ZADVERTISiNa E Your money back.—Judicious ad vertis -2 »g ia the kind that pays bock to you • the money you invest. Space in this Z paper assures you prompt returns , . %IMM» ll* VOL. VIII. - NO 26 f . rls on# of tbe moat Incongruous situations imaginable tlmt the Church of the Holy Sepulcher In Jerusalem, which contain* what In bellevad to be tbe tomb of Clirlut, ahould be guarded constantly by Turk ish sokllers, who are Mohammedans, (utterly disbelieving In tbe religion of Christendom. Yet there are coinpe tent and conaerratlve authorities who | hold that tbe guard of Turkish soldiers la necessary under the circumstances. William K. Curtis, the newspaper cor respondent, who vlalted Jerusalem In 11102. wrota: I "Perhaps after all It la an evidence of the wiadoin of Providence that tbe central and anpreme shrine of tbe Christian church should be In tbe poo aeaalou and under tbe authority of Islsm. The bltterneaa of tbe envy and rivalry of tbe aecta la po great that nniw. of theui could be tniitinl to treat gJMOrI IHi L9YT KiA^6^BA- ®MsS^^^^^L^B^^Pk-n|HR AvMtofp^liiy ©J em Efflsto 0 Haft* Iy HELENA SMITH DAYTON. ! [Copyright, IDO7, by Helena gmltb Dayton.) fm IXE linn lieen a 1 trying life. Will, what plan could oue ex- j pect when ao many come to , look and an few remain to buy ? No luit | ever hail more hairbreadth es capes, both I blond and bru- i nette. than I, for, beautiful at wan Madam 1 Mode'* Ulfplny, I was acknowledged queen. I do not say till* egotistically, , for a (lance at the priee that always; t urged in* would convince any oue 1 that I was brimful of style. , ! 1 shared a green nook In madam's display parlor with a lingerie creation. ] but I never WW her when she wasn't | v-■■■■' /Bed at the preference given nie. ; ■ tfliere was another tragedy In poor : lingerie'* life besides. Uer price tag I came between her and the only fir I .who ever truly loved her! It was during the rush one after noon that madam called an apprentice from the workroom to assist. It was iter duty to flit about and supply sub- j jeots for madam's elo|ueuce. I was ; brought out, the customers being par ticularly smart. It was stupid of tHat i girl to leave ine on a table with several' plebeian toques, and. though I quivered with anger at the Indignity, neither | madam nor her experienced allies paid i the slightest atteutlon to my plight They were too busy selling my Inferl ors. , j And there were such rude remarks! "What have we here—a New England boiled dinner?" asked a coarse straw. "No." replied a saucy sailor, "It Is a Bice wedding cake. But I'm afraid it •rill spoil on our hands.'* Then every body laughed. "• | 1 Ignored them until they were tired of sticking conversational pins. A lit tle hacks bout of brown straw seemed Inclined to be friendly, and I was rath er won by the frank admiration with pbk.-b she regarded me. "Are yon * special order?" queried the little toque. » This question gave me rather a start—l bad never given much thought to the subject Still one couldn't TJO en forever without making a market- Best season I would be passe! "Oh, I'm Intended for a princess." I said airily, "though I don't mind ad I | ! the others fairly If any of them were ; In control, and, although thetr man { iters are often offensive, tbe Moslem* i for a thousand year* have always act- I ed Impartially and kept tbe scene of tbe burial aud the resurrection of the Saviour open to art on equal term*." The year be/ore tbe visit of Mr. «*ur tla there was a riot between Greek and 1 Franciscan monks at the entrance to the church, twenty of the Franciscans being knocked down by atones thrown from above by the Greeks and one.of the latter being badly hurt. Tho Turk ish soldiers are there to preserve order aud aoMhat each of the varloua Chris tian sects la protected. Thus on I'aliu Sunday, Kastor and tbe other holy days there la presented tbe remarkable spec tacle of an armed guard of unbelievers at tbe Church of the Holy Sepulclier, while processions of priests of the faith enter and pass out of the edifice. | mlttlng to you I have ambitious for the stage." "It must be splendid to be a picture hat," sighed the backubout. "L>o yon suppose any oue will ever take a no tion to me?" "Oh, some quiet llttlo person who must buy something sensible," 1 an swered. "I declare It must lie prosy ' not to possess a flower or bit of frivol ' Ity. Why, if yon were caught In a | storm you wouldu't l>e hurt a bit. llow j uuluterestiug!" "1 prjfyer to t>e sensible,.Y retorted lb* ; toque, with spirit. A second look hint ed she was a saury pluf'e. So muuy hats flare up nt nothing! ! "Walt and the glorious creature 1 who buys me." I smiled, serene In my . Imported label, t Aud then appeared a vision. ' My Ideal! Surely she would recognise I that I hail been destined for her queen (ly head. ; "Thnt's my princess," t whhqiercd. "She has come for me!" I "I'll wager my crown she's after i me," declared a (lalnsborough on the , nnt bible. I Ignored this I 'r** ? comment. Such MKp conceit la amua £>r' _ J 'J''* B goddess K xSH wandered Jn U\ al*>ut madam I f \ I \\\ hovering near. ' \ \\s smiling and iWgL/ * persuasive. I \ said madam, i I IWW || taking me teu -1 Vf |{ trova J I /hiy standard. ! "TAJCE IT AW AT!" HAVE TAKE IT A* AT. F)J . ' you. Tour type of l>eauty"— j "Take It away! Take It away!" cried the young woman imperious!?. - "I'm tired of showy hats, and I've dozens such Ifroni Paria. But now this one," I and she took up that odious toque, "is a dear—Just what I want." She perch ed It ot« her bead with tr tilt. It Is pa thetic to see one ao beautiful larking in taste, isn't It? "I'll take It," she said briskly. I never saw madam more chagrined. I Suppose the young woman didn't have the priee to buy me. Still—she tipped the toque— I'd just like to see any one try to tip rae! I became cynical after several simi lar experiences. Madam did not put me back in uiy old place, and I saw more people. Oayety began to tell on me. I confess I lost some of my fresh beauty. 1 began to hear rumors of a change lu style. That Is a dreadful epl- j detnie which I've never known a hat to survive. The first symptom Is a re duced priee. It stamps one as a victim of this awful plague. . - - It's humiliating to remaio unsold aft-' er Easter Sunday and to witness con temporaries make brilliant matclxy and go from the shop In atate in mad- Wftt suttxsxist WILLI AMSTON, N.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 29, iqo7 For centuries the cross and tbe cres cent waged war tor tbe possession of Jerusalem, anil both are atlll represent ed, though an Indefinite truce baa been declared. In the accompanying picture, which j Is from a recent photograph, the swar thy soldiers of the sultau of Turkey are presenting arms as a procession of Christians, headed by eminent church dignitaries, emerge from tbe building. Tbe Church of tbe lloly Sepulcher was built by tbe Emperor Constantino, Its site covering both the place of cru cifixion and the burial plait* of Jeans, according to traditlou. l-'rom time to time diligent and devout researchers disputed tbe authenticity of the alto, but In ISSH evidence was discovert*! which caused luost scholars to admit that In all probability the church Is bnllt upon tbe actual ground where the crucltixlon and entombment took place. am's famous flowered boxes! I grew bitter. Women flirted with me, and several came again and ugaln to see me, but that was as far as any affair ever went! A few days after Easter a qui r cou ple wandered Into madam's exclusive shop. Little flakes of rice that baa been part of a hailstorm at some rural station still clung to their garments. The two gazed about in awe. I never saw a Woman so pathetically unattrac tive. Ilitr dingy lialr was drawn tight ly back from her forehead aud her col orlng was nondescript. A large ma genta bow beneath her chin brought out all tlie defects. She glanced timid ly at a few quiet little hats while her companion shifted from oue foot to the other and stared at me! A bonnet that Is always poking fun at lue remarked, "At last the princess has come!" This vvus considered rather amart of her. Pretty Marie, the haughtiest sales woman In the shop, was walling on the poor little bride. Marie perched hat after hat ou her own fluffy, pompa dour, but each time the man shook his head. The wouian would have accept ed anything rather tlinu put the con descending Marie to any trouble, but the man was evidently selecting the lint. see somethin' guyer now," he commanded. "Solly hero wunta the best you've got. somethin* nobby that'll take the tuck out of 'em up at Bice's Corner*. What's that one there? Looks like the old south meddor In posy time." lie pointed at me. Bally was startled. "I'd look like u tree toad under an ■ m apple tree with that ou." she "No oue 4vould TSA/S wj) look prettier In 1 jro wS fv|l It." lie declared l /fyi* loyally, takings I ° 1 shabby wallet '( a Z» J from his pock j # 'l/ A '^ ,,ere WM,i, H 'P~v\ sudden hush. It y V>' 2k. w oulil be such a shock to him T \ when he heard V, y I the "price. Kv U / IUL—~ ery oue looked "no OXE WOVLD j.ootc on ln keenest I'HETTIEU." amusement, for It was our dull time, and diversion was welcomed. But there was no surprise on his face when Marie coolly named my valne. I never saw a hat so cheer fully settled for, I admit. Madam al most fainted when she sailed out and saw me perched on that uncomproinia- I log head.- I struggled when 1 was put on, but ill to no purpose. Nor shall I ever be reconciled to my wearer. As we went forth Into the glare of the spring sunshine from madam's shop every one but the man and his uu lovely wife knew the tragedy. They, •las, know nothing of the eternal fit , nesa of bats. ' ~ -- ' ' , Ty]£r * l * i&r/r TT(h LJO Efflsto 8 GSffte Easter Egg§» By OLIVE HARPER. [Copyright, IKWT, by C. N. Lull*.] /VJjJ,N. fS? ANY very pretty / \ /£» little gifts may / WW, /Crl fashioned I S j from eggshells. I a NjW-' | ■ They are easy vI I to make, re- VI It quiring no ex \ cfi£> /cm* P p, " , l ve decoru \. /" tlon, which Is i the fault with many things With Inexpensive foundations. One of the easiest things to do with Easter eggs Is to paint them, and tills Is done with water colors, The hair Is palutcd In any preferred color and the features drawn In any way tho..artist may decide, ('bluatuen. nuns, fero cious ttusslaus or Indeed any kind of face uiay be drawn. A round of card board cut out to tit around the tup of s whole shell makes a presentable hat. A small three curnered tile Is useful In cutting the eggshell Into different shapes. Baskets ure formed by tiling oft the shell to the shape marked out by n pencil, and the work Is very easy. These eggs should not lie boiled, while the others, which are to keep their •huge, should be bulled very hard. A Crochet needle and n little colored silk, u walnut half shell and two tiny china dolls make a perfect balloon. A three legged kettle Is made by t-ulting bits of pasteboard Into the shape for the feet, soaking them In hot water until they can be molded Into any form nnd theu gluing them to the bot tom of the kettle. A soft wire forms ' cuora , rT . THE handle. All these ITR» to bold HIIIIIII caudles. A very dainty fancy IN the vnse with u spray of arbutus or H daisy In It. This requires nine slender sticks, rlx of cNfiiiil length and three twice nx long MM the others. ltiimhoo IK the prettiest, but straw* will do, as the content*! are uever weighty. Three short silk cord* oud tassels also are needed. Tie the three longest sticks In the middle with colored cord and thou separate tlieni to form u tripod and fasten the shorter ones at the ends. Thin makes a little stand. The cord and are fay tened at the upper part, which pretty finish. The empty shell Is twen decorated to represent a Japanese vase. Holes may he drilled In three empty shells, with the tops chipped oIT Irreg- KASTKIt 800 L A' BS, ularly and fastened together by a wire or string, and they may he prettily or uamented or left plain, to contain mus tard, salt and pepper A tulip may he made by stringing a piece of wire through the large cud, while the small end Is cut by the tile to the shape of a partly unfolded til Hp and then painted In tulip colors. A glass dish, deep and whole, is partly filled with water and an egg weighted slightly at the larger end A neck and head to represent a swan are made of white cloth rolled Into shape while wet with starch, ind this Is fastened to the giunll end of the egg, which must be lighter than tho other end, HO that the glued neck lifted out of tho wiitl'i'. A paper tail I* fastened at tlio buck, unci lid til must bo high enough to be k|it dry. A mallard duck, mado In tho Hit mo manner, In also very pleas lug, especially to tbe young folks, ns It seems to swjm about in tlio water when they blow upon It. A piece of cardboard cut In a shield shape four Indies long lias the lower half of a half of a shell Killed to It. The upper edge of tho shell has a piece of ribbon Killed to it, and this, passed through the cardboard, helps to keep it solid. Itelow is a small rounded square of sandpaper Kluod fast. A hole In tho top with a ribbon to hang It by finishes this little match holder. There Is really no end of odd and artistic fancies that can be worked out for the decoration of tables for Easter and for tho pleasure of the children. The Turks say that whosoever gives a child an hour of pleasure gains a thou sand years of paradise. Eastertide. Jteneath the slurs of dawn tlio Saviour stood And east tho trammels of tlio tomb aside That wo might kneel In simple gratitude At Eastertide. We, tun, Khali rise u&ain at. break of duy To the dear heaven where his saints abide And meet the risen Lord to whom we pray At Eastertide. Ills tranquil lilies silently unfold Their dewy eups, and field and moun tain aide Thrill with thflr bursting buds of white and guld At Eastertide. They, (no. have sprung new risen from the tomb, Type of tho life for which our Saviour died. The n will wo bind his holy cross with bloom. At Eastertide, FRANK H. SWEET. ADVERTISING || Your money back.— Judicious ad vertis ">K U the kind that pays back to you the money you invert. Space in thia paper assures you prompt retnraa . . WHOLE NO. 369 Professional Cards. HUGH li. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Jeffreaa Drug Store. OFFICE HOURS. 8 to 10 A. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Williaiustou, N. 0. Office Phone No. 53 Night I'hone No. 63 DR. J. A. WHITE. flSfc dkn ™ t OFFICK-MAIN STKKRT PHONKg 1 will tie in Plymouth the first week in every other month. W. li. Warren. J. S. Rhodes. DKS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OKPICK IN Blocs' DKIK: STORK 'Phone No, 24 BURROUS A. CRITCHER, 0 ATTORNKV AT I,AW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. WILLI AMSTON, N. C. s. ATWOOD NIvWEU, LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. I). Higgs. Rhone No. 77. "VILLI AMHTON. N C. Practice wherever atrvicea »re dcairtd 4|xcial attention nlven to dauiiuiug and ntak UK title for purchatera of timber and timber tan da. Special attention will lw given to real catale :*i'h«unea. If you wi»h lo buy or aell land I r-i PHONK4/ I'. 1). WINSTON S. J. KVKRETT WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNK YS-AT- LA W WIR.LLAMSTON. N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to LOA^. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNEY-AT LAW JM ROBKRSONVILLK, N. C. HOTEL BEULAH 1). C. MOORING, Proprietor KOHUKSONVI 1.1.E, N. C. Rates fj. 00 per day Special Kates By the Week A Pirsi-Closs Hotel iu Kvery Partic ilar. The traveling public will find it 1 uiost convenient place to stop. In Gase of Tire yoti want to be protected. IN case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on. ln case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. 'tt Us Come to Your RIKIII We can insure youjagainst loss from Pi re, Death and Accident We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Bnrg lar.Y. We also can bond you I'or any office requir ing bond 4one But Bist Consults Rurisutid K. B. CRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Hank of Martin County. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. t Phone Charges: Messages limited to 5 minutes; extra charge will positively lie made for longer time. To Wasbiugton 25 eta. " Greenville 25 " " Plymouth 25 " 3" Tarboro 25 •' " Rocky Mount 35 '* " Scotland Neck 25 •* Jamesville 15 " " Kader Lil ley's 15 " "4l. G. Staton 15 " " J. L. Woolard 15 '• J" O. K. Cowing &Co 1$ " " Parmele 15 " " Roberaouville „.... 15 " " Kveretts ij «• " Gold Point 15 " " Geo. P. McNaughton .....*2?,.,. 15 " " Hamilton 20 " Ql'or other points in Baatern Carolina see "Central " where a 'phone will he found for uae of noa-subesrtber*. V."i: si