Calvin Jones " " )•••».. 4 194 Stephen Grav " " " .... 4yo 195 F S Purvis , " " , 9U 196 J K Downs •' " •« , 9 „ 197 J L Peel , " •' "T «• «* , 8s 198 H H Pope » , 85 199 J D Bowen keeper of county home 22 63 200 I B Harris &Co supplies to poor 400 201 Fanny Slade .... .. a 202 J K Downs boarding and conveying prisoner to jail 4os 203 J W Ward © •• 223 204 J C Crawford for jail fees 74 os 205 •' stationery for sheriff's office 5 206 " " sheriff's fees - 25 70 207 A L Robuck conveying prisonei to jail 200 208 J D Ward officer grand jury bOO 209 Dr W H Harrell county supt of health 10 00 210 S W Mizell supplies to poor sy, an Anderson. Crawford &Co supplies to poor 17 00 312 S L Wallace supplies to poor 900 313 Slade, Jones &Co " " " 15 so 314 F K Hodges & Bro " " " 200 315 Brown St Hodges " ;• " 200 316 B H Roberson & Sons 700 317 C D Caratarphen &Co " " county home -38 20 318 •• " •' " « |oor 4iOO "9 " . " " " '* jail 26 30 330 S R Biggs medicine to Co. home and supt. to poor 20 19 331 Enterprise Ptg Co Stationary 325 333 J A Hobbs stationary C. S. C. fur 495 333 EdWards & Broughton J P dockets 20 19 334 W services as cl'k per bill 990 335 StanleysAyers supplies to poor 875 236 H C JacKsou " •• " jo 0 ,, 337 W B Lilley 400 338 W W Waters " .. .. 1200 339 330 SR Biggs ,« 7 5 231 Anderson, Crawford &Co " '• " 1707 333 Slade, Jones &Co " " •• i 5 5o 333 C D Caratarphen 8t Co " •« •• 600 334 " " " supplies to county home 29 17 335 J D Bowen services as keeper ol county home 33 33 236 J W Bailey repairs Harris Mill bridge 240 >37 Dr B L Long services county sanitary board 32» 238 Dr J E Smithwick " " " " _ 3j o a 39 J B Barnhill filling in bridge c swamp 20 co (Continued in Next Issue) The Roanoke Pressing Glub is now situated in the building occupied by the Roanoke Cafe Work called for on Notice and delivered -sSSSHj Whole suits cleaned and pressed 50c Pants per pair '2sc I ; Coaj ,nd J** 35c I Coats each 23c 5 Vests each IOC Worh n j. Satisfaction Fully Guaranteed on all Work 1; Very Respectfully, O. C. PRICE WILLIAMSON, N. C., FRIDAY. DECEMBER aa. 190.j THK MPKICBPAL Ut'XCHROO*. Good Kraalta Noted in CStlea Wbore Meals Are Koroisfced. Sggg In Berlin tha firing of free break fasts baa brought the happiest re sults, says Robert l> >nter In the Reader. Children who start from • poverty itrlcken home hi the morn ing without a sufficient, and oftea without any, meal to sustain them, cannot be expected >0 give their minds to their studies In the eanie degree aa the children whose bodies are well cared for. A considerable falling off waa consequently noticed In the attendance of thu ill fed and weaker children—tha very ones who Could leaat afford to n*:-tect the stu dlea required to lit them toearutheir dally bread In sfter life—antll the system was adopted tv the municipal authorities of dlstrib Jlng food free during the so-called TTfcaUfust hour to these poor waifs. In Chrlstlanln, Norway, the princi pals of the schools report Unit "the free board has had it good effect upon a» they t:ile more Interest In the work and i more wideawake and lively; tlieit appear ance also shows better health and more strength." The repot t comes from Havre that the free meals there have been found to encourage school attend).pee as well as to benefit the chlidreii physically, mentally und morally. The people of Brussels con ceive it to be their duty to have every school child medically exam ined once every 10 dnj ; Its eyes, teeth, ears and general physical con dition are overhauled. If it looks weak and puny they give It doses of cod liver oil or some suitable tonic. At midday It gets a square meal, and tha greatest care Is taken to Bee that no child goes 111-shoil. 111-clad or 111- fed. WHY OIL KILLS MOSyiTTOKS. The Unas Can Not Ciet Act-ens to the Outer Air. "Mosquito lnrvas. or wiiggiera, as they are termed, require water for their development." says Henry Beach Needham, In the County Cal endar. "A heavy shower leaves standing water, which, when the air Is full of moisture, evaporates alow ly. Then, too, the heat .favors tho grow th of the micro-organisms on which the larvas feed: wrigglers found in the water forty-eight hours after their formation will have plen ty of food, and udult mosquitoes will appeur six to eight days after the eggs are laid. Clear weather, with quick evaporation, Interferes with the development of the wrigglers, so that a season with plenty of rain, but with sunshiny, di ving., weather Intervening, is not good mosquito weather.' "Inasmuch as a generation of mosquitoes appear to torment ituiii within ten days, at the longest, after the eggr are laid; as a hatch laid by a female mosquito contains from two hundred to four hundred i'tcs; us from each egg may issue a larva or wriggler which In six day* will he an adult mosquito ou the wing- it Is to the destruction of the larvas that at tention should be directed. The lurvit is a slender organism, white or gray in color, comprising eight segments. The last of them parts Is in the form of a tube through which the wrig gler breathes Although Its habitat Is the water, It must come to the sur face to breathe therefore Its nat ural position Is Itettd down and tall, or respiratory tube, up. Now, lr oil Is spread on the surface of a pool In habited by mosquito larvas,the wrig glers are denied access to the air which they mutt have Therefore, they drown Just us any other ulr breathlng animal would drown un der similar circumstances." Luxurious Itusslau IHnners. With the Russians of the higher class living Is an elahorate function. When you are invited to diue with a nobleman you Hr*t stroll to a side board whereon aie anchovies, smoked salmon, pickles, sardines, radishes, cold sausage, caviar und olives. The guests cat freely of these and wash them down with fiery vodkl, taking about an hour to do v it amid animated conversation Some of the appetizers you would like. Salmon in Jelly, for instance, is not bad But salmon in custard is a little too much for the average Yankee stomach. The company takes seats at the table and the real buslues9 of tbe dlnnor begins First, there is a great thick soup. Next comes a huge pike or salinou, cooked to perfection uml stuffed with cracked wheat. After fish comes on a hugs loin of roast pork, or nisybe veal; some times besf, but not often—generally it Is pork cooked in a mysterious way wblch has added all sorts or strange and pronounced flavors to It. Roast or boiled fowl Is the next cohrse, and with It comes pickled cauliflower, gherkins und vegetables. Then comes a cold pie of meat, flsh and vegetables. This is cut Into slices and served with mustard dressing. After this you will, If you have survived so far, be expected to toy with a peculiar Russian sulad, and to end up with a rich dessert and black coffee. After a Russian dinner one can say with. particular fervor, "Fate cannot harm me; I have dined."— What to Eat. The fact Is recalled for ihe bene fit of those complaining about the slowness of Americans on the isth mus, that M. de Lesseps spent some $90,000,000 of the money of the peo ple of France and two years' time In preparatory work and practical in stallation before bis excavators lift ed a pound of earth on the canal Uae. —Panama Joyr&ni. - .hj 1 - H Ay a Wheo JW» buy • watch for your I ■ •on Insist on having It ynt U a ■ ) Wadsworfh 1 | Watch Case I a When he It at old as you, tha 1 It watch will b« aa good aa new. I J J Watch life depend* upon tha u case. Work* wear longer if put ft . In a good case. Wsdrworth Cases ■ furniali complete protection to JV works against duitand moUture. I Will not bend, dent nor wear thin ■ In a lifetime. Call and see than. I ■ A vUKA Ot CO. THK JKWHLHRS- Biuutifyiiig methods that injure the skin und health are dangerous. Be beautiful without discomfort by taking Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Sunshiny faces follow its use. 35 cents at J. M. Whee led & Co., Robersouville, N. C. Don't pull a loaded gun toward you by the muzzle. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is simply liquid electricity. It goes to every jmrt of your body, bring ing new blood, strength and uew vigor. It makes vou well and keeps you well. 35 cents at J. M. Wheeless & Co., Robersouville, N. C. A genius is a man who can in duce some other man to paddle his canoe for him. The children's jubilee of good health follows the use of Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar, the cough syrup that expels all cold from the system by acting as a cathartic 011 the bowels, A certain remedy for, Croup, Whooping Cough and all lung and bronchial affections. Sold by S. R. Biggs. A prosperous looker isn't al ways a prosperous feeler. In mid Chit* Millious tush in mad chase after health, from our extreme of faddism to another, when, if they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels tegular with Dr. King's New Life Pills their troubles would all pass awav. Prompt re lief and quick cure for liver and stomach trouble. 25c at S. R Biggs drug store: guaranteed. Don't walk ahead of a person with a loaded gun in his band. A Feireul Fiti It is a fearful fate to have to en dure the tortures of Piles. "I can tiuthfully say," writes Harry Col son, of Masonville, la., "that for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Pro truding Piles, Bucklen's Arnica Salve, is the best cure made." Also l*est for cuts, burns and in juries. 25c at S. R. Biggs drug gist. Don't carry a loaded gun into the house. The season of Indigestion is now at hand. Ring's Dyspepsia Tab lets relieve indigestiqn, and correct all stomach disorders. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Love may be blind but the aver age mother-in-law is an eye opener. An Eiirgiiei Midlclm For sprains, bruises, burns, scalds and similar injuries, there is noth ing so good as Chaml>erlain's Pain Balm. It soothes the wound and not only gives instant felief from pain, but causes the parts to heal in about one third die time requir ed by the usual treatment. Sold by S. R. Biggs. JMaiif 1 toatofa *2 time 7 'fir choose °wb M rfrS.y"^ a e s very Ma " vSfejjjlmDiiii nipt ion Coughs entirely cured my caugfb, atad%tf§ed me from con sumption.-*' A S*%d cure for dis vaseil conditions 6f ; Throat and Lung*. A! S. R. Biggs druggist piieeyK an 4 |i,oo Trial buttle free. • m *mi About two thirds of rhe ave age human heart is occupied bv sell ove. 6rlp Qttlckly Kaockid Oil "Some weeks ago during the severe wiuter weather both my wife and myself contracted severe colds which speedily developed in to the worst kiud of la grippe with all its miserable symptoms," k says Mr. J. S. Egleston, of Maple Land ing, lowa. "Knees and joints aching, muscles.sore, head stop|>ed upi eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a dose of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soou completely knock out the grip." These Tablets pro mote a healthy action of the bowels, liver and kidneys which is always beneficial when the system is con gested by a cold or attack of the grip. For sale by S. R. Biggs. Don't wear out your welcome; it is difficult to replace. hrliitflfktliK "For seven years," writes Geo. W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "I had a bitter battle, with chron ic stomach and liver trouble, but at last I won, and cured my dis eases, by the use of Electric Bitters. I unhesitatingly recommend them to all, and don't intend in the fu ture to be without them in the house They arrcertainly a won derful medicine, to have cured such a bad case as mine." Sold under guarantee to do the same for you, by S. R. Biggs druggist, at 50c. a bottle. Try them to day. ' * 1 A Certain Gin For Croup When a child shows svmptonsot croup there is no time to experi ment with new remedies, no matter how highly they are recommended. There is one preparation that can always be depended upon. It has been in use for many years and has never been known to fail, viz: Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. M. F. Compton, of Market, Texas, says of it, "I have used Chamber lain's Cough Remedy in severe cases of croup with my children, and can truthfully say it always given prompt relief." For sale by S. R. Biggs. Don't point an unloaded or load ed gun at « person even in fun. Tkt KIT Tkat Unlocks tki Door to Loig Llflif The men of eighty-fiveaud ninety years of age are not the rotund well fed, but thin, spare men who live on a slender diet. Be as care ful as he will, however, a man past middle age, will occasionally eat too much or of some article of food not suited to bis constitution, and will need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to cleanse and invigorate his stomach and regulate his liver and bowels. When this is done there is no rea son why the average man should live to old age. For sale by S. R. Biggs. Men applaud your good judge ment every time you agree with them. _ --t Clear thinking, decisive action, vim and rigor of body and mind, the sparkle of life, coines to all who use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. J. M. Wheefess & Co., Roberson vilJe, N. C. Any one suffering from Kidney pains, backache, bladder trouble 01 rheumatism who will, take a dose of Pine-ules upon retiring at night shall be relieved before morning. Sold by S. R. Biggs. I w«>n«y ywi tawi 8(M to«S paper aMorea 70a prompt ntam . , WHOLE NO. 313 Royal Baking n j Powder is made of Grape Cream of Tartar* ! Absolutely Pare. Makes the food more Wholesome and Delicious. Williamston Telephone Co. .Office over Bank of Martin County, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Urates Messages limited to 5 minutes; extra cktr| will PMitivdr be made (or loater time. To Waabington a} Caata. '• Greenville as " " Plymouth f as " " Tarboro as " " Rooky Mount 35 " Scotland.Neck as (. " Jameaville 15 ~ " Kader Lilley'a is ( " J. G.,Staton IS a J. L.Woolard 15 •• l' O. K. Cowing & Co. 15 " ' Parmele 15 " " Koberaonville IS " " Kveratta 15 •• Gold'Poiut 15 ." Geo. P. McNaughtou IS " Hamilton ao " For other points in Kaatem Carolina see "Central" where a'phone will be | ountl for uae of noa-Mibecrihera. In Gase of fire you want to be protected. In case of death you want to leave your family sorne • t thing to live on. In case of accident you want some- thing to live on bwides borrowing. Let U> Come to Your Rmcui We can insure vou against loss from Fire, Death and Accident. We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for auy office requir ing bond NoM'tßit But Cumin Rurisiitii 1 K. B. GRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building « ' •"* t «.»• ■' v i ir-'jz ' . . ..J i 'p- ''Kid Mt Uii-M • ' I all couiiirlea, or no ~ I ManW. pholoorriuh* (or Fill 0> IMt.nt.MlHy, m pnetfaa tun- I TO'MtJBSMHKSt J**- (OJ-flOl S.v.nth ttraaS I wAawmoTow, p. p.

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