THE ENTERPRISE. | PUBLISHED «VHRV FRIDAY u ns uniniM ranrrme co. « UlUmaton *.C* ' ALFRKD B. WHITMORK, KDITOE. Kaured at th« Post OBkcc lit WlllUatatoa, It. C. m Second Claa» Mail MatUr. Friday, March, 15, tqo-j During tlie past two weeks we have been approached a number of times and asked the question if there was Diptheria in town. We have been told by several different persons that they had reasons to believe that there was, and had in consequence kept their children from school 011 account of the ruuior. The health officer has lieen in terviewed and his reply is to tlie effect that there is not any Dip theria iu town, that he lias not lial a case himself, nor does he know of a case; that if any of the other physicians have had a case It lias not been reported to him. We have made inquiry and can find no evidence that there is, or has been, a case in town. Of course, if there has been no case of Diptheria there could not be a report made that there was. But, if there has been a case and the attending physician lus failed to report the same, then that phy sician has been guilty of gross negligence and the people •should know it. We hope that the rumor is false and that the people will soon be satisfied that there was a mistake in the report. Very few people comparatively have arty adequate idea of the iiti ineuse cost of producing a modern daily newspaper, particularly in tin large cities of the country. Sotin authentic figures 011 the subject have recently been mode public and will doubtless occasion surprise t the uninformed. The "composi tion" (printers' weekly pay roll) for instance on the Baltlmori American is $2,00 c; on the Bostoi Qlobe, $4,200; on the Globe Demo crat, $3,000; on the New York Herald, $4,000; and other paper.- iu proportion. Bills for special tel egrams are another big item of ex pense.. On the Chicago llerald 11 lew years ago they run to $4,500 per mouth; St. Louis Clolie Democrat. $12,000; Snn Francisco Examiner, $8,000; Boston Herald, $(>,000; ami St. I«ouis Republic, $4,000. Then there is the white paper bill which is greater than the others combined. On the New York World it is said to 11111 $700,000 per year and on the New York American about the same; on the Chicago News about $250,000 anil on the Boston Globe aud Herald about $350,000 each; on the Enquirer about $366,d00, and 011 many other papers it runs from SIOO,OOO to a quarter of a milliou dclltrs every twelve months. '•'What is impulsive insanity?" asks an exchange. For full par ticulars, ask some married man who remembers the time he got up in the dark and stepped 011 the baby's tin rattle with his bare feet. An exchange suggests that we ought to name our battleships after our Presidents. Grover Cleveland would prefer to have a fishing smack named after him. At lh« bottom U ■ picture of a farm on which our fertlllaera worn not umhl Notice the very poor growth f "At the top, there la a photograph of thu field of a planter who boUevua 111 tha liberal uaeof ouly Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers. Baa tha mod, men (tend, and tall, luxuriant plant* I You oan tee many other intei e»tliu ploturue of farm's llketheao ou which tbo crop* of poor MM good yield* are 00mpared. In our Vma,pretty almanac. Aak your dealer for It, or aeod uadc. In atamiMi to pay the ooat of wrapping and poatage. Ineraaae jxiur yield* per acre" by ua tng Virginia Carolina KurtlUior*. Buy nooth*-. Virginia • Carolina Chemical Co. J I J gkihannrt Va. Atlanta, 0% Norfolk, Va, Savannah, Q*. I ferae 1 ' BalUntora. Md. Bhroveport, La. I The Family Physician The best medicines in the world cannot take the place of the family physician. Consult him early when taken 111. If the trouble is with your throat, bronchial tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Aycr'a Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not, as he says. J Ws publish our formula* m We banish alcohol / »-JPI _ W . from u»»r mxUctusa J/" S J W * ~r* # yott * Bilious attacks, sick-headache*, indiges tion, constipation, diwy spell*— these ■re some of the results of an inactive liver. A>k your doctor if he endorses Ayer's Pills In rhess cases. The dose U's t!', on? pill ft tedtime. i— V U l.y aaJ. O. Ayer Co., Low»ll, *»"- — Those numerous wrecks will bring the railroad companies fact to face with another great worry when all the good engineers and firemen are killed off. A statistician figures that crime iu the U. S. costs $140,000,000 but we don't believe that sum will even pay the lawyers' fees. Before a new design is adopted for the gold coins, a good main people would like to see what tin old ones look like. A Tennessee, preacher says that drink, baseball, the theatre and tobacco are all to be found in hades Now he ought to tell us soniethtiif about the attractions of heaven. The British are slow people The London papers have onlj published 72 ol the 1,700 pictures of Evelyn Thaw. The Fairbanks boom has gotten to a point where his admirers claim tlmi -'lie resembles Abraham I.iucoln. Iyooks as If the grautul-hog over slept himself this year. Do Not Crowd the Season. The first warm days of spring bring with them a desire to get out and enjoy the exhiliruting air and sunshine Children that have been housed up all winter are brought out and you wonder where they all caine from The heavy winter clothing is thro .\n aside and many shed their flannels. Then a cold wave conies and people say that grip is epidemic. Colds at this season are even more dangerous than in mid-winter, as there is much more danger of pneumonia. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy however, and you will have noth ing to fear. It always cures, and we have never known a cold to result in pneumonia when it was used. It is pleasant and safe to take. Children like it. For sale by S. R. B>ggs "Gen. Kuropatkin finds that he will have to whip almost as many people as Senator Bailey if the re ports of the Russian challenges are true. How to Remain Young To continue young in health and strength, do as Mrs. N F. Rowan, Mc Donough, tin. did, She says. "Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured me of chronic liver and stomach trouble, complicated with such an unhealthy coudition of the blood that my skin turned red as Itunnel.'l am now practally ao years younger than before 1 took Electric Bitters. 1 can now do all my work with ease and assist in my hus band's store." Guaranteed at S. R. Biggs Drug Store, jiice 50c. An Ohio judge gave a prisoner the choice of going home or going to jail, and the surprise caused by decision to go to jail was great, untill it was learned that lie came from Punxsutnwney, Pennsyl vania. Sued Hir Son's Llti The happiest mother in the little town of Ava, Mo , is Mrs. S. Rup pee. writes: "one year ago my son was down with such serious lung trouble that our physician was un able to help him; When, by our druggist's, advice I began giving him Dr. King's New Discovery, and 1 soon noticed improvement. 1 kept this treartment up tor a few weeks when he was perfectly well. He has worked steadily since at carpenter work Dr. King's New Discovery saved his life." Guaranteed best cough and cold cured by S. R Bigg* Druggist. 50c and $ 1.00 Trial bottle free. Tittir, Salt Miia ui Eeziaa. These arc diseases for which Chamberlain's Salve is especially valuable. It quickly allays the itching and smarting and soon effects a cure. Price, J 5 cents. For sale by S. K. Biggs. Congress came iu like a lion, and went out like a lamb/ Baptist Church ('■Hi>. J. I)o\v Ki.i,, Pastor. Preacliing every Sabbath morning and evening, except the first Sabbath evening, at 11 aui and 7:30 p in. Snbhath School, S. Atwood Newell Superintendent; every Sabbath at 9:45 The Lord's Supper every first Sabbath Church Conference every Second Sab bath. Preaching at Reddick'a Grove the first Sabbath in every month at 3 p in. At Iligg's School House every 4tli Sabbath at 3 p ui. The I,adies Missionary Society, Mr*. Justus Kverett, Pres., meets every first and third Monday at 7:30 p m. You are very respectfully and earnest ly invited to attend these services. Notice i North Carolina—Martin County, j Cor belt Iluggy Co. 1 vs. :■ In Superior | Simpson Hardware Co. ) Court I The defendant alwve named will take I notice that an action entitled as aliove I has been commenced in the Superioi Court of Martin County, wherein the 1 plaintiff, The Corbett fliiggv Company, | asks, i, judgement for #295 on an open 1 account 2, that an order issue restrain ' iti|{ the said Simpson Hardware Com | puny, or any agent or attorney thereof, from disposing of any of the goods or | other property of suid Corporation, 3, 1 that a receiver I* appointed to collect, \ preserve secure the assets of said Cor|K>ration and the said defendant will 1 further take notice that pursuant to an ; order in the cause he is required to show cause before his Honor Judge J. Craw i ford Biggs, Judge holding the Courts of the 4th Judicial District, at Tarboro, N. C. oil the and day of April, 1907, why a receiver should not be appointed of the ! property of the said Simpson Hardware 'Company, and a restraining order issue j forbidding the said Siuipsou Hurdware Company from disposing of any of the property of said Company until the final judgement in this cause. This Bth day of March, 1907. J. A. Hohiih, C. S. C. ; F. S. Hahsiu.i,, Attortiey for I'laiutiff. | 3 «-4t Notice Having qualified as administrator of 11. H. Bryan deceased, this is to notify all jiersoiia indebted 4o said estate to come foward anrt'settle at ouce aud all i persons to whom said estate is indebted will present them to the undersigned j for payment on or before March la 190# or this notice will be plead in liar of ! their recovery. This 12th day of March 1907. |-i5-4t J. It. Anthonv, Adm. _________ Notict? I North Carolina 1 In SupeiHor Court j Martin County I Ilefore the Clerk Iturrous A. Critclier, A4m., d 1) nets of •J. 1,. Itwell, deceased * I E. It. Swell, J. Davis Kwell, Harry i 1,. Kwell, Wilson Kwell, and Clinton i Kwell. The defendnnt, K. 11. Kwell, above named will take notice that an action I entitled ns above KHs lieen commenced before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Mai tin County to sell laud for assetts 1 to pay debts of J. 1,. Kwell deceased, I and the said defendant will further take ■ notice that he is required to appear be- I lore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin Co. at his office on the sth day SPRINQ swier Millinery Opening Thursday and Friday March 21 and 22 In the making of pattern hats our trimmer has spared no time and pains to furnish styles and designs that will suit the trade of Williamston and out of town buyers. We invite all friends and patrons to call J. L. HASSELL & CO. BROWN & HODGES Dealer* In , jS® •. .. . V Fancy and Staple Groceries Our stock is complete Let Us Supply Your Table Wants Free delivery within corporate limits 'Phone us your orders of April 1907 at 11 o'clock •m MJ ans wer or demur to the complaint in Mid actios, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in eaid complaint. ' This the nth day March 1907. 3 I J-4t }r A. lIOBM, C. 8. C. Notice By virtue of a power of aalc contained in a certain truat deed executed to tue byJKdward Jamea and wife C. B. Jaine*, bearing date July'l3th, 1903, and duly recorded in the ]|fegister'a oftice in Mai tin county in Hook GGG at pa|(e 485, to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith, ami tfce stipulation in aaid deed of truat not hav ing been complied with, 1 ahall expose at public auction, to the highest bidile, for ccsh, on Mouday the fint day of April, 1907, at twelve o'clock mion, at the courthouse door in Williamstin. Martin County, N. C. the following let crihed property. to-*it: One house and lot lying and being in the town of Everett*. N. C., adjoining the land* of David D. Clark and others, and bounded aa follows:- Bounded 011 the North by James Street 70 yard*, 011 the South by David D. -Clark liue, jm yards, on the Kast by Hamilton Street 55 yard*, and on the West l»v K. V. Kv erett line 56 yards, aaid to contain 3675 square yards. and being the aasie prop erty couveyed to Kdward jautes by Mr». B. V. Kverett, by deed, recorded in the Martin Registry. Thia 18th day of February 1907, A. R. Di'KNINO, Trustee. Notice By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Martin county heretofore duh rendered in a njiecial proceeding there in pending entitled, '"ln the matter of Stacy Cos, Naait Cox and Thomas h Cox, infant*, by their next friend, W. C, Manning the undersigned duly ap pointed commissioner by virtue of said decree will, on the first Monday in April 11907, (it being the first day of April) at 13 o'clock M., expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Willium»t»n, N, C. the following described parcel of land, lying and beiug in said State and county and designated as follows: Adjoining the lands of Charles Turner, the heirs of James Johnson and others, and lying or the road leading from Hobgood to Oak City, iu (loose Nest Towusliip, and more particularly described as follows, vir: Beginning at a corner of the Johnson laud on the north side of the couutv road, theme aloug the line to Cooper's or Johnson's laud to Sol Turner's line. thence with said Turner's liue to a stake at the head of "Turner's Avenue," thence along the line of the county road to the liegiuning, containing 53 acrea, more 01 less, and kuowu au the "Berry Brown Place" and beiug the tract of land des cribed iu the petition in the above en titled special proceeding, This 28th day of February, 1907. (i. V. COW IMCR, Com. WINSTON & HVERKTT, Att'y. VMt Notice North Carolina—Mnrlin Comity Aitilie Walker v». Superior Court liilw.ird Walker The defemUut above named will take notice that an action entitled a* above lias Ix-i-n commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County for divorce; aud the said defendant will further take notice that lie it required to apjiear at the next terui of the Superior Court of *aid county to be held on the second Monday after the first Monday in March it being the iStli day March 1907 at the courthouse of aaid county in Williams ton, N. C. and anawer or demur to the complaint in aaid action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. Thin 1 Itli of February 1907. J. A. HOBBS, C. S. C 3J2 4t ' „ This man bought a supply of tobacco with out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at less expense than cheap tobacco. SCHNAPPS has been advertised in this Some day they 11 get a taste of the real paper so that every chewer has had an Schnapps —theyH realise what enjoyment opportunity to get acquainted with the they've missed by not getting SCHNAPPS facts and know that drugs are not used „>_««„ they'll feel like kicking to produce the cheering quality found in ** the famous Piedmont country flue-cured themselves. who accept other and cheaper tobaccos cent cuts, and 10 and 15 cent plugs. Be that do not give the same plesuure. sure you get the genuine. SEED FIELD PEAS FOR SALE J. H. ROBERSON & CO. Robcrsonville, N. C. NEW LOT 25,000 El Coreso Cigars JUST RECEIVED Sold in all itorse in Williamiton NO DIME CIGAR ANY BEtTER » Its* a Milil Cigar aud of a pccu liarly fine flavor. Made exclusive ly for myself. EI Coreso Cigar Ask for it. Refuse Others L. E. COREY, W HOES ALE GROCER * • HOLLISTCR'S Rocky Mountain Tea lluggets A Buy Mtdltlat far Biy ?«■)• Briifi Qoldu Health sad RsiitwJ Vl«or. A «n»-ltle f,»r Constipation. larflr Mtk». U»« od KMaey Troubles. Plmnle*. Et-rinna. Impure Ba.f Brsath, Rhirciah BoivWt, Hxadacb* nil tbu-kacfta. It's Roekr Mniintai ITw in tab let fiirm, M c*ot* a bo*. Genuine mail# by lIoLUSTSa Darn Oomtakt, M»'Ii««. wis. GOLDEN NUQQETS FOR SALLOV' PEOPLE STRAW NO. 5 "Straws show which way the wind blowm." A short talk with The Business Men Well, Mr. Man of Business you say you ore 35 years old and have the bullc of your money invested in your busi ness, but that you desire In surance protection. Then we have just what you need, iu our new Convertible Term Policy ► At your age a $5,000 policy k will only cost $73-75 • >' ear - For 17 premiums you can net '2O years protection. But ► you also have these options. ► 1 st. Any time withiu five ► years you cau convert this in to any other kind of policy, and get credit on new policy y for every cent paid on this. * Also new policy will be rated ► at present age, or. , 2nd. You may convert to any other policy within 15 years without medical exam ination, new policy dating at -your then age. - Let us go into details. l v 8 B. T. COWPER U—■ ' * Life, Fire, Accident ' Phone No. 7 Office over P. &. M. B'k B'l'd'K 1 Ml . . . . ........ Fifty Third Year of BAUGH'S I ' ANIMAL BONE FERTILIZERS Baugh's High Grade Tobacco Gtiano The Leading Brand In the Carollnas for Tobacco Baugh's Afiimal Bone and Potash Compound FOR COTTON, CORN, PEANUTS, ETC. FOR SALE BY J. L. HASSELL & CO. WILUAMSTON, N. C. BAUGH & SONS COMPANY * . Sole Minulicluraci NORFOLK, VIRGINIA * New Store and Fixtures 1 am now located in the store two doors below my old stand on Main Street where I have put In an up-to-date line of Jewelry Store fixtures. I have one of the nicest selected stocks of jew elry, etc, to be found in eastern North Carolina. Repairing a specialty. THE JEWELER H. D. PEELE WILLIAMSTON, N. C. REPORT TO THE NORTH CAROLINA CORPROATION COMMISSION or THK CONDITION OF BANK or MARTIN GOUNTY WiUianistou, N. C., at the close of btuineu Jan. 26, 1907. RESOURCES, LIABILITIES. Loans #Rd discounts >97,453 7 1 ~ . . Overdrafts 7,430.91 Capital stock $15,000.00 Stocks, hoods, etc. 1,000.00 Surplus fund 8,500.00 Furniture and fixtures 1,868.00 Undivided profits, etc. 3,782.34 Demand loans *,072.89 Time cer. of deposit 31.914.66 Due from hanks, etc. 20,859.85 Us sub to c - k , 77>0a7 . 63 JBwfccoiu, etc. s. 5.539.27 suu ' t'ikyf' 1 $136,224 63 $136,224 63 State of North Carolinav-Coantv of Martin. 1, J. G. Ooilinl, cashier of the Bank of Mai tin County, do solemnly •wear (or affirm) that the above statement is tn e to the best of kaowl.tlxe and belief. % J. O. GODARD, Carter. Sworn to ami subscribed before nte j Correct —Attest: Wheeler Mar* this 6th day of Feb., 1907. tin, Jno. X. HasseU, J. G. Staton, C. 11. GODWIN, Notary Public. | Directors. i'> % '' mm» WHEELER MARTIN. President J. G. STATON. Vice-President. J. G. GODARD, Cashier.

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