II THE ENTERPRISE. roumntn kvkky mwat w* ma imtnm niniM co. lOlkwna N.c' Hfejf AI.FRRD H. WHITMORK. Kditob. 1 . I r,C.U kawd CUM IUII MiUtt. 1 Friday, February, 1907 One day at a time conscientiously lived up to will keep the eyes bright and the cheeks round and rosy. Don't begin to worry about things days beforehand. It will l>e time enough when they happen. It is the dread of what may come, not what it is that makes one old bcfoie the time. If you lie awake half tlie night worrying al>out something that is going to occur the next morning you will be far less able to fact bravely atid work out the prob leni than if you had made an effort and thought uf something else till sleep came. It is not half as hard h» it sounds and w ill grow easier ever) , time you try it. Perhaps after all the disaster will not befall you or will be less awful than you anticipated and just think what a lot ol miner ess.iry wrinkles you have worried into your face. Many a person goes down in de- j feat under life's burden, unhelped, j unchcered, and when the eyes are! closed and the hands folded, then conies, too late, love enough to j have Untied the battle and given' victory. . "A war of words between Till j man and Carmack is worth going ; miles to hear", thinks the Atlanta j Journal, but not since those free passes have been abolished. Hall Caine's son has gone 011 tin ■ stage. He can make quite a hit ; with bis pa by murdering Shake ; spe.ire at his earliest convenience., Swettenham has resigned, but it will take more than an earthquake to shake Piatt and Depew from their perch. - "What will Paradise be compared to Milwaukee?" asks the Free Press of that bibulous, burg, Well, for one thing, there will be niOit milk and honey and less beer. The sensationalists who insist on the U. S. going to war with Japan, are about' 10,000 miles from where the shooting could begin. In trying to abolish the Indian school at Carlisle with its crack football |eaut, the Senate seems to be following Roosevelt's advice to ''hit the center hard." A Georgia paper says "He who rides on the rail courts death". Ii was an Irishman ridden mi a rail, who said th it except for the bom r of the thing, he would just as soon walk. According to the President's ultimatum the States must regit late,child labor or the "Big Stick' will. Handsome Gilt to Worthy Cause The Legislature of Teuuessee ha» just passed a bill giving to the Pea - j body College for Teachers, at Nash ! ville, the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Appropri ations from other sources, notably one from the Peabobv Education Fund of one million dollars, which fbc BEST of every tliinu [ 'herntlwliuaotltls,ofxor>^ ■ rrowlnc thin* can readily ba pro- I du ?*4 v ttktfceUb«t*laMof Vligtai*. I Carotin* FartilUrra, together with ■ careful cultivation. The material,of ■ » hU-ktheyare made, oauartbeni toon- I the land, ami the plant* to oome ■up rapidly and mora prolific. U«# I VlrsWa-Carallaa F.miliar. __ ■on jrour frulta and taut-tree* V. , ■ of aUkijtda, oorn. wheat and ■ all trweka For, at harveat Isnass^sssiV'^Al I JleH per acre") aad fl neat KX ■ crop* roa ever raiaed in all Wt Iga-j.'a.a-a.'a ■ [gpgggJ Coughs of Children Especially right coughs. Na ture needs s little help to quiet the irritation, control the in flammation, check the progress of the disease. Our advice is give the children AyerY (Cherrv Pectoral. Ask your doctor if this is his advice also. He knows best. Do as he say;,. W«j übii«U our form# *• W« b • y frum our«ifumii'C« fivers "i?- 1 1/ you think constipation is of trifling consequence, just ask your doctor. Ho will disabuse you of tha: notion in short order. "Correct i', at once!" he will »»y. T'u-n * V r> shout Aver'# Pills. A mild liver | ! !!. #ll vegrttbk-. mm— O l-y U; ' .1 '3 SfW 'Jo.. Lo*v *>ll, **•».—-• had l>een made but depended upon the appropriation just passed by the State of Tennesee, make the total already given more tbtui a million seven hundred thousand dol lars which will come to the College tn is year. Assurances of other donations had been given, to be made as soon as the College is permanently and adequately endowed, which is now practically accomplished. The College wi|J, have handsome buildings, new departments, addi tioual professors, and promises to lie one of the greatest Teachers' Colleges in the country. Panama Canal Krle Canal Mm'liitiory is ilingi"K the I'.mania Can ul u thuuiMiiil times quicker thau the shovel dag the Krie. Machinery produce* the I-. 8c M. Paint :it .so times less coat for labor, than if mailt by hand. The 1,, a M. jjives the liest job in the World, because I_. 5c M. Zinc harden* b & M. White bead and make* L. & M Paint wear like iron for 10 to 15 years. It only requires 1 gallons of this cole liratt'd paint ami 3 gallons of I.inseed Oil at fir, its per gallon, to paint a m*'- w»te sized house. If any defect exists in L. a M. Paint will repaint house for nothing. Sold by S K. tlisgs, Willlatnston, N. THE KODOL ALMANAC E. C. DeWitt & Co., ol Chicago Send Supply of Valuable Refer ence Literature The Enterprise today has riceived from the S. R Biggs. Pharmacy, of this city, n coyy of the 1907 Kodol Almanac and Two Hundred Year Calendar, published and owned by li. C. DeWitt Mi Co., of Chicago. Through the courtesy of ' K, C. DeWitt & Co., these will be j {iven free to the people of Wil liamston who call at the S. R. Kings Pharmacy. There is no more distinctively American institution than the Al manac, and despite the changes in American customs that the years may make in other directions the Almanac has come to stay. It provides entertainment, busi ness advice, health hints, weather predictions and is invaluable as a medium of general information. -Dr. W. If. Wakefield of Char lotte, N. C. will be in Williamston at the Atlantic Hotel, ou Saturday February 16 one day for the pur pose of treating diseases of Kye, liar, Nose, and Throat, and fitting Glasses. The Scrap Book Elsewhere in this issue we present -the first In stallment of a new feature, the "Scrap Book," which we commend to the attention of our readera. To neglect to read it would be as if one were to fail to pick up a dollar bill which was honestly one's own for the taking. He who reads will get at least five or six laughs which will stir his liver, kill the microbes in his system, and strengthen his whole organism against disease, dejection, cowardice and all other insidious enemies of our kind. He will also be inspired by a noble little poem, by pathetic and heroic paasages, and by the wisdom of the wisest. He who reada will be a better and happier soul for the reading. Good as a dollar? By Jupiter, we wrong ourselves by the comparison 1 It is good as health, good as wisdom, good as laughter, good as sym pathy and heroic example—good aa the most precioua things known to us poor mortals struggling through the mystery, toil and trouble of life! An Installment Once a Week IMPORTANT TRADE MARK DE CISION Lynchburg, Va., February 4th, 1907. —A decision of importance to all manufacturer* of trad* mark goods lias !>een awarded by Judge | Pritchard in the United States Cir cuit Court of this district. The question involved was whether the Allen Brothers Tobac co Co , of Lynchburg, Va., has the legal right to use on its "Trav eler" brand of plug tobacco a tag similiar in size, shape, color, and slant of lettering, but different as to wording, from that used by the R. J. Kenolds Tobacco Co., of Winston Salem, N. C., on its "Schnapps" Plug Tobacco. In the argument, 011 inoticn of the plaintiff the R. J. Reynolds To bacco Co., that a restraining order lie'issued forbidding the defendant company from further imitating its tag, many affidavits were submitted tending to show that owing to the similarity of the tag, "the Trav eler tobacco, purchased by dealers at a lower price, was sold to uned ucated chewers for "Schnapps". In a decree signed by Judge Pritchard the Allen Brother Tobac co Company is enjoined from manu facturing, putting up, advertising, selling, or offering for sale plug to bacco bearing a tag identical with or like the said ta« of the complain ant, known as the "Schnapps" tag. According to this decissioti, no man ufacturer can imitat ev*u in color, shape, or style of lettering the trade mark of another -manufacturer, even through the word be entirely different Rising Fron the Gfiii A prominent manufacturer, Wm. A Fcrtwell, of Lucnnia, N. C., re lates a most remarkable experience. He says: Alter taking less than three bottles of Electric Hitters, I feel like one ri ing from the grave, My trouble is Bright'* disease, in the Diabetes stage, I fully believe Elec tric Hitters will cure me permanent ly, for it has already stopped the liver and bladder complications which have trouble me for year#." Guaranteed at S. R. Biggs druggist Price only 50c. [W "f "ft* • 'lyry"T' f [ STRAW NO. 4 r t "Straws show which way the i wind blow*.* A Friday that was not Black Friday ► on Friday Bth instance, I had the pleasure of sending fol ► lowing telegram to our I«ife f cation for $13,500 Insurance i today, including Ten Thous- p and Dollar Policy." »> The party applying for this ii* ready carrying policies in sev jf- ernl Northern Companies but |» on being shown our "Kco ► nomic Bond" declared it to be I the -l»est insurance contract he had ever seen and applied for maximum amount issued r by the Company. B. T, COWPER Life, Fire, Accident 'T'tione No. 7 Oflice over P. & M. B'k BTtl'x A A ili A 1 Jin 4k Peanut Plant for Williamston New Industry, SIO,OOO Capi- Ital, to be Ready for Bus ioess July l The peanut factory for Wil liamston is an assured fact. The order for the machinery has been given, &n*k the plant is to be in readiness for business by the first of July. Mr. Itli Gurganus, the prime mover iu this enterprise, informed ns that the machinery ordered will l«e the verv latest kind, and that the plant will have a capacity of shelling two hundred bag* of pe«f a day, and cleaning five hundred hags a day. While the org ini/.alion of this company has not been perfected the following gentlemen me interested; Messrs. Eli Gurganu*. ). G, Sta ton, J. G. Godard, J. R. Moble and Herbert Co wen. The Capital stock will IK* $ 10,000. The prize house on the mi I road fixed up several year* ago for » steam plant, has lieen leased a no 1 will be used for the home of tin of this enterprise. DIRECTORY Methodist Church RKV»C. L. RhiD, I'astor. Methodist Upiscopal Church, South, Williamson and Hamilton Charges. Services a* follows. *" Williamston—Preaching on the ii* 3rd and 4th Sundays at 11 am and 7:30 p m Sunday School at 9:30 a m, W. A. Kl luon, Supt. I'rayer Meeting each Wednesday at 7:30 p 111. Hamilton —Preaching on the Jiid and Jth Sundays at 11 ain and 7; jo p at. tin Ist Sunday at 3 p m. Holly Springs—Preaching the 3rd Sun day at 3 p m. All friends of the church mid the pub lic generally are cordially invited to at tend all the services. Christian Church Services at the Christian Church, Wil liamston. Preaching third Sunday nam and 7 pm Sunday School 3 p in every Sunday. Macedonia first sunila) s 11 • u in and Auturday II a 111 and 7 30 p m. Olil Pord- -Second Sundays and Sat urdays nam. Jamesville Fourth Sundays ii am and 7 pm. J. R. TINGLR, R«stor A liquid cold relief with a laxative principle which drves out the cold through a copious action of the bowels, and a healing principle which lingers in throat and stops the cough— that is Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. Safe and sure in its action; pleasant to take; and conforms to National Pure Food and Drug Law. Contains no opiates. Sold hyS, R. Biggs. Notice North Carolina —Martin County l,inwood L. Smithwick » tn Superior vs. [ Court March Ksther Smithwick I Term 1907 The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled » above named has been commenced in the Su -1 perior Court of Martin County wherein the plaintiff demand* that a divorce be granted him, and the defendant will further take aotice that ahe n required to appear at the next term of the Super ior Court of said County to be 1 eld at the court house in iu Williamston on the third Monday in March 1907 it being the 1 Sth day aud answer or demur to the complaint in said action or plaintiff will apply to court for the relief demanded in ■aid complaint. This ijth day of February 1907. J. A. HOURS, C. S. C. m anors a. Critciibr, Att'y. »-i5-4t Notice North Carolina—Martin County S.ipenor Court, Before the Clerk. A. W. Griftin vs. Annie, Ernestine and W. P. Boin. The defendant* above named will take notice that a special proceeding entitled aa above ha* lx«n commence)! in the Superior Court «rf Martin County to aell (or division the land described in peti tion fitol therein and aaid defendants will take notice that they are required therein to appear at the office of Ckrk of the Superior Coart in the court house in Williamson on Monday the 4th day of March to answer or demur to the con-' dlaint filed therein T the plaintiff will be granted the relief demanded. I This February 4 1907 J. A. HOURS. C. S. C. WINSTON fit KVKKETT, Atfy. Notice By virtue of an order of the Judge of the Superior court of Martin county, in a special proceeding entitled. Vau Wil liams J. W. Watts N. S. Peel guardian of B. B. Williams v». T. Ewell and wife Aanle Kwell, G. JU Banthill a*d J. L. > . £ b ~ J .1$ ' >Td TGJI' AMCT_K::~. H._'. 1 JUSTB^ This man bought a supply of tobacco with out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at less expense than cheap tobacco. SCHNAPPS haa been advertised in this - paper ao that every chewer haa had an opportunity to get acquainted with the facts and know that drags are not used to produce the cheering quality found in the famous Piedmont country flue-cured tobaccos, and that SCHNAPPS is what he OTHNAPPS ia sold everywhere in 5 ought to chew. Still there are chewers SCHNAPPS is sold every* nere a „ who accept other and cheaper tobaccos cent cut., and 10 and 15 cent plugs. Be that do not give the same pleasure. sure you get the genuine. Ilarnhill, guardian of 11. !>. Barnhill, I will sell for cash to the li hidiler at public auction at the court house do«>r in Williamston, N. C. on the 4th (lav of March 1907 at 12 o'clock, the follow itiK described tract of laml; one lot in the town of WUliainston, N. C., sit uatcton Main itreet and l>ouiided on the north by C. P. Carstarphen's laml 011 the south by main street, on the east by Martin I,ive Slock Co'*, land and on the west by Dcnnii S. Bigg's and Wheel er Martin'alot. and known as the "Van Williams Lot." This the tHth of January 1906. A. CmrcHKK, Com. a- (-4t Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administrxtor de Ixmis non, cum testaments annexo of J. 1,. I?well deceased, late of Martin County N. C. tosucceed J' Kwell executor under the wilt of said J. 1,. Kwell, this is to notify all |*r»oiis having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at once. All |iers«Tis indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. lltRHOt'S A. Chitchkr, A«!m. (1 b n c t a Tliia sth day of Januarv, 191)7, Notice Having qualified as administrator up on the estate of Mary L. Green deceased late of Murtiu County, N. C., this is to notify all person* having claims on the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 18 dav of Junuary, 1908, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to Raid estate will please make immediate payment. Thia 18th day of January, 1907.* 1 iB-6t W. M. GRKRN, Adm. Administrator's Notice Having qualified a« administrator upon the eatate of H. A. deceased, late of Martin County N. tliia is to notify all persons having claima against the eatate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of January 190H, or thia notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said eatate will please make immediate paytifcbt. Thia 6th day of January 1907. Ml4t J. A. PoWHLI., Adm. Notice Having this day qualified ns'|adniiuis trator on the estate of Matlie F„ I.inlev Kent deceased, all parties holding ac counts against said eatate are hereby given notice that they will present them within one year from date, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All parties indebted to said estate will come toward and settle at >n^e. This January 19, 1907. l-jj-6t H.T. Cowvkr. Adm. Notice "By virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County, for resale in a special proceeding en .it led L. A. Nicholson guardian of Mary E. Ward, Rouland Ward Cornelius Ward Rx-parte: I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction at the eonrt house door in Williamaton, N. C. on the 4th day of Match 1907 at i» o'ilqck the following described tract of land adjoining the lands of W. M. Perry and other* and Hounded as follows: On the north by Smith land, on the east by Island road on the south by big swamp and on the west by W. M. Perry's land and being lot No. 4 a 1 Hotted to above named peti tioners in M division of Jno. L. Ward of record in Clerk's office to which v*t erence is made for more defiuite descrip tion. Containing 47 acres mote or leas. This aßtli day of January 1907. s-i-ft p Bvaaoua A. CFTITCHKB, Com. ■M. ' Some day they'll get • taate of the real Schnapps —they'll realize what enjoyment they've misted by not getting SCHNAPPS long ago —then they'll feel like kicking themselves. Fifty Third Year of BAUGH'S ANIMAL BONE FERTILIZERS Baugh's High Grade Tobacco Guano The Leading Brand in the Carolinas for Tobacco 1 BauglTs Animal Bone and Potash Compound FOR COTTON, CORN, PEANUTS, ETC. FOR SALE BY J. L. HASSELL & CO. WILLIAMSTON, N. C BAUGH & SONS COMPANY Sol* Manufacturer* NORFOLK, VIRGINIA New Store and Fixtures I am now located in the store two doors below my old stand on Main Street where I have put In an up-to-date line of Jewelry Store fixtures. I have one of the nicest selected stocks of jew elry, etc, to be found in eastern North Carolina. Repairing a specialty. THE JEWELER H. D. PEELE WILLIAMSTON, N. C. RKPORT TO TUR NORTH CAROLINA CORPROATION COMMISSION OF THK CONDITION OK BANK Of MARTIN GOUNTY Williamstoti, N. C.. at the claw of business Jan. a 6, 1907. RKSOURCKS. LIABILITIES. Loaus and discounts $97.453 7" CaDi tal stock CKJOOOOO Overdrafts 7.43© 91 „ P , , * J15.000.00 Stocks, bonds, etc. fig 1,000.00 Surplus fund 8,500.00 Furniture and fixiufW 1.868.00 Uudivi'led profits, etc. 3.781.34 Demand loans 8,07289 DtpmitN sub. to 6'k 31.914.66 Due from banks, etc. 20.859 85 Demand loans 77.027.63 Silver coiu, etc. J.539^7 $136,224 63 $136,224 63 State of North Carolina—County of Martia. ... I, J.*G. UocUnl. cashier of the Bank of Maitin Couuty, 110 •wlemuly iwtw lor affirm} that the above sUleatflt U trf e to the be»t onffitM lfl ; and belief. J- G. OODAB.U, Caahier. Sworn to inWrihed before me j Correct —Atteat: Wheeler liar thia 6th day of I'eb., 1907. tta, J no. I. Haaaell. J. G. Staton. 5 FF.. GODWIN, Notary Public. | Directors. WHKHI.RR MARTIN, Present. * J. G. STATON, Vice-President. J. G. GODARD. Cashier.

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