r ADVERTIS/NO F.:| Your monev bick.—Judicious advartis iag Is the kind that paya back ta yoa the maasy yea revest. Specs ia this paper Staaras yoaf>roa>p* " tarns . . k*»«ii waaaaSMamiMM^ VOL. VII. - NO 15. DIRECTORY Tawi OUcers Mayor -1. P. Godwin. Cwminitsionert —V. A.idsrson, N. S. Peel. W. A. Rlliton, J. O. C. H. Cod win. Street C >mraU*»o«er—|. D Leggtt Clerk -C. H. Godwin. Treasurer —N. 8. Peel. Attorney—Wheeler Martin. C, Chief erf Police -J. H. Pane. Litres Skewarkee Lodge, Mo. 90, A. P and A. M. Regular meeting every tnd and 4th Tuesday night*. Camp. No. 107, Woodmen of the World. Rsffilat meeting tw? aod laat Friday night*. Ckvck af tic Adtcnt Service* on the aecond and fifth Suu daya of the month,morning and evening, and on the Saturday* (3 p. mi!) before, and on Mondavi (9 a. m.) after anid Sun days of the month. All are cordially in ■ vited. B. 8. LASBITIta. Rector. Methodist Cnurch Rev. T. L. Kirton, the Methodist Paa tor, ha* the following appointment*: Every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and night at 7 o'clock respectively, except the aecond Sunday. Sunday School •vary Sundav morning at 9:30 O'clock. Prayer-meeting every even ing at 1 o'clock. Holly Bpilgi 3rd Sunday evening at J o'clock: vcrnqn i*t Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Hamilton »nd Sunday, morning and night; Haaeells and Sunday at J o'clock. A cordial in vitation to all to attend then* aenricea Baptist chtrch hwching on the tat. and and *th Sun day* at II a. m., and 7\yo p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:30 Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30. J. D. Bigg*, Superiateadaat. The pastor preaches at Hamilton on the 3rd Sunday in each month, at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m., and at Riddlck'a Grove on Saturday before every lat Sunday at II a. ui . aad on the lat Sunday at 3 p. m. Slade School House on the aad Sunday at 3 p. m . and the Bigg*' School House on the 4th Sunday at 3 p. m. Everybody cordially Invited. t. U. CAB BOLL. Pastor. 1 SKEWARKEE JL L 0^ E No. 90, A. F. fc A. 1L DiaacToav Fon 1903 H. W. Stubbs, M. W.; W. C. Manning, S. W.; S. S. Brown, J. W.; A. F. Taylor, 8. D.; W S. Peel, J D.; S. R. Bigg*, Secretary; C. 1). Carstarphen, Treasurer; H. C. Taylor and J. IV BdWen, Stewards; T. W. Thomas, Tyler. STANDING COMMITTEES: '«i CaaKiry—H. W. Btubbe. W. C. Mao ning and S. S. Brown. PuIAKCg—R. J. Peel, McG. Taylor and Eli Gurganus. RaraaXKCK—W H. Edwards, 11. D. Taylor and W. M. Green. ASYLUM —G, w. Blount, O. ■ K. Cow ing and F. K. Hodg>». MAMHAU- I. H Hat ton. Professional Cards. * DR. J. A. WHITE. SFUFH DENTIST Ornci-MAI* Sraarr PIOKI9 I will be in Plymouth the first week la each "month. ii&U fc«>a«ll■■ t iiQi 11 j *S. K. WABBKN J. I. SMITH WICK DRS. WARREN HI SMITHWICK PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OPPICR IN BIOGB* DRUG STORK 'Phono No. 3o BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORKKY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 33. WILUAMSTON. N. C. S. ATWOOD NEWELL J {LAWYER )®c* up alairs ta New Bask Ball*. I«e, left fcssd »(de. top at steps. "VILLI AMBTON N' 0. ' W Piailic* wh-r*w enlwi are desire* ' Special attention gins U> iaalsl>| aad auk mg title for snubs-1» of Uakrr aad HnOwr iaad* Special attention will be gives to rasl estate, ewhaiget If you wwh to buy or sell laad I Cln hfln M*. 111 rilOllgTß IAD I E'IS ~or. LmFrmmoo'**— Safe, Quick. ItoHhbie^Sßfaktor TT 9 " g *? ffije • • ••-» - " iwint In yiti As Tot la Wo Uao of Waataras Pa llMf Ootaaakcr Mew. la tha teaching profooaloa they prafi— lasts In numbora vary much over Hwalo profsaaara. aad la tha trade of cigarette making they are almoot oatiroly employed hy tha factorlsa, hat In the matter of bnst aeaa they have not yet reached th» poiat where thoy oompoto with men to the axtoat at driving tha latter out of any particular line, aa has 00 enrred In sevaral oasss In the United Put— The number of women aad gftl* employed la the dry good*) stores of this eity Is *Ol7 much amaller than that employed In the same class of business In the elites of the United Btatea, and while their number has boon Increased in reoent years la the dry goods stereo. It will bo a long time yet bsiuiß they will supplant tha man to any appreciable extent la this city. A good many American atorea are now employing Mexican young lad les aa cashiers, aad It la probable that the gember of girls who will Bad employment In thla Bold will bo largely Increased la the near future, as they are yenerblly found to be more Butted for this work than are men. The teadsncy of the Mexican girl la toward business. Not many of them care to become cooks or dress makers, la fact, ta devote their Uvea to aay line partaking of the nature of a trade of mental ser vice, preferring to tura their atten tlofi to commercial pursuits, where they believe that their aoclal status will be more elevated. As a result of thla Idsa aad their Inclination for ao-called employment, they are drifting Into the field that offers the fewest obstacles, ssmsly ths field of steaographer and the typewriter girl. While the Mexican girl sennot, as yet, compels with men In thla. to the ex teat of _ performing aa equal amount of work per day. It Is note worthy that they are more careful of the fine polata, such as orthography gad punctuation, and thay are rarely a been ( from their plaeea without se rious cauae.—Mexican Herald. Mhg Care of the Baby. The following rulee for the care of the baby have been aent out by the Mayor of Hndderefleld, England. Always teed ths baby at regular Intervals, every three houra. Always keep the bsby very clean. Alwaye bathe (or sponge all over) the baby oaee a day In warm water. Always let the bsby sleep In a cra dle or cot; a wicker basket makss a good cot (or oven an empty peek ing ease.) Alwsys use fuller*' earth to pew dor the baby, aot atarch or flour. Always attend to the baby whan It cries The baby cries for ons of three ressona: (1) The baby ta hun gry. or (1) the baby ta uncomforta ble or aomethlng hurts, or XI) the baby la 111. Never give the baby aoothlng sy rups, fsvsr powders or anything of that sort Naver give the baby bread or soups or gravy or any other food ex cept milk till it Is more than 1 months old. Never give the baby skimmed milk or milk that Is not perfectly freeh and good. Never uae a feeding bottle with n long tube. Nobody can keep the In etde of a tube clean. Never carry the baby "sitting up" eatl) It ta 6 months old. Never neglect to aend for s doctor If the bsby la 111, Babies srs soon overcome and eaally die. Child-a Long Goat. Tha one la the Uluatratlon de signed by May Manton, la made of dark red cloth, atltched with bald ing silk and trimmed with allk braid, while the buttons are exceedingly handsome ones of smoked pearl, bat the model Is quite simple enough to he adapted to almoat everything sea sonable. For the costs of plsy and herder naage, navy blue and brown -cords rey aad velveteen and cheviot are well liked, while for the more dreasy oaea, broadcloths, velvet aad velveteen la the lighter colore are need. Mrs. Carnegie at floaae. Few persons outside ths Carnegie honeehold have any idea of Mrs. Car negie's solicitude for the material comforts of her hesbaad. In past years the laird of Bklho looked after all sorts of mlaor buslnees detaOa, bat lately his faithful spouse hes re lieved him of much worry la that di leatloa. With her own hands she cooks his moralng dish of oatmeal, aad aba mast do this by 1 o'clock every day, tor Mr. Carnegie la always est sad about by 7.10. WILLIAMSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1906 ( FURNISHING A HOUSE I mtHrrtiin SHOULD BE USEFUL AS WELL AS ORNAMENTAL. Avoid Overcrowding—Leave Spaced To Move About la—Practical Hangings aad Few Ptctnrea—Se lect a Color Scheme. To furnish a house comfortably and artlatlcally never crowd the rooma with too much furniture or adorn the aheleva with aeedleaa bric a-brac or decorations, but fit them with chairs, curtains, that are *e- j ceasary to complets ths whols and. glvs s harmonious sft set, saya the Nsw Tork Telegram. Arrange every hanging ao It will be of some practi cal uae, as wsll aa an ornament, In the room, aad put the stools, settees, etc., la convenient positions, but In plaoea where they will leave the greatest amount of space unoccu pied, so persons can eaally movs about without first stopping to push a chair otit of the way. A color schsme should be selected for each apartmeat, and every bit of allk, each picture or piece of furalture ahould help to carry out the general tone Pictures ahould all be placed In spots where the light Is good, snd hung sbout on a level with the eyea. It la leas difficult to put them In a 1 place where the light ta good than to aelect an appropriate subject. "Women make the mlatake of hanging too many plcturea on their walla," saya one of the beat known decorators In the city. "They should never be placed ao close together thst when looking at one ths eyee ere sttrscled to ths next picturs, giv ing a confused ides of both. Bach ahould be In a position where It can be studied alone, for In this way only are pictures restful, and really dec orative." The most effectlvs way to hang curtains, especially If they are of fins msterlsl and attrnctlvs pattern, Is to j drape them straight over polss and let them fall to the floor without be ing rsught to the sides of ths win dows with ribbons or silk cord. Ths uunilier of chalrß In parlor dspsnds entirely on the alze of the room and the persons In the family who will uae them. They ahould all be put In convenient placea and near the wall and ao arranged that they will be In- I vUlng and not attft or formal look ing. No tldlea, lace or any kind of hanging ahould ever be .put on par lor furniture, and even the most elaborate no fa pillow* arc out of plaee In a well regulated one. Women who delight In decorating their homes with pieces of fancy work can rightfully Indulge thla fad only In their bod rooms, but good taste demands that theae ahould be simple. | MAHKKTI.NO RULES. There are a few rulea. to remem ber In buying beef, muttoh or poul try which the Inexperienced house keeper doea well to bear In mind. To test beef, press It down with the thumb. If It rises quickly the meat la good. Boef should be fine-grained, of a bright red color, with Btreak* of clean white looking fat. The meat will be tough unless there la plenty of fat. Mutton ahould be dark colored, with the fat a clear whits. Boup meat should have as little fat as poaalble and come from ths round, and also meat Intended for beef tee Veal should be fet. Poultry should have smooth legs and short spurs, with the feet bend ing easily snd ths eyee bright. If the fowl has begun to turn blue It Is not good. Grouse and quail both have white flesh; the pinnated grouse, however, kas dark fleah. In buying fish the gills ahould be red CONCERNING WOMEN. Women have It all their own aweet way la the commune of Rank Her- | lain, In Hungary. There a woman has recently been elected aa chief magistrate, the reason being thet the whole male population of the place had emigrated to America, and there waa not a single man left to fill tha post | la Ruasla, it seems, ths women ac count It a kind of dlagrace not to jnarry. A young Russtsn girl, who had not met a man aha cared for apeclally, was reproached for her obctlaacy by her mother, who In a fit of anger called her an "old maid." The girl waa so hurt by this remark thst' she rsn sway and entered a cloister. Marksboro, In New Jsrsey, la a town with a population of 800, but there Is not a cradle or a baby car riage In the place. There la no need for them, for there are no babies thsre and for five years no birth baa been reported. When a "little strsn gsr" does msks Its appearance on ths scenea at Markaboro what a very Important personage he —or she— will be! When st the Table. Never uee s fork when taking a piece of bread. Nevsr eat from the slice, but break the bread In email pieces and batter each piece sepsrately before pattlhg Into the mouth. Lsmon Is often servsd with fish snd paneakee. The lemon should bs taken In the fingers and squeezed upon the viands. Ollvaa ahould be lifted from the dish with the olive fork or spoon, bat should be eaten with the fingers. | If cat sugsr Is servsd and If there are no sagar tongs la the bowl, lift i the pieces out as delicately as possl- [ Ms with Utf tips of the fingers. I ROW TO FIND A BKK TREE. Method Thgt Is Followed With Sac cess Ry the Expert Hunter. Some bee hunters simply put out ft bit of honeycomb, or even trlcklea of honey on a detin chip, never re sorting to the pungency 0 f scorched wax , anya a contributor to the Coun try Calendar. And these are apt to mark their bees with sprinkles of flour In order to trace their flight. Whatever the belt, it Is set on a stump, or stone, or rallnn tree. In some open glade of deep woods. Aa certainly as the woods hold ayen one bee tree, there *lll soon be a dozen bees sucking wl;li all their might. The bee hunter, stork Htm, watches them narrowly, aiming nlaaya to aprtnkla those that corns first, since he knows they are from the noar*st swarm. Commonly hf> follows the eartt at bee at Ita first rise. If he loses It, ic go«s bnck for another. Ho may wnlt to see half a dozen take flight from their lines, making up his mind a* to the bee tree's probable direction. If all of them one course, he hits plain sailing 'it la only a mutter of following 'bat course, keeping his erand nara the while very wide open. If there are crossfllghtx, 'WKB scattering In all directions, thu thing to op la to follow the l>eat marked line home, If posaihle In the wake of a laden bee, and put out fresh buit for the others upon another day. Following a laden bee Is none so easy. The spiral rlae is confusing—• but a master bee hunter Is a, p >t to lie hawk-eyed. He watches the black mounting speck until It strikes line, then runs along lis line, knowing well It will go straight (o within a few feet of the hive. At tha home portal there may l>e a slight swervo, even a lighting upon twigs or the trunk Itself, before crawling In home. The entrance may be u knot hole, or an innocent looking cruclt, 'or seam. Whatever It la, It 1B apt to ahow a faint yellowy hrown stain, got from the paaHlng In and out of ao muny beea, wax and honey laden. Papier Maehc Stage Food. "Papier tuache food won't be seen on the stage thla season. Everything —chickens, chops, cutlets, loavea — will be real." j The speaker, a manufacturer of stage properties, dusted a casque and , resumed, a little sadly: "I have had to do away with my papier mache food department, dis charging two men and an apprentice. 1 For even the ten, twenty and thirty cent ahows won't carry fake vlanda now. They say that ax far back ua Print Rock, Mernn and v tho people InHlst that actors eat real food on the Htage. | /"It looks better, I suppose. At the same time this new fancied realism : la playing the deuce with the stage property business. It Is putting good men out of work. . "And consider Ita expenses. 1 know of one comedy, with a banquet scene In the second act, where a bottle of real champagne and n real lobster salad are tised every night. Thla comedy has been played 1,000 times In the last three years. There Is ex pense for you- an expense of 14,000 for food alone. Well, one papier mache champagne bottle and one' pa pier mache salad—worth about s2 would have saved all that money."— Philadelphia llulletln. Hla House on Ills llach. The Oerman War Office has come to the conclusion tbul the knapsack at present carried hy the Oerman aoldler la too heavy. The heavy calf akin knapsack, in use up to the pres ent, la being replaced by another of lighter waterproof canvas, and other reductions In weight are being made. The Oerman Infantry recruit may be Buid to carry his house on hla back. The following Is a list of hla baggage Items: I Cooking utensils. A heavy musket. An overcoat. Thirty pounds of ammunition. A linen suit. ■' A quantity of underwear. e Two pairs of boots. Boot brushes and blacking. Numerous inetal tools. A hymn book. A box of trifles. ' A variety of personal artlclea.— Berlin correspondent London Mall. The Triumph of Irrigation. In India the Irrigation canal has turned millions of acres to fertility and saved tens of thousands of lives which must have auccumbcd to fam ine. In the Western States of Amer ica vast deserts have been converted into orchards, and the land which would otherwise be dear at |f> an acre baa become worth flfty. Much of the British triumphs In Egypt it* summed up la the word Irrigation. English engineers-—Blr C. Scott Moncrleff among them-came from India after the British occupation and have ever since been engaged in some of the greatest Irrigation works In .the world, so that Egyptian agri culture has developed beyond ths dreams of ths most sanguines Dietary of Nuts. A dietary of fruits and nuts has beea tested In various experiments at the University of California. These experiments have demonstrated that both fruits snd nuts furnish the body with energy, while the nuts yield some fattening material also. Ths coat of a diet exclusively of fruits and nuts varied from 18 to 46 cents a day for each person, which will compare favorably with the cost «* an ordinary mixed diet. One atu- Jeat gradually ohanged from a mixed diet of fruits and nuts without ap parsat loss of strength aad health. HINTS FROM PARIS TAILOR MADE STREET GOWNS AND WRAPS ARE OP VELVET. All Red and Orers Toqnce Continue Popular Plumea, Birds Sad Wings of All Rinds Won*—Wool Oownsr Handsomely Embroidered. { The clover Parlalenne has her belt to correspond with the blouse, evea when It Is not faahloned of the aame material. The white blouee calls for a white celnturs, evan though the accompanying skirt be of amethyst or of black velveteen—to cite a re oent French fad. Everything that can be done to lengthen and at the same time produce an appearance of alenderness at the waist Una la clev erly carried out in thoas novel little gar men ta; and when the bloaae dis plays any measure of hsnd embroid eries, then the ceinture Is decorated to match. The collate, too, bring along aa Innovation In the way that thay are built up high and close to the throet. Some of them have the most fascin ating little upstanding taba, well featherboned In the back, while othera there are that take that smart and eminently becoming upward curve under the ear. A narrow cra vat of velvet ribbon frequently la sewn faat to the blouse In conjunc tion with those new collars; and when a touch of color contraat la In troduced In this way there ta a tiny bias edge of the same at the collar top. Faahlon declares we must array ourselves In stripes. Satin seemS to be especially dear to the dreaama ker'a heart. Black broadcloth Is the dreaalest choice i>oaslbls for the tall ormade. The blouse coat Is out of It. The paddock, coata, similar to that now In style tor men, are greatly affected by women, who prefer mannish faah lons. Pockets for Closet Doors, A very useful arrangement when there Is a scarcity of bursas flpjol twJUJ Trrrf f if -ucJ t linir n > r drawers, la shown In the wall pocket, which may be pressed Into service for holding collars, tlsa, belts, handkerchiefs, etc. HINTS FOR MOTHERS. Don't expect good manners In chil dren If they are treated by their elders in an unmannerly manner. Do not bo surprised If children srs snappish and quarrelaome if you aet j them the example by being ao to thsm. Don't frighten children Into being obedient by threats which pou havs j no Intention of carrying out. Your | future difficulties In managing your j children are enormously Increased j by thla unwlae, but not uncommon practice. Don't take fidgety children with you when you gQ to pay calls, it la too grest a tax on tha forbearance of your frlenda, and It has led to the aeverlng of acquaintances. Don't—because It la eaaler to do things yourself than teach the chil dren how to do them- -let your boya and glrla grow up with slovenly habits. Don't forget them; If you do not make companions of your children In : their youth you can't expect them to be your friends when they grow up. ! —Exchange. Keeping I'earla. One way of keeping pearla bright and preserving the natural luster Is to remove them when tho skin per- | spires and take care that thsy srs never put in places where greeae or oily Bubstances touch thsm, for they : seem to eat or grind Into ths sur face They should not be put away : In a velvet case or wrapped In wool, ' but when not In ÜBS should be laid away In a soft linen or silk kerchief. If carefully cleaned and cared for pearls ahould retain their luater and brightness for years. Celery Soap. One-half cut» rice, email cup cel ery, chopped fine, cooked In different saucepans until quite soft. When nsarly ready for asrvlng put them to gsthsr, adding two qnarts of milk; sslt, pepper and butter to taste. Af ter hestlng thoroughly pour Into tu reen In which hss been placed small •quarsk of toasted bread. After Washing the Hair. After washing the hair let It bang down the back for a few houra at least. It Is a bad plan to wash It at ; night, as sleeping packs ths hair to gether tightly too soon after the sill 1-ualJaeHWafVi i i .n«l bobeon—The President of ihe Hide end Be«k Bank speculated. Hohaoa—And, naturally, wan auo- Bsaafult Dobeon—Wh&.4o you Jump at that COnclUak)lj&|k: J. don't call It apeeulatlon presldenta win. Bar Pa Waa a Bad .Man. Miranda—l advised mamma to aae a little rouge, she win so pale. Don't you think It Improves her ap pearanoeT Pap*—Yea, my dear, It puta an entirely new oomplexlon on the meter. "Gentle Palm's Resistless Motion." TWO VIKWS. doming. ' Going. A Tongh Proposition. rl |«i W Pusaled Barber—l really doat know what he wanta and If I aak I'll probably hart his feelings, Sep— * ■wi k m »"rr —rn • ~M T ■ ■■am [ a 3^""] 't svaaml »o»i the money f*»e»trm*fT tßia 3 tt«i "P* pnaf*aMHrne . . ] w WPTOT P " r ' u W!W£ : £AffiNUMK ? i* »iIJ lot goilad : •W law* vAH'ap I lUl—f'"jri Dr. 1 Kilmers Swamp-Root, yS. tes: * Sp- Bbumowe j&^laawaaari 7 - ' l * nt kldnwr and bled ■ n>n «Pmi ISlfj "ttr la EKftSSfc iS^ u^r p x , ?iswr t,,f wno WCT, MunwiTJiadw, uTic«4cW Iron izm&cap****** jsijsio^ffljssftaesis ney, liver or blttk«irooM*l| wttMbond |ust the remedy you need. It has boon tested In so many wsyil %i SSSTASMBSSUttS who have not already trlnrf li riAfnfrMHi a sample bottle aent free by mall, also a book tolling more about Swamp fit M and Mhr to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention readlrijlHWjenerous offer In this paper and 3dTV. aend your address to Dr. Kilmer 8c Co., Blng-I^SHHMM hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and ■oano«eS9|Aaaat dollar sizes are aold by all good druggiata. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root, and the addreaa, Binghamton, N. Y„ on every bottle. miilthe irmaUmt quantltleaof every (crowing tiling can readily be pro duced with tho liberal uwjof Vlrgini^ Carolina Pertlltaera, together with tiin ful cultivation. Thematertalael w Uiuh they are made, eauae thorn toeo rloh tbe land, and tbe plants to oome up rapidly and more prollfio. Vm Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers on your fruita auil fruit treea Y I • •tall kinds, corn, wheat and all truoks For, at barveat ,M t lino, you wilt bnvotbe largest MfM (for thoso will "increase your JriWi yield por acre") and flnost W#ms cru|>a you over ralaod in all your farm life. Don'tbuythe Inferior sulietltute that any ffirllllanrairentmaytrytoper miK'lo you to put on your land. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO., IB RifknK.nl, V. lorfnlk, V« , Durkaa, I. 0, 111 CkanMM, 3. 0., lajuaora, 14. illaala, fIHT lit., Inuuk, &•>., antmawr, Aia., •*• _ .• ■•"rkll, Nil., Skrtnfurt, La. """EST*" I KILLTH. OOUCH «»O CURE TM« LUNGS mn, Dr. King's New Discovery ___ /Consumption Price FOR I OUGHSand SOc 4J1.00 Free Trial. Sureet and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TROTJB UB, or MONEY BACK. 9 SAW MILLS. LIOHT, MEDIUM AND HEAVY WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY FOR EVERY KIND OF WORK ENGINES AND BOILERS AND SIZES AND FOR EVERY CLASS OF SERVICE. ASK FOR OUR ESTIMATE BEPORB PLACINQ YOUR ORDER. GIBBESMACHINERYCOMPANY COLUMBIA, 8 C. 1 I———T P ■»* ■I'P fvWy OWiHa ■ iiiiiJiiifiiiy • Sold by Se R. Biggs.-