J AD VERTISiNQ .2 Your woner back.—JndicVM* advertiu- 1 • ing la tli* kind that pay* back-to you 2 V the money yoo invest. Space in thil • E paper assures yon prompt returns . 3 \ VOL. VIII. - NO 19 Judge J. A Hobbs Speech at Rob ersMTtUe latrMadar HwlX A. H»bbs s ;*■. ' l(y frieuds let me briefly relate what to most of you is a matter of history but to aome I see here was a living reality. Forty-five years ago last April when this great Slate of oars was being agitated from one end to the other with preparation for the most gigantic conflict for constitutional freedom that haa ever been recorded in the annals of history. The tocsin of war bad been founded aud ere the thunder of the guns against Sump had been wafted away upon the Southern breeze, thousands of our young men then the flower of our state were responding to Ok call for arms. There was a youig man of our county then in the fiowpr of his young manhood who was the first to obey that call in de fense of his native state aud enlist ed under the Southern Cross as Second Untenant of one of the first companys of this county, and heroically he followed that cross for four years until on that mem orable 9th t>f April 1865 on the proul army of Northern Virginia being overpowered by superior numbers were compelled to lay down their arms aud with thous ands from Northern prisons be came paroled prisoners, "but not slaves" they furled ami laid down tliotfe shell aud bullet riddled bau ners they bad so often followed to victory aud turned their backs upon the struggles of war, and weuded their way to their desJate and devastated homes, there to take up the burden of life anew and rebuild this war riddled country. This vouug man was one of them who bas striven to build up for us a glorious country, be *-• has been an honored and respected citizeu in your midst for forty odd years, has held positions of trust and responsibility and is holding a position of trust among you, one of the Board of Education of your County. But my friends let me roll back the scroll ol years and go with me in your mind to the Heights of Gettysburg ou that memorable 3rd day of July 1863, where weie confronting each other ■ Lee and Meade commanding the grandest armies whose tread bad had ever shaken the American Continent about to engage in a mighty death struggle, aud iu that heroic charge with the roar ol can uou and rattle of musketry and amidst the cries of the wounded and dying, that line of patriots and heroes being overcome by superior numbers and advantage of position were compelled to fall back /ind abandon the struggle. When the smoke of battle had lifted there was found near the Federal lines three men from North Catoiina one of whom • was killed and the other two were taken prisoners. There has been erected .and is standing tbere today three tab let* of stone to mark the spot where thoae of the Confederate Army farthest to the front were found, and my friends, there is en graved on thoae tablets of stone the name* of those three heroes. On one the name of Captain Sat* • terfield, on another is the name of Lieutenant Falls, and on the third IS engraved the name of Ser. J. A. Whitlev, whom I now preseut to yob as our next representative to the Geneial Assembly of North Carolina.' : IMtaffar TraaMt "l've lived in California »o years, - and am still hunting fur trouble in the way of burn*, sores, wounds, boils, cuts, sprains, or of piles that Bucklen's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure writes Charles Walters of Alleghany, Sierra Co. No gjajl use hunting, Mr. Waltera, it cures every case, Guaranteed S. R. Biggs drug store. 15c. The president wants a bigger navy, . Wild Hag Story Robersonville, N. C., Feb.%, 07 Editor Enterprise, Hi Williamston, N. C. Sir:—We have had quite a little experience up here in the wild hog business, and a good many of the people up here wish to have it pub lished iu the colnmus of your pap er. The romance is as follows: In January 1902 Mr. J. H. Smith was bunting along the banks of Tranters Creek when be discover ed a female hog with several small pigs, perhaps one week old, he never one time thought they were wild bogs. Mr. Smith visited this same territory; once or twice a month until he commenced to think about these hogs, and on one occasion when be saw these hogs he concluded that they must be wild bogs, but still thinking they were some near neighbors, he went to this neighbor and inquired about the hogs. The neighbor told him he had no such hogs, bat to satisfy Mr. Smith, he went down in the old field where he had seen the bogs sereral times and be ing quite sure if he would stay a short time that he would see the hogs, he went down and raked up a large pile of pine straw and cov ered himself up till the hogs would come bv. When the hogs came in view he discovered at once that they were wild, as they had lcuig hair aud were unmarked; they ap peared to lie altout a year oid. Mr. Smith never told any one ibout these hogs. He rambled the woods day after day looking for the bed of these hogs and when he found it he commenced to l>ait inem and in the meantime made a pen to catch them. He put up piece by piece until he had the pen as strong as he thought necessary to hold theni, and then put trap door in the pen and tied a piece of rope thirty yards long to the trap door intending to slip there about midnight to pull the door down and cafh the hogs, bnt owing to a very heavy rain before the time to go the rope got too heavy and pulled the door down itself. When Mr. Smith arrived uear the peu about oue o'clock in the night he discovered that the pen was full of hogs. While ins pecting .the pen of hogs one of them escaped, crawling out of the pen like a dog. Mr. Smith inquired about the bogs and finally located the owner of the mother of the drove of wild hogs and paid him six dollars for his interest. Mr. Smith sold the hogs, one to Mr. J. S. C. Benja min, two to Mr. D. E. Burch, twe to Mr. James Roberson; Mr. Rob erson,* hogs died, Mr. Benjamin's got out, and was never seen again Mr. Burch'sWid likewise. In January 1905 Mr. Mc G. Wynn discovered some wild hogs in Flat Swamp, but never told any one about it until a few tracks ugc when be made known to several of bis friends what he hnd found, and started to catch them. He had been feeding the fur some four or five mouths trying to tame them. Oil February 4, he com pleted his trap, and when he went to the pen Tuesday morning he found two very large bogs iu his trap weighing 324 pounds and they had tusks 3 1-2 to 4 inches long Mr. Wynn came back to town, got several of bis friends, Messrs J. E. Kobersou, A. L. Robtick, J. H. Smilh aud went back to bring bis prize to town. When they ar rived at the trap there were several more men down there wl o had beard the story and went to *e the parties catch the wild animals. While they were capturing the hogs several other wild hogs came running up and scared aome of the men nearly to death. Mr. J. S. C. Benjamin climbed a tree and another took refuge iu the carta. Messrs. J. E. Roberson, A. L Robuck, J. H. Smith and Mc. G. Wvnn remained at their post until the wild hogs were tied and put in the carts. They were carried to. town and put in a pen at Mr. WVnn's home. He will undoubtedly have some very fine wild bogs in a short time Thete are the same bogs that Mr. Smith found in January 1901, and captured by him later, the ffire (feUrpist. * WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1907 HOW TO SHOW A PROFIT. Tricky Bookkeeping Pull Lnm m tk* Profit Sid*. Tb« printed report of a municipal electric light plant It ludlana haa Just been received. It shows • profit. There la no question altout It It abow* a large profit. The figures are tbere in black and white, and they abow a profit equivalent to 30 per cent of tbe groea Income aud IS per c«ut on tbe capital Invested. That la wbat we call a pro! table business. Hew waa tbla plaut able to make ao good a showing? In a way a» simple that any niaulclpal plaut could adopt It with socceea If Its superintendent were good at figure*. Aud the beat of It It that it makea competition by pri vate plants taipoealble becauae—wall, stockholders are too Inquisitive. lu tbe first place the fixed charges for interest on tbe capital Invested and for depreciation were entirely Ignored. Then no allowance was wade for taxes lost by having municipal Instead of private ownerahlp. Next while full charge waa made againat tbe water de partment and the city offices fur lights and auppllee, tbe superintendent con veniently forgot to charge tbe lighting plant with tbe water used In lta boll era and condensers or with Ita abare of tbe salarias lu the city accounting de pertinent, luauraucc waa aleo over looked. Finally, to make insurance of profit doubly aure, a number of Items properly pertalulug to maintenance were charged to "new construction." At the aawe time tbe charge for street and public bulldiug lights waa quite a» high as In aurrouudlng cities served by private companies. which had some how or other to provide for all tbeas omitted Itema. It la perhaps needleaa to add that ex cept for the Judicious way lu which ths auperlatendeut prepared lila report a considerable deficit would have appear ad Instead of tbe gratifying profits. Of course the taxpayers will hsve to pro vide tbe money to make good tbeee pa per profits, but they may not for aoms yea re see the connection between tbelt profitable plant and the higher tax rate, and meanwhile are happy In tbe contemplation of its profits and will doubtlees testify enthusiastically to tbe benefits of municipal ownership. From tbe above we may deduce the following rule for showing a paoflt: First, omit all Items of expense that can without too much danger of de tection be saddled upon tba general tax liat or other departments; second, charge In as vague a way as possible to new construction aa many Itema of maintenance an may be necessary to show a large inolit. (N. B.—The profit muat be large to provide for the con tingency of some carping critic dlacov erlng one Ar more of tbe concealed itema of expense and ruthlessly draw- Ins them forth from their hiding placea.) If the above rule la scrupulously fol lowed tbere seems to be no reason why every municipal pluut should not abow a profit.—"Concerning Municipal Ownerahlp." GONE OUT OF BUSINESS. Mltliene Sunk In Unauaoeesful Munici pal Lighting Plants. Iluriug the past few years at least sixty cltlea and towns In the United States bare sold, leased or aliaudoued their lighting plants, lu a few caeea they atill retain their distributing aye-, tern, buying tba current from some company, but In most lustances they have gone out of the bualuesa entirely. A numlter of other placea have made unsuccessful efforts to dispose of tbeir plants. Aa with few exceptlous municipal lighting ptaute have l>een In operation but a short time, tbla la a remarkable showing of failure aud one, It need hardly Ite said, that la ae-i lously avoid ed by those who for euda of their own ore urging other cltlea to make similar ex|>erlm-tits. As it usually takes eouie yeara for a city to realise bow great a burden It Is carrying In Its llgbtiug plant it la probable I bat tbe numl.er of admit ted failures will Increase rspldly from now on. for, aa an eminent electrical eugluecr recently said, "There are al ready Indications that a considerable number of these municipalities which have engaged lu Improper undertak ings are entering uiton a period of financial difficulty." Faults Enough aa It la. The political machine that domlnatea Now Vork city Is strong because large powers sre delegated to It, aud the ex peudlture of $100,000,000 Is given ab solutely into ita keeping. We have faulta enough without municipal own erahlp in most of the cltlea of tbla country, aud tbe ordinary buslneaa man faila to see the wisdom of making the altuatlou more complex aud dubl ous than it la by adding the problem of municipal ownership with sll that It 1 lotpllea.—Bingbamtou Herald. -If." "Municipal ownership," remarks the Winnipeg Free Press, "should uo( be discredited becauae Jl Ita tendency to Increase municipal debt, provided the now enterprises are made to bo fully self sustaining." Neither la dyuainite dangerous If carefully bandied. It la Juat about as safe to intrust tbe man agement of a municipalized service to the average municipal council aa It would ha to engage a aeveu-year-old boy to handle dynamite —Montreal Oa- MttOL ' Whe Would Fine the Cityf An exchange notes the fact that a dty council recently fined a water company 91,000 for supplying impure and nnWhoieeome water. That la right Bat If the waterworks bad bean owned * the city— FT - /V ■ ' ? I ' AN HOIEST GRAFTER A Glimpse Into the Future of Mu nicipal Ownership. A Thumb Nail Sketch ef a "Practical Palitisiaa"—The Profits ef an All Around "Servant ef tk* People, Whe •eon Hie Opportunitiaa and Teek •tin." "Honeat graft" will reach Ita hlgheet level when, aa predicted by the en thuaiaata. tbe principles of municipal ownership are accepted by New York aud tbe city coulrota the trolley lluea, the electric light and gas works and all the Terries as well as tbe water works and tin. nollee. the fire and the street depart turn ta. Thau such patrlota aa George Waah lugtou Pluukltt. for many yeara or ganisation louder of the Fifteenth dis trict In New York, will reap rewarda ef greater magultude than they have evsr beeu able to gather uuder the preeent order of things. Perhaps you have never beard about Mr. IMuukltt's "honest graft" schemes. He told about theiu himself in a book published last your, which was Intro duced by a paragraph Indorsing him as a "veterau leader of tbe organisation," aigued by Ita greatest chief. I'luukltt was aore because tbere were eouie objections to graft Itelug made out of tbe city by meu like him, aud lu the II rat chapter of hia I took he uttered a vigorous protest. "Blsckmallln' gam blers, saloon keepers, disorderly peo ple. etc.," ha admitted to bo wrong. That waa "dUboueat graft." "But" he added, "there'a aa honeat graft, and I'm an example of how It worka. I geeu my opportuultlee and I took 'em." Mr. riunkltt'a explanation of bow he did tbeae things will Illuminate the poealhllltlee of futuro municipal owner ahlp days, lAthey ever come. After eluchlallug tbe wsys be wss "tipped off" fit various times by rneiu bera of hla party—tbe party lu power - when now fridges, uew parks, new streets were to he o|>eued, so that be might Invest lu real eatste likely to rise In price from the Improvements couteuiplsted, he ai*da: "I haven't con fined myself to land. Anything that paya la In my Una." Then he glvea a specific Instance: learning that tbe city was altout to rapave a certain street sud so would bave several hundred thousand old paving I )H'»k~ to well, be was "on baud to buy." and lie "knew Just what they were worth." But a newspaper "tried I to do liim" sud got soma outside men . from Brooklyn and New Jersey to bid . agnlnat him. Mr. Plunkltt's own words tell tbe story beat: "Was I done? Not murb. I went ! to each of the men and said, 'How many of those 250,000 stones do you I want?' One said 30,000, snd another wanted 15,000, and another wanted 10,- 000. 1 aald, 'All right; let me bid for tbe lot, and I'U give each of you all you want for oothlu'.' "Thoy agreed, of courae. Then the auctioneer yelled, 'How much am I bid for these fine pavln' atones?' " Two dollars and fifty cents,' aaya I. " Two dollara and fifty cental* screamed the auctioneer. 'Ob, tbat'a a Joke. Give me a real bid.' "He found tbe bid was real enough. My rivala stood silent 1 got tbe lot for |2.80 aud gave them tbelr share. That's how tbe attempt to do Plunkltt ended, and that's bow all auch attempts end." It Is hardly neceasary, lu the light of tbla authentic atateuient of "honeat I graft's" workings, to enlarge upon tba extended opitortuniilea that would come to the men of the I'lunkltt stairp were Ihe dream of municipal owner ahlp to come true. I'luukltt saya "moat politicians who are accused of robbln' tbe city get rich the same wsy" ho did. 'They didn't steal a dollar from the city. They Just seen tbelr opportunities and took them." While In tbe legislature I'lunkltt In troduced tlie bills that provided for the outlylug parks of NeW York, tbe Har lem river speedway, the Washington bridge, the One Hundred snd Fifty fifth stieet viaduct, additions to the Museum of Natural Hlatory and many other important public Improvements. He Is now a millionaire. Under tbe proposed order of things, with city con trol of everything, be might become a blllloualre. Uuder municipal ownership of all public utilities In New York—and In most other cltlea In fact-politlclana Ilka Plunkltt. who at different times has been elected state senator, assem blyman, county auparvlsor snd alder man by Ills fellow cltlxens, liesldes serving as police magistrate for one term, and who boasts of bis record In filling four public offices In one year and drawing salaries from three of pftiem at tbe same time, would flourish Ilka a whole grove of green bay trees. Ot Slew on City Ownership. Until jtolltica In America Is purified far beyond lis present condition any large experiment In government own ershipanvty Ite called a "thief breeder" with mrtch safety. The more authority there la vested In the hands of poli ticians (with all due deference to our national administration) the more cor rupt lon there will be. It Is a abort sighted cltlxen who would take more : business out of private hands and com ' mlt it to tbe tender mercies of the poli ticians.—Troy Press. Another Plant Abandoned. After many years' trial of Its munlcl -1 pal electric lighting plant Alexandria, r Va., has finally leased the works to • 1 private corporation for a period ot ; thirty yeara. The heats paid S3.SM 1 for the pleat, which h*4 Mt the dtj MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP. All Ki|ht In Thaary, but Breaks Dawn In Prastic*. Then tlcally there Is so much In muulrlt. 1 ownership or public utilities that the practical carrying out of Its attrai tl\ o features apiiears simple aud of no serious moment, and for a mu nicipality to take over mid run water, lights. suwersge aud even transporta tion :i]M>eals to taxpayers, and the trails I- made without the first assur ance tli t the couduct of these proper ties will be along practical aud busi ness Ill'S. It 1* t!ie failure to ssaure the prac tical tb t works the evil, for munlclpsl UWIIC 4I p Is a general ownership, and a gel Ict l ownership results too easily In Its being uo special buslnesa of any cltixen or taxpayer to look Into or In quire ui .er the couduct of the proper ties linger control. This leaves tb* mane p ;n*nt to a few, who aoou And that lb y bar* only themselves to ac count t >, that people arc too busy to damn id accountings aud taxpayers accei l any klud of re|>ort. Just so tb •»•«» I* tbe appearance of all being right a:nl light, water, sewerage, etc., are given. It I i Hits Indifference and n*gl*ct on tbe |>:iit of taxpayers to take not* of ntuuM;.:il affairs which make munic ipal n\ nersblp of public utilities s hazardous and expensive matter. Tbe theory of muulclpal ownership, with Its great savlug to each taxpayer, the extra service given and the great prof its resulting, csu all lie placad In fig ures beforehand, hut It Is a failure nu leas the taxpayers shall give earnest and serious heed to tbe conduct of tbeae public utilities, for unless tbls it doue they will wake up some day with broken down properties and a big bond Issue to make good.—Newbern Week ly Journal. THE GREAT TRANSITION. Public Property Wasted Beoauss "It Costs Nothing, You Knew." "Hello!" said I. "What's that?" And I stopped to pick It up. "That?" replied tbe boy who hsppen ad to he passing through the school yard with tne. "That is nothing but a lead pencil." "But it Is a whole one," said I, "and with a rubber on the end." •'I know It," said the boy. "What! l)o you mean to tell uie that you have seen this here liefor*?" "Yes, everybody's seen It." "All tb* children In your school hav* s*en tbls lying here day after day and not one hoy has picked It up?" "Of course. What should we pick It up for? There's plenty In the school house. The town buys 'em." And I had bean given a text for a long meditation. Not pick up a whol* new lead pencllT And s pencil with a rubber on It! When I was a lx>y we prised even alnte pencils. A boy who booked any body's slate pencil was halted until be gave It up, hut a lead pencil—we fought for lead pencils as the Greeks and Trojans fought for Helen. We scoured the countryside for old horseshoes to sell to the blacksmith for money enough to buy a lead pencil, aud, having it, w* cut our private mark on It, guarded It, kept It a* our last resource 111 trade. Many a time a precious two inch lead pencil has turned an Important Jack knife trsde oue way or the other. I never had but one lead pencil at a time and very often hardly that until I was Of teen years old. And tbess ten year olds scorn to pick up a whole one with a rubber! Think of tt! Tbe be*/ •rnser I bad was a piece of rubbet boot heel!-Usury T. Ralley In Journii of Education. A DAY OF RECKONING. Yau Cannot Feel All of th* Pooplo Ail of the Tim*. The recent condemnation as unfit fot further service of a number of gas and electric light plants and tbe closing down of some of theiu at a dead loss to the taxpayers should serve as a warning to other cities, for this Is the fate that Is likely to overtake all Hticli plants in the long run. Kor tlic year or two, when no expensive re pairs srs needed aud the plnut Is thor oughly up to date, It ought not to be difficult to make a good showing. I'"ot a few years longer the bad bookkeep ing and inadequate reports, that art unfortunately the rule rather than the exception, may blind the citizens ti th* deterioration of the plant and to Its Increasing losses. Hut tbe day of reckoning Inevitably comes when breakdown, bad service or demand fot new equipment that caunot masquer ade as "extensions" causes sn Investl gallon, snd tbeu It becomes evident that tb* plant has been a losing prop osltlou almost from (lie start. No plant should lie sccepted ss evidence of suc cessful municipal management until 11 bas lieeu operated for several yeart and theu examined by expert engineer! and accountants. Carelsssnsas, Not Qraft. At a local government board Inquiry held at West Ham, I-ondon, to sanction the borrowing by the corporation of £&!.300 for electricity extensions It wss stated that the electrlcsl undertaking up to tbe present bad resulted In s loss of £7,20H, which bsd been cbsrged to the rates. Tbe inspector pointed out thst loans of some thousands of pounili had been sanctioned by the board foi purchasing various machines, and h« found the conncll again asking ror money to bny machinery for whlcb they had already received the cash.- Morning Post. Th* movement for municipal owner ship In this country la a bunt by the Bamagogue for a new issu* to catch | TCtM.—Msivt* 0. Atom. Trust ' The clouds hang heavy round my Way, 1 cannot aee; Bnl thro' the darkness I believe v God leadetli me. 'Tis sweet to keep my hand in His While all ii dim, To close my weary, aching eyes And jpllow Htm. Thro' many a thorny path.Hc lends My tired feet: Thio, many a path of tear* I go, But it it sweet. To know that He is cloae to me, My Guard, .ny Guide; He leadetli me; and so I walk Quite satisfied. Sel A liquid cold relief with n laxative principle which drves out the cold through a copious action of the bowels, and a healing principle which lingers in throat and stops the cough—• that is Kennedy s Laxative Cough Syrup. Safe and sure in its action; pleasant to take; and conforms to National Pure Food and Drug Law. Contains no opiates. Sold byS. R. Biggs. It is one month short of two years since the Hav-Varille treaty was signed anil this country set it self to the task of diggiti the panainn canal. Yet' to day there is 110 set tled plan, hardly a single important detail of the great project definitely determined and there still remain serious doubt as to whether it will l»e at the "sea-level"or on "stilts." Willie wailed and Winnie wheezed while wintry winds whined weirdly Willie wriggled while Winnie wheezed wretchedly.Wisdom whis pers, winter winds work whes/es Wherefore we write,' Use Kennedys Laxative Cough Syrup. Nothing else so good. Sold by S R. Biggs. It is reported that the immortal 167 discharged coon soldiers have thus far refrained from joining the "Roosevelt Third Terms" It's the highest standard of quality, a natural tonic cleanse you system, teddens the cheeks, bright ens the eyes gives flavor to all you eat Hollister.s Rocky Mountain Taa will do this for you3s cents, Tea or Tablets J. M. Co Roberson ville. The Birmingham News speaks ol 'peaches, both and veg etable varieties". In other words, "pears and fruit." A tirsue builder, reconstructor, build up waste force, makes strong nerves and muscle, you wi I reali/.t after taking Molester's Rocky Mour tain tea what a wouberful benefit ii will be to you. 35 cents Tea orTal lets. J. M. Whiters A Co Robersoi ville -- -- m mm Just suppose they put folks in jail in this country for saying things aliout the President, as the) do iu Germany for unkind remark about the Kaiser! *rt'«.b good old world nfter all, If you have no friends or money In the river you can fall, Marriages are quite com IT on and. More people there would be, provided you lake Rocky Moil 11 tain Tea. or J. M. Whiters Co. Roberson ville. Michigan legislators are talking of passing a bill compelling saloon? to furnish free drinks to solons Give them back their passes! AUI headaches go When you-grow wiser And learn to use An ''Early Riser.'' De Witt's Little Kprly Risers, safe, sure pills. They made out 8,853 indict ments against Standard Oil in Ohi the other day. They evidently want to put it out of the power ol the Judge to make the lump fine r small one. What this country needs is ai adjustment of the differences exis ting at this time, between the anti race suiciders and the railroad block system signals. ADVERTISING m. ' 9 Vour mosey back —Judicious adrertis- fl ing la the kind that pay* back to you *8 the money you invest Space in this 9 paper aaaurea yon prompt retina . . M mi nil WHOLE NO. 36a Professional Cards. FLUGH B YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, j Office; Jeffreaa Drug Store. OPPICK HOURS: 8 to 10 A. M.; 7 to 9 P. U. J Wiiliumston, N. C. Phone No. 7. Night A (dress: Atlantic Hotel. 1 DR. J. A. WHITE. FLFDLH DENTIST J OPPICK- MAIN STRUT % PHONK Q -SAB I will be in Plymouth the first weak ia every other month. W. K. Warren. J, s. Rhodae.^ DKS. WARREN ft RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFFICH IN BIGGS' J)RUQ STORK 'Phone No. aq BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNRY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. * WILUAMSTON. N. C. S. ATWOOD NEWELL | LAWYER office formerly occupied by J. D. Rlgfa. 4 Phone No. 77. VILMAMBTON, N C. M-Prscjlcf wherever services are desire* pec si suentmn given to cmlnlog sod BMk ig title for purchase™ of timber and timber and*. Special attention will be liven to real nutc xchAuges. If you wish to buy or sell land I """VOII PHONI4 / F. I). WINSTON S. J. RVRRITT WINSTON & EVERETT ATTOKNRYS-AT-I.AW WLI.I.IAMSTON. N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. A. R. DUNNING • | ATTORNF.V-AT LAW ROBKHSONVII.UJ, N. C. ~ r=r " ■ HOTEL BEULAH l). C. MOORING, Proprietor ROBRRSONVILLB, N. C. Rates #2 .00 per day A Firs'-Closs Hotel in Kvery Partic ilar. The traveling public will find it 1 most convenient place to stop. x , WOOD YARD Provide for the Winter Have you a supply of good Pine Wood? If not give y.ur order to . K. S. HASSELL I'HNTIM Ht Parmer* & Merchants Bank oWtciUTLR'S v«y Mounti in Tea CJuggett A Baiy Medial u» for Baiy Pieple Golden Health sod Renew id 7lf*r. "*« flic fir Constipation, Imllpyitlon. I.lvs ; liifv Troubles, Pimples, Ecmma. Impure 1 Hi. l hrenh. Slnmrldh ftowoU. HeadSe il 'l'ksche. It's Rocky Mountain Tea la tab» (■ >1 m. » cents a box Oenulnsmade by I.IH ran Dana CUHMXV, Madlsoa. wis. DEW WUQQETB_ FOB tALL(Wy fOUI -j» Williamston Telephone Co. Office over llanlt of Martin County. WILUAMSTON, N. C. v ; Phone Charges: Message* limited to 5 minutes; extra cliarK** will positively be made for longaf ,3 time. To Washington 25 ' Oreeuville »5 " " Plvmouth 25 " ... " Tarlioro 25 " " Rocky Mount 35 " " Scotland Neck 23 ' " jHinesville 15 " " Kader Lille) 's IJ " " I. O. Staton 15 " " T. L. Woolard 15 " " O. K. Cowing & Oj.l; 15 " ' Parmele 15 " ' " Roberaonville 15 " " Everett* ...;, 15 " " Gold P0int........ 15 " " Geo. P. McNaughton IS " " Hamilton " i I'or other jwint* in Baatm CaHlWjl ee "Central" where a 'phone wUI M| found ftjr aae of aon-Mibetribw