||p"- # -_The- ♦ ' I Scrap Book The Paramount liw». i? One day daring the campaign of 1000 Major Henry Newman waa at Poplar K Bluff, Mo., preaching Democracy pure §• and undeflled ID bla beat form, but re fraining from any dl*cua*lon of the IK' "paramount laaua." Among tbe major * - ' auditor* was a cltlcen In a policeman'* helmet who marked tbe omlaalon nnd & Interrupted. "How about tbe Phllllpaylu*?" he It aaked with a brogue which left no tonbt a* to bla nativity. Major Newman continued without appearing to notice the questioner. "How about the rhilllpayliwi?" came agalu at tbe end of one of tbe major"* beat periods. Half a dosen of these Interruption* followed with uo appurent let-up to tbe Irlabnian'a peralitence. "My friend." «ald Major Newman at . length, "I'll tell you about the rhillip ayln*." Tbe Imitation of tbe brogue >viu per fect, and everybody chuckled. "I'll tell you confidentially," said tbe major aerloUHly, "what I'm In favor of doing with the rhillipayln*. I'll trade I■ tbe Pbllllpayln* to Great Britain for Inland, aud then we conld rulse onr f own policemen." FATE. Two shall be bom the whole wide world apart And apeak In different tongues and have no thouaht Rach of the other's being and no heed. And these o'er unknown sens to unknown lands ■hall cross, escaping wreck, defying daath [/ And all unconsciously slinpe every act And bend each wandering step to this one end- That one day out of darkness they shall I meet And read life's meaning In each other's eyes. K And two shall walk aome narrow way of life. Bo nearly aide by aide that should one turn Ever so little apiire to left or rl*ht They needs roust stand acknowledged fuce to face. And yet with wistful eyes that never inset, With (roping hands that never clasp nnd Hps Cslling In vain to ears that never hear, They seek each other all their weary days And die unsuilstled And this Is fute —Busan Marr Hpuldlng. Choats'* Answer. Home one imked of Joseph 11. ('hollte, "If you could not bo yourself, whom would you rather be?" Mr. Ohoute pon dered. Thou looking Up and catching tbe eye of bla wife, answered, "Mrs. C'bOMte's second husband." Montslgns on Fool*. In dlscuaslon nothing vexes uie no much with folly us thnt It Is more sat lstied with Itself thnu wisdom cau reu aonably lie. Obstinacy and foolluirdl ties* till tlielr possessors with Joy nnd assurance. "I'ls for the most Ignorant to look at other men over the shoulder, always returning from the combat full of Joy and triumph. Alid for the most part this assurance of speech nnd gay ety of couuteoauce give tlieni the bet ter of It In tbe opinion of the audience. Obstinacy of opinion In argument Is the surest proof of folly. Is there any " thing »o aasurcil, resolute, disdainful, aerlous jnul grave aa the ass? Love of Country. In the last day* of the Confederacy General I-ongstreet observed n soldier lu tattered clothing Ktandjug in mud H nd a beating rain during a temporary halt of the column. The soldier wan soliloquizing for the benefit of the by atandcrs. "I love my country," he said. "I could die for tny country. Breathe# there a uinii with aotil SO dend w ho to himself hutli never said, 'This I* my own. my native laud?' Hut If 1 ever do (jet through with this war—lf Ido Ket thru UK 1> sure enough-I'll be damn ed If 1 ever fall In love with another country!" Couraga Lovea a Lofty Path. 1 am encouraged by them- thing* with which you think to scare me. I long to atand where tlio Sun hlmaelf treui Idea to atand. It Is the part of grovel era and coward* to follow the *afe track. Courage lovea a lofty path.— Seneca. One Lika Her. A large touring automobile contain ing a man and his wife In a narrow road met a hay wagon fully loaded. The woman declared that the farmer uinat back out, but her huabnnd con tended that ahe was unreasonable. "But you cuu't back (he automobile •o far," ahe aatd, "and 1 don't Intend to move for anybody. He should have aeen us." The huaband pointed out that till* waa lm)K>aalble owing to au abrupt turn in the rood. , , "I don't care," ahe Insisted, "1 won't move If we have to stay here all night." Tho man In the automobile WHS start ing to urtfuc tin- mutter when tlio farm er, who had bwu witting quietly on the hay, Interrupted. "Never mind. air," he exclaimed. "I'll t»y to back out. I've Rut oue just like bar at houie."—Philadelphia ledger. Jahn, tha Unknown. During the great epidemic of yellow fever at Mam phi* the memlters of the relief committee were at their wit*' end to obtain watcher*, when a man with coarse features, close cropped hair anil shuffling gait went directly to one of the attending physician* and said. "I want to nurse." The doctor looked ut him critically, concluded he was not flttad for the work In any way aad re plied, 'Too are not needed." "I wish to nurse," persisted the *trangor. "Try - me for a week. If you don't like me, then dismiss me. If you do, pay me my wages." "Very well," ssld the doc tor, "I'll take yon, although, to be can did, I hesitate to do so." Then be add ed mentally. "I'll keep ray eye on him" But the man soon proved that he need ad nobody's eye upon blm. In a few weeks he had become one of the most valuable nurses on that heroic force. Be waa tireless and self denying. Wherever the pestilence raged most ferine nnd the sinking adored him. To the neglected and the forgotten hi* rough face wns an the face of an angel. He acted ao atraugely on paydaj*. however, that he waa followed through back street* to no obacure |ilace, where lie waa aecu to put bla whole week'a earning! Into a relief box for the liene fit of the yellow fever sufferer*. Not long afterward he sickened and died of the plague, and when bla body waa pre pared for It* unnamed grave, for 1m bfd never told who be waa, a livid mark wn* found which showed that John, the nurse, had been branded aa n convicted felon. Against the Lightning Rod. A long time ago a member of the Dutch Reformed church In I'ougbkeep sle made this protest against a proposi tion to buy n lightning rod for the church: "We've been to great deal droubles nnd great deal *peu*e to build a house for Ood Almltt's, and now If lift's a mind to dunder on IIIH own bouse nnd burn hlin up. let blm dunder den! I shan't vote for do dunder rod!" La Rochefoucauld on Lov*. Imx*, like lire, must have contlriunl movement. When It ceases to hope and fear, It cease* to ex Int. The reuHoii why lover* are never weary of I icing together I* because tliey are alway* talking of themaelve*. Coldnes* In love I* n *ure means of being beloved. The more we love the nearer are we to linte. Women who love, more easily pardon great Indiscretion* than little Infideli ties. It I* Impossible to love a second time what we havo once really ceased to love. Ha Liked tha Family. Governor Claiborne V. Jackson of Missouri married live sisters. After one wife bud been lost anil appropri ately mourned he espoused another, and lie kept his courting within a nar row circle of Ills own relatives, for lie rather liked the family. The venerable father of these girl* wns almost deaf, and when the gov ernor went to till* oi'togenurlan to ask for bis surviving daughter tbe follow ing conversation ensued: "I want Llzr.le!" "Kb?" "I "want you fo let me have lCllz a beth!" "Oh, you want I.lzzle, do you? What for?" "for my wife!" "For life?" "I want—to- marry—lier!" "Oh, yes! Just so, I hear yon, boy." "I'm glad you do!" roared the gov ernor. "Well," slowly responded the vet ernn, "you needn't yell so that the whole neighborhood know* It! Ye*, you can have her. You've got 'em all uvw, my lad, but for goodness' suke, If ntiythlug happens to that 'ere poor lit tle gal don't come and usk me for the old wotuau!" Jackson solemnly promised tliut he never would. The Deadly Tongue. Tlii' second 111 OH( deadly Instrument of destruction In the dynamite gnu. Tli> gun merely kills bodies; the tougue kills reputations mill ofttliues rullis characters. Kach gun works alone; each londeil tongue has a hundred accom plices, 'llii' havoc of the gun Is visible nt once. The full evil of the tougue lives through nil the years; even the eye of Oninlscleucc might grow tired In tracing It to Its llnallty. The crimes of the tougue are words of uiiklndncss. of anger, of malice, of envy, of bitter ucss, of harsh criticism, gossip, lying and scandal. Theft and murder are awful crimes, yet In any single year the aggregate sorrow, palu and suffer ing they cause In a nation Is micro scopic when compared with the sor rows that com# from the crimes of the tougue William George .lonian. Something New In Kentucky. I'alrhanks of Indiana and Nlutw of lowa were slumping Kentucky. After n successful meeting the Kentucky colonel who had the two Republican statesmen In charge Invited thcin Into the lintel barroom for some refresh ment. "Whnt'll you have?" he asked Sena tor Fairbanks. "A little cold npollluarlH," was the reply. "And you?" said the host to tiov ernor Shaw. "I think I will have a glass of but teruillk." The barkeeper turned to the Ken tucklgn. "What shall 1 give you, colo nel?" he asked. The Kentucky gentleman heaved a long algli. "I'nder tho clrcumatancea," he said, "l think yyu can give uie a piece of pie." Schopenhauer on Innoeenos. Inuoeeniv la lu Its very-nature Ktu pld. The flrat criminal and murderer. (>ln, who acquired a knowledge of guilt, and through guilt acquired a knowledge of virtue by repentance, and so came to understand the meaning of life. Is a tragical figure more algulfl cant ami almost more respectable than all the Innoceut tools In the world put together. Nothing will relieve Indigestion that is not a thorough digestant. Kodol digests what you eat and allows the stomach to rest- rate - grow strong again, KODOI/ is a solution of digestive acids and as nearly as possible approximates the digestive juices that are found in the stomach KODOL takes the work of digestion off the digestive organs and while performing this work of itself does greatly assist the stomach to a thorough rest In addition the ingredients of KODOL. are such as to make it a corrective of the high est eftuiency and by its action the stomach i.s restored to its normal activity and power. KODOL is manfactured in strict conformity with the National Pure Food and DrugS Law Sold by S. R. Biggs ThMMßds Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. ■ow~Tolrlnd Oat. Fill a bottle or common flaw with your water and let It stand twenty-four hour*; a sediment or set- J-'&vl! , i"' L&' Indicates an /Wrj W unhealthy condi tion ,lon °' lh ® \yA IP If ney»; If It italn* rf' l y° ur " nr (t • y,lenc4 of kid jEr\L F LLH ney ,rou ' ) ' e: 100 I WLn /*""A frequent desire to ' pass It or pain In 1 11 the back Is also convincing proof that the kidneys srtf blad der are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort In the knowledge se often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use ol liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Koot Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures o( the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should hsve the best. Sold by druggists In 50c. andsl. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this and a book that more about It, both sent absolutely free by mail. Address Dr Kilmer & n,m* a r*cj*pi«x* Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writlftg men tion reading this generous offer In this paper. Don't make any mistake, b'll remembei the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer't Swamp-Root, and the addreas. Blnghamton, N. Y.. on every bottle. Bailey says lie will resign from the Senate if any of the charges against blm are sustained. Tilt anchor to windward is that the legislature which lias just re-elect ed hint is being asked to do the sustaining. Willie wailed and Winnie wheezed, while wintry winds whined weirdly Willie wriggled while Winnie wheezed wretchedly.Wisdom whis pers, winter winds work whe«*e» Wherefore we write,' Use Kennedys Laxative Cough Syrup.', Nothing else so t;ood. Sold by S. K. Bigga. All Ohio wotr.an applied for di vorce in verse That is better than most who apply without rhyme or ieason. We trust she may get po etic justice. Alll headaches go When you grow wiser And learn to use An "Early Riser." De Witt's Little Kerly Risers, safe, sure pills. The first woman juror who ever sat in a Colorado court is Hilda Smith. Hilda showed strong loy alty to the masculine sex by voting to give divorce decree to a man who asked it. Hunting for Trouble "I've lived in California i > years, and am s ill hunting f r trouble in the way of hum*. sores, wounds Uoils, cuts, sprains, or a ol piles that Bucklen's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure writes Charles Walters of Al'.ephany, Sierra Col No use hunting, Mr. Walters, it cures every case, Guaranteed S. K. drug store. Jsc. The news that elbow' length gloves are going out of fashion may not cause an electric shock in the hearts of many, hut it will pro duce a cheerful glow of satisfaction in the breast of the man who writes the checks It was a terrible torture that Mrg. Gertie McFarland, of King's Mountain, N. C., descril>es as fol lows: "I suffered dreadful ]>eriod ical pain, and k became NO weak I was given up to die, when tny hus band got me Wine of Cardui. The first dose Rave relief, and with three bottles lam up doing my work 1 cannot say enough in praise .of Cardui." A wonderful remedy for women's ills. At dr.uggWts, sl. 00 It's the highest standard of quality, a natural tonic cleanse yon system, reddens the cheeks, bright ens the eyes gives flavor to all you eat Hollister.s Rocky Mountain Taa will do this for 701135 cents, Tea or Tablets J. M. Co Robcrson ville. A tissue builder, reconstructor, build up waste force, makes strong nerves and muscle, you wl.l realize after taking Hollister's Rocky Moun tain tea what a wonberful benefit it will be to you. 3s cents Tea orTab lets. J. M. Whiter* &Co Roberson ville it's a good old world after all, If you have no friends or money, In the river you can fall. Marriages are quite com IT on and. More people therebyould be, provided you take Rocky Moun tain Tea. or J. M. Whiters Co. Robersonvilie. . .i U Pile* »f people have Pile*. Why suf fer from piles when fan can u»e De witt's Carboli*ed Wilch Hazel salve and get relief Nothing else so good. Beware of imitation. See that the name is stamped on each box sold l.jr S. R. Msgs. Senator Rayner is opposed to the extension of the Piesidential power plant. Use a little K Jl>OL after your 'neals anl .twill l>e found to afford a prompt and' llicienl relief, KuDUL nearly approximates the digestive jui, e- It nge»ts whiit you eat/ It is sold on a guaranteed ieliei plait, Sold here bf K. ifiggs. The Houston Pw-t says: !'The Massachusetts mm who pawnta uis glass eye for two diinks, prob ably wanted to get blind drunk". A Villlfcle LISSOI "j,ix years ago I le.irned a val able lesson, 1 ' Wr tet> J hn pleasant »f vingnolia. Ind " I then tHkini; Dr. King's New . ife Pills and tl>e longer 1 take them (he better I find them.'' 1 hev please ever) body. Guaranteed at S K. IJiggf dr ggist »5c Mr. Bryan is engaged to delivet 86 lectures nt $5lO per. Mr. Bryan may not need any outride help ii. his campaign fund next lime. Sklii Disiist if Tviilf Yeirs SUM lug Cured I want you to know how in ich Chamberlain's Salve bus done fo r me. It has cured my face of a skin diseases of almost twenty years' standing. I have been treated by ieveral as smart physician sas w, have in this country and they did me no good, htit two boxes of this salve lias cu ed me.—Mra. Fannn Gtili'en, 'l'roy, Ala. Chamberlain,s Stflve is tor sale by S. K. Biggs Carrie Nation, now in Atlanta, says she does not care to talk to the higher classes. She wants to go down into the slums. Carrie generally manages to have a presh agent whet*she goes on these ext»e ditions. What t« do When Bilious The right thing to do wli* n you feel bi ioua is to t;ike a ibo.e of (.'humber liiin's Stomach and l.iver Tablffli*. They will cleanse the stomach anil regulate the liver and bowels. Try it. Price. 15 cents, les free ai ■>. R. Uiggs' durg store. The opposition of the N. Y Sun lo a national child labor law, is making some people suspect that the law may lie a good tiling. Nil|lbort got Fooled "I wa* literally coughing myself to death, and had become too weak to leave my bed; and neighbors predicted that I would never leave it alive; hut they got faolel. lor timnk* be to God, 1 was induced tc try Dr. King's New Discovery, il took just four one dollar bottles to completely cure the cough and re store me to good Round health." writes Mrs. Eva Uncapher, of Grover,town, Stark Co .Ind. This King of cough and cold cures and healer of throat and lungs is guaran teed by S. R. Biggs Diuggist. 50c. and $1 00. Trial bottle free, CITY BARBER SHOP J. H. HYMAN, M e r. Main Street First Class Shop 5 Chairs Everything Clean and in Order PRESSING CLUB We are running a pressing club in connection with our liarber shop and have an experienced presser and cleaner in charge. Qive us Your Work LAD IEJS Reliable Emulator In Gase of fire you want to 1* protected. In case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want some thing to live on besides I >or rowing. Let lis Come to Vour Rescue We can insure yon against Joss from Fire, Death and A ccldcnt We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can hond you lor any office requir ing l*>nd Noil Bit Best CoßDinlej Riorcsialetf K. 13. GRAWrORDI INSURANCE AGENT, | Godard Bui'ding A CUARANTICD CUM FOR PIL«« ItchlliK, Ulind, Utvpilini; film, Drug gist* Hrf nuthori/.t-d to refund ninnrv if PAZOOtNTMBN'f fail* to eur* in 6 to 14 days. v»'. l-v«6-i» B3| ■IUUIuA Taere* letter er.rjiH.tUe. rZXTtZL. M | SOLD BY S. H. BIGfJR SSBBHH *»>«t TKA»CMAi';n9 ™ ♦ 2HTW •li -ou*ii »•», lit tto l.u. Wc iiin.il PAI .HTB H THAT PA*,' Wri-tiro 11,.*,. h.uvu«Mlj Inil •i' , iukl li«»|i you to nuvi*. toad m-M. |iii.n«or *ki t« h for fRCS I Oil pMrnUMA'.y. W Jv+r* pi art -«. 4|R- I PAtIINQ RCTERCNCfD. PurfiM ■ M">.k (Hi I'rofltftM*' I'niuNta wrlti to KOl-80l S.v.nth Str «t, I '.U'a(«da I uory killthecouc K : and CUREJme Luri • v,n Dr. King's : New Discovery ' M _ /Consumption ph.# I FOR I OUr,IIS and EOc 411.00 ; w Fret Trial. 1 Bureat and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY EACI r . ' CURES RHEUMATISM LUHMO, SCIATICA NEURALGIA and KIDNEY TROUBLE "HHH" taken lateraallr. Ildnlie blood of IM roltonon* nutter aud terns •bin* •re Um direct rtuset «( ibeee 'iniuM Applied wMimell; tl affords anneal lo- HHlrelief Ironuelt. whilet ieriutiMiil ear* It belnc elUvtert br pur-l5io« the blood. dtta>Ttln« the mleoaoue «üb atanca tad canetlac It from me .reus. DR. •. O. GLAND Of Bieeiee, Oa., wrtteet -I M IWIWT tor«i«—>»»> >MI tell U»>M« tad IhtMMi M mi IM Hi mini trMrf «H M r*»«Uw •►MI »""W ptMiiKiiMiui m «■» m—iw«e ilSiiwWrftX Mctßhvrfota««.karMae Mtlu itai U. retMt mJini Ira*. HktSaore - | stUp—iMiiSMrfe FREE n Tea are enftxrlnf with Rbrumtt'na. NeuralnUk Kldner TrouWe o* tal kin dred dlwaaa, write to in ror w trial bottle oT VDttOPS/aad teetltrooreelf. " I-OROPS" eta be need tor lent* of Matt without acquiring a "draa habit." ta It la eatlroly free of m|iw. aoeaipa. alooMl. ltudeaum, aad other atallar Iwredlenta. s*ttso« wtnuTM mm aenpun. NiM. laeietoMnSiCMNn. (■■II 111 ■ - .... . DP.N.VIS 8. BIGGB, President * Treasure r ASA T. CRAWFORD, Secretary. T. W. -TII,fiHMAN, General Manager. The ■ • qp Dennis Simmons Lumber Co. MANUFACTURERS OF §" Kiln Dried N. C Pine Lumber DENNIS SIMMONS BRAND CYPRESS SHINGLES ""■■■■ mm — m-mmmmmmmmmmmmm M wm OHMItS ANI) CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WILLIAMSTGN, N. C. Suffolk Peed and Fuel Company. «urrOL.K, VIRGINIA DKALKRS IN Corn, Oats, Hay. Cement, Lime, Coal, Meat and MeaJ We Can Supply You on Short Notice. Give Ui Your Orders . G. T. BRAN I LEY, Local Representative You Will Find U» the Same Duting 1907 that You Did During 1906 - - WOOLARD'S - - Combined Harrow and Cultivator Pl A SAVING OF ONE J HORSE AND TWO h HANDS f] USf Wwks Both Riiln of the Row at the JJ Same Time Rrcak* the Clod* ami Cultivates With IjsJ I ** rV '' WHAT EVERY FARMER NEEDS For Cotton, Corn ami Rico; and the very thing Truclt Gardners need. Soils on Its Merits When Seen at Work. All Kinds and Sizes Tobacco Flues Made to Order. Fur Information and Prices Call on, or Address, J.U. WOOLfIRD, 3-9-tf Williamston, |/V. C. CONCRETE BLOCKS Walls built of litis materia! arc nitTch more beautiful than brick, in.sttad of cmml.liiiK with age thev harden Inter ior walls dry. Our business is to come to votir ttwn, make the blocks on your own lot and build you an everlasting and beauti ful lioi.s. at a moderate coj.t. (iive n> an idea i>f your wants, and our architect will pre pare a view according to your idea. Let us hear ftom von right now for cold weather does not stop us from making blocks. Eureka Building Block Company, 2-8* Jm Graham, N. C. Statement of the Condition of BANK OF ROBERSONVILLE At the clot* of business Saturday, Jauuary 26, 1906. RK.iOURCKS. 1 LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts #36,457 .sJcapitalstock Jivooo.oo Overdrafts i.766.4«Surplu» fund ,t.79> 00 R'k'ng House, P. «n,l fixture. 3.753.75| LTm,ivi,H P rof,t " l >*» *5 Due from t«nk* and bunk.m »|, 175. J Time certificate, of deposit J.0^.00 Cn.h it.'WM "tt #7i,*«J.i |h j * ; #71,113.16 State ot North Carolina-*C«unty of Martin. 1, J. C." Robert»on, cashier of the above named bank do solemnly »wear that the a bow kUUuient la true to the beat ot my knowledge and belief. J. C. ROBKRTSON, Caahier. Suhscritwd and sworn to before me this 5 day of January 1907. S. L. ROSS, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: 8. I!. Harßrove. A. a aoberoonand J. H. Rnbertaon Jr.. Director*. J. H. SPELLER, ■■ DHM.F.R IN Wood, Shingles, Poultry, /HuumEiiX Eggs and Furs. I I (WHISHETJ —" ~ \ i vWdSS? J TO cuat A COLO IN ONB OAV \ QuMty X *ake Wxs. Urujfßirt* rM'iiwt inont; if it faila 10 cute. B. V. (iKUVK'S signatHre on >he b£. »sc. ; . | For sale bv J. W. Watta & Co.

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