_*S THE ENTERPRISE. . . rcsLisH no immr nuMf mi nu ntnnin ninw co W. I* SMITH, • - - ' Kdito * Katcrad at tk« roM OOcc at WllltamMo. ».C | " FRIDAY, JULT 80, 1906. PEOPLE OF W ILLIAriST ON SHOULD DEMAND IT. About a year ago our town com missioner! passed au ordinance de claring it a nuisance for all cattle one year old or over to run at large in the town between the hours of eight o'clock at night aud seven o'clock in the morning, and mak ing it the duty of the town con stable to impound all cattle found running in the town during such hours, for which he shall receive from the owner of said cattle one dollar each and twenty-five cents per day for feed and all necessary expenses. For perhaps one or two weeks after the publication of this ordi nance you could hear the cattle owners speaking of shutting up their cattle at night. But after this tthey began to see that the "cow ordinance" was only a bluff, as some cattle had l>een running at large all the while, aud iu 110 in stance had the owner had to pay the penalty. Today we are In as bad. or worse fix in regard to.the cow question than we were when our sage commissioners saw the necessity for the making of the or dinance. On the night prior to the writing of this article, between the hours of nine and ten o'clock, we took occasion to stop and count twenty five head of cattle, within the requisites of this ordinance, lying and standing In the crossing of Main aud Haugliton streets, at the Hassell House. An ordinance which is not en forced Is worse than no ordinance. We advocate an ordinance taking the cattle off the streets altogether, but if we cannot get that let's see that the one we have is enforced. Butwhosedutyis.it to see that the laws are enforced? In this par ticutar instance it is plainly set out that it is the duty of the constable. When he has failed to perform this duty, then it is up to the mayor to take the matter up with the com missioners. Then the commission ers must either ignore the law they have made or see that it is en forced. If these officials will not enforce this ordinance the people have a right to demand it done. The will of the majority of the people be obeyed Thomas Taggart never realized how Important he was until every body started demanding his resig nation. Tom Taggart doesn't really gamfife. He lets the suckers 011 the other side of the table do the gambling. Speaking of courts, the court of Publicity now seems likely to ac quit White and find Thaw guilty of an unprovoked act. Even if Pennsylvania employees cannot keep their stock, they re tained it long enough so that it will keep them. Secretary Taft iutimates that a would be better in some way if all the federal officers in North Caro lina, were filled by Democrats, aud newspapers that have been called upon to print the allegations aud * denials of the Rupublican faction leaders in the State will heartily agree with him. People who are talking about restricting wealth and keeping tho- who have an unlimited sup ply -oflt out ~df the u. S. Senate, should remember that oar benign and thoughtful constitution we cannot enact class regulation against the downtrodden million aire or any one else. . 1 | i> • • |fl|JL _ r ft". x LET MARTIN WAKE UF TO ITS IMPORTANCE In the discussion of campaign policies and officers there is one thing that should be giveu very se rious consideration. Kach town ship is required to elect three mag istrates for a term of two years. Bach town having one thousand and more inhabitants is entitled to an additional magistrate for each one thousand. At tbe elections here tofore held magistrates have been elected but some of them failed to qulify, consequently the couuty has been totatlly wanting in these officers, except where some who have desired such positions, aud were not chosen by the people, have applied to the Legislature aud Governor for appointment. This is not as it should be. By such procedure the office has been brought into disrepute and self re specting worthy meu have often hesitated to qualify for such of fices. For all matters of coutro versy growing out of contract re lations the justice of peace has jurisdiction up to S2OO. If the amount becomes $2Ol or more, it is taken to the Superior court, where the matter is determined by judge aud jury. The magistrate,! is then, judge of a court next toj the Superior court. How essen tial it ts then to have a justice of the peace of intelligence and abil ity to understand the laws, and with character and Courage suffici ent to execute his judgment. With such justices the litigants are satisfied when their rights haye | been passed upon, and the costs of I small matters does not exceed the amount involved. With weak men as justices it is only a formal step to a higher court. That is only a {tribute paid to weakness and prejudice. As a result people often suffer their rights to go unsettled rather than take chances with ap peals and ruinous costs. The criminal jurisdiction is sim ilar, and there have been cases whete j>eople have been prosecuted through the nialace of the justice and who determines liis judgment when the warrant is issued. The defendant, iu such cases, never has a hearing; he is denied his consti tutional right. This is a serious subject and we hope it will receive the proper con sideratiou. Now, what is the remedy? We are not inclined to dispose of the matter with saying I that a change is necessary, but we are going to offer this suggestion: Thar at the primaries, and before, inquiries be made of the best cit izetis as to whether they will quali fy and serve before they are nouit- j natcd. Aftet the man has been decided upon, make him say he will serve or your time is wasted i aud you are liable to have a mail as justice of the peace that you | wouldn't vote for. A sweet breath adds to the joys [of a kiss. You wouldn't want to kiss your wife, mother or sweet heart with a bad breath. You can't have a sweet breath without a healthy stomach. You can't have a healthy stomach without perfect digestion. There is only one rem edy that digests w hat you eat and makes the breath as sweet as a rose—and that remedy is KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA. It is a relief' for sour stomach, palpitation of the heart, and other ailments aris ing from disorder of the stomach and digestion. Take a little Kodol after your meals and see what it will do for you. Sold by S. R. B 'gg 9 Iu regard to the proposition that he is the greatest man living, the President has heard from almost everybody but the Japanese who still think that some of their war heioes answer to the specifications. Oil! 8' YlllS 011- "1 am only 81 years old and don't expect even when 1 get to be real old to feel that way as long as 1 can get Electric Bitters," say 9 Mrs. E. H. Brunson, of Dublin,Ga. Surely there's nothing else keeps the old as young and makes the weak as strong as this grand tonic medicine. Dyspepsia, torpid liver, inflamed kidneys or chronic con stipation arc known after taking Electric Bitters a reasonable time Guaranteed by S. R. Biggs, drug gist. Price 50c. M SIK«Iff Remarkable Renaissance is Now Well Under Way. CHEAP LABOR ABUNDANT Wort on ma fcqnal to fifteen Oent. • Df tpw VUM Dae to Employment otf Utfl Number «ff "Women—Gotten Fl—frtrmi Bs. Übllshed The United States Consul at Mi lan report* a most remarkable re birth in Italian Industries, say* the Hew fork Press. He palate a pic ture at tile possibilities that indi cate* a dofrtro on the part at the Ital ian people to go far beyond anything commercially and industrially in their past. The atory at what the ponlnHul* once was, an told by Ma caulay in hie cesar on MachiviavelU. is to be repented by the oitlea of , Piedmont. Tuscany and. Lombard/, at least the consul seems to think *O. He point* to the reaouroee ot the In dustrial cineaea in oheap even skilled labor Women work at cotton and allk weaving at prices one would hardly credit, when ten to thirty-live cents a day are the wages paid. Wtlh thee*, and with a people long uaod to labor, with fairly well trained manses ot men and women, the fac tories are holding their own at bourn and ready or getting ready to lowed* markets km b*M bf fbm Bogllsh, Qermans and French. Consul Dun ning Sddff '''Rhe fundameotal qondttlon fac ing that portion of the American as port trade deslrlous of entering Italy Is the wld» difference In tlvß ooat «f labor In the two oountrle*. American manufacturers dealing, or Intending to d«al, wth the consular district ot Ml inn ought tp buro always In mind that condition and the supplement ary fact thai the Inhabitants of Um bardy are hardly surpassed by any other people In mental and ipanual cJovcruesa. Ability t# meat a large portion of their owp wants with tin 11 own handiwork, sn|l »t s ooat of production mudo low by an over nroductlve population, renders tbe Lombard quite as Independent la those daya us bo was sts hundred years i\gu One 'it {be main factors Ip tbp Ipw coat of production In tba' Italian field Is the work of women,, tgkei) advantage of In an unusual! degree "The district Is overflowing with reeotircea, chief among which Is to be iwteeined the abundant and low priced labor qf man, women and children, and of woman In particu lar tn (hla regard Lombardy differs not at afl from what weknow *0 be giuxl commercial history la Amerl- Qau manufacturing ouatera. Tbe teu tons which ha*u beeq studied and learned at I«wreno& Oaookton, Mee- Waterbury, Troy, Rochester, Patersou, Lynn and other towns at (hat typA tn America will be applied tn the l.ombardy of tbe early future M the local manufacturers And themselvoa driven harder by foreign competition l.ombardy ably alma to bo the supply house of Italy Mow nearly It approaches to that e*tat« seems to me to be no smull concern to ua "Taking for example, girls under IB yeare of age. It appears that In factories employing 30 operatlvea or lees they numt>er 80 per oent. of tba total number of persona on tbe pay roll and receive ap average wage of 11 American cent* a day. In fac tories employing from 10 to 100 operatlvea the percentage (ft girls under 10 years Jt ago la 37, with an average dally mgn Slightly leas than the other ooae —a little over 10 cents In factories employing from 10U to 600 operatives 14 per oent. arr (rtrle under 16 year* old, with average watte qf nearly 11 cents per day Wben fnore than (I(SO operatlvea are employed the number of those beinrt of qourse small -the percent age of girls under IB years Is 11, and their average earnings are 14 cents a day. Thus In Italy It seems that the larger factories offer the bent conditions for young girls and Rlvo steadier labor and are not shut down so many days In a year tfi the smaller shops Incidentally, the cot ton mills j>ay better wages to girls than prevail In the silk manufact uring Industry. ''As to tho average day's wtkgew, 1* 8 per cent, ot women workers earn sums up to the equal of IS ceuts a day; 80.4 per cent, earn from IS to 30 cents; 41.7 per cent, aarn from 30 tp 80 centa, and 10. B per cent earn from 80 to 40 centa. The pcrcobtage of women who earn more than 40 centa a day Is only I I. Qood domestic servants are hired at from 18 to |B a month. Oar man girls, known as Superior cooks and maids, can earn as much as 1 7 a month. All the above flgurca apply to Lomltardy alonet** Heckling John Burn*. When heckled about receiving £I,OOO a year, John Burns at one of the Hattcreoa meetings said he Was engaged at a Job 00* where the gen eral rate of pay was *I,OOO. lie was not going to take law than tha union pay. But t woroqn called» "How do ye spend f1.009, JohnT" and quick as a flash ouw tha an swer, "Ask tbe mlssua* The heok> ling stopped amidst a roar of laugh ter, A Dundee Hrtkv A (Jrodger built qf oak, II feat long, |1 feet w|de, and drawing V feet I Inches of wgter, I* no* Iq la Dundee Harbor, ft has bean In was In th* ms place for over 100 yoara and Hs engine la said to have bnjwlk by James Watt. A Hard Lit of trouble to contend with, spring from a torpid liver and blockaded bowels, unless you awaken them 'o their proper action with Dr. King's New Life Pills; the pleas antest and most effective cure for Constipation They prevent Ap pendicitis and tone up the system «5c at S. R, Biggs' drug store. SOMK GREAT Bt KUROPATIOL AUuu'nta aud AuSerlii||K of HifrfM Vmt«Mm« * Omi HnrlA. 0) auviwme capuln*. of (lk| world th*r* are tut *ti or *evim and aparce fr oo« tbeis exhibit* conlu* (t lb health teat color*, **y* the Lon don Tlma* In amtouah tor aenrty all of tbom tone form of narre disorder tark*, Y>roteaqu an the (rtatfiment ■mint, efrltetiay. maalfeat In K'eater qr !**• degree, raroirtia upon their desllnto*. Charlemagne, Che fraat Mid wte« captain of (1M Frank*. who "anatched, from darkaea* ail th« land* he conquered,' and who reared •n empire tfutt no hand tunt his wm able to control, la almost the sole ex ception.. What aaya the bead-roll? - At SI Alexander the Oreut, who had reckoned hlniaeU a god, died during, or Juat after, one of hla fren etic orgies. Cueaar, the foremost man 'of the (indent world, had strange* oonvuMons In hla into* reara-aud It Buty.be th.a the dngcer of Urntul saved htm from declining Into madness. Marlborough who was iAurrlnl to a violent woman., and whrwe \*»lr son (Hud la boyhood, was epUetic Tlurlnti his 10 last years of life , The'adventurous and daring Ctlve, world famous and the ronqnoror of liiltrf * at 40 wua decidedly a nuero path. , hi* memorable duel with a brother *iofllcer he mlawd his aim, llunij. a#ay hla weapon, and cried: "fllioßt and be damned I I said you cheat»4„ and 1 w»y so still." Cllve wait * pfeiaalonate, morbid, gouty and an rTidumeater At 49, rich and of uostliitnd reputation he sommttted •elckta .Welling was rtlmlnrtly eplletlc Hie fainting (Its after Waterloo were frequent, aQd It wan an attack of •pUepay*thgt onrrted him off The Romanoffs have been neuropathic tornftftly three eenturles, and on* Of the;, eplletlc lit* of Peter the Oreal ly "hAi to have Inaled three daya" ClihrMa V ishoae mother waa In sane, (Tad fltw In hk) youth, and was •rrofolon* Frederick the Oriskt (froiff the fare of whose fat bur, wbeo Ik) took n walk, aaya Macaulay, "every, human being fled"), reared In a perfect hell of a |>alac«, had a certain general unsoundness of tnlnd, to wbloh mercy was altogether foreign. ' Tho slock of Oliver Orom voll out not overhenlthy, and of the neuropathic tendencies of the Pro tect or himself there Is sufficient ovl deife. ' Mahomet'- but lei Mahomet rout. * * Joan of Are, the divine glrl-wom, •n, mer nnd soldier, who came from her ahoopfolda c 4 lx>rralne to make victorious the orlllamme of France. Joan hoard voire* and saw visions. »nd was kissed, she said, I>y the oa- Mtlata War's Want* of (tood Mm. ftvniy ow who has no me to a rea sonable maturity mug have had »t>- pnrtunlty to •banrva l or himself how great Is th« loas when a Ortß rate man die* prematurely, •ay* Harper's Weekly If he leave* a family, he ktavH* It bereft of hi* nare a«4 hi* training and eipoeed to perlH from whloh he might hsv* shielded It. If he leaves no family, there'l* (he Incalculable loas of (h* children he might have had. Sum* fatttffrleM famllte* turn out well In ■pit* of their handkwp, hut thi) tin bogotton fanilMe* of dead fathers aro a total loss. What our country. North and ttoutk, suffered from the declihatton nf M* vory best slock In the olvlt war eannot be sompul>d. Oh thta tendency of war to wa*te the IndUpoiisable beat blood of na tion* President David Starr Jordan batag anfery Interesting argument In favor Of pcaew. lie ho* h>i>e* (hav the % present oantury will sue the permanent establishment of pence tor mankind The perils of peace to nation* he make* nothing of as com pared with the perils of war. Hla ar gument I* all biological 80 -called "decadent" nation* are none other, he dec Urea, than nation* lhat'the beet Hook ho* boon killed out Of, leaving the perpetuation of tlMwraoe to Inferior Individual*. Ho maintain* that nelttur adversity nor luxurr destroy* a race; and that Jinnuratton* true to the tyi>e will fol ow generation, unleaa the beat Indi vidual* are killed off QrooOe, he say*, died because the men who made her glory had all pusrtw) and left none of their kin. and therefore none of their kind Rome fell because of the extinction Of her beat. The peaceful struggle for v e*l*t»noo, Dr. Jordan think*, puts a premium on the vtrtlo virtues The beet men get ahead In time of peace; the Idle, weak and dissipated $o to tha'Wall. "Other things being equal," he say*, "the nation which ha* kndwn the least of war Is the one moat likely to develop 'the strong bkttaltoaa' with whom victory mu*t rest." ( An Actor 1 ! Diet. It 1* said that Kean, the actor, ata mutton before playing the part of a lover, beat before playing that of a murdbnrw* and pork before assuming tk* character of a tyrant Thl* may of ooaree be either story qr fact, but U la a well-known truth that beat will aupport the body under more mhaunting labor than will mutton. •A former private of Laaoera, who had served twenty-Ore year* in the and had been under Are plnetjr-ftro time*, AM the Other day while In the enjoyment of a penglon of It cent* a day. There af« now tone 10,000 mod ern plow* |n use In Oreece, against 14,000 antiquated ones. Oreeee I* said to-offs* a very good market for the tale qf agricultural Implement*. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar is the original laxative cough syrap and combines the qualities nece»»ary to relieve the cough and purge the system of cold. Con tains no opiate*. Sold by & R. Biggs. For Sale. House and lot situated in New- Jtjtgh location and good water. Apply at this office. «i v., o Closing, Out J y\, . , Entire Summer Stock MILLINERY GOQDS Including Several Pattern Hats. A good ofiiftiiC)' fo get irtmcftiuig chfl|i. Thw rooHk rwiW go fo make room fr r fall «tock. Come to him- iih. J. L. Hassell & Co. 1 • -4--;- * • v Peanuts Picked Wl 1 n|THH BENTHALL PICKER bring hand picked prices. No stems. No vrash. Will not break the shell. ABSOLUTE success. WJ are booking orders now for r«*i ociivery. No Peanut raiser can afford to uc without one. Write for prices, etc. Benuiall Machine Gomp'y, 5-25 6m Suffolk, Virginia. THK NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College COURSES Literary CommrrcUl Clinical Doiwitlc Science SdeuHflc Mannual Tralnlnf Pedagoflcal Mink Three Coiirsen leading to degrees. Special courses for graduates of other colleges. Well-equipped Training School for Teachers. Board, laundry, tuition, find fees for use of text books, etc., $l7O a year. For free-tuition students. $125 Fifteenth annual session begins Septem ber 20, 1906. To secutt board in the dormitories, all free-tuition ap plications should be uiade "before July 15. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teuchers and stenographers. For cata log and other information, address CHARLES D. McIVER, President, C.KKBNSnORO, N. C. We Can Supply You We cun supply nil «l"iil;rn in this swtion with Corn, Oats, llay, Cement, Coal, Lime Meat and Meal. On short notice, (livo tin your business. Suffolk Teed and Fuel Company. C. T. BRANTLEY, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE LOOK, LOOK! Morgan is Coming Back. I'D TIIK TOBACCO FARMERS or MARTIN AMI SVRROVKMKO COUKTIES, GENTLEMEN:—I his is to announce that I vxpect to be located in the Farmers Warehouse, recently built by Mr. Eli (iurganus, during the > oming season, and earnestly ask you for your patronage during my stay with you. As you all know, 1 was v. ith y ti four years ago in the warehouse business and done every thing in my power to >;et you good prices for your tobacco, as 1 always thought what would be to my customers' interest would be to my interest, and therefore 1 can assure you that if you will Sell Your Tobacco with Me this fall, I'll pay strict attention to same anil sec that you get the very top price for it Thanking you for your past patronage and ask you, one and all, to try me again this fall mid I will do my utmost to please you. 1 furthermore want to thank my good friends of Martin County tor their strenuous efforts in getting me to return to WHUamstou agi»in and enter the warehouse business. And i am coming to locate with you, and hope we can be beneficial to each other in the Tobacco business. I have many very good friends in old Martin and intend to stand by them and see that they get what their Tobacco is worth. Your friend, E. L. MORGAN. And now to the farmers I would like to say, He'll go on the market from beginning to end Ou Second of Anst U our Opneaing Dajr; Anil get bent price*, he's the farmer*' friend; Wbin you come to town don't forget to !«top He'll get on hi* knee* aad say to the buyer, And sell jow Tobacco with Morgan, the sorrel; top; Mr. A. T. C. you muat bid up a little higher; Yon may call him norrcll or can call him tandy. And yon. Mr. Imperial, who U always very nice; Itut sell your Tobacco with Morgan, tor he's a dandy. You can get this Tobacco by payiag a fair price. And you, Mr. Boyd, who i* very »ly, Say to tac farmer* Tobacco ia too high; Hut vou bny all you can and pack H awav nice, And when the farmer* have all aold. you put up the price. truly yours, E. G. A *JsvIDYSPEPSIA CORE W |1 fell U m | DIGESTS WHAT YOU BAT ■ , TWIIOO Mtw nont.lM J* trtal Urn. wklck MCa lor SO carta. ■ m \jr I K- C. D.WITT 7 TOMPANY? CHICAGO. IUL FOR SALE IN WILLUMSTON BY S. R. BIGQB. In Case of Tire you want to -be protected. lii cue of death yon want to leave your family some thing to live on. In cast- of accident you want some thing to live on hesilie* borrowing. * Let Us Come to Voar Rescue We can insure von against loss from Fire, Death and Accident. We can insure your Boiler. Plate Glass, ' Bmg- x ' larv. We also can I toad you ior any office requir ing bond HMW lit lilt CIMMteS iteMlSHlil K. B GRAWOKD INSURANCE AGKNT, Godard Btfilding Notice. Having qualified a* Rxecutor to the will of J»hn Harrell, deceased, I hereby give notice to all parties holding ac counts againnt the said catate to present them within one year from this date or this notice will b plead in law of their recovery. All parties indebted to the tald estate will please settle the same. This the 9th (lay of June, 1906. DAVIII 11AKK1UX, Rxecut->r. WINSTON & RVKKRTT, Attys. Notice. Having (jiasMH a» adiimrfLtratiH of W. A. Johneaa, deceased, late of Mart tin county, N. C., this is to notify all persona havlag vlatnts ngains. the estate >f said dectasad to enhlkut them to the undersigned «• w before the Brat day of June, ift], m this notice will I* pleaded in bar at their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 31st J May, 1906. >. A. NBWKU., 6-l-6t Administrator. Runaway Boys. My two sous, Joe Prank and George * Thomas Gorham, aged 14 and 11 year*. They are light complected, and wore light clothes and brown hats yrhen they left home Sunday, June 3d. Any one knowing where they are will pleaae noti fy me by wire if convenient, otherwise by mail, 6-8-tf J. R. GORHAM, Colored. yfjuLSj Comnound »afe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Superior In Mhar reiMdlS* SnU Si hiss Sill—. v*». *vv :'i j rr.,^ _ aaa «vh m«u. faeaHWUMiMMMS •r. UVrsaM. rktUMrkls, V*. /lw\ /HARPERX , I KENTUCKY ) [whiskey) For sale by J. W. Watts St Co.

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