Sudden Deaths. oovntry AIM! (kitforous bee au'.e so deccp •3 111 II liftJOA Many sudden deaths aie caused by {alhire or apoplexy llyrfTM cM p are often the result JjHsj of kidney disease. If 4( 1 pA kidnoy trouble is al- n fell lowed to advance the WC—H K| kidney-poisoned jQk, « blood will attack the B*- x — vital organs or the Mwmashres break down and write away oeli by cell. Bladder troubles most always result from t derangement of the kidneys and s cure Is ■bHlnail quickest by a proper treatment of Ah Mdbeys. If you sre feeling badly you can make no mistake by tsklnp Dr. Kilmer's AwaMp-Root, the greet kidney, liver and MKWH remedy. Il corrects inability lo hold urine and scald tag pain In passing It, and overcomes thai unpleasant necessity of being compelled o fo often during the day, snd to gel tip many times during the nipht. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon naMzed. It stands the highest for 111 won derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold tor all druggists In fifty-cent and one-dollar turn a sample b"ttH of gseujVs this wonderful new dis cowry and a book that J tolls all about it. both sent five by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Bln|hamton, N. Y. When writing mention iwaeing this generous oiler in this paper, Doa t mate any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Svaibp-Root, snd the address. Blnghamton, N.Y n on every bottle. It Is a well known fact that ontton •r any other erop, produced with Vlr ■talWckrollna Fertilisers will bring the highest possible prim on the war let Half healthy, strong. wull-Oa valepeit. early cotton, with full grown bollson the fruit limb* at the t mm- an well as all the way ui> to the very top sad tip ends of the bram tun of the eottoo plants, hy litierally using Virgiaia-Caraliia Fertilizers. They oontatn ail the mati rlnln necce aary to supply to your land the ele- Beatewhii;h nave been taken from tt by repeated cultivation year after year, lluee fertilisers will irreatly "increase your yields pel arre. Auuept no sub stitute from your dualer. Vlrglaie-Careliea Chemical Ce. Richmond. Va. Atlanta, (la. Norfolk. Va. Havaiinah. tla. Durham. N. C._ - Montgomery, Ala Charteeton, a. 0. Memphin, Tonn. Baltimore, Md. Bhrereport, La. KILL CGiiCH I MP CJTE ™r LUNGSj ilr. King's New Siscavery 1 ___ /CONSUMPTION Pries ' I FORI OUUMi a.J SO; 4 i 1.00 V OL °S F ""» T, !«' Bureat and Quickest Cure fr , kit THKoAi aud UMU 'aM'.'lxi LIS, or JTN'SY f » nT T, ■BHamEnasnaaMeww ■ L m TDI W TUX imm Muwaav ffiwww— %>■ ~n* NAcaiim « 'lawhtsi A A. HCU Rocky Nb'ntah Tea Niinnets ▲ faa*f M*j. oin« tor tfu*y Poopl* Brii i Oc >n ;.a« Utnt s*i Vxgoi. A forOoi •isl k. Jm-y TruulMta. Pimple* !>-**•. », 1m.,t.. R«'l fliffn wiftlih 1 . "1 • ! and i-n -km hv U'd ftcky M i.uus.i. 1w ia uth M fort-t, a il nn»»« • tn«t|o l» 11 Lua.tsu l»*rt. Ounr%Nv t .\U u- VV,h. GOICEN NUGGETS TOU i>EoPll I feetter I M IJkl Sold byS. R. Biggs. FEEDING APPLES AND PUMPKIN#. Experiment* Showed Oood but Experv sive Qalna. Farmers generally regard pumpkin* highly m a fall pis feed- They are suc culent, palatable and nutritious, and, properly fad. give profitable returns.. Experiments at three nations where the utility of cooking pumpklna wai Studied ibow that the practice added little to the efficiency of the ration. The gains front feeding were good lu •11 cases and economically produced. Piga fed on raw pumprfins and S™ l " allowed galna at a cost of 262 pound* of grain and 178 pound* of pumpkins per 100 pounds of gain where the pump kins were fed raw, and 222 pounds of grain and 1,110 pounds of pumpkins for each 100 pounds of gain when they were cooked. Another test at the same station with a ration of cider or windfall apples and pumpkins, equal parts, cooked, showed good but expensive gains, the high cost li ilng attributed to the apples. Management of Manure. The need of keeping manure moist 1» et peclally marked In case of horse ma nure, which ia naturally dry and de enmpoees with great rapidity. The same Is true In a less degree of sheep n anure. The common and harmful "ilre-fanging" Is the result of an ln aiifflcleiu supply or water and may be readily checked by sprinkling. A method employed In the prepara tion of this well-rotted manure In France, described In Farmers' Bulle tin. Is as follows: The manure Is placed on slightly Inclined plats of picked earth or cement, so arranged that the leachlngs drain out Into a pit, ftom w tilch they ure pumped up aud d stributed over the msnure hasp. It la u ual to provide two manure plats, so airangtd that when one Is full (when the manure Is 8 to 10 feet high) it may b' allowed to ferment undisturbed while the other Is used. The manure It carried from the stables to the top of the manure heap lu wheelbarrows over at Inclined plane of boards. Care Is g'so tsM-n lo smooth down the sides of tl:» heap, to prevent the too free accrue 01' air nud the loss of teachings, as de scribed in the illustration. Feeding Sheep for Market. The larmers they would j 11 (e to leed sheep for market should be 1 aura to convince themselves that It Is a b talnes > by Itself and that regularity ! a id uniform attention must be the con- j Riant rule. We would place Hist and j al>ove everything, proper tiuallllcatlon j tia carry on the business. The fitness j n us) consist of untiring energy, per s vnrence and a reasonable amount of 1 d icretlon and financial genius, witli a n.ttursl Inclination to pay careful at- i t'ntlon to detall-r-a concentration of j Ideas on one subject. VfUli a, man , flited for the business must go proper iurronn.lings A dry, sunny spot should b' chosen for the corrals. If possible, g t a gerttle south slope for the ground, s that nstural drainage will be se c red Itunnlng water Is desirable if » ill arranged It should lie so encom pt ssed that It will throHgh a trough with force sufficient to keep It freezing. If this cannot be done |t should be shut off at night. Shelter for Animals. When stai king straw either in the j I Id or baruyard, a good shod suitable t ■' cattle, sheep or hogs, or evcu rough i.t'm tto4s and implements, may bo l ule Willi little work. Before Uitcsh i 'j, secure six posts, eight leet In I. igtb and- forked at one end II possi -119. AI the place the stack is to lm j I lit, set the posts two feet deep lu j I IA grot,nd 111 rows of three posts on r.i It sh.c; the rows eight or ten feet n, art, and pouts nine leet apart In row. j '! ke two polej each -0 leet long and l'i ice one on each row of posts for i isspln es to hold the top. lay aspen II les si\ or eight inches apart on top oi the. crosspleces and set ordinary p les'slanting around the frame, leav iu: one end opeu. The poles should be close euough together to keep the straw fiom falling In or being pulled oi t Build the stocks on top of this fi ime aud a comfortable shelter will oe >i'ovlded. . Feed the Sheep Salt. It la very desirable that aheep should be kept so tame as to be easily caught at d bandied, an£ the weekly salting la a powerful aid in making the sheep decile. The salt may be dropped, In amall bandfuls, on the sod, or put Into small bones kept iu the Held If the salt Is dropped on o(i*llnate weeds, or tuft of coarse grass, the sheep will eradicate them, and better herbage will tail* the place. With a llttlejime sprtnt each week in letting the sheep eat from the hand, or the dish, the whole flock (an be kept very tame, and the time i will be amply repaid whenever It is necessary to move the sheep to other pasture, or to catch any for other pur* ; posee Gathering leaves —The booMi'mter Now is the tintc to the j iuuttli ami strength of lung*; The, best, remedy to use for coughs at d colds is Bee's I.nxative Honey and : Tar. The otilv cough syrup that docs not constipate the bowels, hut which on the other hand, all cold frotn the system by acting as a pleasant laxative. ISest for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. Sold by S. R. Biggs. 1 TH for Tat. Bat—A penny for your chance. Ball—Ah! you're always knocking Particular Percy. "vl'll nut go in to bathe to-day; ' I "quite give up the notion. I shall wait until some other time. When nobody's uslug the ocean!" These Lout] Hhirts. _^g§% — i> x -•*+•- / Mrs. Hmltlisoii What a pretty ; sample of wall paper. Mr. Hiulthson Wall paper! Bay, that's tho sample of one of my uew summit shirts , How Ha Thought. Oera!dlu» The man I marry must be brave and handsome. Oeiald lie can't very well be both. UersUlltie- —Why notT Gerald If he Is binve he will face yot.i father, an.l after that Interview his good looks nil) be gone. Better for the Worse. • ' "But, John, didn't ,vou teVe me far ; better or for worse?" "Yes, Miranda, tut Mu*.« has come to that statu ft lieu I am goUg ' to Insist on s«me of the t^ttPr." It is a sin to suffer with hack ache and pains over the Kidneys when a single dose of Pine-ales will tfivc relief in one night. Suf fering women should heed these warning ere it is too lnte. Female troubles may result. Pine-tiles will strengthen the kidneys and and bladder, cleanse the blood and relieve the aches and pains of Neu ralgia and Rheumatics. Sold by S. R. Biggs. fSf "THERE'S A CURE FOR RHEUMATISM!" I Not the m>re temporary relief that the old "remedies" gave, I not the little help that the doctor's prescriptions five; but I ABSOLUTE AND COMPLETE CURE. Thaf Is what r S&jjlje' 3t " J "' Rheuniacide does. Rheumatism is caused by an excess of ■ « ILI 1 |B uric acid in the blood. It is an Internal disease and requires IjMjsT ntllV) 1 111 a strou 2 a»d \igorous Internal remedy that will cleanse I /Jj\ A l l\i J, I ijrl the blood of all its germs and yet act through such oat- I *3/ >\pr yI pw ural methods that it builds up the entire system. f if SWEEPS ALL POISONS SW BLOOD. I I The treat Blood Purifier. IBf CU «s' ;'.S TO STAY CURED. I S . ~i I from any other remedy. The result of the 1 * sum cent roR J Bu ... r„ ~ ~ I? DUCiIICATieiM ? fgfja Litest scientific discoveries. At the same time It cures j ten turn A i 15m I ■ Rheumatism It sweeps out ) Also a SpccKic for all ether D««*3 |WA CURCD Arr,: V 6 YE £* , «* tbe blood tllC *« r,M «* I g arittat fron Impurities of the hiood. | other blood diseases, j "G : i i'if i w ** trj*a(ii by ica.iin S phr- and cures Indigestion, Con- I OIRIC riONS. j ■ l>utrl|wpeli«. Loof»ifU» I despaired • • * M 5; is M uaipsoaists is# Hut j ;jc of « r l i t; writ Bat hearing of stlpclxiOn 9 VStSTrtlf Kidney I [• jj: ffig k«|;j y fis£ tofe and Liver Troubles, La a-al iX ar 'pp e « n| cont«»iou» I L> DUdOiII IdLNIIAL CO.. K se haa been dnvm from mv system. Blood Poisons, j , uvuuin vuLuuv/iu w., g LAUKA I). GARDNER. jt! "" | |$M 1301 Jsim«s St, Baltimore. TOUR ONUOOIST IIUS IT. I 11 BOBBIN CHEMICAL co.,ta2iSt2WE I H 4- SHAKE THE BOTTLE. -} | 1 I 8 MflUM'lO •* " =- iA HJUXPAJI.aj(!.iUI tft£ |^r Sold by 5. R. Biggs A Happy Home! To have a happy home you must have children, I as they are great happy-home makers. If a weak H woman, you can be made strong enough to bear I healthy children, with little pain or discomfort to I yourself, by taking ? CARDIII Woman's Relief It will ease away all your pain, reduce Inflam- B maWon, cure leucorrhea (whites), falling womb,»»\ ir 9 lan trouble,disordered menses, backache, headache. etc., and make childbirth natural and easy. Trv it. N At every drug store in si.tx» bottles. WRITE OS A LETTER "DUE TO CAitSUI freely and frankly, telling u»ll your* and fx-tim-,. rl • , |s-i .■ !..ii'vi:!rl.! - J troubles. We will wtiJJuv Ivi.r in t.vo u, nil '\! ,i M v I 'P. f.jS plain crated enveiopr •. A ! ... la- WV-.1. ■• W ' i»y, v •••■•«• Nfll dies' Advisory Dept., TWT ii.itt i.. - Is a. i. . Ht i tj. .1 •» •• «i> MB Mcdidne Co., ChattaiuMs-t, Tenn. both nuiiv," mmmmmmmmamsmm' v" '~~-' Deitltift S. BiggP, Pus \ rtcti T. W. Tiltfhman ( ««vr;'M : * ftT v • ' ' *' DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO Manufacturers ot . Kiln Dried North Carolina Pine Lumber. -* ** «•* w « • "«i »im*o n'Bi»*No c*wt« sMimoir ORDERS AM) CORRESJ'USDk'NCL SQUCHID WILLIAMSTON. N. C [ COLDS THAT HANG ON 1 I So frequently settle on the lungs and Result in Pneumonia or Consumption. Do not take chances on a cold wearing ■ | away or take something that only half cures it, leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble. FOLEYS HONEYWAR Stops the Cough and heals the lungs and prevents ~ ■ I j4Bfew Pneumonia and Consumption I » #// i 06% Consumption Thrntanad Owrai Hemerrhaeee of tbs Langs I Jm ■/ S H Tjk • r - St., Champaign, 111., vritea: A. M. Ake, Wood, lad., aillss. "Several years &■! I H UIMB "I V. cough lor a year ANI mince my lane* wore ao badly affected that I had . 1 tried a great m.>n~ many hemorrhages. I took kaaUHtt wM aereral m *'• *T*, itmeins and I was under the csrc of physi ians fc>r physicians without anv benefit. I then all lad to take ■ MJ I# k *if' ivf » v 3 aert-i'il moutha. I used one bottle ul FOLEY'S FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, and my luaga an H ■ MM.* Jk I3k A \ Iu > N!: YWO TAR. !t cured mo, and I have not now aa sound as a bullet. I' recommend It la ad- ■ * \ bctn tr.-cH.-d sltmc." vanced stages of lung trouble." ■ I euara •nunutt .I.t pn., a I Yhraa s».'aa-lsc. SOe. St.PO. The SO-eant alia coatalas twa aad sae-baH tfaaaa at wnfc as the aaafl | I CUKES v-qunHS tn.i ci:t »8 | tfra at* H» $ I .«* bottle alrrnt st* Hm*e aaawe*. REFUSE SUSSTITUTEt. .Wnmunnß:. IBY 5. R. Williemeton, N. G. /f ^ —— Ml.™ II 11.1*1 THE ENTERPRISE ..JOB DEPARTMENT.. All Kinds o. Job Printing Done The latest Ideas The Best Workmen I The Best Equipped Plant In Eastern North arolina II nables ns to Turn Out the Best Work for the ...LEAST MONEY . . . We Make a Specialty of Commercial Printing I No Orderjtoo Small No Order too Large No Job too Small No Job too Large Letter Heads, Packet Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, W Envelopes, Circulars, Cata logue and Book Work. 'i We are now preparing for Tobacco Warehouse work, send for prices and samples. The Enterprise Printing Company, Inc., PUBLISERS - PRINTERS - BINDERS Williamston, - North Carolina

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