j ADVERTISING Your money hack.—Judicious sdvertis- 1 lag ia the klad that pays hack to you 2 1 the money you invest. Space in this | ! paper assures you prompt returns . . g VOL. VIII. - NO 25 PEOPLE OF THE DAY Spooner of Wisconsin. John C. Spoouer, United States sena tor from Wisconsin, who recently re signed bis seat, has represented his state in the upper house of congress for sixteen years. He leaves tbe sen ate to resume tbe practice of law. Fens tor Bpooner has for years been chairman of tbe committee on rules and a member of the finance and steer ing committees. He Is one of the "big four" that control the senate. While not a brilliant orator, Mr. B poo nor was always logical and con- JOBS & SPOON KB. ▼lnclng. Close attention was invaria bly given when ho spoke on legal questions. No man's views received greater weight lu the senate on prob ieiua Involving the constitution aud tbo statutes. Mr. Bpooner's service In tbe senate was divided luto' two periods. As a protege of Senator Sawyer he was first sleeted to tbe senate in ISB3 to aucceed Angua Cameron. He was defeated by Wllltsrp V. Vilas In 1881, the state leg tslaturs theu being liemocratlc. He was elected lu 1897 to succeed Mr. Vilas, the state having again become Republican, aud was re-elected lu 10(13. although lie had writ (en a letter de claring bis desire to resume private life. Mr. B|ioouer has at least twice been offered a cabinet position. Mr. Mc- Klnley tendered hltu the place of sec retary of the Interior to succeed Cor nelius N. Bliss of New York when he resigned. Mr. McKlnley also offered him the attorney generalship in IHOI. Both |x>altlons were declined. Senator Spooner's resignation goes Into effect May 1. Mark Twain and the Office Boy. In his early days Mark Twain used to take his "copy" rouud personslly to varloua editors, which gave rise to a rather good story of hlni toM recently. His dislike of Office boys Is very greet. Indeed, If there Is a lielng on earth be cannot tolerate it Is the average offlce boy. A abort time ago he strolled Into a big publishing house In New York nnd asked to see the editor. 1 "What name shall I give?" asked tbe offlce boy. "Mark Twain." "What's your business?'' Tbe pertinent question Irritated Mark, but he only sinllcd sweetly and said: "Tell tbe editor I wish to ask his hand in holy matrimony Doesn't Like Fiddling. Edward W. Carmack of Tennessee, who was defestod for re-electlou to the sauste by "Piddling Bob" Taylor aud whose term expired on March 4, was asked by some benevolently Inclined ladles to buy tickets to a musical en tertaiuinent for charitable purposes. "What kind of music will It bet" aaked Senator Carmack. "It ia to bo a violin recftal," was the answer. "Don't want them." aaid the senator. "I don't like that kind of music."— Washington Poat Idaho's New Senator. William E. Borah, who baa been elected to represent Idaho in the Unit ed States seuate. Is a native of Illi nois. He waa educated In bis native state and at tbe University of Kaa aas. Since 188W he has practiced law at Boise, Ida., with pronounced suc- WIUdAM *- BORAH. csas. Last year be was sppolntsd associate counsel to aas Ist la tbe prep . - a ration ot the case against the miners, * Moyer, Haywood and I'ettlbooe. who at* charged with the murder of ex- Governor Stannenberg. Governor Steu - nonberg. It will be recalled, was blown to pieces by a bomb aa be waa entering the gate of his home in De cember, 1900. Mr. Borah ia yonag to waar the toga. Next June he will celebrate bis forty seeead birthday Senator Borah's wlfo FOR THE CHILDREN Gam* of Thought Reading. This is a good It*®*, which If skill fully csrrled out will very successfully mystify the whole company. It la nocassary that the player who la to take the part of thought reader shall have a confederate, and the caine la then played aa follows: The thought reader, having arranged that the confederate should write a certain word, commences by asking four members of the company to each write a word upon a ot pspcr. fold It up In such a manner that It cannot be aeen and theu to pam It ou to him. The confederate of course vol unteers to make one of the four and writes the word previously agreed up on. which Is. we will suppose, "llsat tugs." The thought reader places the slip* of paper between his finger*, taking can to pnt the paper of hla confeder ate between the third and little linger, lie then takes the folded paper from between bis thumb and first flnger and rubs It, folded ss It Is, orer his fore head, at each rub mentioning a letter, aa 11 (rubi, A (rub), 8-T-I-N-U-8, after which he tails out that some lady or gentleman has written "nestings." "I did," replies the confederate. The thought render then opena the paper, look* at It aud slips It luto bis pocket. He has, however, looked at one of the other papers aud la there fore In a position IQ spell another word, which he proceeds to do In the same manner, aud thus the game goea on until all the papersjhavo been read. Fun For Boys on the 100. An excltiug form of winter sport in which Canadlau boys excel la barrel racing ou the Ice. Ordinal-}' barrels, with their beads removed, are placed at regular Intervals along the rare course for about a quarter of a mile. Then at a given signal nil the boys skate for the first barrel. Mnny reach It together, and as encli skater must crawl through all the barrels In order to win It la to be Imagined that there Is quite n scramble for first turn. Some times a barrel wheels completely around while the l>oy Is working hla way through It, and when he cornea out he Is so confused (lint he skates off In the wrong direction. Usually the Inugh of the spectators makes lilni real Iso his blunder, and lie quickly turns about and tries to make up for lost time. It la quite an exctlug sport nnd an In teresting one also for the spectators, as the I toys and barrels lioli alraut In the most amusing fashion.—Chums. Some Ways of Falling. A visitor from another city here on a tour of Inspection of the public schools came to a West Philadelphia school the other day wheu the pupils were writ ing orlglnnl sentences on tbe black board nud found an opportunity to air his pet hobby of avoiding superfluity In the use of wards. One l»oy had writ ten, "The man suddenly fell down." "What Is the need of the word down' Ha that sentence?" asked the visitor, "llow else could the niau fall?" "Over," promptly replied the boy who had written tbe aentence. "Backward." suggested another. "Against a wall." volunteered a third, "Upstairs," said still another. The visitor promptly gave up criticism and waa silent dur ing the remainder of hla atay.—Phila delphia Record. Our Liberty 8011. The moat celebrated bell tu the Unit ed Htates la that knowu aa the Liberty bell In old Independence ball at Phila delphia. It was Imported from Eng land lu 1752. waa cracked by a trial atroke aud recast In Philadelphia by laaac Norrls. On July 4. 1770, this I*ll announced tbe algnlng of the Declaration of lude pendence. During Its tolling on tbe oc casion of tbe funeral of Chief Juatlce Marshall lu 1885 the bell wok agalu cracked. Since that time It lias bean on exhibition In Independence bail. Science Finds Water In Trees. A specie* of tree Is found growing oa an island off tbe coast of Africa the condensing power of the leaves of which furnishes the sole water supply of the Island. In tbe forests of Waah- Ington state aud British Columbia trees bare also been observed which drip co piously through the night and until 10 or 11 o'clock the following morning, when the flow gradually ceases, only to begin again at or near sunset W Conundrums. Who are the men who have made their mark? Those who can't write. Why la a railroad exceedingly pa triotic? It Is bound to the country with the strongest ties. Why la there some reason to dooht the existence of tbe Olaut's causeway? There are so many shamrocks (sham rocks) In Ireland that tbla may be ooe of tbe reasons. The Man From Turvydom. There Is a land of Turvydom. Where things are turned around. Tbe grass grows red upon the tress, Tbe Waves grow on tbo ground. Tbe flowerr bloom In winter time. The people stand to rest. Tbe sua Is green, the moon Is square. And both rise In the west. A little man from Turvydom Came down to earth one dawn. He had on* ryo Instead of two, Two chine Instead of one; He saw things through his pig pink earj He beard things with bis eye; He walked around upon his hands And laughed when he should cry. ' He Journeyed up end down the earth Throughout the livelong day, And when the afternoon wae post gome people beard him say: ■To getting homesick. Theee queer folks Laugh at me like a clown. 1 go not Uke this piece st all. | For things in upside down.*? ' rw ♦ ®p (Mfrpnst WILLIAMSTON. N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1907 A New Aid Fable. This ia not a George Adc fable, though it may sling some slang. It ia a llomc Aid fable. Once there waa a Geexer, who sat around and cut Kindling too small for Cook Stove purposes. He Whittled against Time and Flabbergasted againat his Town. The town was No Good, he said—strictly on the Blink. Yea, it was N. G. Why, hadn't he lived Here since 'B4 and found that the Place was Punky? Sure, Mike! Look at that town over in tho next County. Grown like Jonah'a Gourd. Must be a Jonah here. We've grown some, but I don't see that we're knocking any particularly Big Per simmons. That's the way this Gaxaboo knocked his town. One day a Sarcastic Stranger floated Into the Town that waa Knocked from the burg that had Blossomed like Jonah'a Gourd. He Heard some wl got over all this Hum Business >, C*r* ago. We pusseil Resolutions that we would trade at home slut help our own town to Spread out so that you otrnld Sight It on the map without using Opera Olsseea. But yon and a Hunch of other folks In this town have wasted your Substance lu Hlolons Expenditures In Chicago by mall and let the sheriff hsng out the 'Nothing Doing* sign In front of some of your own town's mercantile Kmporlums I,ook at our Town and then look at youra. What mnltes tha OlfTer- Whereupon the Whittling Gazaboo threw u few well cho sen Thoughts into his mental makeup and went down to the village atore to Annex a linen collar in place of the Paper Circles which ho had bought front Chicago at Two Btt» a Boi. MORAL: If you want your town to grow, patronize home enterprises. Hi* SPORTING WORLD Hew Daniels Beat Hsndy. Charles M. I isnicls of the New York Athletic club recently defeated H. J. Iliindy of the Chicago Athletic associa tion In a I.QpO yard match race lu New York. Tin* [inter has long held sway In the middle west In distauco swimming and held most of the Amer ican records from dfkl yards to 1.000. When the first turn of the twenty flve yard Mercury foot pole bad been made Daniels bad already gained two yards on Handy. At the 100 yard 'Xd CHAKLM M. ("PlfgF-HSL") DANIKIX. mark tbe New Yorker was an eveu ten yards ahead of his oppoueut and bsd finished tbe distance In slxty-oue seconds. At 22." yards the New Yorker was a full leugth lu the lead and go lug fast at the records. Prom this 'point it was Just a ques tion of bow much Daniels would beat Ilandy's distance records, for tbe lat ter was plodding a long, hopelessly out of tbe race. Coming down the last length of tbe tank, the ma{£h waa enlivened some by a spurt between tlie two swimmers, and although Handy bad swum a hun dred yards leas than Daniels, tbe blond New Yorker heat him to tbe flual math, winning by a shade orer 100 yards. All American records from 230 yards up to and Including 1.000 yards were shattered. Daniels' time for the whole distance waa 13 minntes 213-5 seconds, displacing Handy's old figures of 14 minutes 4 ssffmds. The westerner fin ished his 1.000 yards In IS minutes 6 seconds. The Trotting Breeders' Association. of the Flabbergasting and Dropped to the sit uation. "Look here, you." he remarked to the dtlien who was Hsndlng Out the Knocks, "What do you do for this town? Are you doing your part to put this Hurg on the Upgrade? What's that hefty Bunch of litera ture sticking out ot your Clothes?" • "That's a Mall Order Catalogue from Chi cago—a town that Is a town." replied the (les ser. "80 I thought." said the Impertinent Arriv al. "Now let me hand you out a nlcs little Wad of common sense. Tor the |«ist ten years you have been Binding your money to the Chi cago Mall Order houses Instead of spending It among your home mer chants. What would have happened to Chi cago fifty years ugo If all the First Settlers Itsd shipped their I.OOS* Coin to New York on catalogue Inducements? Why, you'd have to use a sand dredger nnw to find the Orlglnnl Kite of Chicago. Now, In the lturg from which I hsve Just HI own in we miKT.7TS" *Krf>r*Tm> greater m (bis country In apite of the fact th»C It lias never jiad the aid of it national organi zation mich OH those which have fur thered the lntere*!* of other hrancbea of the live stock lnduatry It wa* to fill thla long felt want that the Ameri can Aaaoclatlou of Trotting Horse Breeder* wa* formed. The object of the organization la well atated In a circular letter aent out liy Secretary 11. K. Itevereu*. It In "to further the Intercut* of the American trotter in North America aud to leud lta aid In making him greater through out the world." All plana have not been fully ma tured, hut one of tbe certalntlea In clude* an annual horn* fair where breeders from all parte of the country will be brought together. The organization should al*A be a power In leglalatlve matters, and It la entering tbe Held nt a time when thla line of effort la much needed In atatea where aome mlnguldcd people are do- In e tnuch to hamper the breeding In dustry. It la to the beat lntcreat of erery breeder In tbe country to Itecome a member. Millionaire Mackay Qata Cup. Clarence 11. Mackay of the New York Racket aud Teuula club recently de feated Oeorge 11. Brooke of tbe Phila delphia Itacket club In til* champion ahlp r.Mind for tbe gold racket In atraigbt seta by the acore of 15—8, 16—8, IH—la, at Tuxedo Park, N. Y. By hla victory Mackay become* the permanent owner of tbe S6OO gold tro phy, which waa offered for eom|ietitlou by Euatace H. Mllaa, tbe Uugllah chain plon, during hla atay at Tuxedo Park a few yeara ago. Many of the former national racket champbma have been •ucceaaful In competition for tbe price, which la aecoml only In importance to the national chumploiialilp. Mackay won lu 11105 and IttOfl. and Brooke de feated Oeorge L. Wrenn a few daya ago in the final round for the all com era' prize. Mulford a New Billy Sunday. Ren Mulford, formerly one of the moat widely known aportlng wrltera of tbe country, threaten* to become an other Billy Hunday. lie baa a new "talk," which he calla "Running Llfe'a Baaea." One thouaand men heard hls> deliver tbe addre** at the Falrbanka theater, Bprlngfleld. 0., recently. Moat of tbe thirty-third degree baaeball fan* were there. MoFarUfi Daniaa Deal Paneling. Secretary Mcfarlan of the New Memphis Jockey club recently gare official denial to the report that a deal bad been eonaummated or waa pend ing toward Cella. Adler and Ttlleepnr cbaalng Montgomery i>ark. Amarieana Loae Cheea Match. America loat tbe recent International cable chaae match with tbe Britiah team, tbe British acore. being tyt to 4% for tbe Americana. HINTS FOR FARMERS Molasses Fsr Beef Cattle. The Texas agricultural cxiwrlment at at lon has Just finished some Interest ing experiments In cattle feedlug. The results are summarised below: The addition ot molasses to a fatten ing ration always produced an In creaaed gain. The addition of molasses to a ration of cottonseed meal and bulls lowered the cost of gain. When molaaaes was added to a bal anced ration It gave larger galna and Improved the appearance of the cattle, but did not lower the coat of gain. There waa no undealrable result from feeding yearling steers one gallon of molasses each per day, and there Is good reason to Itelleve that larger amounts might be naed. The Cars of Fesls. Never allow the foal to follow the mare when working, but keep It in a well built, roomy box. Never expect the foal to eat with the mare, but always provide a small box In the opposite corner to feed the foal In. Accustom the colt to lielng handled by having a hulter ou and occasionally taking hold of It when feeding the mare. Never wean the foal too quickly, but by degrees. It Is liest for both tho mare aud foal to take two or three weeks to do It. Peed the foul ufteu, both during the time of uml after weaning. Feeding Shorts to Calves. If you arc feeding aborts or bran to the calves remember that these sub stances should never be fed In tho milk. The reason for this Is that they coutslii a goodly proportion of starch, in tbe process of digestion starch Is acted upou by the saliva, which changes It Into sugar. Where such foods are mixed with milk and the call gulps them down very little saliva lie comes mixed with the starchy food, and conaequently It passes through the calf In an undigested form. The lesson is— feed such things as bran aud shorts d»y. Alfalfa For Cold Regions. The department of agriculture has beeu aearchlng the world over for hardy alfalfa seed for the extreme north, nnd on the wind swept plains of Siberia, far to the north, where the thermometer often stands 40 degrees below aero nnd where there -la little rainfall and little snow, Professor N. H. nansoii has discovered n variety of alfalfa and varieties of clover wlilch Secretary Wilson lielleves will Ist of great value for the dry land nreas of the west. The ~h!falfn Is extremely hardy nnd bears a yellow flower. .*• Bull la Not Everything. In buyiugtlie bull that Is expected to lie "half the herd" do not expect too much of blm unless the females be mates with are of a type analogous to hla owu. The full blood aire may do more than half, but ho cannot do It all, therefore do uot expect to seo tbe first cross duplicates of the sire unless the dam Is of similar t.V|ie. Be ginning, however, with any kind of cows, "breeding In line" for a few yeara will fill yard and pasture with tho kind of lieefers the market paya the best prices for, 'Money In Fruit. Orchards well located and In full bearing are worth anywhere from SSOO to 91,000 per acre, according to their location and nearness to good mar kets. Many a ten or twenty acre or chard has paid to Its owner tho full purchsse price with oue season's crop. Good orchards canuot be bought for auy price, became their owuers know that they cauuot Invest lu anything that will pay the same dividends. Tho Ags of Hons. The age of beus Is an Importaut mat ter. When they are old heus they will lay but few eggs aud will not iuy at all In cold or Inclement weather. It Is not advisable to keep theui fur more tliau three years, sfter which they should lie replaced by pullets. It pays better to get rid of the old bens after their third laying season.—A. V. Meerscb in West ern Poultry Journal. Shoeing the Farm Horss. The farm horse Is shod too much. Unless niiich road work Is required IRtle shoeing Is necessary. A foot keeps lu natural coudltion louger un shod. Tbe frog performs Its natural functions better. Tlie burse works more easily over plowed laud or lu mud. A hare foot cltugs to a door or other sllppory places better than a smooth shoe. Sheep Barns. The two requisites of a sheep barn are dryueaa and veutllatlon. Damp ness Slid drafts will bring ou pneu monia, and dampuess lu the litter will cause foot rot and kindred Ills. Too much best will bring tuberculosis. But once have dry quarters and plenty f air, and full half of the risk of sheep ralalng will be eliminated. Profit In Hogs. ' The hog la capable of producing far more pounds of meat from a given amount of grala than any other ani mal upou the term. If they are eco nomical In production, aell for a good prlco upon tha market and oue wauts to got an outlet for grain at a good price, what la lietter than growing hogsT The Ews Lambs. No matter what yon rare offered for them, save some of the best ewe lambs for your own flock. Take those from tho middle aged, thrifty mothers. They will ralae larger and better lambs I tbsmselfsa FOR THE HOUSEWIFE Flavoring Soup. Tbe art of nensoniiiK and flavoring bears the name relation to the science of cookery tUat poetiy docs to litera ture. It la bore that distinction lu cook ery la attained, aad skill and delicacy of taste will have their widest fleld of action. It U here that one realizes fully the meaning of tbe proverb "By their works ye shall know theui." Perhaps the safest rale for tho ama teur lu cookery to oliaerve lu flavoring Is moderation- a tiny hit of onion, a (talk of celery, two or three pepper corns, a slugle clove, « sprig of para ley, |Mirt of a bny leaf, a teaapoonful of burned sugar or a little caramel col oring, no flavor predominating, ail blended Into a harmonious whole.— What to Eat Polaon Antidotes. Every housemother should know what to do In case a wrong drug la adminis tered. If an Injurious drug la spilled on the skin tbe part should be Imme diately immersed lu water to dilute the poison. A buru from crude carbolic add should lie bathed with alcohol. If carbolic ncld Is swallowed give milk and lime water. Caustic potash and amuioula are perhaps more frequently swallowed by children thnu are other poisons, aad the best antidote Is some such acid as vinegar or lemon Juice. An emetic that Is always available Is a mixture of mustard and water, and running the Angers down the child's throat will often make It vomit. Horns Hints. To make potatoes white when cook ed let them lie (pared) In cold water for two or three hours. To relieve a sick headache try In haling spirits of ammonia, and drtuk very hot water Just flavored with lem on Juice. The habit of biting off thread among young women damages good teeth and Is prolific of sort* throat and even blood imlsonlug. When the rubber rollers of a wringer become sticky, as they often do after wringing flannels, rub them with kero. sene, wipe dry, and they should be quite smooth. 1 Useful Chair Attachment. In homes where a high ctlalr la not numbered among the articles of fur niture It's absence Is greatly deplored when a visiting youngster has to be accommodated at the table. An excel lent substitute, which Is adnptable to the same purpose. Is the chair attach ment herewith shown, It has the ad vantage of being quickly attached and HIOII SKAT IN PLACE. detached to the ordinary dining chair and at the same time wlieu not needed can be stored In some out of tin! way place. The seat of this chair at tached to a pair of hangers, the uppei ends of which tit over the back of the larger chair. The books at the top of the hanger are covered with rubber tubing to prevent marring or cutting tho chair, in connection with the hanger are adjustable fastenings to hold the seat In any position desired to accommodate chlldreu of various ages. This chair attachment can also be used for barbers' chairs to udapt them to children's uses. The Kitchen Sink. (Jreat care should is' taken In keep ing the kitchen sink clean, whether new or old. It should have a thorough scruhhlug down with boiling water after every dish washing. Au occa sional flushing with a solution of soda or copperas will keep even the oldest one clean ami free tho pipes from grease. All wood should be removed from the stnk. Modern plumbers use Iron Instead of lead pipes almost en tirely. Grease Bpot Remover. To reinovu grease from the finest fabrics without injuring them use the following preparation: One quart of rainwater, two ounces of ammonia, one teaapoouful of saltpeter and ono ounce of shaving soap, cut up tine. Place a part of absorbent cotton or blotting .paper under the spot In the garment when rubbing It. To Clean Varnish. Tea leaves are Invaluable as a means of cleaniug varnished paint. Wheu sufficient leaves have been laid aside they ahould be placed lu a tin basin full of water and soaked for half an hour. The tea when strained should be used instead of soap and water to Clean the varnished surfaces. Furniture Polish. Take equal quantities of caatlle soap and beeswax, cut them Into flno shav ings; then dissolve lu turpentine till you have a cream-like paste. Apply In tbe uaual manner. This recipe is excel lent for either polished floors or furni ture, as tt cleanses and has no stlckl neaa. A DVERTISINQ Yonr money bach.—-Judicious advertis ing is the hind that amy back to you the tponey you invert. Space in this paper aaaorea you piompt returns . . WHOLE NO. 368 Professional Cards. HUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Jeffreaa Drag Store. OFFICR HOURS: Btolo A. M.; 7 to 9P. M. Williamstou, N. 0. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 DR. J. A. WHITE. JMJFR DENTIST OFFICK — MAIN STHKKT PIIONK Q I will be in Plymouth the first week in every other month. W. K. Warren. J. S. Rhodes. L)RS. WARREN & RHODES. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFPICK IN Bir.os' DRUG STORK 'Phone No. 2l BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. WILLIA MSTON, N&C. s. AT WOOD NEWELL LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. D. Biggs. I'hone No. 77. "VILLI AMSTON, N C. wherever services are dealred Special attention given lo examining and male tig title for purchaaera of timber aud timber tanda. special attention will he given to real eatate -xehange*. If you wi*h to buy or aell land I '"he'pyou- PHONES/ I'. 1). WINSTON S. J. RVKRKTT WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW WILLI AMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNEY-AT LAW ROBKRSONVII.LK, N, C. HOTEL BEULAH 11. C. MOORING, Proprietor ROBHRSONVILLK, N. C. s Rates 00 per day Special Rates Ily the Week A Firs'-Closs Ilotei iu Every Partic ular. The traveling public will find it i most convenient place to stop. . In Case of Fire you want to be protected. In case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. l-ct Us Come to Your Rescue We can insure youjagainst loss from Fire, Death and Accident We can insure your Boiler, Plate'' Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you ior any office requir ing bond None But Best Coatulis Riirisiitii K. B. GRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to s minutes; extra charge will positively be made for longer time. To Washington 25 cts. " Cireenville *5 " " Plymouth ( aj " Tarboro .' 25 " " Rocky Mount 35 " " Scotland Neck »5 •* J" Jamesville •• " Kader Lilley's 15 " I" I. G. Staton 15 " " J. L. Woolard 15 " J" O. K. Cowing &Co 15 «* " Parmele 15 •• " Roljersonville 15 " " Everetts • 15 " '• Gold P0int...:.... 15 " " Geo. P. McNaughton 15 " " Hamilton * Jo " For other point* in Eastern Carolina see "Central" where a 'phone will be found for oat of non- lubacrlbera.

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