♦: The ♦ Scrap Book Literal Obedience. R A young teacher who graduated from Che normal school la at June was asked CM day recently to act aa a substitute In a higher grade than her own. She graa a Httle nervous over the tempo rary promotion and was anxious that everything should go off In the usual rd order. While Instructing the claea composition she said: "Now, chil dren, don't attempt any flights of fan cy. Don't try to Imitate the thiuga you bave heard, but Just be yourselves and write what la really In you." Aa a result of thla advice oue little boy turned In the following composi tion: -- — "I ain't goln' to attempt no flite of fancy; I'm Just goln' to write wbat'a In me. and I got a hart, u liver, two lungs and some other things like that; then I got a stummick, and It's got In it a pickle, a piece of pie, two sticks of pep permint candy and my dinner." Woman's Reasons, Women have more of what la termed good sense than men. They cannot reason wrong, for they do not reaaon at all. They have fewer pretensions, are less Implicated In theories and Judge of objects more from tbelr Im mediate and Involuntary Impression on the mind and therefore more truly and naturally.—Haalltt. A DEED AND A WORD. A little *tre»m had loel it* way Amid the graa* and fern. A passing etranfer ■cooped a well. Where weary men might turn. He walled It In and hung with car* A ladle at th* brink; He thought not of the deed he did, But judaed that nil might drink. He passed again, and. 10. the well. By summer never dried. Had cooled ten thotiaand parching tongue* And saved a life beside. A nam*!*** /nan amid a crowd That thronged the dally mart L*t fall a word of hope and lov*, Unstudied from the heart; A whUper on the tumult thrown, A transitory breath, It ralaed a brother from tlie duet. It saved a soul from death. O germ. O fount. O word of lov*, O thought at random cast, T* were but llttl* at the first. But mighty at the last! w Charle* Mackajr, Sir Boyl* Roche. Sir Boyle Roche described himself on one occasion as "standing prostrate at the feet of royalty" and In a speech in the hoU*e of commons s*ld, "I amell n rat; I see It floating In the sir, and, by heaven. I'll nip It lu the bud!" Burk* on John Howard. He lias visited all Europe not to aur ivey the suinptuousue*s of palaces or the statellnes* of temples, not to make accurate measurements of the remains of ancient grandeur or to form a scale pt the curiosity of modern art, not to collect medals or collat# manuscripts, ,bllt to dive Into the depths of dungeons, to plunge Into the Infection of hospi tals, to survey the mansion* of sorrow and pain, to tako the gauge and di mensions of misery, depression and contempt, to remember the forgotten, to attend to the neglected, to visit the forsaken nnd to compare and collate Ahe distresses of all men lu all coun tries. Ills plan 1* original, and It I* as full of genius a* It Is of huuisnlty. It ivii a voyage of discovery, a circum navigation of charity. Already the benefit of his labor Is felt more or le*s in every country. Won Hii Bet. General Miles, lu company with a friend, wan walking down Pennsyl vania avenue, when a person entirely unknown to the veteran soldier rushed up to hltn and, grasping hi* hand, said waruily, "Well, Nelse, old boy, I'll bet anything you don't remember met" "You win!" coldly and laconically re ' plied Miles, ag bo released himself from tbe grasp of the stranger iind re Miiuied bis walk.—Woman's Home Com panion. The Weed and the Man. Uougb used to describe the struggle* of a man who tried to leave off using tobacco. He threw away what he had and aald that was the end of It; but, no, It was only tbe beginning of It. Ho .would chew camomile, gentian, tooth picks, but It waa of no nee. He bought another plug of tobacco and put It ID hi* pocket, tie wanted a chew awfully, but be looked at It and said: "You are a weed, and I am a man. I'll master you If 1 die for It." And lie did matter It while carrying It In lila pocket dally. Strategy In Ireland. A traveler engaged a chaise at Gal dray and had proceeded some dlstauce jwheu It came to a standstill at the beginning of a steep lucllne. and tbe drtver, leaping to the ground, came lo tbe door and opeued It. "What are 70a at, man? Thli Is not where 1 ordered you to atopl" aald the traveler. "Whlaht. yer honor, whisht I" aald I'ad dy In an undertone. "I'm only dissav ing tbe aly baste. I'll just bang the door and tbe crarty ould crstur will rtblnk he's lutlrely got rid of yer hon or's splendid forui. and he'll be at the top of the bill lu no time." . Schopenhauer en Discussion. If banyan nature were not base, bnt thoroughly honorable, we should In ev ery debate have no other aim than the 'discovery of truth. We should not In ,tbe least care whether tbe truth proved to be In favor of the opinion which we had begun by expressing or of the tOpinion of our adversary. That we -Aoold regard aa a matter of no mo meat or, at any rate, of very secouda- UlllltlC PUIS Riliiud & F. Crocker, Esq., now 84 |reaxs of age, and for twenty years [usticeof the Peace at Martinsburg. lowa, sajrs: "I am terribly afflicted with sciatic rheumatism in my left irm aud right hip. I have used and it di me lots of good. rj oonaequence; but, u thing* are. It U the main concern. Oar innate vanity, which la particularly sensitive In ref ere nee to our Intellectual powers, will riot auffer ua to allow that our first po ■ sltion nai wrong and our adversary'! right. The way out of this difficulty would be airaply to take the trouble al way* to form a correct judgment. For thin a man would bare to think before be spoke. But, with moet men. Innate vanity la accompanied by loquacity and Innate dlahoneaty. They apeak before they think, and even though they may aftenvanl perceive that they are wrong and that what they aaeert la falae they want It to aeem the contrary. Aa a role, then, every roan will inalat on maintaining whatever he haa aatd. even though for the moment he may conald er It false or doubtful. Ths Contrary Muls. A farmer In Kentucky sought advice from n veterinary about a sick mule. The doctor advlaed calomel, five times the dose for a may. "How can I make him take it?" "You put a stick of wood three-quar ters of an Inch thick between bis teeth, and then you take this rubber tube, put the colouiel In It, Insert in the mule's month, which Is held open by the piece of wood, und blow the medi cine down bis throat." "That's easy enough," «all the farmer. Throe weeks Inter the doctor met the farmer, who had changed greatly. He wan emaciated, hummed, ghastly and bundled in heavy wrappings. "Why, what's the matter?" said the doctor. The farmer sighed deeply aud spoke feebly. "That mule," he aald, "that cussed, Idiotic, fool mulel You see. 1 got re:idy Just as you told me, got tbo tube In hi* mouth ready to blow, and then," he paused for breath, "then that infernal mule blew first I" Thought* Breed. Hatred, envy, malice, Jealousy end revenge all have children. Every bad thought breed* other*, and each of these KOCH on and on, ever reproduc ing Itself, until a world la peopled with their offspring.—O. H. Marden. Preeldenting and Planting. ltutherford It. Hayes while president nud visiting his home In Ohio passed the farm of « neighbor who was plnnt- Ing polntoes In n patch near the road. The president, being somewhat of a farmer himself, noticed some peculiar Ity In his neighbor's slfle of planting, and after a few minutes' chat he called ntteutlou to It, and the old man nrgued the point awhile. "After all," concluded the presidents "1 don't think you are doing It as It* should be done for the best results." The old farmer rested his arm ou the fence sud looked steadily at Mr. Hayes. "They ain't neither one of us," he said, "above bavin' fault found with us, but ef you just go ou |»resldentin' the I'lilted States your way nu' I go ou plantln' potatoes my way I guess we won't be no wuss off." Lov* and Business. In I7l»7 M. Peter t'aesar Labouetaere, then a clerk In the banking house uf Hope &. Co., Amsterdam, was sent by his patrons to Mr. Hariug, the l.ondou banker, to negotiate a loan. He dis played In the affair so much ability as to win the esteem and confidence of the great English financier. "Faith," said Labouchere one day to Harlng, "your daughter Is a charming creature. I wl*h I could persuade you to give me her hsnd." "Young man, yon are Joking, for, se riously, yoti must allow that Miss Har iug could never l>ecoiue the wife of n simple clerk." "Rut," said I,abouchere, "If I were in partnership with Mr. Hope?" "Oh, that would be i|Ulte a different thing. That would entirely make up for all other deficiencies." Returned to Amsterdum, Labouchero said to Ida patron, "You must take uie Into partnership." "My young frleud, how cau you think of such a thing? It U impossible. You are without fortune, nud"— "Hut If 1 became the son in-law of Mr. Harlng?" "In that case the affair would be soon settled, and so you have my word." Fortllied with these two promises, M. Labouchore returned to England and In two months after married Miss llarlug and became a partner In the house of Hope & Co. Henry I.nbou chero, editor of Loudon Truth, Is hie graudaou. Sociable With the Pig. A candidate ou paying a second visit to the house of n doubtful voter wu somewhat surprised at bearing him say that be would support him. "Ulad to hear It," said the candidate. "1 thought you were ugalnst me." "80 I was at first," replied the voter. "When you called here. ; the other day aad stood by that pigpen nud talked for half an hour ye didn't budge me an Inch, but after you had Rone away, air, I got to thlnkln' bow ye'd reached yer hand over the rail und scratched the pig's back till he lay down wl' the pleasure of It. I made up my mind that when a man was so sociable as that wl' a poor fellow creature I wasn't the one to vote against htin." How Racine Made Friends. Do not thluk that I am aought after by the great for my dramaa. Cornellle *omposes nobler verses than mine, but no oue notices him, aad he ouly pleaaea by tbo mouth of tbe actors. I never allude to my works when with men of tbe world, but I amuse them about matter* they like to hear. My talent with them consists not in making them feel that I have any, but In showing them that they hare. Cum if StiMck TmHi When a man has trouble with his stomach you may know he ts eating more than he should or of some article of fooil or drink not suited to his age or occupation, or that his bowels are habitually con stipated. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Lirer Tablets to reg ulate the the bowels and improve the digestion and see if the trouble Juror* tor March Court Jamesville Township—E. E. Roherson, R. G. Sexton, S. L Ward. Griffins . Township—Jno. E Griffin, Jas. N. Hardison, H. T, Robersou. Williams Township— R. D. Jones W. H. Hopkins, e Bear Grass Township—B. S. Cowing, Samuel Rogereon, J. R. White. Will araston Township—A. J. Adams, J. W. Anderson, J. 11. Gurganus, W. W. Hardison, A HasselT, John L. Hassell, L. B. Harrison, H. D. Peel. Cross Roads Towiih — J. Bailey. Robersonville Township—Henry C. Norman, J. A. Powe.l, Eli W. Robersou, Ira D. Roherson, B. 11. Roberson, A. E. Smith, M. G. Warren, Howell Warren. Poplar Point Township—H. L. Everett, JacobSpivey, V. R.Taylor Hamilton Townahip—W. B. Bennett, E. Eduiondson, B. B. Slierrod. Goose Nest Township —R. E Early, A. R. Vick. The announcement that the artny is to dig the Panama canal, must have surprised the people win thought an army's business in time of peace is merely to stand around with a chip on its shoulder. Worktf Like i Chirm Mr. D. N. Walker, editor of that 3picy journal, the Enterprise, Louisa, Va., says: "I ran a nail in my loot last week and at once applied Bucklen Arnica Salve, No inflammation followed; the Salve simply healed the wound." Heals every sore, burn and skin disease, luaranteed at S. K. Biggs The scientist who claims that gold has a distinct odor, got hold >f a piece of tainted money Found it Lilt J. A Harmon, of Li/.emore, West Va., says; "At last 1 have found the perfect pill that never dissapoints me, and for the benefit o others afflicted with to'pid liver and chronic constipation, will say: take >r King's New Life Pills."tJuaran leed sa'isffctor. >sc at S. R. Biggs Druggis. Mr. Harriman's explanation of his taking over a railroad to keep it out hands ot speculators, is one of the creamiest jokes of the winter' Little globules that of sunshine that drive the clouds away, De- Witt's Little Early Risers will scat ter the gloom of sick-headache and biliousness. They do not gripe or sicken. Recommended aud sold by S. R. Williamston, and Slade, fones and Co. Hamilton, The Government clerk has reached the conclusion that Con gress can raise everything hut his pay. The wind of March have no ter ror to the user of De Witt's Carhol- ized Witch Haiel Salve. It quickly heals chapped and cracked skin. Oood too, for boils and burns, and undoubtedly the best relief for Piles, Sold here by S. R. Biggs WilliAms ton, and Slade, Jones A Co. Ham ilton. "Be good, and you'll lie happy, hut vou wj)l not get your picture in the newspaper", says the Toledo Blade. That is unless you are ussassinated by a street car, or murdered by an automobile. For weak kidneys and lame back use DeWitte's Kidney and Bladder I'ills. Best for lumbago, rheuma tism, bladder and other (rouble aris ing from bad blood. They cleanse the kidneys and clear the system. Indorsed and sold by S. R. Biggs Williauiston, and Slade, Jones & Co. Hamilton. A Boston minister thinks "we need more Roost velta". Perhaps we do. but we shudder to think what would happen if they got in to an argument with one another! A cross and peevish child is not natural.There is something wrong. Usually it's the stomach Us* Cascasweet and put the stomach right, and the sunshine will return to the baby'* face. Cascaweeet is best for babies and children. 30 dose* >5 cents, sold by S R. Biggs Williamston. N. C., and Slade. gjonc* A Co., Hamilton, N. C. ( DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? tidacj Trouble Makes Ton Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful !ii |i . cure* made by Dr. I —— J Jrj |i Kilmer's Swamp-Root, CW~'T| II the great kidney, liver li and bladder remedy. H[ T\yl fjf It Is the great medi rj fv |*| cal triumph of the nlne- LVn in toenth century; dls- Jtf"" ; mil covered after years of 1 ■ "ZZT Du scientific research tar Mr" Dr. Kilmer, the emt ' | i«-r. " nent kidney and blad * ' der specialist, and is wonderfully successful In promptly eurlng lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Blight's Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root Is not rec ommendedfor everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. Il has been tested In so many ways, in hospital work, In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief ana has proved so successful In every case that a kmc I*l arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and FlCm send your address Dr. Kilmer II CO., Blng-H hamtoo, N, Y, The regular fifty cent and Horn# w dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Don't mske any mistake, but remember the name, Swarap-Rool. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Blnghamton N. Y., on every bottle. The third termers are making o strong fight for Roosevelt, but it is not yet certain that "he is" ont of them. You should be very careful of your bowels when you a cold. Nearly another coughs syrups are constipating, especially those con taining opiates. Kennedy's Laxa tive Cough Syrupm\es the bowels Contains NO opiates. Conforms to National Pure Food and Drug Law Hears the endorsement of mothers every where. 'Children like its pleasant taste. Sold by S. R. Higgs. Williamston N. C., Slade, Jones & Co. Hamilton N. C. Mr. President, why not permit Mr. Oliver to open the door of hope with Southern negro ,abor? "In 1897 1 had a stomach dis ease. Sjne physicians said Dyspep sia, some Consumption one said I would not live until Spring. For 'our years I existed on boiled milk ■*oda biscuits and doctors' prescrip tions. I could not digest anything I ate, then I picked up one of your Almanacs and it happened to be my life saver, I bought a fifty cent bottle of KODOLand the bene etit I receive Irom that botlle all the gold in Georgia could not buy. In two months I went back to my work, as a machinist, and in three months I was well and hearty, May you live long and prosper."-—C.N. Cornell, Roding, Ga., 1906. The above is only a sample of the great good that is daily done everywhere by Kodol For Dyi.pep.-ia. It i# sold here by S. K. Higgs. Williams ton. N C., and Slnde, Jones & Co. Hamilton, N. C. A' Washington scientist claims that he has found a way of mak ing whiskey without a worm. What is really needed, however, is something that will eliminate the snakes. Faster and faster the pace is set, Hy people of action, vim and get. So if at the finish you would he. Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. J. M, Whiter# A Co at Roher sonville. Are you tired, fagged out, ner vous. sleepless, feel mean? Hollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea strength- ens the nervea, aids digestion, brings refreshing sleep. J5 cents Ten or Tabid*. For sale by J. M Whiter* ft Co.. Robersonville. Mary -Dark circle* under the fyea indicate a sluggish circulation torpid liver and kidneys. Exer cise and Hollister's Rocky Moun> tain Tea will make you well and beautitul. 35 crfnta. Tea or Tab let*. For sale by J. M. Whiter* A Co., Robersonville. A GUARANTIED CURB FOR PILK* Itching, Blind, Bleeding Piles. Drug gists are nuthorited to refund money if OINTMRNT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c. 1-5-06-ty jpe* ooumum*. or as In W« obuun MT tMTS ■ I THAT M»,niiii»a«»ii«ia« Mm ■ SalMM.|Uo«>liMlwril(t «M| 4* paflMMttty. M jmtt' fmUot. Oft* I fAaamo wtryiweia. **ft* SO3-So* ■•«* nth *U)*t,| WASHINdTON^ILI DIRECTORY Methodist Church Rav. C. LI. RKIRT. Pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Williamson and Hamilton Charges. Services as follows. Williamston—Preaching on the ut 3rd and 4tb Sundays at 11 a mand 7:30 pm Sunday School at 9:30 am, W. A. El lison, Supt. Prayer Meeting ench Wednesday at 7:30 p m. Hamilton—Preaching ou tlie 2nd and jth Sundays at 1 ■ a tii and 7:30 p' r. Vernon —Preaching t'n Ist Suudty at 3 pm. > .. ' ' Holly Spring*—Preaching tlie 3rd Snn ■lay at 3 p m. All fMends of the ctiiirch and the pu*» lie generally are cordial!) inviu-.l to at tend all the services. Christian Church Services at the l'hri»ti.m Church, Wi liams'on. Preaching third Sunday Ham ami 7 |>n Sunday School 3 p in every Sunday. Macedonia firnt Sunday* 11 a 111 au Saturday nam and 7 30 p m. Olil Fortl—Second Sundays and Sat urdays it am. jamesville —Fourth Sunday* 11 a m and 7pm. J. R. TINGLE, Pastor. CITY BARBER SHOP J. H. HYMAN, Mgr. Main Street First Class Shop 5 Chairs Everything Cleati and in Older PRESSING CLUB We are running a pressing club in connection with our bar!>er shep and have an experienced presser and cleaner in charge. * Give us Your Work m ■ CMes RHEUMATISM LHMMO, SCIATIC* NEURALGIA and KIDNEY TROUBLE "HNH" ulna Internally, rido iu« blood Of tbf potiononi nau«r *ud nHt wMofe ara tba dirMi oan»M at tkaaa ditaaaaa Apt Had iiuraally It aflbrda almost ts- Itaat MM trots ualn. whlla a parmaoaal •ara la 6atu aMaud by parlfylac tin Mood, dlMolrinc th« iwtaoaoaa aM •lanoa sad raatotlac It troau t*o iitMa. DR. •. D. BLAND Ot Bnaln, Sa., irritant ■I bad »wt»mwf»>intii tymm vita L—W«a uaHMailka la mr mm w) ■atti«r Iwa —dNal aaJ »m n—HM FREE Hmln saSsria* wltb EWamill—■ Neural* la. Kldnay Troubla or as? kla dreddiMaaa. wrlta to aa tor a trial boula Of 'V DROPS." aad Mat It yoonalf. • S-OKOW aan ba aaad any Imcth a( ttssa without aequlrlnd a "dran habit." aa u it aatiraty rroooffpiua. socman, alcohol luMteUA* IN p||)Mf too Lahn atr**V ' Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup CONTAINS HONEY AND TAR Raliavas Cold* by working thsm out of th« system through a copious and haalthy action of tha bowel*. Relists* Cough* by cleansing tha mucous msmSrans* of th* throat, chest and bronchial tubas. "A* »lmn to *• taste as Maple Sagar" Children Like It For Sale By: S. ft. Bigga, Williatnstoi 'Slade, Jones * Co., Bautltoa. I To Care • Cold in One Day 1 DENNIS 8. BIGGS. I'resi-lent & Treasurer ASA T. CRAWFORD, Secretary. T. W. TILOHMAN, General Manager. The Dennis Simmons Lumber Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Kiln Dried N. C Pine Lumber DENNIS SIMMONS BRAND CYPRESS SHWGES iRDFRS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOUTHED WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Suffolk Peed and Fuel GompaAy. BUrrOL.K. VIRGINIA * DKALKRB IN Corn, Oats, Hay. Cement, Lime, Coal, Meat and Meal We Gin Supply You on Short Notice. Give Us Your Orders G. T. BRAN I LEY, Local Representative "You Will Find Us the Same During 1907 that You Did During 1906 -TgTl L * . _ " _ J , 11 1 1 ■■■» 1 - - WOOLAHD'S - - Combined Harrow and Cultivator A SAVINO OF ONE # HORSE AND TWO Ij'lVy Work* Both Sidea of the Row at the Break* the Clods ami Cultivate* With /RpClihTiTi " k •• Any Orili- WHAT EVERY FARMER NEEDS For Cotton, Corn and Rice; and the very thing Truck Gardners need. Sells on Its Merits When Seen at Work. \ll Kinds and Sizes Tobacco Flues Made to Order. For Information and Prices Call on, or Address, J. L,. WOOLftRD, '•9 tf Wlltiamston,\N. cW CONCRETE BLOCKS Walls built of thin.material are much more beautiful than brick, insLi ad of crumbling with age thev harden Inter ior walls dry. Our business is to come to vottr town, make the blocks on own lot and build you an everlasting and beauti ful house at a moderate cot-t. « Give us an idea of your wants, and our architect will pre pare a view according' to your idea. Let us hear from vou right now for cold weather does not stop us from making Mocks. Eureka Building Block Cojnpan^; 2-8-3 m Graham, N. C*. -•> "jr Statement of the Condition of BANK OF ROBERSONYILLE At the close of business Saturday, January aft, 1906. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts #36,157.81 Capital stock ' |i3,000.00 Overdrafts 1.766.4* Surplus fond 3.750.00 B'k'ng Hinm, V. and fixture* 3,751 73 profits 1,494 65 Due from banks and bnnkera 14,175.04 Time certiacaUs of deposit 3.0*9.00 Caah itorn a 50.60.07 De P odU 47.«90.9° ■ Cashiera 1 check, outstanding 48.61 #71,113.1t jute oi North Carolina—County of Martin. I, J. C. Robertson, cashier of the above named bank do solemnly * wear that the above statement ia true to the heat of my knowledge and belief. J. C. ROBERTSON, Caahier. Subscribed and sworn to before tne thia 5 day of February 1907. S. L. ROSS. Notary Public. Correct—Attest: S. H. Hargrove, A. S. R. Robertson Jr., Directors. /l,w\ 11 kill™* oouciiTi /HARPERX CU " B T " T**} / KENTUCKY \ ""Dr.Kings. WHISKEY New Discovery \ btMkn / ron V "***./sswrsns ' 111 T mtvl ' .. M. uh> «r mom baoc For sale by J. W. Watted Col

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