-THE ENTERPRISE. -i • ♦ - , ■ Friday, March i> IQO7 THE BOARD OF r GOVERNORS" ""Jamestown Exposition selected for the official piano of the » Exposition, the toned' I ' stsbff-piano.: These .gund instruments will lie usedfcxcftriitdVin : Hall] and other music rooms. This selection did credit to the' Board of Governors. You will show like good judgment if you also select the —Stieff Piano Write for particulani and prices. The Piano With the Sweet Tone. CHAS. M. STIEFF, 156 Grauby St. NORFOLK, VA. LO AL BRIEFS. —EI Coreso. —Watch the straws. . Taffy-Tolu Gum. The Best. —Read the new ads. in this issue —Congratulations to Mr. C. D. Carstarphen, it i»C. D. the fourth. .. Dore Mystic Mndley Co, left Thursday morning for Eufield —.Read the ad of the North State L,ife Insurance Co. in this issue. " • » « —The well-digging QtilGlis here The"pipe is'hefe. But the Well has . yetjnajl. its m thirst. •••—-iPetd* ..Warranted lk-eds, Crop Lieus, Chattel Mort gages, order Books, etc., printed for sale at this office. —Gardening has begun. This is the season when nearly every one who has a garden spot is busy plowing and planting. ' --Ask for El Coreso. —Messrs. S. S. Brown, R, W. Clary. R~J. Peel, J. H, ,Hattou, and W. C. Manning- attended the Masonic funeral of Mr. Offa Hy man at Hamiltou Monday. —The management of the skat iug rink announces that they will, during the cold weather, run the rink from 3:30 to 5:30 iu the after noon instead of at night. —Chew Tatty-Tolu Gum, —The Messrs. Gardner, who will have charge of the buggy plant were in town this jweek and made arrangements for the early starting of the plant. It is under stood that the plant will be located 011 the corner of Railroad and Smitbwick streets. . —Smoke El Coreso the Best 5. Cent Cigar. —The Francis-Eure-Veneer Co. , - hasleased the Southern VeneerCo*s plant at the' river and will begin work Monday. The gentlemeu composing this company are: Messrs. W. J. Franci.*, M. K. Enre and H. A. Enre. They are all young men and full of energy, and will work the plant for all its worth. They have already contracts enough to run them for the year. If, however, they are successful In securing other contracts they will double their for* and ran at night. This company will use all kinds of wood except Cypress and Pine, and will- turn out practically the same material that the Wilts Veneer Co. at Plymouth turned out except the glueing. We welcome these gentleihen to our tow hand" wish them" lb* be ft - of success. * —Ask tor £! Coreno,- Refuse others. - ✓ TIM Ju4f* IJMS Forceful Lai(lM(* lodge W. B. Simmon, of Fiacaatle, Vs.. told the reporter that L. * M paint was Med on hi* residence hi 188*, and held it* color for al years; be fnrther tnore said that three years ago he was induced to ose another pa nt and is sorry - he did. becaase the other paint didn't make jrood. The Judge will now use L. & U. Mat, because he knows if any de - feci wiiili in Ufc tL Paint the house j The L*. ft ll."Zinc harden* the L. aM. '■'f~ White Lead and makes U ft M. Phsnt wear like iron for 10 to 15 years. Actual cost of L. ft M. about f».ao per Donations of £Tft kf. made lb churches. —Mr. Lewis Godwin, who has been employed in the Coast Line office at this place, is at Grifton this week relieving the agent thvre. He will go to Norfolk Mondriy when it is expected that he will be gven a regular position. Lewis is a fine, honorable young man, and the wishes of his frieuds here will go with bin wherever he goes. —The Woodmen of the World is a flourishing order in this town. Therela scarcely a meeting night that there is not a candidate to ini tiate. The Camp bus ordered a lot of hew paraphernalia and iuteud to put new life into its meetings. —Mr- Kelly, the artesian well man, arrived yesterday afternoon aud lias began work on the weft. The welt wiflT* boretl on Smith wick street beside the Godard building. Dora Mystic Llndlev Co. The Dora Mystic kindley Com pany greeted the theatre goers at the Masonic Opera House Monday evening. A three act comedy en titled "The Circus Girl" was presented for the amusement ot the audience. The company did not fail to amuse those present, for the ever-ready wit of Harry Undley usually is sufficient to amuse anv audience. The play iu its entirety was passably fair, but not near so good as Harry Lindley usually puts on the stage. The performance Tuesday ave uing, "The Girl From the Golden West"', was of the same character of that played Monday night, but was not nesrly so well presented. But for Harry Lindley's wit there would have no life in it at all. The performance of Wednesday was nothing more than a rehearsal it being the first time that the play had ever beetl attempted by the plav ers. The play was entitled, "A Daughter's Sacrifice".' It was really "Haael Kirke" under an as sumed name. The specirttidK,introduced were good;"h«*f were practically the same at each performance. GOLD POINT ITEMS. Mr. Elliott, representing Hecht Hirchler & Co. of Norfolk, Va., is here this week. Our farmers are busy planting Irish potatoes this week. Mr. J. L. \Veaver is repairing the old C, A. Crofton store and will soon engage in the general mercan tile business here. Mr. Joe Rawls has moved here from Hamilton. Oiie town call now boast of two first-class barber sliaps. Mr. T. S. Stalls contiuuea very Mr. Thomas H. Coflield of Rob ersonville was here yesterday. Constable J oseph Bullock of Rob ersouvillc was here yesterday. Mr. R. H. Weaver was in town yesterday. Miss Beulah I'eel of Bear Grass was visiting Miss Rowena Whitfield last week - • For Twenty-one Years Bonanza, Orinoco 222 Farmer's TRADE MARK Bone 1# have been the standard Cotton and - Tobacco guanos in the South— RCOIiTERIP because great care is used in the v selection of materials. Ask your dealer for Royster** RS. ROYSTFR goods and don't take substitutes GUANO CO "id to he Ji:st as good. See that Norfolk Vfl. trade-mark is on every bag. BIG DAT IN GRIFFIN CdebratlQi el Washington s Birth da?—Closing 01 the School and Speaking (Special Correspondence) Last Friday Griffins district ad ded another chapter to her illus trious history It being a general holiday for the people to observe aud celebrate the birth ol General Washington aud also the public school came to an end. The cel ebration of the birth of Washing ton and the chool commencement combined mode one of the noblest and graudest events that this dis trict has ever been heir to. The crowd did uot number as many as dip at some of our political pic nics, but the number was large. As toon as the sun began to warm the air the people began to gather at the school house which is on the same lot that the historic Smithwick Creek church »tands. The people assembled and dis cussed the general topics of the day until noon wheu there Was spread a haudsome diuner of which was. partook freely and at one o'clock the bell tapped and all gathered tb the school building to hear the address of the principal, Mr. Sylvester Peele. upon the life, character and habits of .Washing ton. He spoke at length of Wash* ington's boyhood days aud de clared to the boys of the school that the life of Washington should be followed for his traits are worthy to be followed socially, morally and intellectually. After the conclusion of Mr. Peel there were several reci tations and dialogues bearing upon the history of Washington which were entertaining aud instructive, and good for the moral, intellect ual development of the community. When the school exercises were over Mr. Plenuy Peel addressed school and said ih part: Mr. Teacher, - dear nthdfcnts, parents, ladies and gentlemen, 1 am before you to speak to you of our past and present history and to predict for our future. 1 am glad to say that 1 am a citizen of this district; when 1 say I am glad I say it with pride, for I have a reason-to proud of the moral and intellectual record of this district. I will challenge any rural district in the county, if not any one, upon the class of men turned out. We have produced as fine brain as has ever beeu produced in the county of Martin. We have in this house today as fine material to make noble men aud womcu and are we going to let this material go undeveloped; are we going td think more of the almighty dollan than we do our sons and daugh ters, are we going to cultivate field crops and let the minds of our children go untutored? No! No! I will answer . We must do bet ter in the future than in the past. We must continue t.he fight against illiteracy until it is finally blotted out froi» this community. There is but one way to blot it out, and that is by self sacrifice. I hope before many years we _ . ,T—»m- rair rr may have a school running eight months In the yeai instead of four. We Can h«ve it for the state stands ready aud willing to bet}* us. After Mr. l*ee! twk his sent the principal made a strong appeal to the parents and to the children to follow the footsteps of the pai-t and continue to improve our good reputation, for we must l>e not like dumb driven cattle but hewers In the field of progress. The crowd then sang: "My Country 'Tis of Thee, Sweet Land of Liberty." —Smoke El Coreso. At the Methodist Church Sunday Night. It was anuounced that the tem perance question would be dis cussed at the Methodist Church last Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. The rain prevented the services, and the subject of temperance will be considered next Sunday evening March 3, at 7:30 o'clock. ▲ trala «m halted aaar Mvardua, la Prase*, by tba praattuc* ou tlia Him of thousand* of craws aurao'l In picking ap rvfuM thrown ont of tin reataurant ear of tbs Itraaaburg express. The blrde were crushed tn saeh uumbera ftat the sngtM Wheele akldded, sad the trala wu temporarily atopped. Are you a Chuloo? PERSONAL MENTION. Dr. Wm. K. Warren l*ft for Norfolk Wednesday tnoruing. Mr. W. S. Rhodes of Hamilton Was in town yeaterday. Mr. W. O. l*amb, Jr., hai been at home this week. Messrs. W. J. Francis and H. A. Kure, of the Fraucls-Kure Veneer Co., are in town. Mr. J. 1,. Speight of Parmele was in town. Monday,. ' Mr; Potter of-the N. & R R, R. Co., was in town orte day this week. Klbert Peel, sou of Prof. R. J. Peel, is quit# sick at his home on Haughton street. Mr. Javan Rogetson is on the sick list this week. Mr. J. I). Johnson, who has been sick for some time, is some better, fie is now on a trip visiting his relative about the state. Mr. Staten Wynn is erecting a Cottage on Stnithwick Street. Mr. J. F. Cothran is lu town this week. Mr. J. I*. Davenport of Jatnesville was in town yesterday. V:( Mr. W. R. Whicliard of Green ville is in town this week. Mr. J. F' Stokes of Greenville, Manager of the Old North State Life Insurance Co. was in town this week. Mr. Theodore Hassell is visiting relatives in town. Mr. P. H. Brow of the firm of Browu & Robersou is in Baltimore this week buying Spring and Summer goods, The only excuse for buying anything but a Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking Powder is to save a few cents in price. 4JROYAL costs you cents more per can than Alum or Pho&r phate of Lime powders, but it is worth far more than,the difference So keep your biscuits, cakes and pastry free from the injurious, k effects of these cheapening substitutes. CJContinucd use of Alum means permanent injury to health. A Avoid Alum Ailments —Say plainly Jm* ROYAL BAKING JA? POWDER SOCIAL ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Biggs left! Saturday morning for Norfolk: where they spent Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Biggs returned home Tuesday, Mr. Biggs going to Baltimore and Washington. , Mrs. S. J. Kverett has returned j to the city after spending sometime ! with her parents in Scotland Neck. Susie Statou, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G| Statou, is quite sick at their country home 1 "Kelviu Grove". Mrs. Htissey of Washington, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. K. —Taffy-Tolu, that's me The Chappie What curious mistake* m*u make sometimes! I'vo Juat been reading. for Instance. Hint Columbus Imagined flint ha lmd iltx'ovnred tba Indite. The Msrrlcd Man—Ah, I made a worm* mistake than that. When 1 married my wife, I thought I'd discov ered lMTadlae. -(.'aaaclTa Magaftii*. BUSINESS ITEMS. I'OK SAUK- Old newspapers 2i> cents j>er hundred, this office. FOR SALE— Souvenir I'ost Cards, Views of Williamston. Apply »t the Kn terprise. FOR RENT—One four room cettage. Apply to S.R. BIGGS. WANTED—White woman for cook ing and general housework in a small family. Apply at Ihin office- FOR RENT—One nice five room rot tage with large yard* and good garden Eor term* apply to Mi-jt Mas. K. W. Short. FOR SALE—One 5 room cottage, un finlnhed, on Simmons Avenue. Por par ticular* apply to A-32-3t Jkssk Wvnn, R. P. D. Box 20 J. B. SPELLEK, , DEALER IN Wood, Shingles, Poultry, Eggs and Furs. Williamston, N. C.' TO CURE A COLO IN ONI DAV Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tab leu. Druggist* refund money if it fails to cure. B. W. GROVE'S signature on the bos. 35c, h. M. BURRAS General Merchandise F. K. Hodges bid stand one door above Blount's Hotel GROCERIES A SPECIALTY FREE DELIVERY PHONE 25 Oive Me Your Order or 'Phone Me You had better lake advantage of a bar rel of Good Flour at the Old Price— Flour, you know, haa advanced 40c. in .the barrel within the last 10 days. BRING ME YOUR CHICKENS, EGGS and POTATOES and you will get the RIGHT PRICES ROYAL 1 BAKING POWDE Afacfe from Pure 6rapeCream s^Tarta STATKMKNT TO TIIK CORPORATION COMMISSION OK TIIK CONDITION OF The Farmers and Merchantsßank At W'illiHmston, N. C., nt tlie close of business on January a 6, 1907. UIISOURCKS LIAUIMTIKS I.oatia and discount* Capital Stork #25,000.00 Overdrafts 6,87.41) 1 , . w «.. llaukinK Houses I'ur l'ix 10, 7 01.0| Kutul 3.°do°° Due from Banks 5,855.50 'WivWrtfrnfitJ ifcg* (.'ash Hems 495.66 Time Cer. of Deposit 30,035.81 t>ol(l Coin N77. 5" Deposits 60,095,87 Stiver C olt) . 770.1.1 ~ . . , Nat. ltaiik Noted ~774.x' t - ail " cf s I becks J6.96 Total #118,187.16 Total * 1U1H.187.j6 Hate nf N«*rth I. Frfttik F Pagan, Cjuhii-r «»f the* ul>ovc named bank, do nolemuly f»wcar tliat the Hliove itUleinciil i* 11 ii** tw lhr br»t of my knowledge mid I'MAWK H. l At.AN, CHNhier. Sub*t rib» d uud nworn to before n»c, tliia and liny of February 1907. A»A T. CHAWPORU, Notary Public Correct—Atte«t W If. Crawford. OeituUH, HitgM A Hanacll DKNNIS S. HKir.S, President. C. I). CARSTARPHEN, Vice Pres. * FRANK F. I'AGAN, Cashier. , _ Vv^O^VVVVV FREE FREE FREE To Our Patrons and the Public - We have made a contract with a large eastern manu r acturing company which enables us to jive to each of our customers old and an enlarge 1 portrait of themselves or any member ol their family. When their cash purchases have reached the sls mark, if you haven't already gotten a ticket, ask for one when making purchases. We have purchased the largest assoitment of frames ever exhibited in Wiliiamston, and will turnish you one at the wholesale ptice. Cardinal paintings, are something new. Take advantage of this liberal offer. We will oiler sbecial inducements to those holding tickets on Millinery, Shoes, Dress Goods Ginghams, Whiie Goods, Outing Flannels, Hosiery and Gloves. Do not fail to take advantage of this liberal offer and get your picture enlarged. G. D. GARSTARPMEN Jc GO. •■■■■HaHiMMiiiMiMaHaaHaaiai STOP *" THINK I ASK YOURSELF THE QUESTION Am I Getting My Money's Worth? You Don't Have to Ask Yourself That Question When Trading at This Store When you ire trading here you can test as sured that you an- always getting a full hun dred cents worth of the very l»est goods ob tainable for every dollar you spend. We ' want to impress ui>on you the fact that you can get more and better values at this store for the Almighty Dollar than you cau get elsewhere. Have a Select Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings We want to see you at 3ur store and will prove to you that you can Ret Better Values Here Than Elsewhere - BROWN & ROBERSON Ladies' and Gents' Furnishers WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA • ••• •• :a k rr,* s rV •

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