THE ENTERPRISE. roiuißm kvkry himi n rva urraaraiaa raiaria* co. VUliamatoa N.C ALFRED H. WHITMORE, BDITOft. IwnttlUttMlOtcttl Willlamatoa, M. C. aa mw* Claw Mall Matter. Friday, March, 22, tqoj judge Crawford Birrs Honored The members of the Lotus Club gave a reception to Hon. and Mrr. J. Crawford Biggs, of Durham, on Tuesday evening in4neclub rooms, which was a brilliant affair. Hie reception was attended bv many prominent citizens of the state, in cluding the Lieutenant Gov ernor of the state and prominent members of the bar thoughout the state and by a large majority ol Williamston's society jxrople. The event was a memorable one ill tin history of the club and was a suc cuss in every particular. Tlu rooms were testily decorated in pink and white, aud flowers of luxuriant growth were spotted about giving a beautiful effect. Levins orchestra of Raleigh played a number of selections during the evening. The sweet music, fair women aud the good spirits of the company made the evening one of unusual pleasure. Tne receiviug party was coin posed of Mr. Dennis S. Biggs, tin. president of the club, Hon. and Mrs. J. Crawford Biggs, of Durham aud Hon. Francis 1). Winston, ol Windsor with Miss Anna Crawford. During the receiviug hours a large number of people called among whom were Hons. John W Hinsdale, of Raleigh, C. C. I)an iels, of Wilson and J. A. Whitley and Mr ahd Mrs. Kada B. Craw ford, Mr. and Mrs. Asa T. Craw ford, Mr. W. 11. Crawford, Rev. and Mrs, George Dowell, Mis. 1 Rosena Dowell, Miss Eva liinstcii of Kinston, Mrs. Frederick W Hovt, of Washington, Mrs. Georgt W. Newell, Miss Nelle Simpson Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Manning, Mr and Mrs. J. C. Crawford, Mr. am Mrs. S. Justus Everett, Misse Mary Hassell, Ella Staton, Nanim Smith. Annie aud Essie Peele May Bennett, Hatty Lou Ward Meta Liles, Misses Hodges aiu Hyman, Euzelia Deans, of Tarboto Miuuie Sparks, Miss Sherrell an Meesrs. Barnes, J. T. Smith Join L. Hassell, C. B. Hassell, F. 8 llassell, Drs. J. B. 11. Knight an James Sladc Rhoades, Louis 11 Harrison, C. A. Baker, S. A. New ell B. A. Critcher, Dr.J. A: White F. D. Taylor, Harry Biggs, Jess T. Price, Henry Slade, A. 1) Mizell, Frank F. Fagan, \J. D Leggett, Wilson G. Lamb, Jr., '1 S. Grahaiji, Eli Curganus, H. M Burras, B. Frank Godwin, Jr., J G. Godard, Grover Haidison, War ren H. Biggs, A. Iv. Whit more, J G. Staton, R. J. Peele, C. A JefTress, W. T. Meadows an* others. Interest in Williamstou naturall ceuters around Mrs. W. T. Crav. ford who has been entertaining In i nephew, J, Crawford Biggs, > Durham, who is the judge presii • ing at this session of the Siiperit l Court. Mrs. Crawford is cntei taining Mr. and Mrs. Higgs in tli hou»e in which her distinguUhc father, the late Senator Asa Biggs lived; the association of the houn with Mr. Biggs' grandfather makes his visit particularly interesting, "lacraaaeVfanr Tlie farmer 1 * ttaMtferAtra" count grow larrer la proportion to the fertility of hi* farm. To (apply to your farm tba elements that have been taken from It l>y planting and Imrveatiutf —on after *ea*on, use bountifully Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer* (with a apeclal formala (or every crop). They lay at the root of thou» •ode aad thovaanda of proaperoua farina. Uee theao fertiliser* tor *ll your crop*, no matter what tbi-y maybe. They will greatly "inorcaw your yield*per acre." ami make your ■ money- bag fuller. Ask your dealer tor them, and If be can't auppiy you, write u* direct. Don't pay your good money, nor give your not*, tor any inferior aubatitute. MMM-CMtIHU CHEMICAL CO., Richmond, Va. Atlanta, tia. Norfolk, Va. Savannah, (la. Durham. iTC. Montaomery.Ala. Charleeton, 8. C. Mempbia.Tenn. JfL tfbnvtpur t, Ia Alcohol not needed Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is not a strong drink. As now made, there is not a drop of alcohol in it. It is a non-alcoholic tonic and alterative; Ask your own doctor about your taking this medicine for thin, impure blood. Follow his advice every time. He knows. M W« publish our fortnuiu jTM m w * Xcohol Awfl F from our modiolnes M ■ Wo urro you to L. JLLJC'I O ° ott iV.j!r Ask your doctor, "What is the flrst-great rule of liealtli r* " Nine doctors out of ten will quickly reply, " Keep the bowel* regular. Thin ask him another ques tion, "'S'liat Jo you think of Ayer's MlKfnr constipation?" «—KViiby tli*/, u Co., I.owo!l, tfiiM.—» md the people of Williamstcn and Martin County warmly welcome him to the native home of his fam ily. Mrs. Crawford, who as Mi» Martha Biggs, was a belle in both North Carolina and Washington society when her father represent ed the state in the senate. As u young lady she was beautiful and charming, qualities which she now possesses, enhanced, however. by the passing years in which she hat grown old so gracefully. In v journal kept by her sister, Misf Lucy Biggs, is an interesting ac count of when young Martha was presented to Washington official society during the administration of President Buchatiiiau aud whilt his niece, the brilliant Harriel Lane Johnson, was mistress of tlu White House. Siie was described as "a beautiful young girl wear ing a simple muslin gown suitable for a debutant." ' Mrs. Crawford clings tenaciously to the traditions of her forefathers, especially in her love for the South she lias never forgotten the terron of war, still strongly defends Hit beloved Confederacy aud has nevei allowed the "yankee" the pleasurt of her acquaintance, she still strongly insists that he must bt kept at a distance. In religion, too, she holds fast to the teaching* of her father, and oue may see hut now at Skewarkee, a church neai town, in whirli her father and fore fathers worshipped. Mrs. Crawford is surrounded by au interesting family, the circh having been broken by the deatli> of her husband and one daughter, Martha. Her children living and by whom she is so dearly beloved and respected are: Messrs. William Henry, Asa Thomas, Kada Biggs, Benjamin Coffield and Miss A nun Maria Crawford. Tetter, Silt Rheum and Eczema. These are diseases for which Chamberlain's Salve is especially valuable. It quickly allays tin itching aiul smarting and soon effects a cure. Price, 25 cents. FOl sale by S. Kj Mr. C. II Brcniiaman, the vet eran cigar manufacturer of Balti more, was in town yesterday. Messers. W. A. James, S. 1,. | Ross, J. 11. Roberson and Will Martin of Kobersonville were seen 011 tbe streets jluring the week, Messrs. R T. Tavlot and J. K ! Roberson of Gold Point were in town this week. Hon C. C. Daniels, the clever and efficient Solicitor of this dis trict, left for his home in Wilson Wednesday afternoon, having fin ished the criminal docket. Mr. J. W. Martin, the superin tendeut of roads in Edgecombe County, arrived last night. He | returned to Taiboro this morning carrying with him five prisoners who were sentenced at this term of court to work on the roads. Mr. W. Polk McCraw, the genial prescription clerk at the Jeffress Drug Store, will resign his position the first of April to accept a sim ; ilar position in Rocky Mount. Mr. McCraw has made many friends in town who will reKret very much to sec him leave, but they will all be glad to know that he will better his condition by the change. ! Instead of appropriating $1, 000,• 000,000 it seems that the short ession of Cotigress only appro priated $919.94800. This looks like considerably more of a bar gain. The path to a good job in N.Y., 1 1 .-ads through the Cabinet in Washington. MARCH TERM SUPERIOR COURT The March term Superior Court was opened Monday morning, with i Judge J. Crawford Biggs upon the 1 bench, and Hon. C. C. Daniels rep resenting the state. The criminal docket was ex tremely small, His Honor saying that it was the smallest criminal docket that be had had in the nine weeks of his work upon the bench. The cases up*, n this docket were i disposed of by Wednesday noon, j They were as as follows: State vs. Robert Rawls and Eu ' gene Davis, not guilty, state vf. | Clinton Sykes retailing without I license, 60 days on the roads, state j vs Simon Fagan L. & R. not guilty ! state vs Jack Jones A. D. W. #35 ' aud costs state vs John Cox pass ! ing counterfeit money 3 years on ' roads state vs A. W. Bailey A D. j W. guilty fined $'5.00 state vs. 1 Tobe Beasley a d w 6 months on ! roads state vs Charles Dickens c c j w 60 days ou roads state vs Charles i i! d w judgement suspended state ! vs Ceasar Purvis and Wlll. Purvis, affray #25 each and cost state vs. j Henry Harris* a d w SSO and costs state vs Will Latham a d w not I guilty state vs Joseph Nelson a d w ( (o days on roads state vs Jack Coffield and Silas Williams affra> *,15 each and costs King Bland a d w not guilty Jim More a d w sls and cost Lewis Parker and Son a d w $35 each and cost state vs W. A. Ayers a d w $25 and costs state vs Will Latham ccw $25 and costs state vs J W Hriley ccw $25 aud costs I'he civil docket was taken [up Wednesday afternoon and the cases of Latham vs Latham aud J. H. Robertson A Co. vs J. C. Stevens and wife Were disposed of. The case of Latham vs Lathan, was a divorce case and was soon disposed of judgement for the plaintiff. The case of J. H. Rob ersou & Co. vs J. C Stevens and wife was compromised. The granu jury did good work. From accounts of court officials this jury did more work in the same length of time than any grand jury empanelled in many years. The judge complimented them very highly. Their report on the jail, offices and the county home wa> that everything was in good order. The following gentlemen com posed the giand jtuy: J, W. V. R. Taylor, F. Edwards, B. B. Sher rod, B. S. Cowing, R. I). Jones, J. A. Powell, J. K. Gurgatius. Jacob Spivey, J. R. White, A. R. V'ick, A. Hassell, W. H. Hopkins. H. C. Northani, B. H. Rolierson, W. 11. Bennett, L- B. Harrison and J. L. Beasley; H. I). Taylor, officer of the grand jury. The following gentlemen com posed the petit jury: A. J. Adams, Paul Rogerson, R. G. Sexton, E. E. Rd>erson, S. L- Ward, J R. Griffin, Jas. H. Hardison, 11. L. Iwerett, 11. T. Roberson, Howell Warren, Mc G. Warren, A. E. Smith. H. D. Peel, J. D. Roberson. The charge of His Honor to the jury in substance was as follows: That the grand jury is one of the most ancient, venerable and important bodies of the Knglish Judicial System. It was the pe* culiar product, the gradual out growth of the life, manners, cus toms and conditions of our ances torsjti Brittiau. The exact date of the origin of the jury system is not known, it is shrouded in the mists of antiquity. Suffice it to say that after many ye us of war fare between the petty monarchs of the Heptarchy, that regime gave place to the first united kingdom, ; to the first monarch whose sway ; extended practically throughout the bound of what is now England ! and whose supremacy was recog j ui/.ed bv the factions that had been engaged in almost constant war fare for seven hundred years. When this united nation api>ears on the pages of authentic history, | the first eaily beginnings of the jury system, a system hitherto un known to the world, are found deeply imbedded in the social and political life of these people. From this crude beginning our Grand and Petit Jury sprang. It appears tlieu, that the Jury had its origin with thore customs and manners of the early English peo ple that in the course of centuries crystallized into law and became the strong right arm of the courts. It has held iu our system, this proud position to the present day. From these beginnings there de veloped the Grand Inquest, the Grand Jury, a body possessing ! J*.i ■ •- .. •- -• . - ii-\ . >. large and important judicial func tions. By reason of its judicial character and in order to preclude the possibility of outside influence of any kind, this the very foun tain head of Justice was carefully guarded. The peculiar duties of this body makes it encumbent upon it to keep secret iU proceedings. This the court charged was most vital and most important That it was not necessary for tlu of the grand jurv to know the law, or the various definitions of crime, T>ut merely to ascertain the fact: and submit thein to the court. •Here His Honor briefly defined the four capital felonies that, re main of the two hundred that ex istcd at the beginnig of the eight eenth century, and gave some gen -ral directions to the Grand Jur> for their guidance in the j»erfoi uiance of the duties of their office HASSELMTEMS Mi s Bessie Savage of near Rock> Mount, who has been visiting Mis- Laura Salsbury lift Moiidjy morn ing. Miss Savage is a very attrac tive young lady, and her friend! were very ntwclt grieved by hei eaily departure, but hope to have her visit here again soon. Miss C'ara Salsbury now of Rob ersomille, spent Saturday and Sunday with her people here. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Salsbury of Hamilton spent Sunday with their people here. Hon. R. H Sals bury seetned to have enjoyed the day very much, it being a small family gathering. Mr. W. Z. Morton of Roberson ville drove out Sunday afternoou, Miss Salsbury accompanied him back, so as to resume her noble work ot musical instruction. Notice North Carolina—Martin County. Corbitt Buggy Co. l vs. !- In Superior Simpson Hardware Co. ) Court The defendant above nauied will takt notice that au action entitled a* almvr has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, wherein the plaintiff, The Corbitt Buggv Company, inks, i, judgement for s>9s on an open account 2, that au order iaaue restrain ing the said Siuit>son Hardware Com pauy, or any agent or attorney thereof, from disposing of any of the goods 01 other property of said Corporation, 3, that a receiver lie appointed to collect, preserve aud secure the assets of sair. Cor|K>ratinn and the said defendant wil further take notice that pursuant to ai order in the cause he is required to show cause before his Honor Judge J. Craw ford Biggs, Judge holding the Courts oi the 4111 judicial District, at Tarlwro, N. C. on the and day of April, 1907, why s receiver should not be appointed of tb« property of the said Simpson Hardware Company, and a' restraining order issue forbidding the said Simpson Hardwart Company from disposing of any of tin property of said Company until the final judgement in this cause. This Bth day of March, 1907. J. A. lioiius, C. 8. C. I'. 8. If AssKt.i., Attorney for l'laiiitiff. j 8-41 Notice Having qualified as administrator of 11. H. Hryan deceased, this is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to come foward anil settle at once and all persona to whom said estate is indebted will preseut them to the undersigned for payment on or before Mflrch 11 190s or this notice will be plead in liar ot their recovery. This 12th day of March 1907. 3-!5-4t * J. B. ANTHONY, Adm. Notice North Carolina \ In Superior Court Martin County I Before the Clerk Burrout A. Critcher, Adtn., d b n c t a of J. L. Kwell, deceased vs K. B. Kwell. J. Davis Kwell, Harry L. Kwell, Wilson Kwell, and Clinton Kwell. The defendant, K. B. Kwell, above named will take notice that an action entitled as aliove has been commenced before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County to sell land for assetts to pay debts of J. L. Kwell deceased, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin Co. at his office on the jth day of April 1907 at 11 o'clock a ui and ans wer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This the nth day March 1907. ,ytj-4t J. A. Hoaas, C. S. C. Notice By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Martin county heretofore duly rendered in a special proceeding there in pending entitled, '"ln the matter of Stacy Cox, Nash Cox and Thomas b. Cox, infanta, by their, next friend, W. C, Manning the unM*igned duly ap pointed commissioner by virtue of said decree will, on the first Monday in April >907, (it being the first day of April) at It o'clock M., expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court FLUE CURINC IMPROVES TOBACCO LIKE ROASTING IMPROVES GREEK COFFEE Flue Curing Develops the Stimulating Aroma and Taata Found In Schnaoos that SaUtftet Tobacco Humor There are three ways used by far mers for curing and preparing their tobacco for the market; namely, sun cured, air cured and flue cured. The old and cheap way is called air cured; the lajpr discovery and improved way is called flue cured. In flue-curing the tobacco is taken from the field and suspended over intensely hot flues in houses especially built to re tain the heat, and there kept in the* proper temperature until this curing process developes in the tobacco the stimulating taste and fragrant aroma found in Schnapps tobacco, just as green coffee is made fragrant and stimulating by the roasting process. Only choice selections of this ripe, juicy flue cured leaf, grown in the famous Piedmont country, where the best tobacco grows, are used in Schnapps and other Reynolds' brands of high grade, flue cufed tobaccos. B. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, WINSTON-SALEM, N. 0. house door in Williamsten, N. C. the following described parcel of land, lying and being iu said State and county and designated as follows: Adjoining the lands of Charles Turner, the heirs of James Johnson and others, anil lying on the road leailiug from Hobgood to Oak City, in (loose Nest Township, ami more' particularly descrilied as follows, vis: Beginning ut a corner of the Johnson land on"-the north si.le of the county road, thence aloug the line to Cooper's or Johnson's land to Sol Turner's line, tlieuce with said Turner's line to a stake at the head of ' Turner's Avenue," thence (long the line of the county road to the beginning, containing 53 acres, more or less, aud known as the "Berry Brown Place" and being the tract of land des cribed in the petition in the above eu titled special proceeding. This iftth day of February, 1907. (». V. COWI'KR, Com. WINSTON & KVKRKTT, Att'y. Vl-4t NEW LOT 25,000 El Corcso Cigars JUST RECEIVED Sold in all storse in Williamston NO DIME CIGAR ANY BETTER Its a Mild Cigar and of a pecu ■liarly fine flavor. Made exclusive ly fur myself. EI Coreso Cigar Ask for it. Refuse Others L. E. COREY, WHOESALE GROCER rr o'e-TT y ti f STRAW NO. 5 j I "Straws show which way the J [ wind blows." A short talk with I The Business Men Well, Mr. Man of Business 1 fc you say you aro 35 years old y and have the bulk of your J money invested iu your busi- ( ness, but that you desire In * surance protection. ► Then we have just what ► you need, in our new 1 Convertible Term Policy ► At your age a $5,000 policy v will ouly cost $73.75 a year. f For 17 premiums you can net k 2O years protection. But ► you also have theae options. ► 1 st. Any time within five i ► years you can convert this in- k to any other kind of policy, and get credit on new policy k for every cent paid on this. ► Also new policy will be rated ' ► at present age, or, ► and. You may convert to , any other policy within 15 years without medical exam- j 1 ination, new policy dating at ' ' your then age. ► Let us go into details. \ B.T. COWPER k Life, Fire, Accident- 1 I 'Phone No. 7 L*.H * t Office over F. ft M. B'k BTd'g ( Hundreds of imitation brands are on sale that look like Schnapps; the outside of the imitation plugs of to bacco is flue cured, but the inside is filled with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened air cured tobacco; one chew of Schnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger longer than two chews of such tobacco. v Expert tests prove that this flue cured tobacco, grown in the famous Piedmont region, requires and takes less sweetening than any other kind, and has a wholesome, stimulating, satisfying effect on chewers. If the kind of tobacco y6u are chewing don't satisfy, more than the mere habit of expectorating, stop fooling yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco. Schnapps is like the tobacco chew ers formerly bought costing from 75c. to SI.OO per pound; Schnapps is sold at 50c. per pound in sc. cuts, strictly 10 and 15 cent plugs. Fifty Third Year of BAUGH'S ANIMAL BONE FERTILIZERS . , | Baugh's High Grade Tobacco Guano The Leading Brand in the Carolinas for Tobacco Animal Bone and Potash Compound FOR COTTON, CORN, PEANUTS, ETC. FOR SALE BY J. L. HASSELL & CO. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. BAUGH & SNOS COMPANY Sol* Manufacturer* NORFOLK, VIRGINIA New Store and Fixtures I am now located in the store two doors below * my old stand on Main Street where 1 have put in an up-to-date line of Jewelry Store fixtures. I have one of the nicest selected stocks of jew elry, etc, to be found in eastern North Carolina. Repairing a specialty. THE JEWELER H. D. PEELE WILLI AM STON, N. C. RKPOBT TO THB NORTH CAROLINA CORPROATIOX COMMISSION O* THK CONDITION Of BANK or MARTIN GOUNTY _ Williatnston, N. C., it the close of business Jan. 26, 1907. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts $97,453.71 _ . , ■ Overdrafts 7,43091 Capital stock $15,000.00 I Stocks, bands, etc. 1,000.00 Surplus fund 8,500.00 Furniture and fixtures 1,868.00 Undivided profits, etc. 3,782.34 Demaudlloans 2,072.89 Time cer. of deposit 31.914.66 Dne from banks, etc. 20,859.85 ~ ~ . . ~ ' Stiver coin, etc. 5.539.27 sub. to c k 77,027.63 $>36,22463 $136,224.63 Slate of North Carolina—County of Martin. I. J. G. Godard, cashier of the Bank of Mai tin County, do solemnly ■wear (or affirm) that the above statement is tri eto the beat of knowledge # and belief. }. G. GODARD, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me I Correct—Atteat: Wheeler Mar- * ! this 6th day of Feb., 1007. K , tin, J no. 1,. H*sseU, J. Q. Staton, C. H. GODWIN, Notary Public. | Directors. WHBBLKR MARTIN, I»residuit J. G. STATON, Vice-President. J. G. GODARD. Cashier.

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