ADVERTISING Yoor money back.—Judicious advertis ing is tke kind that pays back to vou the money yon invest. Space in this paper assures you prompt returns . . VOL. VIII. - NO 29 I ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS | WHAT $l5O WILL DO | Sixteen of the Best Known and Most n , ' v II Readable Papers and Magazines j* in the United States and J'j THE ENTERPRISE J ({y a weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of Martin County 11 | ONE FULL YEAR ™v.51.501 At a large Expense, to Increase our Circulation and Qive Our Subscribers X the Best of Every thing, we Have Made Arrangements to Offer them the f GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER EVER PRESENTED BY ANY PAPER % A o W® This in the of popular enlightenment through the products of the printing press. The family which is supplied with d JL an abundance of good, clean, informing and entertaining literature in always in the process of self-education. The man, wo- _ matt or child who is reading good newspapers and magazines is going to school as truly as if enrolled in an institution of learn jj J 05% ing. Happy is the family, which has an abundance of attractive reading matter always at make home* pleasant, and quiet the restlessness incident to childhood. To supply the universal American demand for higjt class periodical literature, we ' have arrange*! with the several publishers interested whereby we can offer you * * S Seventeen Great Papers and Magazines for the Price of Only 51.50 g fk jjJ Look at This Wonderful List W Planters Journal, Memphis, Tenn. Southwest Magazine, St. Louis, Mo. jjf American Farmer, Indianapolis, Ind. Farmers Wife Magazine, St. Paul, Minn. gj? Successful Farming, Des Moines, la. New Era Magazine, New York. j£T Maxwell's Talisman Magazine, Chicago. The Welcome Quest Mag., Portland. ** The Farm Money Maker, Cincinnati. Woman's Home Journal, Boston. jiT Evening Hours Magazine, Wehawken, N. J. Home Queen Magazine, New York. * J Modern Stories Magazine, New York. Good Health Magazine, Battle Creek, Mich. * J Southern Poultry Fancier, Atlanta, Qa. Rural Weekly, St. Paul. jjjj| fjl Seventeen Great Weeklies and Monthlies—Gombined Price Over $9.00 0 $ THIS OFFER IS GOOD ONLY UNTIL MAY IST, 1907. jg IS If you are already a subscriber to any or all of these papers your time will be extended one year on receipt of |fgt the Combination Price m —— & REFERENCES: Any Business House in This City or Any Paper in Our Club |i| If you don't want all the papers sent to one address, you can split the club and have them jT sent to any number of different addresses. The Savfng Habit is the Key to Wealth; not how much you make but how much you save. jT 1 | jg Every Paper and Magazine is Well Known and are From jjj 0 the North, East, South and West j* 2 -*-Every Paper Goes to You For One Full Year-*- £ «j* REMEMBER THIS GREAT OFFER IS FOR A VERY SHORT TIME ONLY DON'T DELAVI CALL AT OUR OFFICE, OR SEND YOUR ORDER IN BY MAIL fa 1 ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS | re (Bnitxyxw. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1907 : How Much Could You Get iji For Your Farm? J ' You AN a farmer. You live near this town. You own land. ;" ; « Let ua *sy that you oWn more thau you need and would like to sell „ J ' a hundred arret. | | » ! How much could you tret per acre'' ! ! J J Land value* have rt*eu httely. But lium the value of your land •JJ j > l rlien aa you tlilnk It should? !I i Your land la good land. You think It la worth convlderably '* ' I [ more thau anybody haa offered you. Well, let us nee. I A mau buying farm laud naturally prefer* to locate iienr u '" ' k ! thriving, up to date towu. He wants good home market* for hi* !] J 1 props. He want* good 'J | h schools. f i * i J ; Let ua say your laud I* ; ; ; ii ! three miles from towu. A !„ . J ; farm that looks very much j* | » ! Ilk* yours is three mile* _ „ J | from a towu twice a* bl* \* | » l(K> twice a* prosperous as this towu. » > If you were going to " > buy a farm for your own x occupancy, » pay a whole /OL m i near the towu H| •■ > twice aa large twlcM>J as 1 ' " 1 Of course you would. k > be good \ ■ > i Now, what makes a V M . town big aud bustling A > • Money. Money In JT i > tlou. Not In clrculatlou In ' " ' Chicago, for luatauce, but •i right In the / » > waits to grow. k . How much money have ' " ' J J you sent to the big Mall ! V Vv « Order house* In the city V '" ' lite past ten years'/ How Vs.V vH k > much have your neigh i>, , ♦ • bors sent? How much v *> '* ' II hare nil of j'ou together II put out of circulation \ j „ , Ti ne/e at home? J I* XX H 1* probably Iteyrtml , „ , ♦T cumulation. If all that money had been spent In your own.bome '» > XX lowa, Isn't It reasonable to aasume that the town would have \!' [ tj grown more than It ha* grown? ]" 1 ZZ n*' ■ > ii Wouldn't this town bo a bigger and better town! ! IJ | XX Wouldn't it have more stores your produce} !!!! Wouldn't it have more public improvements to maku 1 XX it more attractive to outsiders who might come here to live, j|j XT to go into business, or buy your surplus land at a good ;;; XX figure} ! h tt TO TRADE AT HOME MEANS TO HELP THE TOWN XX AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD. TO HELP THE TOWN AND XX THK NEIOHBORHOOD MEANS TO HELP YOURSELF. Iliiiiir.iiiirtiiiiiiir.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml HAMILTON NEWS. I The Haster egg bunt here was a ' great success, as it always is. In addition to the hunting and find-, iug of eggs there was a distribution of cakes, candies and so forth; so that, altogether considered, the occasion was most pleasant indeed, j Miss MeCall, of Charlotte N. C.,| and Miss Tirus of Atlanta, Ga. who have been giving special help: in the Hamilton Pants Factory j have returned to their homes. The Hamilton High School l closed the sth instant. It was! tljought l»est by the teachers, Mr. j Ray and Mrs. Grimes, that the school close at that time and the trustees consented with them. I.ast Thursday night the iithj instant the ladies of the Methodist j Church gave an ice cream supperj and Measuring party in collection with their bazaar, the receipts af- ; ter expenses were paid amounted j to more than 150. which amouut goes toward purchasing pews for ; their beautiful Churclj. Mrs. W. E. Gladstone is going right on with her class, ] which is a large one. She is also preparing for a concert to be given in May. Something worth while is expected of her and her stud- j dents. Rest is the great restorer. We tire our muscles by exercise and then rest to restore them; yet a great many of us do not stop to think how little rest we give to our stomachs- As a usual thing 110 part of our body is so generally overworked as our digestive or gans. A tired and overworked stomach will give signs of distress to which we pay no heed until at last Dyspepsia takes hold. Indi gestion is just a warning, and if we heed the warning we can easily avoid further consequence s. KODOL is a most thorough stom ach relief. It digests what you eat and gives the stomach the need ed rest and greatly assists in res toring it to its normal activity and usefulness. KODOL is sold on a guaranted relief plan. It is sold here by S. R. Biggs. W'illiamston, N. C„ Slade, Jones. & Co. Hamil* ton, N. C. DIRECTORY Methodist Church RKV. C. L. Ritin, Pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Williamstcm and Hamilton Charges. Services HS follows, Wllliamslou Preaching on the isi ;rd and 4th Sundays at n a mand j pin j Siiiulay School at «j;v> a ill, W. A. I'"l | lison, Supt, j Prayer Meeting each Wednesday at 7 : 3° 1> Hamilton- Preaching on the 2nd and I sth Sundays at 11 ain and 7;jo p in. Vernon Preaching the Ist Sunday .at | i I 1 »t. | Holly SprinifN—Preaching the 3rd Sun i day at 3 p 111, I All friends of the church and the pub | lie generally are cordially invited to at | lend all the services. Christian Church ! Services at tlve Christian Church, Wil | liainston, Preaching third Sunday 11 a m and 7pm j Sunday School 3p m every Sunday. | Macedonia first sundaj sri a m aud j Saturday Ham aud p 111. Old Ford —Second Sundays ami Sat- I urduys 11 am. | Jamesville—Fourth Sundays nam and 7 P >"• J. R. TINGLK, I'astor. Baptist Church tiWO. J. UoWKI.L, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening, except the first Sabbath evening, at 11 a m and ;:jo pm. Sabbath School, S. Atwood Newell Superintendent; every Sabbath at 9:45 The Lord's Supper everv first Sabbath Church Conference every Second Sab batli. Preaching at Reddick's Grove the first Sabbath in every month at j p m. At Bigg's School House every 4th Sabbath at 3 p lit. The Ladies Missionary Society, Mrs Justus Rverett, Pres., njeets every firs and third Monday at 7:30 p 111. You are very respectfully aud earnest- I ly invited to attend these services. When you need a pill, take a pill, and be sure it's an Early Riser, Dr Witt's Little Early Risers are 1 safe, sure, satisfactory Pills. The pills with a reputation. They do not gripe or sicken. They are sold here by S. R, Biggs. Williamston, N ,C, Slade, Jones. & Co. Hamil ton. ADVERTISING Your money back.—Judicious advertia ing it the kind that pays back toyoa the money yon invert. Space in thia paper assures you prompt returns . , WHOLE NO. 372 Professional Cards. fIUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Jeff re si Drug Store. OFFICR HOURS: 8 to 10 A. M.; 7 to 9 r. W. Williamsten, N. C. - Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 DR. J. A. WHITE. fljlWh DENTIST OFFICR - MAIN STRRKT PHONKG I will lie in Plymouth the first week ia every other month. W. B. Warren. J. S. Rhodes. DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGKONS. OFFICK IN Bioc.s' DRUG STORK 'Phonr No. 2Q BHRROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTOKNKY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. WILUAMSTON, N. C. S. AT WOOD NEWELL, LAWYER office formerly occupied by J. p. Biggs. Thone No. 77. WIM.IAMSTON, N C. wherever services are desired special sttention given to examining and mak ng title for purchasers of timber and timber lands. Special attention will be given to real estatt exchange*. If you wish to buy or sell land 1 c«n heluyou PHONK4/ F. D. WINSTON S. J. BVKRRTT WINSTON & EVERETT ATTOKNRYS-AT-LAW WII.I.t AMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNBY-AT LAW RORKKSONVII.LH, N. C. HOTEL BEULAH I). C. MOORING, Proprietor RoBKKSONVir.uj, N. C. Rates[#J.oo per day Special Rates By the Week A l'irsl-Closs Hotel in Bvery Partic ular. Thejtraveling public will find it a most convenient place to stop. In Gase of Tire you want to be protected. In case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want some thing to live on l(esides liorrowing. l«et Us Come to Your Rescue W r e can insure youjagainst loss from Fire, Death and Accident We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir- j ing bond j None But Bast ConpanlM RiirimtU K. B. GRAWrORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building " Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County. WILLIAMSON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to j minutes; extra charge will positively be made for longer time. To Washington 15 cts. " Greenville 15 " |" Plymouth 15 '• v . |" Tarboro 25 •' |" Rocky Mount 35 " " Scotland Neck 35 •' J" Jamesville 15 " " Kader Lilley's 15 «' " I. G. Staton 15 " " |. L. Woolard 15 " •' O. K. Cowing &Co 15 " " Parmele 15 '« " Robersonville .? jf " " Kveretts , 15 '• * " Gold Point 15 '• " Geo. P. McNanghton xj " i " Hamilton 30 " For other point* In Baatera Carolina see "Central" where a 'phone wtU b* found for aat ot non-subacribare.