Now tbejr are blaming that con spiracy story on Secretary Loeb Well, getting blamed for things is me of the ways he earns his salary. PntMiii s Deadly Wire had so seriously affected my right lung," writes Mrs. Fannie Connor, of Rural Route 1. Georgetown, Tean., "that 1 coughed continuous ly night and day and the neighbors' prediction—consumption —seemed inevitable, un'il my husband brought home a bottle of Dr Kiug's New Discovery, whiih in my case proved to be the only SEAL (Tough cure and restorer of weak, sore lungs." When all other remedies utterly fail, you may still win in the battle against lung and throat troubles with New Discovery, the KEAL cure. Guaranteed by S. . R Biggs, druggist. 50c. and SI.OO Trial bottle free. Events in Washington during the past week have made Browns vilUe seem like the original home of the rest cure. '-I * A Free Prize 1 ► For The Bestlissay I - * on Life Insurance ► 4 t «To the boy or girl in Martin county who will write the best 1 ' essay on the subject ettitled J ► either, "Why Father Should 1 ► Carry # Life Insurance," or \ y "The' Good of Life Insur- J y auce," I will give a prize of J ( £5 00 in cash. 1 Conditions: ► 1 ► The contest is Free and 4 y open to every white boy or 4 k girl under 20 years ot age in J Martin county who is not at- J tending or has not attended J * school outsidtf of the county. 1 ► The contest will close May 4 ► 10th. All essays must be in J L by that date. J The judges will be an- 1 ; nounced later. * The age of the composer as ! I- well as neatness aud general y appearance of composition « will be considered by judges. The composition is to con- tain not less than 300 nor * more than 600 words, Suggestions. L First discuss the subject , fully with your parents and * any one from wliotn you can r get au idea, then set down and ' ► write carefully and thought- 1 y fully your own ideas. J Address, ] v- B. T. COWPER x I,ife, Fire, Accident- 1 y Thone No, 7 i Office over I'. &M. Il'k R'l'd'K -j NEW LOT 25,000 El Coreso Cigars JUST RECEIVED Sold in all stores in Williamston NO DIME CIGAR ANY BETTER Its a Mild Cigar and of a pecu liarly fine flavor. Made exclusive ly for myself. EI Coreso Cigar Ask for it. Refuse Others L. E COREY, WHOLESALE GROCER J. B. SPELLER, DEALKR IN Wood, Shingles, Poultry, |Eggs and Furs. Williamston, N. C? CITY BARBER SHOP J. H. HYMAN, Met. Main Street First Class Shop |l 5 Chairs Everything dean and in Order PRESSING CLUB We are running a pressing clnb in connection with oar barber shop and have an experienced presser Olrt us Your Work Tfcowasds Bare Kidney Trouble ut Don't Know It. ■ow To FW Oat. FIJI a bottle or common (lass ertth your water and Wl It stand twenty-four houra; a —. sediment or aet ligjjj r"~*. JJ™' tllng Indicate] an »iWr] W .tjt-— B) unhealthy condi rnn " on id ly A l li ■>«/•: " " 1 your linen It Is 11 evidence ol kld rtl \\j B tfJJSL ney trouble; too 4fir\xJpJ P*sf \ frequent desire to ' pass It or pain In * •• ' * " the back Is also convincing proof that the kidneys aad blad der are out of order. What to Do. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often eapresaed, that Or. Kilmer's Swamp- Root. the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effecta following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the eatra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It standa the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should nave the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. andjl. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery f A^TJI I and a book that le "* more about It, both absolutely free by mall. ~ Address Dr. Kilmer k hmd* of K»»mp Hx>« Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer In this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y„ on every bottle. With all the bad things said about Mr. Rockefeller, he cannot be accused of going abroad either for his wigs or his sons-in-law. Thi Prici of Health "The price of htfalth in a mala rious district is just 2; cents; the cost of a bo* of Dr. King's New Life Pills,"'writes Ella Slayton, of Noland, Ark. New Life Pills cleanse gently and impart new life and vigor to the system. 15. Sat isfaction guaranteed at S. R. Biggs, druggist. Indications are that the Hearst and Bryan ambitious are running on a bifurcated track. 6entle and Effective A well-known Manitoba editor writes: "As an inside worker 1 find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invaluable for the touches of biliousness natural lo sedentary life, their action being gentle and effective, clearing the digestive tract and the head.' Price J5 cents. Samples free S. R. Biggs. It now appears that the report of the Czar's abdication was not only exaggerated but premature. A Woman Tells Mow to Relieve Rheumatic Pains I have been a very great sufferer from the dreadful disease, rheu matism, for a number of years. I have tried many medicines but never got much relief from any of litem until two years ago when 1 bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm, I found relief before 1 had used all of one bottle, but kept on applying it and soon felt like a different woman. Through my advice many ot my friends have tried it and can tell you how wonderfully it has "worked.—fylrs. SARAH A. COLE, 140 S. New St., Dover, Del. Chamberlain's l'ain , Balm is a liniment. The relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. It makes rest and sleep-possible. For sale by S. R. Biggs. Fully a week has passed with out any more officiul inspections of the Panama Canal. We will never get it dug at this rate. Whooping Cough I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family in cases of whooping cough, and want to tell you that it is the best medicine I have ever used I —W. K. GASTON, Posco, Ga. This remedy is safe and sure. For sale by S. R. Biggs. After the winter freight * block ade. the time is rapidly approach ing when the summer excursion ists will be complaiuing of the car shortage. ♦ Good for everything a salve is used for and especially recommend ed for Piles." Th it is what we say about De Witt's Carbolized Wiich Ha/el Salve. That is what twenty years' of U!;age has proven Get the original. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Williamston, N. C., Sladc Janes. St Co. Hamilton, N. C. Mr. Harriman says his business is railroading, aud not politics. And he wishes he could add that T R. 's was politics and uot rail roading. ' „ \ When your back hurts it it almost always a warning from your kid neys. When your kidneys are wrong there is nothing so good as the use of De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They assist the kidneys. Sold by S. R Biggs Williamston. N. C., Slade, Jones. & Co. Hamilton, N. C, Senator Foraker did not even take trouble to be polite in telling little Nicholas to run away and play. What is it that testes as pleasant as maple sugar and quickly relives coughs and colds? Mothers who have used it will quickly answer: • Kennedy's Laxative Cough Sy rup.'' Trie pleasant cold remedy that exprls the cold through its laxative action on the bo*els. Conforms strictly to the Pure Food and Drugs Law. Contains no opiates Sold by S. R. Biggs Williamston. N. C.. Slade. Jones. A Co Hamilton, N. C. A Philadelphia man has l>een j.tiled for marrying 150 women. Seems more likely that what lie j needed was the in*ane asylum. "Nothing so good as Cascas weet," writes a mother who has used it. 'Tt saved my baby's life," writes another. Cascasweet is a v -getsble corrective for the disor ders of a child's stomach. Con tents on the bottle in plaiu Knglish 50 dotes tor 25 cents Recommend rd by S R. Biggs. Williamston, N. C.. Made, Jones. & Co. Hamil ton N. C. Has it ever occured to anyone to speculate as to whether Secretary Taft might not like the second 1 lace on the ticket in 190H? -■■ 1- ■ ■ ■ 11 • ■ - ■ ■■ Doing Business Again "When my friends thought I was about to take leave of this world ( °" account of indigestion t ervtiiisness and general debility.' writys A. A Chisliolm, Treadwell, N. V.. "ami when it looked as il I'iere was no hope left, I was per suaded to try Electric Bitters, and I rejoice to say that they are cur li ig me. lam now doing business i gain as of old, and am still gaining ally." Best t«nic medicine on, earth. Guaranteed by S. R. Biggs, druggist. 50c. .The mental condition of Mrs. l'.ddy is to be examined. If the alienists net into the game both parties to the suit are likely to find her fortune seriously depleted before they handle any of it. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss ol strength, nervous r. as. headache. constipation, bed breath, guieral debility, sour risings, and catarrh 0 the stomaJh are all due to Indigestion. Kodol relieve* indigestion. This new dlscov e.y represents the natutal ]uicev>( dlges t.jn as they exist in a healthy atomach, combined with the greatest known tonic »id reconstructive properties, Kodol (or' d spepsla does not only relieve Indigestion Hid dyspepsia, but this famous remedy 1 ilps all atomach troubles by cleansing, f lrlfying. sweetening and strengthening to mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. 5 S. Bail, at Rivsntwood W, Va., sa»S!— ' I wi> troubled with aour atomach (or twenty y»»r«. F idol cured me and we aia now ualnt It In milk Krbaby." Kodol Digests What You Eat. b ttlet only. Relkvoe lndi»estlon, aour etomeok batchinv o( r«s, «tc. f . •pared by I. 0. D«WITT A CO., OHIOAQOk lor Sale Hy : v S. K. WllHamilton, Slittle, JoneaarCo., Hamilton. f\ «*\ Y \ EY) I i For sale by J . W. Watts & Co. oPss^K^sslnl>ti^M.» all ouuut. .o», ur n> It*. >N * übuiu PAf ,HTI ■ THAT 7ew ■ aiMl iMMp you W Mtvcve*. HtiKl ntc%M. phot«>or akctch tor fftE6 I OB HktMitAbiftly, to J««tv* |«ctkA ft/N-1 MMINO RCrCNINCKI. fne JfcWe ■ Jiuv.k mi »*T«»titMi>if iWttii write to SOl-SOB Seventh Str Mt. I WASHINOTON. O. I>. | mm® «»»*■»•* *». IN ALL OOUNTRIU. Buiimm *r«t wiit >'«%»« -v- ((«/,■ mm mmJfjm tktfmkmt. ~ A i,. ntlra t V slutitasl y I WHW M rTsCVV* H WA>HIN*TON, p. C. B I To Cure a Cold in One Day STMIIU I Growing Girls—i Growing girls need care, advice and medicine, especially on reaching the age of puberty. A mother's tender care and words of caution will often accomplish wonders. As for medicine, a gentle, safe and reliable strengthening tonic Is Wlnp of Cardui, It will prevent and relieve pain, regulate the functions, clear the completion and strengthen the. constitution. It Is a valuable medicine for has tided thousands over a critical period, and saved them from years of suffering. It can never do harm and is sure to do good. A relief or cure for all female disorders in girls and women. At every druggist's In SI.OO bottles. Try it. CABDUI—I —— 0 It looks a# though Wall Street were indulging in an Anti-Har limnn conspiracy. Blttii If I Spilir Through Wood poisoning caused by a spider bite, John Washington, of Boui|ueville. Te*.. would have lobt his leg, which became a mass of running »ores. Had he not been persua led to try Bucklen's Arnica Salve. He writes- "The first ap plication relived, and four boxes healed all the sores." Heals every sore. JSC. at 8. R. Bigg* druggist. Oklahoma has painfully built up I another constitution and is now standing by to see whether any one is going to kick the founda tion from under it. ~ There are many tonics in the ! land, As by the papers you can see, Hut none of thein can eipial Ho lister's Rocky Mountain I lea. -J. M. Whiters A Co. at Kobersonville. Kvery woman appreciates h beautiful complexion, so much de iireil by inen. Such complexions oome to all who use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. ' 35 cents Tea or Tablets. —J. M. Whiters A II o. at RobersonviHe. Thousands have pronounced llollister's Rocky Mountain -Tea the greatest healing power on earth. When medical science fails, it succeeds. Makes you well and keeps you well. 35 cents. Ten or Tablets. J, M. Whiters A Co. at RobersonviHe. ■ 1 —* - TO CURE A OOLD IN ONK DAY r akc LAXATIVE BROMO(JuiniiieTab lets. Druggists re tun 1 money If it faiUl 10 cure. H. W. GROVE'S signature on 1 lie box. ajc. Houtarcn-s Rocky Mountain Tea lluggets A Buy XMIMM Mr Baa/ F opU Bring. Oold.n Uulik aad tuiod View. A onwlfla for CunstlMttoa. lU'llt-ntk». I.l»« nl Kldnvr Tmuhiss. Pimple*. Ecnma, Imnwe l.i""I. Ha.l Rr«Mh. Hlunlfth Pow»l», H«aiiachs ml lUokiw>h». It • Ro«k T Mountain 1V« In tah »t form. M eenu a box llnttiln* nmda by rfobLIITM 0«m OtmfANT, MliillftXl. Win 30L0EN NUOQETI FOR SALLOW PEOPLE A GUARANTEED OURC FOR PILES itching. Blind, Weeding Piles. Drug giata are author ited to refund money if I'AZO OINTMKNT fails to cure in 6 to 14 day*, joc. l-5-«6-iyj The Latest Designs In HAT PINS Come in and look at them. f * (4 . , Repairing a specialty. THE JEWELER H. D. PEELE WILUAMSTON, N.C. BROWN & HODOES Dealer* In Fancy and Staple Groceries Our stock is complete Let Us Supply Your Table Wants Free delivery within corporate limits 'Phone us your orders Seven more ti lists have l*en or ganized- in Germany. If thi?- thing keeps up. the Kaiser will be scouting business coiutpiracits against liim Cures Blood, sktn Diseases, Cancer, Greatest Wood Purifier Free. If your Wood is impure, thin, dim-awl hot or full of humors, if you have Hood |K)ivm, cancer, carbunclea, eating mnn m-rofula. ec/.emn, itching rising* «n«l liutnps, aoahby, pimply akin, boue pains, catarrh, rheumatiain, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Bahn (B. B. B.) Soou all sores heal, tchex ' I md pains atop and the Mood ia mad*- | pare and rich. Druggints or by expreaa $1 00 per larve bottle. Sample free b\ * riling Hlood llalm Co., Atlanta, fia 11. II B. la especially advised for rhroaii deep-seated esses, as it cure* after all elariails. KILLth. cou: h" ««» CURE ™» Llin CiS wre Dr. King's. Now Discovery /CONSUMPTION frkiS FOR 1 OUBHS and 80c *sl.oo 1 U " Free Trial. THROAT and LUNG TROUB- L«. or »OMT BACK. instructive interesting "(Unrrrrt lEmtftßlj iiuu tu iibp it.*' • wonthl v maaatiMc acvoTta ro rat use or tnauaM JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER, EDITOR Partial Contents Course in Grammar Hnw to increase One's Vocabulary The Art Conversation Shall and will; Should and Would; How to use Them ' ' Pronunciations (Century Dictionary) Correct Kngliah in the Home Correct Hnglish in the School What to say and What Not to Say. Course in letter writing and Punctuation Al (diabetic list of abreviationa Business I'.uglish for the Business Mao Compound Words* How to Write Theui Studies iu Kngliah Literature * Agents Wanted. $1 a Year Send 10c. tor single copy CORRECT ENGLISH, Evanston, 111. | >s££ ; - ■ . : - J " iS-Sj JOHN D. BIGGS, President ASA T. CRAWFORD, Secretary & Treasurer T. W. TILGHMAN, General MH»I. The I _ .. ■ . Dennis Simmons 'Lumber Co. ! - MANUFACTURERS OF j Kiln Dried N. C Pine Lumber DFNNIS SIMMONS BRAND CYPRESS SHINGES T -v •' • Mm ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE♦ SOLICITED WILLIAMSTON, N. C. | ■ . .. 11 il_J #' U. " f I > 1 • > 4 -' 1. ' •* Suffolk Feed and Fuel Company •UrrObK. VIROINIA DKALKRS IN Corn, Oats, Hay. Cement, Lime, Coal, Meat and Meal ' > We Can Supply You on Short Notice. Give Us Your Orders G. T. BRAN'I LEY, Local Representative You Will Find Us the Same During 1907 that You Did During, 1906 - - WO*OLARD'S - - Combined Harrow and Cultivator A SAVINO OF ONE M Jr HORSE AND TWO Mt HANDS .•. . . MjgT - Work* Both Sides of the Row at the Break* the Clod* and Cultivates With l/fHIfffTZTX M Mark Rase aa Any Ordi- WHAT EVERY FARMER NEEDS For Cotton, Corn and Rice; and the very thing Truck Gardners need. Sells on Its Merits When Seen at Work. All Kinds and Sizes Tobacco Flues Made to Order. For Information and Prices Call on, or Address, J. L». WOOLARD, ■!•!) tf Williamston, N. C. CONCRETE BLOCKS Walls built of this material are much more beautiful than brick, instead of crumbling with age they harden Inter ior walls dry. Our business is to come to votir twn, make the blocks on your owu lot and build you an everlasting and beauti ful house at a,moderate cost. Give us au idea of your wants, and our architect fvill pre pare a view according ta your idea. Let us hear from vou right now for cold wetfther does making blocks. Eureka Building Block Company, 2-8-3 m Graham, N. C. Statement of the Condition of BANK OF ROBERSONVILLE At the close of business Friday, March 22, 1906. RKSOURCKS. LIABILITIES. Uosns and diacounta $37, 97 1.56 Capital stock $ 13,000.00 Overdrafts . 1,680.9 a Surplus fund 3,790.00 ll'k'ug House, P. and fixtures 3,757.70 Undivided profit* 1,841.06 Due from bank* and baaken 1a.a06.71 Time certificate* of «tepoait 3,5^4.00 Cash iu*nis 3,337.»« Cashiers' checks outstanding 86.60 fc».«4..7j fc»,*4l7 State ot North Carolina—County of Martin. 1, J. C. Robertson, cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement i* true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. J. C. ROBBRTSON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30 day 01 March 1907. S. L. ROSS, Notary Public. Correct—Attestt S. H. Hargrove. A. S. moberson and J. H. Robertson Jr., Director*. fITUIHTIC COAJT LINE RAILROAD CO. PASSENGER TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT, WILMINGTON, N. C., April 6, 1907. TRAIN SERVlCE:—lnauguration New Train Service, Noa. 73 and 72, between Weldou and Kinaton, N. C. Effective April 8, 1907, new train service will be inaugurated be* , tween Weldou and Kinston, N. C. trains Now. 73 and 72 on following schedule. NO." 73 HO, 72 DAILY KXCHPT SUNDAY DAILY RXCSFT SUNDAY 82$ ain Leave Weldon Arrive 730 p m 8401 m Halifax leave 7 10 p m 903 a m " Tillery " ]M 651pm 918 am " Spring Hill " 640pm 933 a m " Scotland Neck " 626pm 10 02 a m " Hobftood " 610 p m 101 tiam '• Oak City " 548pm 10 50 «m " Parmele " 5 2ol*b 1117 am Honse •* 432pm 1125 * m H " GreenviUe ** j£ 424pm 1139 am " Wiuterville Mr.r-" 410 pa 11149 a m " Ayden • 4 01 p m 1207 pm " Orifton 12 20pm » Grainger «• 3 30pm pa »r Kinstou 3 »SP«