8 THE , Friday, February t, tqcj Look at if jpmpotif we ot evA,j?"second hand instrument, regardless of cost. This is yonr great chance to One $450, upright piano, slightly hikMiiiinfa -JKWfriepttUtion, price "only $237.50 ori easylerms. " One upright piano, been used, bnt is in good condition, former Frice (400. now A small cash payment, iheu'fcS pit InOntW * Write for particulars. The Piano With the Sweet Tone «k'Ste, GEO. S. NUSSEAR, Mgr. YA. LOCAL BRIEFS. viy.xQ TijoY > v't) 1 >«!?. V * —Did you say Brass Band ?. , W thls Issi*. : Commissioners meet —There is another rjuipo; afloat that Willismstrin it itfa: toe. Jjfa rived aud work will be started in n a t >7/ 1 —Thc/nieo*x««ofi be band are requesteb to, ,me*V ff xt Monday night at & 130 o'clock. —Ask your neighbor if he said Brass Band. - ' •>, —Mr Kbby Kdroundson of Ham ilton, who is representing a Rich- house, was in towta last Saturday makiug business g(j id» Stmday - mcfiiiiig for his home to spend the day with his parents. —The rectorv on the corner of ."l-jLrttftAiA vbudf'HaogHtaii streets is undergoing repairs. When the carpenters finish with their work . ;j u —Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jeftress will move into the "Hsssell House'' sometime in the near future. This —The Railroad Co. will put on in about a week or so the extra peaengcr train ordered by the Cor poration COihmission last fall. It is ' B«|der«opd that the company has JiibUi. been waiting for new equipment. Tell eVerylwdy at your house, except father, th*t WiUiamston maitiuvt a Brass Band, t -Dr. W. H. Wakefield of Char lotte, N. C. will be in WiUiamston • J, ir^wi SdtlirAiy .L February 16 one day for the pur pose of treating diseaxs of Ear, Nine, taut Throat,and fitting: 3J3Tm.Q2M'MQ& have reopened their skating rink at tbaßotßOkc Warehouse. The ov-, t - lfvers of tlie sport will now have an opportunity to cut the "pigeon wing," "spread-eagle" ahd make stars. We hope, howevir, that all the virtue will not be taken out , of the.floor before we get, ah Op portunity to show the Spectators how many stars we make in ' thirty" •' . ■ . >. - HI I . . ;.j !r t> -, •) —You; amy tell father that Wil liamson is-going tfo have * Brims Band if he promises to contribute as much as a ten spot, L Pinl Rimpson. of for the FK.e Resisting /sxaasiiti^r^ I niMiwaJk Ui«o iTiaiaimrrs \ some protection front flref These \ arentiMtsfiVtnwfls by flre, w ore , A N?rge crowd of sde^tato^s. —Ttirr©«Tt*has been so rushed 'wilh WOrk pntt Week that ~ - wrlwrt- hewi aambk to est out i COU.IV.-BL llfßJlu.n™. —Those who used to correspond! for the Enterprise, and Who'are receiving the paper tree, will confer, a favor on the management of the ' Enterprise by letting us know whether or not yon wish to write for the paper. If you want to write Jor the paper and XMU" supply ohCjff llfa-sfci# you another supply. We want to hear from every section of the county i 2" e l y weak and we waut correspou • (Ana fli« ike An depend upon, and f we want correspondents who are > not afraid to sign their names to the > articles they write, A® *ye have in formed.Qiirct>rresj>otideujts we will ' not publish the names ofhe corres i pondent, bnt we roust insist that ffiey signlfieir names to every fetter they send or we we will not publish f it. we have received many letters i during the last four months that have had no. name signed to them and these letters have not been pup lished How uuyiy of write either friendly or buisness letters 4nd4o dot stjfn your name to the letters? Do you expect us to know tfie letter without it being signed? we must know who we are dealing with so we can stand for the truthfulness of the items received, ' hv us. Send us the news. - * « ■ ' ■" i * HAMILTON NEWS i'j .l IV/ V.H .t~rr Mr. and Mrs Raines of NorfoUt, Va., arrived last week to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris. Ilr. Raines returned to Norfolk the Ut ter pnrt week. Mrs. RjttKtf v 0^; Mr. Fr&hk Cloman has leased his large farm to the Kitchin Bros, of Scotland Neck for a number of years. Mr. Medlin, late of Scot land Neck, will superintend the farip. He has recently moved iuto the honst owned by Mr. J. Robert Williams. Master George Brown, one of IKS at the school here has lx*ti Seriously ill of pleurisy at the Home of his uncle, I)r. .We tor report! tlvat- Coorge is much better at this and hope that he will soon be entirely well. Rev.*!. t.Reed hhs filled both reg ular appointments here since Con ference. Not only the menitiersbip if bit ohurcli, but the church going public, is highly pleased with him. His last sermon was both an expo sitiou of a text and a strong, sound and temperate lecture on inte|>per afage *pd lapfrijHy %g ? tif-1 Qt'hi hrtoxitilufs. « 1 •* • £ f A • By the way, did it ever occur to you that the thinking habit is, in one point at least, comparable to that »f drinking? Frequently oue. think calls tor another. Colored Teachers Meeting a' 3 The Colored Teachers Association of Martin Co. met at the Cofered Graded School building Saturday January 12 1907: for the purpose of discussing subjects that are of sn-* prtiue - Jiiiportance in training to Thyre was a jjood nt*nl4Sk present, and each one tool; giiai.ii> «« useful hints on how to w cui lar attendance, evi ry nifißlxir" present was benefited hy hji re-, marks. ,» p, Language by Miss Rlunla cltftnce was very interesting, and its tance in primary grades was Mipr eughly discussed. ' Hygiene and Narcotics J. C. Cordon Jr. weTe explained m i a pleasant manner, aud with so muCh vigor until nearly - jlj-ery member present was auxious to say something on how it sliou£| he taught in the schools. Ttrrpßperbr*hnr A-M: Oipond tn i.H)w jto Socure jnd ket;iW At tention was indeed • stone was left unturned cor unsearched, for the spikker seems fdhaVe &bj& the Nft one cot* lis ten to such a rich paper conf|iing •^ f »» one without being able to return »her class and hi able to get attMUOn a if. jo or The following program was fawn up for Saturday Febuary 9, S9O7L 1 (. Objective teaeljing the bfept lor' WILTS VENEER PL ANT AT PLYMOUTH IS IN ASHES Plymouth's Largest Manufacturing Concern DestroAed By Fire Yesterday Afternoon. Over 400 Men Out of Employment THE TOTAL LOSS REPORTED TO BE $250,000 Everything Burned Except the Office Building and a Small Quantity of Lumber. About $65,000 Insurance Yesterday afternoon late a mes sage was received at this office stating thai tb large plant ,of the Wilts Veneer Co. at Plymouth was on fire. Plymouth was called up Aver the Long Distance and the story was corroliorated. It was ascertained that the entire plant of the Wilts Veneer Co.. except the office . building, had been destroyed. The fire started in the drying room at 2:30 o'clock and soon spread to the adjoining buildings and lumber piles which went down .Ww th*'pouring flame as so much tinder. The company had an euonaotis guanity of timber on fcuftuci, preparing for the busy spring season and it was alt, practically destroyed. From the rumors of the street the loss of the comjxttiy i* reported to I>e in Ihe neighborhood ofs;ts>,&, with Only al«out $65,009 ihsuruiu t* The company's plaut waa equip ed with a fine fire department but PERSONAL MENTION. •4 Wr. James H.Kantji of Plymouth qinnager of Jt plant of thai pi ape was Mi town last night. Mr. J. h. Daveuport of James vilte was in town Tuesday. Mr.'A. R. thinning of Ruber sonville was in town Wednesday. Mr. C: A. Jefffress spent several days in Richmond this we»k. Mr, Chas. W. Ray, principal of the Hamilton High School, was in town last Saturday evening and Sunday, lit preached a Very fine sermon iu the Methodist Church Snmhiy oioroiug. t' Mr. K W. Ray ofScotJapd Neck is in town visiting relatives iu ami around town. '" MVi JShe 4 _ I 1 fei H'.' i »\ I v \\ * M - > m^r^ -I^l v Alum Br * » in, food causes * _|||pj^H stomach disorders—lts con- ( | tinued use means permanent IB injury to health. B the advice of medical ||/pB B scientists, England and France have. lnL B passed laws prohibiting its use 'l||bß ■ in bread making. V" 'Jfi V housewives 1 I ■ B should protect their house* Jmß V holds against Alum's wrongs B B by always buying pure Grape J B Cream of Tartar Baking B B Powder. ■ q Pure Grape Cream of B I. I Tartar Powder is to be had M I for the asking— I . • +J5* 4 t H was unable to accomplish very much ou account of the immense volume of smoke. Nearly if not all She veneer in the drying room was green and this caused the great amount of smoke. The Wilts Veneer Co.'s plant at Plymouth under the manage ment of Mr. Coijway Newman, t» a brandf of the '\\hlts Veneer Ca of Richmond, Vn , one of the larg est veneering companies in the couhtry. The Plymouth branch employed 255 men on the day turn and 1240 a the night turn. The plant of this company was situated ou the A. C. 1,. railroad just 011 the edge of the town. This is a sad blow for Plymouth as the company paid out fifteen hundred dollars a week. The merchants of the town will conse quently suffer from this loss. Fortunately there was 110 one in jured durjng the fi^e. Vlr. Heury Siade is quite nick in his ropm u> the rear of the of the JefTress Dptg Store. Mr. X. ,W. Tilghman of .Wilson, the generaf mauagnr of (lie Den nis Simmons dumber Company, spent Wednesday night aud Thurs day in the city. J SOCIAL ITEMS. Miss lilla Statou lefc Wednesday for Washington to visit relatives. Miss Sliand of Norfolk, Va., Is the guest of Mrs. Dennis S. Biggs Miss Holland of Norfolk Va., is ' nursing Miss Victoria Martin who continues very sick. Miss Kulala Perkins of Hamil ton who has been visiting Mrs. W. I J. Hodges for several weeks has returned to her home. For Twenty-one Years Bonanza, Orinoco 1 —Farmer^s TRADE MARK Bone l| have been the standard Cotton and F* *■ " Tobacco guanos in the South— RCOISTCReO , 1 , because great care is used in the selection of materials. Ask your dealer for Royster'B F. S. ROYSTER goods ami don't take substitutes GUANO CO., said to be just as good. See that Norfolk, Va.' ,ht ,raJ °-'"" r!i »"" PHONE w « Adams 8c Go. DRALKRS IN' Fresh Meats, Pish, Poultry, Etc. (IAMB IN RBABOIN Main Street Next to Simpson's CITY BARBER SHOP J. H. HYMAN, Mgr. Main Street First Class Shop 5 Chairs Kverything Clean and in Order V « PRESSING CLUB We are runuing a pressing club in connection with our barber slj'p aud have an experienced presser and cleaner in charge. Give us Your Work '*•" V W" T'' WT~ T"2 K STRAW NO. 3 k "Straws show which way the P |k wind blows." |p THINK r lit. If you were to die (yon sure- i ► ly wiH) would those now depen- "4 dent on you be able to live com- J fortably on the interest of your ac- M cumulation ? 2nd. If some dread disease as j 1 paralyse or consumption were to ► overtake you and make you unable f ► Ui Work to earn h livelihood, would f y you have a nice yearly income ? jt 3rd. If you were to lie iucajiari tated for work by sonic accident, *■ how alxnit it then ? 4th. Would you object to invest- 4 t a little each veai for accumulating 4 . an estate > 3 Insurance that Insures j you against death, accident. and 1 disease and affords a good invest- J nient. Our policies embody all j these propositions. B. T. COWPER j Life, Fire, Accident. J *■' - 'Phoae No. 7 '1 ► Office over t". & M. R'k B'l'd'g |A _ J| _ I DYSPEPSIA CURE] Vm II II DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT I 1 Tb%SI .00 bottl* eonuina 2H titiwXha trial •(>«, which nltafar SO Mate flj V ■ nimiu ONLY AT TH* LAHtATOXT or ■ m ■ X. C. D.WITT & COMPANY. CHICAGO. XUM FOJt BALE IN WILLIAMSTON BY S. R. BIGGS. &TATKMKNT OF TICK CONDITION OF The Farmers and Merchantsßank " At Williamston, N. C., at the close of business on December 3t, 1906. RESOURCES LIABILITIES I,onus and discounts fgo,6ii.tS Demand Loans Banking House 7,506.03 divided Profit. 5.000.34 Furniture and Fixtures 3,195.0 l Due from Hanks Deposits' 90,333.55 C'aidi 011 Hand 4.696 65 TotcJ #120,333.89 Total >uo, 333.89 State of North Carolina—County of Martiu. I, Frank F. Pagan, C a abler of the above named hank, do solemnly *wfir that ike nltove statement iw line to the bent of my knowledge ami belief. FRANK F, KAUAN, Cashier. Hutatrilted and aworn to before me, thla jn»t day of December 1906. Aha T. C*awkoi»i>. Notary Public Coruct—AUe*t: W. H. Crawford. J. H. if. Knight, C. D. Caratarpheit, Director*. DKNNIS S. BIGGS, President. C. I). CARSTARPHKN, Vice Prea. PRANK K. PAGAN. Cashier. FREE FREE .FREE To Our Patrons and the Public We have mule a contract with a large eastern manufacturing company which enables us to gi-e to each of our customers, old and new, an enlarge 1 portrait ol themselves or any member of their family. When their cash purchases have reached the sls mark, if you haven't already gotten a ticket, ask for one when making purchases. We hive purchased the largest assortment of frames ever exhibited in Williumston, and will furnish you one at the wholesale price. Cardinal paintings, are something new. Take advantage of this liberal oiler. We will offer shecial inducements to those holding tickets on Millinery, Shoes, Dress Goods, Ginghams, Whiie Goods, Outing Flannels, Hosiery and Gloves. Do not fail to take advantage of this liberal olTer ami get your picture enlarged G. D. GARSTARPHEN & GO. New Store and Fixtures I am new located in the store two doors be my old stand on Main Street where I have put in up-to-date line of Jewelry fixtures. I have one of the nicest selected stocks of elry, etc, to be found in eastern North Carolina. Repairing a specialty. THE JEWELER h. D. PEELE WILLIAMSTON, N. C.

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