THE ENTERPRISE. I ruftusHitD IVMT nuuT n >u umaraiaa nnrim co. Yllllaaucoa H.C' AL,FRKO E. WHITMORE, EOITOK. Katerad at the foa« o«* at Wllllaautoa. |.C U Second Claw Mail Matter. H Hpssjrr"" Friday, February, 8 1907 Theeatablislininient ot llie jieainu factory in Williamstou will fill a long felt want. This is a natural location for sucli an enterprise. Wiliianiston is the center of Martin | County, and is considered to be tin largest peanut market in tin country, and Martin County it known to grow the finest peanuts thet are marketed. Tnere is iu; reason why Wiliianiston should not in a few years have the largest peanut plant in the country. We predict biglhings for the new enterprise. Special effort* are being made to start a plaining milt, sash and blind factory and also a huggv factory ir. town. The business tnen of thr town realize the need of some manfuctiiring industries whereb> the business of the town may lie in creased and they are taking the right steps to secure these indus tries. There is also an active move ment on foot to secure the locatior of the Wilts Veneer Co.'s plant at this place. This latter industry is well worth the united effort ol the business men of our town. If the town is sucessful in secur ing the location of these industries it will menu the circulation of front $60,000 to sXo,ooo more monev each year than is now circulation in this town. Tin.- combined paytojli of these plants would amount to that much each year We predict the establishment o. several good, substantial plants in this town within the next six o eight months. * Strained Construction There are two sides to the que* tion whether the cash surrender value of a life instirifnce policy . should lie taxed as other solvent credits. Certainly the man who ' puts his money in life insurance ]iolicies escapes the taxation thai the man pays who puts his tnonev ill land or bonds. Of course it \tauld lie wrong to tax the whole premium because the man has not control of it, but what is logically wrong iu taxing the cash surien der value? Of course there is strong argument against such course on the ground that it is the Itest 1 public policy to encourage men to insure their lives so that their fam ilies may not lie a burden ii|>ou the community. Certainly every man with a family ought to make sac rifice to carry insurance on his lift and the State should encourage by protecting ami imposing ( strict regulations upon insurance Would it be against this sound public policy to tax the cash surrender value? Whatever one may think about I the propriety of imposing such a! tax now, after all Legislatures have exempted insiiruucc policies | from taxation, the suggestion that j such tax would he uncoiistitutiouo | is a strained construction. It is argued that Section 7 of Article to exempts these policies from taxa tion. That section reads as follows: "The husband may insure his own life for the sole use and )>enefit 1 —! —~ I I of liberally u,lni our fertlll- I I I luwlug from MOM re. W harry I J II fc Son.owufireof Uic Mac'i'ilU h 111 rant. 14 iaa ■ N i 111 w#m«ilo SUA) from oiHiacn- J IJT JtrewbarrW-n. on which »• I i fartlUaora wore nwd. *1- ' t yo«re«ifi>*vliuiijtitihlai-K ■ " *■> P«r acre. It waa iuon Ift.. °*S4ar«d to have leou v orn I 5J SUS3SJ S2£ 1 Virjtaia-Carokna FeHiiiztr* mat paaa and TO!VOL beana. H °* n now arow IIKOII aoj- Uilu«, and Sara oiTerad WWpyaetßtorthopiaoa. Wo SEK!? butfind the h wheat per oont. efeMMr." N >. w don'yvu think p j m Vlqrinla aroUaa FarUllaA Vlrglela-CaialleaClMekalC^^^^ Colds on the Chest Ask your doctor the medical name for a cold on the chest. He will say, "Bronchitis." Ask him if it ia ever serious. Lastly, ask him if he de scribes Ayer'r Cherry Pec toral for this disease. Keep 10 close touch with your family physician. W« p«bll«h our formulae A Wo banish alaohol J from our modlolntf i\uers "-s.-" When you tell your doctor about the bad :a*te in your mouth, lots of appetite for •rc-.kfast, and frequent headache*, and vb.-o he sees your coated tongue, he will \. " Yiu are bilious." Ayer's Pilti v well In such cases, —■ We'.ytheJ.O.SjcrOo., I/cw«ll, M««.~ .f his wife and children, and incase of dentil of the husband, the iriiount thus insured shall be paid •>ver to the wife and children, or to the guardian, if under age. for her ir ttieir own use, free from all the lams of the of representative of her insband, or any of his creditors." That section is under the article hat deals with ''Homestead and iixemptiou." In 110 other of the louiestead exemption is there any suggestion that property of any sort! hotild be exempted from taxation. -Industrial News. 1■ ♦ . '1 here will be a meeting of the irass dand Monday night at 8;30 iclock sharp. livery member is •arnestly requested to be present. NOTICE Ul persons indebted to the estate .f the late l)i. W. 11. Harrell will ile.ise come lovvard and make itn nciliatc payment. S R Biggs, Adin. SPECIAL SALE Of Registered Ringlet Barred l»l\ mouth Rock and Single Comb vVlite Leghorn Cockerels from ii.'io tos2 «k) each. Kggs from iach breed $1 to #1 50 j>er 15 eggs. Oakhurst Poultry Farm Wiliianiston, N, C. BUSINESS ITEMS. FOR SAL ft- Old newspaper* 20 cent* ,ier hundred, this office. I'OR 3ALK— Souvenir Post Cards, Vie .vs of Williamston. Applv at the Bti teri-vise. I t >R RENT— One four rooui' cottage. \pj l y to 8. R BIOOS. F )R SALK— Two Jersey Cows with cah ea. Harrison llros. St Co. DIRECTORY Methodist Church M -tliodist Kpiacopal Church, South, Uvil iamstou aud Hamilton Charges. S i vices as follows. Pi caching on the Ist, 3rd anil 4th sun day •> at 11 a 111 and 7:30 p 111 Si nday Schi»ol at 930 a m, W. A. Kl liaon, Snjat. Pi ayer' Meeting each Wednesday at Ti" P H uuilton Preaching on the and aud jlh Sundays at 11 a m and 7:30 p nij Vernon Preaching lh( \ P in. 11 >ll Sjn-iuga—-Preaching the jnl Sun da\ at i p iu. All friend* of the church aud the pub lic j enerally are cordially invitetl to at vend all the services. Rrv. C. 1.. Rrid, Pastor. Christian Church Service* at the Christian Church, Wil iianiston. Preaching third Sunday nam and 7 pm S unlay School 3pm every Sunday. Macedonia first Sundays 11 a ui ami Saturday it a m and 7 30 p ui. 1 ltd Pord -Second Sundays anil Sat urdays 11 a in. Jamesville—Fourth Sundays 11 a in and 7 p 111. J. R. TINGLE, Pastor. CONCRETE BLOCKS U Walls built.of this material are much more beautiful than brick, iustend of crumbling with age they harden Inter ior walls dry. „ Our busiuesn is to come to vour town, make the blocks on your own lot and build you an everlasting and beauti ful house at a moderate cost. Give us au idea of your wants, and our architect will pre pare a view according to your idea. Let us hear from vou right now for cold weather does not stop us from making blocks. A . Eureka Building Block Company, Peanut Plant for Williamston New industry, SIO,OOO Capl ital, to be Ready for Bus iness July 1 The peanut factory for Wil iianiston is an aasured fact. The order for the machinery has been given, and the plant ia to lie in readiness for business by the first of July. Mr. Kli Ourganus, the prime mover in this enterprise, informed us that the machinery ordered will lie the very latest kind, and that the plant will have a capacity of selling two hundred bags of peas ,1 day, and cleaning five hundred bags a day. While the organization of this company has not l>een perfected the ' following gentlemen urc interested; ' Messrs. Eli Ourganus, J. G. Sta 1 ton, J. G. Godard, J. R Moble* ' nid Herbut Cowen. The Capital ' stock will lie The prize house on the railroad, fixed up several >ears ago for -team plant, has lieen leased and .vill be used for the home of the {ilnnt. The contract for the machinery was given to Mr. A. h. Steere rep resenting the Appomattox Iron vorks of Petersburg, Va., who are considered to lie the best makers of this class of machinery. ' H. M. BURRAS Grocer 5 10 and 15c. Crockery Glassware And Tinware It will pay you to see it I have the best 5, 10 and 15 cent assortment in town Remember this is the only assortment of its kind in town New Candy Manufactur ed in Williamston to day Extra Fine French Candy Had# Every Day I am making the finest candy that has ever l>een made inWilliamston CHRISTIAN GEORGE Next to Jewelry Store Notice North Carolina—Martin County Superior Court, Before the Clerk. \. W. UritViu vs. Annie, Krnentine aud W. li. Boin. The defendants ahjve named will take notice that a special proceeding entitled . as altove has lieen commenced in the Supt rlor Court of Martin County to sell for division the laud described in peti tion tiled therein and aaid defendants wilt take notice that they are required then iu to appear at the office of Clerk | of the Su|ierior Court in the coutl house in Williamston on Monday the 4th day 1 of March toauswer or demur to the com plaint filed therein or the plaintiff will tie granted the relief demanded, This February 4 1907 ft A. HOIIBS, C. S C. WINSTON KVKHKTT. AtPy. 1-8-41 Notice By virtue of an order of the of the Su|terior court of Martin county. In a apecial proceeding entitled, Van Wil liams ]. W. Watta N. S. Peel guardian of B. 11. Williams vs J.-T. Kwell and wife Annie Rwcll, G. 1.. Barnhill and J. L. Barnhill, guardian of B. I), Barnhill, 1 will sell for cash to the highest Milder at public auction at the court house doer in Williamston, N. C. on the 4th day of March 1907 at 12 o'clock, the follow ing ilescrilied tract of land; one lot in Schnapps Tobacco fa Made ENTIRELY from Flue Cured Tobacco Grown in the Piedmont Country. The Imitation Brands Have Schnapps ' Quality Only On the Ootside Of the Plug Hundreds of imitation brands are [' • on sale that look like Schnapps to bacco. The outside of the imitation plugs of tobacco is flue cured the same as Schnapps, but the inside is filled with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened air cured tobacco. One chew of Schnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger longer than two chews of such to bacco. The color, size and shape of the tags, plugs and packages of certain imitation brands of tobacco have been made so much like Schnapps that they have often been accepted by buyers under the belief that they were, getting Schnapps. Sufficient proof has been secured to establish the fact that certain brands are infringements and in vio lation of the trade mark laws, yet the trade will continue to be imposed upon by these infringers until the suit already entered and now pending to protect Schnapps is decided. A great many of these imitations are K. J. Reynold# Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. the town of Williamston, N. C., sit uated 011 Main street and bounded on the north by C. '>. Carstarphen's land on the south by main atreet, on the east liy Martin Live Stock Co'*, land and on the west by Dennis 8. Bigg's and Wheel er Martin'a lot. and known a* the "Van William* Lot." Thin the 18th of January 1906. BI'RROI'S A. CfeiTClfKK, Com. l-i-4t Notice By virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County, for '-eaale in a special proceeding entitled L. , V Nicholson guardian of Mary R.Ward, Ibiuland Ward Cornelius Ward Rx-parte: I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction at the court bouse door in Williamston, N. C. on the 4th day of ' March 1907 at 11 o'clock the following lescribed tract of land adjoining the land* of W. M I'erry and others Slid hounded as follows: On the north by | 4mith land, on the east by Island road on the south by big swamp and on the west by W. M. Perry's land and being , lot No. 4 alllotted to above named )>eti tioners in land diviaion of Jno. L. Ward nf record in Clerk's office to which ref ' L-reuce is made for more definite descrip tion. Containing 47 acres more or less. 1 This lHtta day of January 1907. a-!-4t BIRROI'I A. CRITCHKR, Com. Notice Having this day qualified as'fadminis 1 rater on the estate of Mattie K. Lin ley ! Kent deceased, all parties holding ac , counts against said estate are hereby {iven notice that they will preaent thetiv within One year from date, or this notice will he plead in bar of their recovery, ij All parties indebted to saitl estate will I ,'omc foward and settle at once. This January i* 19"7. L-3J-6t B. T. COWI-KR, Adm. Notice N'orth Carolina—M artin County, t Notice is hereby given that spplica- I tion will be made to the General Assem ; Uly to amend the charter of the town of t Williamston to extend the powers of the - Hoard of Town commissioners that it may have larger and fuller i>owers in the I making of ordinances so as to regulate ill trades, traffics and busineaaea, by im liosiug privileges and franchise taxes end ordinances in regard to the same, punish vagrancy and dissipation, pre lect health, prevent and regulate nui sancer. Section lof Chapter 119 Acta of 1901 lie so changed that the word "ten" will read ' thirty." Section XII will be added to chapter 119 Acts of 1901 incorporating the town of Williamston. . "That tne Board of Comtnisaiers shall have power to tax all franchises, impose taxe» upe>u"all public drays, merchants, livery Mables, horse dealers, jewelers, hrokers, public warehouses, banks, but chers, druggists, ice drink vendors, ped dlers, muVica) ejitertVinmeuts, shows, hobby horses, hotels, restaurants, and all other business, trades and professions engaged in, carried on tn the town lim its, and all that are taxed by the State in any shape or form whether mentioned in this list or not." The funds derived from this source to go into the town treasury. Notice is hereby given tl at application w 11 be made to the General Assembly to allow the citisnns of Williamston to vote on the issuance of Ten Thousand Dollars worth of bonds for the purpose of erecting a tow* hall, with town offic es, fire department, etc for the general use of the town of Williamaton. That the tax for this purpoee is not to exceed JO cents on the hundred dollars worth of property. By order of the Board of Commission for the town of williamston, N. C. ». P. GODWIN, Mayor, claimed to be "just as good" as Schnapps, l*it there is only one gen uine Schnapps. Be sure the letters on the tag, and stamped on the plug under the tag spell and then you have it—the most wholesome tobacco produced, with just enough sweetening to preserve the mild, juicy, stimulating quality of the leaf tobacco. Expert tests prove that this flue cured tobacco, grown in the famous Piedmont region, re quires and takes less sweetening than any other and has a wholesome, stimulating, satisfying effect on chewers. If the tobacco you are chewing don't satisfy you more than the mere habit of expectorating, stop fooling yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco. Schnapps is like the tobacco chewers formerly bought costing from 75c. to SI.OO per pound; Schnapps is sold at 50c. per pound, in sc. cuts, strictly 10c. and 15c. plugs. County Statement "A" | I, W. C. Manning, Clerk to tbs Board , of Commission* 11 of Martin hereby certify that the following ia a true ' statement of the compensation of each ■ inetnlier of the Board of Commissioners 1 from the first Monday in December, 1905 to the first Monday lu December, (1906. K. H. Salsbury served at davs sa Com missioner. »8 days on bridges anil trav elled »] miles and recei eil # 50 60 (|«rt of saul Service being rendered during . ' 9«»5) - George W. Griffin served iH days sa Commissioner 16 days on bridge work, travelled 641 miles aud received |ioo. 10. f James G. St a ton served IQ days as Commissioner, 6 days on bridge work, travelled 411 miles snd received $70.45. . (Work all done in 1905!. , Witness my hand and seal at office in . Williamston, N. C„ this Decemlier .t, 1906 t W. C. MANNING, Clerk. 1 —————————— I Administrator's Notice ■ Having qualified as administrator de • bonis lion, cum testaments annexo of J. I L. Rwell deceased, late of Martin County ' N. C. to succeed P. Jiwell executor under I the will of said J. L. Kwell, this is to t notify all persons having claims against [ the estate of said deceased to exhibit . them to the undersigned at once. I All persons indelited to said estate will . please make immediate payment. Brnßors A. CRITCHKR, Adm. d b n c t a This Bth day of January, 1907. ' Notice North Carolina—Martin County. Notice is hereby given that applica . tion will be made to the General Assem . bly to ensct a-road law for the Williauis . ton township to vote on the issusnce of 1 necessary and levying a tax not to ex ) -eeed IJ cents on the hundred dollars I worth of property, fcr the purpose of improving, straightening, grading, claying and sanding roada, condemning lands, employing convict labor, guards, overseers ami superintendents, u board of commissioners snd being incorporated for all purposes essential to au improved system of roads. Tliis ijth day of Jauuary 1907. Si« ued DHNNIS S. BIGGS, JOSHPH 5. GODARD, WIIRKLRR MARTIN. J. W. ANDRRSON, JAMKSG. STATON, WILLIAM R. WARRHN, , S.J. RVRRRTT, 1-1 H-4t Petitioners. Notice Having qualified as administrator up- I on the estate of Mary L. Green deceased late of Martin County, N. C., this is 4o ! notify all persons having claims on the ' estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the )8 dav of Jauuary, 1908, or this notice will be { plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to aaid estate will please make immediate payment. This iKth day of January, 1907. I iK-6t W. M. QRRRN, Adui. Notice By virtue of authority vested in me as" commissioner by an order in a special proceeding be fore the clerk of the superior' court en titled S. L. Want Adm'r. of Florence R. Ward v* William. Panl Ward et ala, I shall sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Williamston, on the first Monday in Pebrnsry 190/1 being the 4th day, at noon, the follow ing described property, to wit; The house and lot in the town of Jamea ville N. C., now occupied by S. L. Ward, being a nix room building and an acre lot, in the most desirable residence portion of the town, good oothooses. shade trees, and good water. This the 3th day of January 1907. a j. Bvsnmr.CoM. Administrate s Notice I Having qualified a* administrator upon the eatate of H. A. Powell, lieccutd, [ Kite of Martin County N. C., this ia to 1 notify all persons having claim* again it • the eatate of the deceaaed to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the • 6th day of January 190H, or thia notice • will I* plead in bar of their recovery. ' All paraona indebted to aaid eatate will please make immediate payment, it Thilr6th day of January 1907. • I-11-6t J. A. POWKLL, Adm. ■ Notice By virtue of authority veated in tne a* h commissioner'by anorder in a special pro ceeding before the Clerk of the Superior Coutt entitled 8. K. Hardiaon. adm'r of " Rbodan Reddiik va Mary Diana Heddick etals I shall sell to the highest bidder for caahon thefirst Monday in February 1907 being the fourth day. at noon at the • courthouse door the following described v property to wit: A farm of forty-five r acres on the Jainesville and Williamaton 1 road within one half mile of Jaftieaville. in ]ame*ville townahip and being the old > 1 Rhoden Raddick homeatead, t This the sth dav of January 1907. S: J. hVKRKTT, Com. . WINSTON &KVKRKTT, Attya' I-ll*4t L. E.COREY Wholesale Grocer I handle a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries • large and select stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco and a moat select stock of Cigars and Cheroots Prices are atrigltt. Phcne 41 l MAIN ST Williamston, N. C. We are now occuping the store next to Biggs' Drug Store where you will always find the best in Fancy and Staple Groceries Our stock is complete Free delivery within corporate limits 'Phone us your orders , Brown & tlodgee , ' ' ■ . 11 ..111 II II = RKTORT To THK NORTH CAROLINA CORPROATION COMMISSION OP THR CONDITION OF BANK or MARTIN GOUNTY Williamston, N. C., at the dose of business Jan. 26, 1907. RKSOURCRS. UAUUTM.I Loans and discounts $97,453 71 _ . . i Overdrafts 7,430.91 Capital stock >15,000.00 Stocks, hands, etc. 1, 000.00 Surplus food 8,500.00 . Firnitnre and fixtures 1.868.00 Undivided profits, etc. 3,781.34 • Deutaud loans Deposits sub. to ok 3t.914.66 1 Due from banks, etc. 30,859.85 _,, J y * | Silver com, etc. 5.539.»7 loans 77,027.63 l| *13*.«4 *3 >136,224 63 State of North Carolina—Coaatjr at Mafttm. I, J. O. Godard. cashier of the Bank of Martin County, do aoleauilr ■waar lora«n») that the above tfatemeat fa tn c to Ibe hart of k»owl.dc* I and belief. ■ - |. G. GODARD, Caihier. I Sworn to and subscribed before me j Correct—Attest: Wheeler Mar 2 Ufa 6th da, of Feb.. i«o 7 . tin. Jno. L. lEIW.T*JET I 2. H. GODWIN, Notary Public. | Directors '. I WHRSLKR MARTIN, President J. G. STATON, Vice-President J. G. CODARD, Cashier. Notice 3? virtue of authanty vested ia Die as commissioner by an 'order ia a special proceeding before the Clerk of the Superior Court en titled I B. Coley et als vs Frank J*fcn ran et als, I shall sell to the highest bid der for cash, at the rooit bouse door ia Williaavstoa, oa the first Monday ia Feb ruary 1907. being the 4UI day of the mooth, at aoon, the following described property to wit: Uisg aad being ia tbe town of Williamaton oa the Washington road ard adjoining the Short place now owned by the William*too Land and Im provement Company, being the place owned by the heirs of W. A. Johnson, containing oae acre more or lass. This the sth of January, *909. S. J. F.vgarrr, Co«n. WINSTON A KVUITT, Att'ys. 1-11-41 Certltlcatc •! Dissolution To all to wbotu these presents may come—greeting; Whereas it appears to my satiafaction by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unani mous conseat of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the Simpaon Hardware Company, a corporation uf this State, whose principal office ia sit uated in tbe town of Williamatou, County of Martin, State of North Carolina. J. Paul Simpaon bein the ageat therein and in charge thereof, upou whom pro cess may be served, has complied with the requirements of Chapter *l, Revisal of 1905, edtitled "Corparatlons," pre liminary to the the issuing of this Cer tificate of Dissolution: Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan Gimcs, Secretary of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the mid*corpora did, oa the 26th day of October, 1906, file in my office a dnly executed and at tested consent ia writing to the dissolu tion of said corporation, executed by all tbe stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceed ings aforesaid are now on file in my said office aa provided by law. la testimony whereof, I have hereto ■et my hand and affixed mr official sesl at Raleigh this afith day of October, A. D. 1906 J. BKYAN Gtixxs, 1-17-41 Secretary of State. Notice By virtue of authority vested in me as commissioner by an order in a special proceeding before the clerk entitled R. Li. Taylor Adm'r of Redding Knox de ceased vs. Coy, Ella, Octavius Knox, et als, I shall sell to the highest bidder for cash, on tbe first Mondsy in February 1907. being the 4th, day the following described propetry. to wit; Tbe Red ding Knox farm, lying aad being in Poplar Point towaahip, Martin County, and containing one hundred aad twenty five acres more or less, sixty of which is open land. Sold at tbe courthouse door in Willlamstou, at la o'clock on the 4th day of February 1907. S. J. BVKMTT, Com. WINSTON * Rvxarrr, Att'ys.