ADVERTISING Yamr money hack .-Judicious adverti* tog is the kind that pays back to yea Ikt money vou umaL Spue ia this paper sssnres you prompt teturas . . VOL. VII. - NO 26. DIRECTORY Tswa OfDcers Mayor— B. V. Godwin. CsamHsionert -A. Anderson, N. R. Reel, W. A. RUisoa. J. I>. Leggett. C. H. Godwia. Sueet C.>nillt.«lower -J D. Leggtt. Clerk-C. H. Godwia. Tieesarer -N. S. Peel. Attoraer—Wheeler Martin. Chief at P«dice-J. 11. Page. LMfces Skewarkee Lodge, No. 90, A. F aad A. M. BeguUr meeting every rod and 4th Tuesday nigjit*. BITIST-V- Camp. No. 107, Woodmen of the World. Regular meeting eewrv sad' last Friday nights. ■ ■ ■ " a j Charch 01 the Aireat Bunii 111 ua the second aad fcfth Sua days at the mouth,morning snd evening, aad oa the Saturdays (5 P m.) before, aad oa MooiUvs (9 a. in.) after said Son days of the month. All are cordially ia vited. B. S. I.ASSITKS, Rector. 1 Methodist Caarck Rev. T. L. Kirtan, the Methodist Pas tor, haa the following appointments: Beery Sunday morning at 11 o'clock sad eight at 7 o'clock respectively, except the second Sunday. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:y> o'clock. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday evea iag at J o'clock. Holly Spriags jrd Sunday evening at 3 o'clock: Verwoa Ist Sunday evening at j o'clock; Hamiltoa rod Sunday, morning and night; Hassells rnl Suwlsy at 5 o'clack. A cordial ia vitatioa. to all to attend these «e» »kes Baptist Cfearch rreaching on the Ist. 2nd ami 4th Sun days at it a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Prayer ■ectiug every Thursday night at 7:Jo Sunday School every Sunday moruinK at 9:30. J. U. Higgs. Superintendent. The pastor preaches at Cellar Branch on the 3rd Sunday in each month, at 11 a. m. aad 7:30 p. ■„ and at Riddick'e Grove •a Satunlay before every tat Sunday at 11 a. 111 . and oa the Ist Sunday at 3 p. m. Slade School House on the mil Sunday at 3 p. m , and the liiKKa' School llouar on the 4th Sui d ly at 3 p. m. Kverybody cordially invi eil. L U. CAUOU. Pastor. |SKEWARKEE JL LODGE W^f No. 90. A. F. LA. M. /\y \ OiancTuav Hon 190$. H. W. Stubb*. M. W.; W. C. Manning, S. W.; S. S. Brown. J. W.; A. P. Taylor. S. D.; W. S. Peel. J. I).; S. R. Bigg*. Secretary; C. D. Carats rpheu, Treasurer. H. C. Taylor and J. D. Bo Wen, Stewards; T. W. Thomas, Tyler. STANDI NO COMMITTORS: Ch abitv —H. W. Stubbs. W. C. Man nieg and S. S. Brown. PiMANCK— R. J. Peel. McG. Taylor and Kli Guixana*. Rkfkbkni k -W. H. Bdwsrd*. 11. D. Taylor and W. M. Oreen. ASVUTM —G. W. Blount, O. K. Cow ing and P. K. Hodges. Mamhau-I. 11. Hattoa. Professional Girds. D»- J- A. WHITE. Milk DKNTIST OrrtCK— Maim Stbkkt Phonb « CI will be in Plyraouth thsffirnt week ia each month. • DR- WM. K. WARREN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE IN BIGOS' NSONJSSTORB "Phone No. M BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, WLUJAMSTON. N. C. s. ATWOOD NEWELL [LAWYER a~a~ oak* opatalra la new mk MM lag. left ha ad side, top *f Mep*. I LI. IA MS TON N C. *Trrartk* vhfivwr services sfe dcriitl Special silnttM ilm to tnaktaf sed ask •( Udc for parrhaarn. of tlakrr mm* timber !*■«■ *> irlil aural *>« will be (irea Sa rami nbu txSaafn If yam with ta hay *r scH toad I ■■Mam ■— PHOM TS LADIES LmFt 7TT^T — Safe, Quick, R«UkbM%fHlater ass.if* IT MIKITO Machinery Used to Prepare the Cadets' Fcod. BOYS GAIN IN WEIGHT Pcetesa That Bnhale Ceet to Be K pt D«m te Slaty-Three Cents O- ty. Bread Made, Raaat Beef Car- d. PeUUil Peeled by Machines. Qeai ding ft telnet Typhoid. The Vert roiat kitchen is a food laboratory aad a food factory com nu ed Every thing poaalble 1a done b> aiachlaery, says the New York Sun. The roast beef M carved by a machine —MS oats oT It la jew thau Sve mln- Bve Ma. Potatoee are peeled by aa The West Nat boys gala In weight fast the Brat rear. Bach year after ward they pat oa more weight, but more slowly than the first year. Kor the Brat three eratha of their stay the? loae weight. Wheal the bora march In to dinner they go to their places with precl aloa aad each oae folds his overcoat oa the hack of his chair. A plate ot soup Is at each oae'a place. At a certain moment toe roast beef cutter, if they have roast beef, starts up. The waiters, e .ch with his tea set of dishes. stand In a row. The ■Mat la shared oa hot plates Just tahea from tha warmer. Tha waiters, still In line, get the vegetables oa the trays snd be lore the seap Is flalshed the flrst man ap pears through the doors that open automatically aad the cadets hare their solid food before them. Whsa they are finished they march oat aad certain receptacles for scrape are brought la The scrape are claaai- Bad. sad thnnigh the use of machtn err la preparing the food the waste haa been reduced from two cartloads a dar to owe-half cartload. Oae at the aMat lntereatlng of tho kltchea machlnee la the potato parer. It coaaiata of a big hopper Into a bushel of potatoes Is dumped In the bottom and along the sides are what a housewife would call nutmeg graters. The skin la burred off the potatoes aad a saving of ku per cont to mads over ordinary potato pe ling. The ejraa ate removed by hand .'be putateea gWstsn almost aa If they bad Brosttoa oa them. la Ik* bakes bop every useful de vice baa been adopted. lJy experi ment It la determined exaetly how maay pounds of flour and water are needed to make a certain hatch of bread. The gaugea atv act and the Sour and water flow together into a big kneading through where rotating abaft* and big wooden kneader*. that look like Indlaa club*, mix and knead the mixture. No band louche* it Then it I* put Into a moulding machine where the loavea are rolled out and slipped into pans. The loavea are exactly two fe t long and round with crust all around them. The boys Uke crust, and the shape of the loavea Is such that there Is less • waste la unused pieces tbsn in any other form. 80 little waste is there that oftentimes the cooks have dlfll culty la setting enough to make bread crumbs frosn. Than the bread la put Into an oven After each baking the bread Is weigh ad. so that the relative value of braads of flour can be tested. The bread la sliced by machinery }uM before the boys so to tbeir meals. Moat hotels uae machine* for mak tag lea cream, bat they are of the old fbsbkmad sort, with salt and Ice to finish the product. The West Poln* machlae aaea the brine from the re frigerating plant. The Ice cream I* pushed oat when a telltale device an nounces that It la froten. and then Is made ap Into moulds. The aatborltlea at the Point arc eepeeially proud of their sterilising plant for milk All the milk used Is pure baaed from a dairy acroas the fiver, which Cap*. inspects regularly. The milk Is subjected to a heat at IM degrees at flrst ami then passes to another taak heated to 104 iatrsss. aad then to another heated at M degrees. All this Is done in three mlaatea aad the flavor of the' milk gives not the slightest indication tt tha treatmsat It baa received. What makes the authorities proud Is that not a alagle case of typhoid or any other disease that can be traced tn cow's milk baa occurred at the taslltatlaa since tbla sterilizing plant waa pat ia. The dlah washing machines con atst of two parts In the flrst part , tha dlahea are washed and la the ether they are rinsed. All tha knives -re cleaned and afcsrpsnsd by a little electric ma chlae and the stiver la polished by 1 aa apparataa with a brush tbat makes MOt revolutions a minute. In order to feed tha cadets as cheap If aa possible all the supplies are gnrrbsssd la large quantities. The I meats are brought direct to the place 1 by tha carload from Chicago. A > month's supply la bought at one time. Groceries are purchased from the | abofcsalrra as cheaply aa any retail ' fllimi can get them. The fruits and vegetables are bought In New York ■ and other places at wholesale prices I Tha butter, a thing which does not Improve with keeping. Is purcbas ad la the aommer. and usually a year's supply Is obtained. It has to , ha of the heat grade. The esteemed Dr. Wiley aow say tV 1 wtkkr haa food properties Tie i . km M gotta right— food for thought.-; Clit (fniOTrist WILLI AMSTON, N. C./ DAMAGE DONE BY ANTS. VsU Armies Travel Over Mexlce in Straight Lines. Hordes of blank act* do muck dam age la the TUxpam district, according -to a report brought to Tampion by Enrique Mardl, a prominent ranchman, who Uvea near the (own of Tuxpani. The ants travel In great columns, and seem to be controlled by leaders, who manage the great armies with mili tary *klU. The anta are known among the Mexican! aa bomegas. Describing the depredations of the peat, Mr. Mar- Be) nald. ££ "Without exaggeration, there are millions and mUllooa of anta In theor droyea. Theye are apt to come at any time, and they travel In A straight line, from which nothing will turn tlxen. They swarm over anything la their path. aad kill every living tftlng that Sore not get out or their way. ™T® relate my own experience, It was along In the aftenoon. and I wan superintending some work near the house, when our attention was at tracted by the strange movements of numerous inserts and animal*, which appeared to be fleeing In a certain di rection. This was the first Indication we had of the approach of the an;*, which we soon afterward saw coming In a long line, the farther end of which was out of sight, and preeentlng a front of It feet "They were bended for the house, and we ran there to get things lu as good A ape aa possible, as one of the Indiana said they would go all over tho house. And he was not mistaken They went on the roof, through tho cracka, everywhere, and In Ave min utes the house was alive with them. I saw them devour a large spider which had the temerity to stand In their way and light them. We hunt ed piper, used hot wwer and gasoline, boat tin pana, and did everything else, but all to no avail, and after being bitten once or twloe we beat a re treat. "After 10 minutes the ants Itegan to leave the house, without having done any partlrular damage, and th'y left In the sane orderly line as that tn wMrh they hen approached It. each suc ceeding column going over the house as M aam* to It. and then following the leader* off. They did no special damage. The creature* traveled with remarkable rapidity, considering their alar; ! should aay at learn- a* fast aa a man eaa walk, and It took over half an hour to pass. "Thin Is my o*ily experience with the ants, and so far as I could nee they did no great harm, though the Indians eemi to be In great fear of them, and told me that they would often destroy entire crop*. No one could tell me the manning or special time of theae mi grations. "A friend told me that on one oc casion he tied a saddle horse on file plains while he walked some distance. During his ab»«nce a horde of an'* killed the horse, stripped the bones clean, and even tore nway a pail of the leather of the saddle. "There seem* to he no successful way of lighting the peat." Whan the Lion Cage Broke. While a menagerie was being carried from St. Rtlenne to Iloanne. In France a Hon escaped from his cage. Which had been broken accidentally, and bounded to the platform at Vandrang ss He was hurt, but rushed down the line, upsetting the sta'.don master as ha went, disappearing In the darkness With four armed guards aboard, a lo comotive was sent In chase Before his pursuer* got near him tha Hon had traveled three mtlea. and had come to the cottage of a signalman. tn the house the signalman lay asleep. His wife had gone out to look at the signals She hoaril a rten> growl and saw the anlmtl's eynn llash- Ing from the darkness. "I snatched the lamp from the gate and danhed it In the brute's fare." she said. "Then I beard the roar of an oncoming train, some shots and I fainted." The Hon had bean shot While this was happening another lion bad Jumped from the damaged cage at Koaun* He was shot by gen darmes, who killed also the two lion* rrmaialng in the cage, aa no one dared to go near It. The loss to the menagerie owner was 110.000. The Marriage Knot. In India only, of all the countries of the world, I* the much-talked-of mar riage knot ever actually tied. Among tlw> Brahmins marriage is a matter of purchase, and the would-be bride groom Is liable almost till the I aft moment to be ousted by a higher bid der; but. If no suitor appears willing to give the father a more valuable present, he leads his daughter to thr flrst offer himself, saying.— T have no longer anything to do with you; I give you up to the power of another." Then the bridegroom laces the tall, the Insignia of marriage, round hei neck, and aerurss It with a knot. The tall consists of a piece of ribNm with a gold bead suspended upon It. The knot It Is that legally binds the wife to her husband snd makes the marriage Indissoluble, for Brahmins do not recognize divorce. The tar that is contained in Bee's Laxative Hoticy .gjul Tar is harmless. It is not coal tar, hut is obtained from the pine trees of our own native forests. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is the l>est remedy for co'tls because it act* on the bowels—thus expel ling all cakls from the system. Bee's is the original Laxative Hon- ey and Tar. and is best for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, lung and bronchial affections. Sold by S. R. Biggs. \ I IDAV, ifflt Wilis Problem of Disposing of Tho c e Replaced by a Million Others. NEW RIFLE'S ADVANTAGE. United State* Never Sctla Arms te Foreign Countries—Some Us:d in Spanish War Were Old and In ferior —Second Hand Omloi K> fit and Sell OK Arms. The auettaa falff M the Paitrd Status ariuory la tSprfMfliid. M»=> . «>l nearly twenty-five •i-ijsand rtSfs at J thousands uf other'small uns »» wont aa an *ome of tfce methods the government employs la di.' (toeing of antiquated ImpUtu. :ts of wan are. This sale brought tin- gov ernment mail? thousands of dollirs. the money Ixir.s turned Into iho Treasury at WaaliiiiKtiM. Th«* con demned stores were divided into lots and rwinl as servlc.-able or llrst. sec ond ami third dasa unserviceable. ac cording to their atate of repair TO follow the rift, i after leaving the second linud dealers wouM or in teftvting If such a thing were pos sible, and would take the rurloeity io. ker into many corners of the woild. ttliles bearing the Inscription. "Spring Held," have bren fount in Sow h \f rica. while lt\ the small South Am* rl •siii republics. where revolutions spring up In a night, many of the native* ire very familiar with the uae of the old Spilugtleid arm. Of course the I'nited State 1 government never sells arm* to another countiy. and few of '.he second hand dial ers dispose of them ilir« i*4y. The ma jority of rifles sold l>y I'nclr Sam nrs not serviceable at the time of sale, hut the parts inlsslnt; from one rifle may be supplied from another, and In thin manner one Complete rifle ob tained Mauy of the hpeond hand deal ers make It their buslnsaa to relit and make over old arms an.t nbe profit la generally large. Hut there are otN-r e«ea ftor the old tiflee. Colonel Pbipps has had thousanda of thi-i 1 t .. Jv n for tho State schools and aejulemlen whem military tactics are Introduced These are known an the "Hprlagfleld cadet rifle." and are made wholly from old stock. Another use Colonel Philips has dis covered for the old BpringileM la that of making thorn Into fencing rices For this pur|iose the rifles are ent «k wn to the length of live new. mafesxin" rifle ftitl aupplled with » Isynntt bear In* a nibber tip. The arms are then allotted to the different pots* Kern ing la patii-ularly hard on the m • storks, ami by using old rifles tlw» Lew ones arc saved considerable wear When the Spanish war broke -ml many of the companies whl> h went to thefront were supplied with old Spring field rittea, while their eoemtea carried up to date Mausers There waa much criticism of the Ordnance Department at that tlmo for *up|4ylng truopa with antiquated arms 1 houMnri* of rlftm which had been stored In the araena! at Springfield for years went to the frr.n This WM not the fault of the Oral nanr« Oepartmcn . but wax owing to the lack of a sufficient aiipniprta'l >n Since then the government haa aw ik e.m»l to the fact that tile ct>in>lr> should alwavM be remly for war. and a*i a rciHiK ap;m»prlnion* have le-eu made, anil will lie made, for the m-in ufaeture of nearly i million if J>e new United States mag nine ridw within the next live v irs. After the regular' hav- been sup plied the navy and cavalry will be furnished with the new rifle he mll v Itla of the many Kiats to follow Af ter the mllltlft has !i-> n supplied work will be / commencxl on five hundreil thousand puns to be stored away for use in ease of war MfHt of th>we will lie stored In fipri isfleld. There ate many adan-axes claimed for the new rifle as compared with its predecessors Prominent itnio ig ih" {siints of superiority irr Its simplicity of construction and facility of action. The velocity of the n!d Sprint"!!"-!,! rl fte of .43 calibre, !;■ uar In-fore th»' Krag-Jorgensen, war Is* »>en 1.'.00 and I 4tH> feet a se ond and that of the Krag 2,1KM1 ft rt a fecond, jahlle the velocity of the new rifle Is *3W» f»et. The bullets to be usnd with the new rifle have steel Jackets. Their sr*ai voloctty and powi r »f penet rat on tnal>« the new weapon (he srlfteat and deadliest of any small .wm that baa boen employed l:i 'he army and at the same time safi r,to us» because of the Increase In range. Rapidity of loading la also nn advan tage of the new gen. and by a >tr off arrangement It In possible to shut off th« magazine supply md we the >«'-» p on an a tilngle loader when desired. The same method may be employed to remove the bolt and dlfible the RUB In ease It la about to fall Iwo the hands of the enemy. Still another ad vantage Is that the gun e»rt be taken apart without the use of tool* ao far aa X Is nrcetuwr; f:»r tt> is»r to .t«» ao The rifle will carry a bullet 4.751 yards while, the bullet will prove ef fective at f,400 yard*. If you ever Itought aI ox of Witch Ifnzel Salve that failed t» isfaction the chances are it did not have the name "K. C. DeVVilt &. Co." printed on the wrapper and pressed in the box. The original I)eWitt's Witch ffazel Salve never fails to give satisfaction for burns, sores,l»ods, tetter,cracked hands, etc. For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding files it affords almost immediate relief. It Mtopsthe paiu. Sold by S R. Biggs. PRIL 20, 1906 mm 111 A :>dobon Society Acquires Twenty-five Islands for Hatcheries. CAPACITY FIVE MILLION i-jtat Bird Breading Preasrve in the World—Heretofore Millions cf Wings Have Been Shipped ream Thcae I lands. Vi'lM grans-covered Islands, number n- twenty-Ave. embracing 4,000 scree, with a capacity fur breeding 3,000,- to birds a year, have bean acquired by the Audubon Society, of IxMiixana, Juw off the Ixmlsana Coast, in the tiulf of Mexico. Ifacy comprise the largest bird or. »ling preserve* in the world, l'aid •rerdena pa;roi the prweeves, caret ul •} vuard them during the hatching. Il is expected that over 1,000,(HH) terus »iii lie rained In one year alone. With the limited machinery of the aurkcy In o|Miiiti>«i over 40,000 birds rain-i! luiil protected In lUO6. One If In ml product d " Thine are tlirw groupe of islands r-tiw dedicated to one purpose— llre to.t Island Reservation. owned by the I tailed States Government, the largest >t anirh Ik llreton Island, six miles In length, thi- urteu.ecii iHliinds obtained fti.m the l-ake lleigue U'V«' Hoard on a tea-year lease for a rnntal of 145 f-r . year, and liastledore Island and Its keys, by purchase from the State of l.ouisana, embracing jlm Hit one thousand acres. The so oi.-ij paid 25 cents |ier acre. "the islands rise only a' few feet .e the sea. They are covered with *ea itrass and a specie** of salt-water rcils They present n barren waste. ■ln*.!ate and dreary. No human being wan ever known to live on one of thnni. although bird hunters have for y«-sir* frequented the rcaervatlon to k il the birds for their beautiful plum age «:*■!!in* the o«gs anil killing the bin and laughing gulls for large millinery hAttam In tli«> Kant has boca • (Hivim; business mi this coast until the \ulul.Ml Society dually Mxur«d pmraaton of lhi' prmwi'ii and pro •crird the en me Millions of wine* hate been shipped from thene Islands, and as li IKII an KMI.IMNI eggs in a HOS aon have gone to St louls, Mo., where they are used In (Jip manufac tur" of the delicate IIIIIIH on photo gr*«rli plate*. 8- persistent Is tin* di maml for the wine f vhin; certain Now York whole sale nilllln. ry iwliililishinriitß offered tli- ni!il»i-« on Hit* cn*ist itie fabulous pil«E of SFIII in KIII(I pur ounce for the plunmee of |he white heron and T5 amir e«ch for the wings of the (erna. Th birds bred on these Islands are laiirl'inr culls, shear waters, white h« nms. Wll»i>n's terns, Foster's tern*, royal terns :imi ('impiim lieniH. They lay theft i :•«* on the sand a*id ►lirilf -IKI covtrlllg whatever. The f»- ni.U- lili-ts set on tlieni there, the sun having as in in li to do with the liati hlng an nnythitig else AH goon as the young birds come from the shell* they are fed along the beach, .-uul «m«n catch their own supply of 'mall fish The millions of birds that lnf«*» the plare have cniue-d the island to the great breeding places for raccoon*. the aninialH burrowing In the urmis nnd "nnd, as there are no for their ileus. The Audubon Society has Just IK exclusive privileges to a number of jralned and pri>fi sslonal trappers of the IxMilsana swamps to catch the '»Mia on the Islands, and unsure them prnt-rtfon and . exclusive grants. It »fll IM> the first time ihat any human beings have att'inpted 10 live on the Inlands It is expected that fully«> 'enons will lie trapped on the Island*, the process liclllg practiced every winter until the preserven are free from them The trappers will make biff money from the furs. Alllt Hkllßltisa There are few diseases that in flict more torture than rheumatism ami there is probably no tlisease for which such a Varied ami useless lot of remedies have lieen suggested. To say that it can l>e cured,is, therefore, a I M>ll statement to make hut Chamberlain's I'aiu Balm, which enjoys an extensive sale, lias met with great success in the treatment of tlfls disease. One ap plication of Pain Halm will relieve the jKiin, and hundreds of sufferers have testified to permanent cures l»y its use. Why suffer when Pain Balm affords such quick relief and costs hut a Trifle ? For sale by S. K. Biggs. Hon't lose your head if ambitious to Ret ahead. This is the season of listlessness, headaches and spring disorders. Ilolli-.ier's Rocky Mountain Tea is a sure preventative Makes you strong and vigorous. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. J M. Whiters & Oi. Rnbersonville. Manv a man's meatless is due to chronicle stomach trouble. Von feel the life giving current the minute von take it. A gentle soothing warmth, fills the nerves and blood with life. It's a real pleasure to take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or TaWets. J. W. Whiters & Co., Robersonvtlle. A Useful Indian Tree, la northern India, rlaae to the foot >f the Hlmalayaa. grows (tie mahwa tree. Sugar Is made from Its flowers ■s well as a cordial and the tree prove* Itself useful In other ways, AS s nut-bearing tree It has been known For many ages. It belongs to the ap utai-eae (starapplet family Its bloom ing period lar« from the -nl of Feb ruary till April. Quickly after the jollen Is formed the whitish tubular flowers swell to I*ll* about as large ■s 1 bcrrlee. which contain a large amount of Invert sugar (honey) The flower tubes fall, covering the rround In the grcnte«t profusion They are Mi'wly ga'hered by the natives and oaten. A tree yields from ?00 to 300 pound* of flowers Rice Is usually mixed with the fruit before It Is eaten. The dried (lower* have very much the taste and appear and of raisins They are exported to Europe as curiosities, ind arc also lined as food for animals Distillation yields a large percentage of spirits, which dllu e,t with wtUer m.tknt "darn" a native dltnk very much ised II comca on the market In oaken bar rels and Is hi;til . - i' ■>m« 1 bv Ruro (MMIS 1MII» the flowes the seed Is of iteislderalile u«e Tltev ot tain a fat i>f butter-like consistency, which serves as a .foodstuff ll is called "mow 1a" a...l Ifc. .ri .'.c !u7 is known M "llllpe" and Is uwd by the Kuro pesns largely for making candles, soaps and the like The wood is very hard and lading and is much uocd for making wheels of the nativo InilliM'k carts. RlMMattc Palis Qalcklf Relieved The excruciating paius charac teristic of rheumatism anil sciatica are quickly releived hy applying relieved by applying Chamberlain's Pain Halm. The great pi in reliev ing |tower of the liniment has lieen the surprise ami ileliglit of tlions umls of snllerers. The quick re lief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost For salt by S. K. Biggs. Women seldom mean it when thev kiss each other. The average woman would rattier bite a piece out of the other's complexion. Don't tie a cough or cold up in your system by taking a retuedy that binds the bowels. Take Kennedy's laxative Honey ami Tar. 'lt is different from all other cough syrup. It is I letter. It opens the l>owels—ex|»els all cold from the system, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. A ideal remedy lor young and old. Children like it. Sold by S. R Biggs. Any man who would laugh at your mistakes would get angry if vou should laugh at his. Is tki Mm libabitei Science has proven that the moon has an atmosphere, which niake*- in some form possible on that sat ellite; but not lor human lieings, who have a liaid time on this earth of ours; especially those who don't know that Klectric /Jitters cure Headache, liiliousness. Malaria, Chills and fever. Jaundice, I >ysjH|> sia, Dizziness, Torpid Liver, Kid ney complaints, General Debility and Female Weaknesses. Uneq lialed as a general Tonic and ap|ie ti/.er lor weak jiersons and especial ly ior the aged. It induces sound sleep. Fully guaranteed by S. R. HigKS Druggist. Price only 50c. All women are angels figurative ly speaking- and if wise they'll let it go at that. A Licki Pesfaisiress is Mrs. Alexander, of Carry, Me., who lias fount) I)r. Kinjj's New Life Fills lo lie tlic IK-SI remedy she ever tried for keeping the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels in pet feet order You'll agree with h r if you try these painless purifiers that infuse new life. Guaranteed by S. K. BIKKS. When a man has positively noth ing to do tile devil regards ii as a first-class o|>|M>rtmiity. A liquid cold cure for children that is plersant, harmless, and ef fective is Bee's laxative I loney ami Tar. Sii|ierior to all other cough syrups or cold remedies lo calise it acts 011 the bowels. An ideal remedy for Coughs. Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough and all curable lung and bronchial affT tinns in child or adult. Pleasant to take. S. R. Biggs. There is, after all, only one real Iwne of contention in the world, and that is the jaw-bone. The most rational remedy for Coughs and Colds is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. ~ It acts on the bowels as a mild cathartic expels all cold from the system. Cuts all phlegm out of the throat, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. An ideal remedy fcr children—equally good for adults. Sold by S. R. Biggs. ADVERTISING Your money bark .—Judicious advertfe »nK >• the kind that pays bark to jm the money yon invert. Space in tka paper assures yoo prompt retnnw *. . WHOLE NO. 31 (. n DO YOU GET OP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble lakes Yaa MIMIIMI Almost everybody who reads Ike news papers is sure to know of the wosJaM !i| i; *-\ 1, cures made by Dr. , !li Kilmer's Swamp-Root. III ,hek >d«*T. bw 111 and bladder remedy. I (FKSJ is " is 'he peat med- F»JV N' [A cat triumph of the afcw \ VjLl |njf teenth century; dto •jrjiL |™l covered after years of II if »ei M'tiacteaUßa rr —ak by 1 IF - J | " Dr. Kilmer, the coat . _Ux_ . ' nent kidney and btad- der xpectafct. and to wonderfully successful in premwirty cwkw lame back, kidney, bladder, arte add troo bles and Bright's Disease, which la the went form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root to aot rec ommended fur everything but If yo« hare kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It wiD be found |ust the remedy you need. It has been tasted In so many ways, in hospital work, la |»liati practice, among the helpless too poor tapw chase relief and has proved ao succeaafal to every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried H, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and ITdTL send your address 10 Dr. Kilmer & Co..Bing- Bjjlßß hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and How 4l 1 i a » dollar sizes are soid by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address. Binghamton. N. Y., on every bottle. run rwflj- hf raided with n vular. vveiiaturvla. and of ih»» very Ik for which the hiKlie»l prlre* urn In* irottroel your wim-hoiiw, or ln»m tol«rroliuyifii If you H ill, a few Mu'ksU'fort'pUiiUm, Ilk-rally uao Yirg iniaCarol tit Fertilizen. Cue Uiom axain MA top ■lrowlf. or Hpiilit-aUnn. IVM ferUlnra are Diiea I > ca|»ahlo nii o. who hart IMWH iiiakniK fertilizers ail their llvra, iu»l cont.un phosphoric arid. p»laA «tfi«l nitnarcri. or ammonia. In thrlr I > roper proi»»rtlons to return to jr«»ur Mill the ci«*nientii of plant-life thai hnvo hi-t'n iuk-n from at l»jr rontinual cultivation. Accept uo sulisUtute. Virginia.Carolina Chcalnl Cm.. Hlohmnnd, Va. Atlanta. Oa. Norfolk. Va, Ba\annah.(la. iMirliniii. N.C. Montjromrry. Ala. Charlc*ton. H. Mt-inphi*. Tens. Ilaltiiuon-. Mil. Mir«-\«-|>ort. La. ■ «r' "kTI t ™coucH AND CURE THE LUNGB " u Dr. King's New Discovery ___ /CONSUMPTION PHM FOR I OUCHS arid Fre# Trial. Bureat an't Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. -r„ i •■■l ® SAW MILLS. LIQHT, MEDIUM AND HEAVY WOOO-WORKING MACHINERY FOR EVERY KIND OF WORK ENOINES AND BOHJERS AND SIZES AND FOR EVERY CLASS OP SERVICE. ASK FOR our Bsnara MUM PLACim rout owes. GIBBES MACHINERY COMPANY COLUMBIA, 8 C. f I Mhr ■ Caaafca. ■ I Bafc* | cZTiI Via v>a ■ nSZSIaL 11111 I ■|Ml 1.l p ' h\uiwm& Sold byS, R. Biggs, M