«'• ■ " ' f } THE ENTERPRISE. rrauiuwiruY MIMI n m urrumu ranrriae co. a UlUmaton H.C W. L. SMITH, - - - - KDITOB MrnniMUarMOSCfH Willlamatoa. m. C. u Beetled CIM( Mail Matter. Ftuur. JOLT 27, 1906. IT'S UP TO SOMEBODY It is up to nonicbody to repair the ferry and terry road leading from Wtiitapaton to Bertie coun ty. We do not know whether it is the duty of Martiu county, the duty of the town of Williamston or the duty of private citiaens, but it is plain enough that it is souic- body's duty Shall Williamston fail to the business of Bertie county farmers and the tobacco warehouses of this town fail to handle the tobacco that has heretofore been coming here on account of the bad condi tion of the road aud ferry? A prominent tobacco farmer of Bertie wrote a local warehouseman a few days ago that unless soiut repair work is doue on the ferr> they, the farmers of Bertie, cannot bring their tobacco here. Every business man in Williams ton knows what it would mean to fail to keep upn tbir. ferry "A word to the wise is sufficient." Mr. Fairbanks has an opinion of his own as to the ' 'only man that can beat Bryan.'' It must lie rather provoking to peacemaker Roosevelt to see Hon duras and Guatemala getting ready to slap each other just when he is nettling down for a -peaceful suuiuici. The National Billposters assocla tiou has decided not to |>ost any more pictures of the devil, but will continue sticking up pictures ot chorus girls who have been raising the devil. It must be embarrassing to Mrs. Leslie Carter who was married the other day, at the age ol according to the marriage license record, thirty years, to have her son come along and confess to beiug twenty aix year.» old. t ~~ The Pennsylvania man who waited twelve yeais to repay cat fare advanced by a irieud, hah still too much conscience to be a success as an ice man. Next time it might be advisable for the president to send his whole cabinet down South to sit on the lid during a state convention, that North Carolina convention actual ly tilted under even Secretary Taft. A sweet breath adds to the joys of a kiss. You wouldn't want to kiss your wife, mother or sweet heart with a bad breath You can't have a sweet breath without a healthy stomach. You can't have a healthy stomach without perfect digestion. There is only one rem edy that digests what you eat and makes the breath as sweet as a rose—and that remedy is KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA. It is a reliel for sour stomach, palpitation of the heart, and other ailments aris ing from disorder of the stomach and digestion Take a little Kodol after your meals and see what it will do for you. Sold,by S. R. &KK9 After bearing that Harry Thaw once went all the Way to Europe to bny a trunk full of cigarettes, his lawyers began to take a little stock in that insauitv plea them selves. / It has caused more laughs and dried more tears, wiped away dis eases and driven away inure fears than any other medicine 111 the world. Hollister's Rocky Mount am Tea. 35 cents. S. R. Biggs, Willianaston and. Nelson & Har grove, Robersoiiville. It was hardly necessary for Sec t rttary Tsft to compare democratic promises with republican perfor mances.'' Nearly everybody has Bid LOSS TO FARTIERS Prof. Tail Butler, through the Progressive Farmer says The writer was recently asked the question: "By bow many bushels will the yield of corn in North Carolina be reduced by deep cultivation at laying by?" At that time we thought a million bushels would represent the loss, but in the light of the results ob tained by the various experiment stations it would seem that such an * f i estimate is conservative in the ex treme. The following summary of the results obtained by the experiment stations in testing deep and shal low cultivation is takeu from the annual report (1904; oi the United States office of experiment stations. Illinois Station—An average of I five years showed a gain for shal low over deep cultivation of 5.9 I bushels. ludiana Station—Cultivating from one to one and one-half inch es gave the Itest results and the re mits for nine years showed in fav or of shallow culture. Ohio Station —Tests between cultivatiug one and one half inches and four inches deep, continued for nine years, gave a gain of four bushels per acre. Pennsylvania Station —Corn cul tivated two inches deep gave fifty eight bushels per acre, while that ! Mom by pet*** who wmwtw. K u» cultivated lour ...cl.es deep gave i wblrfi It luUbttt h»i» glvtn M the fifty nine bushels. u»mt; ut tool futll ou ul tiu» Missouri Station- The testfi for trail five years showed a gain fot shal low cultivation of 25.2 per cent Kansas Statioft- —Tests during two years showed the yield from shallow cultivation. Oklahoma Station - With drilled corn deep cultivation gave, the l>et tei results, while with listed corn shallow cultivation proved super ior. Utah Station Tests extending over five years showed the best re suits for a medium depth of culture. Nebraska Station Results-fronl cultivating three inches deep were mticli lietter than from cultivating si* inches deep. North Dakota Station- - The re sults were in favor of shallow cul tivation taken as a whole. lowa Station - Results from two years' work showed a yield of 27.9 bushels from deep cultivation and 82.4 bushels from shallow cultiva ation, or a gain of 10.5 bushels per acre iu favor oj.shallow cultivation: New Hampshire Station Five shallow cultivations gave a yield of 79 I, while five deep cultiva tions Have 69.7, or a nam for shal low cultivation of 9.4 bushels. Georgia Station Shallow culti vation showed an average of 2.4 bushels of. shelled corn per acre more than deep cultivation. - The objection given to shallow cultivation in this State is, usually, that it is necessary to plow, and go deep, to kill grass. This difficulty can IK- partially overcome by l>et tei preparation of the the more frequent cultivation which can lie done with tools that stir the ground only to a shallow depth, especially* when the plants are young. Certainly, deep culture during the latter part of the sea son decreases the yield under usual conditions and there should be and is 110 need for it Out yield "Of thirteen bushels per acre is small enough, why make it less, as is certainly done, by the method of laying by with the plow, now practiced by thousa'nds of our small farmers? . .. . Ml! 3' YIM Old- •'I am only 8» years old ami iion'l e«pect even when 1 get to be real old to feel that way as long •is I *.. m get Klectric Bitters," says Mrs. E. H Brunson, of Dublin,Ga. Surely there's nothing else keeps the old as young and makes the weak as strong as this grand tonic medicine. Dyspepsia, inflamed kidneys or con stipation are known after taking Electric Bitters a reasonable time Guaranteed by S. R, Biggs, drug gist Price 50c. The sou of James has been admitted to practice law m Miss ouri He probably thinks he has a way of accomplishing the same results without takiug chances like his father did. k Hiri Lit of trouble to contend with, spring | from a torpid liver and blockaded bowels, unless yon awaken them •o their proper action with Dr. King's New Life Pills; the plcas antest and most effective cure for Constipation. They prevent Ap pendicitis and tone up the system muim a Quail Being Rapidly Extermi nated Might be Preserved. ALLIES OF THE FARMER. •even Mlmbtfl of TMa Family in tba United Waloa Mat Beauti ful (pmln Pound o*i Pacific Coast —Chrletaned mot White Prom FamtUe» Can NM of fei-de. Of tb« mth apecMe of qaali only one, the Bob White (Cotlim Tirpn ianus), la lndi#enlotia to U»«" eaetrin United Htatm. where it ftftfw Xrooi •outhorn New England 10 Florida ai.o Texan The eub apart**. the Floriua Bub White and (be Teaaa boh Wnito. are r«ti(Ali«4 by MktlWa o*lr* to the climatic lafla*>n«*. the blrdx ( >1 Florida and of Teaae differ enough Co be dieUngutobed aa «eu grnpillc Ukcv*. Oat wherever It occurs, tin Hob White baa the same call and vai ton little In habit* Tht il>b White proper la a haad borne bird, but le the Kttlurst of the sev'eu apooloai, atth the exerpOuo at til. rot ton top ot acalcd quail of the decciU of -toulht-xn 'leiaa and Ail ioiu» The latter la alatejr bluish on the upper partu, which are otnameut ed with white marinas*, aad has a wbillah creel The moat biaaria aad cartoaa ot all, aaid Prof Ja4d uf the bepart mriu of AxrtruKore, "*>■ ike Menu QIUUI U 4 the htnh MINI ptalne aad mon.nuOa aaopee AT AIWMTN TMM. southern Mealoo aad artaooa' It took* not wnifre a IKIV galoea buh It Is rbv ovhtirat and rtvAt üb eui.jjkloua of the quail family arid tu lr«iufntly kUk-1 *ttb a atlrk or a j 'lh« Hob While to the owat «l'U»ly diMti) and popnku emum bird Ih ttii' tinted Stat*t White II I* rafddty i lieiUK uxturmLiwttwX. H> pic*s«r ration I cotilil be secured very «a»ll». fur un- ItK- in oat wild fowl* or animate. H I doOK not vanish with the urowth ot Hfiirulturv, but lacreatea when not iuol«At>Hi by hunter* 1 'I ho ftot) V»'Mt» I* called a quail In tin Northern. W»i»r» and Middle Wales, while In (he Southern itutw 'lt In known 141* a part ■ Idgr- Itoth ■innimt were bum*fit U> America by J BiiKlt«h rolonl«te The name Ikib 1 WMt* In ftom the familiar **U nolo ! ol the bird In son* of It* characteristics the UIM differ* strikingly from other mumbere it the family Tui *amia pie, the ruat a well Atvelopcd adwn iiM-nt o| wvural flk—xij related Aiucii tan i|imll# In IVib tfiilit la enrept wbeo thr bird la aaottott" The ■ oinmoa Hub White ranni mora UM» «wiHr»ll)r ov«* the naatora half | OF the T'nltn.t rttntm and itwiilMu ©M | tarlo. o*t>pl In the «nldoc imfcinlain ; on* part*, from Main* to Florida and 1 went k> South IMwia, Kanaae and Tmaa In addition colonies have been f intiutuMd and found to thrive In CW t orfido. N«* Mexico t'tah and the W -1 laud of Jatmu-la The bkd ha* aim been fouhd |d limited n>rmbei> ia I Cuba. Mexico and Ouatomala "In the tleld."' said I'roC Judd. the | ruplla) will Mle of tlw oorfc bird I* j an Infallible guide to lt« Identity this 1 fan* lllar riialleane, -*>undln* to the j flportNßitkn like Ilob White. 'Bob llob j White,' rnd to the f.umer like cuore | wot or 'no more net, la by no mean* | thf only not* qf the apeclos during lln In 1 1 illim M—ly When within Oft) yards .j uw j maty lie utlor* this talljr note. *0 thrill- I lug to the sportsmen In the fall, 'ka : 101-kee,' which the bun often an I »wer* With a «lngl* clear whistle.'' ltlMO I* a lel).lenej among Hob 1 White* toward local migration in I Virginia Mut Maryland particularly 1 t|i»y bsave their uiumer homes on the | approach of winter and congregate neai the large water rourww The llob White u an ally of the farmer Is , hletty valuable m a V*- •troyer of w«vl *»vt» pm( j U au made au estimate >4 what the Q>D Wblt« would accomplish in tJils tins lot the {.Miner* of the two States «>( Virginia and North Carolina (rum the beginning of September to the end of A mil. lie allowed lour Bob Whites to «ah square mile of lan. I, which |? « tow estimate, and would dw .iM.NSrt in tho two State* the crop of «-aih bird Uoltls half an ounce of sand and la filled twice % day. Slnee at each (tf the two dally meats weed S.HI!» conntltuta at kw half tike .•ontent* of Ibe ocop a half ouaee daily K thus CONSUMED tor ea»-h and on this baaln the total consumption of Hend lu b» two State* povrrlag the pwrlori mcntlouMt Mould amount to 1,341 ton* A AHBIUU calculation xhow* that A4i) too* of dmtraAlv* lisaocts Would I* coiunimed by tfc> blrda to the Mkme period Tfce Bob Wkltn natx tne Rocky Monntaln loeuat. tit) chinch bun. rhr potato boot*. the boll weevil and cotton worms and army worm* Prof Jurt.l ml 1 mated that witn proper management some farms ot from 500 to 1.000 acrea would rMd a letter revenue I rum fka raising of Bob Whites ft* the market than from poul try grow In a. In North Carolina many (arrow yield a regular Income by tlUs Industry. You can never nrtoh flah by eon •tanUy Changing your bait. Kennedy'* Laxative Honey and Tar in the original laxative cough syrup and combines the qualities necessary to relieve the cough and purge the system ot cold. Con tains no opiate*. Sold by S. R. Biggs. For Sale. House nod lot situated in New town. High location and good use or MOURNING STAMP#. Iwiirt by Farcign Cotmtriea on 8p» elal Occatlont. "Finland ww one of the eountrlaa to mate early, uar of the pnataj;e stamp, kaviac taaued lta first series, conslm ln* of two deoominadoiut, to 18o*>, nine rears after the flrM United State* atawpa wars brought out. Several dif ferent laaues mere jiroditced between that date and 1890 And tbeae ittam hare always been favorttea with col lect on becMM- of the oon-apeculatlr* character of the tonnes, nooe of tbem were deafened for the purpose of en riching the nr.tlonr.l treasuij- at the -xpenM of *tAmi> collectors; n d'-vle worked to tb* limit l>y attain small fry countries on the western hemis phere. When the Czai assumed forrllile con trol of FlnUu.il the Finnish stamps were dealrojud and kiutwlaii otampa, wttb the denomination In Flnnlnn, wefe suMtltuted. The Finns wer») so bitter over thU action that ho. u tiy a "nioutnlni; alamp waa signed and prlnfeil. So lal* as Known." the only govern n.tmtully issiu I mourning fetauip was that iftodutwl by tiimln Just at tho clo.e of the late Hpanlsh-Amurican nar While this Htainp «w In fact a iuournhiK label, itttd Intend'*! to af -1II«I the people an opportunity to give o-tvard cgpreaaton to their broken »>lrlt. the primary object of the gov umnftit *» tti increaae the casn is haiu)' In the tieaaury, to rate In H few pewtaH Thta label was In tUa itature iH a f venue stamp. Immmiw-n tw On- onlir ( the poatoflkw 'lopikrt nit»'l icqulivc that the atarop. which *»» »l about thi. value of one wnt, should be nllatxl In addition to the rvaistai postal- I'm tJl> po»'al exports made n very L.id W 'iH ui h Tho people, however, aitU th' 7 may la' or bow lutM'h ti.-;. faired to exhibit the t ftW, «£d not are ;o pat raah Into .in «•»: 11 Mlae, 11 n?l liuitcad of tin reiialng h/ lUdttls.full ofl 4iifl continued to rt«- -hi volume until the poßtoOlr* i»iitl,urltiivi In alarm voldi»t tho oraor. And thua tin ujil) mourrUiiK atamp etrr liaaiil «a« iataloßued un a fail ure. " ; Tiif rmtril Miwtin i>unie within an »: a imiutnlnii atamp Im mediately fotlowlhx the do«th ol tne tado ui Mckinley. duly nuv • tuuiluftl .dlffl ultW* Htuud in the way and I'revenit.'d the production ol trie M »•'»!> all quartern came sug i;m.hiii * the mtmrnltiK ataiup, anil »h«« iMUfr « ih .iiHruHHoa in the prewa atid In cabinet vieeltnga. I'oHtmaHKr tVueml I'ayite wan vary much tn fa- Uir U th> •« heme. an wraa Third Aa rfV.tnrt t*nitiita»tar General Madden, the tut* ihaiHe (ft the dlvlalon ol rtamp-|MWtP. It wax drat proponed to pj-.n» » linavy t>la h bonier around ltm rturinnt Iwo-Btamp, hiit thlx wax 'ta ckled to lie mutallHfactory Then a M:imp bearing the kikotw-MM of Mr. M> Klnh y WBH proposed to bp prluttol, of • ourae i» Mark, ii vitut found, how • >er thai to design and engrave a now wyuld riMjulic throe month'" tlnis and hy that time the kflenneaa ot na itonal wirrow womd. naturally, nam* worn mt. It wax not doomed prac tVWNfc to lUidiertalw u Ihen. too, emulation* of the universal postal iinlou required thai th atamp in each (ouotrv. which carries dotnoAtlc mall nhall l«i n| rfl iidnr To obviate ttiis 4>jo.m»i! U wa* ttiiggnated that th« limh* »t:imp iii-oil be made available . (tic tn the United Htataa, only The Mipei liilcudeiit of forelKU mat la itiuiiKtu '.hat,Jhl.s would result In ml»- übd«rstniullnm and contusion at ports at do-all me for foreign countries, HO the piojeii xvae almudoned. The olUiiala oi (tie itoßtollke dopart m«iM would favor tlm ih»im> of a black »funp »t low value wore It practicable, tut for .(he coaaon augunstod at the (Jbtc M »iil prop mod to brln( out a mourning nlitnm In memory of Presi dent' MvKlnley -tin mine of the uni versal i«'»tal union- -it aeera* to ho au l-ripoealhlllty Tho uae of two blak oae cent stamp* Is isiiially Imposelble, ae the same rule miutros that tin ctainp oi kjwivrtt value shall be green. The three-cent stamp, now purple, «il*ht be printed In black, but It la iinrntloiiiible If those who are clamor ing lor ii mourning atamp would be .willing in pay the additional one i-ent lor the sake of harmony In colors The iiuly bin U stamp at present la the $1 *> nomination The ll«K*a, wb«o they were finally com pr lied to give up the light nguiunt (tram Rillam, nought to Met out a nuHirmnn stamp but I hey were unstic emful They saw their own stamp* j*ei printed »lih the hateful (to them) letters 'V ft. i„" the initials used by the KM Qtt'een Victoria, dor I ILK her lilo Aflerwaids these stamps were «ti|H*r*ed«W by an Issue bearing the likeness of King Bdward VU. A, City Without Men. l'oihaiie the queerest city tn lbs world U that j of Naug HHIIU. tho hutuo (vt the royal family iif Slam. The city's l'iH-uliarit> Ilea In the Utt that it u u( women and children n Vine It la Ik the router of Bang kok. ha» high wnfla around M. and In Ha population of 9.000 there la But a single nu»n.' though thv king occaalon atly pays a visit There are shops, a.arketii.leraplea, theaters, streets and *vcnu«R. parka, lakae, freea and flow er garden*; a hall (4 Justice, judgne, e*ec\itiQ&et, police, generals and aol dlera, all the poaltionn. nfflrlal and • •tl»>rwtee. .bMng fltlod by woman The ■ »kJ> luhu in Slam who can enter wit cltj W the king It i* claimed that, owing tn agi tation, legislation and various oth er things of that sort, theStaudard Oil Co v is to have real competition in Oliio. That will probably give Mr. Rockefeller more of an acute pain than all the unkind things the officers of the law are saying about him. .. Children like Kennedy's Laxa tive Honey and Tar, The pleas antest and best cough syrup to &55 U R e, a^ nßH ° ° pi,U ' s bold by S. R Biggs Closing Out Entire Summer Stock MILLINERY GOODS Including* Several Pattern liaU. A good chime" to «t»t somcMmiic cheap. These j-ootls must gp to make room IV r fall sioek. Come to «ec im. * -I- "... .. ''' ' 1 1 J. L. Hassell & Co. L__ ; » T --- '- ~ TI -" ■■■ "■ ' f i'i ' ii' j i Peanuts Picked WL I HQ THE BENTHALL PICKER brin* hand picked prices. No stems. No trash. Will not break the shell. Absolute success. We are booking orders now for t'»*« uciivery. No Peanut raiser can afford to *jc without one. Write for prices, etc. K3em.iicill Machine Gomp'y, 5 ?5 >»' Suffolk, Virginia. THK NORTH CARGLINA State Normal and Industrial College COURSES Literary Commercial Claulcal Domestic Science Scientific Mammal Training Pedagogical Muilc Three Courses leading to dearies. Special courses for graduates of oilier college*. Well-equipped Training School for Teachers. Board, laundry, tuition, and fees for use of text hooks, etc., $l7O a year. For free-tuition students. $1 jj. Fifteenth annual session begins Septem ber 20, 1906. To secure lioard iu the dormitories, all free tuition ap plications should l>e made before July 15. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. For cata log and other information, address CHARLES D. McIVER, President, C.KF.KNSIIOKO, N. C. We Can Supply You We can supply all il altera ill this section with Corn, Oata, Hay, Cement, Coal, Lime Meat and Meal. 011 sUart notice. Uivo iih your busiuem. Suffolk Teed and fuel Company. C. T. BRANTLEY, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE LOOK, LOOK! Morgan is Coming Back. I'o Tint TOBACCO FARMKKSUK M ARUN WI» SIKHOINDISI; CC KKTIKS, GuNTLitititN:- —This is to ntiiiounci' that I expect to be located in the Farmers Warehouse, recently built by Mr. KliOufganus, during the* online season, and earnestly ask you for your patronage during my atay with you. As you all know, I was v ith y u four years ago in the warehouse business and done every thing in my power to i>et you good prices for your tobacco; as 1 always thought what Would he to my customers' interest would be to my interest, and therefore 1 can assure you that if you will Sell Your Tobacco with Me this (all, I'll pay strict attention to s tine and see that you get the very top price for it Thanking you for your past patronage and ask you, one and all, to try me this fall and 1 will do my utmost to please you. furthe'more want to thank my good friends of Martin County lor their strenuous efforts in getting me to felurn to Willi,imston agsMn and enter the warehouse business, And 1 am coming to locate with you, and hope we can be beneficial to each other in the Tobacco busmft"\ I have many very good friends in old Martin and intend to stand bj them and j»ee that they get whalTheir Tobacco is worth. Your fpend, E. MORGAN. And now to the farmers 1 would like to say, He'll go on the market from heg inning to end On Second of Aust is our Opnening D*y; And get best prices, he'* the farmers' friend; Whvti you come to town don't forget to slop He'll get on his knee* ami say to the buret. Ami Sell youi Tolmcco with Morgan, the sorrel, top; Mr. A. T. C. yon nuisj bid up a little higher; You may call him sorrcll or cun call bim sandy, And you, Mr. Imperial, who is always Very nice: | *. But sell your Tobacco with Morgan for he's a dandy. Yon can get this Tobacco by paying a isir And you, Mr. Boyd, who is very sly, Say to tne farmers Tobacco is too high; "* Rut vou bny all you can and park it awsv nice. And when the farmers have all sold, you put up the price. truly yours, . E. G. IA. J-1 DYSPEPSIA CURE M (1 ■ VII I DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT I ■■ H ■ H Ttatl.M bottfeconttbu 3% Mautks MslriM, vklek ssaster SOSH*a V P >ur«io OSI.T *T TSS UKUTotr o» ■ m %r ■ B. C. DsWXTT * COMPANY. CHICAfiO. XXX. FOR SALE IN WILLIAMSON BY S. R. BIGGS. In Gase of Hre you want to be protected. In case of death you want to leave yobrianiily some thing to live on.in case of accident yon want some thing to live .on be»id«* borrowing. Lrt Us Come ta Your Khoh We can insure you against lorn from Fire, Death and Accident. We can i turn re your Boiler, Plate Glarn, Burg lary. We also can hond yon for any offidb requir ing bond Nut Bit Best Craiaakt kwnuM K- B. GRAWrORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Notice. Having qualified m Kirrulor to the wilt of John Harrell, deceased, 1 hereby give notice to all parties holding ac counts against the mill estate to prrsent them within one year from this date or thia notice will he plead in bar of their recovery. All parties indebted to the said estate will please settle the same. This the 9th day of June, 19116. DAVID HAkKKIX. Kxecut>r. WINSTON JSt KVKBKTT, Attys. Notice. Having I,llam —1 u administrator of VV A. Johnaoa, deceased, late of Mart tin county, N. C., thia m to notify all |iersons having claims the estate •>f said dect atsd to exhibit them to the undersigned am w before the first day of June. 1907, o» this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 31st of Mar. >906. L A. Nkwkui., 6-i-6t Administrator. Runaway Boys. My two sons, Joe Frank and George Thomas Gorham, aged 14 and 13 years. They are light complected, and wore light clothes and brown hats when they left home Sunday, June id. Any one knowing where they are will please noti fy me by wire if convenient, otherwise by mail, 6-H-tf J. R. Go ail AM, Colored. LAOIES .garagsE, mmtw 10>»tb#r raamMas nMumyrtrM. akU ili» •r. LsfrssM, PkUslMH'* n> /HARPMX / KENTUCKY \ [WHISKEY ) \ fcrOwflaw / \*xssr / For sale by J. W. Watts & Co.

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