ADVERTISING Yoor monev back.—Jndicioqt riwitb iag iithc kind that pay* back to von the money TOU IIVOL Space h this • MNER UTORA TOU DRNBDI NTMS ™r" 7 VH ■* WwMWMMiiiWMMHIIM. VOL. VII. - NO 19 DIRECTORY Tow* Officers Mayor—B. P. Godwin. Commissioner*—A. Andersen, N. S. Peel, W. A. BUison, J. D. Leggett, C. H. Oodwia. Street Commissioner —J. D. LegXtt. Clerk—C. H. Godwin. Tressnrar—N. S. Peel. Attorney—Wheeler Martin. Chief of Police-). H. Page. Lodges Skewarkee Lodge, No. 90, A. P. and A. M. Regular meeting every sad and 4*k Tuesday nights. Roanoke Camp. No. 107, Woodmen of the World. Regular meeting every and Inst Priday nighta. Chmrch •( the Ad vest Services on the second sad fifth Sun days at the month,morning sad evening, aad on the Saturday. (5 p.m.) before, aad oa Moadavs (9 a. m.) after said Sun da ya of th* asoath. AU are cordially in vited. B. 8. LAMrrga. Rector. Methodist Caarck Rev. T. L. Kirtou. the Methodist Pas tor, has the following appointments; Every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock sad night st 7 o'clock respectively, except the second Sunday. Sunday School every Saadav morning at 930 o'clock. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday even iag at 7 o'clock. Holly Springs 3rd .Sunday evening at 3 o'clock: Vernon id Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Hamilton end Sunday, morning and night; llssarlls and Sunday at J o'clock. A cordial ia vttatioa to all to attend thsae services Baptist Cfearch Tiam liliig on the tst. and aad 4th Sun daya at 11 a. m . sad 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:30 Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30. J. D. Biggs, Superintendent. The pastor preaches st Cedar Branch on the 3rd Sunday ia each month, at II a. m. aad 7:30 p. at., and at Riddick's Grove on Saturdsv before every Ist Sunday at II a. as., aad on the Ist Sunday at 3 p. m. Slade School House on the and Sunday at 3 p. m.. and the Biggs' School House on the 4th Sunday at 3 p. m. Everybody cordially invited. « R. D. CaaaoLL. Pastor. SKEWARKEE JL No. 90, A. P. kA. ft. A^N DIRECTORY FOB 1905. H. W. Stubbi, M. W.; W. C. Manning, 8. W.; 8. S. Brown, J. W.; A. P. Taylor, S. D.; W S. Peel, J. D.; 8. R. Bigg*. Secretary; C. U. Caratarphen, Treasurer; H. C. Taylor and J. I). Bo Wen, Stewards; T. W Thomas, Tyler, .. STANDING COMMITTEES: CHARITY —H. W. Stubbs. W. C. Man- niog and S. S. Brown. PINAVCR— R. J. Peel, licG. Taylor and Bli Gutj(anus. RTFLL XNCK — W. H. Bdwarda, H. D. Taylor and W. M. Green. ASYLUM —G. W. Blount, O. K. Cow ing and P. K. Hodfs. muuix-l. H. Hattoa. Professional Cards. DR- J- A. WHITE. DENTIST Orrica—MAlN STRRRT PHOKR4 I will be in Plymouth theffirst week in each month. DR. WM. B. WARREN, 1 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFPICS IN Bioos' DRUG STORK 'Phone No. 20 BURROUS A. CRITCHER, 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. I WIIXIAMSTON. N. C. ■ 1 s. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER 1 oast ap atatn la New hak Rant lac, left baad aide, top of steps. | "VILLIAMSTON. N C. 1 tm Fiacttee wherever anlm ate laln 1 l|srial attealioa gtvea to enaWn aad asah 1 ag tRU for parefcaaen of Haktr aad timber I land* •pedal aUeaUon win be |hn| to nal rat ate I enhiagia. It yoa arlah to bay or aeM taad I ( eaa Marat. r MOM TA t LADIES —"Ofm LmFronoo'o Compound , unm we Impurities in Chew Grade Probable Cause of Disease. SOURCE OF THIS QUALITY. NM Yeefc City W IKTUK la Mouth and Til rat * The chaapsot hi bat as sold Is aua> tobacco. It caa ha tound only la th* cheapest kind of tobacco shopa. Scrap tokfecot li MfOMi fd lit calttip aad fiagiwls sT laavas that CaU from the ilgaimakws" tables, says th* New Tork MalL They am of *ooiwe. of the same quality aa the cigars aad H they wars k*pt ctaaa would be Jant aa oe slrahle for amoklag pnrpoaw. Uafortaaataiy. huasiw. the tobncoo la not kept rltna It tolls oa the Boor where the sallagna wipe their feet aa It all day. la Caha aad la Tampa th* dgarmakara often work la bara feet. The timdlthm of the tobacco at the ead of the day can ha better Imagined than I■ crib is. Moreover cigar nad dgarst stamp* frag meats of food, aad scrape of var ious kinds drop upon it. At night tlatt It la swept up and placed In bnlea or barrels aad shipped to the factories, where It Is worked ap into chewing tobacco aad saaE. • No attM* la nk to dna the •crap tobacco Wmi It b ma through the machiaes, aMt from picking oat the bulkier articles A Ma. there fore, imr kaowa what ha la chewlag when he takas a buach of this at of lato hla aoutk It la very apt to hare • auttjr flavor entirely foreign Co the tobacco itself Tho dMaaad for cheap tobacco baa become ao gnat la the Catted States that the dpraahen who were for merly glad aaoa ph to five It away, or aell It tor three or four csata a pound are BOW getting twelve csata a pound for It Oas factory oat la Ohio has been usable to get eaough of tho scrap tobacoo aad so la maaufactuiing ■craps oat of >ll aorta of materials Uflai a tobacco Savor. Physicians bars receatly reported that there has been a auM Increase la mouth aad throat IIIIHSM aaosi those who chrv tobarco sad amoks soma of the aaar cheap grades of cl ears. Thar assert that It la poaalbls tor dlssaaa to ha traasmittsd by tobac co to those who was thrm. They call atteatloa u> the fart that la Caha aad Key Wsat the workaten employed are Isr from cleaaly la their habits and are often aflk-ted with communlcatlTe diseases- As many ul the*, la spite of the watchful eyea of the loremea. expectorate upon the floor whet* the scrap tobacco la lying. It la easy to ass that the condition of the tobacco at the ead of the day must be something frightfal. la many of thr cigar factories oa the east side of New York city the cheap est class of emigrant workmea are em ployed. They are dirty la their par- (onal habit* aad do oof use band ltirchlfi. - - - * - An Inspector of the New Turk SUIa Department of Labor who frequently visits these factories Mates that he be lieves that the one of scrap should be made a criminal offenoe because of Its llthy coodltioa. He declares that if people only knew what they were tak ing into their moat ha when they use It they would be so ding—ted that they would never dare to chew aay more. The Pswsr of Water. laifl«e a perpendicular column of water mora thaa IIS» third of a mile high. M Inches In dtaaaeter si the top aad U Inches In diameter A the but ton. Thane remarkable conditions are compiled with, as far as power (oest la the Mill Creek plant, wkich oper ates under a head at MM feet. This Utile column of water, which. If liber ated, would he Jast about enough to make a small trout stream, gives a ca pacity of iJN horsepower, or enough power to run a good aiaed ocean aoinc vessel. As the water etrikaa the back ets of the water wheal It has a pres sure of M pounds to the square iach. What this pressure Implies in evi denced by the fact that the average locomotive carries steam at a preemire of 100 or Ml pounds to the square Inch. Were thin etaeai. as it IRISH from the nonsle, turned upoa a hillside, the earth would fade away before It like snow before a jet of stenm. Huge bowlders, big as city oftea. would tumble Into ravines with H lit tle eAort as a clover hnrr is carried before the hydrant stream oa a front lawn. Brick walls wowld crackle Ilka paper, aad ths hugeet sky scrapen crumble before a stream like that of the Mill Creek pUat It takes a pow erful waterwbeeJ to withstand the tro ■sndous preesure. At Butte Creek. Cat, a stasia Jet of water, six laches la diameter. Issues from the aoaala at the tremeadous velocity of M.OOO feel a mlaute. It Impinges oa the backets at what In said to be the neoat powerful single watsruhasl ever built, canalng the latter to travel at the rate of M miles aa hoar, asking Ml re vol u tioas a minute. Thin alz-iach stream has a capacity of 12.009 horsepower. The sairr for operating the plnat M caaveyed from Butte Creek through n ditch aad dlseknrgsd Into a regulating tessrvoir wkich is M 0« fact about the pwnr boons. Two steel pressure pipe lines, M laches la diameter, conduct ths water to the power house. —The World Today. Ooionel Joha Slngietoa Mas by. ths as-Confederate scout.- h still Uv lag aad Is practising law la Baa Praaetoco. He was bora la IMS. and was educated at the Ualvanity of Vlr- % ynvierpnst. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1906 WEALTHY MINI DIVERSIONS. On* Lay In M Llf alwg ta Stortoa —Another'* Ballot b» Eating. OM or two at oar gnat nohlamsa still keep their private ore h—lras. aad Mr. cancel* and the Marquia of Bat* have their private piper*, bat it Is a curious tact that of lata years ao wealthy m> baa thought of main taiaini hla on choir at aiacsr*, aaya Pearson's Weekly. Of all the aagro iipia who havo coaa to thia country from the CUM Statee, ta tbatr nadislag of the plan tation pongs and the aU slave bymaa once th* TI«M assnag th* colored peo ple of th* Bouthera Stales. It la prob able that Hy» Poadyhe'a Jubilee band of srvsety aw. iiaa aad chll draa waa th* great sat. though th* pah- Ue had littl* opportunity of Jadging of lta merits as the aaaa for whoa* pri vate delectation the band waa brought lato being waa eksry of alknriag oth ers to Uatea to th* siaglag of which ha himself was ao toad Curtis Doaaythorp*. while ha lived, waa aa ardent lorcr of daarlag la everj form. He was aa taralid aad thart fore unable to dnnea himself. bat at the time he took thr Kelby troop* of International dancers oE th* "boards" of th* variety houses aad Induced them to *at*r hla private amploy th* troop* was reputed to bs the Baeat of Its klad la existence. * Mr. Doanythorpe had a daarlag'plat form erected at Wellington Houae. aad there was aot la all Kensington a happier man than he aa he lay back la hla chair aad watched the aatlca of hla faasoo* troupe. Th* Kalbya were strong on Jigs aad reels aad th* old English dance, aad It waa whll* shrieking with delight at the capers eat la one of theme latter that Mr. Doanythorpe waa aeised with the heart attack from which be died. Bat even this nsaa doe* not give quite th* devotion to hla tying ptc toraa aa was girea by Theodore Hot ley to the science aad Joy of eating. It was said that whea aot lingering over th* delicaciea la hh table, for which his agents had ranaackad th* world. Mr. Botley waa sleeplag or de liberately working to excite a flesh appetite. Stimulating drags he look aader the direct ion of a physician, whoaa sole duty It was to administer them, and a favorite plan of hla waa to rand aad talk about the plenanisa of the ta ble Every book on "diners aad dialog," every historical work, every novel coa talalng passagrs descriptive of the banquets, waa laid undar contribution by Mr. Botley. Ha Invited fellow epi cure* to his house, whea his aad their sole occupation conaisted of feeding aad talking about the pleasure of it. Mr. Botley died of starvation, be cause. the doctors ankd. he had lost th* power of asstmllatloa of aonriah- Ing food. In this respect his caa* bor* some resemblanc* to that of Charles P. Caahel. of whom It waa said that, besides being one of the richeat stock brokers of his day. he waa gifted with powers of smell approxlSMtiag tbos* --Wr-a— ~ To thla abnormal anas of smell the doctors attributed his ettLfor b. ran sacked the markeU of the world for perfumea. the names of which would be unintelligible to the ordinary aorie ty dame. He ruined his extraordinary faculty at last by his fondnma for a distillation of Brazilian lowers. Three destroyed his sense of smell and left him unable to drtert s leak of gas one night before be retired to rest. Me waa taken from his bed next morn iag In a state of Inaenalliillty. from .which be never recovered. M. Pierre limine. n French mil lionaire, lay In bed all night aad day, aad like the Ksstern moaarcha la the "Arabian Nights," listened to trained story tellers, with whom he aurruund ad himself during his waking hours. Even he. however, wns scarcely as lazy aa the Russian Count Ivanovltrh. who made the rafters ring with his shouts when, byway of a practical Joke, some of his noble friends Inti mated their Intention of making him Set up and dress himself. The count was worth eighteen mil lions of rubles, and waa reputed to be the laziest msn of his time. From the day of his attuning his majority to that of his death he never stirred out at bed. never read, never spoke, never opened his eyes If he could help It. Liquid nourishment was ladled to him by retainers, and he died at last of fright because the Emperor Nicholas announced that be waa coming to pay Ivanovltch a visit aad would chaia him to a wheelbarrow aad atahe him work ia the Polish salt mi lea if ha did not got out of bed to receive hist. The Cause of Accidents. Oar national careleaaneas Is the ex planation given by the "Literary Di gest" for our dreadful record of acci dents. It Is shown that we staad Brat la the world in the nccideat record, aad that the rule aeema to apply to all trades and professioaa. The proportions of miners killed, for instance, is nearly treble that la Prance, aad about double that In other European countries. For every |ve men klled by accident in the United States there are oaly three la all na tions of Europe combined. Our railroads aioae hill 21 people ovary day. The remarkable fact' la brought out that we lead the world la the Invention of accident preventing devices and adopt fewer of them thaa aay other country. Indeed, many of the Inventions travel to En rope for recognition and adoptloa. I It Is claimed that our workmen will not use the safety devices, as some thing childish, hut prefer to run the ibk Uka men. This to true, but It is also true of European workmen. In deed. the old story of the safety lamps ia mines shorn that accustomed dan* PB are forgetUn or mlnlmliad. mm nm Would Have Been Gobbled up Long Ago lut for U-ix AN AFRICAN REPUBLIC A Territory Mich h Timber wid Rub ber Tree* Lmfc of Transporting Facilities— Notwithstanding the Llherians Are Bober, the Country Haa Not PI ssfared. Anionic the Mtwndeat State* ct Africa none occupite a mora peculiar poaltioo than kNf Liberia. wktck oaaa Itt tabtb to tb« eforu of Awrkw phiUntnropfhU. aai Its eottlaaed ex istence to the mutuU Jealouaiea of cer tain of the Great Bowera Aa an ex pert man t la tba art at goramaaaat of aattroaa by nesroea on Europraa (or rather Atnarlcan) llnea. It baa aot been bttbarto tba tucceae wblcb tba American Coionliation Society fondly hoped It would be irhrn It Beat »wi Ita ant batch of (n«d ilavea In ICS It hu had, alnce tb« d*y* of Abrabaa Uncoln. the powerfll protection ot tm United Statea. but the progress it hai made la lamentabl; little. HappUy the bloodahcd that in Hajrti and ftoe where haa disgraced black parwdiea ol white men'a government haa been ab aent from ljberla; the Mberlan ia a aober kind ot man, bas Imbibed some thing of the spirit >f hla Protestant creed, and haa had the Moslem Han dingo and the Caito K rumen to keep htm in check. Ntvertheless. Liberia haa not prospered; Indeed, the aua her of Amerlco-IJberiana. (Including la that tern negroes from the British W«l Indies) la not more than 30.000. Thla ama II body of people, aettled along aome 350 utile* of the Galena eoaat. eoaajre to control a territory of 00.000 or more aqoare mllea and a na tive and warlike population of nearly 2.000,000. Speaking Kngllsh with aa American accept, using Kngliab money and keeping account* In dollar* ai.d cent*, haying all the apparatus of the moat complicated government mat bin ary. the State ha* struggled on with m, public debt which It could not meet and a trad* which waa allowed to stag nate But for fear of complications Ger many would gladly have seized l-iberia when the "scramble for Africa" began la 1884, while its neighbors. Frame •nd Great Britain. would. ID fa vorabe circumstances, have been ready to ab sorb or share It. Not that either Eng land or France desired to quench the "amoklag lax" of a nascent civilisa tion. but It seemed then not improba ble that a condition of anarchy might arise In Liberia, wh.we government did not show itself conciliatory to Its powerful neighbors. I.ylng between the Brltivh colony of Sierra l.eoue and tie French colony of the Ivory Coast. Li beria. from the « - oinm« rciai standpoint, at least, has been an eyesore, for in its virgin forests- covering fully ZS.OM) square mllee —there Is an almost Inei baustible supply of rubber and Umber , Ueee." 4te-atreiegte poertton Mi the route between Western Europe and Sooth Africa would, 100, give It great Importance If in the hands of a strong naval power. The*.' circumstance* ex plain the Interest shown in thia petty State by the nations ol Kurope France as the predominanl power In that part of West Africa, sought by frontier rec tifications to limit the area of l.lberia. only to And herself involved In a dis pute with the rniteii Stairs. Tbst was In 1887. when, ou the report of "French aggressions" reaching Wash ingtnn. the American government In formed Frame that the United State*, as a result of their "quasi-paternal re lationship." were tbe "natural protec tors" of the Independence of Liberia. It would have been better, perhape, had America annexed I.lberia, but |M« was liefore the days of American im perialism The chief hindrance to commerce Is the lack of means of transport, cou pled with the present inability of tbe Überlaa government lo maintain Its authority among the savage forest tribes, some of whon: are cannibals But tbe African, If Justly treated. Is usually placable, and It should not be a matter of great difficulty to establish friendly relations with (he tribes. The Mohammedan Matidingo are already eager traders. Aa to transport, there does not seem any reason why the Sierra l.eone railway abould slop short as It djes, at tha I.lberian frontier. If the line were carried on some 10U miles In IJberlan territory in a south westerly direction till It reached tbe 8t Paul river—a task of no engineer ins difficulty—lt would tap a rich rub ber forest, which has doubtful ad vantage of being almost uninhabited. It would then also be possible, by means of canoes on tbe 8t- I'aul river, to reach a very wide forest area In ths north. Eventually the railway should be brought down to Monrovia, the capital and chief port. It would further be to the advantage of Liberia If a financial control could be estab lished. such as that exercised by lb- Powers over the finances of Greece. If a German representative were'' on the commission so much the better. In all these matters nothing need or should be done to binder the highly interesting experiment.of self-govern ment on modern lines by aa African people.—Pall Mall Gaxette. A hurried state telegram, marxe-l "Crgentlsslmo" and addressed to Ute pope, awoke the Vatican officials the other night Just at the time wbea his holiness waa going to bed. The telegram was most reluctantly open ed by the chamberlain In the pope's prernce. It came from the King of Spoia. who solicited the necessary authority to bare maaa celebrated hah is 11 midnight, at which hour hla ■aj—tjr had to leave for France. MBOKWM HABIT OP POTENTATES Kins Edward and the Auetrlsn Em peror Prefer Clgara. ESsparor WlUiam. who pnismrs the toaat striking Individuality aad latar> aattag character of any of the relet a la the Old World sasukss cigarettes la hus* Bombers. They are of exception ally Mg stae. aad are made especially for him la the suburbs of Berlla. Aad whea oa* review* the abeolutety phs ■wail progtcss which Oenaaay baa aw it 1. aot merely ia a u. Itary aad aa val aeann, bat Bote especially la ceery broach of trade aad Industry, under his direction aad through hla E caa hardly be said tbsl the cigarette has la any way iaterlered with bin activity aad asufalam Ktajc Bdward hu prad his sixty fifth milestoae, and has bmi aa iaret erale saoker ever slm« he attained asaahnnii. Bore Una two scars years a*u JudKing by the malls which ha has achieved as ruler in the Itr brief rears which hare elapsed stare he suc ceeded to the throne, it ran nut be said that the cigarettes which he sssoked aa Prlace of Wales and the cigars which he ha* consumed aa Kin* bars la aay way uaOtted li.ui (or the dnliew of ruler over one tilth of the entire kaowa uni« r .- Rven the Pope innlin. and is tbs ■rat hwtll of the KUDU t'atholie rtwrcb to Indulge In clgui, his pr >d acsaaoca. notably I*l ua IX and Im XIII havlag nwlrnlrd llwmwltrt with aau« The Sultan of Turkey la ao fieqaeat ly portrayed la the comic paper* off thla country aa la the art of amofciag a hookah or a chibouk that maay peo ple will have difficulty la believing that he never toucbea tobacco. Thla abstinearr la bla part la aot doe to any distaste for the weed, bat to hla affiliation with the all-powerfal and mysterious Order of the Seaouaat. which, surpaasing In numbers, raaga of power and wealth the Society at Jesus. even la the palmiest day a of that fraternity, embracea about thirty million Mahomet ana. that la to say. over a third of the total number of tho Fhithfnl. The order waa founded about W ysara a«o by aa Algerian of tho tribe at Medjaher. named MahomsMd Ben All el Senoussl. and Its doctrines, which are of tba most fanatical order, strictly prohibit the use of tobaccoi Tho graad master of the order, who. like Moses of old whea he raaao dowa from the Mount, never ahowa himarlf to hia followers save with hla face veil ed. makes bla headquarters at Jerbueb, on the Tripoli Ksyptian border, and has his roprssantatltrss at every Mos lem coon aad la every tribe profes sing iaiam. from the Atlantic shores of Morocco to the Pacific. Abdul na med. the present Sultan of Turkey, has long been connected with the or der and even those Moslem rulers who do aot belong thereto are nevertheless sufficiently la dread of Its decrees to •acrlflce their personal lutes to Us bahasta —New York Tribune. Fflf M liMiritf Amttti of appetite always results iroin Uult) digestion. All that b lirnlrd is a few doses of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. rh«v will invigorate the .stomach, strengthen the digestion and give you an ap|x-tite like a wolf. These Pal»l ts also act as a gentle laxa tive For sale by S. R. Biftgs. "S«iiw of -my jokes," declared the budding humorist, ''have been extensively copied " '"As jokes ?" i-ked a heartless friend, "or as quasi-literary curiosities?" The l*st safeguard against head •che. constipation ami liver trou ies is IX-Witt's Little Kailv Kiov Keep a vial of these famous little ; ills in the house and take a dmt at led time when you feel that the stomach ami bowels need clean sing. They dou't gtipe. Sold by S. R. Biggs- The Doctor—You never can dis guise the real thing. Culture will will tell. The Profes-or —Yes, so will ignorance—but it 'generally uses more words in teliiug it.— Chicago Tribune. A Sckittfic WHitr Tin-cures that stands to its credit make Hticklen's Arnica Salve a M-ientfic wonder It cured H. R Mulford. lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst Burns, Sores. Bods, Ulcers Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains and Salt klieuni. Only 25c at S. R. Biggs' drug store J "Hon vividly tnemorv brings up the |«ast !" exclaimed the senti mentalist. "Not if you happen to be a witness in an investigation," answered the 'nsu ranee man.— Washington Star. A liquid cold cure for children that is plersant, harmless, and ef fective is Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar Superior t all other cough syrups 01 cold remedies lie cause 1; acts on the bowel- An ideal remedy for Coughs. Colds. Croup. Whooping Cough and all curable lung and bronchial aff- c iim- in child »r adult. Pe tit to take S R Biggs For bloating, belching, indiges tion. etc. eat a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after meals. Sold by S. R. Bigfs. W«n* I WHk Ote. n* satotitottM of Km (grlwli iill certaia Mats of mill to the nrloM lamitlns Mia If Dr. X U A. Ayaard. M B. CL & la I ilia UacaC with the MI *tm siaa «Uek to hlaa •etf undertook at Intoaaiabau toapt tal. After obtaialag a |tan of thick window tUaa. the adpea at which m ground oa aa ordiaary phMat bo nxnd It with earhotte ad. ia| a mm* it aa a patiaat lastiai or hat The wonad. to aaya. aahaafMattr hiahi a» eatlrdy. aai will taavw aa trace at a tear. Two other caaae Dr. Aj ami boa treated with watch gtaaaea. the laaalte tolas equally MlUdHy. la saaalac ap the adwatna af a glaaa diseslaa. Dr. Ajaanl dwelle up oa Its iimat chaapaaea. aad rata that Its adopt ioa oa a targe scale hospital practice. *camamj Cane laws —Foot ball ralea. T»rfw» bf Sauces "Spttkinx of the torture to which some of the savage tribes of the Philippine* subject their cap tives, reminds me of the intense sufferipg I endured for three months from inflammation of the Kidnevs," says W M Sherman, of Cn>hin(, Me. "Nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitter*, three bottles of which completely cared me." Cares Liver Com plaint, Dyspepsia. Blood disorder* and Malaria, and restores the weak and nervous to robust health. Guaranteed by S. R. Biggs, drug gist. Price 50c. A Wisconsin man, on the point of being buried as dead, suddenly came to and jumped oat of the coffin. His friends, it is said, are now trying to explain it all away by saving they mistook him for ex Governor Odell. A dose of Pine-ules at bed time will usually relieve backache be fore morning. These beautiful little globules are soft gelatine coaled and when moistened ami placed in the mouth yon caa't help from swallowing them. Pine-ule> contain neither sugar nor alcohol just gums and resins obtained from our own native pine ioretU, com bined with other well known blad der. kiduey. blood and backache remedies. Sold by S. R. Bigg*. "Seem-, odd. doesn't it. about so many of th-»se international match es?" "What's odd about them?' "That tilled marriages should turn out such rank failures. "-J-Balti more American. 'The gums and resins obtained from pine trees have long been recognized as highly beneficial in the treatment of backache kidnet and bladdei troubles. Pine-ules is 'be name of a new medicine, the principle ingredients of which come from the pine forests of otir own native land Sold by S R Bigi;* •"H.»s h„* siul uulhnie cant yet of hi- inlt ?*" No, ina. he'> Ihe m«r-» « i I ever knrw." H i»s«» I' i Diiii'l frown—look |« 'lt ion are -uff.riuK fn'Mi iiwtm-i it MHir Hi nil '.|U k . 1» -i . Cm. II I Allmta. O " - ft inor* ili ii in gestion A In i (t- >lll >i KIMIOI II relit-v- •) in- in "it and now I riijo* better Ii- alt h ■ h i for many years." Sold by S. R. Biggs. It is to he licit-1 that |irt\i>li nt boom*, like all tender DOivi' sprigs, are kept under glas> dnro 4 lhe cold months The liest way to rid the systnr of a cold is to evacuate the bowel- Kennedy's Laxative Honev an*' Tar acts as a pleasant vet effotu • cathartic on the howeN I" clears the head, the bronchial tn'ir relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough etc. Sold by S. R ' B ' KRS " The discovery of vice in New York's vice squad may mer-l> demonstrate how evil communica tions corrupt good manners. Keep the little ones healthv a happy Their teniler>-enMtiv-- hodies require getule h«-.ili'>*r »• edies k cki M tain Tea will k-ei> tit m e and Well 35 i> I- !'e t J. M Whites K Co. ■ »son ville. N C Th '( 1- a-t p*es>.i«-ii' i nr r' » SI (KlO .. x up Indij»*~t'"»i is mo.-'i • P.." i ufliiu | Ko-lul digests wo .t r . .. makes ihe by S. R. Biggs. K- V«MT Mil iMCt JuOlOWOltntK the wmarnKf hTaZe WHOLE NO. 3J2 Women U Writ m MM Are Made Miserable by | Kidney Trouble. | Dtojr tiuaUe preys upoo the triadl 4to ■« x*U* the flesh a iTitohtdM 1 reaches aa age «toa it should to 4h «• raerrnl the pnap, ft Is yet eflMa* tod ■wttlac- depend upon it. the caaae at Aa difficulty Is kidney trouble, andttotat *p should to towards the ct these important organs. This atoM trouble is due to a diseased comhttoa at da kidneys aad bladder aad aot la a toU aa most people suppose. Women as weU as mea aa Mh afe arable wfth kidney and bfaddv - iHi aad both aeed the sane peal raaeedv. the mild and the hnmcHNle dhd af .finmp Rail issooai rashzed. kla aeU * IM rtfTT, aues. Yoa may have >■ sample bottle by bee. also pamphlet tett la( an about it. inolodtac T * *» thnminds of testimonial kittas nohai bom adfarat coed. In eiklae Dir. Una fc Co.. Blnghamlon. N. aasa md analiis Ihli | nil i Doat make any mistake, bat naaato the name. Swamp-Root. Or. Dtort Snmp-Root. and the addraa, Bhriaaha H. Y.. on every bottle. By Mfcy Of Coaparlsw _Attto totmhaptetara at atoa Mm the aery poor csewthfAt the ■■9, there U a photograph of the le4 or . planter who beUavua in the Uhaeal iMeeCeaUr Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers. See the mod. erea Mad. and tail, luxuriant plants? Toa aa toe but othrr inte eeian* |a.laa of farm# .■kethoae uu walrh the crope of pour an-1 euod >»+!» are omnieL In oar lanpa. pretty alaanar. Aak ;our4caler tor it. or «™i usee. In ataapa to par he oat ot «ra t >[Hiur and prwtaii * Inmaas rour TtPtda per acre" hy u»- in« Vlntmia lamina totttoh Bur aeothe-. Virginia - Carolina Chemical Co. Ktrhacad. Vs. Atlanta. Oa Norfolk. Va. Mwuah. Oa. Iturhaaa. N HontmaerT. Ala. « 'MI leaia. w. C. Meaphia, lia ill lianro. M 4. hhroveport, La. KILLTHC COUCH «•» CURE THC Luwes ,T " Dr. King's New Discovery FOP f w SAW MILLS. LMHT, MEDIUM AND HEAVY WOOD-WOKINO MACMHUII FOR EVERY KIND OF WORK ENGINES AND BORERS AND SIZES AND FOR EVERY CLASS OF SERVICE. ASK rat out ESTIMATE UNU ruam vow ona. GIBBES MACHINERY COMPANY COLUMBIA, S C. I sEb~ Sold by R. Biggs.

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