THE ENTERPRISE. Friday, January *5, IQO7 GREATEST PIANO OPPORTUNITY OF YOUR LIFE Before moving into our new and permanent store, we want to sell all oar slightly wed and exchange pianos. Every instrument is put i 1 thoroughly good conditon bv oar exi«rt workmen, and are great bargains. Among them, one that originally cost $450, that we offer for only slls and one that oust S4OO, now yonrs for only $«7» So Write for description of these and others. All sold on easy monthly pay- The Plans With the Sweet Tone CHAS. M. STIEFF, GEO. S. NUSSEAR, Mgr. 156 Granby St. NORFOLK, VA. LOCAL BRIEFS. —W. O. W. meets tonight. —Read the new ads. ia this issue. —Lumber is being hsuled to re place the store on Main street thst was burned Christmas Eve night. —Croccia of Rocky Mount wai in town Mouday and Tuesday night. While in town they dispensed music at the Atlan tic Hotel and the Lotus Club. —Mr. H. M. Burras has opened a first class grocery store in the building formerly occupied by Hodges & Coburn. He is anxious to have his friends call and see him See his ad in this issue. —The contract for an artesian well has been let to a local com pany. Several of our best citizens have purchased a well-digging out fit and are to begin oa the well as soon ap the outfit arrives. —Dr. B. F. Arrington of Golds bo ro,« noted specislist in the treat ment of diseased gums, is in our city at the Atlsntic Hotel, where he will be for several dayi. Those needing treatment of this kind shcukl svsil themselves of this op- , portunity. —Mr. Rufus Coburn entertained a few friends at dinner at the At lantic Tuesday evening. The party consisted of Misses Carrie j Biggs. Annye Peele and Miss Eu lala Perkins snd Messrs. Rufus [ Coburn, Burrous Critcher and •TJrover Hardison. 1 —The boy who saves his money { becomes the banker, the merchant, the professions! man. The boy who never saves u cent makes the man who "earns his bread by the sweat of bis brow." who never owns s home or enjoys the luxuries of life. —The man who went out to mi!k and sst down on s boulder in the middle of the pasture snd waited for the cow to back up, was a brother to the man who kept a store sod wouldn't advertise be caue be reasoned that the purchas ing public would back up to his place of business, when it wsnted something. —People frequently inquire of the editor where we received our information concerning such and such a person, also who wrote this article or that. To impart informa tion along this line is against the rules of a newspaper office snd onr friends and patrons will please bear this in mind and not annoy us with inquiries. We always stand ready to correct a wrong or mis-statement —J. Paul Simpson, of Williams ton, N. C. is headquarters for the great Gibraltar Fire Resisting Materials, paints in all colors, snd tints that resist fire roofiing mater ial*, roof coatihgs, ** c - Also for GibrsKine, a process for painting inside of tobacco barns, to afford some protection from fire. These are th; materials tested by fire, Saturday January jth before a large crowd of sdectators. Mothers who give their children Kennedy's Laxative Cough fyrup invariably indorse it. Children like it because the taste is so pleasant. Contains Honey and Tar. It is die Original Laxative Cough Syrup and is unrivaled for the re ief ot croup —Mr. G. T. Brantley local rep resentative for the Suffolk Feed and Fuel Co., of Suffolk Va., spent KVtrkl days in that city last week, returning Friday night. —The Rev. Mr. Do well, the new pastor of the Baptist Church, arrived this week and will preach Sunday morning and evening. A cordial invitation extended to all. —Mr. W. U Crawford killed four pigs Wednesday that netted him 1316 pounds of pork. The weather for two or three diTi past has been exceedingly fine for hog killing and there has been a great i deal of it done. —Mr. A. J. Adams has again opened a meat market and an nounces in this bane of the Enter prise that he will be pleased to serve all his old customers at bis stand on Main street next to Simpson's Hardware store. He will keep on hand fresh meats, fish, poultry, etc., and game in season. For anything in his line phone 44. —A committee is out soliciting subscriptions to the brass land fund. It is hoped that this com mittee will meet with much suc cess. With the exception of your newspaper the* is nothing that will advertise the town more than a good brass band. —Mr. B. F. Godwin. Jr., repre senting the firm of Chanlee, Sons & Co., crockery and willowwaredeal ers of Baltimore, was in town this week.Frank is a fiue fellow and de serves the patrouage of all in need of this kind of ware. We wish him unbounded success in his new field of labor. —Measers. Sintou and Jacobi of Baltimore, representing the Acme Basket Co., of that city, were in town Tuesday looking at the prop erty of the So. Veneer Co. These gentlemen are prospecting, and it is possible that the owners of the So Veneer Co.'s plant may interest them in that property. It certainly seems that this should be s good point at which to manufacture baskets, truck barrels and the like. -•-The team of J. L. Hassell & Co., became frightened while at the wbarf Wednesday and ran away. On its run up Main Street it encountered the team of Harrison Bros. &Co upsetting the cart. The driver of Harrison Bros. & Co. 's team was thrown out and the load of flour spilled. There was no serious damage done. Stockholders' nesting The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Bank of Martin County will be held in their bank ing rooms on Friday, February Ist at 3 p. m. Immediately after the adjourn ment of this meeting a directors' meeting will be held for the elec tion of officers for the ensuing year. The things that cannot be done under our Constitution reminds one that the Fathers were the great est word architects that ever hap pened. For Twenty-one Years Bonanza, Orinoco Bone . If Have been the standard Cotton Ihd %• Tobacco guanos in the South— MtlfltßU because great care is used in the •election of materials. Ask your dealer for RoyitCf*! F. S. ROYSTER goods and don't take substitutes GUANO CO., said to be just as good. See that Norfolk, Va! Ae trade " mark uon every bag * SECOND ANNUAL MEETING The Fanners k Merchants Bank la Excdleat Condition-0111- cerc elected The second annual meeting of the stockholders of the Farmers & Merchauts Bank was held Janu ary 16, at 3 o'clock p. m. * At this meeting there was aao shsres rep resented ont of 350 shares out standing. The report of the president was read and adopted. This report showed that the bank had made 1 wonderful strides in its short exis- I tcuce. The checking accounts of the bank has more than doubled in .the past yesr. An 8 per cent, dividend was declared, paying out f 2,000, and $3,000 was carried to the surplus fund. The president also stated in his report that had the deposits of the bank been larger there wonld have been a much larger profit. A A committee of five was appoint ed to name a board of directors. The following gentlemen were uamed by the committee: D. S. Biggs, Chas I). Carstarphen, N. S. Peel, T. J Smith, A. Hassell. W H. Crawford, Jno. D. Simp son, Ambros L. Owens, of Ply mouth, R. W. Salsbury, of Ham ilton, Geo. P. McNaughton, of Everetts, Geo. D. Roberson, of Robersouville, who were elected. The board of directors at their meeting immediately after the ad journment of the stockholders' meeting re-elected the officers of last year to seive for the year 1907. The officers are: D. S. Biggs, pres ident, Chas D. Carstarphen, Vice President, Frank F. Pagan, Cash ier and A. D Miiell, Assistant Cashier. WM Siftir frM Mimtlia Do you know that rheumatic pains can be relieved? If you doubt this just try one applicstion of Chamberlsin's Pain Bslm. It will make rest and sleep possible and that tertaiuly meant a great deal to any one afflicted with rheumatism For sale by S. R. Biggs. —There will be regular services at the Methodist church Sunday and night. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Everybody cordially invited to attend all Ser vices. A special invitation is ex tended to all visitors. —The lsst issue ot The Enter prise was printed in Scotland Neck. The machinist who erected our press, as stated In our last issue, had failed to complete his job and it was necessary for us to get another man to finish it, this was not done till Monday. The Enter prise has had to fall back on Mr. Hilliard of the Scotland Neck Com monwealth several times during the past year or so, and he has always been most courteous to us in our times of trouble. We appreciate the favors shown us and acknow ledge ourselves deeply in debt to him. Our olb ice is open to Mr. Hillisrd at anv and all times. SOCIAL ITEMS. £.■ll" Misses Liles, Hodges and Hy man attended the Teachers' Association held in Robersonville last Saturday Mm. C. M. Lanier, who is teach ing the graded school at Dardens, spent last Saturday and Sunday at home. She reports a very fine school Mrs. Victoria Martin of Tarboro is her son, Mr. Wheeler Martin. Miss Ralala Perkins of Hamilton is visiting Mrs. W J. Hodges. Masdames Dennis S. Biggs and John D. Biggs returned from Nor folk Saturday night. Miss Green of Norfolk, Va , who haa been nursing' Miss Victors Martin, left yesterday morning foi her home. PERSONAL MENTION. T* Dr. Baker of Tarboro was in town Sunday night. Mr. D. S. Biggs returned Sat urday night from Raleigh where he had been several days. Mr. J G. Staton left Saturday for Atlanta, Ga. Mr. W. L. Sherrod of Hamilton was in town Weuesday. S. H. Ellison who has been sick for a week or more is able to be out again. Mr. K. R. Jackson of Plymouth was in town Wednesday. Mr.George Gurganus of Norfolk. Va., was in town this week visiting relatives. Profs R. J. Peel and S. T. Liles attended the Teachers' Association iat Robersonville last Saturday. Mr. W. S. Rhodes of Hamilton was in evening. Mr. J. A. Campbell, Special Agent of the Southern Life of Greensboro, was in town Wednes day night, the guest of Mr. B. T. Cowpcr, the local representative of this company. These gentle men left yesterday morning for Gatesville, where Mr. Cowper has a brauch office. Mr. C. W. Keith, the genial pro prietor of the Atlantic Hotel, was taken sick just after breakfast yes terday morning and is confined to his bed. Rev. Mr. Dowel! is the guest of Mrs. Fannie Biggs. Sheriff Crawford spent lest Sat urday in Robersonville. Hon. H. W. Stubfcs returned Tuesday morning to Raleigh after upending Sunday and Monday in town. Mr. Charles M. Duke of Rich mond was in town Monday fixing the press in this office. —Dr. W. H. Wakefield of Char lotte, N. C. will be in Williamston at the Atlantic Hotel, on Saturday February 16 one day for the pur pose of treating diseases of Kye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, and fitting Glasses. f IF YOU I TOUCH I your tongue to I ALUM and look in the glass—you will sec the effect— /ml ViyjV ■ You can't help puckering—it make* you pucker §j m to think of tasting it. 11 MM By the use of so called cheap Baking J y \ Xf\ Powders you "take this puckering, injurious Alum /] J - ■ f 1 \ right into your system—you injure digestion, \ \€ J Jr I and ruin your stomach. *" «YV JLf I Sap plainly- I ROYALPOWDE* I Royal is made from pure, refined Grape Cream of Tartar—Costs more PHONE Adam® & Go. DBALKRS IN Fresh Meats, fish, Poultry, Etc. GAME IN «CA«ON Main Street Next to Simpsou's CITY BARBER SHOP J. H. HYMAN, Mgr. Main Street First Class Shop 5* Chairs Kvrryttltag Clean and in Order PRESSING CLUB We are running a pressing cl'ib in connection with our barber shop and have an experienced presser and cleaner in charge. Give us Yoift Work lIfJJII .||jp .||p. i ■ ! STRAW NO. 3 I ► "Straws show which way the f t wiud blow*;" 4 „ ; THINK ► lat. If you were to die (you sure- ' ► ly will) would thoae now depen- i dent on you be to live coin- fortably on the interest of your ac- cumulation ? 2nd. If some dread disease as ' paralyMa or conaumption were to * ► overtake you and make you unable ► to work to earn a livelihood, would you have a nice yearly income ? 3rd. If you were to be incapaci tated for work by some accident, y how about it then ! ► 4th. Would you object to inveal- ' 1 • little each rear for accumulating 4 . an estate ? , If not then you seed ( Insurance that Insures ► i you againat death, accident, and ( disc ise and affords a good invest y ment. Our policiea embody all ' 1 these proposition!. 1 B T. COWPER ( Life, Fire, Accident. ' * 'Phone No. 7 * ► Office over P. ft M. B'k BTd'g ■A _ J A | DYSPEPSIA CURE MM M V MB I DIGESTS WHAT YOU BAT H H H ■ H Th« $ 1.00 bottla conuln> 2M tlm«« tit* tftal «tl*. which Mil* tar (0 *Mlh mm MtaPAKBU ONLY AT TN« LABORATORY OR ■ M%r WL \r Hi B. c. D«WITT & COMPANY. CHICAGO, HA, FOR SALE IN WILLIAMSTON BY S. B. BIGGS, | &TATKMKNT OF THK CONDITION OK The Farmers and Merchants Bank At Willianiston, N. C., at the clow of huainesa ou December 31, 1906. RESOURCES LIABILITIES I.oan a ami discount* #90,635.35 I>einaud Loans 4.402.11 C "P iUI Stoc k #35,000.00 Banking House 7,506.03 „ , ... . 0 Undivided Profits 5,000.34 Furniture and Fixtures 3, 195.01 ■" Due from Banks 9,898 .74 90,333.55 Cash on Hand 4.696 65 Totc.l #iw,333.R9 Total #'20,333.89 State #( North Carolina—County ol Martin. I, Frank I' Pagan, Caahier of the aliove mimed hank, do aolemnly awear that the ulwvc atatemcnt la true to the beat of my knew ledge and belief. - Pkamk P. Faoak, Caahier. Hnhmribed and aworn to before m«\ thia jiat day of December 1906. AHA T. CHAWi'oao, Notary Public Comet—Atteat W. H. Crawford. J. 11, H. Knight, C, D. Caratarphen, Dlrectora. DENNIS S. BIOGS, Presi.lent. C. D. CARSTARPHEN, Vice Pre*. FRANK F. FAGAN, Cashier. ij FREE FREE FREE .ij i| j | i To Our Patrons and the Public* ! | !:> Wehave in tde a contract with a large eastern manufacturing 4 ij company which enables us to ;jive to each of our customers old 1 ! and new, an enlarged portrait of themselves or any member of \ 1 ? their family. When their cash purchases have reached the sls ij ® mark, if you haven't already gotten a ticket, ask for one when !! making purchases. We have purchased the largest assortment 1 1 | of frames ever exhibited in Wiliiamston, and will furnish you one J1 ij at the wholesale price. Cardinal paintings, are something new. ' ] |» Take advantage of this liberal offer. 1 " We will offer sbecial inducements to those holding tickets on 1 Millinery, Shoes, Dress Goods, Ginghams, Whiie Goods, Outing Flannels, Hosiery and Gloves. Do not fail to take advantage of i' \\ this lihe'al offer and get yoyrj»icture enlarged. , 1 ! Ii ■ ' ' ■ . i; | G. D. GARSTARPMEN & 00. | New Store and Fixtures I am now located in the store two doors below my old stand on Main Street where I have put in an up-to-date line of Jewelry Store fixtures. I have one of the nicest selected stocks of jew* elry, etc, to be found in eastern North Carolina. Repairing a specialty. THE J EWELER H. D. PEELE WILLI AM STON, N. C.

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