ADVERTISING Your money bacK.— JudiciotM advertis ing U the kind that pay* back to you the money you invest. Space in this paper aanrea you prompt retain* . . VOL. VIII. - NO 37 I ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS | WHAT $l5O WLL DO I Sixteen of the Best Known and Most I Readable Papers.arid Magazines g 5 in the United States and 2 £ THE ENTERPRISE g A a weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of Martin County X | ONE FULL YEAR $1.501 At a large Expense, to Increase our Circulation and Qive Our Subscribers T the Best of Everything, we have Made Arrangements to Offer them the jg GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER EVER PRESENTED BY ANY PAPER 2 This is tlie age of popular enlightenment through the products of the printing press. The family \\lHch is supplied with gM| an abundance of good, clean, informing and entertaining literature ist always iti the process of self education. The man, wo man or child who is reading good newspapers and magazines is going to school as truly as if enrolled in an institution of learn iug. Happy is the family which lms an abundance of attractive reading matter always at make home pleasant, and gfflfc jj? quiet the restlessness incident to childhood. To supply the universal American demand for high class periodical litern lure, we , have arranged with the several publishers interested wherehv we can offer vott . A Seventeen Great Papers and Magazines for the Price of Only $1.50 X § Look at This Wonderful List j? Planters Journal, Memphis, Tenn. Southwest Magazine, St. Louis, Mo. 2? American Farmer, lndianapolis,'lnd. Blooded Stock, Oxford, Pa, » . gj? Successful Farming, Des Moines, la. Housekeepers Magazine, Minneapolis. TiT Maxwell's Talisman Magazine, Chicago. The Welcome Gu st Mag., Portland. jT The Farm Money Maker, Cincinnati. Woman's Home Journal, Boston. J? Green's Fruit Grower, Rochester, N. Y, Home Queen Magazine, New York. jT Modern Stories Magazine, New York. Practical Farmer, Philadelphia. Southern Poultry Fancier, Atlanta, Oa. Rural Weekly, St. Paul. Seventeen Great Weeklies and Monthlies—Combined Price Over $9.00 jgk j| THIS OFFER IS GOOD ONLY FOR A VERY SHORT TIME ** | _ || time will be extended one year on receipt of A the Combination Price REFERENCES: Any Business House In This City lor Any Paper in Our Club |i| If you don't want all the papers sent to one address, you can split the ilub and have them sent to any number of different addresses. JL The Savfng Habit is the Key to Wealth; not how much you make but how much you save. jj[| O Every Paper and Magazine is Well Known and are From O O the North, and West A 6 o —Every Paper Goes to You For One Full Year— 1 a £ 0 REMEMBER THIS GREAT OFFER IS FOR A VERY SHORT- 1 TIME ONLY n : 1 Jjj DON'T DELAY! CALL AT OUR OFFICE, OR SEND YOUR ORDER IN BY MAIL 2 lc c aim « c tcaiic^■ Ia b a"i xl tllai xm..J ®jjt (Meratrist WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 5, IQO 7 « The ♦ Scrap Book A Bargain Day. A clergyman, auxlous to Introduce ••me new hymn books. directed tlie clerk to give out a notice la church iu I regard to them Immediately after the aarmou The dark, however, had h no tice of hla own to give with refcreuoa to the baptism of lutauts. Accordingly at the claae of tl-e sermon he announc ed: 'All tho > who Imve chlldreu they wish buptlfced please lend in their uaiuei at once." The clergyman, who was deaf, supposing that the clerk waa giving out the hymu hook uotlce, Im mediately arose aud mild. "Ami l want to aay for the bvueflf of those who fcaren't aay that they may he obtained from we any day between 8 and 4 o'clock; the ordinary little oue* at IB ceuta and special ones with rel liacka at 23 cent* each." THR CRT Or THE DRKAMKR. I am tlrad of planning and tolling In the crowded hives of man; Heart weary of bulldlna and (polling. And apolllng and bulldlna aaaln. Aud I long tor the deal' old river. Where I dreamed my youth away. For a dreamer live* forever. And a toller dtea In a day. I am *lck of the ahowy aeeinlug Of a life that ta half a lie. Of the face* lined with achemlng In the throng that hurrlee by; From the aleepleea thoughta' endeavor I would go where the children play. For a dreamer live* forever. And a thinker die* In a day. X can feel no pride, but pity For the burdens the rich emlur*i There la nothing sweet In the city But ths patient live* of the poor, Oh. the little hand* too aktllful N*. And the chlld-mlnd choked with wVda, The daughter'* heart grown willful "And ths father's hsart that hleedel No. no! From the street's rude huatle. From trophies of mart and ataae, I would fly to the wood* low rustle And the meadow * kindly paa*. Let me drrum aa of old by the river And be loved for the dream alway, For a dreamer Uvea forever. And a toller dlea In u day. —John Ho) If (J'Kellly. Two of a Kind. It was a sleighing parly. Otto of the seat* contained two gentlemen and one lady, the lady slttlnu lu the middle. After a time Ihe gentleman 011 the right paused his hand Into t lie lady's muff, and the lady withdrew her right baud. At Ihe same time the gentle man ou the left passed Ills hand Into the muff, nud the lady withdrew her left hand. There were then some In dlcatloua of an athletic content, a teat of gripping J>ower, Inside of the muff, aud later the lady, raising her two hands, aald, "It la very saltish of you two to take my muff when my handa are freezing"' The Value ef Laughter. "I flnd nouaetiae alngularly refresh ing," said Talleyrand. There Is good philosophy In the saying, "Laugh and grow fat." Laughter begins lu the lunga and diaphragm, settlug the liver, stomach and other internal organs Into a quick. Jelly like vibration which give* a pleasant sensation autl exercise almost equul to horseback riding. The heart beats faster, sends tho blood bounding through the body, Increases the respiration aud gives warmth anil glow to the whole system. Laughter brightens tho eye, Increases the perspi ration, expands the chest, forcea the poisoned air from the least used lung cells aud teuds to restore that exqui site poise or balance which wo call health and which results from the bar-' moulous action of all the functlous of the body. This delicate poise, which may be destroyed h.v a sleepless night, • piece of bad news, by grief or anxie ty, Is often wholly restored by a good hearty laugh. A Jolly physician Is often better than all his pills.—(). 8. Warden. A Pity It Is. In his old age Washington Irving said, "What a pity It Is when we have grown old wo could not turn round and grow young ngaiu aud die of cutting our teeth." On Falling In Love. Falling In love la the one Illogical adventure, the oue thing of which we are tempted to think as sii|>eniatural, in our trite and reasonable world. The effect Is out of all proportion to the cause. Two persons, uelther of them, It may lie, very amiable or very beau tiful, meet, speak a little and look a little into each other's eyes. That has been done a dozen or so ot times 111 the experience of either with no great result. But ou this occasion all I* dif ferent. They fall at ouce Into that state lu which another |terson liecomea to us tbe very gist and center point of God's creation and demolishes our la bortoua theories with a smile; 111 which our Ideas are *0 Isniud up with tbe one master thought that even thA trivial cares of our owu person l>ecome so many acta of devotion, and the love of life Itself la translated Into u wish to remain lu the same world with ao precious aud desirable a fellow trea ture. And all tbe white tUtdr ivqnalnt uncca look on lu stU|>or aud ask each other, with almost passionate empba •to, what So-and-so can see In that woman or Hucb-uu-oue lu that man? I am aura, gentlemen, I cannot tell you - R. L. Stevenson. Roquefort Cheese. Roquefort cheese Is made in France from the milk of a certain breed of •beep, which are fed on wild thyme. Thyme ta a klntl of aromatic plant with a pungent odor, and after It In converted Into Roquefort cheese It 1* the pungeuteat thing known to man. After tills cheese I* made It la put lu ■•Utary confinement until Its whiskers begin to turu gray aud gangrene aeM la, when U to token out chained to a post. Before It la served Vt. Is cbloro formed or knocked tu flit- head with an •x. It ia then brought to tho table In little square sections nlioiit the aUe of a douiiuo. It is served at tlio I'lose ot meuU, together with black coffee. It usually bus a running mate lu the shape of a round cracker Hint has to be brokcu with a maul. Roquefort cheese IN of a dull white color, except lu spotH, where mortifica tion has set In. Bouie claim It to be In habited. but this Is not true. Kveu the Intrepid *ud uiepbitlc microb« flees from It as we tier from a pestilence. We have seen I.lmburger cheese strung enough to shoulder u two bushel sack of wheat, Imt it piece of Roquefort the •Ice of a dice cuu carry nu election. Umburger Is a rose gvrauluui when compared with ltoi|Uel'ort. There Is ai much illfferenctt between tlieui as there la between the pur of a kltteu and the roar of a lion A man who will eaCit Is an open sepulcher nud should tie quarantined or driven luto the wilder nJ'ss and never agalu allowed to look luto the face of a human being. Cunard, tha Whittlsr. Saui Cunard, the whittling Scotch lad of Glasgow, wrought out many odd In ventions with brntu and Juckkulfe, but thev brought neither honor nor protlt until he was conaulteil by Burns & Mclvor, who wished to Increuae their facilities for carrying foreign uiallß, The model of u stentushlp which Sum whittled out for them was carefully copied for the first vessel of the great Cunnrd line and became the atundard ty|K- for all the magnificent alilpa since constructed by the firm. When Sam uel Cunard was knighted, be did not forget that he owed his honors and Ills wealth to conscientious whittling.— "Pushing to the Front." Preaching in Labrador. An \tid missionary who had been many years In Labrador was at length compelled to return, Ills Influence ull gone and his mission entirely fruitless. A young mail was appointed In his place, and before lie went to hi* assign ment lie thought lie would visit his venerable predecessor aul learu from hlui the cause of hla trouble In the land of Icebergs. The old mau received lilin very cordially. "My venerable brother," said the young man,""l wish you to tell nte the cause of your difficulty that I may avert a like failure." "My young friend," said the old missionary, laylug his hand on his brother's arm; "this was the rock I apllt ou. I preached to thoae untu tored savages a bell that was hot, and they rather liked the Idea of go lug there. I think If you preooli the u a hell 00 degrees colder than Labrador you will drive them nil to repentance ' Tha Wicked Do Not Laugh. The envious, wicked and inalevoleut rarely laugh, because they are iuipreg 11 a ted with bile and are therefore mo rose. The haughty, the vain and the awkward also laugh very little, for fear of losing their dignity. The Hpauisb people, proverbially grave, arc a good example—Louis Mann. *• Speaking of Floods. A veteran of the wur of 18HX bail lis tened patiently to tliu very long story a youthful veteran of the Spanish war told. The account of hardships left him unmoved. "Just nfter the Johustowu flood, my boy," said he, "there was a man In the next world who went about telling ev erybody bow that Joliustown affair had sent hlni-where he wus. "His listeners hung on his words—all of them, that Is, except a quiet looking little man who seemed so little Itn pressed that every time the Johnstown man got through be uierely looked bored and said, 'Oh, shuck*!' "The Johnstown man got tired of It after awhile. It got ou hla nerves to have anybody act as If what happened at Johnstown wasn't of any Impor tance. No matter how ho told his story, the (julet looking little man merely Mild, 'Oh, shucks" "At last the Johimtowu man spoke to a fellow who had lipen there u long time about It. "'Hay,' auid he, 'who Is that.little man who keeps saying, "Shucka!"' "'Who?' said the mau who had bean there a long time. *l>o you mean the fellow over there? Why, hla name'* Noah."' ~— Thoughts of Amisl. The more a man lovesmore he must suffer. Beauty refreshes and strengthens «ne like some miraculous food. Irfive must always remain alluring and fascinating. As soon ns tha mys tery I* gone the attraction dies. Qeneroua Feelings. I do seem to he extraordinarily inter ested lu a whole lot of nrts and tilings that I have got nothing to do with. It Is a part of my generous, liberal na ture. I can't help it. I feel the same aort of charity to everybody that was manifested by a gentleman who arriv ed at home at 2 o'clock In the rnorulug from the club aud was feeling so per feetly satisfied with life, so happy and so comfortable, and there was bis house weaving, weaving, wwvlug around. He watched his chance, aud by and by when the steps got lu his neighborhood lie made a Jump and climbed up aud got ou the portico And the house went ou weavtug and weaving, but he watched the door, and whsn II came around his way he plung ed through It. He got to the stairs, aud when he went up on all fours the bouse Has so unsteady that he could hardly make his wa f, but at last he got to the top and raised his foot and put it ou the top step. But only tlio toe hitched on the step, and he'rolled down and fetehed up on the bottom step, with hi* arm sround the newel post, and he ' said, "Qud pity the poor snllors out at mm 6a a night Ilka Utia." Mark Twain. [Td VERTISirW Your money back.— Judicious advertis ing 'ia the kind that paya back to you the money you inre«t. Space in thia paper assures you prompt return* . . WHOLE NO. 370 Professional Cards. HUGH B YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON* Office: Jeffress Drug Store. Of HICK llot'RS: Btoto A. r. 11, J Wiilium«ton, N. C, Office Phoue No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 D« J- A- WHITK. SSt/jb liKNTIST OfPiCK— MAIN Stkkkt PMOMK 4 1 will Ik iu Plymouth the first week ia every other month. W. K. Warren. J. S. Rhodes. DRS. VVARRKN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. - OFFICK IN BIGGS' DRUG STORK 'Phone No, 2q BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. , 'Phone, 23. WILLIAMSTON. N. C. S. ATWOOD NEWEUA" LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. I). Hlgg*. I'houe No. 77. yu ; 'V II.LIAIIBTON. N 0. •*-Ti«ctice wherever nervicea are (Waited 4l>ecial uttrutioii given lo examining and mnk ug title for purchaKern of timber and timber and*. Special at U nlioti ,will i»e given to real eatat* exchange*. It you winli to buy or aeil land I can hclvvuu- PHONI4/ I*'- I>. WINSTON S. J. Kvkrktt WINSTON & EVERETT ATrURNKY.S-ATI.AW WII.I.tAMSTON, N. C. ' PllOtlc 31 Money to loan. R. DUNNING . ATTORNEY-AT LAW , Roiikrsonvii.UK, N. C. HOTEL BEULAH D. C. MOORING, Proprietor N. C. Rates'fi.oo per day Special Rates IJy the Week • A l'irsl-Closs Hotel iu Kvery Partic ular. The'travelta); public will find it a most convenient place to stop. In Gase of Fire you want to lie protected. 111 case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want soma-. .. thing to live on besides liorrowing. Us Come to Your Rescue We tun insure votragainst loss from f : irc, Death and Accident We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you tor any office requir ing boud None Bit Bast Ctapaalai Riarasaatai K- B- GRAWfORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County. ZWILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to 5 minutea; extra charge will positively be made for longer time. To Washington i, 25 eta. " Greenville *9 " J" Plymouth 25 " I" Tarboro .' J5 " |" Rocky Mount 35 " " Scotland Neck 25 •' J" " Kader Lilley's 15 " " I. O. Staton 15 " " J. L. Woolard 15 " " O. K. Cowing &Co 15 " " I'arniele 15 " " Rolieraonville 15 " " Everetta 15 " " Gold Point ....ft...t& " " Geo. P. McNaugliton " Hamilton ao " For other polnta In Rastern Carolina aac "Central" where a 'phone will ba found {or uae of non-tuhacriban.

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