I ADVERTISING Your money back Judicious advertis ing is tbe kind that pay* back to TM tW money you in vert. Spar* in thk paper nwirw you prompt return . . VOL. VIII. - NO 24 Ikr SPORTING WORLD Wrestler Jean Baptists. J«g it Baptlste, the Ht. Louis wres tling iter, frequently uses a novel hold in bt» matches, a bold that requires treat strength In the execution thereof. Be raises a min'i legs from the mat (when his opponent Is on all fours) sad >trnm uoiTma ax wacrrra BOLD. secures the reverse of the ordinary crotch bold, ontf arm extending down bis opponent's tack. With bin other hand Baptlste reaches down and grasp* the back of bis opponent's neck and polls the bead toward himself. This removes the support of bis oppo nent's body, and Baptlste then falls heavily on him, bringing blm flat on the mat. Krssnzlein's New Plaoe. Alvln C. Kraeuilelu, the former Pennsylvania track athlete, has been chosen to succeed Thomas K. Burke, formerly of Harvard, as coach of the Mercersburg (Pa.) academy track team. Kraenslein not only is a great athlete, but has bad a varied and suc cessful experience aa a trainer. He was In charge of the (rack men at the University of Wisconsin for two seasons and also trained a num ber of schools lu aud around Philadel phia. He was highly recommended by Mike Murphy, the Penn veteran trainer, who expect* him to make good training tbe preparatory school ath letes at Mercersburg, Kraenslein has a great record as an all around track athlete, uiade not on ly while representing bla college, bnt with tbe Chicago A&letlc club and tbe New York Athletic club. Besides be ing a record holder In the low and high hurdle* and broad' Jump, Kraen slein has made good marks tn tbe sprints, quarter, pole vault, high Jump and weights. He holds the American amateur record In the 120 yard hur dles, 230 yard hurdles and broad Jump, his mark for the events being 15 1-6 seconds, 28 S-3 seconds and 24 feet Inches respectively. Kraeur.leln will have a squad of about seventy-five men to work on In tbe spring, which Includes a nnqibcr of hurdlers and Jumpers of promising ability, and he Is expected tn develop some stars out of the squsfl. / No Cantipsd Rsoee. It was announced recently tbat tb* board of stewards of tbe Intercollegi ate rowing regatta have decided to abandon the phAi of holding ceutlpad mc*s at I'ougbkMpsle. N. V., between crews from tbe universities composing tbe Intercollegiate Regatta association. Thia action was taken because of the small number of eutrlaa that had lieen received for the event. When tbe matter of holding a centl ped race waa flrst brought up Coaches Kills Ward of tbuiusylvanla and James Rlc« of Columbia w*rs enthusiastic over tbe plan and Immediately sent la their .entries, but the project was op posed by tbe other four collage coach ea, Courtney of Cornell and Ten Eyck of Syracuse being especially outspoken In tbelr stand against the plan. When only two entries ont of six had b**n received nothing but tbe definite drop ping of the matter remained for tb* board of stewards. Cornell Rowing thslls. That the otb«r collegee bellere MM Cornell cr»wi' victories on tbe water ar* due largely to the boat* they UN U demonstrated by the fart that when Coach Courtney decided to aell aome of the ihella to make room In the boat* house at Oaynga Lake. N T.. nearly threescore of often were made for them. After ail had been «old to • amaller college* Courtney bad to tell the other* that were clamoring for the boats that there were no more for aale. One of the orders for half a doaen ■he Ila nuae from Seattle. Wash. The Ithacan coach took pains to make aura that none of hla shrila went to any of the larger college*. Buys Picknel, i-.W/t. Plcknel, 2:'lftU, I ton of Allerion, that won a number of pacta* racea in Peuasylraala and New Jersey laat ' year, has been parrhaaed by D. B Hclfenamln of Elkton, Md. Fast Peeing Mare. George D. Beal of Jaaaestown, 0., has a rery faat pacing mare In Doro thea D., by O. W. D.. 2«BH She la ■ov Are year* oy «ad could beat 2:16 at a tfcree-year-oA Tom Stuarfe String. TOM Stuart, the Ohio driver, has thir ty head In training at AMallab part, Crntblaes. Kv tnelodlncr the crack | pacer* Grade, tAlhi. and High FOR THE HOUSEWIFE A Valuable Cleanser. It la not generally known that soap bark (a a wonderful cleanser-an good that It's well worth while mixing ready for use and putting away, always to at band. Buy 6 cents' worth of soap bark at the druggist's, cover with a quart of cold water and boll till you have a mixture about tbe color of weak coffee, about one and a quartor pints. If you wish to keep It a long time, then boll to one pint, add one and a half gills of alcohol, bottle aud keep on a cool shelf. If you merely wish to re move spots, rub off with a piece of woolen rag. Shirts, coals or men's garments csn be put ou s board aud scrubbed with a small acrubbtug brush. It makes a soapy lather which can be wtped off with a cloth wet with clean warm water. Press wbeu nearly dry. Value of Cracked lee. Fever patlenta derive more comfort from cracked Ice when tbe mouth Is dry aud hot than from drafts of wa ter. A bit of Ice laid on tbe tongue and left to dtasolrc slowly, trickling down tbe parched throat of Itself with out the effort of swallowing. Is Inex pressibly graceful. Tracked Ice should be the Instant re aort lu caSes of hemorrhage from the lungs. Ice Is especially valuable when one lias an inflamed throat rases of ton ailitis nnd Incipient quinsy are relieved and Indeed entirely cured by holding cracked Ice lu the mouth for hours at a time. Household Hint*. When placing Jewelry lu a Jewel bag It la well to wrap each piece lu tlaaue paper. This prevents scratching and dust from gathering. To set colors In new cotton fabrics dissolve one ounce of sugar of lead In eight quarts of water and soak the arti cles In It overnight. To remove the feathers from wild ducks dip them In boiling water, then wrap In a thick cloth. Tbe feathers are steamed loose In a very few min utes and tbe "plus" will give little or no trouble. Handy Medlsine Spoon. Tbe administering of medicine, espe cially liquid medicine, to cblldrfii Is a delicate operation, generally requiring the service-- of two persons. In most cases more of the medicine finds It way HOLDS coararrs sacuas. to the floor than dowu the child's throat. With the assistance of the apoon herewith show*, th« invention of a Virginia man, admlulsterlug becomes easy. Tbe child may struggle and flgbt. but there Is no possibility of the fluid spilling out over tbe edges of tbe spoou. It Is made lu two parts, the lower part l>*lug similar to the nary spoon. Pivoted to tbe latter, ad- Jscent to tbe twwl, la a cover which oorreeponds In sboi>c to tbe bowl of tb* spoon. Tli* cover Is cut away at one end, leaving a small opening, while the other suet Is formed Into a stem. Tbe edges of tbe bowl of tbe spoon are grooved to receive a projection on the edge of tbe cover. Wbeu tbe two bow la ars brought lu contact there Is thus no cbsnc* for any liquid In tbe apoon t* escape except by means of tb* o)tuning at tbe end. Tbe spoon can also b* placed ou a flat surface without spilling tb* contents. Cleaning the Hands. Ou* of th* most efficacious cleansers of sol lad bands Is common bran. Holaten a small quantity In the palm of th* band with t*pld water and well rub "it lu and over tbe bands. Waah It thoroughly off with tepid water, and th* hands will be perfectly clean. Oat meal and Juice of a fresh lemou are also most successful cleansers snd wbiteuers of the bandar A small piece •f tomato very sp«*dlly removes Ink stains from the Angers. N Warmed Over (least Se*». When you wish to reheat a roast left from a previous dinner put it Into a patent roaster or covered pan with a cup of stock and allow It to just beat through In a vary hot Wn. If an open pan la used, the meat must b* basted and turned frequently. Serve on a hot platter with a vegetable sane* served around It. Keeping Olives. Olives opened for some special oc casion when all are not required may be kept almoet Indefinitely If olive oil be poured Into the bottle. Tbe oil, be ing light? rises to tbe top of tbe liquid ID which tbe olives were stored and than keeps ont the sir. Watercress Per the Bleed. If you suffer from pimples eat lib erally of watercress. There Is no bet ter blood purifier. H atercross la rich In Iron and so Is very good for thoee who an Inclined to be anaemle. m - *v -- ®jjt dnteyrist WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1907 Isn't This Town A Pretty Good Town? If Not, Why Not? ' 1 " ' m ———J How do you like the town you live in I Pretty fair sort of place, isn't it? Otherwise you'd move to some other town, wouldn't you ? But you don't think much of this town, you any? Well, what's the matter with this town i If there's anything "Zr^ 0 "M" wrong, let's all get to- gether and right it. 1 1 All of us live here, I I PPvSo,/ I JIIM' 1 Rn, l wo ought to pull to ll i 11 get her. Nobody living 171 Q I j] Francisco is going to do pip J ■ any pulling FOIt us. I 4d some of those cities are | 1 doing a lot of . pulling - 1 ~ only pull a way HO in* of our beat young men as Jtt if | I the boys grow up, but VI IVI they pull away many of W1 1 our R H) ' American dol- Y \ iur-pi, which ought to be 111 spent right here, where ■JA ~ tb«y would do the moijis? good. ito book I Tho Mail Order Catalogue? Ah, so we thought 1 Now suppose, just for a change, you read your local paper carefully, watch the advertisements, and if you don't . see what you want ask the home,merchant for it. Suppose all of us trade at home a little more regularly. That ought to help make this a better towu. And maybe if we'd keep more of our money at home to build up the town we'd keep more of our boys at home. FOR THE CHILDREN Quicker Than th* Eye. The quickness >r anltua| motion is sometime* greater tlinn can lie detect ed by the human eye. It In a favorite amusement of couutry boys when. they mil find nil owl nit Hun on n stump In a field to walk nrnund the bird at a dis tance and nee bim "twiat his head off." As the boy circles around the owl seems to follow him by turning bla head, giving the Impression that tb* bead Is moving continuously In "a cir cle. As a matter of fact, however, as soon ns the owl's uec-k Is twisted suf ficiently for comfort he turns hla bead suddenly In another direction, but so suddenly that the eye cannbt detect the movement, l'be toad la not always sluggish. You may see one sitting a few Inches from a fly when suddenly the fly dlsap|*?nrs. and you cauuot tall where It baa ggpe. It has really gone Into the toad's month, l>ot the motion of Its tongue In taking the fly In Is so quick that your eye cannot detect It. It Is n famlllnr saying among natural ists that the stroke of the rattlesnake Is on* of the quickest things In nature. Qussr Things In Nature. Who can tell why It Is that the lone ly woodpecker, when be comes down from bis tree and goes to drink, atop* several times on the way and listen* and looks around before taking the water T Why Is It that geese are never run over by vehicles? A carriage comes suddenly upon a flock of tbetn In a narrow road and drives rapidly through It; but, although the geese seem to lie light under tbe hoofs and wheels, they give a flap of the wing* and waddle off In safety. It I* said tbat there Is no caae on record where a goose was run over If It had even half pi chance. Ants, as everybody knows, wag* reg ular warfare and flgbt regular pitched battles. And they a/«* In tbe habit of taking other nnts captive to lie used ai slaves. Why is It that these captives are black ants? Nobody knows. There are lots of things In naturs that we have yet to discover. Qsms of Jolly Miller. Tbe players decide among themselves which one of their number shall act tbe part of the jolly miller. This being done, each boy chooses a girl as part- Mr. Tbe jolly miller having taken his stand In tbe middle of tbe room, they all begin '» walk arm In arm around him, slnglig the following lines: Thees was a Jolly miller, who lived by himself. As tbe whsel went round he made his wealth. On* hand In tbe hopper, and tlx other In the bag. As the wheel wsat round he mad* his grab. * At the word "grab" all must change partners, and white the change Is going oq the q>iy*r Jias yoorti»lty of s*- •rnrroir h pmner r«r iiiui*ci(. miouid | be *ucceed In dolug *> tlx- one left without a |Mirtner must take the place ' of the Jolly miller and niu*t occupy the center of the room until fortunate enough to jet another partner. How Many Way*. At a young people'* party a boy pro poaeil that each member of It take tbe line, "All day tbe ainlth ahall atand for I ua Itealde the flaxhlng force," and aeo In bow many different way* It mlKht l»e written without changing the aenae. Suppose tbe hoya and glrla try It. They , will probably lie aurprlaed at tbe re. ault. One of the boys at the party re ferred to wrote the line In forty-two different waya, lieglnulng each time with the word* "For ua." When It*li remembered that there are varloua oth ur waya of beginning tbe line some no -1 tton of the poaHlbllltlea of tbe caae suggest* Itself.—Chicago New*. Daaultery. Tbe origin of aotue word* i* queer, almost to tbe point of laughable. Take tin* word "desultory," for example, wbi' h. 11* everybody kuowa, mc*n* dls couuected, or Juuiplug from o*t* thing to another. Straugc to aay. we get It from tbe Koman circus, when certain performer* rode two or more horaea and would leap from one to iiuotber. Tln-ae were called "desultores" lu hat in, and from that word came "ileaul tor," which, lu tbe aame language, mean* one who goea from one thing to another, aa In a rambling, dlaconnected apeech. Why a Chaatnut Popa. ! A boy wanta the editor to tell blui i why * cheatTilit i«ii>a open when roaat Ing and why tbe popping makea a nolae. The cbe*tnut |*>pa open be cauae tbe air In It la expanded by tbe heat of the Are, and tbe preeeure be come* «o great that It buret* the abell. The nol*e 1* canned by tbe midden ntah of air to nil tbe partial racunui produced by tbe explosion.—Ohlcaga New*. The Sandman. I'm aorry for th« sandman, he haa auch a lot to do. For people all don't go to bed at eight, Itke me.and you. Soma children nan atay up till nine—aome later attll maybe— And once I heard a grownup man aay he'd been tip till three! It aeema to me they're very mean, theee folk* that atay up late. Te beep the aandnian banging round. He haa to wait and r.alt So he can aend them off to aleep whan they're at laat In -toed. V I gueae aomettmea he almoet goea to aleep Mmaelf Instead. When I'm grown up I'll never act ao eeldah and ao cruel: fo go te bed at nine o'clock will be My solemn rule, ril feel more aaay In my mind. I'm very atire, for then It wen't be my fa'jtt if he'e kept up moet alt night, and when ,j From waiting In a draft he geta rheu roatlca In hla back ■e never will have eauae to aay, " Twas en aeeount of Jack!" —Woman a Borne Cempanlw I PEOPLE OF THE DAY Tho Governor of New York. Charles E. llughen, governor of New York, who lias little sympathy with tbe machlue style of politics, In never-# theless n Orni believer lu party organ isation. In n recent speech the gov ernor Mid: "Organisation In essential to aucceas ful work, ami no man would expect m CHARkIM K. HI'OHHN. any ivulltlcal undertaking to bo stle ceesful which IN not Hklllfnlly organised aud «isely • managed, but tile HUmni of political orgnnlf.nllo" Important iih la praetleal management, will de|iend upon It* Ideals. No mutter bow nklll fully constructed or astutely led the people will smash any organisation that ts.dpvoted to selfish Interests." Governors Hughes came Into promi nence In 11)04 a* counsel for the legl il lative committee tlmt Investigated tbe Insurance companies In New York. 11l tlie fall of that year be was offered the nomination for mayor of New York on the Republican ticket, but declined. Ijiat year he accepted the gubernatorial nomination aud defeated William it. Ilea rat. He was the only cnndldnte of bla party «li the atate ticket to ecore n victory. For tho Ladies. A bill wax panned by the house of representatives recently at tlie stigges tlon of Mr. J amen, the Kentucky peace maker, giving to a local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution the right to construct n drinking foun taln on the lawu of tbe cuatoina house nt I'aducnh, Ky. The preaentatlon of the bill led Mr. I'ayne, the Republican floor leader, to Inquire: "Whnt Is the need of a drinking foun tain In Kentucky V" To which Mr. James, who In no slow er of wit than of movement, respond ed: "Till*, I understand, la for tho line of the ladles. ' When It's Wicked. Burgeon General It. M. O'Reilly wni talking about the abolition of the ar my canteen. In consequence of which, he holda. Intemperance has Increased among soldlera. "The canteen," he anld, "was only harmful when It waa badly administer ed. You kuow the dancing story? "A young man of sober views mild to a pretty girl: "'I)o you think dancing I* wicked?' " 'Ye*,' aakl she, 'lf one dances ns badly ns you do.'" Fo* of Land Qrabbera and Boodlara. Fraud* I. Heuey, the mini who se cured tbe Indictment of Abe Itucf, Mayor SehtulU ami n number of their followers In San Friuielsco, I* a mi tlonnl figure. He gulueit fame a* the foe of the lund grubber. Appointed rUAKCia I. HKMtV. ■pedal United States district attorney by I'realdent Roosevelt to prosecute the Oregon land thieve*, be did the Job to perfection. Wheu bu came to cuat up account* be bad procured tbe convlctlou of one United States senator, two members of tbe national bouae of repre»entatlve* and varloua other* high In official life. Shortly after the disaster in Han Francisco, Heney waa appointed as sistant district attorney to Investigate Vie charges of gigantic grafting by public officials and political (tosses In that city. The Indictment* found show bow well hla work waa done. Mr. Heney Is a native of California and received most of his education In flan Francisco. When a young nan ha went to Arlsona and for a time was attorney general o( tbe territory. HINTS rOR FARMERS The Incubator. Set tlie machine level 111 some dry, well ventilated room, where there are no great extreme* In temperature; run It for a abort time without egg* »nd ret familiar with Its peculiarities, Itudjing nil the details; fill uqd trim the lump at leaat once every day; All the tray with fresh, fertile eggs and turn mid air them at least once every day and keep the temperature aa near 108 degree* ua possible, and no one with ordinary Intelligence ought to make a failure of the hatching bual uesa. It doea not require extraordinary gen IMR or ability, but no Indolent or carelee* party need apply.— American Poultry Journal. Box Stall Advantagss. Whenever practicable partition* be tweeu stalls should he removed, tliui converting tbcm Into box atalli. Many a good horse hua been seriously or even fatully Injured by being "cast In tlie *tall," For thla reason mangera should be raised to such a height that the borne cannot be "cast under tlie manger," or, better still, the manger should ho on tlie floor. The horse nat urally gutliera Its food from the ground. In a box stall natural Inclinations can be 'partially Imitated to advantage, whereas the old fashioned, narrow *tall precludes such a sensible arrangement. Poultry Feeding, Rice Is almost valueless ns a poul try food and should never lie ao em ployed. Buckwheat Is very much rel ished by poultry. The color and shape of the kernels are strange to them at tlrst, but once they know what they are they will leave other grain for It. Being deficient of flesh forming sub stances, It should only he used at In tervals ns a change. Potatoes should only tie used when they are the refuse from the table and never Alone, but mixed with some kind of meal, such as middlings.—A. V. Meerscli lu West ern Poultry Journal. « V The Stable Doors and Windows. Small windows In horse stable* should be replaced by largo ones, und these should be kept open or partially BO nlglit and day at all seasons, at least sufficiently to Insure good veutlla tlon. > *" > Doors should be sufficiently wide and high to enable large horse* to enter without danger of Injuring the hip bones or the poll. "Down at the hip," or the bone of one hip fractured, is not an uncommon consequence of too nar row doors, while many accidents occur from doors that are too low. Substitute For En*il*ge. t'pon a recent visit to Ontario I found that cutting hay before feeding is commonly practiced," sn.vs a writer 011 farm topics. "It Is claimed that It prevents waste, as efTt hay cannot he thrown out of mangers, ami other feeds can lie mixed with It to the best advan tage. 801110 farmers cut liny and oat straw together, mix the proper propor tion of ground grain with It. dampen It nud pile It np. In twenty-four to thirty hours It licgius to heat. Then It la eaten greedily and makes a flue sub stitute fcr ensilage." Mulberries In Orcharde. One of the characteristics claimed fof the mulberry Is that the fruit ripens over a period of several mouths. Tin tree Is a rapid grower, and jhe abuu dunce of fruit produced makes It spe dully useful for planting around sta hies 111111 chicken uud stockyards. As the fruit Is greatly relished by birds, n few mulberry trees planted In the or chard serve as a protection to otbei more valuable fruits.—American Cultl rator. Dairy Note*. Excitement not ouly checks the flow of milk lu a cow, but reduces the per centage of fat In the milk. Feeding too much bt bail, and feed lug too little Is bad. Never feed more than the animal will eat up clean. An extra yield of butter will natu rally follow tit* 1 use of richer feed If the cow has been well selected, but a similar result may not follow In the case of an ordinary cow. Productivity of Weed*. Weeds multiply very rapidly. A sin gle plant of pepper grass will produce 18.0011 seeds, dandelion 12.(KM 1. shep herd's purse 37,(XX), wheat thief 7,000, ragweed 5,000, purslune 875,000, plan tain 47.000 and burdock 43,000. The Im portance of not allowing a single weed to produce pood cannot be alluded to too fre|iientfy. A single hour's work lu destroying weeds may save weeks of labor next -season. Lime For Plant Lioe. Pry hydrate of lime, formed by slak ing fresh lime with Just water euougli to crumble It Into a Hue powder. Is used as an Insecticide. It Is still very caustic and fatal to the larvae of as paragus licetles, slugs or currant, pear, plum and other larvae, having a moist surface. Applications are best made lu the morning, while plants and Insects are yet a little damp. Sittings of Egg*. Eggs for sitting should lie as fresh as possible. If set the day tbey are laid, so much the better, but they should not be older than a week or ten days In summer and two weeks In •Jrlnter. Staler eggs may produce chick ens, but they are sure to be more deli cate. Medium sized eggs are the best. The shell should be even and strong. Alfalfa For Poultry. Every farmer who makes a specialty of poultry should plant a patch of al falfa. It makes excellent pastes fo? the fowls In summer and can be cut (or hay for winter use. A DVERTIS/NQ Your money back.—Judiciou* advertis ing- i« the kind that pays hack to you the money you invert. Space in thia paper aaaurea yon prompt retnrna . WHOLE NO. 367 Professional Cards. HUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Jeff rest Drug Store. OFFICE HOURS: 8 to 10 A. M.; 7 to 9 P. U. Williamstou, N. C. Office Phone No. 33 Night Phone No. 63 DR. J- A. WHITE. DENTIST OPPICK— MAIN STRICT PItONS Q I will lie in Plymouth the first week in every other month. W. K. Warren. J. S. Rhodes. DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OPFICK IN BIC.C.B' DKUO STORK 'Phone No. 2q BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. WLLUAMSTON, N. C. S. AT WOOD NEWELL LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. I). Biggs. Phone No. 77. ' "VIU.IAMSTON. N 0. wherever services are desire* 4prcial attention given to eisminiog and mak UK title for purchasers of timber and timber is ml*. Special attention will be given to real estate exchanges, if you wish to buy or sell land I OVOU ' PHONK4/ P. I). WINSTON S. J. KVRRRTT 9 WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW •> WIM.IAMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNEY-AT LAW RODKRSONVILLK, N. C. - - r * HOTEL BEULAH D. C. MOORING, Proprietor ROWKRSONVII.LK, N. C. Rates fi.oo per day Special Rate* By the Week A First-Closs Hotel in Every Partic ular. The traveling public will/ind it a most convenient place to ilBp: - ———-— _ . In Case of Tire yoti want to be protected. 111 case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. l-et Us Come to Your RMCII# We can insure youjagainst loss from Fire, Death and Accident We can insure your Boiler, I'latfe Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you tor any office requir ing l>ond None But Best Compnlss Riinssitil K. B. GRAWfORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Dank of Martin Countjr. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to 3 minutes; extra charge will jiositively he made for longer time. To Washington JJ cts. " Greenville *5 " " Plymouth 15 «• " Tarboro 15 «' " Rocky Mount 35 " " Scotland Neck *5 Jamesville Ij '• " Kader Lilley's IJ " 1" I. G. Staton 15 " " I. L. Woolard 13 " " O. K. Cowing Si C 0.... 15 " J" Parmele 15 •• J" Roberaonville 15 " Rveretta IJ " " Gold Point 15 •• J" Geo. P. McNaughton 15 " Hamilton 20 " For other points In Baatera Carolina see "Central" where a 'phase will be found for use of noa-tnbacribars. ' * ■