THE ENTERPRISE. SSiflraiuiinDmtTrimH n m imtruu mmm 00. « UlUmaton M.C C HASSELL, - • - EDITOR. Spmtcrad *t the Pom OBce WUUuuloa, M.C. aa Moond Claw Mall Mutur. Frumt. June 8, 1906. SNAPSHOTS. The scientists have now discov ered microbes in hymn books. They never seem to think of analyzing a poker deck. It can only be hoped that Secre tary Taft and Engineer Wallace will not feel moved to take their troubles to the magazines. Congress little reckoned what a circus iu would stir up when it at tempted to put the Jamestown Ex position in the side-show class. Just as we are learning all about the different ways of getting rich quick, the courts come along and show that none of them are safe. That German who was arrested tor sneezing, might make the plea that he got his signals mixed aud thought the Emperor was takiug snuff. The Mayor of Boston suggests that something should be done to advertise that town. We suggest that he try the effect of a good ball team. The South would have consider able less trouble securing enough cotton pickers, if they were not finding it such easy picking in the North. Somehow the proposition to make the island of Samar a "howling wilderness" always seems to get the "animals in this country" start ed up first. Not only is it now legal to fish in Wisconsin and Minnesota lakes, but it is not illegal to tell wonder ful stories about big catches on re turning home. One Boston team is next to last on the list, and the other has lost twenty games straight. Boston should re-organize its ball teams P into literary clubs. There slrfmld be no difficulty in fixing the date for adjournment of Congress, if the leaders would only get together and agree upon the list of bills they want killed. Strong-lens glasses are not need ed to see tlie finish of certain gen tlemen who have been employed in Washington to protect corpora tions from adverse legislation. President Baer having declare) that the Reading railroad is honeH the expenses of the investigating committee may as well be saved by stopping proceeding right now The City of Worcester, England, may lose its franchise as a result 11 municipal corruption. Political morals are not wholly above rt proach in the right little, tight lit tle island. And now, on the eve of the as sembling of the Delaware legisla ture, in special session, J. Edward Addicks' friends announce that lu is still a candidate. Of course Ad dicks' case is incurable. An Austrain baron who valued his hand, heart and title at $250, 000, has compromised on sio6,o>x> with a Pittsburg parent. It is hard to beat the American business man at a bargain. Representative Golden's asser tion that the job of State Senator in New York is worth from $50,- 000 to SIOO,OOO, is sure to prove distressing to those guileless gen tlemen who have not been getting theirs. Constipation makes the cold d rag along. Get it out of you. Take Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar cough syrup. Contains no op giates. Sold by S. R. Biggs. r..' « , BKOAD MINDED PREACHER. If we judge correctly there is no greater man in a community that makes for the religious, social and economic growth more than the broad-minded preacher, the man that is not tied down to a certain rut of thought and of activity, the man that has an interest in every phate of the life of the community in which h^lives. We wish every preacher in the county would take the same inter est in the progress and develop ment of the county that Mr. Kir ton does, and would manifest that l interest by contributing worthy articles to the county paper. A county paper is just as influ ential and strong and interesting as the people of the couuty make it it cannot be otherwise. We ask the support of the people in mak ing THK ENTERPRISE interesting to all sections and all classes and conditions of people throughout the county. We urgently invite you to con tribute to our columns. UNLIMITED LIBERTY. Shall we let the cows graze all day, steal the fodder from a coun tryman's horse, and with all these privileges allow them to stretch on our sidewalks at night, chew their cud to their heart's content, and talk and boast of their special priv ilege, while the poor hog, some times as a greazv pig is chased al most to death and is won as a prize, and is sacrificed, as a young bul lock in ancient times, by the Char itable Brotherhood, at other times housed up in a pen to grow fat that men may kill and eat ? A vicarious life is that of the hog. But the cows live on "Easy" street and claim those inalienable rights that should not be allowed them. They should not be given unlimited liberty to blockade the sidewalks, to draw flies and bellow just to see how many people who are susceptible to wakefulness they can keep awake. It is not right, gentlemen of the Board, and the law relative to the cow should be enforced as that concerning the hog. A prospective capitalist on com ing to such a place would not l>e apt to consider such a town pro gressive. Concert of Hamilton Academy Hamilton, N. C., June 5. —The annual concert of Hamilton Acade my given under the direction of Mrs. WHS. Glidstone'Tast Friday* night (June Ist), was greatly ap preciated by the public as well as the patrons of the school. Mrs. Gladstone, who has charge of the musical department, has re ceived many congratulations for having organized and managed such an entertainment. Her work in the school has been very grati fying, and in a large degree the cultural development of the chil dren in this school is due to her efforts. The success of her de partment has far exceeded the ex pectation of its promoters, and it is now seeu to Ik* a necessity in any and all schools to give the pupils full rounded culture, such we feel more keenly since listeuing to the children trained under this compe tent and efficient directress. We never can tell what is in any child until some patient and com petent friend brings it out to the public; this, I am sorry to say, has not been done in our school for the past two or three years. This concert is an example of the patient and substantial work of Mrs. Gladstone, and it is hoped that she will again train the little folks of our town for another en tertainment at the end of the next ten months of school, so children as well as parents will have some thing to look forward to when they have studied and toiled over exer cises and scales so long. Ai ilinlig Situation frequently results from neglect of clogged bowels and torpid liver, until constipation becomes chronic. This condition is unknown to those who use Dr. King's New Life Pills the best and gentlest regulators of Stomach and Bowels. Guaranteed by S. R. Biggs druggist. Price 2S. We Need Factories*. To the Editor:— The last article that I wrote and which was pub lished In THK ENTERPRISE was reproduced in the columns of at least'five newspapers. I discover ed this fact by a mere circumstance. One editor made quite a good deal of it. So you see that THE EN TERPRISE is read far beyond the limits of Martin county and is' therefore a fine advertising me dium. The second observation that 1 make upon this fact is that the intelligent reading public have no time to waste on the rattle of the dead bones of past issues. The present generation is living in the to-day and ts planning for the future. Times have changed and brought fresh possibilities and new responsibilities. The man or the community which does not re alize this fact will be passed by iu the march of progressive events And the fact that he has his mouth open and mutters his dissent will be poor compensation for him. The world is moving and we must keep up with it or we will be un doubtedly characterized as "back numbers." I have read with a great deal of interest your editorial iu the last issue of your paper under the cap tion, "factories —We Now Need." Your contribution to this imput taut industry is very timely. One of the first questions which arises iu the mind of a stranger iu this town is, "I wonder why they have not built factories here?" And when he goes out in the country and observes the vast stretches of arable lauds he is led to marvel more and more upon the lack of the people to seize upon the oppor tunity which they have. A cotton factory or an oil mill established here would pay large dividends to the stock-holders. It would bring several hundred people to the town and would largely increase the sales of our merchants. In fact it would put a great deal of money into local circulation. I trust that the business men in this community jvi" get together at once aud launch forth such all enterprise. If we can get one es tablished many other industries will follow. Some years ago I advocated the building of a cotton mill in the town iu which I was stationed. Iu one week I had secured the amount necessary to build and equip the mill. But there was one old ecclesiastical drake, swimming around iu the pessimistic pond of fogyism, who said that I ought to look after the souls of the people and let everything else alone. Uu fortunately I listened to him and quit the enterprise, and they have no mill there to-day. I have uevei quite forgiven myself for d'oping the matter. His contention was that I ought to look simply after the souls of the people. But I have found wit since that you can not build up the material interest of a town on souls and that even a minister cannot live 011 souls. If such were possible then I would live and prosper on my own soul. I have deli!>erately reached the conclusion that it i» my religious duty to IK* in every affair which affects the well being of the jteople to whom I preach. My Lord was even anxious that wine should be supplied at a marriage feast. I want to see the town of Wil liamston a manufacturing center. We have every facility for that end. The reason that our people have not moved in that direction is evidently because they have not seriously considered the matter. Let us have a factory. lam anx ious to assist as far as I cau. Keep up the agitation, Mr. Editor, aud success will crown your efforts, and the people generally will be benefit ed. PRESTON L. KIRTON. Congressional Convention. In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Democratic Con gressional Executive Committee of the First Congressional District of North Carolina, a convention is hereby called to meet in Elizabeth City, N. C., 011 Thursday, June 28th, 1906, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of nominating a candi date to represent said district in the Sixtieth Congress of the Uni ted States. A. L. PENDLETON, Chm'n. A GUARANTIED OURI FOR FILM Itching, Blind, Bleeding Pile*. Drug gists are authorized to refund money if I'AZO OINTMRNT fails to cure in fi to 14 days. 50c. 1-5-06-lyr Home Flrri ' V' To the Editor: —How many men there are (and sometimes women) who smile upon strangers and sometimes," upon friends, but who forget to smile upon their own family circles Of course this is hypocritical and mean. If there is anybody in the world who should have your smile, your commenda tion, and your help, it is the mem bers of your own family who toil and sacrifice with you day by day. Their happiness ought to be your happiness; theii success your suc cess; their need your need. The man who wisely helps his children get on their feet in the world and prepares them for success amid the sharp competition about them is the man who can look to his chil dren for help in his time of need. This illustration has its parallel in the attitude of men toward borr.t enterprises. They condemn every industry in their home town ot community and put every obstacle in the way of its progress, unless it contributes directly to their in come. They cannot realize that every successful enterprise in a community contributes something to every other enterprise in thai community. There are men in Martin county county (vttue of them intelligent men) who do not patronize their county paper. They preter giving their dollar to the New York World, the Atlanta Constitution or to some other concern that does not need their help and will help them very little compared to the good they get from their home paper. The home paper should have first pUce; for if it succeeds it will add to the credit of the whole county. There are those who on account of some little personal feeling will withdraw their money from the home bank, refuse to patronize the home merchant, condemn the home school, slander their own church, til to their own discredit and hurt We should not think men dishon est because they see things differ eutly from ourselves. It is to the interest of every man that every creditable home enterprise should succeed. If everybody else suc cee Is you cau't help succeeding. Success and thrift are as contagious as small pox. liven one success ful business in a community sends its thrill to every other business; and ii they are not dead there will soon be a re-awakening throughout the entire community. We boast of patriotism. Let us bring it/nearer home and be patri otic to our neighbor, to our town, to our county and State, as well as to the Nation. Let us be patriotic in praise and patronage as well as with weapons of war. Patent Hedlclnes and Poverty. The scope of the National Con ference Slid Cfiri'c'CtlWlis enlarges every year. The meeting recently held in Philadelphia was by far the largest since its incep tiou. More than two thousand paying members were registered The meetings were overflowed with subjects as well as with people, aud a large and important one was in troduced in relation to children, viz., the formation of a National Conference of juvenile improve ment associations, which shall be af filiated with this Conference. There was au animated discussion on im migration. If applause is a test of an assembly's views, the Confer ence approved the views of Miss Emily Batch, professor of econom ics at Wellesley. She advocated putting more responsibility upon the steamship companies, and sug gested that two official representa tives of the government—a man and a woman—-be maintained by the steamship companies 011 every vessel to advise aud aid the emi grants. Many subjects of perhaps minor importance, at first sight, were discussed. Among them was the relation of poverty to patent medicines. Some of the figures given, however, were startling. In many places nine-tenths of the money spent for such compounds is paid out by very poor people It is quite impossible to secure facts giving the entire amount expended for these nostrums, but iu one dis trict of a large city the sales of one pateut medicine amounted in one month to $6 ,300; of another to $2,- 800. Not a twentieth of this goes to the homes of the middle class or the well-to-do. It is consumed by the very poor, who manage to get money enough for patent medicines and then depend on benevolence for fnel and food. This sum of nearly ten thousand dollars expended in one month, in one small district of a city, for harmful stuff, would have gone far toward meeting genuice wants Cocdine also is sold to the amount of about five thousand dol lars a week in one city to the very poor. Certain countries prohibit the manufacture and sale of such patent medicines, greatly to the annoyance of those who make them here, but it is a method that saves, the pockets as well as the healta of the people.—The Outlook. DiitkFrM iKljn never follows an injury dressed with Bitcklen's Arnica Salve. Its intisceptic and healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Chas. Oswald, merchant, of Renesselaeis ville, N. Y., writes- "It cured Seth Burcn, of this place of the ugliest sore on his neck I ever saw." Curescuts, Wounds, burns acd sores. 25c at S. R. Biggs drug store. If the Czar got any idea that the douma would be a dummy, he Irnows better now. Snow fell in St. Louis, and ice formed in Wisconsin recently. Miss May is still a great flirt. Police examiners in Chicago claim to have fpnnd a perfect man. Must lie a stranger in Chicago. Buy Oil prom the Barrell. Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for canned oil. winch ought to cost but 60 cents a gallon. Buy oil fresh from the harrell. and add it to the L & M Paint which is semi ■nixed. When you buy LAM. Paint you yet a full gallon -of paint that won't wear ..ft for 10 or 15 years be cause I. & M 7. nc hardens the L & M. While Lead and makes L. & M. Paint wear like iron 4 gallons L. A M mixed with 3 gallons Linseed Oil will paint a moderate sized hous -. I. & M. costs. only $1 10 per gallon Sold in the north, tast south and west C. i> Andr ws Px Mayor Dan bury, Conn., writes: • Painted my house 19 years ago with L A M. Looks well to day ' Sold by S. R. Williamston Telephone Co Office over Bauk of Martin County, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges Vft-tfMtK?* limited to s miiiutt-*; extra charge will ponitivclv be turn c for long*! time. To Washington 25 Cento' " Greenville *5 " " Plymouth >J " " Tarboro ,>j " " Rocky Mount 35 -j " Scotland Neck 15 " Janiesville 15 " Kailer Lillcy'k >5 " J. G. Staton 15 ( ' J. L.,Woolar.t 15 " ' O. K. Cowiug.& a Co. 15 " ' Pannele 15 " Robersonville 15 " " Kveretts 15 " Gold Point 15 " Geo. P. McNinnhton rs " ••• UnmlHn —■—■■ ew— Por oilier points in Raxli.u Carotini see "Central " where a 'phone will be ound tor uae of non- «uhacribera. In Gase of Tire you want to be protected. In case of death yon waut to' leave your family some thing to live case of accident yoti want some thing to live 011 besides borrowing. Let Us Come to Your Rescue We can iusure you against loss from Fire, Death and Accident. We can insure your Btftler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you tor any office requir ing bond NIII Bit But Ciaialii Rißfiiutii K. B. CRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building I/. J-| DYSPEPSIA CURE M Hi 111 l . DIGESTS WHAT YOU, EAT ■ H ■ H ■ ■ Tk» SI.OO boKl*contain! 2H timejlh# trUlHie, which »llafor 50carta ■ nmuu WIT at in* uaowoanr or ■ ■ E. C. DeWITT ft COMPANY. tHICAGO. fT.T FOR SALE IN WILLIAMSTOJT BY S, R. BIGGS. • i . ii I To Core a Cold in One Day J. L. Hassell & Co. ' " " e - / t *; . . . DEALERS IN . . General Merchandise, Hay, Grain, Lime, Plaster, Fertilizers, ART\ST\Q MILLINERY. Agents for Butterick Dress Patters and The Delineator Magazine. " \V ""• " . * ' Monthly Fashion Sheets Free to Customers from which to "elect Patterns ranging in price from 16c. up. BLUE FRONT PURE root) qROCCRT DO VOU TRADE THERE ? Of course you do 1 And you get Fresh Goods, guar anteed to be liigh Grade, but not High Grade Prices. Sunbeam Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Clam Chowder, Sunbeam Shrimp, Clams, Alpha and Royal Flour, and a Nice Line of ROYSTER'S CANDY. We are re ceiving daily everything you want In GRO CERIES, which we are selling YERY LOW. J. A. Mizell & Gompany, Leading Grocers, Williamston, - North Carolina. GEO. R. DIXON Williamston and Rotky Mount, N. C. We are DOW rendy to fill |RQN FENCE CHEAPER THAU WOOD all orders for high-class » « i X. | !» A TOBACCO Ail our Flues are made of » ... a 111 T* the Very Beat Material SWB SBIi IfOII F611C6 | and are sold at the ? *»«u»»eTu«i;»» / ThiSt«wirtlroa Worts Company) Very Lowest Prices ( w ,_SSSEBS&ss.1 f "UwM XtM," World's F»lr. SI. Lonis, IB*. ( ~ , , . . J The most economical fence Ton can bur. possible, consistent with I > the High-Class Flues we ) uriSwr." n n ) —■ / Over tin dmiffni* of Iron Tfaoe, Undv / make. Call at our shop S WW c near the depot »nd let lis $ fiSS/Pt M 0 i quote you prices on Flues. oam.awd iW \ Practical Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron Worker. Picked WITH THE BENTHALL PICKER bring hand picked prices. No stems. No trash. Will not break the shell. Absolute success. We are booking orders now for Fall delivery. No Peanut raiser can afford to be without one. Write for prices, etc. E3enthall Machine Oomp'y, 5-25 6111 Suffolk, Virginia. Notice. By virtue of authority veslc.l in me bv a certain (teed made by William Kyan and wife Carphvnia, Ryan, the condition of whi> b not baying been tt implied with aad which deed is registered iu book Q. y ypage 117, and dated March 33, 1906, 1 nhall to the highest bidder acll for cash on the mil day of July, being the first Monday of mouth the lot on which William Ryan and wife, Carphen la now live,being in the town of James ville, Martin County, N. C., bt ught of IK, U. S. HasseH and which ailjoins the Baptist Church lot and others. This the tsfcbtlay of Mav 1906, S. J. KvkrkTT. 5-254! Commissioner. XfwV / HARPER / KENTUCKY \ I WHISKEYJ \ fcrOcntkMi J \ who ehcrtah / \ NN)t / For sale by J. W. Watts & Co.