ADVER riHINO V:nu nio.iev Ij »ek. Judicious advertis ing is the feint i«y* back to you Ihe uKxicr yon invest. Space in this paper cmra vou prompt returns . . VOL. VII. - NO 37. Jamesville Rob ber Still at Large Detective Leggett Pounc ed Down on Wrong * Men. Both Negroes Released. Detective Legggctt |>ounced down on the wrong men when he arrested Thos N. Gray, supposing "him to be the man who robbed the post-office at Jamesville, and Jun ius Rascoe, who he took to t>e the party wanted in Elizabeth City charged with a cutting affray. It will be remembered that De tective Leggett arrested these ne groes at Jamesville last week and brought them here and landed thetu in jail. Last Friday he took Gray, whom lie took for the poat-office robber, to Washington, N. C., for trial. He case was heard Tues day of this week, resulting iu the release of Gray, as there was not sufficient evidence to hold him 011 the charge. The authorities at Kli/.al>eth City did not coiue for Kascoe, as it was learned by Sheriff Crawford that he, Rascoe, was not in Elizabeth City when the cutting affray took place there, he being employed and at work elsewhere, was releas ed by the sheriff So it turns out that the real post office robber of the Jamesville |>ost office is still at large, as is also the man wanted in Elizalteth City, and that Detective I«eggeit has Another trial at capturing the "real thing" coming to him. Notice to Teachers. For the convenience of those who did not take the examination on Julv the 12th and 13th I shall conduct examinations at tue Grad ed School Buildiug on Thursday and Eriday, Aug. » and 3 All those whose certificates are out and who expect to teach this fall must present themselves for examination or renewal. I cannot give private examinations. Kxaminations will begin at 9 a. m Come on time if you expect to do the work. R. J. PRHL, Supt. of Schools. To the Voters of Martin Countv. It is with profoundest gratitude 1 extend to the voters of this county my sincere thanks for their kindness and loval support to me in the past. You saw fit to elect me clerk of the court eight years ago for a term of four years, and again in 1902 for a second term; you placed me in a position iu my declining years where I have been enabled to make a living without v 'hard manual labor, and I would be less than human if I did not feel gratified to you for the same. I have endeavored to learn what my duties were under law and have tried to discharge the same faith fully, impartially and honestly? My nets and deeds have been as an open book, my records have been examined by the solicitor lof your district and vour grand jttr es of each court, there has been no complaint so far as I know I may have been guilty of some errors and omissions, (and who is there that has not) for which I implore your forgivene -. The work of the office is as I like, and it takt-s some time to learn the duties of the clerk's office, where there are new and intricate matters aris ing alm«»st every dav The fees of the office an- not sufficient to af ford a regr'ar deputy in order that I might altsent nivselt from the office ami as I think my first doty to the people is in being pres ent to attend to the business of the office for them. This lieiug the case it is impossible for me to leave and visit among you PS much as I wish. I therefore take this method of appealing to you, if my record has been such as to merit your ap proval I humbly rsk your support for tlie nomination and election tor another term, promising that I w II continue to discharge the dut i*» »f the office as I have hereto I ~«e endeavored to do, ami fctye yon the same faithful attention as I have iu the past. Humbly thank ing yon for past favors and wish ing 10 have your support in the future I am, Yours most respectfully, J. A HOBOS, C. S. C. TO OURS A COCO IN ONC DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tab let*. Drugjfiat* refund money if it fails to cam. B. W. GIIOVB'S signature on thebos. ajc. BITTER SPEECHES BY NEORO POLITICIANS CAUSED TROUBLE J. Henry johnson on the Political and Social Equality of the Races. To my mind there is nothing which would cause a greater up stir between the white and coloicd races in tlie South than would the' agitation of the question ot social equality. Any questiou that will in any degree, destroy .the* peace ful relations between the racesis, in my opinion a dangerous one, and will, in a very large way, prove destructive to the prosperity of both races. Through the ajff.a tion of social equality, there can come nothing but strile and trou ble and indeed the negto has enough problems to solve without endeav oring to agitate a question of social equality out of which there can come no real abiding good to the colored race. As to the political question, 1 do not believe that there is any thing which has harmed the color ed race within the past 4 years more than the plea and endeavor to obtain political equality. Through this a very few negroes have been benefitted, while the race generally has heeu dishonored, degraded and suffered untold hor rors in ways too numerous to mention. Much of this re sulted from the manv bit ter speeches which were made by negro politicians during political campaigns held through out the county, and the race to day is suffering as a result. It is quite surprising to know that there are thousands of our people to day who are waiting for some great political party to cham pion their rights. But the time has come when the colored nian can no longer lielieve that his for tune is to lie found in politics. He must cease to believe that the white man who lives next door to him is his enemy. Because a tuan lives in the South or because his face is white is no reason that he is an en emy to the colored race. The hardest titne the colored man has had since the Civil War has been right among his own race. The greatest hindrances among our people to day are those result ing from idleness, immoral living, denominational prejudice and in temperance. Until colored people get to the place where they will put down these hindrances, there will be a sword piercing at the heart of the race more to he dread ed that) the attack of any external enemy. It is indeed gratifying to know that many of our white friends, both North and South', are help ing us to rid ourse'ves of these hindrances. I do not mean that all of the colored people are guilty of the charges mentioned al>ove, for it is a well known fact that we have thousands of men and women who stand for true character and Christian principle, but the trouble is we have so many who do not stand for these, until all of 11s are sometimes apparently counted out Having considered conditions and circumstances by which my race is snrroundi I in this country today, I have reached the conclus ion that it is b -t to lay aside all complaint pertaining to M>cial and political equality; and renumber that an inch of progress is worth a mile of complaint. We should help our country by doing our best to blot out r 'l wrong living among our race, to footer peace and harmony among all of the people,to encourage industrial, material, intellectual and Christ ian development. And whether we realize any direct benefit or not we should leave the result with God. J. HKNRY JOHNSON. Everetts, N. C. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of treasurer of Mar tin county, subject to the action of the Democratic convention. C. D Caxstakphbn. ffijc dMetprisc. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, JULY 20. 1900 Petition to be Served onA.C.L. If Refused Commission Will Qive Hearing. Wil liamston Citizens De termined. Raleigh! if, C., Jul) 17, 1906. MR. F. F. FAGAN, Williamson, N C . Dkak SIK I am directed by the Commission to acknowledge receipt of your let ter, enclosing petition from the citizens of Wi'liamston, asking for a passenger train from Weldon to Plymouth and making con nection at Panuelc and Hobgood. This petition will l>e served on the railroad company, and if they refuse to grant the relief asked, a vlay will l>t. fixed for hearing Hi h place convenient for all parties. Very respectfully, H. Ot BROWN, Clerk. Considering what bus been done by the citizens along the line con cerning the subject of the above letter and judging from what the letter conveys, it is supposed that there is something going to be do iug iu th's matter after all. It will 1*! remembered that the citizens of the different towns along the Coast Line from Plymouth to Weldon some time ago petitions! the road to put 011 this additional passenger service and their prayer was re fused. Though the citizens know ing they are asking for what they are justly entitled to, have taken up the matter with the Cor, juration Commission AN ACCIDENT AT PLYMOUTH. Conductor, Flagman and Mall Clerk Receive Injuries No Serious Damage. In an accident Monday after noon on the Atlantic Coast Line at Plymouth, the conductor, ffagmati and mail clerk received injuries though neither of the parties were injured seriously. It seems that in shifting cars at Plymouth the engineer ran his en gitie back against the cars hard enough to knock these gentlemen off their feet and causing the acci dent. /The worst injured was the flagman. Mr Grovt-i Andrews,- wb»» received a ilesh wound ovei one eye, Capt, Bagley came in contact with a nail, wlurh punctured' his .face just aliove one eye,and the mail clerk's knee was slightly hurt, No damage resulted to the engine nor any of the curs, though it is said things were given a general shak ing up when the engine struck tlie cars It is supposed the cause of the accident was due to a miscalculation on the ...part of the engineer when running his en gine back to the cars for the pur pose of coupling the cars to the en gine HARTIN CO. NE CIRO. |M Years old Still Physically Vigorous and Cultivates a Crop. Mr. N. S. Peel, who recently visited Lake Waccamaw, where he lived thirty years »gr>, has this in teresting story to tell of a Martin county "oldtime" daikey. His name is Henry Cherry and he left this county 34 years ago when he was 70 years old. He had been ar rested three times for disorderly conduct on the streets and placed in jail by the constable of William ston. He was fond of the dram and when drunk was noisy. Hen ry tired of this proceeding, and sought greater liberty iu other parts. He.left a family herewith grandchildren, and noAr he has grandchildren by an entirely new on the farm of Mr. Henry Short, who by the way is a native of Mar tin county. Mr. Peel says the old man is vigorous physically and intellectually, eultivates a crop and does a full days work. His young est child is now 13 months old. The centinarion says there is one I thins that he has noticed, that in all his ol»sei (ration he . has never seen a bald headed negro in jail. It is not known whether a beid head indicates honesty or shrew 1 nes*. Daniels Named For Solicitor iHm tln Count} Hrokc the Record by (laving 134 Delegates in Conven tion at Rocky Mt. (l'>oiu the !fqw« and Observer.) Rocky Mount, N. C>, July 17 The biggest Jndicioial Convention ever held in this district was held here to-day l'or some weeks there has lieeii a hard contest !>i twee 11 Solicitor Daniels, of Wilson, Mr, R. A. I'. Coi'lev, of Nash, and Mr. I'aul Jones, of lidgecotnbe The interest great >ui the part uf the friends of the respective can didates and brought fffll delega tions from every county livery one of the forty three delegates were present from Franklin. There were nearly ou» hundred |>resctu froiu Wilson. There were 134 delegates in the convention from Martin The convention of Martin had made every Democrat a delegate. Under the leadership of Col. Wilson G L,anil>, there was the biggest num ber present for Daniels, while tin der the leadership of Senator Stubbs there was a large delegation for Jones. After the poll of the ij4 delegates from Mtrtiti was taken it gave Daniels 17 and Jones 12 of Martin's vote in the conven tion. It was a great sight to see the 1134 delegates get off the Williams | ton train. It was un earnest crowd of fire-tned DeliibctatM, Upon-call of the rrill Dan iels was nominated 011 tin- first !>ul lot. Will Have Entirely New Front The stole 011 Main street, owned by Mr. H. T Mailings, of Jsmes ville, and foi.nerly occupied by Mr K. R Jackson who Conducted a furniture storey, and iwliich was partially burned in Junes is now undergoing repairs. Iksidcsa hew roof, a new floor and all new in* »ulv work ait. rntirrly —new —front »>ill l>e built of bi i k, plate gi.-iss windows and doors It is not known just at this time whether or not the building Iws Ireeri rented or who will occupy it when 'com pleted. The appeal,nice of. the buildiug will be very much im proved over what it was la-fore being burned The Dog's Disappearance. lieioutly published rupilnlßi'oncei | lett by Mmc de fhe'iuy, who lived hct'ir.; unit dmlng the Kroholr revo lution, give some (jueor • pictures of high life In Fiance 10 tbo eighteenth - She tell#, (or oxainpla, tfto tragic fate of a small don belonging to the Comteewi. Blot; - "Attached to ilie chapel of ">e Palais lloyul was a very big fat abbe of an Inferior or der, who was never received on terms of quality nave on New Year's day. This man called to wish Mme. do Blot the compliments qf the season, and sat •'.own on a folding elifelr that she had the «oodnonß to offer him. He fancied on alt tint? down that hp felt a slight resisting movement, and, feeling with hip hand, found that ho had sat. down upon a Utile dog. Being certain that the mischief was already done, he de terminated that hie wjaett i*)lley wax to make an end of It, ana, pressing down tlrmly with ail the weight >t his heavy person, he effectually kill ed the little imlnial. The tall was sticking out, «•> he twisted It up, and, cautiously wriggling about, he grad ually-*!* the body into one of his ulg curried It off Mine, do aiot never knew what wae her dogs fate." During the year 1904 Sfam oxported more than 112.000,000 worth of rtce. Teak wood Is second In value. «tuning rnUnUli HtUrfrnts. Many of the 1,600 Russian stu dents in Parts are said to be starv ing owing to the stoppage of the re mittances which they havo been ac customed to receive from their rela tives at homo. Most of them have been receiving |l6 a month, but many have lived on aa little as 110. "'Taln't 'null to look a gift hons In the mouth; better turn him wrong Bldo out and 800 how's "he lined.— KM £1 n Booker T. Washington's Anal ysts of Existing Conditions. | WAS FORMERLY CIVILIZED Patience amd Charity Will I>o Much to Improve lflm—Change* Wtik-h lUw M iwV Impressions Must . lUuualu In the rtouth—luti nse Ho limine* Sentiments. Hooker T. Washington, president of Tusli egoe Institute la dismissing the. Negro Problem, said; "Within a feV mot urles tho Amor lean negro has nxportenoed throo distinct changes: First, ho was torn from hln African home; second, ho was Intro dined Into Aniortean slavery; and la»tly, was made a full-fledged American citizen. "M'*t people ID considering the American negro, overlook the fact that he had a civilization before be ing brought Into America. True, It niui not a European olvlllzation, but nevertheless, It was one which was la a high degree oredltahlo. Those who have touched tho Afrlean moat closely toatlfy utmost uniformly that before he lit touched or unspotted by i coat 1 act with tho lower element# of | Western civ I lira (ton, there Is « cer tain rude hononty practiced among tlie Interior tribes that demanda at once the roapect ot all who como tu ! to contact with them. It Is very sel dom, for exutnplo, that thnro If any stealing among these untouched and utiivolli il aborigines. Thero Is a strict form of government, which rccog tho authority of tho king, or chlof, and of tho hood ot tho fam ily Their legal practices, as soon through the operations of their courts, would do credit to a much more highly civilised people. Ortme Is utrlctly hut legally punished While In most cases they are a po lygamous people, at the same time polygamy Iti strltcly regulated by law, and every one who violates the sanctity ot family llfo la punished by death "One can scarcely And, anywhere In tho world, among any class of i.roplo, thoao who havp moro regard for tho sacrednens of tho hpmo than In true of these Africans. Not only thin, but they are not hoathons Ip (ho usual sense. Thny recognize and worship tho same God that we rocojj ntße and worship, but their methods of 1 omtng Into contact with tho Di vine Being are different, "One element most strongly em phasized through their religious teachings la, strict and unquestion able obedience to thone who are (11 authority, whether It tie authority to the litnu.or chief, or tho hood of the family "Whon I mako those statements, it Is dlfllcult for tho average Ameri can to appreciate their truth, bo- I cause wo who live |q this country never feel quite pure that another I Individual tn truly civilized unless b> HjKuks the njngllub language, oats American food, wears American clothing, and worships In tho same maimer that we worship lllm It was out of this civilization to which -f- have re for red that tho American negro sprang "For over two hundnrd years, during the period of Amnrlcan Hlav ery, he was engaged In unlearning much that ho had loaruod Iu his na tive country, and at the same time li lulling many things which bo was not taught In Africa At tfie end of slavery, froodom found him not a full fledged African, nor a full fledged American oltlzep. "During the years that have elapsed since freedom, wc have been engaged In large measure in finding a better and safer basis for tho no fiio n development Wo are trying to Ui c all that was beat In his llfo as a slave, and all that that Is liest tn hts surrounding as a froo man. "Now, as to tho future: During the last quarter of 0 oontury, a fow definite things In tho life of my raco, In my opinion, have boon settled: First, we have decided as to our fu ture abode Tho manses of our poo pl have made up thotr minds that the) are going to live lo tho South ern i-ltntoe, and It Is thero that we sie to work out our salvation. Slnco M.!K IS true, It becomes part of the duty, not only of the Southern white inn, but the Northern white man, ' ■> ! "hi the negro to make of himself the very highest and best typo ot citizen. In ordor to do this ho must be glvon overy opportunity to got up on IIIR foot that tho Constitution, and th i lawn pf our country guarantee to Mm. It Bhould bo a part of tho duty of every black man, whother living In the North or the South, through his patience, his persistence, his cour- his usefulness to his neighbor, to make his prosence not only bear able, hut desirable. "It should be a part of the duty ot the white man to constantly bear In mi ad (hnt tho negro name Into this country through no fault of hlg own, and that In proportion as tho negro rocoivos 111 treatment, in that tamo degree Is the white man's civiliza tion weakened and degraded, but In proportion as ho reaches out his hnnd and helps to lift tho negro up Into the highest typo of cltlzonshlp, that ho Is not only aiding the weaker race, but Is strengthening himself tn the byes of tho world." There are nearly 23,000,000 horses In ESuropoan Russia. No other country In the world hns so many horses as Russia. j A bee, unladen, will fly 40 mile* Ml hour, but one returning to the Men with honey does not trav- II miles an hoar. EDUCATING THE INDIAN. 3ace Traditions Entirely Ignored In Hla Schooling. An educated Indian ir like a man who lost hie birthright, he no longer# understands the magnificent traditions that belong to the dignity ot his race and his tribe. A tuu blooded Oltnh Indian and a gradu ate of the il ißknll Indian »seho 1 says: What would hapjvn to the nitric of the white man's child It he was ia*en fn»m "hla ■ mother 'before he waf old tnough to walk, kept among a people alien to his own race till he grow up, Mid to learn 1 languor, another history, another faith? And yet, that is Just what the Gov ernment docs with the Indian twines. 'l'hey are dragged away from the squaws, and brought up among the white men to look upon their rate as inferior, they are mad*' to believe mat civilization Is something the wmte men only understands, that the Indian Is an aborigine, a savage. NVhaf Is the result of this on ioned education? The papoose grows to manhood, re turns to the reservation with the na ture of a white man, with the heart of an Indian spoiled by this educa tion « Kverythlng that would tend to Keep the traditions of the Indian race twhich are as heroic., as poetic, its iuu 111 One sentiment as the white man's race)' Is certainly avoided and lett out. In the education of the Indian. lie returns to his tribe and hla edicts, to his mother and his father, lgnoiant of the history or the fnlth or his "wn people The chiefs have c»>mteq.i. .itly tm confidence in tho young men who inimt! Ivaclt to them full of the white man's education, entirely Ignorant ot the Indian's attachments and tiellefs. Of course the United States tlovern mwit Is inspired to educate the Indian lor motives of unaeiilablc good, out the Indian Is not Improved by this ed ucation because It alienates him from his chiefs, his people, and his own. If thero could be some way by which the white loan could oducate t tyi In dian to rospoet his own race, Instead of Impressing upon him that h is ttw offspring of savages, 1 believe that would lie a compromise quite worth while. The history of the Indian race nas beon handed down for generations and thorn are facts and qualities ntxnit It that would make the Indian realize Ms own manhood iuid all the more appreciate the history of the white man The Indian Is not Improved by ed ucation, because It Is forced upon him, and because It separates him from his own. Then 1 seems to lie an un ons> lous cruelty In the system that tears the Infants away from the squaws' breasts, as It were, and sends them back to the reservations utterly un prepared for the point yf view of their own race. The old chiefs look upon the educated Indians with suspicion, with stoical hltternoHH, th«y arc no longer Indians at heart- they an eft noatcd parasites of the white man Kor this reason they are not cor dially received by their tribes .and the frequently never return. They don't want to "go>home." Ami yet there Is no other home lor them, since the (lovertimont demands that they return to the reservations What hope does education hold out to tho Indian? Ho sees about him mil lions of white men, who do not under stand, him who will not trust his character because he haR l>ccn rep resented o,s the child of cruel sav ages Afl Chief Sitting Hull snld when he returned from Washington, "the white men arc as the grass under our feet," thero arc so many rf them. Of what use to say to the white man that tho Indian has virtues as good Ciu the wblto man's virtue- he don not believe It, ho does not even care to look into It. So, there Is tho new Indian and old Indian; tho educated Indian that has the spollod heart, and the old lndlnn who returns to desert the faith and beliefs of his own race. Modern Battleships. The widespread tendency to build larger battleships is not a thing of this year or last year, but has been under way at least since 1809. in Cnsfiter's Magazine for March tho following sta tistics on this subject are given On July 1, 1899, thero were built or building for several naval powerß 77 warships of 12,000 tons displacement or over, of which 40 belonged to the British navy. In 1900 the number had Increased to 94, and in 1905 it was 153. Iu the latter year 70 of these vessels were In tho British navy Tho number of those leviathans owned by tho United States increased from 11 In 1899 to 28 In 1905. During the same six years the average dis placement of all warships, excluding torpodd-boats and submarines, Increas ed from 3,883 to 5,73(1 tons In the matter of speed the average, again ex cluding torpedo craft, has increased from 16.92 knots in 1899 to 18.71 knots 111 1905 Tho fastqst average speed or the warships of any of the great naval powers Is tho 19.82 knots of c.reat Britain's fleet. The United States av erage Is 18.04 knots. Tho fastest navy is that of Chill, with eleven ships, mostly fast cruisers. The mean speed of her vessels Is 20.71 knots. The Sahara has civer one-half the area of the Unlfed States. Its popula tion 1b very small for its area. The Libyan and Nubian deserts are only a continuation of it to the Bed Sea. ADVERTISING ' Your money back —Judicious advertis ing is the kind that pay* liack to you the money you invest. Space in tbia paper assures you prompt returns . . WHOLE NO. 337 I tjm Gluttony the Great Fault of the Sioux Indian. CONDIMENTS IN DEMAND. From Ten to Twenty Pound* of Msat Ailened to b« Consumed by a SinyU Indian at a Peatst—Uncle Sam to Introduce Cook's Civilis ing Influence. Tiie great trlbo of Sioux Indians ia disappearing. The members, it Is declnred at* literally oatlng them bolvoH to death on account of the plen ty about thorn. With the new railroad being built through the White River Valley the Indians will he enabled to secure sup piles with greater ease. They are likely to become greater feeders than they arc now, and thus to hasten the time of their disappearance from tIM reservations In South Dakota. If rnrrnborntlve evidence was not easily obtained, It would scarcely be pled an true that in the course of a night of feasting, dancing and story telling the average Indian will oon iiu'iie from ten to fifteen pounds ot meat, ind if he has on abundance oc tend and ran make his own selection of the parts to lie eaten, he will swal low without Inconvenience not leas llcin twenty pounds of meat in a sin gle utght Carloads of canned meats are con mtned by the overfed Sioux Indiana, and some canned toods have beooma almost as* sacred a dish with the rod men as the fat dog stew of old, for which the Sioux tribe Is famous. Among the varieties of canned goods baton to excess, tho oyster holds first place A hungry Indian will oat halt a dozen cans and drink the liquor. Besides the harm done by eating •nxcosslvo amounts of food, the tact that it is not projierly prepared makes it the mom injurious. There la no va riety or ptyla about Sioux Indian cook ery, no French methods, no necessity) for t imitating appetites already avsr keen. A pot full of meat and water Is put on the flro by the squaw and allow ed to heat, but there Is no definite tlntc fur the meal to cook and no point in the cooking process when | ft is done. Tine dinner 1b ready when over her lord itomes in and grunts about being hungry. If tho Indian is especially hungry, he may begin on tho contents of the kottie by the time tho meat Is fairly Warm. There Is nover any faultfinding cbont the way In which the food Is prepared, and whether It is half raw or done to rags, no abjoctlon la made by the hoad of the family. The Indians know the choicest tld t-its of every animal and bow to cook them The hunt at this time of the ' year gives the Hloux Indian the fullest enjoyment of his appetite, and during the next throe months the average buck will devour enough meat to sat isfy Hour ordinary men. _ Condiments are in groat demand by thi Indians, and the Sioux Indians probably consume more block and red pepp*. per capita than any other peo ple in the United Statos. Their for mer favorite condiment was tho gall of an elk Tie ,Sioux Indians are responsible for the reputation which nearly all tribes have of eating tiog meat, but there are few other trilies which ever served dor, meat, even at the feast of Important ceremonies. Tho Chey enne*. Shoshone 1 and Arapahoeg nev er touch dog ment. To remedy the gluttony of the In dians and prevent them oatlng them selves to iiojilh, the Indian flureau is trying to make good housekeepers ot the Indian girls. Ten times a# much wheat flour Is used by the Bious today as Uftooii years ago. it is sold by ths agents that, where cereals and wheat Hour arc used by the Indians, there is some hope of civilizing and cur ing them of gluttony. At the schools, among the Uimt things In their course, tho girls are taught to make bread. Hut these ies souh have not reached the wigwams on the reservations to any marked degree. The Indian cares little tot wheat bread anyway. Cereals don't interest him. The reservations west of here are places at least where pat ent breakfast foods are not fashion able. lVm months In the year tho Sioux Indian prefers meat and the average meal consists of cot Tee, meat, beans, dried fruits and corn syrup. Tho last dish Is a great favorite with the In dians. At some time In the post New ifing landora traded beans for furs or wan- a pittn, and since that day the naryt Lean has been a favorite dish with the rod man. Thoy prefer it to soup, and as beans are sometimes dear ana hard to aocure twenty-flvo or thirty miles from tho railroad, the soup ot ithe wigwam many times consists ot "one bean and two soups." Tho potato has never had a high rtnndlng with tho Indian. A dish aim. liar to chop suey may be found In al most any Indian homo, and a fair grade of Mexican chill can be secured, but the delicately baked potato, so easily prepared In the ashes ot a. camp Are, Is as little known to ths Eloux Indian as Saratoga chip* aits t«t the natives ot Swat ( According to a recent report fron Tokin, there are 1,786 wholesale and 836,414 retail tobacco dealers la